
1530 lines
38 KiB

Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <cmath>
#include <climits>
#include <cfloat>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <glibmm/thread.h>
#include "pbd/basename.h"
#include "pbd/xml++.h"
#include "pbd/stacktrace.h"
#include "pbd/enumwriter.h"
#include "pbd/convert.h"
#include "evoral/Curve.hpp"
#include "ardour/audioregion.h"
#include "ardour/debug.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "ardour/gain.h"
#include "ardour/dB.h"
#include "ardour/playlist.h"
#include "ardour/audiofilesource.h"
#include "ardour/region_factory.h"
#include "ardour/runtime_functions.h"
#include "ardour/transient_detector.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include <locale.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace PBD;
namespace ARDOUR {
namespace Properties {
PBD::PropertyDescriptor<bool> envelope_active;
PBD::PropertyDescriptor<bool> default_fade_in;
PBD::PropertyDescriptor<bool> default_fade_out;
PBD::PropertyDescriptor<bool> fade_in_active;
PBD::PropertyDescriptor<bool> fade_out_active;
PBD::PropertyDescriptor<float> scale_amplitude;
AudioRegion::make_property_quarks ()
Properties::envelope_active.id = g_quark_from_static_string (X_("envelope-active"));
Properties::default_fade_in.id = g_quark_from_static_string (X_("default-fade-in"));
Properties::default_fade_out.id = g_quark_from_static_string (X_("default-fade-out"));
Properties::fade_in_active.id = g_quark_from_static_string (X_("fade-in-active"));
Properties::fade_out_active.id = g_quark_from_static_string (X_("fade-out-active"));
Properties::scale_amplitude.id = g_quark_from_static_string (X_("scale-amplitude"));
AudioRegion::register_properties ()
/* no need to register parent class properties */
add_property (_envelope_active);
add_property (_default_fade_in);
add_property (_default_fade_out);
add_property (_fade_in_active);
add_property (_fade_out_active);
add_property (_scale_amplitude);
_envelope_active (Properties::envelope_active, false) \
, _default_fade_in (Properties::default_fade_in, true) \
, _default_fade_out (Properties::default_fade_out, true) \
, _fade_in_active (Properties::fade_in_active, true) \
, _fade_out_active (Properties::fade_out_active, true) \
, _scale_amplitude (Properties::scale_amplitude, 0.0)
_envelope_active (other->_envelope_active) \
, _default_fade_in (other->_default_fade_in) \
, _default_fade_out (other->_default_fade_out) \
, _fade_in_active (other->_fade_in_active) \
, _fade_out_active (other->_fade_out_active) \
, _scale_amplitude (other->_scale_amplitude)
/* a Session will reset these to its chosen defaults by calling AudioRegion::set_default_fade() */
AudioRegion::init ()
register_properties ();
set_default_fades ();
set_default_envelope ();
listen_to_my_curves ();
connect_to_analysis_changed ();
connect_to_header_position_offset_changed ();
/** Constructor for use by derived types only */
AudioRegion::AudioRegion (Session& s, framepos_t start, framecnt_t len, std::string name)
: Region (s, start, len, name, DataType::AUDIO)
, _automatable (s)
, _fade_in (new AutomationList(Evoral::Parameter(FadeInAutomation)))
, _fade_out (new AutomationList(Evoral::Parameter(FadeOutAutomation)))
, _envelope (new AutomationList(Evoral::Parameter(EnvelopeAutomation)))
, _fade_in_suspended (0)
, _fade_out_suspended (0)
init ();
assert (_sources.size() == _master_sources.size());
/** Basic AudioRegion constructor */
AudioRegion::AudioRegion (const SourceList& srcs)
: Region (srcs)
, _automatable(srcs[0]->session())
, _fade_in (new AutomationList(Evoral::Parameter(FadeInAutomation)))
, _fade_out (new AutomationList(Evoral::Parameter(FadeOutAutomation)))
, _envelope (new AutomationList(Evoral::Parameter(EnvelopeAutomation)))
, _fade_in_suspended (0)
, _fade_out_suspended (0)
init ();
assert (_sources.size() == _master_sources.size());
AudioRegion::AudioRegion (boost::shared_ptr<const AudioRegion> other, nframes64_t offset, bool offset_relative)
: Region (other, offset, offset_relative)
, _automatable (other->session())
, _fade_in (new AutomationList (*other->_fade_in))
, _fade_out (new AutomationList (*other->_fade_out))
/* XXX is this guaranteed to work for all values of offset+offset_relative? */
, _envelope (new AutomationList (*other->_envelope, _start, _start + _length))
, _fade_in_suspended (0)
, _fade_out_suspended (0)
/* don't use init here, because we got fade in/out from the other region
register_properties ();
listen_to_my_curves ();
connect_to_analysis_changed ();
connect_to_header_position_offset_changed ();
assert(_type == DataType::AUDIO);
assert (_sources.size() == _master_sources.size());
AudioRegion::AudioRegion (boost::shared_ptr<const AudioRegion> other, const SourceList& srcs)
: Region (boost::static_pointer_cast<const Region>(other), srcs)
, _automatable (other->session())
, _fade_in (new AutomationList (*other->_fade_in))
, _fade_out (new AutomationList (*other->_fade_out))
, _envelope (new AutomationList (*other->_envelope))
, _fade_in_suspended (0)
, _fade_out_suspended (0)
/* make-a-sort-of-copy-with-different-sources constructor (used by audio filter) */
register_properties ();
listen_to_my_curves ();
connect_to_analysis_changed ();
connect_to_header_position_offset_changed ();
assert (_sources.size() == _master_sources.size());
AudioRegion::AudioRegion (SourceList& srcs)
: Region (srcs)
, _automatable(srcs[0]->session())
, _fade_in (new AutomationList(Evoral::Parameter(FadeInAutomation)))
, _fade_out (new AutomationList(Evoral::Parameter(FadeOutAutomation)))
, _envelope (new AutomationList(Evoral::Parameter(EnvelopeAutomation)))
, _fade_in_suspended (0)
, _fade_out_suspended (0)
init ();
assert(_type == DataType::AUDIO);
assert (_sources.size() == _master_sources.size());
AudioRegion::~AudioRegion ()
AudioRegion::post_set ()
if (!_sync_marked) {
_sync_position = _start;
/* return to default fades if the existing ones are too long */
if (_left_of_split) {
if (_fade_in->back()->when >= _length) {
set_default_fade_in ();
set_default_fade_out ();
_left_of_split = false;
if (_right_of_split) {
if (_fade_out->back()->when >= _length) {
set_default_fade_out ();
set_default_fade_in ();
_right_of_split = false;
AudioRegion::connect_to_analysis_changed ()
for (SourceList::const_iterator i = _sources.begin(); i != _sources.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->AnalysisChanged.connect_same_thread (*this, boost::bind (&AudioRegion::invalidate_transients, this));
AudioRegion::connect_to_header_position_offset_changed ()
set<boost::shared_ptr<Source> > unique_srcs;
for (SourceList::const_iterator i = _sources.begin(); i != _sources.end(); ++i) {
if (unique_srcs.find (*i) == unique_srcs.end ()) {
unique_srcs.insert (*i);
boost::shared_ptr<AudioFileSource> afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioFileSource> (*i);
if (afs) {
afs->HeaderPositionOffsetChanged.connect_same_thread (*this, boost::bind (&AudioRegion::source_offset_changed, this));
AudioRegion::listen_to_my_curves ()
_envelope->StateChanged.connect_same_thread (*this, boost::bind (&AudioRegion::envelope_changed, this));
_fade_in->StateChanged.connect_same_thread (*this, boost::bind (&AudioRegion::fade_in_changed, this));
_fade_out->StateChanged.connect_same_thread (*this, boost::bind (&AudioRegion::fade_out_changed, this));
AudioRegion::set_envelope_active (bool yn)
if (envelope_active() != yn) {
_envelope_active = yn;
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::envelope_active));
AudioRegion::read_peaks (PeakData *buf, nframes_t npeaks, nframes_t offset, nframes_t cnt, uint32_t chan_n, double samples_per_unit) const
if (chan_n >= _sources.size()) {
return 0;
if (audio_source(chan_n)->read_peaks (buf, npeaks, offset, cnt, samples_per_unit)) {
return 0;
} else {
if (_scale_amplitude != 1.0f) {
for (nframes_t n = 0; n < npeaks; ++n) {
buf[n].max *= _scale_amplitude;
buf[n].min *= _scale_amplitude;
return cnt;
AudioRegion::read (Sample* buf, framepos_t timeline_position, framecnt_t cnt, int channel) const
/* raw read, no fades, no gain, nada */
return _read_at (_sources, _length, buf, 0, 0, _position + timeline_position, cnt, channel, 0, 0, ReadOps (0));
AudioRegion::read_with_ops (Sample* buf, framepos_t file_position, framecnt_t cnt, int channel, ReadOps rops) const
return _read_at (_sources, _length, buf, 0, 0, file_position, cnt, channel, 0, 0, rops);
AudioRegion::read_at (Sample *buf, Sample *mixdown_buffer, float *gain_buffer,
framepos_t file_position, framecnt_t cnt, uint32_t chan_n,
framecnt_t read_frames, framecnt_t skip_frames) const
/* regular diskstream/butler read complete with fades etc */
return _read_at (_sources, _length, buf, mixdown_buffer, gain_buffer,
file_position, cnt, chan_n, read_frames, skip_frames, ReadOps (~0));
AudioRegion::master_read_at (Sample *buf, Sample *mixdown_buffer, float *gain_buffer,
framepos_t position, framecnt_t cnt, uint32_t chan_n) const
/* do not read gain/scaling/fades and do not count this disk i/o in statistics */
return _read_at (_master_sources, _master_sources.front()->length(_master_sources.front()->timeline_position()),
buf, mixdown_buffer, gain_buffer, position, cnt, chan_n, 0, 0, ReadOps (0));
AudioRegion::_read_at (const SourceList& /*srcs*/, framecnt_t limit,
Sample *buf, Sample *mixdown_buffer, float *gain_buffer,
framepos_t position,
framecnt_t cnt,
uint32_t chan_n,
framecnt_t /*read_frames*/,
framecnt_t /*skip_frames*/,
ReadOps rops) const
frameoffset_t internal_offset;
frameoffset_t buf_offset;
framecnt_t to_read;
bool raw = (rops == ReadOpsNone);
if (muted() && !raw) {
return 0; /* read nothing */
/* precondition: caller has verified that we cover the desired section */
if (position < _position) {
internal_offset = 0;
buf_offset = _position - position;
cnt -= buf_offset;
} else {
internal_offset = position - _position;
buf_offset = 0;
if (internal_offset >= limit) {
return 0; /* read nothing */
if ((to_read = min (cnt, limit - internal_offset)) == 0) {
return 0; /* read nothing */
if (opaque() || raw) {
/* overwrite whatever is there */
mixdown_buffer = buf + buf_offset;
} else {
mixdown_buffer += buf_offset;
if (rops & ReadOpsCount) {
_read_data_count = 0;
if (chan_n < n_channels()) {
boost::shared_ptr<AudioSource> src = audio_source(chan_n);
if (src->read (mixdown_buffer, _start + internal_offset, to_read) != to_read) {
return 0; /* "read nothing" */
if (rops & ReadOpsCount) {
_read_data_count += src->read_data_count();
} else {
/* track is N-channel, this region has less channels; silence the ones
we don't have.
memset (mixdown_buffer, 0, sizeof (Sample) * cnt);
if (rops & ReadOpsFades) {
/* fade in */
if (_fade_in_active && _session.config.get_use_region_fades()) {
nframes_t fade_in_length = (nframes_t) _fade_in->back()->when;
/* see if this read is within the fade in */
if (internal_offset < fade_in_length) {
nframes_t fi_limit;
fi_limit = min (to_read, fade_in_length - internal_offset);
_fade_in->curve().get_vector (internal_offset, internal_offset+fi_limit, gain_buffer, fi_limit);
for (nframes_t n = 0; n < fi_limit; ++n) {
mixdown_buffer[n] *= gain_buffer[n];
/* fade out */
if (_fade_out_active && _session.config.get_use_region_fades()) {
/* see if some part of this read is within the fade out */
/* ................. >| REGION
{ } FADE
limit - fade_out_length
^internal_offset + to_read
we need the intersection of [internal_offset,internal_offset+to_read] with
[limit - fade_out_length, limit]
nframes_t fade_out_length = (nframes_t) _fade_out->back()->when;
nframes_t fade_interval_start = max(internal_offset, limit-fade_out_length);
nframes_t fade_interval_end = min(internal_offset + to_read, limit);
if (fade_interval_end > fade_interval_start) {
/* (part of the) the fade out is in this buffer */
nframes_t fo_limit = fade_interval_end - fade_interval_start;
nframes_t curve_offset = fade_interval_start - (limit-fade_out_length);
nframes_t fade_offset = fade_interval_start - internal_offset;
_fade_out->curve().get_vector (curve_offset, curve_offset+fo_limit, gain_buffer, fo_limit);
for (nframes_t n = 0, m = fade_offset; n < fo_limit; ++n, ++m) {
mixdown_buffer[m] *= gain_buffer[n];
/* Regular gain curves and scaling */
if ((rops & ReadOpsOwnAutomation) && envelope_active()) {
_envelope->curve().get_vector (internal_offset, internal_offset + to_read, gain_buffer, to_read);
if ((rops & ReadOpsOwnScaling) && _scale_amplitude != 1.0f) {
for (nframes_t n = 0; n < to_read; ++n) {
mixdown_buffer[n] *= gain_buffer[n] * _scale_amplitude;
} else {
for (nframes_t n = 0; n < to_read; ++n) {
mixdown_buffer[n] *= gain_buffer[n];
} else if ((rops & ReadOpsOwnScaling) && _scale_amplitude != 1.0f) {
// XXX this should be using what in 2.0 would have been:
// Session::apply_gain_to_buffer (mixdown_buffer, to_read, _scale_amplitude);
for (nframes_t n = 0; n < to_read; ++n) {
mixdown_buffer[n] *= _scale_amplitude;
if (!opaque()) {
/* gack. the things we do for users.
buf += buf_offset;
for (nframes_t n = 0; n < to_read; ++n) {
buf[n] += mixdown_buffer[n];
return to_read;
AudioRegion::state (bool full)
XMLNode& node (Region::state (full));
XMLNode *child;
char buf[64];
char buf2[64];
LocaleGuard lg (X_("POSIX"));
// XXX these should move into Region
for (uint32_t n=0; n < _sources.size(); ++n) {
snprintf (buf2, sizeof(buf2), "source-%d", n);
_sources[n]->id().print (buf, sizeof (buf));
node.add_property (buf2, buf);
for (uint32_t n=0; n < _master_sources.size(); ++n) {
snprintf (buf2, sizeof(buf2), "master-source-%d", n);
_master_sources[n]->id().print (buf, sizeof (buf));
node.add_property (buf2, buf);
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%u", (uint32_t) _sources.size());
node.add_property ("channels", buf);
if (full) {
Stateful::add_properties (node);
child = node.add_child ("Envelope");
if (full) {
bool default_env = false;
// If there are only two points, the points are in the start of the region and the end of the region
// so, if they are both at 1.0f, that means the default region.
if (_envelope->size() == 2 &&
_envelope->front()->value == 1.0f &&
_envelope->back()->value==1.0f) {
if (_envelope->front()->when == 0 && _envelope->back()->when == _length) {
default_env = true;
if (default_env) {
child->add_property ("default", "yes");
} else {
child->add_child_nocopy (_envelope->get_state ());
} else {
child->add_property ("default", "yes");
if (full && _extra_xml) {
node.add_child_copy (*_extra_xml);
return node;
AudioRegion::_set_state (const XMLNode& node, int version, PropertyChange& what_changed, bool send)
const XMLNodeList& nlist = node.children();
const XMLProperty *prop;
LocaleGuard lg (X_("POSIX"));
boost::shared_ptr<Playlist> the_playlist (_playlist.lock());
freeze ();
if (the_playlist) {
the_playlist->freeze ();
/* this will set all our State members and stuff controlled by the Region.
It should NOT send any changed signals - that is our responsibility.
Region::_set_state (node, version, what_changed, false);
if ((prop = node.property ("scale-gain")) != 0) {
float a = atof (prop->value().c_str());
if (a != _scale_amplitude) {
_scale_amplitude = a;
what_changed.add (Properties::scale_amplitude);
/* Now find envelope description and other related child items */
_envelope->freeze ();
for (XMLNodeConstIterator niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) {
XMLNode *child;
XMLProperty *prop;
child = (*niter);
if (child->name() == "Envelope") {
_envelope->clear ();
if ((prop = child->property ("default")) != 0 || _envelope->set_state (*child, version)) {
set_default_envelope ();
_envelope->set_max_xval (_length);
_envelope->truncate_end (_length);
} else if (child->name() == "FadeIn") {
_fade_in->clear ();
if ((prop = child->property ("default")) != 0 || (prop = child->property ("steepness")) != 0) {
set_default_fade_in ();
} else {
XMLNode* grandchild = child->child ("AutomationList");
if (grandchild) {
_fade_in->set_state (*grandchild, version);
if ((prop = child->property ("active")) != 0) {
if (string_is_affirmative (prop->value())) {
set_fade_in_active (true);
} else {
set_fade_in_active (false);
} else if (child->name() == "FadeOut") {
_fade_out->clear ();
if ((prop = child->property ("default")) != 0 || (prop = child->property ("steepness")) != 0) {
set_default_fade_out ();
} else {
XMLNode* grandchild = child->child ("AutomationList");
if (grandchild) {
_fade_out->set_state (*grandchild, version);
if ((prop = child->property ("active")) != 0) {
if (string_is_affirmative (prop->value())) {
set_fade_out_active (true);
} else {
set_fade_out_active (false);
_envelope->thaw ();
thaw ();
if (send) {
send_change (what_changed);
if (the_playlist) {
the_playlist->thaw ();
return 0;
AudioRegion::set_property (const PropertyBase& prop)
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Properties, string_compose ("audio region %1 set property %2\n", _name.val(), prop.property_name()));
if (prop == Properties::envelope_active.id) {
bool val = dynamic_cast<const PropertyTemplate<bool>*>(&prop)->val();
if (val != _envelope_active) {
_envelope_active = val;
return true;
} else if (prop == Properties::default_fade_in.id) {
bool val = dynamic_cast<const PropertyTemplate<bool>*>(&prop)->val();
if (val != _default_fade_in) {
_default_fade_in = val;
return true;
} else if (prop == Properties::default_fade_out.id) {
bool val = dynamic_cast<const PropertyTemplate<bool>*>(&prop)->val();
if (val != _default_fade_out) {
_default_fade_out = val;
return true;
} else if (prop == Properties::fade_in_active.id) {
bool val = dynamic_cast<const PropertyTemplate<bool>*>(&prop)->val();
if (val != _fade_in_active) {
_fade_in_active = val;
return true;
} else if (prop == Properties::fade_out_active.id) {
bool val = dynamic_cast<const PropertyTemplate<bool>*>(&prop)->val();
if (val != _fade_out_active) {
_fade_out_active = val;
return true;
} else if (prop == Properties::scale_amplitude.id) {
gain_t val = dynamic_cast<const PropertyTemplate<gain_t>*>(&prop)->val();
if (val != _scale_amplitude) {
_scale_amplitude = val;
return true;
} else {
return Region::set_property (prop);
return false;
AudioRegion::set_state (const XMLNode& node, int version)
PropertyChange what_changed;
return _set_state (node, version, what_changed, true);
AudioRegion::set_fade_in_shape (FadeShape shape)
set_fade_in (shape, (nframes_t) _fade_in->back()->when);
AudioRegion::set_fade_out_shape (FadeShape shape)
set_fade_out (shape, (nframes_t) _fade_out->back()->when);
AudioRegion::set_fade_in (boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> f)
_fade_in->freeze ();
*_fade_in = *f;
_fade_in->thaw ();
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::fade_in));
AudioRegion::set_fade_in (FadeShape shape, framecnt_t len)
_fade_in->freeze ();
_fade_in->clear ();
switch (shape) {
case Linear:
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (0.0, 0.0);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len, 1.0);
case Fast:
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (0, 0);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.389401, 0.0333333);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.629032, 0.0861111);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.829493, 0.233333);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.9447, 0.483333);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.976959, 0.697222);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len, 1);
case Slow:
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (0, 0);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.0207373, 0.197222);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.0645161, 0.525);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.152074, 0.802778);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.276498, 0.919444);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.481567, 0.980556);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.767281, 1);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len, 1);
case LogA:
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (0, 0);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.0737327, 0.308333);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.246544, 0.658333);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.470046, 0.886111);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.652074, 0.972222);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.771889, 0.988889);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len, 1);
case LogB:
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (0, 0);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.304147, 0.0694444);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.529954, 0.152778);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.725806, 0.333333);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.847926, 0.558333);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len * 0.919355, 0.730556);
_fade_in->fast_simple_add (len, 1);
_fade_in->thaw ();
AudioRegion::set_fade_out (boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> f)
_fade_out->freeze ();
*_fade_out = *f;
_fade_out->thaw ();
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::fade_in));
AudioRegion::set_fade_out (FadeShape shape, framecnt_t len)
_fade_out->freeze ();
_fade_out->clear ();
switch (shape) {
case Fast:
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0, 1);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.023041, 0.697222);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.0553, 0.483333);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.170507, 0.233333);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.370968, 0.0861111);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.610599, 0.0333333);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 1, 0);
case LogA:
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0, 1);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.228111, 0.988889);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.347926, 0.972222);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.529954, 0.886111);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.753456, 0.658333);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.9262673, 0.308333);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 1, 0);
case Slow:
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0, 1);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.305556, 1);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.548611, 0.991736);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.759259, 0.931129);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.918981, 0.68595);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.976852, 0.22865);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 1, 0);
case LogB:
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0, 1);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.080645, 0.730556);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.277778, 0.289256);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.470046, 0.152778);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0.695853, 0.0694444);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 1, 0);
case Linear:
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 0, 1);
_fade_out->fast_simple_add (len * 1, 0);
_fade_out->thaw ();
AudioRegion::set_fade_in_length (framecnt_t len)
if (len > _length) {
len = _length - 1;
bool changed = _fade_in->extend_to (len);
if (changed) {
_default_fade_in = false;
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::fade_in));
AudioRegion::set_fade_out_length (framecnt_t len)
if (len > _length) {
len = _length - 1;
bool changed = _fade_out->extend_to (len);
if (changed) {
_default_fade_out = false;
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::fade_out));
AudioRegion::set_fade_in_active (bool yn)
if (yn == _fade_in_active) {
_fade_in_active = yn;
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::fade_in_active));
AudioRegion::set_fade_out_active (bool yn)
if (yn == _fade_out_active) {
_fade_out_active = yn;
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::fade_out_active));
AudioRegion::fade_in_is_default () const
return _fade_in->size() == 2 && _fade_in->front()->when == 0 && _fade_in->back()->when == 64;
AudioRegion::fade_out_is_default () const
return _fade_out->size() == 2 && _fade_out->front()->when == 0 && _fade_out->back()->when == 64;
AudioRegion::set_default_fade_in ()
_fade_in_suspended = 0;
set_fade_in (Linear, 64);
AudioRegion::set_default_fade_out ()
_fade_out_suspended = 0;
set_fade_out (Linear, 64);
AudioRegion::set_default_fades ()
set_default_fade_in ();
set_default_fade_out ();
AudioRegion::set_default_envelope ()
_envelope->freeze ();
_envelope->clear ();
_envelope->fast_simple_add (0, 1.0f);
_envelope->fast_simple_add (_length, 1.0f);
_envelope->thaw ();
AudioRegion::recompute_at_end ()
/* our length has changed. recompute a new final point by interpolating
based on the the existing curve.
_envelope->freeze ();
_envelope->truncate_end (_length);
_envelope->set_max_xval (_length);
_envelope->thaw ();
if (_fade_in->back()->when > _length) {
_fade_in->extend_to (_length);
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::fade_in));
if (_fade_out->back()->when > _length) {
_fade_out->extend_to (_length);
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::fade_out));
AudioRegion::recompute_at_start ()
/* as above, but the shift was from the front */
_envelope->truncate_start (_length);
if (_fade_in->back()->when > _length) {
_fade_in->extend_to (_length);
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::fade_in));
if (_fade_out->back()->when > _length) {
_fade_out->extend_to (_length);
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::fade_out));
AudioRegion::separate_by_channel (Session& /*session*/, vector<boost::shared_ptr<Region> >& v) const
SourceList srcs;
string new_name;
int n = 0;
if (_sources.size() < 2) {
return 0;
for (SourceList::const_iterator i = _sources.begin(); i != _sources.end(); ++i) {
srcs.clear ();
srcs.push_back (*i);
new_name = _name;
if (_sources.size() == 2) {
if (n == 0) {
new_name += "-L";
} else {
new_name += "-R";
} else {
new_name += '-';
new_name += ('0' + n + 1);
/* create a copy with just one source. prevent if from being thought of as
"whole file" even if it covers the entire source file(s).
PropertyList plist;
plist.add (Properties::start, _start.val());
plist.add (Properties::length, _length.val());
plist.add (Properties::name, new_name);
plist.add (Properties::layer, _layer.val());
v.push_back(RegionFactory::create (srcs, plist));
v.back()->set_whole_file (false);
return 0;
AudioRegion::read_raw_internal (Sample* buf, framepos_t pos, framecnt_t cnt, int channel) const
return audio_source()->read (buf, pos, cnt, channel);
AudioRegion::exportme (Session& /*session*/, ARDOUR::ExportSpecification& /*spec*/)
// const nframes_t blocksize = 4096;
// nframes_t to_read;
// int status = -1;
// spec.channels = _sources.size();
// if (spec.prepare (blocksize, session.frame_rate())) {
// goto out;
// }
// spec.pos = 0;
// spec.total_frames = _length;
// while (spec.pos < _length && !spec.stop) {
// /* step 1: interleave */
// to_read = min (_length - spec.pos, blocksize);
// if (spec.channels == 1) {
// if (read_raw_internal (spec.dataF, _start + spec.pos, to_read) != to_read) {
// goto out;
// }
// } else {
// Sample buf[blocksize];
// for (uint32_t chan = 0; chan < spec.channels; ++chan) {
// if (audio_source(chan)->read (buf, _start + spec.pos, to_read) != to_read) {
// goto out;
// }
// for (nframes_t x = 0; x < to_read; ++x) {
// spec.dataF[chan+(x*spec.channels)] = buf[x];
// }
// }
// }
// if (spec.process (to_read)) {
// goto out;
// }
// spec.pos += to_read;
// spec.progress = (double) spec.pos /_length;
// }
// status = 0;
// out:
// spec.running = false;
// spec.status = status;
// spec.clear();
// return status;
return 0;
AudioRegion::set_scale_amplitude (gain_t g)
boost::shared_ptr<Playlist> pl (playlist());
_scale_amplitude = g;
/* tell the diskstream we're in */
if (pl) {
/* tell everybody else */
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::scale_amplitude));
AudioRegion::normalize_to (float target_dB)
const framecnt_t blocksize = 64 * 1024;
Sample buf[blocksize];
framepos_t fpos;
framepos_t fend;
framecnt_t to_read;
double maxamp = 0;
gain_t target = dB_to_coefficient (target_dB);
if (target == 1.0f) {
/* do not normalize to precisely 1.0 (0 dBFS), to avoid making it appear
that we may have clipped.
target -= FLT_EPSILON;
fpos = _start;
fend = _start + _length;
/* first pass: find max amplitude */
while (fpos < fend) {
uint32_t n;
to_read = min (fend - fpos, blocksize);
for (n = 0; n < n_channels(); ++n) {
/* read it in */
if (read_raw_internal (buf, fpos, to_read, 0) != to_read) {
maxamp = compute_peak (buf, to_read, maxamp);
fpos += to_read;
if (maxamp == 0.0f) {
/* don't even try */
if (maxamp == target) {
/* we can't do anything useful */
/* compute scale factor */
_scale_amplitude = target/maxamp;
/* tell the diskstream we're in */
boost::shared_ptr<Playlist> pl (playlist());
if (pl) {
/* tell everybody else */
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::scale_amplitude));
AudioRegion::fade_in_changed ()
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::fade_in));
AudioRegion::fade_out_changed ()
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::fade_out));
AudioRegion::envelope_changed ()
send_change (PropertyChange (Properties::envelope));
AudioRegion::suspend_fade_in ()
if (++_fade_in_suspended == 1) {
if (fade_in_is_default()) {
set_fade_in_active (false);
AudioRegion::resume_fade_in ()
if (--_fade_in_suspended == 0 && _fade_in_suspended) {
set_fade_in_active (true);
AudioRegion::suspend_fade_out ()
if (++_fade_out_suspended == 1) {
if (fade_out_is_default()) {
set_fade_out_active (false);
AudioRegion::resume_fade_out ()
if (--_fade_out_suspended == 0 &&_fade_out_suspended) {
set_fade_out_active (true);
AudioRegion::speed_mismatch (float sr) const
if (_sources.empty()) {
/* impossible, but ... */
return false;
float fsr = audio_source()->sample_rate();
return fsr != sr;
AudioRegion::source_offset_changed ()
/* XXX this fixes a crash that should not occur. It does occur
becauses regions are not being deleted when a session
is unloaded. That bug must be fixed.
if (_sources.empty()) {
boost::shared_ptr<AudioFileSource> afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioFileSource>(_sources.front());
if (afs && afs->destructive()) {
// set_start (source()->natural_position(), this);
set_position (source()->natural_position(), this);
AudioRegion::audio_source (uint32_t n) const
// Guaranteed to succeed (use a static cast for speed?)
return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioSource>(source(n));
AudioRegion::get_transients (AnalysisFeatureList& results, bool force_new)
boost::shared_ptr<Playlist> pl = playlist();
if (!pl) {
return -1;
if (_valid_transients && !force_new) {
results = _transients;
return 0;
SourceList::iterator s;
for (s = _sources.begin() ; s != _sources.end(); ++s) {
if (!(*s)->has_been_analysed()) {
cerr << "For " << name() << " source " << (*s)->name() << " has not been analyzed\n";
if (s == _sources.end()) {
/* all sources are analyzed, merge data from each one */
for (s = _sources.begin() ; s != _sources.end(); ++s) {
/* find the set of transients within the bounds of this region */
AnalysisFeatureList::iterator low = lower_bound ((*s)->transients.begin(),
AnalysisFeatureList::iterator high = upper_bound ((*s)->transients.begin(),
_start + _length);
/* and add them */
results.insert (results.end(), low, high);
TransientDetector::cleanup_transients (results, pl->session().frame_rate(), 3.0);
/* translate all transients to current position */
for (AnalysisFeatureList::iterator x = results.begin(); x != results.end(); ++x) {
(*x) -= _start;
(*x) += _position;
_transients = results;
_valid_transients = true;
return 0;
/* no existing/complete transient info */
if (!Config->get_auto_analyse_audio()) {
pl->session().Dialog (_("\
You have requested an operation that requires audio analysis.\n\n\
You currently have \"auto-analyse-audio\" disabled, which means\n\
that transient data must be generated every time it is required.\n\n\
If you are doing work that will require transient data on a\n\
regular basis, you should probably enable \"auto-analyse-audio\"\n\
then quit ardour and restart."));
TransientDetector t (pl->session().frame_rate());
bool existing_results = !results.empty();
_transients.clear ();
_valid_transients = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_channels(); ++i) {
AnalysisFeatureList these_results;
t.reset ();
if (t.run ("", this, i, these_results)) {
return -1;
/* translate all transients to give absolute position */
for (AnalysisFeatureList::iterator i = these_results.begin(); i != these_results.end(); ++i) {
(*i) += _position;
/* merge */
_transients.insert (_transients.end(), these_results.begin(), these_results.end());
if (!results.empty()) {
if (existing_results) {
/* merge our transients into the existing ones, then clean up
results.insert (results.end(), _transients.begin(), _transients.end());
TransientDetector::cleanup_transients (results, pl->session().frame_rate(), 3.0);
/* make sure ours are clean too */
TransientDetector::cleanup_transients (_transients, pl->session().frame_rate(), 3.0);
} else {
TransientDetector::cleanup_transients (_transients, pl->session().frame_rate(), 3.0);
results = _transients;
_valid_transients = true;
return 0;
/** Find areas of `silence' within a region.
* @param threshold Threshold below which signal is considered silence (as a sample value)
* @param min_length Minimum length of silent period to be reported.
* @return Silent periods; first of pair is the offset within the region, second is the length of the period
std::list<std::pair<frameoffset_t, framecnt_t> >
AudioRegion::find_silence (Sample threshold, framecnt_t min_length) const
framecnt_t const block_size = 64 * 1024;
Sample loudest[block_size];
Sample buf[block_size];
framepos_t pos = _start;
framepos_t const end = _start + _length - 1;
std::list<std::pair<frameoffset_t, framecnt_t> > silent_periods;
bool in_silence = false;
frameoffset_t silence_start = 0;
bool silence;
while (pos < end) {
/* fill `loudest' with the loudest absolute sample at each instant, across all channels */
memset (loudest, 0, sizeof (Sample) * block_size);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < n_channels(); ++n) {
read_raw_internal (buf, pos, block_size, n);
for (framecnt_t i = 0; i < block_size; ++i) {
loudest[i] = max (loudest[i], abs (buf[i]));
/* now look for silence */
for (framecnt_t i = 0; i < block_size; ++i) {
silence = abs (loudest[i]) < threshold;
if (silence && !in_silence) {
/* non-silence to silence */
in_silence = true;
silence_start = pos + i;
} else if (!silence && in_silence) {
/* silence to non-silence */
in_silence = false;
if (pos + i - 1 - silence_start >= min_length) {
silent_periods.push_back (std::make_pair (silence_start, pos + i - 1));
pos += block_size;
if (in_silence && end - 1 - silence_start >= min_length) {
/* last block was silent, so finish off the last period */
silent_periods.push_back (std::make_pair (silence_start, end));
return silent_periods;
extern "C" {
int region_read_peaks_from_c (void *arg, uint32_t npeaks, uint32_t start, uint32_t cnt, intptr_t data, uint32_t n_chan, double samples_per_unit)
return ((AudioRegion *) arg)->read_peaks ((PeakData *) data, (framecnt_t) npeaks, (framepos_t) start, (framecnt_t) cnt, n_chan,samples_per_unit);
uint32_t region_length_from_c (void *arg)
return ((AudioRegion *) arg)->length();
uint32_t sourcefile_length_from_c (void *arg, double zoom_factor)
return ( (AudioRegion *) arg)->audio_source()->available_peaks (zoom_factor) ;
} /* extern "C" */