David Robillard 6fa6514cfd Remove over 500 unnecessary includes (including 54 of session.h).
It's slightly possible that this causes trivial build failures on different
configurations, but otherwise shouldn't cause any problems (i.e. no actual
changes other than include/naming/namespace stuff).  I deliberately avoided
removing libardour-config.h since this can mysteriously break things, though a
few of those do seem to be unnecessary.

This commit only targets includes of ardour/*.h.  There is also a very large
number of unnecessary includes of stuff in gtk2_ardour; tackling that should
also give a big improvement in build time when things are modified.

git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/3.0@12420 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
2012-05-24 06:09:29 +00:00

530 lines
14 KiB

Copyright (C) 2006 Paul Davis
Author: David Robillard
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <glibmm/fileutils.h>
#include "pbd/xml++.h"
#include "pbd/pthread_utils.h"
#include "pbd/basename.h"
#include "ardour/debug.h"
#include "ardour/midi_model.h"
#include "ardour/midi_state_tracker.h"
#include "ardour/midi_source.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "ardour/session_directory.h"
#include "ardour/source_factory.h"
#include "i18n.h"
namespace ARDOUR { template <typename T> class MidiRingBuffer; }
using namespace std;
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace PBD;
PBD::Signal1<void,MidiSource*> MidiSource::MidiSourceCreated;
MidiSource::MidiSource (Session& s, string name, Source::Flag flags)
: Source(s, DataType::MIDI, name, flags)
, _writing(false)
, _model_iter_valid(false)
, _length_beats(0.0)
, _last_read_end(0)
, _last_write_end(0)
MidiSource::MidiSource (Session& s, const XMLNode& node)
: Source(s, node)
, _writing(false)
, _model_iter_valid(false)
, _length_beats(0.0)
, _last_read_end(0)
, _last_write_end(0)
if (set_state (node, Stateful::loading_state_version)) {
throw failed_constructor();
MidiSource::~MidiSource ()
MidiSource::get_state ()
XMLNode& node (Source::get_state());
if (_captured_for.length()) {
node.add_property ("captured-for", _captured_for);
for (InterpolationStyleMap::const_iterator i = _interpolation_style.begin(); i != _interpolation_style.end(); ++i) {
XMLNode* child = node.add_child (X_("InterpolationStyle"));
child->add_property (X_("parameter"), EventTypeMap::instance().to_symbol (i->first));
child->add_property (X_("style"), enum_2_string (i->second));
for (AutomationStateMap::const_iterator i = _automation_state.begin(); i != _automation_state.end(); ++i) {
XMLNode* child = node.add_child (X_("AutomationState"));
child->add_property (X_("parameter"), EventTypeMap::instance().to_symbol (i->first));
child->add_property (X_("state"), enum_2_string (i->second));
return node;
MidiSource::set_state (const XMLNode& node, int /*version*/)
const XMLProperty* prop;
if ((prop = node.property ("captured-for")) != 0) {
_captured_for = prop->value();
XMLNodeList children = node.children ();
for (XMLNodeConstIterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i)->name() == X_("InterpolationStyle")) {
XMLProperty* prop;
if ((prop = (*i)->property (X_("parameter"))) == 0) {
error << _("Missing parameter property on InterpolationStyle") << endmsg;
return -1;
Evoral::Parameter p = EventTypeMap::instance().new_parameter (prop->value());
if ((prop = (*i)->property (X_("style"))) == 0) {
error << _("Missing style property on InterpolationStyle") << endmsg;
return -1;
Evoral::ControlList::InterpolationStyle s = static_cast<Evoral::ControlList::InterpolationStyle> (string_2_enum (prop->value(), s));
set_interpolation_of (p, s);
} else if ((*i)->name() == X_("AutomationState")) {
XMLProperty* prop;
if ((prop = (*i)->property (X_("parameter"))) == 0) {
error << _("Missing parameter property on AutomationState") << endmsg;
return -1;
Evoral::Parameter p = EventTypeMap::instance().new_parameter (prop->value());
if ((prop = (*i)->property (X_("state"))) == 0) {
error << _("Missing state property on AutomationState") << endmsg;
return -1;
AutoState s = static_cast<AutoState> (string_2_enum (prop->value(), s));
set_automation_state_of (p, s);
return 0;
MidiSource::empty () const
return _length_beats == 0;
MidiSource::length (framepos_t pos) const
if (_length_beats == 0) {
return 0;
BeatsFramesConverter converter(_session.tempo_map(), pos);
return converter.to(_length_beats);
MidiSource::update_length (framecnt_t)
// You're not the boss of me!
MidiSource::invalidate ()
_model_iter_valid = false;
/** @param filtered A set of parameters whose MIDI messages will not be returned */
MidiSource::midi_read (Evoral::EventSink<framepos_t>& dst, framepos_t source_start,
framepos_t start, framecnt_t cnt,
MidiStateTracker* tracker,
std::set<Evoral::Parameter> const & filtered) const
Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock);
BeatsFramesConverter converter(_session.tempo_map(), source_start);
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MidiSourceIO, string_compose ("MidiSource::midi-read() %5 sstart %1 start %2 cnt %3 tracker %4\n",
source_start, start, cnt, tracker, name()));
if (_model) {
Evoral::Sequence<double>::const_iterator& i = _model_iter;
// If the cached iterator is invalid, search for the first event past start
if (_last_read_end == 0 || start != _last_read_end || !_model_iter_valid) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MidiSourceIO, string_compose ("*** %1 search for relevant iterator for %1 / %2\n", _name, source_start, start));
for (i = _model->begin(0, false, filtered); i != _model->end(); ++i) {
if (converter.to(i->time()) >= start) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MidiSourceIO, string_compose ("***\tstop iterator search @ %1\n", i->time()));
_model_iter_valid = true;
} else {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MidiSourceIO, string_compose ("*** %1 use cachediterator for %1 / %2\n", _name, source_start, start));
_last_read_end = start + cnt;
// Read events up to end
for (; i != _model->end(); ++i) {
const framecnt_t time_frames = converter.to(i->time());
if (time_frames < start + cnt) {
/* convert event times to session frames by adding on the source start position in session frames */
dst.write (time_frames + source_start, i->event_type(), i->size(), i->buffer());
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MidiSourceIO, string_compose ("%1: add event @ %2 type %3 size = %4\n",
_name, time_frames + source_start, i->event_type(), i->size()));
if (tracker) {
Evoral::MIDIEvent<Evoral::MusicalTime>& ev (*(Evoral::MIDIEvent<Evoral::MusicalTime>*) (&(*i)));
if (ev.is_note_on()) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MidiSourceIO, string_compose ("\t%1 track note on %2 @ %3 velocity %4\n", _name, (int) ev.note(), time_frames, (int) ev.velocity()));
tracker->add (ev.note(), ev.channel());
} else if (ev.is_note_off()) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MidiSourceIO, string_compose ("\t%1 track note off %2 @ %3\n", _name, (int) ev.note(), time_frames));
tracker->remove (ev.note(), ev.channel());
} else {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MidiSourceIO, string_compose ("%1: reached end with event @ %2 vs. %3\n",
_name, time_frames, start+cnt));
return cnt;
} else {
return read_unlocked (dst, source_start, start, cnt, tracker);
/** Write data from a MidiRingBuffer to this source.
* @param source Source to read from.
* @param source_start This source's start position in session frames.
MidiSource::midi_write (MidiRingBuffer<framepos_t>& source, framepos_t source_start, framecnt_t duration)
Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock);
const framecnt_t ret = write_unlocked (source, source_start, duration);
if (duration == max_framecnt) {
_last_read_end = 0;
} else {
_last_write_end += duration;
return ret;
MidiSource::mark_streaming_midi_write_started (NoteMode mode)
if (_model) {
_model->set_note_mode (mode);
_model->start_write ();
_writing = true;
MidiSource::mark_write_starting_now ()
/* I'm not sure if this is the best way to approach this, but
_last_write_end needs to be set up with the transport frame
when a record actually starts, as it is used by
SMFSource::write_unlocked to decide whether incoming notes
are within the correct time range.
mark_streaming_midi_write_started (perhaps a more logical
place to do this) is not called at exactly the time when
record starts, and I don't think it necessarily can be
because it is not RT-safe.
set_timeline_position (_session.transport_frame ());
_last_write_end = _session.transport_frame ();
cerr << name() << " last write set to " << _last_write_end << endl;
MidiSource::mark_streaming_write_started ()
NoteMode note_mode = _model ? _model->note_mode() : Sustained;
mark_streaming_midi_write_started (note_mode);
MidiSource::mark_midi_streaming_write_completed (Evoral::Sequence<Evoral::MusicalTime>::StuckNoteOption option, Evoral::MusicalTime end)
if (_model) {
_model->end_write (option, end);
_writing = false;
MidiSource::mark_streaming_write_completed ()
mark_midi_streaming_write_completed (Evoral::Sequence<Evoral::MusicalTime>::DeleteStuckNotes);
MidiSource::clone (const string& path, Evoral::MusicalTime begin, Evoral::MusicalTime end)
string newname = PBD::basename_nosuffix(_name.val());
string newpath;
if (path.empty()) {
/* get a new name for the MIDI file we're going to write to
do {
newname = bump_name_once (newname, '-');
/* XXX build path safely */
newpath = _session.session_directory().midi_path().to_string() +"/"+ newname + ".mid";
} while (Glib::file_test (newpath, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS));
} else {
/* caller must check for pre-existing file */
newpath = path;
boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource> newsrc = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MidiSource>(
SourceFactory::createWritable(DataType::MIDI, _session,
newpath, string(), false, _session.frame_rate()));
newsrc->copy_interpolation_from (this);
newsrc->copy_automation_state_from (this);
if (_model) {
if (begin == Evoral::MinMusicalTime && end == Evoral::MaxMusicalTime) {
_model->write_to (newsrc);
} else {
_model->write_section_to (newsrc, begin, end);
} else {
error << string_compose (_("programming error: %1"), X_("no model for MidiSource during ::clone()"));
return boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource>();
/* force a reload of the model if the range is partial */
if (begin != Evoral::MinMusicalTime || end != Evoral::MaxMusicalTime) {
newsrc->load_model (true, true);
} else {
newsrc->set_model (_model);
return newsrc;
/* this writes a copy of the data to disk.
XXX do we need to do this every time?
if (_model && _model->edited()) {
// if the model is edited, write its contents into
// the current source file (overwiting previous contents.
/* temporarily drop our reference to the model so that
as the model pushes its current state to us, we don't
try to update it.
boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> mm = _model;
_model.reset ();
/* flush model contents to disk
mm->sync_to_source ();
/* reacquire model */
_model = mm;
} else {
MidiSource::set_note_mode(NoteMode mode)
if (_model) {
MidiSource::drop_model ()
ModelChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
MidiSource::set_model (boost::shared_ptr<MidiModel> m)
_model = m;
ModelChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
/** @return Interpolation style that should be used for control parameter \a p */
MidiSource::interpolation_of (Evoral::Parameter p) const
InterpolationStyleMap::const_iterator i = _interpolation_style.find (p);
if (i == _interpolation_style.end()) {
return EventTypeMap::instance().interpolation_of (p);
return i->second;
MidiSource::automation_state_of (Evoral::Parameter p) const
AutomationStateMap::const_iterator i = _automation_state.find (p);
if (i == _automation_state.end()) {
/* default to `play', otherwise if MIDI is recorded /
imported with controllers etc. they are by default
not played back, which is a little surprising.
return Play;
return i->second;
/** Set interpolation style to be used for a given parameter. This change will be
* propagated to anyone who needs to know.
MidiSource::set_interpolation_of (Evoral::Parameter p, Evoral::ControlList::InterpolationStyle s)
if (interpolation_of (p) == s) {
if (EventTypeMap::instance().interpolation_of (p) == s) {
/* interpolation type is being set to the default, so we don't need a note in our map */
_interpolation_style.erase (p);
} else {
_interpolation_style[p] = s;
InterpolationChanged (p, s); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
MidiSource::set_automation_state_of (Evoral::Parameter p, AutoState s)
if (automation_state_of (p) == s) {
if (s == Play) {
/* automation state is being set to the default, so we don't need a note in our map */
_automation_state.erase (p);
} else {
_automation_state[p] = s;
AutomationStateChanged (p, s); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
MidiSource::copy_interpolation_from (boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource> s)
copy_interpolation_from (s.get ());
MidiSource::copy_automation_state_from (boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource> s)
copy_automation_state_from (s.get ());
MidiSource::copy_interpolation_from (MidiSource* s)
_interpolation_style = s->_interpolation_style;
/* XXX: should probably emit signals here */
MidiSource::copy_automation_state_from (MidiSource* s)
_automation_state = s->_automation_state;
/* XXX: should probably emit signals here */