David Robillard 99904735e0 Merged with trunk R1612.
git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/midi@1614 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
2007-03-18 06:07:08 +00:00

1746 lines
51 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 expandtab:
# xmlformat - configurable XML file formatter/pretty-printer
# Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Kitebird, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Some portions are based on the REX shallow XML parser, which
# is Copyright (c) 1998, Robert D. Cameron. These include the
# regular expression parsing variables and the shallow_parse()
# method.
# This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE,
# which you should have received as part of this distribution.
# Syntax: xmlformat [config-file] xml-file
# Default config file is $ENV{XMLFORMAT_CONF} or ./xmlformat.conf, in that
# order.
# Paul DuBois
# paul@kitebird.com
# 2003-12-14
# The input document first is parsed into a list of strings. Each string
# represents one of the following:
# - text node
# - processing instruction (the XML declaration is treated as a PI)
# - comment
# - CDATA section
# - DOCTYPE declaration
# - element tag (either <abc>, </abc>, or <abc/>), *including attributes*
# Entities are left untouched. They appear in their original form as part
# of the text node in which they occur.
# The list of strings then is converted to a hierarchical structure.
# The document top level is represented by a reference to a list.
# Each list element is a reference to a node -- a hash that has "type"
# and "content" key/value pairs. The "type" key indicates the node
# type and has one of the following values:
# "text" - text node
# "pi" - processing instruction node
# "comment" - comment node
# "CDATA" - CDATA section node
# "elt" - element node
# (For purposes of this program, it's really only necessary to have "text",
# "elt", and "other". The types other than "text" and "elt" currently are
# all treated the same way.)
# For all but element nodes, the "content" value is the text of the node.
# For element nodes, the "content" hash is a reference to a list of
# nodes for the element's children. In addition, an element node has
# three additional key/value pairs:
# - The "name" value is the tag name within the opening tag, minus angle
# brackets or attributes.
# - The "open_tag" value is the full opening tag, which may also be the
# closing tag.
# - The "close_tag" value depends on the opening tag. If the open tag is
# "<abc>", the close tag is "</abc>". If the open tag is "<abc/>", the
# close tag is the empty string.
# If the tree structure is converted back into a string with
# tree_stringify(), the result can be compared to the input file
# as a regression test. The string should be identical to the original
# input document.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
$Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0; # options are case sensitive
$Getopt::Long::bundling = 1; # allow short options to be bundled
my $PROG_NAME = "xmlformat";
my $PROG_VERSION = "1.04";
my $PROG_LANG = "Perl";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
package XMLFormat;
use strict;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Regular expressions for parsing document components. Based on REX.
# SPE = shallow parsing expression
# SE = scanning expression
# CE = completion expression
# RSB = right square brackets
# QM = question mark
my $TextSE = "[^<]+";
my $UntilHyphen = "[^-]*-";
my $Until2Hyphens = "$UntilHyphen(?:[^-]$UntilHyphen)*-";
my $CommentCE = "$Until2Hyphens>?";
my $UntilRSBs = "[^\\]]*\\](?:[^\\]]+\\])*\\]+";
my $CDATA_CE = "$UntilRSBs(?:[^\\]>]$UntilRSBs)*>";
my $S = "[ \\n\\t\\r]+";
my $NameStrt = "[A-Za-z_:]|[^\\x00-\\x7F]";
my $NameChar = "[A-Za-z0-9_:.-]|[^\\x00-\\x7F]";
my $Name = "(?:$NameStrt)(?:$NameChar)*";
my $QuoteSE = "\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*'";
my $DT_IdentSE = "$S$Name(?:$S(?:$Name|$QuoteSE))*";
my $MarkupDeclCE = "(?:[^\\]\"'><]+|$QuoteSE)*>";
my $S1 = "[\\n\\r\\t ]";
my $UntilQMs = "[^?]*\\?+";
my $PI_Tail = "\\?>|$S1$UntilQMs(?:[^>?]$UntilQMs)*>";
my $DT_ItemSE =
my $DocTypeCE = "$DT_IdentSE(?:$S)?(?:\\[(?:$DT_ItemSE)*\\](?:$S)?)?>?";
my $DeclCE =
my $PI_CE = "$Name(?:$PI_Tail)?";
my $EndTagCE = "$Name(?:$S)?>?";
my $AttValSE = "\"[^<\"]*\"|'[^<']*'";
my $ElemTagCE = "$Name(?:$S$Name(?:$S)?=(?:$S)?(?:$AttValSE))*(?:$S)?/?>?";
my $MarkupSPE =
my $XML_SPE = "$TextSE|$MarkupSPE";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Allowable options and their possible values:
# - The keys of this hash are the allowable option names
# - The value for each key is list of allowable option values
# - If the value is undef, the option value must be numeric
# If any new formatting option is added to this program, it
# must be specified here, *and* a default value for it should
# be listed in the *DOCUMENT and *DEFAULT pseudo-element
# option hashes.
my %opt_list = (
"format" => [ "block", "inline", "verbatim" ],
"normalize" => [ "yes", "no" ],
"subindent" => undef,
"wrap-length" => undef,
"entry-break" => undef,
"exit-break" => undef,
"element-break" => undef
# Object creation: set up the default formatting configuration
# and variables for maintaining input and output document.
sub new
my $type = shift;
my $self = {};
# Formatting options for each element.
$self->{elt_opts} = { };
# The formatting options for the *DOCUMENT and *DEFAULT pseudo-elements can
# be overridden in the configuration file, but the options must also be
# built in to make sure they exist if not specified in the configuration
# file. Each of the structures must have a value for every option.
# Options for top-level document children.
# - Do not change entry-break: 0 ensures no extra newlines before
# first element of output.
# - Do not change exit-break: 1 ensures a newline after final element
# of output document.
# - It's probably best not to change any of the others, except perhaps
# if you want to increase the element-break.
$self->{elt_opts}->{"*DOCUMENT"} = {
"format" => "block",
"normalize" => "no",
"subindent" => 0,
"wrap-length" => 0,
"entry-break" => 0, # do not change
"exit-break" => 1, # do not change
"element-break" => 1
# Default options. These are used for any elements in the document
# that are not specified explicitly in the configuration file.
$self->{elt_opts}->{"*DEFAULT"} = {
"format" => "block",
"normalize" => "no",
"subindent" => 1,
"wrap-length" => 0,
"entry-break" => 1,
"exit-break" => 1,
"element-break" => 1
# Run the *DOCUMENT and *DEFAULT options through the option-checker
# to verify that the built-in values are legal.
my $err_count = 0;
foreach my $elt_name (keys (%{$self->{elt_opts}})) # ... for each element
# Check each option for element
while (my ($opt_name, $opt_val) = each (%{$self->{elt_opts}->{$elt_name}}))
my $err_msg;
($opt_val, $err_msg) = check_option ($opt_name, $opt_val);
if (!defined ($err_msg))
$self->{elt_opts}->{$elt_name}->{$opt_name} = $opt_val;
warn "LOGIC ERROR: $elt_name default option is invalid\n";
warn "$err_msg\n";
# Make sure that the every option is represented in the
# *DOCUMENT and *DEFAULT structures.
foreach my $opt_name (keys (%opt_list))
foreach my $elt_name (keys (%{$self->{elt_opts}}))
if (!exists ($self->{elt_opts}->{$elt_name}->{$opt_name}))
warn "LOGIC ERROR: $elt_name has no default '$opt_name' option\n";
die "Cannot continue; internal default formatting options must be fixed\n"
if $err_count > 0;
bless $self, $type; # bless object and return it
# Initialize the variables that are used per-document
sub init_doc_vars
my $self = shift;
# Elements that are used in the document but not named explicitly
# in the configuration file.
$self->{unconf_elts} = { };
# List of tokens for current document.
$self->{tokens} = [ ];
# List of line numbers for each token
$self->{line_num} = [ ];
# Document node tree (constructed from the token list).
$self->{tree} = [ ];
# Variables for formatting operations:
# out_doc = resulting output document (constructed from document tree)
# pending = array of pending tokens being held until flushed
$self->{out_doc} = "";
$self->{pending} = [ ];
# Inline elements within block elements are processed using the
# text normalization (and possible line-wrapping) values of their
# enclosing block. Blocks and inlines may be nested, so we maintain
# a stack that allows the normalize/wrap-length values of the current
# block to be determined.
$self->{block_name_stack} = [ ]; # for debugging
$self->{block_opts_stack} = [ ];
# A similar stack for maintaining each block's current break type.
$self->{block_break_type_stack} = [ ];
# Accessors for token list and resulting output document
sub tokens
my $self = shift;
return $self->{tokens};
sub out_doc
my $self = shift;
return $self->{out_doc};
# Methods for adding strings to output document or
# to the pending output array
sub add_to_doc
my ($self, $str) = @_;
$self->{out_doc} .= $str;
sub add_to_pending
my ($self, $str) = @_;
push (@{$self->{pending}}, $str);
# Block stack mainenance methods
# Push options onto or pop options off from the stack. When doing
# this, also push or pop an element onto the break-level stack.
sub begin_block
my ($self, $name, $opts) = @_;
push (@{$self->{block_name_stack}}, $name);
push (@{$self->{block_opts_stack}}, $opts);
push (@{$self->{block_break_type_stack}}, "entry-break");
sub end_block
my $self = shift;
pop (@{$self->{block_name_stack}});
pop (@{$self->{block_opts_stack}});
pop (@{$self->{block_break_type_stack}});
# Return the current block's normalization status or wrap length
sub block_normalize
my $self = shift;
my $size = @{$self->{block_opts_stack}};
my $opts = $self->{block_opts_stack}->[$size-1];
return $opts->{normalize} eq "yes";
sub block_wrap_length
my $self = shift;
my $size = @{$self->{block_opts_stack}};
my $opts = $self->{block_opts_stack}->[$size-1];
return $opts->{"wrap-length"};
# Set the current block's break type, or return the number of newlines
# for the block's break type
sub set_block_break_type
my ($self, $type) = @_;
my $size = @{$self->{block_break_type_stack}};
$self->{block_break_type_stack}->[$size-1] = $type;
sub block_break_value
my $self = shift;
my $size = @{$self->{block_opts_stack}};
my $opts = $self->{block_opts_stack}->[$size-1];
$size = @{$self->{block_break_type_stack}};
my $type = $self->{block_break_type_stack}->[$size-1];
return $opts->{$type};
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read configuration information. For each element, construct a hash
# containing a hash key and value for each option name and value.
# After reading the file, fill in missing option values for
# incomplete option structures using the *DEFAULT options.
sub read_config
my $self = shift;
my $conf_file = shift;
my @elt_names = ();
my $err_msg;
my $in_continuation = 0;
my $saved_line = "";
open (FH, $conf_file) or die "Cannot read config file $conf_file: $!\n";
while (<FH>)
next if /^\s*($|#)/; # skip blank lines, comments
if ($in_continuation)
$_ = $saved_line . " " . $_;
$saved_line = "";
$in_continuation = 0;
if (!/^\s/)
# Line doesn't begin with whitespace, so it lists element names.
# Names are separated by whitespace or commas, possibly followed
# by a continuation character or a comment.
if (/\\$/)
s/\\$//; # remove continuation character
$saved_line = $_;
$in_continuation = 1;
s/\s*#.*$//; # remove any trailing comment
@elt_names = split (/[\s,]+/, $_);
# make sure each name has an entry in the elt_opts structure
foreach my $elt_name (@elt_names)
$self->{elt_opts}->{$elt_name} = { }
unless exists ($self->{elt_opts}->{$elt_name});
# Line begins with whitespace, so it contains an option
# to apply to the current element list, possibly followed by
# a comment. First check that there is a current list.
# Then parse the option name/value.
die "$conf_file:$.: Option setting found before any "
. "elements were named.\n"
if !@elt_names;
my ($opt_name, $opt_val) = /^\s+(\S+)(?:\s+|\s*=\s*)(\S+)$/;
die "$conf_file:$.: Malformed line: $_\n" unless defined ($opt_val);
# Check option. If illegal, die with message. Otherwise,
# add option to each element in current element list
($opt_val, $err_msg) = check_option ($opt_name, $opt_val);
die "$conf_file:$.: $err_msg\n" if defined ($err_msg);
foreach my $elt_name (@elt_names)
$self->{elt_opts}->{$elt_name}->{$opt_name} = $opt_val;
close (FH);
# For any element that has missing option values, fill in the values
# using the options for the *DEFAULT pseudo-element. This speeds up
# element option lookups later. It also makes it unnecessary to test
# each option to see if it's defined: All element option structures
# will have every option defined.
my $def_opts = $self->{elt_opts}->{"*DEFAULT"};
foreach my $elt_name (keys (%{$self->{elt_opts}}))
next if $elt_name eq "*DEFAULT";
foreach my $opt_name (keys (%{$def_opts}))
next if exists ($self->{elt_opts}->{$elt_name}->{$opt_name}); # already set
$self->{elt_opts}->{$elt_name}->{$opt_name} = $def_opts->{$opt_name};
# Check option name to make sure it's legal. Check the value to make sure
# that it's legal for the name. Return a two-element array:
# (value, undef) if the option name and value are legal.
# (undef, message) if an error was found; message contains error message.
# For legal values, the returned value should be assigned to the option,
# because it may get type-converted here.
sub check_option
my ($opt_name, $opt_val) = @_;
# - Check option name to make sure it's a legal option
# - Then check the value. If there is a list of values
# the value must be one of them. Otherwise, the value
# must be an integer.
return (undef, "Unknown option name: $opt_name")
unless exists ($opt_list{$opt_name});
my $allowable_val = $opt_list{$opt_name};
if (defined ($allowable_val))
return (undef, "Unknown '$opt_name' value: $opt_val")
unless grep (/^$opt_val$/, @{$allowable_val});
else # other options should be numeric
# "$opt_val" converts $opt_val to string for pattern match
return (undef, "'$opt_name' value ($opt_val) should be an integer")
unless "$opt_val" =~ /^\d+$/;
return ($opt_val, undef);
# Return hash of option values for a given element. If no options are found:
# - Add the element name to the list of unconfigured options.
# - Assign the default options to the element. (This way the test for the
# option fails only once.)
sub get_opts
my $self = shift;
my $elt_name = shift;
my $opts = $self->{elt_opts}->{$elt_name};
if (!defined ($opts))
$self->{unconf_elts}->{$elt_name} = 1;
$opts = $self->{elt_opts}->{$elt_name} = $self->{elt_opts}->{"*DEFAULT"};
return $opts;
# Display contents of configuration options to be used to process document.
# For each element named in the elt_opts structure, display its format
# type, and those options that apply to the type.
sub display_config
my $self = shift;
# Format types and the additional options that apply to each type
my $format_opts = {
"block" => [
"inline" => [ ],
"verbatim" => [ ]
foreach my $elt_name (sort (keys (%{$self->{elt_opts}})))
print "$elt_name\n";
my %opts = %{$self->{elt_opts}->{$elt_name}};
my $format = $opts{format};
# Write out format type, then options that apply to the format type
print " format = $format\n";
foreach my $opt_name (@{$format_opts->{$format}})
print " $opt_name = $opts{$opt_name}\n";
print "\n";
# Display the list of elements that are used in the document but not
# configured in the configuration file.
# Then re-unconfigure the elements so that they won't be considered
# as configured for the next document, if there is one.
sub display_unconfigured_elements
my $self = shift;
my @elts = keys (%{$self->{unconf_elts}});
if (@elts == 0)
print "The document contains no unconfigured elements.\n";
print "The following document elements were assigned no formatting options:\n";
foreach my $line ($self->line_wrap ([ join (" ", sort (@elts)) ], 0, 0, 65))
print "$line\n";
foreach my $elt_name (@elts)
delete ($self->{elt_opts}->{$elt_name});
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main document processing routine.
# - Argument is a string representing an input document
# - Return value is the reformatted document, or undef. An undef return
# signifies either that an error occurred, or that some option was
# given that suppresses document output. In either case, don't write
# any output for the document. Any error messages will already have
# been printed when this returns.
sub process_doc
my $self = shift;
my ($doc, $verbose, $check_parser, $canonize_only, $show_unconf_elts) = @_;
my $str;
$self->init_doc_vars ();
# Perform lexical parse to split document into list of tokens
warn "Parsing document...\n" if $verbose;
$self->shallow_parse ($doc);
if ($check_parser)
warn "Checking parser...\n" if $verbose;
# concatentation of tokens should be identical to original document
if ($doc eq join ("", @{$self->tokens ()}))
print "Parser is okay\n";
print "PARSER ERROR: document token concatenation differs from document\n";
return undef;
# Assign input line number to each token
$self->assign_line_numbers ();
# Look for and report any error tokens returned by parser
warn "Checking document for errors...\n" if $verbose;
if ($self->report_errors () > 0)
warn "Cannot continue processing document.\n";
return undef;
# Convert the token list to a tree structure
warn "Converting document tokens to tree...\n" if $verbose;
if ($self->tokens_to_tree () > 0)
warn "Cannot continue processing document.\n";
return undef;
# Check: Stringify the tree to convert it back to a single string,
# then compare to original document string (should be identical)
# (This is an integrity check on the validity of the to-tree and stringify
# operations; if one or both do not work properly, a mismatch should occur.)
#$str = $self->tree_stringify ();
#print $str;
#warn "ERROR: mismatch between document and resulting string\n" if $doc ne $str;
# Canonize tree to remove extraneous whitespace
warn "Canonizing document tree...\n" if $verbose;
$self->tree_canonize ();
if ($canonize_only)
print $self->tree_stringify () . "\n";
return undef;
# One side-effect of canonizing the tree is that the formatting
# options are looked up for each element in the document. That
# causes the list of elements that have no explicit configuration
# to be built. Display the list and return if user requested it.
if ($show_unconf_elts)
$self->display_unconfigured_elements ();
return undef;
# Format the tree to produce formatted XML as a single string
warn "Formatting document tree...\n" if $verbose;
$self->tree_format ();
# If the document is not empty, add a newline and emit a warning if
# reformatting failed to add a trailing newline. This shouldn't
# happen if the *DOCUMENT options are set up with exit-break = 1,
# which is the reason for the warning rather than just silently
# adding the newline.
$str = $self->out_doc ();
if ($str ne "" && $str !~ /\n$/)
warn "LOGIC ERROR: trailing newline had to be added\n";
$str .= "\n";
return $str;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parse XML document into array of tokens and store array
sub shallow_parse
my ($self, $xml_document) = @_;
$self->{tokens} = [ $xml_document =~ /$XML_SPE/g ];
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Extract a tag name from a tag and return it.
# Dies if the tag cannot be found, because this is supposed to be
# called only with a legal tag.
sub extract_tag_name
my $tag = shift;
die "Cannot find tag name in tag: $tag\n" unless $tag =~ /^<\/?($Name)/;
return $1;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Assign an input line number to each token. The number indicates
# the line number on which the token begins.
sub assign_line_numbers
my $self = shift;
my $line_num = 1;
$self->{line_num} = [ ];
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{tokens}}; $i++)
my $token = $self->{tokens}->[$i];
push (@{$self->{line_num}}, $line_num);
# count newlines and increment line counter (tr returns no. of matches)
$line_num += ($token =~ tr/\n/\n/);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check token list for errors and report any that are found. Error
# tokens are those that begin with "<" but do not end with ">".
# Returns the error count.
# Does not modify the original token list.
sub report_errors
my $self = shift;
my $err_count = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{tokens}}; $i++)
my $token = $self->{tokens}->[$i];
if ($token =~ /^</ && $token !~ />$/)
my $line_num = $self->{line_num}->[$i];
warn "Malformed token at line $line_num, token " . ($i+1) . ": $token\n";
warn "Number of errors found: $err_count\n" if $err_count > 0;
return $err_count;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper routine to print tag stack for tokens_to_tree
sub print_tag_stack
my ($label, @stack) = @_;
if (@stack < 1)
warn " $label: none\n";
warn " $label:\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i < @stack; $i++)
warn " ", ($i+1), ": ", $stack[$i], "\n";
# Convert the list of XML document tokens to a tree representation.
# The implementation uses a loop and a stack rather than recursion.
# Does not modify the original token list.
# Returns an error count.
sub tokens_to_tree
my $self = shift;
my @tag_stack = (); # stack for element tags
my @children_stack = (); # stack for lists of children
my $children = [ ]; # current list of children
my $err_count = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{tokens}}; $i++)
my $token = $self->{tokens}->[$i];
my $line_num = $self->{line_num}->[$i];
my $tok_err = "Error near line $line_num, token " . ($i+1) . " ($token)";
if ($token !~ /^</) # text
push (@{$children}, text_node ($token));
elsif ($token =~ /^<!--/) # comment
push (@{$children}, comment_node ($token));
elsif ($token =~ /^<\?/) # processing instruction
push (@{$children}, pi_node ($token));
elsif ($token =~ /^<!DOCTYPE/) # DOCTYPE
push (@{$children}, doctype_node ($token));
elsif ($token =~ /^<!\[/) # CDATA
push (@{$children}, cdata_node ($token));
elsif ($token =~ /^<\//) # element close tag
if (!@tag_stack)
warn "$tok_err: Close tag w/o preceding open tag; malformed document?\n";
if (!@children_stack)
warn "$tok_err: Empty children stack; malformed document?\n";
my $tag = pop (@tag_stack);
my $open_tag_name = extract_tag_name ($tag);
my $close_tag_name = extract_tag_name ($token);
if ($open_tag_name ne $close_tag_name)
warn "$tok_err: Tag mismatch; malformed document?\n";
warn " open tag: $tag\n";
warn " close tag: $token\n";
print_tag_stack ("enclosing tags", @tag_stack);
my $elt = element_node ($tag, $token, $children);
$children = pop (@children_stack);
push (@{$children}, $elt);
else # element open tag
# If we reach here, we're seeing the open tag for an element:
# - If the tag is also the close tag (e.g., <abc/>), close the
# element immediately, giving it an empty child list.
# - Otherwise, push tag and child list on stacks, begin new child
# list for element body.
if ($token =~ /\/>$/) # tag is of form <abc/>
push (@{$children}, element_node ($token, "", [ ]));
else # tag is of form <abc>
push (@tag_stack, $token);
push (@children_stack, $children);
$children = [ ];
# At this point, the stacks should be empty if the document is
# well-formed.
if (@tag_stack)
warn "Error at EOF: Unclosed tags; malformed document?\n";
print_tag_stack ("unclosed tags", @tag_stack);
if (@children_stack)
warn "Error at EOF: Unprocessed child elements; malformed document?\n";
# TODO: print out info about them
$self->{tree} = $children;
return $err_count;
# Node-generating helper methods for tokens_to_tree
# Generic node generator
sub node { return { "type" => $_[0], "content" => $_[1] }; }
# Generators for specific non-element nodes
sub text_node { return node ("text", $_[0]); }
sub comment_node { return node ("comment", $_[0]); }
sub pi_node { return node ("pi", $_[0]); }
sub doctype_node { return node ("DOCTYPE", $_[0]); }
sub cdata_node { return node ("CDATA", $_[0]); }
# For an element node, create a standard node with the type and content
# key/value pairs. Then add pairs for the "name", "open_tag", and
# "close_tag" hash keys.
sub element_node
my ($open_tag, $close_tag, $children) = @_;
my $elt = node ("elt", $children);
# name is the open tag with angle brackets and attibutes stripped
$elt->{name} = extract_tag_name ($open_tag);
$elt->{open_tag} = $open_tag;
$elt->{close_tag} = $close_tag;
return $elt;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert the given XML document tree (or subtree) to string form by
# concatentating all of its components. Argument is a reference
# to a list of nodes at a given level of the tree.
# Does not modify the node list.
sub tree_stringify
my $self = shift;
my $children = shift || $self->{tree}; # use entire tree if no arg;
my $str = "";
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$children}; $i++)
my $child = $children->[$i];
# - Elements have list of child nodes as content (process recursively)
# - All other node types have text content
if ($child->{type} eq "elt")
$str .= $child->{open_tag}
. $self->tree_stringify ($child->{content})
. $child->{close_tag};
$str .= $child->{content};
return $str;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Put tree in "canonical" form by eliminating extraneous whitespace
# from element text content.
# $children is a list of child nodes
# This function modifies the node list.
# Canonizing occurs as follows:
# - Comment, PI, DOCTYPE, and CDATA nodes remain untouched
# - Verbatim elements and their descendants remain untouched
# - Within non-normalized block elements:
# - Delete all-whitespace text node children
# - Leave other text node children untouched
# - Within normalized block elements:
# - Convert runs of whitespace (including line-endings) to single spaces
# - Trim leading whitespace of first text node
# - Trim trailing whitespace of last text node
# - Trim whitespace that is adjacent to a verbatim or non-normalized
# sub-element. (For example, if a <programlisting> is followed by
# more text, delete any whitespace at beginning of that text.)
# - Within inline elements:
# - Normalize the same way as the enclosing block element, with the
# exception that a space at the beginning or end is not removed.
# (Otherwise, <para>three<literal> blind </literal>mice</para>
# would become <para>three<literal>blind</literal>mice</para>.)
sub tree_canonize
my $self = shift;
$self->{tree} = $self->tree_canonize2 ($self->{tree}, "*DOCUMENT");
sub tree_canonize2
my $self = shift;
my $children = shift;
my $par_name = shift;
# Formatting options for parent
my $par_opts = $self->get_opts ($par_name);
# If parent is a block element, remember its formatting options on
# the block stack so they can be used to control canonization of
# inline child elements.
$self->begin_block ($par_name, $par_opts) if $par_opts->{format} eq "block";
# Iterate through list of child nodes to preserve, modify, or
# discard whitespace. Return resulting list of children.
# Canonize element and text nodes. Leave everything else (comments,
# processing instructions, etc.) untouched.
my @new_children = ();
while (@{$children})
my $child = shift (@{$children});
if ($child->{type} eq "elt")
# Leave verbatim elements untouched. For other element nodes,
# canonize child list using options appropriate to element.
if ($self->get_opts ($child->{name})->{format} ne "verbatim")
$child->{content} = $self->tree_canonize2 ($child->{content},
elsif ($child->{type} eq "text")
# Delete all-whitespace node or strip whitespace as appropriate.
# Paranoia check: We should never get here for verbatim elements,
# because normalization is irrelevant for them.
die "LOGIC ERROR: trying to canonize verbatim element $par_name!\n"
if $par_opts->{format} eq "verbatim";
if (!$self->block_normalize ())
# Enclosing block is not normalized:
# - Delete child all-whitespace text nodes.
# - Leave other text nodes untouched.
next if $child->{content} =~ /^\s*$/;
# Enclosing block is normalized, so normalize this text node:
# - Convert runs of whitespace characters (including
# line-endings characters) to single spaces.
# - Trim leading whitespace if this node is the first child
# of a block element or it follows a non-normalized node.
# - Trim leading whitespace if this node is the last child
# of a block element or it precedes a non-normalized node.
# These are nil if there is no prev or next child
my $prev_child = $new_children[$#new_children];
my $next_child = $children->[0];
$child->{content} =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$child->{content} =~ s/^ //
if (!defined ($prev_child) && $par_opts->{format} eq "block")
|| $self->non_normalized_node ($prev_child);
$child->{content} =~ s/ $//
if (!defined ($next_child) && $par_opts->{format} eq "block")
|| $self->non_normalized_node ($next_child);
# If resulting text is empty, discard the node.
next if $child->{content} =~ /^$/;
push (@new_children, $child);
# Pop block stack if parent was a block element
$self->end_block () if $par_opts->{format} eq "block";
return \@new_children;
# Helper function for tree_canonize().
# Determine whether a node is normalized. This is used to check
# the node that is adjacent to a given text node (either previous
# or following).
# - No is node is nil
# - No if the node is a verbatim element
# - If the node is a block element, yes or no according to its
# normalize option
# - No if the node is an inline element. Inlines are normalized
# if the parent block is normalized, but this method is not called
# except while examinine normalized blocks. So its inline children
# are also normalized.
# - No if node is a comment, PI, DOCTYPE, or CDATA section. These are
# treated like verbatim elements.
sub non_normalized_node
my $self = shift;
my $node = shift;
return 0 if !$node;
my $type = $node->{type};
if ($type eq "elt")
my $node_opts = $self->get_opts ($node->{name});
if ($node_opts->{format} eq "verbatim")
return 1;
if ($node_opts->{format} eq "block")
return $node_opts->{normalize} eq "no";
if ($node_opts->{format} eq "inline")
return 0;
die "LOGIC ERROR: non_normalized_node: unhandled node format.\n";
if ($type eq "comment" || $type eq "pi" || $type eq "DOCTYPE"
|| $type eq "CDATA")
return 1;
if ($type eq "text")
die "LOGIC ERROR: non_normalized_node: got called for text node.\n";
die "LOGIC ERROR: non_normalized_node: unhandled node type.\n";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Format (pretty-print) the document tree
# Does not modify the node list.
# The class maintains two variables for storing output:
# - out_doc stores content that has been seen and "flushed".
# - pending stores an array of strings (content of text nodes and inline
# element tags). These are held until they need to be flushed, at
# which point they are concatenated and possibly wrapped/indented.
# Flushing occurs when a break needs to be written, which happens
# when something other than a text node or inline element is seen.
# If parent name and children are not given, format the entire document.
# Assume prevailing indent = 0 if not given.
sub tree_format
my $self = shift;
my $par_name = shift || "*DOCUMENT"; # format entire document if no arg
my $children = shift || $self->{tree}; # use entire tree if no arg
my $indent = shift || 0;
# Formatting options for parent element
my $par_opts = $self->get_opts ($par_name);
# If parent is a block element:
# - Remember its formatting options on the block stack so they can
# be used to control formatting of inline child elements.
# - Set initial break type to entry-break.
# - Shift prevailing indent right before generating child content.
if ($par_opts->{format} eq "block")
$self->begin_block ($par_name, $par_opts);
$self->set_block_break_type ("entry-break");
$indent += $par_opts->{"subindent"};
# Variables for keeping track of whether the previous child
# was a text node. Used for controlling break behavior in
# non-normalized block elements: No line breaks are added around
# text in such elements, nor is indenting added.
my $prev_child_is_text = 0;
my $cur_child_is_text = 0;
foreach my $child (@{$children})
$prev_child_is_text = $cur_child_is_text;
# Text nodes: just add text to pending output
if ($child->{type} eq "text")
$cur_child_is_text = 1;
$self->add_to_pending ($child->{content});
$cur_child_is_text = 0;
# Element nodes: handle depending on format type
if ($child->{type} eq "elt")
my $child_opts = $self->get_opts ($child->{name});
# Verbatim elements:
# - Print literally without change (use _stringify).
# - Do not line-wrap or add any indent.
if ($child_opts->{format} eq "verbatim")
$self->flush_pending ($indent);
$self->emit_break (0)
unless $prev_child_is_text && !$self->block_normalize ();
$self->set_block_break_type ("element-break");
$self->add_to_doc ($child->{open_tag}
. $self->tree_stringify ($child->{content})
. $child->{close_tag});
# Inline elements:
# - Do not break or indent.
# - Do not line-wrap content; just add content to pending output
# and let it be wrapped as part of parent's content.
if ($child_opts->{format} eq "inline")
$self->add_to_pending ($child->{open_tag});
$self->tree_format ($child->{name}, $child->{content}, $indent);
$self->add_to_pending ($child->{close_tag});
# If we get here, node is a block element.
# - Break and flush any pending output
# - Break and indent (no indent if break count is zero)
# - Process element itself:
# - Put out opening tag
# - Put out element content
# - Put out any indent needed before closing tag. None needed if:
# - Element's exit-break is 0 (closing tag is not on new line,
# so don't indent it)
# - There is no separate closing tag (it was in <abc/> format)
# - Element has no children (tags will be written as
# <abc></abc>, so don't indent closing tag)
# - Element has children, but the block is not normalized and
# the last child is a text node
# - Put out closing tag
$self->flush_pending ($indent);
$self->emit_break ($indent)
unless $prev_child_is_text && !$self->block_normalize ();
$self->set_block_break_type ("element-break");
$self->add_to_doc ($child->{open_tag});
$self->tree_format ($child->{name}, $child->{content}, $indent);
$self->add_to_doc (" " x $indent)
unless $child_opts->{"exit-break"} <= 0
|| $child->{close_tag} eq ""
|| !@{$child->{content}}
|| (@{$child->{content}}
&& $child->{content}->[$#{$child->{content}}]->{type} eq "text"
&& $child_opts->{normalize} eq "no");
$self->add_to_doc ($child->{close_tag});
# Comments, PIs, etc. (everything other than text and elements),
# treat similarly to verbatim block:
# - Flush any pending output
# - Put out a break
# - Add node content to collected output
$self->flush_pending ($indent);
$self->emit_break (0)
unless $prev_child_is_text && !$self->block_normalize ();
$self->set_block_break_type ("element-break");
$self->add_to_doc ($child->{content});
$prev_child_is_text = $cur_child_is_text;
# Done processing current element's children now.
# If current element is a block element:
# - If there were any children, flush any pending output and put
# out the exit break.
# - Pop the block stack
if ($par_opts->{format} eq "block")
if (@{$children})
$self->flush_pending ($indent);
$self->set_block_break_type ("exit-break");
$self->emit_break (0)
unless $prev_child_is_text && !$self->block_normalize ();
$self->end_block ();
# Emit a break - the appropriate number of newlines according to the
# enclosing block's current break type.
# In addition, emit the number of spaces indicated by indent. (indent
# > 0 when breaking just before emitting an element tag that should
# be indented within its parent element.)
# Exception: Emit no indent if break count is zero. That indicates
# any following output will be written on the same output line, not
# indented on a new line.
# Initially, when processing a node's child list, the break type is
# set to entry-break. Each subsequent break is an element-break.
# (After child list has been processed, an exit-break is produced as well.)
sub emit_break
my ($self, $indent) = @_;
# number of newlines to emit
my $break_value = $self->block_break_value ();
$self->add_to_doc ("\n" x $break_value);
# add indent if there *was* a break
$self->add_to_doc (" " x $indent) if $indent > 0 && $break_value > 0;
# Flush pending output to output document collected thus far:
# - Wrap pending contents as necessary, with indent before *each* line.
# - Add pending text to output document (thus "flushing" it)
# - Clear pending array.
sub flush_pending
my ($self, $indent) = @_;
# Do nothing if nothing to flush
return if !@{$self->{pending}};
# If current block is not normalized:
# - Text nodes cannot be modified (no wrapping or indent). Flush
# text as is without adding a break or indent.
# If current block is normalized:
# - Add a break.
# - If line wrap is disabled:
# - Add indent if there is a break. (If there isn't a break, text
# should immediately follow preceding tag, so don't add indent.)
# - Add text without wrapping
# - If line wrap is enabled:
# - First line indent is 0 if there is no break. (Text immediately
# follows preceding tag.) Otherwise first line indent is same as
# prevailing indent.
# - Any subsequent lines get the prevailing indent.
# After flushing text, advance break type to element-break.
my $s = "";
if (!$self->block_normalize ())
$s .= join ("", @{$self->{pending}});
$self->emit_break (0);
my $wrap_len = $self->block_wrap_length ();
my $break_value = $self->block_break_value ();
if ($wrap_len <= 0)
$s .= " " x $indent if $break_value > 0;
$s .= join ("", @{$self->{pending}});
my $first_indent = ($break_value > 0 ? $indent : 0);
# Wrap lines, then join by newlines (don't add one at end)
my @lines = $self->line_wrap ($self->{pending},
$s .= join ("\n", @lines);
$self->add_to_doc ($s);
$self->{pending} = [ ];
$self->set_block_break_type ("element-break");
# Perform line-wrapping of string array to lines no longer than given
# length (including indent).
# Any word longer than line length appears by itself on line.
# Return array of lines (not newline-terminated).
# $strs - reference to array of text items to be joined and line-wrapped.
# Each item may be:
# - A tag (such as <emphasis role="bold">). This should be treated as
# an atomic unit, which is important for preserving inline tags intact.
# - A possibly multi-word string (such as "This is a string"). In this
# latter case, line-wrapping preserves internal whitespace in the
# string, with the exception that if whitespace would be placed at
# the end of a line, it is discarded.
# $first_indent - indent for first line
# $rest_indent - indent for any remaining lines
# $max_len - maximum length of output lines (including indent)
sub line_wrap
my ($self, $strs, $first_indent, $rest_indent, $max_len) = @_;
# First, tokenize the strings
my @words = ();
foreach my $str (@{$strs})
if ($str =~ /^</)
# String is a tag; treat as atomic unit and don't split
push (@words, $str);
# String of white and non-white tokens.
# Tokenize into white and non-white tokens.
push (@words, ($str =~ /\S+|\s+/g));
# Now merge tokens that are not separated by whitespace tokens. For
# example, "<i>", "word", "</i>" gets merged to "<i>word</i>". But
# "<i>", " ", "word", " ", "</i>" gets left as separate tokens.
my @words2 = ();
foreach my $word (@words)
# If there is a previous word that does not end with whitespace,
# and the currrent word does not begin with whitespace, concatenate
# current word to previous word. Otherwise append current word to
# end of list of words.
if (@words2 && $words2[$#words2] !~ /\s$/ && $word !~ /^\s/)
$words2[$#words2] .= $word;
push (@words2, $word);
my @lines = ();
my $line = "";
my $llen = 0;
# set the indent for the first line
my $indent = $first_indent;
# saved-up whitespace to put before next non-white word
my $white = "";
foreach my $word (@words2) # ... while words remain to wrap
# If word is whitespace, save it. It gets added before next
# word if no line-break occurs.
if ($word =~ /^\s/)
$white .= $word;
my $wlen = length ($word);
if ($llen == 0)
# New output line; it gets at least one word (discard any
# saved whitespace)
$line = " " x $indent . $word;
$llen = $indent + $wlen;
$indent = $rest_indent;
$white = "";
if ($llen + length ($white) + $wlen > $max_len)
# Word (plus saved whitespace) won't fit on current line.
# Begin new line (discard any saved whitespace).
push (@lines, $line);
$line = " " x $indent . $word;
$llen = $indent + $wlen;
$indent = $rest_indent;
$white = "";
# add word to current line with saved whitespace between
$line .= $white . $word;
$llen += length ($white) + $wlen;
$white = "";
# push remaining line, if any
push (@lines, $line) if $line ne "";
return @lines;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Begin main program
package main;
my $usage = <<EOF;
Usage: $PROG_NAME [options] xml-file
--help, -h
Print this message and exit.
--backup suffix -b suffix
Back up the input document, adding suffix to the input
filename to create the backup filename.
Proceed only as far as the document canonization stage,
printing the result.
Parse the document into tokens and verify that their
concatenation is identical to the original input document.
This option suppresses further document processing.
--config-file file_name, -f file_name
Specify the configuration filename. If no file is named,
xmlformat uses the file named by the environment variable
XMLFORMAT_CONF, if it exists, or ./xmlformat.conf, if it
exists. Otherwise, xmlformat uses built-in formatting
--in-place, -i
Format the document in place, replacing the contents of
the input file with the reformatted document. (It's a
good idea to use --backup along with this option.)
Show configuration options after reading configuration
file. This option suppresses document processing.
Show elements that are used in the document but for
which no options were specified in the configuration
file. This option suppresses document output.
--verbose, -v
Be verbose about processing stages.
--version, -V
Show version information and exit.
# Variables for command line options; most are undefined initially.
my $help;
my $backup_suffix;
my $conf_file;
my $canonize_only;
my $check_parser;
my $in_place;
my $show_conf;
my $show_unconf_elts;
my $show_version;
my $verbose;
GetOptions (
# =i means an integer argument is required after the option
# =s means a string argument is required after the option
# :s means a string argument is optional after the option
"help|h" => \$help, # print help message
"backup|b=s" => \$backup_suffix, # make backup using suffix
"canonized-output" => \$canonize_only, # print canonized document
"check-parser" => \$check_parser, # verify parser integrity
"config-file|f=s" => \$conf_file, # config file
"in-place|i" => \$in_place, # format in place
"show-config" => \$show_conf, # show configuration file
# need better name
"show-unconfigured-elements" => \$show_unconf_elts, # show unconfigured elements
"verbose|v" => \$verbose, # be verbose
"version|V" => \$show_version, # show version info
) or do { print "$usage\n"; exit (1); };
if (defined ($help))
print "$usage\n";
exit (0);
if (defined ($show_version))
print "$PROG_NAME $PROG_VERSION ($PROG_LANG version)\n";
exit (0);
# --in-place option requires a named file
warn "WARNING: --in-place/-i option ignored (requires named input files)\n"
if defined ($in_place) && @ARGV == 0;
# --backup/-b is meaningless without --in-place
if (defined ($backup_suffix))
if (!defined ($in_place))
die "--backup/-b option meaningless without --in-place/-i option\n";
# Save input filenames
my @in_file = @ARGV;
my $xf = XMLFormat->new ();
# If a configuration file was named explicitly, use it. An error occurs
# if the file does not exist.
# If no configuration file was named, fall back to:
# - The file named by the environment variable XMLFORMAT_CONF, if it exists
# - ./xmlformat.conf, if it exists
# If no configuration file can be found at all, the built-in default options
# are used. (These are set up in new().)
my $env_conf_file = $ENV{XMLFORMAT_CONF};
my $def_conf_file = "./xmlformat.conf";
# If no config file was named, but XMLFORMAT_CONF is set, use its value
# as the config file name.
if (!defined ($conf_file))
$conf_file = $env_conf_file if defined ($env_conf_file);
# If config file still isn't defined, use the default file if it exists.
if (!defined ($conf_file))
if (-r $def_conf_file && ! -d $def_conf_file)
$conf_file = $def_conf_file;
if (defined ($conf_file))
warn "Reading configuration file...\n" if $verbose;
die "Configuration file '$conf_file' is not readable.\n" if ! -r $conf_file;
die "Configuration file '$conf_file' is a directory.\n" if -d $conf_file;
$xf->read_config ($conf_file)
if ($show_conf) # show configuration and exit
$xf->display_config ();
my ($in_doc, $out_doc);
# Process arguments.
# - If no files named, read string, write to stdout.
# - If files named, read and process each one. Write output to stdout
# unless --in-place option was given. Make backup of original file
# if --backup option was given.
if (@ARGV == 0)
warn "Reading document...\n" if $verbose;
local $/ = undef;
$in_doc = <>; # slurp input document as single string
$out_doc = $xf->process_doc ($in_doc,
$verbose, $check_parser, $canonize_only, $show_unconf_elts);
if (defined ($out_doc))
warn "Writing output document...\n" if $verbose;
print $out_doc;
foreach my $file (@ARGV)
warn "Reading document $file...\n" if $verbose;
open (IN, $file)
or die "Cannot read $file: $!\n";
local $/ = undef;
$in_doc = <IN>; # slurp input document as single string
close (IN);
$out_doc = $xf->process_doc ($in_doc,
$verbose, $check_parser, $canonize_only, $show_unconf_elts);
next unless defined ($out_doc);
if (defined ($in_place))
if (defined ($backup_suffix))
warn "Making backup of $file to $file$backup_suffix...\n" if $verbose;
rename ($file, $file . $backup_suffix)
or die "Could not rename $file to $file$backup_suffix: $!\n";
warn "Writing output document to $file...\n" if $verbose;
open (OUT, ">$file") or die "Cannot write to $file: $!\n";
print OUT $out_doc;
close (OUT);
warn "Writing output document...\n" if $verbose;
print $out_doc;
warn "Done!\n" if $verbose;
exit (0);