Robin Gareus 8497298d73
Custom themable frame container
As opposed to Gtk::Frame, this allows the background color of
the content, inside the frame to be set and follows Ardour theme
2021-02-22 01:00:03 +01:00

359 lines
9.2 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2020 Robin Gareus <robin@gareus.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <cassert>
#include "gtkmm2ext/colors.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h"
#include "widgets/frame.h"
#include "widgets/ui_config.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace ArdourWidgets;
Frame::Frame (Orientation orientation, bool boxy)
: _orientation (orientation)
, _w (0)
, _current_parent (0)
, _border (0)
, _padding (4)
, _label_pad_w (5)
, _label_pad_h (2)
, _label_left (12)
, _text_width (0)
, _text_height (0)
, _alloc_x0 (0)
, _alloc_y0 (0)
, _boxy (boxy)
set_name ("Frame");
ensure_style ();
_min_size.width = _min_size.height = 0;
_layout = Pango::Layout::create (get_pango_context ());
/* provide bg color for cairo child widgets */
g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (gobj ()), "has_cairo_widget_background_info", (void*)0xfeedface);
UIConfigurationBase::instance().DPIReset.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Frame::on_name_changed));
Frame::~Frame ()
if (_parent_style_change) {
_parent_style_change.disconnect ();
if (_w) {
_w->unparent ();
Frame::on_add (Widget* w)
if (_w || !w) {
Bin::on_add (w);
_w = w;
queue_resize ();
Frame::on_remove (Gtk::Widget* w)
Bin::on_remove (w);
assert (_w == w);
_w = 0;
Frame::on_size_request (GtkRequisition* r)
Bin::on_size_request (r);
_border = get_border_width ();
_layout->set_markup (_label_text);
if (!_layout->get_text ().empty ()) {
_layout->get_pixel_size (_text_width, _text_height);
} else {
_text_width = _text_height = 0;
if (_w) {
_w->size_request (*r);
} else {
r->width = 0;
r->height = 0;
if (_text_width > 0) {
if (_orientation == Horizontal) {
r->width = max (r->width, _text_width + _label_pad_w * 2 + _label_left);
r->width += 2 * (_padding + _border);
r->height += 2 * (_padding + _border + _label_pad_h) + _text_height;
} else {
r->height = max (r->height, _text_width + _label_pad_w * 2 + _label_left);
r->width += 2 * (_padding + _border + _label_pad_h) + _text_height;
r->height += 2 * (_padding + _border);
} else {
r->height += 2 * (_padding + _border);
r->width += 2 * (_padding + _border);
_min_size = *r;
Frame::on_size_allocate (Allocation& alloc)
Bin::on_size_allocate (alloc);
_alloc_x0 = alloc.get_x ();
_alloc_y0 = alloc.get_y ();
Allocation child_alloc;
if (alloc.get_width () < _min_size.width || alloc.get_height () < _min_size.height) {
#if 0
printf ("Frame::on_size_allocate %dx%d < %dx%d\n", alloc.get_width (), alloc.get_height (), _min_size.width, _min_size.height);
int pb_l, pb_t;
if (_orientation == Horizontal) {
pb_l = _padding + _border;
pb_t = _padding + _border + (_text_width > 0 ? _label_pad_h : 0);
child_alloc.set_x (alloc.get_x () + pb_l);
child_alloc.set_y (alloc.get_y () + pb_t + _text_height);
child_alloc.set_width (alloc.get_width () - pb_l * 2);
child_alloc.set_height (alloc.get_height () - pb_t * 2 - _text_height);
} else {
pb_l = _padding + _border + (_text_width > 0 ? _label_pad_h : 0);;
pb_t = _padding + _border;
child_alloc.set_x (alloc.get_x () + pb_l + _text_height);
child_alloc.set_y (alloc.get_y () + pb_t);
child_alloc.set_width (alloc.get_width () - pb_l * 2 - _text_height);
child_alloc.set_height (alloc.get_height () - pb_t * 2);
if (_w) {
_w->size_allocate (child_alloc);
Frame::on_style_changed (const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Style>& style)
Bin::on_style_changed (style);
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Style> const& new_style = get_style ();
if (_layout && (_layout->get_font_description ().gobj () == 0 || _layout->get_font_description () != new_style->get_font ())) {
_layout->set_font_description (new_style->get_font ());
queue_resize ();
} else if (is_realized ()) {
queue_resize ();
Frame::on_name_changed ()
ensure_style ();
queue_resize ();
queue_draw ();
Frame::get_parent_style ()
Widget* parent = get_parent ();
while (parent) {
if (parent->get_has_window ()) {
parent = parent->get_parent ();
if (parent && parent->get_has_window ()) {
if (_current_parent != parent) {
if (_parent_style_change) {
_parent_style_change.disconnect ();
_current_parent = parent;
_parent_style_change = parent->signal_style_changed ().connect (mem_fun (*this, &Frame::on_style_changed));
return parent->get_style ();
return get_style ();
Frame::on_expose_event (GdkEventExpose* ev)
Glib::RefPtr<Style> pstyle (get_parent_style ());
Glib::RefPtr<Style> style (get_style ());
const bool boxy = _boxy | boxy_buttons ();
const float crad = boxy ? 0 : std::max (2.f, 3.f * UIConfigurationBase::instance ().get_ui_scale ());
const int lbl = ceil (_text_height / 2.0);
Gdk::Color pbg = pstyle->get_bg (get_state ());
Gdk::Color edge = pstyle->get_dark (get_state ());
Gdk::Color bg = style->get_bg (get_state ());
Gdk::Color text = style->get_text (get_state ());
if (_edge_color) {
edge = _edge_color.value ();
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = get_window ()->create_cairo_context ();
cr->rectangle (ev->area.x, ev->area.y, ev->area.width, ev->area.height);
cr->clip_preserve ();
cr->set_source_rgb (pbg.get_red_p (), pbg.get_green_p (), pbg.get_blue_p ());
cr->fill ();
cr->translate (_alloc_x0, _alloc_y0);
int ll, tp, tw2, th2;
if (_orientation == Horizontal) {
ll = _border;
tp = _border + (_text_width > 0 ? _label_pad_h : 0);
th2 = lbl;
tw2 = 0;
} else {
ll = _border + (_text_width > 0 ? _label_pad_h : 0);
tp = _border;
th2 = 0;
tw2 = lbl;
/* Edge */
assert (_padding >= 2);
Gtkmm2ext::rounded_rectangle (cr, ll + tw2, tp + th2, get_width () - ll * 2 - tw2, get_height () - tp * 2 - th2, crad + 1.5);
cr->set_source_rgb (edge.get_red_p (), edge.get_green_p (), edge.get_blue_p ());
cr->fill ();
Gtkmm2ext::rounded_rectangle (cr, ll + tw2 + 1, tp + th2 + 1, get_width () - ll * 2 - tw2 - 2, get_height () - tp * 2 - th2 - 2, crad);
cr->set_source_rgb (bg.get_red_p (), bg.get_green_p (), bg.get_blue_p ());
cr->fill ();
if (_text_width > 0) {
int lft, top;
static const double degrees = M_PI / 180.0;
double r = crad + 1.5;
cr->set_source_rgb (bg.get_red_p (), bg.get_green_p (), bg.get_blue_p ());
if (_orientation == Horizontal) {
lft = ll + _padding + _label_left;
top = _border;
Gtkmm2ext::rounded_top_rectangle (cr, lft, top, _text_width + 2 * _label_pad_w, _text_height + 2 * _label_pad_h, crad + 1.5);
cr->fill ();
double x = lft + .5;
double y = top + .5;
double w = _text_width + 2 * _label_pad_w;
double h = _label_pad_h + th2;
cr->move_to (x, y + h);
cr->arc (x + r, y + r, r, 180 * degrees, 270 * degrees); //tl
cr->arc (x + w - r, y + r, r, -90 * degrees, 0 * degrees); //tr
cr->line_to (x + w, y + h);
} else {
lft = _border;
top = get_height () - ll - _padding - _label_left - _text_width;
Gtkmm2ext::rounded_left_half_rectangle (cr, lft, top, _text_height + 2 * _label_pad_h, _text_width + 2 * _label_pad_w, crad + 1.5);
cr->fill ();
double x = lft + .5;
double y = top + .5;
double w = _label_pad_h + tw2;
double h = _text_width + 2 * _label_pad_w;
cr->move_to (x+w, y + h);
cr->arc (x + r, y + h - r, r, 90 * degrees, 180 * degrees); //bl
cr->arc (x + r, y + r, r, 180 * degrees, 270 * degrees); //tl
cr->line_to (x + w, y);
cr->set_line_width (1);
cr->set_source_rgb (edge.get_red_p (), edge.get_green_p (), edge.get_blue_p ());
cr->stroke ();
cr->save ();
cr->set_source_rgb (text.get_red_p (), text.get_green_p (), text.get_blue_p ());
if (_orientation == Horizontal) {
cr->move_to (lft + _label_pad_w, top + _padding + _label_pad_h - th2 / 2 - 1);
} else {
cr->move_to (lft + _padding + _label_pad_h - tw2 / 2 - 1, top + _label_pad_w + _text_width);
cr->rotate (M_PI / -2.0);
_layout->update_from_cairo_context (cr);
_layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
cr->restore ();
if (_w->is_visible ()) {
propagate_expose (*_w, ev);
return true;
Frame::set_padding (int p)
if (_padding == p + 2 || p < 0) {
_padding = p + 2;
queue_resize ();
Frame::reset_edge_color ()
_edge_color.reset ();
Frame::set_edge_color (Gtkmm2ext::Color c)
double r, g, b, a;
Gdk::Color color;
Gtkmm2ext::color_to_rgba (c, r, g, b, a);
color.set_rgb_p (r, g, b);
if (_edge_color == color) {
_edge_color = color;
queue_draw ();
Frame::set_label (std::string const& t)
if (_label_text == t) {
_label_text = t;
queue_resize ();