
63 lines
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// Project : VST SDK
// Category : Interfaces
// Filename : pluginterfaces/vst/ivstplugview.h
// Created by : Steinberg, 01/2009
// Description : Plug-in User Interface Extension
// This file is part of a Steinberg SDK. It is subject to the license terms
// in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution
// and at www.steinberg.net/sdklicenses.
// No part of the SDK, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated,
// or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "pluginterfaces/base/funknown.h"
#include "vsttypes.h"
#include "pluginterfaces/base/falignpush.h"
namespace Steinberg {
namespace Vst {
// IParameterFinder Interface
/** Extension for IPlugView to find view parameters (lookup value under mouse support)
\ingroup pluginGUI vst302
- [plug imp]
- [extends IPlugView]
- [released: 3.0.2]
- [optional]
It is highly recommended to implement this interface.
A host can implement important functionality when a plug-in supports this interface.
For example, all Steinberg hosts require this interface in order to support the "AI Knob".
class IParameterFinder: public FUnknown
/** Find out which parameter in Plug-in view is at given position (relative to Plug-in view). */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API findParameter (int32 xPos, int32 yPos, ParamID& resultTag /*out*/) = 0;
static const FUID iid;
DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IParameterFinder, 0x0F618302, 0x215D4587, 0xA512073C, 0x77B9D383)
} // namespace Vst
} // namespace Steinberg
#include "pluginterfaces/base/falignpop.h"