Robin Gareus 7f3f201833
Remove "i18n.h" include from header - fix builds
i18n alsways needs to be included last. This fixes an ambiguity of "_"

 error: ‘boost::mpl::placeholders::_’ has not been declared
 using mpl::placeholders::_;
2019-09-18 04:15:02 +02:00

971 lines
29 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Sakari Bergen <sakari.bergen@beatwaves.net>
* Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Paul Davis <paul@linuxaudiosystems.com>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Carl Hetherington <carl@carlh.net>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Colin Fletcher <colin.m.fletcher@googlemail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Robin Gareus <robin@gareus.org>
* Copyright (C) 2015 Johannes Mueller <github@johannes-mueller.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include "pbd/gstdio_compat.h"
#include <glibmm.h>
#include <glibmm/convert.h>
#include "pbd/convert.h"
#include "ardour/audioengine.h"
#include "ardour/audiofile_tagger.h"
#include "ardour/audio_port.h"
#include "ardour/debug.h"
#include "ardour/export_graph_builder.h"
#include "ardour/export_handler.h"
#include "ardour/export_timespan.h"
#include "ardour/export_channel_configuration.h"
#include "ardour/export_status.h"
#include "ardour/export_format_specification.h"
#include "ardour/export_filename.h"
#include "ardour/soundcloud_upload.h"
#include "ardour/system_exec.h"
#include "pbd/openuri.h"
#include "pbd/basename.h"
#include "ardour/session_metadata.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace PBD;
namespace ARDOUR
/*** ExportElementFactory ***/
ExportElementFactory::ExportElementFactory (Session & session) :
session (session)
ExportElementFactory::~ExportElementFactory ()
ExportElementFactory::add_timespan ()
return ExportTimespanPtr (new ExportTimespan (session.get_export_status(), session.sample_rate()));
ExportElementFactory::add_channel_config ()
return ExportChannelConfigPtr (new ExportChannelConfiguration (session));
ExportElementFactory::add_format ()
return ExportFormatSpecPtr (new ExportFormatSpecification (session));
ExportElementFactory::add_format (XMLNode const & state)
return ExportFormatSpecPtr (new ExportFormatSpecification (session, state));
ExportElementFactory::add_format_copy (ExportFormatSpecPtr other)
return ExportFormatSpecPtr (new ExportFormatSpecification (*other));
ExportElementFactory::add_filename ()
return ExportFilenamePtr (new ExportFilename (session));
ExportElementFactory::add_filename_copy (ExportFilenamePtr other)
return ExportFilenamePtr (new ExportFilename (*other));
/*** ExportHandler ***/
ExportHandler::ExportHandler (Session & session)
: ExportElementFactory (session)
, session (session)
, graph_builder (new ExportGraphBuilder (session))
, export_status (session.get_export_status ())
, post_processing (false)
, cue_tracknum (0)
, cue_indexnum (0)
ExportHandler::~ExportHandler ()
graph_builder->cleanup (export_status->aborted () );
/** Add an export to the `to-do' list */
ExportHandler::add_export_config (ExportTimespanPtr timespan, ExportChannelConfigPtr channel_config,
ExportFormatSpecPtr format, ExportFilenamePtr filename,
BroadcastInfoPtr broadcast_info)
FileSpec spec (channel_config, format, filename, broadcast_info);
config_map.insert (make_pair (timespan, spec));
return true;
ExportHandler::do_export ()
/* Count timespans */
std::set<ExportTimespanPtr> timespan_set;
for (ConfigMap::iterator it = config_map.begin(); it != config_map.end(); ++it) {
bool new_timespan = timespan_set.insert (it->first).second;
if (new_timespan) {
export_status->total_samples += it->first->get_length();
export_status->total_timespans = timespan_set.size();
if (export_status->total_timespans > 1) {
// always include timespan if there's more than one.
for (ConfigMap::iterator it = config_map.begin(); it != config_map.end(); ++it) {
FileSpec & spec = it->second;
spec.filename->include_timespan = true;
/* Start export */
Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock l (export_status->lock());
start_timespan ();
ExportHandler::start_timespan ()
if (config_map.empty()) {
// freewheeling has to be stopped from outside the process cycle
export_status->set_running (false);
/* finish_timespan pops the config_map entry that has been done, so
this is the timespan to do this time
current_timespan = config_map.begin()->first;
export_status->total_samples_current_timespan = current_timespan->get_length();
export_status->timespan_name = current_timespan->name();
export_status->processed_samples_current_timespan = 0;
/* Register file configurations to graph builder */
/* Here's the config_map entries that use this timespan */
timespan_bounds = config_map.equal_range (current_timespan);
graph_builder->reset ();
graph_builder->set_current_timespan (current_timespan);
bool realtime = current_timespan->realtime ();
bool region_export = true;
for (ConfigMap::iterator it = timespan_bounds.first; it != timespan_bounds.second; ++it) {
// Filenames can be shared across timespans
FileSpec & spec = it->second;
spec.filename->set_timespan (it->first);
switch (spec.channel_config->region_processing_type ()) {
case RegionExportChannelFactory::None:
case RegionExportChannelFactory::Processed:
region_export = false;
graph_builder->add_config (spec, realtime);
// ExportDialog::update_realtime_selection does not allow this
assert (!region_export || !realtime);
/* start export */
post_processing = false;
session.ProcessExport.connect_same_thread (process_connection, boost::bind (&ExportHandler::process, this, _1));
process_position = current_timespan->get_start();
// TODO check if it's a RegionExport.. set flag to skip process_without_events()
session.start_audio_export (process_position, realtime, region_export);
typedef std::map<std::string, int> ExtCountMap;
ExtCountMap counts;
for (ConfigMap::iterator it = timespan_bounds.first; it != timespan_bounds.second; ++it) {
if (it->second.filename->include_channel_config && it->second.channel_config) {
/* stem-export has multiple files in the same timestamp, but a different channel_config for each.
* However channel_config is only set in ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::init_writer()
* so we cannot yet use it->second.filename->get_path(it->second.format).
* We have to explicily check uniqueness of "channel-config + extension" here:
counts[it->second.channel_config->name() + it->second.format->extension()]++;
} else {
bool duplicates_found = false;
for (ExtCountMap::iterator it = counts.begin(); it != counts.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second > 1) { duplicates_found = true; }
// Set this always, as the filenames are shared...
for (ConfigMap::iterator it = timespan_bounds.first; it != timespan_bounds.second; ++it) {
it->second.filename->include_format_name = duplicates_found;
ExportHandler::process (samplecnt_t samples)
if (!export_status->running ()) {
return 0;
} else if (post_processing) {
Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock l (export_status->lock());
if (AudioEngine::instance()->freewheeling ()) {
return post_process ();
} else {
// wait until we're freewheeling
return 0;
} else {
Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock l (export_status->lock());
return process_timespan (samples);
ExportHandler::process_timespan (samplecnt_t samples)
export_status->active_job = ExportStatus::Exporting;
/* update position */
samplecnt_t samples_to_read = 0;
samplepos_t const end = current_timespan->get_end();
bool const last_cycle = (process_position + samples >= end);
if (last_cycle) {
samples_to_read = end - process_position;
export_status->stop = true;
} else {
samples_to_read = samples;
process_position += samples_to_read;
export_status->processed_samples += samples_to_read;
export_status->processed_samples_current_timespan += samples_to_read;
/* Do actual processing */
int ret = graph_builder->process (samples_to_read, last_cycle);
/* Start post-processing/normalizing if necessary */
if (last_cycle) {
post_processing = graph_builder->need_postprocessing ();
if (post_processing) {
export_status->total_postprocessing_cycles = graph_builder->get_postprocessing_cycle_count();
export_status->current_postprocessing_cycle = 0;
} else {
finish_timespan ();
return 0;
return ret;
ExportHandler::post_process ()
if (graph_builder->post_process ()) {
finish_timespan ();
export_status->active_job = ExportStatus::Exporting;
} else {
if (graph_builder->realtime ()) {
export_status->active_job = ExportStatus::Encoding;
} else {
export_status->active_job = ExportStatus::Normalizing;
return 0;
ExportHandler::command_output(std::string output, size_t size)
std::cerr << "command: " << size << ", " << output << std::endl;
info << output << endmsg;
ExportHandler::finish_timespan ()
graph_builder->get_analysis_results (export_status->result_map);
while (config_map.begin() != timespan_bounds.second) {
ExportFormatSpecPtr fmt = config_map.begin()->second.format;
std::string filename = config_map.begin()->second.filename->get_path(fmt);
if (fmt->with_cue()) {
export_cd_marker_file (current_timespan, fmt, filename, CDMarkerCUE);
if (fmt->with_toc()) {
export_cd_marker_file (current_timespan, fmt, filename, CDMarkerTOC);
if (fmt->with_mp4chaps()) {
export_cd_marker_file (current_timespan, fmt, filename, MP4Chaps);
Session::Exported (current_timespan->name(), filename); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
/* close file first, otherwise TagLib enounters an ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION
* The process cannot access the file because it is being used.
* ditto for post-export and upload.
graph_builder->reset ();
if (fmt->tag()) {
/* TODO: check Umlauts and encoding in filename.
* TagLib eventually calls CreateFileA(),
export_status->active_job = ExportStatus::Tagging;
AudiofileTagger::tag_file(filename, *SessionMetadata::Metadata());
if (!fmt->command().empty()) {
SessionMetadata const & metadata (*SessionMetadata::Metadata());
#if 0 // would be nicer with C++11 initialiser...
std::map<char, std::string> subs {
{ 'f', filename },
{ 'd', Glib::path_get_dirname(filename) + G_DIR_SEPARATOR },
{ 'b', PBD::basename_nosuffix(filename) },
export_status->active_job = ExportStatus::Command;
PBD::ScopedConnection command_connection;
std::map<char, std::string> subs;
std::stringstream track_number;
track_number << metadata.track_number ();
std::stringstream total_tracks;
total_tracks << metadata.total_tracks ();
std::stringstream year;
year << metadata.year ();
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('a', metadata.artist ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('b', PBD::basename_nosuffix (filename)));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('c', metadata.copyright ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('d', Glib::path_get_dirname (filename) + G_DIR_SEPARATOR));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('f', filename));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('l', metadata.lyricist ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('n', session.name ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('s', session.path ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('o', metadata.conductor ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('t', metadata.title ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('z', metadata.organization ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('A', metadata.album ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('C', metadata.comment ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('E', metadata.engineer ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('G', metadata.genre ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('L', total_tracks.str ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('M', metadata.mixer ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('N', current_timespan->name())); // =?= config_map.begin()->first->name ()
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('O', metadata.composer ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('P', metadata.producer ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('S', metadata.disc_subtitle ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('T', track_number.str ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('Y', year.str ()));
subs.insert (std::pair<char, std::string> ('Z', metadata.country ()));
ARDOUR::SystemExec *se = new ARDOUR::SystemExec(fmt->command(), subs);
info << "Post-export command line : {" << se->to_s () << "}" << endmsg;
se->ReadStdout.connect_same_thread(command_connection, boost::bind(&ExportHandler::command_output, this, _1, _2));
int ret = se->start (SystemExec::MergeWithStdin);
if (ret == 0) {
// successfully started
while (se->is_running ()) {
// wait for system exec to terminate
Glib::usleep (1000);
} else {
error << "Post-export command FAILED with Error: " << ret << endmsg;
delete (se);
// AudioEngine::process_callback()
// freewheeling, yes, but still uploading here is NOT
// a good idea.
// even less so, since SoundcloudProgress is using
// connect_same_thread() - GUI updates from the RT thread
// will cause crashes. http://pastebin.com/UJKYNGHR
if (fmt->soundcloud_upload()) {
SoundcloudUploader *soundcloud_uploader = new SoundcloudUploader;
std::string token = soundcloud_uploader->Get_Auth_Token(soundcloud_username, soundcloud_password);
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Soundcloud, string_compose(
"uploading %1 - username=%2, password=%3, token=%4",
filename, soundcloud_username, soundcloud_password, token) );
std::string path = soundcloud_uploader->Upload (
PBD::basename_nosuffix(filename), // title
if (path.length() != 0) {
info << string_compose ( _("File %1 uploaded to %2"), filename, path) << endmsg;
if (soundcloud_open_page) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Soundcloud, string_compose ("opening %1", path) );
open_uri(path.c_str()); // open the soundcloud website to the new file
} else {
error << _("upload to Soundcloud failed. Perhaps your email or password are incorrect?\n") << endmsg;
delete soundcloud_uploader;
config_map.erase (config_map.begin());
start_timespan ();
ExportHandler::reset ()
config_map.clear ();
graph_builder->reset ();
/*** CD Marker stuff ***/
struct LocationSortByStart {
bool operator() (Location *a, Location *b) {
return a->start() < b->start();
ExportHandler::export_cd_marker_file (ExportTimespanPtr timespan, ExportFormatSpecPtr file_format,
std::string filename, CDMarkerFormat format)
string filepath = get_cd_marker_filename(filename, format);
try {
void (ExportHandler::*header_func) (CDMarkerStatus &);
void (ExportHandler::*track_func) (CDMarkerStatus &);
void (ExportHandler::*index_func) (CDMarkerStatus &);
switch (format) {
case CDMarkerTOC:
header_func = &ExportHandler::write_toc_header;
track_func = &ExportHandler::write_track_info_toc;
index_func = &ExportHandler::write_index_info_toc;
case CDMarkerCUE:
header_func = &ExportHandler::write_cue_header;
track_func = &ExportHandler::write_track_info_cue;
index_func = &ExportHandler::write_index_info_cue;
case MP4Chaps:
header_func = &ExportHandler::write_mp4ch_header;
track_func = &ExportHandler::write_track_info_mp4ch;
index_func = &ExportHandler::write_index_info_mp4ch;
CDMarkerStatus status (filepath, timespan, file_format, filename);
(this->*header_func) (status);
/* Get locations and sort */
Locations::LocationList const & locations (session.locations()->list());
Locations::LocationList::const_iterator i;
Locations::LocationList temp;
for (i = locations.begin(); i != locations.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i)->start() >= timespan->get_start() && (*i)->end() <= timespan->get_end() && (*i)->is_cd_marker() && !(*i)->is_session_range()) {
temp.push_back (*i);
if (temp.empty()) {
// TODO One index marker for whole thing
LocationSortByStart cmp;
temp.sort (cmp);
Locations::LocationList::const_iterator nexti;
/* Start actual marker stuff */
samplepos_t last_end_time = timespan->get_start();
status.track_position = 0;
for (i = temp.begin(); i != temp.end(); ++i) {
status.marker = *i;
if ((*i)->start() < last_end_time) {
if ((*i)->is_mark()) {
/* Index within track */
status.index_position = (*i)->start() - timespan->get_start();
(this->*index_func) (status);
/* A track, defined by a cd range marker or a cd location marker outside of a cd range */
status.track_position = last_end_time - timespan->get_start();
status.track_start_sample = (*i)->start() - timespan->get_start(); // everything before this is the pregap
status.track_duration = 0;
if ((*i)->is_mark()) {
// a mark track location needs to look ahead to the next marker's start to determine length
nexti = i;
if (nexti != temp.end()) {
status.track_duration = (*nexti)->start() - last_end_time;
last_end_time = (*nexti)->start();
} else {
// this was the last marker, use timespan end
status.track_duration = timespan->get_end() - last_end_time;
last_end_time = timespan->get_end();
} else {
// range
status.track_duration = (*i)->end() - last_end_time;
last_end_time = (*i)->end();
(this->*track_func) (status);
} catch (std::exception& e) {
error << string_compose (_("an error occurred while writing a TOC/CUE file: %1"), e.what()) << endmsg;
::g_unlink (filepath.c_str());
} catch (Glib::Exception& e) {
error << string_compose (_("an error occurred while writing a TOC/CUE file: %1"), e.what()) << endmsg;
::g_unlink (filepath.c_str());
ExportHandler::get_cd_marker_filename(std::string filename, CDMarkerFormat format)
/* do not strip file suffix because there may be more than one format,
and we do not want the CD marker file from one format to overwrite
another (e.g. foo.wav.cue > foo.aiff.cue)
switch (format) {
case CDMarkerTOC:
return filename + ".toc";
case CDMarkerCUE:
return filename + ".cue";
case MP4Chaps:
unsigned lastdot = filename.find_last_of('.');
return filename.substr(0,lastdot) + ".chapters.txt";
return filename + ".marker"; // Should not be reached when actually creating a file
ExportHandler::write_cue_header (CDMarkerStatus & status)
string title = status.timespan->name().compare ("Session") ? status.timespan->name() : (string) session.name();
// Album metadata
string barcode = SessionMetadata::Metadata()->barcode();
string album_artist = SessionMetadata::Metadata()->album_artist();
string album_title = SessionMetadata::Metadata()->album();
status.out << "REM Cue file generated by " << PROGRAM_NAME << endl;
if (barcode != "")
status.out << "CATALOG " << barcode << endl;
if (album_artist != "")
status.out << "PERFORMER " << cue_escape_cdtext (album_artist) << endl;
if (album_title != "")
title = album_title;
status.out << "TITLE " << cue_escape_cdtext (title) << endl;
/* The original cue sheet spec mentions five file types
BINARY = "header-less" audio (44.1 kHz, 16 Bit, little endian),
MOTOROLA = "header-less" audio (44.1 kHz, 16 Bit, big endian),
and MP3
We try to use these file types whenever appropriate and
default to our own names otherwise.
status.out << "FILE \"" << Glib::path_get_basename(status.filename) << "\" ";
if (!status.format->format_name().compare ("WAV") || !status.format->format_name().compare ("BWF")) {
status.out << "WAVE";
} else if (status.format->format_id() == ExportFormatBase::F_RAW &&
status.format->sample_format() == ExportFormatBase::SF_16 &&
status.format->sample_rate() == ExportFormatBase::SR_44_1) {
// Format is RAW 16bit 44.1kHz
if (status.format->endianness() == ExportFormatBase::E_Little) {
status.out << "BINARY";
} else {
status.out << "MOTOROLA";
} else {
// no special case for AIFF format it's name is already "AIFF"
status.out << status.format->format_name();
status.out << endl;
ExportHandler::write_toc_header (CDMarkerStatus & status)
string title = status.timespan->name().compare ("Session") ? status.timespan->name() : (string) session.name();
// Album metadata
string barcode = SessionMetadata::Metadata()->barcode();
string album_artist = SessionMetadata::Metadata()->album_artist();
string album_title = SessionMetadata::Metadata()->album();
if (barcode != "")
status.out << "CATALOG \"" << barcode << "\"" << endl;
if (album_title != "")
title = album_title;
status.out << "CD_DA" << endl;
status.out << "CD_TEXT {" << endl << " LANGUAGE_MAP {" << endl << " 0 : EN" << endl << " }" << endl;
status.out << " LANGUAGE 0 {" << endl << " TITLE " << toc_escape_cdtext (title) << endl ;
status.out << " PERFORMER " << toc_escape_cdtext (album_artist) << endl;
status.out << " }" << endl << "}" << endl;
ExportHandler::write_mp4ch_header (CDMarkerStatus & status)
status.out << "00:00:00.000 Intro" << endl;
ExportHandler::write_track_info_cue (CDMarkerStatus & status)
gchar buf[18];
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), " TRACK %02d AUDIO", status.track_number);
status.out << buf << endl;
status.out << " FLAGS" ;
if (status.marker->cd_info.find("scms") != status.marker->cd_info.end()) {
status.out << " SCMS ";
} else {
status.out << " DCP ";
if (status.marker->cd_info.find("preemph") != status.marker->cd_info.end()) {
status.out << " PRE";
status.out << endl;
if (status.marker->cd_info.find("isrc") != status.marker->cd_info.end()) {
status.out << " ISRC " << status.marker->cd_info["isrc"] << endl;
if (status.marker->name() != "") {
status.out << " TITLE " << cue_escape_cdtext (status.marker->name()) << endl;
if (status.marker->cd_info.find("performer") != status.marker->cd_info.end()) {
status.out << " PERFORMER " << cue_escape_cdtext (status.marker->cd_info["performer"]) << endl;
if (status.marker->cd_info.find("composer") != status.marker->cd_info.end()) {
status.out << " SONGWRITER " << cue_escape_cdtext (status.marker->cd_info["composer"]) << endl;
if (status.track_position != status.track_start_sample) {
samples_to_cd_frame_string (buf, status.track_position);
status.out << " INDEX 00" << buf << endl;
samples_to_cd_frame_string (buf, status.track_start_sample);
status.out << " INDEX 01" << buf << endl;
status.index_number = 2;
ExportHandler::write_track_info_toc (CDMarkerStatus & status)
gchar buf[18];
status.out << endl << "TRACK AUDIO" << endl;
if (status.marker->cd_info.find("scms") != status.marker->cd_info.end()) {
status.out << "NO ";
status.out << "COPY" << endl;
if (status.marker->cd_info.find("preemph") != status.marker->cd_info.end()) {
status.out << "PRE_EMPHASIS" << endl;
} else {
status.out << "NO PRE_EMPHASIS" << endl;
if (status.marker->cd_info.find("isrc") != status.marker->cd_info.end()) {
status.out << "ISRC \"" << status.marker->cd_info["isrc"] << "\"" << endl;
status.out << "CD_TEXT {" << endl << " LANGUAGE 0 {" << endl;
status.out << " TITLE " << toc_escape_cdtext (status.marker->name()) << endl;
status.out << " PERFORMER ";
if (status.marker->cd_info.find("performer") != status.marker->cd_info.end()) {
status.out << toc_escape_cdtext (status.marker->cd_info["performer"]) << endl;
} else {
status.out << "\"\"" << endl;
if (status.marker->cd_info.find("composer") != status.marker->cd_info.end()) {
status.out << " SONGWRITER " << toc_escape_cdtext (status.marker->cd_info["composer"]) << endl;
if (status.marker->cd_info.find("isrc") != status.marker->cd_info.end()) {
status.out << " ISRC \"";
status.out << status.marker->cd_info["isrc"].substr(0,2) << "-";
status.out << status.marker->cd_info["isrc"].substr(2,3) << "-";
status.out << status.marker->cd_info["isrc"].substr(5,2) << "-";
status.out << status.marker->cd_info["isrc"].substr(7,5) << "\"" << endl;
status.out << " }" << endl << "}" << endl;
samples_to_cd_frame_string (buf, status.track_position);
status.out << "FILE " << toc_escape_filename (status.filename) << ' ' << buf;
samples_to_cd_frame_string (buf, status.track_duration);
status.out << buf << endl;
samples_to_cd_frame_string (buf, status.track_start_sample - status.track_position);
status.out << "START" << buf << endl;
void ExportHandler::write_track_info_mp4ch (CDMarkerStatus & status)
gchar buf[18];
samples_to_chapter_marks_string(buf, status.track_start_sample);
status.out << buf << " " << status.marker->name() << endl;
ExportHandler::write_index_info_cue (CDMarkerStatus & status)
gchar buf[18];
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), " INDEX %02d", cue_indexnum);
status.out << buf;
samples_to_cd_frame_string (buf, status.index_position);
status.out << buf << endl;
ExportHandler::write_index_info_toc (CDMarkerStatus & status)
gchar buf[18];
samples_to_cd_frame_string (buf, status.index_position - status.track_start_sample);
status.out << "INDEX" << buf << endl;
ExportHandler::write_index_info_mp4ch (CDMarkerStatus & status)
ExportHandler::samples_to_cd_frame_string (char* buf, samplepos_t when)
samplecnt_t remainder;
samplecnt_t fr = session.nominal_sample_rate();
int mins, secs, samples;
mins = when / (60 * fr);
remainder = when - (mins * 60 * fr);
secs = remainder / fr;
remainder -= secs * fr;
samples = remainder / (fr / 75);
sprintf (buf, " %02d:%02d:%02d", mins, secs, samples);
ExportHandler::samples_to_chapter_marks_string (char* buf, samplepos_t when)
samplecnt_t remainder;
samplecnt_t fr = session.nominal_sample_rate();
int hours, mins, secs, msecs;
hours = when / (3600 * fr);
remainder = when - (hours * 3600 * fr);
mins = remainder / (60 * fr);
remainder -= mins * 60 * fr;
secs = remainder / fr;
remainder -= secs * fr;
msecs = (remainder * 1000) / fr;
sprintf (buf, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", hours, mins, secs, msecs);
ExportHandler::toc_escape_cdtext (const std::string& txt)
Glib::ustring check (txt);
std::string out;
std::string latin1_txt;
char buf[5];
try {
latin1_txt = Glib::convert_with_fallback (txt, "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", "_");
} catch (Glib::ConvertError& err) {
throw Glib::ConvertError (err.code(), string_compose (_("Cannot convert %1 to Latin-1 text"), txt));
out = '"';
for (std::string::const_iterator c = latin1_txt.begin(); c != latin1_txt.end(); ++c) {
if ((*c) == '"') {
out += "\\\"";
} else if ((*c) == '\\') {
out += "\\134";
} else if (isprint (*c)) {
out += *c;
} else {
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "\\%03o", (int) (unsigned char) *c);
out += buf;
out += '"';
return out;
ExportHandler::toc_escape_filename (const std::string& txt)
std::string out;
out = '"';
// We iterate byte-wise not character-wise over a UTF-8 string here,
// because we only want to translate backslashes and double quotes
for (std::string::const_iterator c = txt.begin(); c != txt.end(); ++c) {
if (*c == '"') {
out += "\\\"";
} else if (*c == '\\') {
out += "\\134";
} else {
out += *c;
out += '"';
return out;
ExportHandler::cue_escape_cdtext (const std::string& txt)
std::string latin1_txt;
std::string out;
try {
latin1_txt = Glib::convert (txt, "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8");
} catch (Glib::ConvertError& err) {
throw Glib::ConvertError (err.code(), string_compose (_("Cannot convert %1 to Latin-1 text"), txt));
// does not do much mor than UTF-8 to Latin1 translation yet, but
// that may have to change if cue parsers in burning programs change
out = '"' + latin1_txt + '"';
return out;
ExportHandler::CDMarkerStatus::~CDMarkerStatus () {
if (!g_file_set_contents (path.c_str(), out.str().c_str(), -1, NULL)) {
PBD::error << string_compose(("Editor: cannot open \"%1\" as export file for CD marker file"), path) << endmsg;
} // namespace ARDOUR