Paul Davis 372137f373 remove more unneeded header includes
git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/3.0@9922 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
2011-07-25 18:11:03 +00:00

515 lines
12 KiB

Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <gdkmm/rectangle.h>
#include <gtkmm2ext/fastmeter.h>
#include <gtkmm2ext/utils.h>
#define UINT_TO_RGB(u,r,g,b) { (*(r)) = ((u)>>16)&0xff; (*(g)) = ((u)>>8)&0xff; (*(b)) = (u)&0xff; }
#define UINT_TO_RGBA(u,r,g,b,a) { UINT_TO_RGB(((u)>>8),r,g,b); (*(a)) = (u)&0xff; }
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace Gdk;
using namespace Glib;
using namespace Gtkmm2ext;
using namespace std;
int FastMeter::min_pattern_metric_size = 10;
int FastMeter::max_pattern_metric_size = 1024;
FastMeter::PatternMap FastMeter::v_pattern_cache;
FastMeter::PatternMap FastMeter::h_pattern_cache;
int FastMeter::_clr0 = 0;
int FastMeter::_clr1 = 0;
int FastMeter::_clr2 = 0;
int FastMeter::_clr3 = 0;
FastMeter::FastMeter (long hold, unsigned long dimen, Orientation o, int len, int clr0, int clr1, int clr2, int clr3)
orientation = o;
hold_cnt = hold;
hold_state = 0;
current_peak = 0;
current_level = 0;
last_peak_rect.width = 0;
last_peak_rect.height = 0;
_clr0 = clr0;
_clr1 = clr1;
_clr2 = clr2;
_clr3 = clr3;
pixrect.x = 0;
pixrect.y = 0;
if (orientation == Vertical) {
if (!len) {
len = 250;
pattern = request_vertical_meter(dimen, len);
pixheight = len;
pixwidth = dimen;
} else {
if (!len) {
len = 186; // interesting size, eh?
pattern = request_horizontal_meter(len, dimen);
pixheight = dimen;
pixwidth = len;
if (orientation == Vertical) {
pixrect.width = min (pixwidth, (gint) dimen);
pixrect.height = pixheight;
} else {
pixrect.width = pixwidth;
pixrect.height = min (pixheight, (gint) dimen);
request_width = pixrect.width;
request_height= pixrect.height;
FastMeter::generate_meter_pattern (int width, int height)
guint8 r0,g0,b0,r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,r3,g3,b3,a;
/* clr0: color at top of the meter
1: color at the knee
2: color half-way between bottom and knee
3: color at the bottom of the meter
UINT_TO_RGBA (_clr0, &r0, &g0, &b0, &a);
UINT_TO_RGBA (_clr1, &r1, &g1, &b1, &a);
UINT_TO_RGBA (_clr2, &r2, &g2, &b2, &a);
UINT_TO_RGBA (_clr3, &r3, &g3, &b3, &a);
// fake log calculation copied from log_meter.h
// actual calculation:
// log_meter(0.0f) =
// def = (0.0f + 20.0f) * 2.5f + 50f
// return def / 115.0f
const int knee = (int)floor((float)height * 100.0f / 115.0f);
cairo_pattern_t* _p = cairo_pattern_create_linear (0.0, 0.0, width, height);
/* cairo coordinate space goes downwards as y value goes up, so invert
* knee-based positions by using (1.0 - y)
* also, double-stop the knee point, so that we get a hard transition
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (_p, 0.0, r3/255.0, g3/255.0, b3/255.0); // bottom
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (_p, 1.0 - (knee/(2.0 * height)), r2/255.0, g2/255.0, b2/255.0); // mid-point to knee
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (_p, 1.0 - (knee/(double)height), r0/255.0, g0/255.0, b0/255.0); // knee
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (_p, 1.0 - (knee/(double)height), r1/255.0, g1/255.0, b1/255.0); // double-stop @ knee
cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (_p, 1.0, r0/255.0, g0/255.0, b0/255.0); // top
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Pattern> p (new Cairo::Pattern (_p, false));
return p;
FastMeter::request_vertical_meter(int width, int height)
if (height < min_pattern_metric_size)
height = min_pattern_metric_size;
if (height > max_pattern_metric_size)
height = max_pattern_metric_size;
PatternMap::iterator i;
if ((i = v_pattern_cache.find (height)) != v_pattern_cache.end()) {
return i->second;
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Pattern> p = generate_meter_pattern (width, height);
v_pattern_cache[height] = p;
return p;
FastMeter::request_horizontal_meter(int width, int height)
if (width < min_pattern_metric_size)
width = min_pattern_metric_size;
if (width > max_pattern_metric_size)
width = max_pattern_metric_size;
PatternMap::iterator i;
if ((i = h_pattern_cache.find (height)) != h_pattern_cache.end()) {
return i->second;
/* flip height/width so that we get the right pattern */
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Pattern> p = generate_meter_pattern (height, width);
/* rotate to make it horizontal */
cairo_matrix_t m;
cairo_matrix_init_rotate (&m, -M_PI/2.0);
cairo_pattern_set_matrix (p->cobj(), &m);
h_pattern_cache[width] = p;
return p;
FastMeter::~FastMeter ()
FastMeter::set_hold_count (long val)
if (val < 1) {
val = 1;
hold_cnt = val;
hold_state = 0;
current_peak = 0;
queue_draw ();
FastMeter::on_size_request (GtkRequisition* req)
if (orientation == Vertical) {
req->height = request_height;
req->height = max(req->height, min_pattern_metric_size);
req->height = min(req->height, max_pattern_metric_size);
req->width = request_width;
} else {
req->width = request_width;
req->width = max(req->width, min_pattern_metric_size);
req->width = min(req->width, max_pattern_metric_size);
req->height = request_height;
FastMeter::on_size_allocate (Gtk::Allocation &alloc)
if (orientation == Vertical) {
if (alloc.get_width() != request_width) {
alloc.set_width (request_width);
int h = alloc.get_height();
h = max (h, min_pattern_metric_size);
h = min (h, max_pattern_metric_size);
if (h != alloc.get_height()) {
alloc.set_height (h);
if (pixheight != h) {
pattern = request_vertical_meter (request_width, h);
pixheight = h;
pixwidth = request_width;
} else {
if (alloc.get_height() != request_height) {
int w = alloc.get_width();
w = max (w, min_pattern_metric_size);
w = min (w, max_pattern_metric_size);
if (w != alloc.get_width()) {
alloc.set_width (w);
if (pixwidth != w) {
pattern = request_horizontal_meter (w, request_height);
pixheight = request_height;
pixwidth = w;
DrawingArea::on_size_allocate (alloc);
FastMeter::on_expose_event (GdkEventExpose* ev)
if (orientation == Vertical) {
return vertical_expose (ev);
} else {
return horizontal_expose (ev);
FastMeter::vertical_expose (GdkEventExpose* ev)
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> win = get_window ();
gint top_of_meter;
GdkRectangle intersection;
GdkRectangle background;
cairo_t* cr = gdk_cairo_create (get_window ()->gobj());
cairo_rectangle (cr, ev->area.x, ev->area.y, ev->area.width, ev->area.height);
cairo_clip (cr);
top_of_meter = (gint) floor (pixheight * current_level);
/* reset the height & origin of the rect that needs to show the pixbuf
pixrect.height = top_of_meter;
pixrect.y = pixheight - top_of_meter;
background.x = 0;
background.y = 0;
background.width = pixrect.width;
background.height = pixheight - top_of_meter;
if (gdk_rectangle_intersect (&background, &ev->area, &intersection)) {
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); // black
cairo_rectangle (cr, intersection.x, intersection.y, intersection.width, intersection.height);
cairo_fill (cr);
if (gdk_rectangle_intersect (&pixrect, &ev->area, &intersection)) {
// draw the part of the meter image that we need. the area we draw is bounded "in reverse" (top->bottom)
cairo_set_source (cr, pattern->cobj());
cairo_rectangle (cr, intersection.x, intersection.y, intersection.width, intersection.height);
cairo_fill (cr);
// draw peak bar
if (hold_state) {
last_peak_rect.x = 0;
last_peak_rect.width = pixwidth;
last_peak_rect.y = pixheight - (gint) floor (pixheight * current_peak);
last_peak_rect.height = min(3, pixheight - last_peak_rect.y);
cairo_set_source (cr, pattern->cobj());
cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, last_peak_rect.y, pixwidth, last_peak_rect.height);
cairo_fill (cr);
} else {
last_peak_rect.width = 0;
last_peak_rect.height = 0;
cairo_destroy (cr);
return TRUE;
FastMeter::horizontal_expose (GdkEventExpose* ev)
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> win = get_window ();
gint right_of_meter;
GdkRectangle intersection;
GdkRectangle background;
cairo_t* cr = gdk_cairo_create (get_window ()->gobj());
cairo_rectangle (cr, ev->area.x, ev->area.y, ev->area.width, ev->area.height);
cairo_clip (cr);
right_of_meter = (gint) floor (pixwidth * current_level);
pixrect.width = right_of_meter;
background.x = 0;
background.y = 0;
background.width = pixwidth - right_of_meter;
background.height = pixrect.height;
if (gdk_rectangle_intersect (&background, &ev->area, &intersection)) {
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); // black
cairo_rectangle (cr, intersection.x + right_of_meter, intersection.y, intersection.width, intersection.height);
cairo_fill (cr);
if (gdk_rectangle_intersect (&pixrect, &ev->area, &intersection)) {
// draw the part of the meter image that we need. the area we draw is bounded "in reverse" (top->bottom)
cairo_matrix_t m;
cairo_matrix_init_translate (&m, -intersection.x, -intersection.y);
cairo_pattern_set_matrix (pattern->cobj(), &m);
cairo_set_source (cr, pattern->cobj());
cairo_rectangle (cr, intersection.x, intersection.y, pixrect.width, intersection.height);
cairo_fill (cr);
// draw peak bar
// XXX: peaks don't work properly
if (hold_state && intersection.height > 0) {
gint x = (gint) floor(pixwidth * current_peak);
get_window()->draw_pixbuf (get_style()->get_fg_gc(get_state()), pixbuf,
x, intersection.y,
x, intersection.y,
3, intersection.height,
Gdk::RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0);
cairo_destroy (cr);
return true;
FastMeter::set (float lvl)
float old_level = current_level;
float old_peak = current_peak;
current_level = lvl;
if (lvl > current_peak) {
current_peak = lvl;
hold_state = hold_cnt;
if (hold_state > 0) {
if (--hold_state == 0) {
current_peak = lvl;
if (current_level == old_level && current_peak == old_peak && hold_state == 0) {
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> win;
if ((win = get_window()) == 0) {
queue_draw ();
if (orientation == Vertical) {
queue_vertical_redraw (win, old_level);
} else {
queue_horizontal_redraw (win, old_level);
FastMeter::queue_vertical_redraw (const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window>& win, float old_level)
GdkRectangle rect;
gint new_top = (gint) floor (pixheight * current_level);
rect.x = 0;
rect.width = pixwidth;
rect.height = new_top;
rect.y = pixheight - new_top;
if (current_level > old_level) {
/* colored/pixbuf got larger, just draw the new section */
/* rect.y stays where it is because of X coordinates */
/* height of invalidated area is between new.y (smaller) and old.y
X coordinates just make my brain hurt.
rect.height = pixrect.y - rect.y;
} else {
/* it got smaller, compute the difference */
/* rect.y becomes old.y (the smaller value) */
rect.y = pixrect.y;
/* rect.height is the old.y (smaller) minus the new.y (larger)
rect.height = pixrect.height - rect.height;
GdkRegion* region = 0;
bool queue = false;
if (rect.height != 0) {
/* ok, first region to draw ... */
region = gdk_region_rectangle (&rect);
queue = true;
/* redraw the last place where the last peak hold bar was;
the next expose will draw the new one whether its part of
expose region or not.
if (last_peak_rect.width * last_peak_rect.height != 0) {
if (!queue) {
region = gdk_region_new ();
queue = true;
gdk_region_union_with_rect (region, &last_peak_rect);
if (queue) {
gdk_window_invalidate_region (win->gobj(), region, true);
if (region) {
region = 0;
FastMeter::queue_horizontal_redraw (const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window>& /*win*/, float /*old_level*/)
/* XXX OPTIMIZE (when we have some horizontal meters) */
queue_draw ();
FastMeter::clear ()
current_level = 0;
current_peak = 0;
hold_state = 0;
queue_draw ();