
197 lines
5.6 KiB

Copyright (C) 1998 Paul Barton-Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef __midi_parse_h__
#define __midi_parse_h__
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sigc++/sigc++.h>
#include "midi++/types.h"
namespace MIDI {
class Port;
class Parser;
typedef sigc::signal<void, Parser &, byte> OneByteSignal;
typedef sigc::signal<void, Parser &, EventTwoBytes *> TwoByteSignal;
typedef sigc::signal<void, Parser &, pitchbend_t> PitchBendSignal;
typedef sigc::signal<void, Parser &, byte *, size_t> Signal;
class Parser : public sigc::trackable {
Parser (Port &p);
~Parser ();
/* sets the time that will be reported for any MTC or MIDI Clock
message the next time ::scanner() parses such a message. It should
therefore be set before every byte passed into ::scanner().
nframes_t get_timestamp() const { return _timestamp; }
void set_timestamp (const nframes_t timestamp) { _timestamp = timestamp; }
/* signals that anyone can connect to */
OneByteSignal bank_change;
TwoByteSignal note_on;
TwoByteSignal note_off;
TwoByteSignal poly_pressure;
OneByteSignal pressure;
OneByteSignal program_change;
PitchBendSignal pitchbend;
TwoByteSignal controller;
OneByteSignal channel_bank_change[16];
TwoByteSignal channel_note_on[16];
TwoByteSignal channel_note_off[16];
TwoByteSignal channel_poly_pressure[16];
OneByteSignal channel_pressure[16];
OneByteSignal channel_program_change[16];
PitchBendSignal channel_pitchbend[16];
TwoByteSignal channel_controller[16];
sigc::signal<void, Parser &> channel_active_preparse[16];
sigc::signal<void, Parser &> channel_active_postparse[16];
OneByteSignal mtc_quarter_frame; /* see below for more useful signals */
Signal mtc;
Signal raw_preparse;
Signal raw_postparse;
Signal any;
Signal sysex;
Signal mmc;
Signal position;
Signal song;
sigc::signal<void, Parser &> all_notes_off;
sigc::signal<void, Parser &> tune;
sigc::signal<void, Parser &, nframes_t> timing;
sigc::signal<void, Parser &, nframes_t> start;
sigc::signal<void, Parser &, nframes_t> stop;
sigc::signal<void, Parser &, nframes_t> contineu; /* note spelling */
sigc::signal<void, Parser &> active_sense;
sigc::signal<void, Parser &> reset;
sigc::signal<void, Parser &> eox;
/* This should really be protected, but then derivatives of Port
can't access it.
void scanner (byte c);
size_t *message_counts() { return message_counter; }
const char *midi_event_type_name (MIDI::eventType);
void trace (bool onoff, std::ostream *o, const std::string &prefix = "");
bool tracing() { return trace_stream != 0; }
Port &port() { return _port; }
void set_offline (bool);
bool offline() const { return _offline; }
sigc::signal<void> OfflineStatusChanged;
sigc::signal<int, byte *, size_t> edit;
void set_mmc_forwarding (bool yn) {
_mmc_forward = yn;
/* MTC */
enum MTC_Status {
MTC_Stopped = 0,
MTC_FPS mtc_fps() const { return _mtc_fps; }
MTC_Status mtc_running() const { return _mtc_running; }
const byte *mtc_current() const { return _mtc_time; }
bool mtc_locked() const { return _mtc_locked; }
sigc::signal<void,Parser&,int,nframes_t> mtc_qtr;
sigc::signal<void,const byte*,bool,nframes_t> mtc_time;
sigc::signal<void,MTC_Status> mtc_status;
sigc::signal<bool> mtc_skipped;
void set_mtc_forwarding (bool yn) {
_mtc_forward = yn;
void reset_mtc_state ();
Port &_port;
/* tracing */
std::ostream *trace_stream;
std::string trace_prefix;
void trace_event (Parser &p, byte *msg, size_t len);
sigc::connection trace_connection;
size_t message_counter[256];
enum ParseState {
ParseState state;
unsigned char *msgbuf;
int msglen;
int msgindex;
MIDI::eventType msgtype;
channel_t channel;
bool _offline;
bool runnable;
bool was_runnable;
bool _mmc_forward;
bool _mtc_forward;
int expected_mtc_quarter_frame_code;
byte _mtc_time[5];
byte _qtr_mtc_time[5];
unsigned long consecutive_qtr_frame_cnt;
MTC_FPS _mtc_fps;
MTC_Status _mtc_running;
bool _mtc_locked;
byte last_qtr_frame;
nframes_t _timestamp;
ParseState pre_variable_state;
MIDI::eventType pre_variable_msgtype;
byte last_status_byte;
void channel_msg (byte);
void realtime_msg (byte);
void system_msg (byte);
void signal (byte *msg, size_t msglen);
bool possible_mmc (byte *msg, size_t msglen);
bool possible_mtc (byte *msg, size_t msglen);
void process_mtc_quarter_frame (byte *msg);
} // namespace MIDI
#endif // __midi_parse_h__