Paul Davis 1d6c2a946d second attempt at fixing the launchpad pro port name mess
It turns out that slightly older versions of ALSA create different "pretty"
port names for USB MIDI devices than slightly newer ones. The new versions
use names that match those seen on other platforms.

This means that to do port matching on Linux now requires a regexp
to match the possible alternatives. This matters much more for the LPP,
which has 3 input ports and 3 output ports, than it does for most devices
that have a single input and single output, and we can "find" the ports
just using simple string searching
2023-10-13 21:16:27 -06:00

483 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Paul Davis <paul@linuxaudiosystems.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#ifndef __ardour_lppro_h__
#define __ardour_lppro_h__
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <stack>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <libusb.h>
#include "pbd/abstract_ui.h"
#include "midi++/types.h"
#include "ardour/mode.h"
#include "ardour/types.h"
#include "control_protocol/control_protocol.h"
#include "control_protocol/types.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/colors.h"
#include "midi_surface/midi_byte_array.h"
#include "midi_surface/midi_surface.h"
namespace MIDI {
class Parser;
class Port;
namespace ARDOUR {
class AutomationControl;
class Port;
class MidiBuffer;
class MidiTrack;
class Trigger;
namespace ArdourSurface {
class LPPRO_GUI;
class LaunchPadPro : public MIDISurface
/* use hex for these constants, because we'll see them (as note numbers
and CC numbers) in hex within MIDI messages when debugging.
enum PadID {
/* top */
Shift = 0x5a,
Left = 0x5b,
Right = 0x5c,
Session = 0x5d,
Note = 0x5e,
Chord = 0x5f,
Custom = 0x60,
Sequencer = 0x61,
Projects = 0x62,
/* right side */
Patterns = 0x59,
Steps = 0x4f,
PatternSettings = 0x45,
Velocity = 0x3b,
Probability = 0x31,
Mutation = 0x27,
MicroStep = 0x1d,
PrintToClip = 0x13,
/* lower bottom */
StopClip = 0x8,
Device = 0x7,
Sends = 0x6,
Pan = 0x5,
Volume = 0x4,
Solo = 0x3,
Mute = 0x2,
RecordArm = 0x1,
/* left side */
CaptureMIDI = 0xa,
Play = 0x14,
FixedLength = 0x1e,
Quantize = 0x28,
Duplicate = 0x32,
Clear = 0x3c,
Down = 0x46,
Up = 0x50,
/* upper bottom */
Lower1 = 0x65,
Lower2 = 0x66,
Lower3 = 0x67,
Lower4 = 0x68,
Lower5 = 0x69,
Lower6 = 0x6a,
Lower7 = 0x6b,
Lower8 = 0x6c,
/* Logo */
Logo = 0x63
bool light_logo();
void all_pads_out ();
static const PadID all_pad_ids[];
LaunchPadPro (ARDOUR::Session&);
~LaunchPadPro ();
static bool available ();
static bool match_usb (uint16_t, uint16_t);
static bool probe (std::string&, std::string&);
std::string input_port_name () const;
std::string output_port_name () const;
bool has_editor () const { return true; }
void* get_gui () const;
void tear_down_gui ();
int set_active (bool yn);
XMLNode& get_state() const;
int set_state (const XMLNode & node, int version);
enum DeviceMode {
enum Layout {
enum FaderBank {
static const Layout AllLayouts[];
struct Pad {
enum ColorMode {
Static = 0x0,
Flashing = 0x1,
Pulsing = 0x2
typedef void (LaunchPadPro::*ButtonMethod)(Pad&);
typedef void (LaunchPadPro::*PadMethod)(Pad&, int velocity);
Pad (PadID pid, ButtonMethod press_method, ButtonMethod long_press_method = &LaunchPadPro::relax, ButtonMethod release_method = &LaunchPadPro::relax)
: id (pid)
, x (-1)
, y (-1)
on_press = press_method;
on_release = release_method;
on_long_press = long_press_method;
Pad (int pid, int xx, int yy, PadMethod press_method, ButtonMethod long_press_method = &LaunchPadPro::relax, ButtonMethod release_method = &LaunchPadPro::relax)
: id (pid)
, x (xx)
, y (yy)
on_pad_press = press_method;
on_release = release_method;
on_long_press = long_press_method;
MIDI::byte status_byte() const { if (x < 0) return 0xb0; return 0x90; }
bool is_pad () const { return x >= 0; }
bool is_button () const { return x < 0; }
int id;
int x;
int y;
/* It's either a button (CC number) or a pad (note number
* w/velocity info), never both.
union {
ButtonMethod on_press;
PadMethod on_pad_press;
ButtonMethod on_release;
ButtonMethod on_long_press;
sigc::connection timeout_connection;
void relax (Pad& p);
std::set<int> consumed;
MIDI::byte logo_color;
int scroll_x_offset;
int scroll_y_offset;
typedef std::pair<int32_t,int32_t> StripableSlot;
typedef std::vector<StripableSlot> StripableSlotRow;
typedef std::vector<StripableSlotRow> StripableSlotColumn;
StripableSlotColumn stripable_slots;
StripableSlot get_stripable_slot (int x, int y) const;
typedef std::map<int,Pad> PadMap;
PadMap pad_map;
void build_pad_map();
Pad* pad_by_id (int pid);
typedef std::map<int,uint32_t> ColorMap;
ColorMap color_map;
void build_color_map ();
int find_closest_palette_color (uint32_t);
typedef std::map<uint32_t,int> NearestMap;
NearestMap nearest_map;
int begin_using_device ();
int stop_using_device ();
int device_acquire () { return 0; }
void device_release () { }
void run_event_loop ();
void stop_event_loop ();
void stripable_selection_changed ();
void select_stripable (int col);
std::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::MidiTrack> _current_pad_target;
void light_pad (int pad_id, int color, int mode = 0);
void pad_off (int pad_id);
void all_pads_off ();
void all_pads_on (int color);
void set_device_mode (DeviceMode);
void set_layout (Layout, int page = 0);
void handle_midi_controller_message (MIDI::Parser&, MIDI::EventTwoBytes*);
void handle_midi_note_on_message (MIDI::Parser&, MIDI::EventTwoBytes*);
void handle_midi_note_off_message (MIDI::Parser&, MIDI::EventTwoBytes*);
void handle_midi_sysex (MIDI::Parser&, MIDI::byte *, size_t count);
MIDI::Port* _daw_in_port;
MIDI::Port* _daw_out_port;
std::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> _daw_in;
std::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> _daw_out;
void port_registration_handler ();
int ports_acquire ();
void ports_release ();
void connect_daw_ports ();
void daw_write (const MidiByteArray&);
void daw_write (MIDI::byte const *, size_t);
void reconnect_for_programmer ();
void reconnect_for_session ();
void scroll_text (std::string const &, int color, bool loop, float speed = 0);
mutable LPPRO_GUI* _gui;
void build_gui ();
Layout _current_layout;
bool pad_filter (ARDOUR::MidiBuffer& in, ARDOUR::MidiBuffer& out) const;
void maybe_start_press_timeout (Pad& pad);
void start_press_timeout (Pad& pad);
bool long_press_timeout (int pad_id);
bool _shift_pressed;
bool _clear_pressed;
bool _duplicate_pressed;
bool _session_pressed;
void cue_press (Pad&, int row);
/* named pad methods */
void shift_press (Pad&);
void shift_release (Pad&);
void shift_long_press (Pad&) {}
void left_press (Pad&);
void left_release (Pad&) {}
void left_long_press (Pad&) {}
void right_press (Pad&);
void right_release (Pad&) {}
void right_long_press (Pad&) {}
void session_press (Pad&);
void session_release (Pad&);
void session_long_press (Pad&) {}
void note_press (Pad&);
void note_release (Pad&) {}
void note_long_press (Pad&) {}
void chord_press (Pad&);
void chord_release (Pad&) {}
void chord_long_press (Pad&) {}
void custom_press (Pad&);
void custom_release (Pad&) {}
void custom_long_press (Pad&) {}
void sequencer_press (Pad&);
void sequencer_release (Pad&) {}
void sequencer_long_press (Pad&) {}
void projects_press (Pad&);
void projects_release (Pad&) {}
void projects_long_press (Pad&) {}
void patterns_press (Pad&);
void patterns_release (Pad&) {}
void patterns_long_press (Pad&) {}
void steps_press (Pad&);
void steps_release (Pad&) {}
void steps_long_press (Pad&) {}
void pattern_settings_press (Pad&);
void pattern_settings_release (Pad&) {}
void pattern_settings_long_press (Pad&) {}
void velocity_press (Pad&);
void velocity_release (Pad&) {}
void velocity_long_press (Pad&) {}
void probability_press (Pad&);
void probability_release (Pad&) {}
void probability_long_press (Pad&) {}
void mutation_press (Pad&);
void mutation_release (Pad&) {}
void mutation_long_press (Pad&) {}
void microstep_press (Pad&);
void microstep_release (Pad&) {}
void microstep_long_press (Pad&) {}
void print_to_clip_press (Pad&);
void print_to_clip_release (Pad&) {}
void print_to_clip_long_press (Pad&) {}
void stop_clip_press (Pad&);
void stop_clip_release (Pad&) {}
void stop_clip_long_press (Pad&) {}
void device_press (Pad&);
void device_release (Pad&) {}
void device_long_press (Pad&) {}
void sends_press (Pad&);
void sends_release (Pad&) {}
void sends_long_press (Pad&) {}
void pan_press (Pad&);
void pan_release (Pad&) {}
void pan_long_press (Pad&) {}
void volume_press (Pad&);
void volume_release (Pad&) {}
void volume_long_press (Pad&) {}
void solo_press (Pad&);
void solo_release (Pad&) {}
void solo_long_press (Pad&);
void mute_press (Pad&);
void mute_release (Pad&) {}
void mute_long_press (Pad&) {}
void record_arm_press (Pad&);
void record_arm_release (Pad&) {}
void record_arm_long_press (Pad&) {}
void capture_midi_press (Pad&);
void capture_midi_release (Pad&) {}
void capture_midi_long_press (Pad&) {}
void play_press (Pad&);
void play_release (Pad&) {}
void play_long_press (Pad&) {}
void fixed_length_press (Pad&);
void fixed_length_release (Pad&) {}
void fixed_length_long_press (Pad&) {}
void quantize_press (Pad&);
void quantize_release (Pad&) {}
void quantize_long_press (Pad&) {}
void duplicate_press (Pad&);
void duplicate_release (Pad&) {}
void duplicate_long_press (Pad&) {}
void clear_press (Pad&);
void clear_release (Pad&);
void clear_long_press (Pad&) {}
void down_press (Pad&);
void down_release (Pad&) {}
void down_long_press (Pad&) {}
void up_press (Pad&);
void up_release (Pad&) {}
void up_long_press (Pad&) {}
void lower1_press (Pad&);
void lower1_release (Pad&) {}
void lower1_long_press (Pad&) {}
void lower2_press (Pad&);
void lower2_release (Pad&) {}
void lower2_long_press (Pad&) {}
void lower3_press (Pad&);
void lower3_release (Pad&) {}
void lower3_long_press (Pad&) {}
void lower4_press (Pad&);
void lower4_release (Pad&) {}
void lower4_long_press (Pad&) {}
void lower5_press (Pad&);
void lower5_release (Pad&) {}
void lower5_long_press (Pad&) {}
void lower6_press (Pad&);
void lower6_release (Pad&) {}
void lower6_long_press (Pad&) {}
void lower7_press (Pad&);
void lower7_release (Pad&) {}
void lower7_long_press (Pad&) {}
void lower8_press (Pad&);
void lower8_release (Pad&) {}
void lower8_long_press (Pad&) {}
void fader_long_press (Pad&);
void fader_release (Pad&);
void pad_press (Pad&, int velocity);
void pad_long_press (Pad&);
void trigger_property_change (PBD::PropertyChange, ARDOUR::Trigger*);
PBD::ScopedConnectionList trigger_connections;
void display_session_layout ();
bool did_session_display;
void transport_state_changed ();
void record_state_changed ();
void map_triggers ();
void map_triggerbox (int col);
void viewport_changed ();
void route_property_change (PBD::PropertyChange const &, int x);
PBD::ScopedConnectionList route_connections;
void setup_faders (FaderBank);
void map_faders ();
void fader_move (int cc, int val);
void automation_control_change (int n, std::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::AutomationControl>);
PBD::ScopedConnectionList control_connections;
FaderBank current_fader_bank;
bool revert_layout_on_fader_release;
Layout pre_fader_layout;
} /* namespace */
#endif /* __ardour_lppro_h__ */