
678 lines
18 KiB

Copyright (C) 2009 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <gtkmm/window.h>
#include <gtkmm/box.h>
#include "gtkmm2ext/visibility.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/widget_state.h"
namespace Gtkmm2ext {
/** Parent class for children of a DnDVBox */
class /*LIBGTKMM2EXT_API*/ DnDVBoxChild
virtual ~DnDVBoxChild () {}
/** @return The widget that is to be put into the DnDVBox */
virtual Gtk::Widget& widget () = 0;
/** @return An EventBox containing the widget that should be used for selection, dragging etc. */
virtual Gtk::EventBox& action_widget () = 0;
/** @return Text to use in the icon that is dragged */
virtual std::string drag_text () const = 0;
/** Set the child's visual state */
virtual void set_visual_state (VisualState, bool onoff) = 0;
/** @return True if the child can be selected in the list ( if you don't want it to copy/paste/drag then turn this off ) */
virtual bool is_selectable () const = 0;
virtual bool drag_data_get (Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext> const, Gtk::SelectionData &) { return false; }
virtual bool can_copy_state (DnDVBoxChild*) const = 0;
/** A VBox whose contents can be dragged and dropped */
template <class T>
class /*LIBGTKMM2EXT_API*/ DnDVBox : public Gtk::EventBox
DnDVBox (std::list<Gtk::TargetEntry> targets)
: _targets (targets)
, _active (0)
, _drag_icon (0)
, _expecting_unwanted_button_event (false)
, _placeholder (0)
, _drag_child (0)
add (_internal_vbox);
add_events (
signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &DnDVBox::button_press), (T *) 0));
signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &DnDVBox::button_release), (T *) 0));
signal_drag_motion().connect (mem_fun (*this, &DnDVBox::drag_motion));
signal_drag_leave().connect (mem_fun (*this, &DnDVBox::drag_leave));
_internal_vbox.show ();
drag_dest_set (_targets);
signal_drag_data_received().connect (mem_fun (*this, &DnDVBox::drag_data_received));
virtual ~DnDVBox ()
clear ();
delete _drag_icon;
/** Add a child at the end of the widget. The DnDVBox will take responsibility for deleting the child */
void add_child (T* child, std::list<Gtk::TargetEntry> targets = std::list<Gtk::TargetEntry>())
if (targets.empty ()) {
child->action_widget().drag_source_set (_targets);
} else {
child->action_widget().drag_source_set (targets);
child->action_widget().signal_drag_begin().connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &DnDVBox::drag_begin), child));
child->action_widget().signal_drag_data_get().connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &DnDVBox::drag_data_get), child));
child->action_widget().signal_drag_end().connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &DnDVBox::drag_end), child));
child->action_widget().signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &DnDVBox::button_press), child));
child->action_widget().signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &DnDVBox::button_release), child));
_internal_vbox.pack_start (child->widget(), false, false);
_children.push_back (child);
child->widget().show ();
/** @return Children, sorted into the order that they are currently being displayed in the widget */
std::list<T*> children ()
std::list<T*> sorted_children;
std::list<Gtk::Widget*> widget_children = _internal_vbox.get_children ();
for (std::list<Gtk::Widget*>::iterator i = widget_children.begin(); i != widget_children.end(); ++i) {
T* c = child_from_widget (*i);
if (c) {
sorted_children.push_back (c);
return sorted_children;
/** @return Selected children */
std::list<T*> selection (bool sorted = false) const {
if (!sorted) {
return _selection;
} else {
/* simple insertion-sort */
std::list<T*> rv;
for (typename std::list<T*>::const_iterator i = _children.begin(); i != _children.end(); ++i) {
if (selected (*i)) {
rv.push_back (*i);
return rv;
/** Set the `active' child; this is simply a child which is set to have the
* visual state "active" for whatever purposes the client may have.
* @param c Child, or 0 for none.
void set_active (T* c) {
T* old_active = _active;
_active = c;
if (old_active) {
setup_child_state (old_active);
if (_active) {
setup_child_state (_active);
/** @param child Child
* @return true if the child is selected, otherwise false.
bool selected (T* child) const {
return (find (_selection.begin(), _selection.end(), child) != _selection.end());
/** Clear all children from the widget */
void clear ()
_selection.clear ();
for (typename std::list<T*>::iterator i = _children.begin(); i != _children.end(); ++i) {
_internal_vbox.remove ((*i)->widget());
delete *i;
_children.clear ();
_active = 0;
void select_all ()
clear_selection ();
for (typename std::list<T*>::iterator i = _children.begin(); i != _children.end(); ++i) {
add_to_selection (*i);
SelectionChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
void select_none ()
clear_selection ();
SelectionChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
/** @param y y coordinate.
* @return Pair consisting of the child under y (or 0) and the (fractional) index of the child under y (or -1)
std::pair<T*, double> get_child_at_position (int y) const
T* before;
T* after;
std::pair<T*, double> r;
r.second = get_children_around_position (y, &before, &r.first, &after);
return r;
void set_spacing (int s) {
_internal_vbox.set_spacing (s);
void remove_placeholder ()
if (_placeholder) {
_internal_vbox.remove (*_placeholder);
_placeholder = 0;
/** Add a placeholder where a child would be put if it were added at the given y position.
* @param y y position within the DnDVBox.
* @return index of child that the placeholder represents, or -1 if it is at the end of all children.
int add_placeholder (double y)
return create_or_update_placeholder (get_child_at_position (y).second);
/** Children have been reordered by a drag */
sigc::signal<void> Reordered;
/** A button has been pressed over the widget */
sigc::signal<bool, GdkEventButton*, T*> ButtonPress;
/** A button has been release over the widget */
sigc::signal<bool, GdkEventButton*, T*> ButtonRelease;
/** A child has been dropped onto this DnDVBox from another one;
* Parameters are the source DnDVBox, our child which the other one was dropped on (or 0) and the DragContext.
sigc::signal<void, DnDVBox*, T*, Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext> const & > DropFromAnotherBox;
sigc::signal<void, Gtk::SelectionData const &, T*, Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext> const & > DropFromExternal;
sigc::signal<void> SelectionChanged;
/** @return the bottom y position of a child, pretending any placeholder
* is not there.
double bottom_of_child_ignoring_placeholder (T* child) const
Gtk::Allocation const a = child->widget().get_allocation ();
double bottom = a.get_y() + a.get_height();
if (_placeholder) {
Gtk::Allocation const b = _placeholder->get_allocation ();
if (b.get_y() < a.get_y()) {
bottom -= (b.get_height () + _internal_vbox.get_spacing ());
return bottom;
/** Look at a y coordinate and find the children below y, and the ones either side.
* @param y y position.
* @param before Filled in with the child before, or 0.
* @param at Filled in with the child under y, or 0.
* @param after Filled in with the child after, or 0.
* @return Fractional position in terms of child height, or -1 if not over a child.
double get_children_around_position (int y, T** before, T** at, T** after) const
if (_children.empty()) {
*before = *at = *after = 0;
return -1;
*before = 0;
typename std::list<T*>::const_iterator j = _children.begin ();
/* index of current child */
int i = 0;
/* top of current child */
double top = 0;
/* bottom of current child */
double bottom = bottom_of_child_ignoring_placeholder (*j);
while (y >= bottom && j != _children.end()) {
top = bottom;
*before = *j;
if (j != _children.end()) {
bottom = bottom_of_child_ignoring_placeholder (*j);
if (j == _children.end()) {
*at = 0;
*after = 0;
return -1;
*at = *j;
*after = j != _children.end() ? *j : 0;
return i + ((y - top) / (bottom - top));
void drag_begin (Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext> const & context, T* child)
_drag_child = child;
/* make up an icon for the drag */
_drag_icon = new Gtk::Window (Gtk::WINDOW_POPUP);
Gtk::Allocation a = child->action_widget().get_allocation ();
_drag_icon->set_size_request (a.get_width(), a.get_height());
_drag_icon->signal_expose_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &DnDVBox::icon_expose));
_drag_icon->set_name (get_name ());
/* make the icon transparent if possible */
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Screen const> s = _drag_icon->get_screen ();
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Colormap const> c = s->get_rgba_colormap ();
if (c) {
_drag_icon->set_colormap (c);
int w, h;
_drag_icon->get_size (w, h);
_drag_icon->drag_set_as_icon (context, w / 2, h / 2);
_drag_source = this;
/* Draw the drag icon */
bool icon_expose (GdkEventExpose*)
/* Just grab the child's widget and use that */
int w, h;
_drag_icon->get_size (w, h);
cairo_t* cr = gdk_cairo_create (_drag_icon->get_window()->gobj ());
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixmap> p = _drag_child->action_widget().get_snapshot();
gdk_cairo_set_source_pixmap (cr, p->gobj(), 0, 0);
cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, w, h);
cairo_fill (cr);
cairo_destroy (cr);
return false;
void drag_data_get (Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext> const &context, Gtk::SelectionData & selection_data, guint, guint, T* child)
if (!child->drag_data_get(context, selection_data)) {
selection_data.set (selection_data.get_target(), 8, (const guchar *) &child, sizeof (&child));
void drag_data_received (
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext> const & context, int /*x*/, int y, Gtk::SelectionData const & selection_data, guint /*info*/, guint time
/* work out where it was dropped */
std::pair<T*, double> const drop = get_child_at_position (y);
if (selection_data.get_target () != _targets.front ().get_target ()) {
DropFromExternal (selection_data, drop.first, context);
context->drag_finish (false, false, time);
if (_drag_source == this) {
/* dropped from ourselves onto ourselves */
T* child = *((T * const *) selection_data.get_data());
if (drop.first == 0) {
_internal_vbox.reorder_child (child->widget(), -1);
} else {
/* where in the list this child should be dropped */
int target = drop.second + 0.5;
/* find out whether the child was `picked up' from before the drop position */
int n = 0;
typename std::list<T*>::const_iterator i = _children.begin ();
while (i != _children.end() && *i != child && n < target) {
/* if so, adjust the drop position to account for this */
if (n < target) {
_internal_vbox.reorder_child (child->widget(), target);
} else {
/* drag started in another DnDVBox; raise a signal to say what happened */
DropFromAnotherBox (_drag_source, drop.first, context);
context->drag_finish (false, false, time);
void drag_end (Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext> const &, T *)
delete _drag_icon;
_drag_icon = 0;
_drag_source = 0;
_drag_child = 0;
remove_placeholder ();
Reordered (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
/** Insert a placeholder at a given fractional child position, creating it if necessary.
* @param c Fractional child position.
* @return index of child that the placeholder represents, or -1 if it is at the end of all children.
int create_or_update_placeholder (double c)
if (_placeholder == 0) {
_placeholder = manage (new Gtk::Label (""));
_internal_vbox.pack_start (*_placeholder, false, false);
_placeholder->show ();
/* round up the index, unless we're off the end of the children */
int const n = c < 0 ? -1 : int (c + 0.5);
_internal_vbox.reorder_child (*_placeholder, n);
return n;
bool drag_motion (Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext> const & ctx, int /*x*/, int y, guint tme)
if (_children.empty ()) {
return false;
T* before;
T* at = NULL;
T* after;
/* decide where we currently are */
double const c = get_children_around_position (y, &before, &at, &after);
/* whether we're in the top or bottom half of the child that we're over */
bool top_half = (c - int (c)) < .5;
bool bottom_half = !top_half;
if (_drag_source != this /* re-order */
&& _drag_source && at
&& _drag_source->_drag_child
&& _drag_source->selection ().size () == 1
&& at != _drag_source->_drag_child // can't happen or can it?
&& at->can_copy_state (_drag_source->_drag_child))
top_half = (c - int (c)) < 0.33;
bottom_half = (c - int (c)) > 0.8; // increase area >> 0.66; plugin below will move, or there's space
/* Note that when checking on whether to remove a placeholder, we never do
so if _drag_child is 0 as this means that the child being dragged is
coming from a different DnDVBox, so it will never be the same as any
of our children.
if (top_half && _drag_child && (before == _drag_child || at == _drag_child)) {
/* dropping here would have no effect, so remove the visual cue */
remove_placeholder ();
return false;
if (bottom_half && _drag_child && (at == _drag_child || after == _drag_child)) {
/* dropping here would have no effect, so remove the visual cue */
remove_placeholder ();
return false;
if (top_half || bottom_half) {
create_or_update_placeholder (c);
if (_drag_source == this /* re-order */) {
ctx->drag_status (Gdk::ACTION_MOVE, tme);
} else {
ctx->drag_status (Gdk::ACTION_COPY, tme);
} else {
ctx->drag_status (Gdk::ACTION_LINK, tme);
remove_placeholder ();
return true;
void drag_leave (Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext> const &, guint)
remove_placeholder ();
bool button_press (GdkEventButton* ev, T* child)
if (_expecting_unwanted_button_event == true && child == 0) {
_expecting_unwanted_button_event = false;
return true;
if (child) {
_expecting_unwanted_button_event = true;
if (ev->button == 1 || ev->button == 3) {
if (!selected (child)) {
if ((ev->state & Gdk::SHIFT_MASK) && !_selection.empty()) {
/* Shift-click; select all between the clicked child and any existing selections */
bool selecting = false;
bool done = false;
for (typename std::list<T*>::const_iterator i = _children.begin(); i != _children.end(); ++i) {
bool const was_selected = selected (*i);
if (selecting && !was_selected) {
add_to_selection (*i);
if (!selecting && !done) {
if (selected (*i)) {
selecting = true;
} else if (*i == child) {
selecting = true;
add_to_selection (child);
} else if (selecting) {
if (was_selected || *i == child) {
selecting = false;
done = true;
} else {
if ((ev->state & Gdk::CONTROL_MASK) == 0) {
clear_selection ();
if (child) {
add_to_selection (child);
SelectionChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
} else {
if (ev->button == 1 && (ev->state & Gdk::CONTROL_MASK)) {
if (child && selected (child)) {
remove_from_selection (child);
SelectionChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
return ButtonPress (ev, child); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
bool button_release (GdkEventButton* ev, T* child)
if (_expecting_unwanted_button_event == true && child == 0) {
_expecting_unwanted_button_event = false;
return true;
if (child) {
_expecting_unwanted_button_event = true;
return ButtonRelease (ev, child); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
/** Setup a child's visual state correctly */
void setup_child_state (T* c)
assert (c);
c->set_visual_state (Selected, (selected (c) || (_active == c)));
void clear_selection ()
std::list<T*> old_selection = _selection;
_selection.clear ();
for (typename std::list<T*>::iterator i = old_selection.begin(); i != old_selection.end(); ++i) {
setup_child_state (*i);
void add_to_selection (T* child)
if ( !child->is_selectable() )
_selection.push_back (child);
setup_child_state (child);
void remove_from_selection (T* child)
typename std::list<T*>::iterator x = find (_selection.begin(), _selection.end(), child);
if (x != _selection.end()) {
T* c = *x;
_selection.erase (x);
setup_child_state (c);
T* child_from_widget (Gtk::Widget const * w) const
typename std::list<T*>::const_iterator i = _children.begin();
while (i != _children.end() && &(*i)->widget() != w) {
if (i == _children.end()) {
return 0;
return *i;
Gtk::VBox _internal_vbox;
std::list<Gtk::TargetEntry> _targets;
std::list<T*> _children;
std::list<T*> _selection;
T* _active;
Gtk::Window* _drag_icon;
bool _expecting_unwanted_button_event;
/** A blank label used as a placeholder to indicate where an item would
* go if it were dropped or inserted "now".
Gtk::Label* _placeholder;
/** Our child being dragged, or 0 */
T* _drag_child;
static DnDVBox* _drag_source;
template <class T>
DnDVBox<T>* DnDVBox<T>::_drag_source = 0;