
307 lines
10 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Paul Davis
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# This file generates the header signals_generated.h, which
# will be put in build/libs/pbd/pbd by waf.
# It is probably easier to read build/libs/pbd/pbd/signals_generated.h
# than this if you want to read the code!
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Syntax: %s <path>' % sys.argv[0])
f = open(sys.argv[1], 'w')
print("/** THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED by signals.py: CHANGES WILL BE LOST */\n", file=f)
# Produce a comma-separated string from a list of substrings,
# giving an optional prefix to each substring
def comma_separated(n, prefix = ""):
r = ""
for i in range(0, len(n)):
if i > 0:
r += ", "
r += "%s%s" % (prefix, n[i])
return r
# Generate one SignalN class definition
# @param f File to write to
# @param n Number of parameters
# @param v True to specialize the template for a void return type
def signal(f, n, v):
# The parameters in the form A1, A2, A3, ...
An = []
for i in range(0, n):
An.append("A%d" % (i + 1))
# The parameters in the form A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, ...
Anan = []
for a in An:
Anan.append('%s %s' % (a, a.lower()))
# The parameters in the form a1, a2, a3, ...
an = []
for a in An:
# If the template is fully specialized, use of typename SomeTypedef::iterator is illegal
# in c++03 (should use just SomeTypedef::iterator) [although use of typename is ok in c++0x]
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6076015/typename-outside-of-template
if n == 0 and v:
typename = ""
typename = "typename "
if v:
print("/** A signal with %d parameters (specialisation for a void return) */" % n, file=f)
print("/** A signal with %d parameters */" % n, file=f)
if v:
print("template <%s>" % comma_separated(An, "typename "), file=f)
print("class Signal%d<%s> : public SignalBase" % (n, comma_separated(["void"] + An)), file=f)
print("template <%s>" % comma_separated(["R"] + An + ["C = OptionalLastValue<R> "], "typename "), file=f)
print("class Signal%d : public SignalBase" % n, file=f)
print("{", file=f)
print("public:", file=f)
print("", file=f)
if v:
print("\ttypedef boost::function<void(%s)> slot_function_type;" % comma_separated(An), file=f)
print("\ttypedef void result_type;", file=f)
print("\ttypedef boost::function<R(%s)> slot_function_type;" % comma_separated(An), file=f)
print("\ttypedef boost::optional<R> result_type;", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print("private:", file=f)
/** The slots that this signal will call on emission */
typedef std::map<boost::shared_ptr<Connection>, slot_function_type> Slots;
Slots _slots;
""", file=f)
print("public:", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print("\t~Signal%d () {" % n, file=f)
print("\t\tGlib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lm (_mutex);", file=f)
print("\t\t/* Tell our connection objects that we are going away, so they don't try to call us */", file=f)
print("\t\tfor (%sSlots::iterator i = _slots.begin(); i != _slots.end(); ++i) {" % typename, file=f)
print("\t\t\ti->first->signal_going_away ();", file=f)
print("\t\t}", file=f)
print("\t}", file=f)
print("", file=f)
if n == 0:
p = ""
q = ""
p = ", %s" % comma_separated(Anan)
q = ", %s" % comma_separated(an)
print("\tstatic void compositor (%sboost::function<void(%s)> f, EventLoop* event_loop, EventLoop::InvalidationRecord* ir%s) {" % (typename, comma_separated(An), p), file=f)
print("\t\tevent_loop->call_slot (ir, boost::bind (f%s));" % q, file=f)
print("\t}", file=f)
/** Arrange for @a slot to be executed whenever this signal is emitted.
Store the connection that represents this arrangement in @a c.
NOTE: @a slot will be executed in the same thread that the signal is
emitted in.
void connect_same_thread (ScopedConnection& c, const slot_function_type& slot) {
c = _connect (slot);
/** Arrange for @a slot to be executed whenever this signal is emitted.
Add the connection that represents this arrangement to @a clist.
NOTE: @a slot will be executed in the same thread that the signal is
emitted in.
void connect_same_thread (ScopedConnectionList& clist, const slot_function_type& slot) {
clist.add_connection (_connect (slot));
/** Arrange for @a slot to be executed in the context of @a event_loop
whenever this signal is emitted. Add the connection that represents
this arrangement to @a clist.
If the event loop/thread in which @a slot will be executed will
outlive the lifetime of any object referenced in @a slot,
then an InvalidationRecord should be passed, allowing
any request sent to the @a event_loop and not executed
before the object is destroyed to be marked invalid.
"outliving the lifetime" doesn't have a specific, detailed meaning,
but is best illustrated by two contrasting examples:
1) the main GUI event loop/thread - this will outlive more or
less all objects in the application, and thus when arranging for
@a slot to be called in that context, an invalidation record is
highly advisable.
2) a secondary event loop/thread which will be destroyed along
with the objects that are typically referenced by @a slot.
Assuming that the event loop is stopped before the objects are
destroyed, there is no reason to pass in an invalidation record,
and MISSING_INVALIDATOR may be used.
void connect (ScopedConnectionList& clist,
PBD::EventLoop::InvalidationRecord* ir,
const slot_function_type& slot,
PBD::EventLoop* event_loop) {
if (ir) {
ir->event_loop = event_loop;
""", file=f)
u = []
for i in range(0, n):
u.append("_%d" % (i + 1))
if n == 0:
p = ""
p = ", %s" % comma_separated(u)
print("\t\tclist.add_connection (_connect (boost::bind (&compositor, slot, event_loop, ir%s)));" % p, file=f)
/** See notes for the ScopedConnectionList variant of this function. This
* differs in that it stores the connection to the signal in a single
* ScopedConnection rather than a ScopedConnectionList.
void connect (ScopedConnection& c,
PBD::EventLoop::InvalidationRecord* ir,
const slot_function_type& slot,
PBD::EventLoop* event_loop) {
if (ir) {
ir->event_loop = event_loop;
""", file=f)
print("\t\tc = _connect (boost::bind (&compositor, slot, event_loop, ir%s));" % p, file=f)
print("\t}", file=f)
/** Emit this signal. This will cause all slots connected to it be executed
in the order that they were connected (cross-thread issues may alter
the precise execution time of cross-thread slots).
""", file=f)
if v:
print("\tvoid operator() (%s)" % comma_separated(Anan), file=f)
print("\ttypename C::result_type operator() (%s)" % comma_separated(Anan), file=f)
print("\t{", file=f)
print("\t\t/* First, take a copy of our list of slots as it is now */", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print("\t\tSlots s;", file=f)
print("\t\t{", file=f)
print("\t\t\tGlib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lm (_mutex);", file=f)
print("\t\t\ts = _slots;", file=f)
print("\t\t}", file=f)
print("", file=f)
if not v:
print("\t\tstd::list<R> r;", file=f)
print("\t\tfor (%sSlots::iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) {" % typename, file=f)
/* We may have just called a slot, and this may have resulted in
disconnection of other slots from us. The list copy means that
this won't cause any problems with invalidated iterators, but we
must check to see if the slot we are about to call is still on the list.
bool still_there = false;
Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lm (_mutex);
still_there = _slots.find (i->first) != _slots.end ();
if (still_there) {""", file=f)
if v:
print("\t\t\t\t(i->second)(%s);" % comma_separated(an), file=f)
print("\t\t\t\tr.push_back ((i->second)(%s));" % comma_separated(an), file=f)
print("\t\t\t}", file=f)
print("\t\t}", file=f)
print("", file=f)
if not v:
print("\t\t/* Call our combiner to do whatever is required to the result values */", file=f)
print("\t\tC c;", file=f)
print("\t\treturn c (r.begin(), r.end());", file=f)
print("\t}", file=f)
bool empty () {
Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lm (_mutex);
return _slots.empty ();
""", file=f)
if v:
tp = comma_separated(["void"] + An)
tp = comma_separated(["R"] + An + ["C"])
print("private:", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print("\tfriend class Connection;", file=f)
boost::shared_ptr<Connection> _connect (slot_function_type f)
boost::shared_ptr<Connection> c (new Connection (this));
Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lm (_mutex);
_slots[c] = f;
return c;
}""", file=f)
void disconnect (boost::shared_ptr<Connection> c)
Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lm (_mutex);
_slots.erase (c);
""", file=f)
for i in range(0, 6):
signal(f, i, False)
signal(f, i, True)