Paul Davis 3f1486fa12 coreselection: fix thinko
The core selection can be (a) stripables (b) automation controls (c) possibly a combination of both

Any given selection op might pass (a) or (b) or (c), so we need to handle the
case where (a) is null.
2024-08-05 20:14:28 -06:00

701 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Paul Davis <paul@linuxaudiosystems.com>
* Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Robin Gareus <robin@gareus.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <vector>
#include "pbd/compose.h"
#include "pbd/signals.h"
#include "ardour/automation_control.h"
#include "ardour/debug.h"
#include "ardour/route.h"
#include "ardour/route_group.h"
#include "ardour/selection.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "ardour/stripable.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace PBD;
CoreSelection::do_select (std::shared_ptr<Stripable> s, std::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c, SelectionOperation op, bool with_group, bool routes_only, RouteGroup* not_allowed_in_group)
std::shared_ptr<Route> r;
StripableList sl;
bool changed = false;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Stripable> > removed;
/* no selection of hidden stripables (though they can be selected and
* then hidden
if (s) {
if (s->is_hidden()) {
return false;
/* monitor is never selectable */
if (s->is_monitor() || s->is_surround_master ()) {
return false;
if (!(r = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Route> (s)) && routes_only) {
return false;
if (r) {
/* no selection of inactive routes, though they can be selected
* and made inactive.
if (!r->active()) {
return false;
if (!c && with_group) {
if (!not_allowed_in_group || !r->route_group() || r->route_group() != not_allowed_in_group) {
RouteGroup* group = r->route_group();
if (group && group->is_select() && group->is_active()) {
for (auto & ri : *(group->route_list())) {
if (ri != r) {
sl.push_back (ri);
/* it is important to make the "primary" stripable being selected the last in this
* list
sl.push_back (s);
switch (op) {
case SelectionAdd:
changed = add (sl, c);
case SelectionToggle:
changed = toggle (sl, c);
case SelectionSet:
changed = set (sl, c, removed);
case SelectionRemove:
changed = remove (sl, c);
return false;
if (changed || !removed.empty()) {
send_selection_change ();
/* send per-object signal to notify interested parties
the selection status has changed
PropertyChange pc (Properties::selected);
for (auto & s : removed) {
s->presentation_info().PropertyChanged (pc);
for (auto & s: sl) {
s->presentation_info().PropertyChanged (pc);
return changed;
CoreSelection::select_stripable_and_maybe_group (std::shared_ptr<Stripable> s, SelectionOperation op, bool with_group, bool routes_only, RouteGroup* not_allowed_in_group)
return do_select (s, nullptr, op, with_group, routes_only, not_allowed_in_group);
CoreSelection::select_stripable_with_control (std::shared_ptr<Stripable> s, std::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c, SelectionOperation op)
do_select (s, c, op, c ? false : true, false, nullptr);
CoreSelection::send_selection_change ()
PropertyChange pc;
pc.add (Properties::selected);
PresentationInfo::send_static_change (pc);
CoreSelection::CoreSelection (Session& s)
: session (s)
_selection_order.store (0);
CoreSelection::~CoreSelection ()
template<typename IterTypeCore>
CoreSelection::select_adjacent_stripable (bool mixer_order, bool routes_only,
IterTypeCore (StripableList::*begin_method)(),
IterTypeCore (StripableList::*end_method)())
if (_stripables.empty()) {
/* Pick first acceptable */
StripableList stripables;
session.get_stripables (stripables);
stripables.sort (ARDOUR::Stripable::Sorter (mixer_order));
for (StripableList::iterator s = stripables.begin(); s != stripables.end(); ++s) {
if (select_stripable_and_maybe_group (*s, SelectionSet, true, routes_only, nullptr)) {
/* fetch the current selection so that we can get the most recently selected */
StripableAutomationControls selected;
get_stripables (selected);
std::shared_ptr<Stripable> last_selected =
selected.empty () ? std::shared_ptr<Stripable> ()
: selected.back ().stripable;
/* Get all stripables and sort into the appropriate ordering */
StripableList stripables;
session.get_stripables (stripables);
stripables.sort (ARDOUR::Stripable::Sorter (mixer_order));
/* Check for a possible selection-affecting route group */
RouteGroup* group = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Route> r = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Route> (last_selected);
if (r && r->route_group() && r->route_group()->is_select() && r->route_group()->is_active()) {
group = r->route_group();
bool select_me = false;
for (IterTypeCore i = (stripables.*begin_method)(); i != (stripables.*end_method)(); ++i) {
if (select_me) {
if (!this->selected (*i)) { /* not currently selected */
if (select_stripable_and_maybe_group (*i, SelectionSet, true, routes_only, group)) {
if ((*i) == last_selected) {
select_me = true;
/* no next/previous, wrap around ... find first usable stripable from
* the appropriate end.
for (IterTypeCore s = (stripables.*begin_method)(); s != (stripables.*end_method)(); ++s) {
r = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Route> (*s);
/* monitor is never selectable anywhere. for now, anyway */
if (!routes_only || r) {
if (select_stripable_and_maybe_group (*s, SelectionSet, true, routes_only, 0)) {
CoreSelection::select_next_stripable (bool mixer_order, bool routes_only)
select_adjacent_stripable<StripableList::iterator> (mixer_order, routes_only, &StripableList::begin, &StripableList::end);
CoreSelection::select_prev_stripable (bool mixer_order, bool routes_only)
select_adjacent_stripable<StripableList::reverse_iterator> (mixer_order, routes_only, &StripableList::rbegin, &StripableList::rend);
CoreSelection::toggle (StripableList& sl, std::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c)
assert (sl.size() <= 1 || !c);
bool changed = false;
StripableList sl2;
for (auto & s : sl) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Selection, string_compose ("toggle: s %1 selected %2 c %3 selected %4\n",
s, selected (s), c, selected (c)));
sl2.clear ();
sl2.push_back (s);
if ((c && selected (c)) || selected (s)) {
if (remove (sl2, c)) {
changed = true;
} else {
if (add (sl2, c)) {
changed = true;
return changed;
CoreSelection::set (StripableList& sl, std::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Stripable> > & removed)
assert (sl.size() <= 1 || !c);
bool changed = false;
Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock);
removed.reserve (_stripables.size());
for (SelectedStripables::const_iterator x = _stripables.begin(); x != _stripables.end(); ++x) {
std::shared_ptr<Stripable> sp = session.stripable_by_id ((*x).stripable);
if (sp) {
removed.push_back (sp);
_stripables.clear ();
for (StripableList::iterator s = sl.begin(); s != sl.end(); ++s) {
SelectedStripable ss (*s, c, _selection_order.fetch_add (1));
if (_stripables.insert (ss).second) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Selection, string_compose ("set:added %1 to s/c selection\n", (*s)->name()));
changed = true;
} else {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Selection, string_compose ("%1 already in s/c selection\n", (*s)->name()));
if (!sl.empty()) {
_first_selected_stripable = sl.back ();
} else {
_first_selected_stripable.reset ();
return changed;
CoreSelection::add (StripableList& sl, std::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c)
assert (sl.size() <= 1 || !c);
bool changed = false;
Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock);
for (auto & s : sl) {
SelectedStripable ss (s, c, _selection_order.fetch_add (1));
if (_stripables.insert (ss).second) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Selection, string_compose ("added %1/%2 to s/c selection\n", s->name(), c));
changed = true;
} else {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Selection, string_compose ("%1/%2 already in s/c selection\n", s->name(), c));
if (!sl.empty()) {
_first_selected_stripable = sl.back();
} else {
_first_selected_stripable.reset ();
return changed;
CoreSelection::remove (StripableList & sl, std::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c)
assert (sl.size() <= 1 || !c);
bool changed = false;
Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock);
for (auto & s : sl) {
SelectedStripable ss (s, c, 0);
SelectedStripables::iterator i = _stripables.find (ss);
if (i != _stripables.end()) {
_stripables.erase (i);
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Selection, string_compose ("removed %1/%2 from s/c selection\n", s, c));
changed = true;
if (s == _first_selected_stripable.lock ()) {
_first_selected_stripable.reset ();
return changed;
CoreSelection::clear_stripables ()
bool send = false;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Stripable> > s;
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Selection, "clearing s/c selection\n");
Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock);
if (!_stripables.empty()) {
s.reserve (_stripables.size());
for (SelectedStripables::const_iterator x = _stripables.begin(); x != _stripables.end(); ++x) {
std::shared_ptr<Stripable> sp = session.stripable_by_id ((*x).stripable);
if (sp) {
s.push_back (sp);
_stripables.clear ();
send = true;
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Selection, "cleared s/c selection\n");
_first_selected_stripable.reset ();
if (send) {
send_selection_change ();
PropertyChange pc (Properties::selected);
for (std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Stripable> >::iterator ss = s.begin(); ss != s.end(); ++ss) {
(*ss)->presentation_info().PropertyChanged (pc);
CoreSelection::first_selected_stripable () const
Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock);
return _first_selected_stripable.lock();
CoreSelection::selected (std::shared_ptr<const Stripable> s) const
if (!s) {
return false;
Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock);
for (SelectedStripables::const_iterator x = _stripables.begin(); x != _stripables.end(); ++x) {
if (!((*x).controllable == 0)) {
/* selected automation control */
/* stripable itself selected, not just a control belonging to
* it
if ((*x).stripable == s->id()) {
return true;
return false;
CoreSelection::selected (std::shared_ptr<const AutomationControl> c) const
if (!c) {
return false;
Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock);
for (SelectedStripables::const_iterator x = _stripables.begin(); x != _stripables.end(); ++x) {
if ((*x).controllable == c->id()) {
return true;
return false;
CoreSelection::SelectedStripable::SelectedStripable (std::shared_ptr<Stripable> s, std::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c, int o)
: stripable (s ? s->id() : PBD::ID (0))
, controllable (c ? c->id() : PBD::ID (0))
, order (o)
struct StripableControllerSort {
bool operator() (CoreSelection::StripableAutomationControl const &a, CoreSelection::StripableAutomationControl const & b) const {
return a.order < b.order;
CoreSelection::get_stripables (StripableAutomationControls& sc) const
Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock);
for (SelectedStripables::const_iterator x = _stripables.begin(); x != _stripables.end(); ++x) {
std::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session.stripable_by_id ((*x).stripable);
std::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c;
if (!s) {
/* some global automation control, not owned by a Stripable */
c = session.automation_control_by_id ((*x).controllable);
} else {
/* automation control owned by a Stripable or one of its children */
c = s->automation_control_recurse ((*x).controllable);
if (s || c) {
sc.push_back (StripableAutomationControl (s, c, (*x).order));
StripableControllerSort cmp;
sort (sc.begin(), sc.end(), cmp);
CoreSelection::remove_control_by_id (PBD::ID const & id)
Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock);
for (SelectedStripables::iterator x = _stripables.begin(); x != _stripables.end(); ++x) {
if ((*x).controllable == id) {
_stripables.erase (x);
CoreSelection::remove_stripable_by_id (PBD::ID const & id)
Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock);
for (SelectedStripables::iterator x = _stripables.begin(); x != _stripables.end(); ) {
if ((*x).stripable == id) {
if (_first_selected_stripable.lock ()) {
if (session.stripable_by_id (id) == _first_selected_stripable.lock ()) {
_first_selected_stripable.reset ();
_stripables.erase (x++);
/* keep going because there may be more than 1 pair of
stripable/automation-control in the selection.
} else {
CoreSelection::get_state () const
XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("Selection"));
Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock);
for (SelectedStripables::const_iterator x = _stripables.begin(); x != _stripables.end(); ++x) {
XMLNode* child = new XMLNode (X_("StripableAutomationControl"));
child->set_property (X_("stripable"), (*x).stripable.to_s());
child->set_property (X_("control"), (*x).controllable.to_s());
child->set_property (X_("order"), (*x).order);
node->add_child_nocopy (*child);
return *node;
CoreSelection::set_state (const XMLNode& node, int /* version */)
XMLNodeList children (node.children());
Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock);
_stripables.clear ();
for (XMLNodeConstIterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i)->name() != X_("StripableAutomationControl")) {
std::string s;
if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("stripable"), s)) {
std::string c;
if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("control"), c)) {
int order;
if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("order"), order)) {
SelectedStripable ss (PBD::ID (s), PBD::ID (c), order);
_stripables.insert (ss);
return 0;
CoreSelection::selected () const
Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock);
return _stripables.size();
CoreSelection::get_stripables_for_op (std::shared_ptr<StripableList> sl, std::shared_ptr<Stripable> target, bool (RouteGroup::*group_predicate)() const) const
return get_stripables_for_op (*sl.get(), target, group_predicate);
CoreSelection::get_stripables_for_op (StripableList& sl, std::shared_ptr<Stripable> target, bool (RouteGroup::*group_predicate)() const) const
assert (target);
std::shared_ptr<Route> r (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Route> (target));
if (_stripables.empty()) {
if (r) {
RouteGroup* rg = r->route_group();
if (rg && rg->is_active() && (rg->*group_predicate)()) {
for (auto & r : *rg->route_list()) {
sl.push_back (r);
} else {
/* target is not member of an active group that
shares the relevant property, and nothing is
selected, so use it and it alone.
sl.push_back (target);
} else {
/* Base is not a route, use it and it alone */
sl.push_back (target);
} else {
if (target->is_selected()) {
/* Use full selection */
StripableAutomationControls sc;
get_stripables (sc);
for (auto & s : sc) {
sl.push_back (s.stripable);
} else {
/* target not selected but might be part of a group */
if (r) {
RouteGroup* rg = r->route_group();
if (rg && rg->is_active() && (rg->*group_predicate)()) {
for (auto & r : *rg->route_list()) {
sl.push_back (r);
} else {
/* Target not selected, and not part of an
* active group that shares the relevant
* property, so use it and it alone
sl.push_back (target);
} else {
/* Base is not a route, use it and it alone */
sl.push_back (target);