
71 lines
1.9 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include "pbd/xml++.h"
#include "ardour/rc_configuration.h"
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace std;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-h] <file-name>\n", argv[0]);
return -1;
if (!strcmp (argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp (argv[1], "--help")) {
fprintf(stdout, "Usage: %s <file-name>\n\n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stdout, "Writes the default Ardour config to the given file\n");
return 0;
g_setenv ("ARDOUR_DLL_PATH", "/xxx", 1);
g_setenv ("ARDOUR_CONFIG_PATH", "/xxx", 1);
if (!ARDOUR::init (false, true, "/xxx")) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize libardour\n");
return -1;
RCConfiguration * rc = new RCConfiguration;
XMLNode& state = rc->get_state();
XMLNode* cfg = state.child ("Config");
cfg->remove_nodes_and_delete ("name", "donate-url");
cfg->remove_nodes_and_delete ("name", "osx_pingback-url");
cfg->remove_nodes_and_delete ("name", "linux-pingback-url");
cfg->remove_nodes_and_delete ("name", "updates-url");
cfg->remove_nodes_and_delete ("name", "freesound-download-dir"); // user specific
XMLNode* meta = state.child ("Metadata");
meta->remove_nodes ("user_name");
XMLTree tree;
tree.set_root (&state);
if (!tree.write (argv[1])) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error saving config file '%s'\n", argv[1]);
return -1;
return 0;
#include "ardour/vst_types.h"
int vstfx_init (void*) { return 0; }
void vstfx_exit () {}
void vstfx_destroy_editor (VSTState*) {}
extern "C" {
int fst_init (void* possible_hmodule) { return -1;}
void fst_exit (void) {}
VSTHandle* fst_load (const char*) { return 0; }
int fst_unload (VSTHandle**) { return -1; }
VSTState * fst_instantiate (VSTHandle *, audioMasterCallback amc, void* userptr) { return 0; }
void fst_close (VSTState *) {}
void fst_audio_master_idle(void) {}