Paul Davis
This still uses the tempo map object in libs/ardour, not the new one in libs/temporal, and isn't likely to be functional (though it could be)
742 lines
21 KiB
742 lines
21 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Paul Davis <>
* Copyright (C) 2005 Karsten Wiese <>
* Copyright (C) 2005 Taybin Rutkin <>
* Copyright (C) 2008-2015 David Robillard <>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Carl Hetherington <>
* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Colin Fletcher <>
* Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Robin Gareus <>
* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Ben Loftis <>
* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Nick Mainsbridge <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <cstdio> // for snprintf, grrr
#include <gtkmm/stock.h>
#include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h"
#include "tempo_dialog.h"
#include "ui_config.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace Gtkmm2ext;
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace PBD;
TempoDialog::TempoDialog (TempoMap& map, samplepos_t sample, const string&)
: ArdourDialog (_("New Tempo"))
, _map (&map)
, _section (0)
, bpm_adjustment (60.0, 1.0, 999.9, 0.1, 1.0)
, bpm_spinner (bpm_adjustment)
, end_bpm_adjustment (60.0, 1.0, 999.9, 0.1, 1.0)
, end_bpm_spinner (end_bpm_adjustment)
, _end_bpm_label (_("End Beats per Minute:"), ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER)
, when_bar_label (_("bar:"), ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_CENTER)
, when_beat_label (_("beat:"), ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_CENTER)
, pulse_selector_label (_("Pulse:"), ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER)
, tap_tempo_button (_("Tap tempo"))
Tempo tempo (map.tempo_at_sample (sample));
Temporal::BBT_Time when (map.bbt_at_sample (sample));
init (when, tempo.note_types_per_minute(), tempo.end_note_types_per_minute(), tempo.note_type(), TempoSection::Constant, true, MusicTime);
TempoDialog::TempoDialog (TempoMap& map, TempoSection& section, const string&)
: ArdourDialog (_("Edit Tempo"))
, _map (&map)
, _section (§ion)
, bpm_adjustment (60.0, 1.0, 999.9, 0.1, 1.0)
, bpm_spinner (bpm_adjustment)
, end_bpm_adjustment (60.0, 1.0, 999.9, 0.1, 1.0)
, end_bpm_spinner (end_bpm_adjustment)
, _end_bpm_label (_("End Beats per Minute:"), ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER)
, when_bar_label (_("bar:"), ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_CENTER)
, when_beat_label (_("beat:"), ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_CENTER)
, pulse_selector_label (_("Pulse:"), ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER)
, tap_tempo_button (_("Tap tempo"))
Temporal::BBT_Time when (map.bbt_at_sample (section.sample()));
init (when, section.note_types_per_minute(), section.end_note_types_per_minute(), section.note_type(), section.type()
, section.initial() || section.locked_to_meter(), section.position_lock_style());
TempoDialog::init (const Temporal::BBT_Time& when, double bpm, double end_bpm, double note_type, TempoSection::Type type, bool initial, PositionLockStyle style)
vector<string> strings;
NoteTypes::iterator x;
bpm_spinner.set_numeric (true);
bpm_spinner.set_digits (3);
bpm_spinner.set_wrap (true);
bpm_spinner.set_value (bpm);
bpm_spinner.set_alignment (1.0);
end_bpm_spinner.set_numeric (true);
end_bpm_spinner.set_digits (3);
end_bpm_spinner.set_wrap (true);
end_bpm_spinner.set_value (end_bpm);
end_bpm_spinner.set_alignment (1.0);
Gtkmm2ext::set_size_request_to_display_given_text (pulse_selector, _("one-hundred-twenty-eighth"), 3, 6);
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("whole"), 1.0));
strings.push_back (_("whole"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("second"), 2.0));
strings.push_back (_("second"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("third"), 3.0));
strings.push_back (_("third"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("quarter"), 4.0));
strings.push_back (_("quarter"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("eighth"), 8.0));
strings.push_back (_("eighth"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("sixteenth"), 16.0));
strings.push_back (_("sixteenth"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("thirty-second"), 32.0));
strings.push_back (_("thirty-second"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("sixty-fourth"), 64.0));
strings.push_back (_("sixty-fourth"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("one-hundred-twenty-eighth"), 128.0));
strings.push_back (_("one-hundred-twenty-eighth"));
set_popdown_strings (pulse_selector, strings);
for (x = note_types.begin(); x != note_types.end(); ++x) {
if (x->second == note_type) {
pulse_selector.set_active_text (x->first);
if (x == note_types.end()) {
pulse_selector.set_active_text (strings[3]); // "quarter"
tempo_types.insert (make_pair (_("ramped"), TempoSection::Ramp));
strings.push_back (_("ramped"));
tempo_types.insert (make_pair (_("constant"), TempoSection::Constant));
strings.push_back (_("constant"));
set_popdown_strings (tempo_type, strings);
TempoTypes::iterator tt;
for (tt = tempo_types.begin(); tt != tempo_types.end(); ++tt) {
if (tt->second == type) {
tempo_type.set_active_text (tt->first);
if (tt == tempo_types.end()) {
tempo_type.set_active_text (strings[1]); // "constant"
lock_styles.insert (make_pair (_("music"), MusicTime));
strings.push_back (_("music"));
lock_styles.insert (make_pair (_("audio"), AudioTime));
strings.push_back (_("audio"));
set_popdown_strings (lock_style, strings);
LockStyles::iterator ls;
for (ls = lock_styles.begin(); ls != lock_styles.end(); ++ls) {
if (ls->second == style) {
lock_style.set_active_text (ls->first);
if (ls == lock_styles.end()) {
lock_style.set_active_text (strings[0]); // "music"
Table* table;
if (UIConfiguration::instance().get_allow_non_quarter_pulse()) {
table = manage (new Table (5, 7));
} else {
table = manage (new Table (5, 6));
table->set_spacings (6);
table->set_homogeneous (false);
int row = 0;
if (UIConfiguration::instance().get_allow_non_quarter_pulse()) {
table->attach (pulse_selector_label, 0, 1, row, row + 1);
table->attach (pulse_selector, 1, 5, row, row + 1);
Label* bpm_label = manage (new Label(_("Start Beats per Minute:"), ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER));
table->attach (*bpm_label, 0, 1, row, row + 1);
table->attach (bpm_spinner, 1, 5, row, row + 1);
table->attach (_end_bpm_label, 0, 1, row, row + 1);
table->attach (end_bpm_spinner, 1, 5, row, row + 1);
Label* tempo_type_label = manage (new Label(_("Tempo Type:"), ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER));
table->attach (*tempo_type_label, 0, 1, row, row + 1);
table->attach (tempo_type, 1, 5, row, row + 1);
char buf[64];
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%" PRIu32, when.bars);
when_bar_entry.set_text (buf);
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%" PRIu32,;
when_beat_entry.set_text (buf);
if (!initial) {
when_beat_entry.set_width_chars (4);
when_bar_entry.set_alignment (1.0);
when_beat_entry.set_alignment (1.0);
when_bar_label.set_name ("MetricLabel");
when_beat_label.set_name ("MetricLabel");
table->attach (when_bar_label, 1, 2, row, row+1, Gtk::AttachOptions(0), Gtk::AttachOptions(0));
table->attach (when_bar_entry, 2, 3, row, row+1, Gtk::AttachOptions(0), Gtk::AttachOptions(0));
table->attach (when_beat_label, 3, 4, row, row+1, Gtk::AttachOptions(0), Gtk::AttachOptions(0));
table->attach (when_beat_entry, 4, 5, row, row+1, Gtk::AttachOptions(0), Gtk::AttachOptions(0));
Label* when_label = manage (new Label(_("Tempo begins at"), ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER));
table->attach (*when_label, 0, 1, row, row+1);
Label* lock_style_label = manage (new Label(_("Lock Style:"), ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER));
table->attach (*lock_style_label, 0, 1, row, row + 1);
table->attach (lock_style, 1, 5, row, row + 1);
get_vbox()->set_border_width (12);
get_vbox()->pack_end (*table);
table->show_all ();
add_button (Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL);
add_button (Stock::APPLY, RESPONSE_ACCEPT);
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_ACCEPT, true);
set_default_response (RESPONSE_ACCEPT);
| ();
| ();
| ();
get_vbox()->set_spacing (6);
get_vbox()->pack_end (tap_tempo_button);
tap_tempo_button.can_focus ();
tap_tempo_button.grab_focus ();
set_name ("MetricDialog");
bpm_spinner.signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::response), RESPONSE_ACCEPT));
bpm_spinner.signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::bpm_button_press), false);
bpm_spinner.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::bpm_button_release), false);
bpm_spinner.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::bpm_changed));
end_bpm_spinner.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::bpm_changed));
when_bar_entry.signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::response), RESPONSE_ACCEPT));
when_bar_entry.signal_key_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::entry_key_release), false);
when_beat_entry.signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::response), RESPONSE_ACCEPT));
when_beat_entry.signal_key_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::entry_key_release), false);
pulse_selector.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::pulse_change));
tempo_type.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::tempo_type_change));
lock_style.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::lock_style_change));
tap_tempo_button.signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::tap_tempo_button_press), false);
tap_tempo_button.signal_key_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::tap_tempo_key_press), false);
tap_tempo_button.signal_focus_out_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TempoDialog::tap_tempo_focus_out));
bpm_spinner.select_region (0, -1);
bpm_spinner.grab_focus ();
tapped = false;
TempoDialog::is_user_input_valid() const
return (when_beat_entry.get_text() != "")
&& (when_bar_entry.get_text() != "")
&& (when_bar_entry.get_text() != "0");
TempoDialog::bpm_changed ()
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_ACCEPT, is_user_input_valid());
TempoDialog::bpm_button_press (GdkEventButton*)
return false;
TempoDialog::bpm_button_release (GdkEventButton*)
/* the value has been modified, accept should work now */
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_ACCEPT, is_user_input_valid());
return false;
TempoDialog::entry_key_release (GdkEventKey*)
Temporal::BBT_Time bbt;
get_bbt_time (bbt);
if (_section && is_user_input_valid()) {
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_ACCEPT, _map->can_solve_bbt (_section, bbt));
} else {
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_ACCEPT, is_user_input_valid());
return false;
TempoDialog::get_bpm ()
return bpm_spinner.get_value ();
TempoDialog::get_end_bpm ()
if (get_tempo_type() == TempoSection::Constant) {
return bpm_spinner.get_value ();
return end_bpm_spinner.get_value ();
TempoDialog::get_bbt_time (Temporal::BBT_Time& requested)
if (sscanf (when_bar_entry.get_text().c_str(), "%" PRIu32, &requested.bars) != 1) {
return false;
if (sscanf (when_beat_entry.get_text().c_str(), "%" PRIu32, & != 1) {
return false;
requested.ticks = 0;
return true;
TempoDialog::get_note_type ()
NoteTypes::iterator x = note_types.find (pulse_selector.get_active_text());
if (x == note_types.end()) {
error << string_compose(_("incomprehensible pulse note type (%1)"), pulse_selector.get_active_text()) << endmsg;
return 0;
return x->second;
TempoDialog::get_tempo_type ()
TempoTypes::iterator x = tempo_types.find (tempo_type.get_active_text());
if (x == tempo_types.end()) {
error << string_compose(_("incomprehensible tempo type (%1)"), tempo_type.get_active_text()) << endmsg;
return TempoSection::Constant;
return x->second;
TempoDialog::get_lock_style ()
LockStyles::iterator x = lock_styles.find (lock_style.get_active_text());
if (x == lock_styles.end()) {
error << string_compose(_("incomprehensible lock style (%1)"), lock_style.get_active_text()) << endmsg;
return MusicTime;
return x->second;
TempoDialog::pulse_change ()
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_ACCEPT, is_user_input_valid());
TempoDialog::tempo_type_change ()
if (get_tempo_type() == TempoSection::Constant) {
end_bpm_spinner.hide ();
} else {
| ();
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_ACCEPT, is_user_input_valid());
TempoDialog::lock_style_change ()
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_ACCEPT, is_user_input_valid());
TempoDialog::tap_tempo_key_press (GdkEventKey*)
tap_tempo ();
return false;
TempoDialog::tap_tempo_button_press (GdkEventButton* ev)
if (ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS || ev->type == GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS) {
return true;
if (ev->button != 1) {
return true;
tap_tempo ();
return false; // grab focus
TempoDialog::tap_tempo ()
double t;
// Linear least-squares regression
if (tapped) {
t = 1e-6 * (g_get_monotonic_time () - first_t); // Subtract first_t to avoid precision problems
double n = tap_count;
sum_y += t;
sum_x += n;
sum_xy += n * t;
sum_xx += n * n;
double T = (sum_xy/n - sum_x/n * sum_y/n) / (sum_xx/n - sum_x/n * sum_x/n);
if (t - last_t < T / 1.2 || t - last_t > T * 1.2) {
tapped = false;
} else {
bpm_spinner.set_value (60.0 / T);
if (!tapped) {
first_t = g_get_monotonic_time ();
t = 0.0;
sum_y = 0.0;
sum_x = 1.0;
sum_xy = 0.0;
sum_xx = 1.0;
tap_count = 1.0;
tapped = true;
last_t = t;
TempoDialog::tap_tempo_focus_out (GdkEventFocus* )
tapped = false;
return false;
MeterDialog::MeterDialog (TempoMap& map, samplepos_t sample, const string&)
: ArdourDialog (_("New Meter"))
sample = map.round_to_bar(sample, RoundNearest).sample;
Temporal::BBT_Time when (map.bbt_at_sample (sample));
Meter meter (map.meter_at_sample (sample));
init (when, meter.divisions_per_bar(), meter.note_divisor(), false, MusicTime);
MeterDialog::MeterDialog (TempoMap& map, MeterSection& section, const string&)
: ArdourDialog (_("Edit Meter"))
Temporal::BBT_Time when (map.bbt_at_sample (section.sample()));
init (when, section.divisions_per_bar(), section.note_divisor(), section.initial(), section.position_lock_style());
MeterDialog::init (const Temporal::BBT_Time& when, double bpb, double divisor, bool initial, PositionLockStyle style)
char buf[64];
vector<string> strings;
NoteTypes::iterator x;
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%.2f", bpb);
bpb_entry.set_text (buf);
bpb_entry.select_region (0, -1);
bpb_entry.set_alignment (1.0);
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("whole"), 1.0));
strings.push_back (_("whole"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("second"), 2.0));
strings.push_back (_("second"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("third"), 3.0));
strings.push_back (_("third"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("quarter"), 4.0));
strings.push_back (_("quarter"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("eighth"), 8.0));
strings.push_back (_("eighth"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("sixteenth"), 16.0));
strings.push_back (_("sixteenth"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("thirty-second"), 32.0));
strings.push_back (_("thirty-second"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("sixty-fourth"), 64.0));
strings.push_back (_("sixty-fourth"));
note_types.insert (make_pair (_("one-hundred-twenty-eighth"), 128.0));
strings.push_back (_("one-hundred-twenty-eighth"));
set_popdown_strings (note_type, strings);
for (x = note_types.begin(); x != note_types.end(); ++x) {
if (x->second == divisor) {
note_type.set_active_text (x->first);
if (x == note_types.end()) {
note_type.set_active_text (strings[3]); // "quarter"
lock_styles.insert (make_pair (_("music"), MusicTime));
strings.push_back (_("music"));
lock_styles.insert (make_pair (_("audio"), AudioTime));
strings.push_back (_("audio"));
set_popdown_strings (lock_style, strings);
LockStyles::iterator ls;
for (ls = lock_styles.begin(); ls != lock_styles.end(); ++ls) {
if (ls->second == style) {
lock_style.set_active_text (ls->first);
if (ls == lock_styles.end()) {
lock_style.set_active_text (strings[0]); // "music"
Label* note_label = manage (new Label (_("Note value:"), ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_CENTER));
Label* lock_label = manage (new Label (_("Lock style:"), ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_CENTER));
Label* bpb_label = manage (new Label (_("Beats per bar:"), ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_CENTER));
Table* table = manage (new Table (3, 3));
table->set_spacings (6);
table->attach (*bpb_label, 0, 1, 0, 1, FILL|EXPAND, FILL|EXPAND);
table->attach (bpb_entry, 1, 2, 0, 1, FILL|EXPAND, FILL|EXPAND);
table->attach (*note_label, 0, 1, 1, 2, FILL|EXPAND, FILL|EXPAND);
table->attach (note_type, 1, 2, 1, 2, FILL|EXPAND, FILL|EXPAND);
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%" PRIu32, when.bars);
when_bar_entry.set_text (buf);
when_bar_entry.set_alignment (1.0);
if (!initial) {
Label* when_label = manage (new Label(_("Meter begins at bar:"), ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER));
table->attach (*when_label, 0, 1, 2, 3, FILL | EXPAND, FILL | EXPAND);
table->attach (when_bar_entry, 1, 2, 2, 3, FILL | EXPAND, FILL | EXPAND);
table->attach (*lock_label, 0, 1, 3, 4, FILL|EXPAND, FILL|EXPAND);
table->attach (lock_style, 1, 2, 3, 4, FILL|EXPAND, SHRINK);
get_vbox()->set_border_width (12);
get_vbox()->pack_start (*table, false, false);
add_button (Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL);
add_button (Stock::APPLY, RESPONSE_ACCEPT);
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_ACCEPT, true);
set_default_response (RESPONSE_ACCEPT);
get_vbox()->show_all ();
set_name ("MetricDialog");
bpb_entry.signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MeterDialog::response), RESPONSE_ACCEPT));
bpb_entry.signal_key_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MeterDialog::entry_key_press), false);
bpb_entry.signal_key_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MeterDialog::entry_key_release));
when_bar_entry.signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MeterDialog::response), RESPONSE_ACCEPT));
when_bar_entry.signal_key_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MeterDialog::entry_key_press), false);
when_bar_entry.signal_key_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MeterDialog::entry_key_release));
note_type.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MeterDialog::note_type_change));
lock_style.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MeterDialog::lock_style_change));
MeterDialog::is_user_input_valid() const
return (when_bar_entry.get_text() != "")
&& (when_bar_entry.get_text() != "0")
&& (bpb_entry.get_text() != "");
MeterDialog::entry_key_press (GdkEventKey* ev)
switch (ev->keyval) {
case GDK_0:
case GDK_1:
case GDK_2:
case GDK_3:
case GDK_4:
case GDK_5:
case GDK_6:
case GDK_7:
case GDK_8:
case GDK_9:
case GDK_KP_0:
case GDK_KP_1:
case GDK_KP_2:
case GDK_KP_3:
case GDK_KP_4:
case GDK_KP_5:
case GDK_KP_6:
case GDK_KP_7:
case GDK_KP_8:
case GDK_KP_9:
case GDK_period:
case GDK_comma:
case GDK_KP_Delete:
case GDK_KP_Enter:
case GDK_Delete:
case GDK_BackSpace:
case GDK_Escape:
case GDK_Return:
case GDK_Home:
case GDK_End:
case GDK_Left:
case GDK_Right:
case GDK_Num_Lock:
case GDK_Tab:
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
MeterDialog::entry_key_release (GdkEventKey*)
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_ACCEPT, is_user_input_valid());
return false;
MeterDialog::note_type_change ()
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_ACCEPT, is_user_input_valid());
MeterDialog::lock_style_change ()
set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_ACCEPT, is_user_input_valid());
MeterDialog::get_bpb ()
double bpb = 0;
if (sscanf (bpb_entry.get_text().c_str(), "%lf", &bpb) != 1) {
return 0;
return bpb;
MeterDialog::get_note_type ()
NoteTypes::iterator x = note_types.find (note_type.get_active_text());
if (x == note_types.end()) {
error << string_compose(_("incomprehensible meter note type (%1)"), note_type.get_active_text()) << endmsg;
return 0;
return x->second;
MeterDialog::get_lock_style ()
LockStyles::iterator x = lock_styles.find (lock_style.get_active_text());
if (x == lock_styles.end()) {
error << string_compose(_("incomprehensible meter lock style (%1)"), lock_style.get_active_text()) << endmsg;
return MusicTime;
return x->second;
MeterDialog::get_bbt_time (Temporal::BBT_Time& requested)
if (sscanf (when_bar_entry.get_text().c_str(), "%" PRIu32, &requested.bars) != 1) {
return false;
| = 1;
requested.ticks = 0;
return true;