2099 lines
55 KiB
2099 lines
55 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2006 Paul Davis
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cerrno>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "pbd/gstdio_compat.h"
#include <glibmm/miscutils.h>
#include <pbd/convert.h>
#include <pbd/pthread_utils.h>
#include <pbd/file_utils.h>
#include <pbd/failed_constructor.h>
#include "ardour/amp.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "ardour/route.h"
#include "ardour/audio_track.h"
#include "ardour/midi_track.h"
#include "ardour/monitor_control.h"
#include "ardour/dB.h"
#include "ardour/filesystem_paths.h"
#include "ardour/panner.h"
#include "ardour/plugin.h"
#include "ardour/plugin_insert.h"
#include "ardour/presentation_info.h"
#include "ardour/send.h"
#include "osc_select_observer.h"
#include "osc.h"
#include "osc_controllable.h"
#include "osc_route_observer.h"
#include "osc_global_observer.h"
#include "i18n.h"
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace std;
using namespace Glib;
using namespace ArdourSurface;
#include "pbd/abstract_ui.cc" // instantiate template
OSC* OSC::_instance = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
static void error_callback(int num, const char *m, const char *path)
fprintf(stderr, "liblo server error %d in path %s: %s\n", num, path, m);
static void error_callback(int, const char *, const char *)
OSC::OSC (Session& s, uint32_t port)
: ControlProtocol (s, X_("Open Sound Control (OSC)"))
, AbstractUI<OSCUIRequest> (name())
, local_server (0)
, remote_server (0)
, _port(port)
, _ok (true)
, _shutdown (false)
, _osc_server (0)
, _osc_unix_server (0)
, _send_route_changes (true)
, _debugmode (Off)
, gui (0)
_instance = this;
session->Exported.connect (*this, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSC::session_exported, this, _1, _2), this);
stop ();
_instance = 0;
OSC::request_factory (uint32_t num_requests)
/* AbstractUI<T>::request_buffer_factory() is a template method only
instantiated in this source module. To provide something visible for
use in the interface/descriptor, we have this static method that is
return request_buffer_factory (num_requests);
OSC::do_request (OSCUIRequest* req)
if (req->type == CallSlot) {
call_slot (MISSING_INVALIDATOR, req->the_slot);
} else if (req->type == Quit) {
stop ();
OSC::set_active (bool yn)
if (yn != active()) {
if (yn) {
if (start ()) {
return -1;
} else {
if (stop ()) {
return -1;
return ControlProtocol::set_active (yn);
OSC::get_active () const
return _osc_server != 0;
OSC::set_feedback (bool yn)
_send_route_changes = yn;
return 0;
OSC::get_feedback () const
return _send_route_changes;
OSC::start ()
char tmpstr[255];
if (_osc_server) {
/* already started */
return 0;
for (int j=0; j < 20; ++j) {
snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "%d", _port);
//if ((_osc_server = lo_server_new_with_proto (tmpstr, LO_TCP, error_callback))) {
// break;
if ((_osc_server = lo_server_new (tmpstr, error_callback))) {
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "can't get osc at port: " << _port << endl;
if (!_osc_server) {
return 1;
// APPEARS sluggish for now
// attempt to create unix socket server too
snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), "/tmp/sooperlooper_XXXXXX");
int fd = mkstemp(tmpstr);
if (fd >= 0 ) {
::g_unlink (tmpstr);
close (fd);
_osc_unix_server = lo_server_new (tmpstr, error_callback);
if (_osc_unix_server) {
_osc_unix_socket_path = tmpstr;
PBD::info << "OSC @ " << get_server_url () << endmsg;
std::string url_file;
if (find_file (ardour_config_search_path(), "osc_url", url_file)) {
_osc_url_file = url_file;
if (g_file_set_contents (_osc_url_file.c_str(), get_server_url().c_str(), -1, NULL)) {
cerr << "Couldn't write '" << _osc_url_file << "'" <<endl;
session_loaded (*session);
// lo_server_thread_add_method(_sthread, NULL, NULL, OSC::_dummy_handler, this);
/* startup the event loop thread */
BaseUI::run ();
// start timers for metering, timecode and heartbeat.
// timecode and metering run at 100
Glib::RefPtr<Glib::TimeoutSource> periodic_timeout = Glib::TimeoutSource::create (100); // milliseconds
periodic_connection = periodic_timeout->connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &OSC::periodic));
periodic_timeout->attach (main_loop()->get_context());
StripableSelectionChanged.connect (session_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSC::gui_selection_changed, this, _1), this);
return 0;
OSC::thread_init ()
pthread_set_name (event_loop_name().c_str());
if (_osc_unix_server) {
Glib::RefPtr<IOSource> src = IOSource::create (lo_server_get_socket_fd (_osc_unix_server), IO_IN|IO_HUP|IO_ERR);
src->connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &OSC::osc_input_handler), _osc_unix_server));
src->attach (_main_loop->get_context());
local_server = src->gobj();
g_source_ref (local_server);
if (_osc_server) {
Glib::RefPtr<IOChannel> chan = Glib::IOChannel::create_from_win32_socket (lo_server_get_socket_fd (_osc_server));
Glib::RefPtr<IOSource> src = IOSource::create (chan, IO_IN|IO_HUP|IO_ERR);
Glib::RefPtr<IOSource> src = IOSource::create (lo_server_get_socket_fd (_osc_server), IO_IN|IO_HUP|IO_ERR);
src->connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &OSC::osc_input_handler), _osc_server));
src->attach (_main_loop->get_context());
remote_server = src->gobj();
g_source_ref (remote_server);
PBD::notify_event_loops_about_thread_creation (pthread_self(), event_loop_name(), 2048);
SessionEvent::create_per_thread_pool (event_loop_name(), 128);
OSC::stop ()
/* stop main loop */
if (local_server) {
g_source_destroy (local_server);
g_source_unref (local_server);
local_server = 0;
if (remote_server) {
g_source_destroy (remote_server);
g_source_unref (remote_server);
remote_server = 0;
BaseUI::quit ();
if (_osc_server) {
lo_server_free (_osc_server);
_osc_server = 0;
if (_osc_unix_server) {
lo_server_free (_osc_unix_server);
_osc_unix_server = 0;
if (!_osc_unix_socket_path.empty()) {
::g_unlink (_osc_unix_socket_path.c_str());
if (!_osc_url_file.empty() ) {
::g_unlink (_osc_url_file.c_str() );
periodic_connection.disconnect ();
session_connections.drop_connections ();
// Delete any active route observers
for (RouteObservers::iterator x = route_observers.begin(); x != route_observers.end();) {
OSCRouteObserver* rc;
if ((rc = dynamic_cast<OSCRouteObserver*>(*x)) != 0) {
delete *x;
x = route_observers.erase (x);
} else {
// Should maybe do global_observers too
for (GlobalObservers::iterator x = global_observers.begin(); x != global_observers.end();) {
OSCGlobalObserver* gc;
if ((gc = dynamic_cast<OSCGlobalObserver*>(*x)) != 0) {
delete *x;
x = global_observers.erase (x);
} else {
// delete select observers
for (uint32_t it = 0; it < _surface.size(); ++it) {
OSCSurface* sur = &_surface[it];
OSCSelectObserver* so;
if ((so = dynamic_cast<OSCSelectObserver*>(sur->sel_obs)) != 0) {
delete so;
return 0;
lo_server srvs[2];
lo_server serv;
srvs[0] = _osc_server;
srvs[1] = _osc_unix_server;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (!srvs[i]) {
serv = srvs[i];
#define REGISTER_CALLBACK(serv,path,types, function) lo_server_add_method (serv, path, types, OSC::_ ## function, this)
// Some controls have optional "f" for feedback or touchosc
// http://hexler.net/docs/touchosc-controls-reference
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/set_surface", "iiii", set_surface);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/set_surface/feedback", "i", set_surface_feedback);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/set_surface/bank_size", "i", set_surface_bank_size);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/set_surface/gainmode", "i", set_surface_gainmode);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/set_surface/strip_types", "i", set_surface_strip_types);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/list", "", routes_list);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/add_marker", "", add_marker);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/add_marker", "f", add_marker);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/access_action", "s", access_action);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/loop_toggle", "", loop_toggle);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/loop_toggle", "f", loop_toggle);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/loop_location", "ii", loop_location);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/goto_start", "", goto_start);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/goto_start", "f", goto_start);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/goto_end", "", goto_end);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/goto_end", "f", goto_end);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/rewind", "", rewind);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/rewind", "f", rewind);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ffwd", "", ffwd);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ffwd", "f", ffwd);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/transport_stop", "", transport_stop);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/transport_stop", "f", transport_stop);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/transport_play", "", transport_play);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/transport_play", "f", transport_play);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/transport_frame", "", transport_frame);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/transport_speed", "", transport_speed);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/record_enabled", "", record_enabled);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/set_transport_speed", "f", set_transport_speed);
// locate ii is position and bool roll
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/locate", "ii", locate);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/save_state", "", save_state);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/save_state", "f", save_state);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/prev_marker", "", prev_marker);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/prev_marker", "f", prev_marker);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/next_marker", "", next_marker);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/next_marker", "f", next_marker);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/undo", "", undo);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/undo", "f", undo);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/redo", "", redo);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/redo", "f", redo);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_punch_in", "", toggle_punch_in);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_punch_in", "f", toggle_punch_in);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_punch_out", "", toggle_punch_out);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_punch_out", "f", toggle_punch_out);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/rec_enable_toggle", "", rec_enable_toggle);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/rec_enable_toggle", "f", rec_enable_toggle);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_all_rec_enables", "", toggle_all_rec_enables);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_all_rec_enables", "f", toggle_all_rec_enables);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/all_tracks_rec_in", "f", all_tracks_rec_in);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/all_tracks_rec_out", "f", all_tracks_rec_out);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/remove_marker", "", remove_marker_at_playhead);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/remove_marker", "f", remove_marker_at_playhead);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/jump_bars", "f", jump_by_bars);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/jump_seconds", "f", jump_by_seconds);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/mark_in", "", mark_in);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/mark_in", "f", mark_in);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/mark_out", "", mark_out);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/mark_out", "f", mark_out);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_click", "", toggle_click);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_click", "f", toggle_click);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/midi_panic", "", midi_panic);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/midi_panic", "f", midi_panic);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_roll", "", toggle_roll);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_roll", "f", toggle_roll);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/stop_forget", "", stop_forget);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/stop_forget", "f", stop_forget);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/set_punch_range", "", set_punch_range);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/set_punch_range", "f", set_punch_range);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/set_loop_range", "", set_loop_range);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/set_loop_range", "f", set_loop_range);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/set_session_range", "", set_session_range);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/set_session_range", "f", set_session_range);
// /toggle_monitor_* not working (comented out)
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_monitor_mute", "", toggle_monitor_mute);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_monitor_mute", "f", toggle_monitor_mute);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_monitor_dim", "", toggle_monitor_dim);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_monitor_dim", "f", toggle_monitor_dim);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_monitor_mono", "", toggle_monitor_mono);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/toggle_monitor_mono", "f", toggle_monitor_mono);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/quick_snapshot_switch", "", quick_snapshot_switch);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/quick_snapshot_switch", "f", quick_snapshot_switch);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/quick_snapshot_stay", "", quick_snapshot_stay);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/quick_snapshot_stay", "f", quick_snapshot_stay);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/fit_1_track", "", fit_1_track);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/fit_1_track", "f", fit_1_track);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/fit_2_tracks", "", fit_2_tracks);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/fit_2_tracks", "f", fit_2_tracks);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/fit_4_tracks", "", fit_4_tracks);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/fit_4_tracks", "f", fit_4_tracks);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/fit_8_tracks", "", fit_8_tracks);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/fit_8_tracks", "f", fit_8_tracks);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/fit_16_tracks", "", fit_16_tracks);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/fit_16_tracks", "f", fit_16_tracks);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/fit_32_tracks", "", fit_32_tracks);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/fit_32_tracks", "f", fit_32_tracks);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/fit_all_tracks", "", fit_all_tracks);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/fit_all_tracks", "f", fit_all_tracks);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/zoom_100_ms", "", zoom_100_ms);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/zoom_100_ms", "f", zoom_100_ms);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/zoom_1_sec", "", zoom_1_sec);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/zoom_1_sec", "f", zoom_1_sec);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/zoom_10_sec", "", zoom_10_sec);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/zoom_10_sec", "f", zoom_10_sec);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/zoom_1_min", "", zoom_1_min);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/zoom_1_min", "f", zoom_1_min);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/zoom_5_min", "", zoom_5_min);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/zoom_5_min", "f", zoom_5_min);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/zoom_10_min", "", zoom_10_min);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/zoom_10_min", "f", zoom_10_min);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/zoom_to_session", "", zoom_to_session);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/zoom_to_session", "f", zoom_to_session);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/temporal_zoom_in", "f", temporal_zoom_in);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/temporal_zoom_in", "", temporal_zoom_in);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/temporal_zoom_out", "", temporal_zoom_out);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/temporal_zoom_out", "f", temporal_zoom_out);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/scroll_up_1_track", "f", scroll_up_1_track);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/scroll_up_1_track", "", scroll_up_1_track);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/scroll_dn_1_track", "f", scroll_dn_1_track);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/scroll_dn_1_track", "", scroll_dn_1_track);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/scroll_up_1_page", "f", scroll_up_1_page);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/scroll_up_1_page", "", scroll_up_1_page);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/scroll_dn_1_page", "f", scroll_dn_1_page);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/scroll_dn_1_page", "", scroll_dn_1_page);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/bank_up", "", bank_up);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/bank_up", "f", bank_up);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/bank_down", "", bank_down);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/bank_down", "f", bank_down);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/master/gain", "f", master_set_gain);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/master/fader", "i", master_set_fader);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/master/mute", "i", master_set_mute);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/master/trimdB", "f", master_set_trim);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/master/pan_stereo_position", "f", master_set_pan_stereo_position);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/monitor/gain", "f", monitor_set_gain);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/monitor/fader", "i", monitor_set_fader);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/select/recenable", "i", sel_recenable);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/select/record_safe", "i", sel_recsafe);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/select/mute", "i", sel_mute);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/select/solo", "i", sel_solo);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/select/monitor_input", "i", sel_monitor_input);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/select/monitor_disk", "i", sel_monitor_disk);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/select/gain", "f", sel_gain);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/select/fader", "f", sel_fader);
/* These commands require the route index in addition to the arg; TouchOSC (et al) can't use these */
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/mute", "ii", route_mute);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/solo", "ii", route_solo);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/recenable", "ii", route_recenable);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/record_safe", "ii", route_recsafe);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/monitor_input", "ii", route_monitor_input);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/monitor_disk", "ii", route_monitor_disk);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/select", "ii", strip_select);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/gui_select", "ii", strip_gui_select);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/gain", "if", route_set_gain_dB);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/fader", "if", route_set_gain_fader);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/trimabs", "if", route_set_trim_abs);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/trimdB", "if", route_set_trim_dB);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/pan_stereo_position", "if", route_set_pan_stereo_position);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/pan_stereo_width", "if", route_set_pan_stereo_width);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/plugin/parameter", "iiif", route_plugin_parameter);
// prints to cerr only
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/plugin/parameter/print", "iii", route_plugin_parameter_print);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/send/gainabs", "iif", route_set_send_gain_abs);
REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/strip/send/gaindB", "iif", route_set_send_gain_dB);
/* still not-really-standardized query interface */
//REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/*/#current_value", "", current_value);
//REGISTER_CALLBACK (serv, "/ardour/set", "", set);
// un/register_update args= s:ctrl s:returl s:retpath
//lo_server_add_method(serv, "/register_update", "sss", OSC::global_register_update_handler, this);
//lo_server_add_method(serv, "/unregister_update", "sss", OSC::global_unregister_update_handler, this);
//lo_server_add_method(serv, "/register_auto_update", "siss", OSC::global_register_auto_update_handler, this);
//lo_server_add_method(serv, "/unregister_auto_update", "sss", OSC::_global_unregister_auto_update_handler, this);
/* this is a special catchall handler,
* register at the end so this is only called if no
* other handler matches (used for debug) */
lo_server_add_method (serv, 0, 0, _catchall, this);
OSC::osc_input_handler (IOCondition ioc, lo_server srv)
if (ioc & ~IO_IN) {
return false;
if (ioc & IO_IN) {
lo_server_recv (srv);
return true;
string url;
char * urlstr;
if (_osc_server) {
urlstr = lo_server_get_url (_osc_server);
url = urlstr;
free (urlstr);
return url;
string url;
char * urlstr;
if (_osc_unix_server) {
urlstr = lo_server_get_url (_osc_unix_server);
url = urlstr;
free (urlstr);
return url;
OSC::listen_to_route (boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> strip, lo_address addr)
/* avoid duplicate listens */
for (RouteObservers::iterator x = route_observers.begin(); x != route_observers.end(); ++x) {
OSCRouteObserver* ro;
if ((ro = dynamic_cast<OSCRouteObserver*>(*x)) != 0) {
int res = strcmp(lo_address_get_url(ro->address()), lo_address_get_url(addr));
if (ro->strip() == strip && res == 0) {
OSCSurface *s = get_surface(addr);
uint32_t sid = get_sid (strip->presentation_info().order() + 1, addr);
// above is zero based add 1
OSCRouteObserver* o = new OSCRouteObserver (strip, addr, sid, s->gainmode, s->feedback);
route_observers.push_back (o);
strip->DropReferences.connect (*this, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSC::drop_route, this, boost::weak_ptr<Stripable> (strip)), this);
OSC::drop_route (boost::weak_ptr<Stripable> wr)
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> r = wr.lock ();
if (!r) {
for (RouteObservers::iterator x = route_observers.begin(); x != route_observers.end();) {
OSCRouteObserver* rc;
if ((rc = dynamic_cast<OSCRouteObserver*>(*x)) != 0) {
if (rc->strip() == r) {
delete *x;
x = route_observers.erase (x);
} else {
} else {
OSC::end_listen (boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> r, lo_address addr)
RouteObservers::iterator x;
// Remove the route observers
for (x = route_observers.begin(); x != route_observers.end();) {
OSCRouteObserver* ro;
if ((ro = dynamic_cast<OSCRouteObserver*>(*x)) != 0) {
int res = strcmp(lo_address_get_url(ro->address()), lo_address_get_url(addr));
if (ro->strip() == r && res == 0) {
delete *x;
x = route_observers.erase (x);
else {
else {
OSC::current_value_query (const char* path, size_t len, lo_arg **argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
char* subpath;
subpath = (char*) malloc (len-15+1);
memcpy (subpath, path, len-15);
subpath[len-15] = '\0';
send_current_value (subpath, argv, argc, msg);
free (subpath);
OSC::send_current_value (const char* path, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
if (!session) {
lo_message reply = lo_message_new ();
boost::shared_ptr<Route> r;
int id;
lo_message_add_string (reply, path);
if (argc == 0) {
lo_message_add_string (reply, "bad syntax");
} else {
id = argv[0]->i;
r = session->get_remote_nth_route (id);
if (!r) {
lo_message_add_string (reply, "not found");
} else {
if (strcmp (path, "/strip/state") == 0) {
if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioTrack>(r)) {
lo_message_add_string (reply, "AT");
} else if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MidiTrack>(r)) {
lo_message_add_string (reply, "MT");
} else {
lo_message_add_string (reply, "B");
lo_message_add_string (reply, r->name().c_str());
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->n_inputs().n_audio());
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->n_outputs().n_audio());
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->muted());
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->soloed());
} else if (strcmp (path, "/strip/mute") == 0) {
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, (float) r->muted());
} else if (strcmp (path, "/strip/solo") == 0) {
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->soloed());
lo_send_message (lo_message_get_source (msg), "#reply", reply);
lo_message_free (reply);
OSC::_catchall (const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data)
return ((OSC*)user_data)->catchall (path, types, argv, argc, data);
OSC::catchall (const char *path, const char* types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
size_t len;
int ret = 1; /* unhandled */
//cerr << "Received a message, path = " << path << " types = \""
// << (types ? types : "NULL") << '"' << endl;
/* 15 for /#current_value plus 2 for /<path> */
len = strlen (path);
if (len >= 17 && !strcmp (&path[len-15], "/#current_value")) {
current_value_query (path, len, argv, argc, msg);
ret = 0;
} else if (strcmp (path, "/strip/listen") == 0) {
cerr << "set up listener\n";
lo_message reply = lo_message_new ();
if (argc <= 0) {
lo_message_add_string (reply, "syntax error");
} else {
for (int n = 0; n < argc; ++n) {
boost::shared_ptr<Route> r = session->get_remote_nth_route (argv[n]->i);
if (!r) {
lo_message_add_string (reply, "not found");
cerr << "no such route\n";
} else {
cerr << "add listener\n";
listen_to_route (r, lo_message_get_source (msg));
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, argv[n]->i);
lo_send_message (lo_message_get_source (msg), "#reply", reply);
lo_message_free (reply);
ret = 0;
} else if (strcmp (path, "/strip/ignore") == 0) {
for (int n = 0; n < argc; ++n) {
boost::shared_ptr<Route> r = session->get_remote_nth_route (argv[n]->i);
if (r) {
end_listen (r, lo_message_get_source (msg));
ret = 0;
} else if (argc == 1 && types[0] == 'f') { // single float -- probably TouchOSC
if (!strncmp (path, "/strip/gain/", 12) && strlen (path) > 12) {
// in dB
int ssid = atoi (&path[12]);
route_set_gain_dB (ssid, argv[0]->f, msg);
ret = 0;
else if (!strncmp (path, "/strip/fader/", 13) && strlen (path) > 13) {
// in fader position
int ssid = atoi (&path[13]);
route_set_gain_fader (ssid, argv[0]->f, msg);
ret = 0;
else if (!strncmp (path, "/strip/trimdB/", 14) && strlen (path) > 14) {
int ssid = atoi (&path[14]);
route_set_trim_dB (ssid, argv[0]->f, msg);
ret = 0;
else if (!strncmp (path, "/strip/mute/", 12) && strlen (path) > 12) {
int ssid = atoi (&path[12]);
route_mute (ssid, argv[0]->f == 1.0, msg);
ret = 0;
else if (!strncmp (path, "/strip/solo/", 12) && strlen (path) > 12) {
int ssid = atoi (&path[12]);
route_solo (ssid, argv[0]->f == 1.0, msg);
ret = 0;
else if (!strncmp (path, "/strip/monitor_input/", 21) && strlen (path) > 21) {
int ssid = atoi (&path[21]);
route_monitor_input (ssid, argv[0]->f == 1.0, msg);
ret = 0;
else if (!strncmp (path, "/strip/monitor_disk/", 20) && strlen (path) > 20) {
int ssid = atoi (&path[20]);
route_monitor_disk (ssid, argv[0]->f == 1.0, msg);
ret = 0;
else if (!strncmp (path, "/strip/recenable/", 17) && strlen (path) > 17) {
int ssid = atoi (&path[17]);
route_recenable (ssid, argv[0]->f == 1.0, msg);
ret = 0;
else if (!strncmp (path, "/strip/record_safe/", 19) && strlen (path) > 19) {
int ssid = atoi (&path[19]);
route_recsafe (ssid, argv[0]->f == 1.0, msg);
ret = 0;
else if (!strncmp (path, "/strip/select/", 14) && strlen (path) > 14) {
int ssid = atoi (&path[14]);
strip_select (ssid, argv[0]->f == 1.0, msg);
ret = 0;
else if (!strncmp (path, "/strip/gui_select/", 18) && strlen (path) > 18) {
int ssid = atoi (&path[18]);
strip_gui_select (ssid, argv[0]->f == 1.0, msg);
ret = 0;
if ((ret && _debugmode == Unhandled)) {
debugmsg (_("Unhandled OSC message"), path, types, argv, argc);
return ret;
OSC::debugmsg (const char *prefix, const char *path, const char* types, lo_arg **argv, int argc)
std::stringstream ss;
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
lo_type type = (lo_type)types[i];
ss << " ";
switch (type) {
case LO_INT32:
ss << "i:" << argv[i]->i;
case LO_FLOAT:
ss << "f:" << argv[i]->f;
ss << "d:" << argv[i]->d;
ss << "s:" << &argv[i]->s;
case LO_INT64:
ss << "h:" << argv[i]->h;
case LO_CHAR:
ss << "c:" << argv[i]->s;
ss << "<Timetag>";
case LO_BLOB:
ss << "<BLOB>";
case LO_TRUE:
ss << "#T";
case LO_FALSE:
ss << "#F";
case LO_NIL:
ss << "NIL";
ss << "#inf";
case LO_MIDI:
ss << "<MIDI>";
ss << "<SYMBOL>";
ss << "< ?? >";
PBD::info << prefix << ": " << path << ss.str() << endmsg;
OSC::update_clock ()
// "Application Hook" Handlers //
OSC::session_loaded (Session& s)
// lo_address listener = lo_address_new (NULL, "7770");
// lo_send (listener, "/session/loaded", "ss", s.path().c_str(), s.name().c_str());
OSC::session_exported (std::string path, std::string name)
lo_address listener = lo_address_new (NULL, "7770");
lo_send (listener, "/session/exported", "ss", path.c_str(), name.c_str());
lo_address_free (listener);
// end "Application Hook" Handlers //
/* path callbacks */
OSC::current_value (const char */*path*/, const char */*types*/, lo_arg **/*argv*/, int /*argc*/, void */*data*/, void* /*user_data*/)
#if 0
const char* returl;
if (argc < 3 || types == 0 || strlen (types) < 3 || types[0] != 's' || types[1] != 's' || types[2] != s) {
return 1;
const char *returl = argv[1]->s;
lo_address addr = find_or_cache_addr (returl);
const char *retpath = argv[2]->s;
if (strcmp (argv[0]->s, "transport_frame") == 0) {
if (session) {
lo_send (addr, retpath, "i", session->transport_frame());
} else if (strcmp (argv[0]->s, "transport_speed") == 0) {
if (session) {
lo_send (addr, retpath, "i", session->transport_frame());
} else if (strcmp (argv[0]->s, "transport_locked") == 0) {
if (session) {
lo_send (addr, retpath, "i", session->transport_frame());
} else if (strcmp (argv[0]->s, "punch_in") == 0) {
if (session) {
lo_send (addr, retpath, "i", session->transport_frame());
} else if (strcmp (argv[0]->s, "punch_out") == 0) {
if (session) {
lo_send (addr, retpath, "i", session->transport_frame());
} else if (strcmp (argv[0]->s, "rec_enable") == 0) {
if (session) {
lo_send (addr, retpath, "i", session->transport_frame());
} else {
/* error */
return 0;
OSC::routes_list (lo_message msg)
if (!session) {
for (int n = 0; n < (int) session->nroutes(); ++n) {
boost::shared_ptr<Route> r = session->get_remote_nth_route (n);
if (r) {
lo_message reply = lo_message_new ();
if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioTrack>(r)) {
lo_message_add_string (reply, "AT");
} else if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MidiTrack>(r)) {
lo_message_add_string (reply, "MT");
} else {
lo_message_add_string (reply, "B");
lo_message_add_string (reply, r->name().c_str());
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->n_inputs().n_audio());
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->n_outputs().n_audio());
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->muted());
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->soloed());
/* XXX Can only use order at this point */
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, r->presentation_info().order());
if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioTrack>(r)
|| boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MidiTrack>(r)) {
boost::shared_ptr<Track> t = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Track>(r);
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, (int32_t) t->rec_enable_control()->get_value());
//Automatically listen to routes listed
listen_to_route(r, lo_message_get_source (msg));
lo_send_message (lo_message_get_source (msg), "#reply", reply);
lo_message_free (reply);
// Send end of listing message
lo_message reply = lo_message_new ();
lo_message_add_string (reply, "end_route_list");
lo_message_add_int64 (reply, session->frame_rate());
lo_message_add_int64 (reply, session->current_end_frame());
lo_send_message (lo_message_get_source (msg), "#reply", reply);
lo_message_free (reply);
OSC::set_surface (uint32_t b_size, uint32_t strips, uint32_t fb, uint32_t gm, lo_message msg)
OSCSurface *s = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
s->bank_size = b_size;
s->strip_types = strips;
//next line could be a call that finds out how many strips there are
s->nstrips = session->nroutes(); // need to do this for strips
s->feedback = fb;
s->gainmode = gm;
// set bank and strip feedback
set_bank(s->bank, msg);
global_feedback (s->feedback, msg, s->gainmode);
return 0;
OSC::set_surface_bank_size (uint32_t bs, lo_message msg)
OSCSurface *s = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
s->bank_size = bs;
// set bank and strip feedback
set_bank(s->bank, msg);
return 0;
OSC::set_surface_strip_types (uint32_t st, lo_message msg)
OSCSurface *s = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
s->strip_types = st;
//next line could be a call that finds out how many strips there are
s->nstrips = session->nroutes(); // need to do this for strips
// set bank and strip feedback
set_bank(s->bank, msg);
return 0;
OSC::set_surface_feedback (uint32_t fb, lo_message msg)
OSCSurface *s = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
s->feedback = fb;
// set bank and strip feedback
set_bank(s->bank, msg);
// Set global/master feedback
global_feedback (s->feedback, msg, s->gainmode);
return 0;
OSC::set_surface_gainmode (uint32_t gm, lo_message msg)
OSCSurface *s = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
s->gainmode = gm;
// set bank and strip feedback
set_bank(s->bank, msg);
// Set global/master feedback
global_feedback (s->feedback, msg, s->gainmode);
return 0;
OSC::OSCSurface *
OSC::get_surface (lo_address addr)
string r_url;
char * rurl;
rurl = lo_address_get_url (addr);
r_url = rurl;
free (rurl);
for (uint32_t it = 0; it < _surface.size(); ++it) {
//find setup for this server
if (!_surface[it].remote_url.find(r_url)){
return &_surface[it];
// No surface create one with default values
OSCSurface s;
s.remote_url = r_url;
s.bank = 1;
s.bank_size = 0; // need to find out how many strips there are
s.nstrips = session->nroutes(); // may need to do this after MARK below
s.strip_types = 31; // 31 is tracks, busses, and VCAs (no master/monitor)
s.feedback = 0;
s.gainmode = 0;
//get sorted should go here
_surface.push_back (s);
return &_surface[_surface.size() - 1];
// setup global feedback for a surface
OSC::global_feedback (bitset<32> feedback, lo_address msg, uint32_t gainmode)
// first destroy global observer for this surface
GlobalObservers::iterator x;
for (x = global_observers.begin(); x != global_observers.end();) {
OSCGlobalObserver* ro;
if ((ro = dynamic_cast<OSCGlobalObserver*>(*x)) != 0) {
int res = strcmp(lo_address_get_url(ro->address()), lo_address_get_url(lo_message_get_source (msg)));
if (res == 0) {
delete *x;
x = global_observers.erase (x);
} else {
} else {
if (feedback[4] || feedback[3] || feedback[5] || feedback[6]) {
// create a new Global Observer for this surface
//OSCSurface *s = get_surface (lo_message_get_source (msg));
OSCGlobalObserver* o = new OSCGlobalObserver (*session, lo_message_get_source (msg), gainmode, /*s->*/feedback);
global_observers.push_back (o);
* This gets called not only when bank changes but also:
* - bank size change
* - feedback change
* - strip types changes
* - fadermode changes
* - stripable creation/deletion/flag
* - to refresh what is "displayed"
* Basically any time the bank needs to be rebuilt
OSC::set_bank (uint32_t bank_start, lo_message msg)
if (!session) {
return -1;
//StripableList strips;
//session->get_stripables (strips);
// no nstripables yet
if (!session->nroutes()) {
return -1;
// don't include monitor or master in count for now
uint32_t nstrips;
if (session->monitor_out ()) {
nstrips = session->nroutes() - 2;
} else {
nstrips = session->nroutes() - 1;
// undo all listeners for this url
for (int n = 0; n <= (int) nstrips; ++n) {
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> stp = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (n, PresentationInfo::Route);
if (stp) {
end_listen (stp, lo_message_get_source (msg));
OSCSurface *s = get_surface (lo_message_get_source (msg));
uint32_t b_size;
if (!s->bank_size) {
// no banking
b_size = nstrips;
} else {
b_size = s->bank_size;
// Do limits checking - high end still not quite right
if (bank_start < 1) bank_start = 1;
if (b_size >= nstrips) {
bank_start = 1;
} else if ((bank_start > nstrips)) {
bank_start = (uint32_t)((nstrips - b_size) + 1);
//save bank in case we have had to change it
s->bank = bank_start;
if (s->feedback[0] || s->feedback[1]) {
for (int n = bank_start; n < (int) (b_size + bank_start); ++n) {
// this next will eventually include strip types
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> stp = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (n - 1, PresentationInfo::Route);
if (stp) {
listen_to_route(stp, lo_message_get_source (msg));
return 0;
OSC::bank_up (lo_message msg)
if (!session) {
return -1;
OSCSurface *s = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
set_bank (s->bank + s->bank_size, msg);
return 0;
OSC::bank_down (lo_message msg)
if (!session) {
return -1;
OSCSurface *s = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
if (s->bank < s->bank_size) {
set_bank (1, msg);
} else {
set_bank (s->bank - s->bank_size, msg);
return 0;
OSC::get_sid (uint32_t rid, lo_address addr)
OSCSurface *s = get_surface(addr);
return rid - s->bank + 1;
OSC::get_rid (uint32_t ssid, lo_address addr)
OSCSurface *s = get_surface(addr);
return ssid + s->bank - 2;
OSC::transport_frame (lo_message msg)
if (!session) {
framepos_t pos = session->transport_frame ();
lo_message reply = lo_message_new ();
lo_message_add_int64 (reply, pos);
lo_send_message (lo_message_get_source (msg), "/transport_frame", reply);
lo_message_free (reply);
OSC::transport_speed (lo_message msg)
if (!session) {
double ts = session->transport_speed ();
lo_message reply = lo_message_new ();
lo_message_add_double (reply, ts);
lo_send_message (lo_message_get_source (msg), "/transport_speed", reply);
lo_message_free (reply);
OSC::record_enabled (lo_message msg)
if (!session) {
int re = (int)session->get_record_enabled ();
lo_message reply = lo_message_new ();
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, re);
lo_send_message (lo_message_get_source (msg), "/record_enabled", reply);
lo_message_free (reply);
// master and monitor calls
OSC::master_set_gain (float dB)
if (!session) return -1;
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->master_out();
if (s) {
if (dB < -192) {
s->gain_control()->set_value (0.0, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
} else {
s->gain_control()->set_value (dB_to_coefficient (dB), PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
return 0;
OSC::master_set_fader (uint32_t position)
if (!session) return -1;
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->master_out();
if (s) {
if ((position > 799.5) && (position < 800.5)) {
s->gain_control()->set_value (1.0, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
} else {
s->gain_control()->set_value (slider_position_to_gain_with_max (((float)position/1023), 2.0), PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
return 0;
OSC::master_set_trim (float dB)
if (!session) return -1;
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->master_out();
if (s) {
s->trim_control()->set_value (dB_to_coefficient (dB), PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
return 0;
OSC::master_set_pan_stereo_position (float position)
if (!session) return -1;
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->master_out();
if (s) {
if (s->pan_azimuth_control()) {
s->pan_azimuth_control()->set_value (position, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
return 0;
OSC::master_set_mute (uint32_t state)
if (!session) return -1;
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->master_out();
if (s) {
s->mute_control()->set_value (state, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
return 0;
OSC::monitor_set_gain (float dB)
if (!session) return -1;
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->monitor_out();
if (s) {
if (dB < -192) {
s->gain_control()->set_value (0.0, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
} else {
s->gain_control()->set_value (dB_to_coefficient (dB), PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
return 0;
OSC::monitor_set_fader (uint32_t position)
if (!session) return -1;
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->monitor_out();
if (s) {
if ((position > 799.5) && (position < 800.5)) {
s->gain_control()->set_value (1.0, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
} else {
s->gain_control()->set_value (slider_position_to_gain_with_max (((float)position/1023), 2.0), PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
return 0;
// strip calls
OSC::route_mute (int ssid, int yn, lo_message msg)
if (!session) return -1;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (rid, PresentationInfo::Route);
if (s) {
s->mute_control()->set_value (yn ? 1.0 : 0.0, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
return 0;
OSC::sel_mute (uint32_t yn, lo_message msg)
OSCSurface *sur = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
return route_mute(sur->surface_sel, yn, msg);
OSC::route_solo (int ssid, int yn, lo_message msg)
if (!session) return -1;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (rid, PresentationInfo::Route);
if (s) {
s->solo_control()->set_value (yn ? 1.0 : 0.0, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
return 0;
OSC::sel_solo (uint32_t yn, lo_message msg)
OSCSurface *sur = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
return route_solo (sur->surface_sel, yn, msg);
OSC::sel_recenable (uint32_t yn, lo_message msg)
OSCSurface *sur = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
return route_recenable(sur->surface_sel, yn, msg);
OSC::route_recenable (int ssid, int yn, lo_message msg)
if (!session) return -1;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (rid, PresentationInfo::Route);
if (s) {
if (s->rec_enable_control()) {
s->rec_enable_control()->set_value (yn, PBD::Controllable::UseGroup);
if (s->rec_enable_control()->get_value()) {
return 0;
// hmm, not set for whatever reason tell surface
return route_send_fail ("recenable", ssid, 0, lo_message_get_source (msg));
OSC::sel_recsafe (uint32_t yn, lo_message msg)
OSCSurface *sur = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
return route_recsafe(sur->surface_sel, yn, msg);
OSC::route_recsafe (int ssid, int yn, lo_message msg)
if (!session) return -1;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (rid, PresentationInfo::Route);
if (s) {
if (s->rec_safe_control()) {
s->rec_safe_control()->set_value (yn, PBD::Controllable::UseGroup);
if (s->rec_safe_control()->get_value()) {
return 0;
// hmm, not set for whatever reason tell surface
return route_send_fail ("record_safe", ssid, 0,lo_message_get_source (msg));
OSC::route_monitor_input (int ssid, int yn, lo_message msg)
if (!session) return -1;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (rid, PresentationInfo::Route);
if (s) {
boost::shared_ptr<Track> track = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Track> (s);
if (track) {
track->monitoring_control()->set_value (yn ? 1.0 : 0.0, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
} else {
route_send_fail ("monitor_input", ssid, 0, lo_message_get_source (msg));
return 0;
OSC::sel_monitor_input (uint32_t yn, lo_message msg)
OSCSurface *sur = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
return route_monitor_input(sur->surface_sel, yn, msg);
OSC::route_monitor_disk (int ssid, int yn, lo_message msg)
if (!session) return -1;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (rid, PresentationInfo::Route);
if (s) {
boost::shared_ptr<Track> track = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Track> (s);
if (track) {
track->monitoring_control()->set_value (yn ? 2.0 : 0.0, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
} else {
route_send_fail ("monitor_disk", ssid, 0, lo_message_get_source (msg));
return 0;
OSC::sel_monitor_disk (uint32_t yn, lo_message msg)
OSCSurface *sur = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
return route_monitor_disk(sur->surface_sel, yn, msg);
OSC::strip_select (int ssid, int yn, lo_message msg)
//ignore button release
if (!yn) return 0;
return _strip_select ( ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
OSC::_strip_select (int ssid, lo_address addr)
if (!session) {
route_send_fail ("select", ssid, 0, addr);
return -1;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, addr);
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (rid, PresentationInfo::Route);
OSCSurface *sur = get_surface(addr);
delete sur->sel_obs;
if (s) {
sur->surface_sel = ssid;
OSCSelectObserver* sel_fb = new OSCSelectObserver (s, addr, ssid, sur->gainmode, sur->feedback);
sur->sel_obs = sel_fb;
} else {
route_send_fail ("select", ssid, 0 , addr);
int b_s = sur->bank_size;
if (!b_s) { // bank size 0 means we need to know how many strips there are.
b_s = sur->nstrips;
for (int i = 1; i <= b_s; i++) {
if (i==ssid) {
string path = "/strip/select";
lo_message reply = lo_message_new ();
if (sur->feedback[2]) {
ostringstream os;
os << path << "/" << ssid;
path = os.str();
} else {
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, ssid);
lo_message_add_float (reply, (float) 1);
lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), reply);
lo_message_free (reply);
} else {
route_send_fail ("select", i, 0, addr);
return 0;
OSC::strip_gui_select (int ssid, int yn, lo_message msg)
//ignore button release
if (!yn) return 0;
if (!session) {
route_send_fail ("gui_select", ssid, 0, lo_message_get_source (msg));
return -1;
int ret = strip_select (ssid, yn, msg);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (rid, PresentationInfo::Route);
//OSCSurface *sur = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
if (s) {
//sur->surface_sel = ssid;
} else {
route_send_fail ("gui_select", ssid, 0, lo_message_get_source (msg));
return 0;
OSC::route_set_gain_abs (int rid, float level, lo_message msg)
if (!session) return -1;
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (rid, PresentationInfo::Route);
if (s) {
s->gain_control()->set_value (level, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
return 0;
OSC::route_set_gain_dB (int ssid, float dB, lo_message msg)
if (!session) {
route_send_fail ("gain", ssid, -193, lo_message_get_source (msg));
return -1;
int ret;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
if (dB < -192) {
ret = route_set_gain_abs (rid, 0.0, msg);
} else {
ret = route_set_gain_abs (rid, dB_to_coefficient (dB), msg);
if (ret != 0) {
route_send_fail ("gain", ssid, 0, lo_message_get_source (msg));
return ret;
OSC::sel_gain (float val, lo_message msg)
OSCSurface *sur = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
return route_set_gain_dB(sur->surface_sel, val, msg);
OSC::route_set_gain_fader (int ssid, float pos, lo_message msg)
if (!session) {
route_send_fail ("fader", ssid, 0, lo_message_get_source (msg));
return -1;
int ret;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
if ((pos > 799.5) && (pos < 800.5)) {
ret = route_set_gain_abs (rid, 1.0, msg);
} else {
ret = route_set_gain_abs (rid, slider_position_to_gain_with_max ((pos/1023), 2.0), msg);
if (ret != 0) {
route_send_fail ("fader", ssid, 0, lo_message_get_source (msg));
return ret;
OSC::sel_fader (float val, lo_message msg)
OSCSurface *sur = get_surface(lo_message_get_source (msg));
return route_set_gain_fader(sur->surface_sel, val, msg);
OSC::route_set_trim_abs (int ssid, float level, lo_message msg)
if (!session) return -1;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (rid, PresentationInfo::Route);
if (s) {
if (s->trim_control()) {
s->trim_control()->set_value (level, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
return 0;
OSC::route_set_trim_dB (int ssid, float dB, lo_message msg)
return route_set_trim_abs(ssid, dB_to_coefficient (dB), msg);
OSC::route_set_pan_stereo_position (int ssid, float pos, lo_message msg)
if (!session) return -1;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (rid, PresentationInfo::Route);
if (s) {
if(s->pan_azimuth_control()) {
s->pan_azimuth_control()->set_value (pos, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
return 0;
OSC::route_set_pan_stereo_width (int ssid, float pos, lo_message msg)
if (!session) return -1;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (rid, PresentationInfo::Route);
if (s) {
if (s->pan_width_control()) {
s->pan_width_control()->set_value (pos, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
return 0;
OSC::route_set_send_gain_abs (int ssid, int sid, float val, lo_message msg)
if (!session) {
return -1;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> s = session->get_remote_nth_stripable (rid, PresentationInfo::Route);
if (!s) {
return -1;
/* revert to zero-based counting */
if (sid > 0) {
if (s->send_level_controllable (sid)) {
s->send_level_controllable (sid)->set_value (val, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
return 0;
OSC::route_set_send_gain_dB (int ssid, int sid, float val, lo_message msg)
return route_set_send_gain_abs (ssid, sid, dB_to_coefficient (val), msg);
OSC::route_plugin_parameter (int ssid, int piid, int par, float val, lo_message msg)
if (!session)
return -1;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
boost::shared_ptr<Route> r = session->get_remote_nth_route (rid);
if (!r) {
PBD::error << "OSC: Invalid Remote Control ID '" << rid << "'" << endmsg;
return -1;
boost::shared_ptr<Processor> redi=r->nth_plugin (piid);
if (!redi) {
PBD::error << "OSC: cannot find plugin # " << piid << " for RID '" << rid << "'" << endmsg;
return -1;
boost::shared_ptr<PluginInsert> pi;
if (!(pi = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<PluginInsert>(redi))) {
PBD::error << "OSC: given processor # " << piid << " on RID '" << rid << "' is not a Plugin." << endmsg;
return -1;
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Plugin> pip = pi->plugin();
bool ok=false;
uint32_t controlid = pip->nth_parameter (par,ok);
if (!ok) {
PBD::error << "OSC: Cannot find parameter # " << par << " for plugin # " << piid << " on RID '" << rid << "'" << endmsg;
return -1;
if (!pip->parameter_is_input(controlid)) {
PBD::error << "OSC: Parameter # " << par << " for plugin # " << piid << " on RID '" << rid << "' is not a control input" << endmsg;
return -1;
ParameterDescriptor pd;
pi->plugin()->get_parameter_descriptor (controlid,pd);
if (val >= pd.lower && val <= pd.upper) {
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c = pi->automation_control (Evoral::Parameter(PluginAutomation, 0, controlid));
// cerr << "parameter:" << redi->describe_parameter(controlid) << " val:" << val << "\n";
c->set_value (val, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
} else {
PBD::warning << "OSC: Parameter # " << par << " for plugin # " << piid << " on RID '" << rid << "' is out of range" << endmsg;
PBD::info << "OSC: Valid range min=" << pd.lower << " max=" << pd.upper << endmsg;
return 0;
//prints to cerr only
OSC::route_plugin_parameter_print (int ssid, int piid, int par, lo_message msg)
if (!session) {
return -1;
int rid = get_rid (ssid, lo_message_get_source (msg));
boost::shared_ptr<Route> r = session->get_remote_nth_route (rid);
if (!r) {
return -1;
boost::shared_ptr<Processor> redi=r->nth_processor (piid);
if (!redi) {
return -1;
boost::shared_ptr<PluginInsert> pi;
if (!(pi = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<PluginInsert>(redi))) {
return -1;
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Plugin> pip = pi->plugin();
bool ok=false;
uint32_t controlid = pip->nth_parameter (par,ok);
if (!ok) {
return -1;
ParameterDescriptor pd;
if (pi->plugin()->get_parameter_descriptor (controlid, pd) == 0) {
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c = pi->automation_control (Evoral::Parameter(PluginAutomation, 0, controlid));
cerr << "parameter: " << redi->describe_parameter(controlid) << "\n";
cerr << "current value: " << c->get_value ();
cerr << "lower value: " << pd.lower << "\n";
cerr << "upper value: " << pd.upper << "\n";
return 0;
OSC::gui_selection_changed (StripableNotificationListPtr stripables)
boost::shared_ptr<Stripable> strip;
if (!stripables->empty()) {
strip = stripables->front().lock();
if (strip) {
for (uint32_t it = 0; it < _surface.size(); ++it) {
OSCSurface* sur = &_surface[it];
if(!sur->feedback[10]) {
uint32_t sel_strip = strip->presentation_info().order() + 1;
if (!(sel_strip < sur->bank) && !(sel_strip >= (sur->bank + sur->bank_size))) {
lo_address addr = lo_address_new_from_url (sur->remote_url.c_str());
_strip_select ((sel_strip - sur->bank + 1), addr);
// timer callbacks
OSC::periodic (void)
for (GlobalObservers::iterator x = global_observers.begin(); x != global_observers.end(); x++) {
OSCGlobalObserver* go;
if ((go = dynamic_cast<OSCGlobalObserver*>(*x)) != 0) {
for (RouteObservers::iterator x = route_observers.begin(); x != route_observers.end(); x++) {
OSCRouteObserver* ro;
if ((ro = dynamic_cast<OSCRouteObserver*>(*x)) != 0) {
for (uint32_t it = 0; it < _surface.size(); ++it) {
OSCSurface* sur = &_surface[it];
OSCSelectObserver* so;
if ((so = dynamic_cast<OSCSelectObserver*>(sur->sel_obs)) != 0) {
return true;
OSC::route_send_fail (string path, uint32_t ssid, float val, lo_address addr)
OSCSurface *sur = get_surface(addr);
ostringstream os;
lo_message reply = lo_message_new ();
if (sur->feedback[2]) {
os << "/strip/" << path << "/" << ssid;
} else {
os << "/strip/" << path;
lo_message_add_int32 (reply, ssid);
string str_pth = os.str();
lo_message_add_float (reply, (float) val);
lo_send_message (addr, str_pth.c_str(), reply);
lo_message_free (reply);
if (sur->surface_sel == ssid) {
os << "/select/" << path;
string sel_pth = os.str();
reply = lo_message_new ();
lo_message_add_float (reply, (float) val);
lo_send_message (addr, sel_pth.c_str(), reply);
lo_message_free (reply);
return 0;
OSC::get_state ()
XMLNode& node (ControlProtocol::get_state());
node.add_property("debugmode", (int) _debugmode); // TODO: enum2str
return node;
OSC::set_state (const XMLNode& node, int version)
if (ControlProtocol::set_state (node, version)) {
return -1;
XMLProperty const * p = node.property (X_("debugmode"));
if (p) {
_debugmode = OSCDebugMode (PBD::atoi(p->value ()));
return 0;