Paul Davis f147846863 add ability to save current action sensitivities and restore them, and to disable all action sensitivity.
This is needed to be able to lock the application fully on OS X, where the global menu bar would still allow interaction
even when a modal dialog is displayed.
2014-06-24 09:56:16 -04:00

506 lines
12 KiB

Copyright (C) 2005 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <stack>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <gtk/gtkaccelmap.h>
#include <gtk/gtkuimanager.h>
#include <gtk/gtkactiongroup.h>
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include <gtkmm/accelmap.h>
#include <gtkmm/uimanager.h>
#include "pbd/error.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/actions.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h"
#include "i18n.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace Glib;
using namespace sigc;
using namespace PBD;
using namespace Gtkmm2ext;
RefPtr<UIManager> ActionManager::ui_manager;
string ActionManager::unbound_string = "--";
ActionManager::register_action (RefPtr<ActionGroup> group, const char * name, const char * label, slot<void> sl)
RefPtr<Action> act;
act = Action::create (name, label);
group->add (act, sl);
return act;
ActionManager::register_action (RefPtr<ActionGroup> group, const char * name, const char * label)
RefPtr<Action> act;
act = Action::create (name, label);
group->add (act);
return act;
ActionManager::register_radio_action (RefPtr<ActionGroup> group, RadioAction::Group& rgroup, const char * name, const char * label, slot<void> sl)
RefPtr<Action> act;
act = RadioAction::create (rgroup, name, label);
group->add (act, sl);
return act;
ActionManager::register_radio_action (
RefPtr<ActionGroup> group, RadioAction::Group& rgroup, string const & name, string const & label, string const & tooltip, slot<void> sl
RefPtr<Action> act;
act = RadioAction::create (rgroup, name, label, tooltip);
group->add (act, sl);
return act;
ActionManager::register_toggle_action (RefPtr<ActionGroup> group, const char * name, const char * label, slot<void> sl)
RefPtr<Action> act;
act = ToggleAction::create (name, label);
group->add (act, sl);
return act;
ActionManager::register_toggle_action (RefPtr<ActionGroup> group, string const & name, string const & label, string const & tooltip, slot<void> sl)
RefPtr<Action> act;
act = ToggleAction::create (name, label, tooltip);
group->add (act, sl);
return act;
ActionManager::lookup_entry (const ustring accel_path, Gtk::AccelKey& key)
GtkAccelKey gkey;
bool known = gtk_accel_map_lookup_entry (accel_path.c_str(), &gkey);
if (known) {
key = AccelKey (gkey.accel_key, Gdk::ModifierType (gkey.accel_mods));
} else {
key = AccelKey (GDK_VoidSymbol, Gdk::ModifierType (0));
return known;
struct SortActionsByLabel {
bool operator() (Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> a, Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> b) {
ustring astr = a->get_accel_path();
ustring bstr = b->get_accel_path();
return astr < bstr;
ActionManager::get_all_actions (vector<string>& groups, vector<string>& names, vector<string>& tooltips, vector<AccelKey>& bindings)
/* the C++ API for functions used here appears to be broken in
gtkmm2.6, so we fall back to the C level.
GList* list = gtk_ui_manager_get_action_groups (ui_manager->gobj());
GList* node;
GList* acts;
for (node = list; node; node = g_list_next (node)) {
GtkActionGroup* group = (GtkActionGroup*) node->data;
/* first pass: collect them all */
typedef std::list<Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> > action_list;
action_list the_acts;
for (acts = gtk_action_group_list_actions (group); acts; acts = g_list_next (acts)) {
GtkAction* action = (GtkAction*) acts->data;
the_acts.push_back (Glib::wrap (action, true));
/* now sort by label */
SortActionsByLabel cmp;
the_acts.sort (cmp);
for (action_list::iterator a = the_acts.begin(); a != the_acts.end(); ++a) {
string accel_path = (*a)->get_accel_path ();
groups.push_back (gtk_action_group_get_name(group));
names.push_back (accel_path.substr (accel_path.find_last_of ('/') + 1));
tooltips.push_back ((*a)->get_tooltip ());
AccelKey key;
lookup_entry (accel_path, key);
bindings.push_back (AccelKey (key.get_key(), Gdk::ModifierType (key.get_mod())));
ActionManager::get_all_actions (vector<string>& names, vector<string>& paths, vector<string>& tooltips, vector<string>& keys, vector<AccelKey>& bindings)
/* the C++ API for functions used here appears to be broken in
gtkmm2.6, so we fall back to the C level.
GList* list = gtk_ui_manager_get_action_groups (ui_manager->gobj());
GList* node;
GList* acts;
for (node = list; node; node = g_list_next (node)) {
GtkActionGroup* group = (GtkActionGroup*) node->data;
/* first pass: collect them all */
typedef std::list<Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> > action_list;
action_list the_acts;
for (acts = gtk_action_group_list_actions (group); acts; acts = g_list_next (acts)) {
GtkAction* action = (GtkAction*) acts->data;
the_acts.push_back (Glib::wrap (action, true));
/* now sort by label */
SortActionsByLabel cmp;
the_acts.sort (cmp);
for (action_list::iterator a = the_acts.begin(); a != the_acts.end(); ++a) {
ustring const label = (*a)->property_label ();
string const accel_path = (*a)->get_accel_path ();
names.push_back (label);
paths.push_back (accel_path);
tooltips.push_back ((*a)->get_tooltip ());
AccelKey key;
keys.push_back (get_key_representation (accel_path, key));
bindings.push_back (AccelKey (key.get_key(), Gdk::ModifierType (key.get_mod())));
struct ActionState {
GtkAction* action;
bool sensitive;
ActionState (GtkAction* a, bool s) : action (a), sensitive (s) {}
typedef std::vector<ActionState> ActionStates;
static std::stack<boost::shared_ptr<ActionStates> > state_stack;
static boost::shared_ptr<ActionStates>
get_action_state ()
boost::shared_ptr<ActionStates> state = boost::shared_ptr<ActionStates>(new ActionStates);
/* the C++ API for functions used here appears to be broken in
gtkmm2.6, so we fall back to the C level.
GList* list = gtk_ui_manager_get_action_groups (ActionManager::ui_manager->gobj());
GList* node;
GList* acts;
for (node = list; node; node = g_list_next (node)) {
GtkActionGroup* group = (GtkActionGroup*) node->data;
/* first pass: collect them all */
typedef std::list<Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> > action_list;
action_list the_acts;
for (acts = gtk_action_group_list_actions (group); acts; acts = g_list_next (acts)) {
GtkAction* action = (GtkAction*) acts->data;
state->push_back (ActionState (action, gtk_action_get_sensitive (action)));
return state;
ActionManager::push_action_state ()
state_stack.push (get_action_state());
ActionManager::pop_action_state ()
if (state_stack.empty()) {
warning << string_compose (_("programming error: %1"), X_("ActionManager::pop_action_state called with empty stack")) << endmsg;
boost::shared_ptr<ActionStates> as = state_stack.top ();
state_stack.pop ();
for (ActionStates::iterator i = as->begin(); i != as->end(); ++i) {
gtk_action_set_sensitive ((*i).action, (*i).sensitive);
ActionManager::disable_all_actions ()
push_action_state ();
boost::shared_ptr<ActionStates> as = state_stack.top ();
for (ActionStates::iterator i = as->begin(); i != as->end(); ++i) {
gtk_action_set_sensitive ((*i).action, false);
ActionManager::add_action_group (RefPtr<ActionGroup> grp)
ui_manager->insert_action_group (grp);
ActionManager::get_widget (const char * name)
return ui_manager->get_widget (name);
ActionManager::get_action (const char* path)
if (!path) {
return RefPtr<Action>();
/* Skip <Actions>/ in path */
int len = strlen (path);
if (len < 3) {
/* shortest possible path: "a/b" */
return RefPtr<Action>();
if (len > 10 && !strncmp (path, "<Actions>/", 10 )) {
path = path+10;
} else if (path[0] == '/') {
vector<char> copy(len+1);
strcpy (&copy[0], path);
char* slash = strchr (&copy[0], '/');
if (!slash) {
return RefPtr<Action> ();
*slash = '\0';
return get_action (&copy[0], ++slash);
ActionManager::get_action (const char* group_name, const char* action_name)
/* the C++ API for functions used here appears to be broken in
gtkmm2.6, so we fall back to the C level.
if (ui_manager == 0) {
return RefPtr<Action> ();
GList* list = gtk_ui_manager_get_action_groups (ui_manager->gobj());
GList* node;
RefPtr<Action> act;
for (node = list; node; node = g_list_next (node)) {
GtkActionGroup* _ag = (GtkActionGroup*) node->data;
if (strcmp (group_name, gtk_action_group_get_name (_ag)) == 0) {
GtkAction* _act;
if ((_act = gtk_action_group_get_action (_ag, action_name)) != 0) {
act = Glib::wrap (_act, true);
return act;
ActionManager::get_action_from_name (const char* name)
/* the C++ API for functions used here appears to be broken in
gtkmm2.6, so we fall back to the C level.
GList* list = gtk_ui_manager_get_action_groups (ui_manager->gobj());
GList* node;
GList* acts;
for (node = list; node; node = g_list_next (node)) {
GtkActionGroup* group = (GtkActionGroup*) node->data;
for (acts = gtk_action_group_list_actions (group); acts; acts = g_list_next (acts)) {
GtkAction* action = (GtkAction*) acts->data;
if (!strcmp (gtk_action_get_name (action), name)) {
return Glib::wrap (action, true);
return RefPtr<Action>();
ActionManager::set_sensitive (vector<RefPtr<Action> >& actions, bool state)
for (vector<RefPtr<Action> >::iterator i = actions.begin(); i != actions.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->set_sensitive (state);
ActionManager::check_toggleaction (string n)
set_toggleaction_state (n, true);
ActionManager::uncheck_toggleaction (string n)
set_toggleaction_state (n, false);
ActionManager::set_toggleaction_state (string n, bool s)
char const * name = n.c_str ();
const char *last_slash = strrchr (name, '/');
if (last_slash == 0) {
fatal << string_compose ("programmer error: %1 %2", "illegal toggle action name", name) << endmsg;
/* 10 = strlen ("<Actions>/") */
size_t len = last_slash - (name + 10);
char* group_name = new char[len+1];
memcpy (group_name, name + 10, len);
group_name[len] = '\0';
const char* action_name = last_slash + 1;
RefPtr<Action> act = get_action (group_name, action_name);
if (act) {
RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(act);
tact->set_active (s);
} else {
error << string_compose (_("Unknown action name: %1"), name) << endmsg;
delete [] group_name;
ActionManager::get_key_representation (const string& accel_path, AccelKey& key)
bool known = lookup_entry (accel_path, key);
if (known) {
uint32_t k = possibly_translate_legal_accelerator_to_real_key (key.get_key());
key = AccelKey (k, Gdk::ModifierType (key.get_mod()));
return ui_manager->get_accel_group()->get_label (key.get_key(), Gdk::ModifierType (key.get_mod()));
return unbound_string;
ActionManager::do_action (const char* group, const char*action)
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (group, action);
if (act) {
act->activate ();
ActionManager::set_toggle_action (const char* group, const char*action, bool yn)
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (group, action);
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic (act);
if (tact) {
tact->set_active (yn);