nick_m 59daffea1d rework snap
snap now fills in a struct (MusicFrame) which contins a snapped frame
along with a music divisor.
this gives useful information wrt magnetic snap which may or may not
have rounded to an exact musical position.

region position may now be set musically (using quarter notes for now).

this patch fixes several problems in the current code:

	- dragging a list of music-locked regions now maintains correct
	  musical offsets within the list.

	- splitting regions using magnetic snap works correctly (#7192)

	- cut drag should now work correctly with magnetic snap.

	- musical length of split midi regions is no longer frame based.
2017-02-04 22:57:36 +11:00

1054 lines
28 KiB

Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <utility>
#include <gtkmm2ext/barcontroller.h>
#include <gtkmm2ext/utils.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include "pbd/error.h"
#include "pbd/memento_command.h"
#include "pbd/stacktrace.h"
#include "ardour/automation_control.h"
#include "ardour/event_type_map.h"
#include "ardour/parameter_types.h"
#include "ardour/profile.h"
#include "ardour/route.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "canvas/debug.h"
#include "automation_time_axis.h"
#include "automation_streamview.h"
#include "gui_thread.h"
#include "route_time_axis.h"
#include "automation_line.h"
#include "paste_context.h"
#include "public_editor.h"
#include "selection.h"
#include "tooltips.h"
#include "rgb_macros.h"
#include "point_selection.h"
#include "control_point.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "item_counts.h"
#include "ui_config.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS;
using namespace PBD;
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace Gtkmm2ext;
using namespace Editing;
Pango::FontDescription AutomationTimeAxisView::name_font;
bool AutomationTimeAxisView::have_name_font = false;
/** \a a the automatable object this time axis is to display data for.
* For route/track automation (e.g. gain) pass the route for both \r and \a.
* For route child (e.g. plugin) automation, pass the child for \a.
* For region automation (e.g. MIDI CC), pass null for \a.
AutomationTimeAxisView::AutomationTimeAxisView (
Session* s,
boost::shared_ptr<Route> r,
boost::shared_ptr<Automatable> a,
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c,
Evoral::Parameter p,
PublicEditor& e,
TimeAxisView& parent,
bool show_regions,
ArdourCanvas::Canvas& canvas,
const string & nom,
const string & nomparent
: SessionHandlePtr (s)
, TimeAxisView (s, e, &parent, canvas)
, _route (r)
, _control (c)
, _automatable (a)
, _parameter (p)
, _base_rect (new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (_canvas_display))
, _view (show_regions ? new AutomationStreamView (*this) : 0)
, auto_dropdown ()
, _show_regions (show_regions)
//concatenate plugin name and param name into the tooltip
string tipname = nomparent;
if (!tipname.empty()) {
tipname += ": ";
tipname += nom;
set_tooltip(controls_ebox, tipname);
//plugin name and param name appear on 2 separate lines in the track header
tipname = nomparent;
if (!tipname.empty()) {
tipname += "\n";
tipname += nom;
_name = tipname;
CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_canvas_display, string_compose ("main for auto %2/%1", _name, r->name()));
CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (selection_group, string_compose ("selections for auto %2/%1", _name, r->name()));
CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_ghost_group, string_compose ("ghosts for auto %2/%1", _name, r->name()));
if (!have_name_font) {
name_font = get_font_for_style (X_("AutomationTrackName"));
have_name_font = true;
if (_automatable && _control) {
_controller = AutomationController::create (_automatable, _control->parameter(), _control->desc(), _control);
const std::string fill_color_name = (dynamic_cast<MidiTimeAxisView*>(&parent)
? "midi automation track fill"
: "audio automation track fill");
auto_off_item = 0;
auto_touch_item = 0;
auto_write_item = 0;
auto_play_item = 0;
mode_discrete_item = 0;
mode_line_item = 0;
ignore_state_request = false;
first_call_to_set_height = true;
CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_base_rect, string_compose ("base rect for %1", _name));
_base_rect->set_x1 (ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX);
_base_rect->set_outline (false);
_base_rect->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod (fill_color_name, "automation track fill"));
_base_rect->set_data ("trackview", this);
_base_rect->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (_editor, &PublicEditor::canvas_automation_track_event), _base_rect, this));
if (!a) {
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
auto_dropdown.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (S_("Automation|Manual"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this,
&AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state), (AutoState) ARDOUR::Off)));
auto_dropdown.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("Play"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this,
&AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Play)));
auto_dropdown.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("Write"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this,
&AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Write)));
auto_dropdown.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("Touch"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this,
&AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Touch)));
/* XXX translators: use a string here that will be at least as long
as the longest automation label (see ::automation_state_changed()
below). be sure to include a descender.
hide_button.set_icon (ArdourIcon::CloseCross);
auto_dropdown.set_name ("route button");
hide_button.set_name ("route button");
auto_dropdown.unset_flags (Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
hide_button.unset_flags (Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
set_tooltip(auto_dropdown, _("automation state"));
set_tooltip(hide_button, _("hide track"));
const string str = gui_property ("height");
if (!str.empty()) {
set_height (atoi (str));
} else {
set_height (preset_height (HeightNormal));
//name label isn't editable on an automation track; remove the tooltip
set_tooltip (name_label, X_(""));
/* repack the name label, which TimeAxisView has already attached to
* the controls_table
if (name_label.get_parent()) {
name_label.get_parent()->remove (name_label);
name_label.set_text (_name);
name_label.set_alignment (Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER);
name_label.set_name (X_("TrackParameterName"));
name_label.set_ellipsize (Pango::ELLIPSIZE_END);
/* add the buttons */
controls_table.set_border_width (1);
controls_table.attach (hide_button, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
controls_table.attach (name_label, 2, 3, 1, 3, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, 2, 0);
controls_table.attach (auto_dropdown, 3, 4, 2, 3, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
Gtk::DrawingArea *blank0 = manage (new Gtk::DrawingArea());
Gtk::DrawingArea *blank1 = manage (new Gtk::DrawingArea());
RouteTimeAxisView* rtv = dynamic_cast<RouteTimeAxisView*>(&parent);
// TODO use rtv->controls_base_unselected_name
// subscribe to route_active_changed, ...
if (rtv && rtv->is_audio_track()) {
blank0->set_name ("AudioTrackControlsBaseUnselected");
} else if (rtv && rtv->is_midi_track()) {
blank0->set_name ("MidiTrackControlsBaseUnselected");
} else if (rtv) {
blank0->set_name ("AudioBusControlsBaseUnselected");
} else {
blank0->set_name ("UnknownControlsBaseUnselected");
blank0->set_size_request (-1, -1);
blank1->set_size_request (1, 0);
VSeparator* separator = manage (new VSeparator());
separator->set_size_request (1, -1);
time_axis_hbox.pack_start (*blank0, false, false);
time_axis_hbox.pack_start (*separator, false, false);
time_axis_hbox.reorder_child (*blank0, 0);
time_axis_hbox.reorder_child (*separator, 1);
time_axis_hbox.reorder_child (time_axis_vbox, 2);
if (!ARDOUR::Profile->get_mixbus() ) {
time_axis_hbox.pack_start (*blank1, false, false);
name_label.show ();
hide_button.show ();
if (_controller) {
_controller->disable_vertical_scroll ();
controls_table.attach (*_controller.get(), 2, 4, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, 0, 0);
controls_table.show_all ();
hide_button.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::hide_clicked));
controls_base_selected_name = X_("AutomationTrackControlsBaseSelected");
controls_base_unselected_name = X_("AutomationTrackControlsBase");
controls_ebox.set_name (controls_base_unselected_name);
time_axis_frame.set_name (controls_base_unselected_name);
/* ask for notifications of any new RegionViews */
if (show_regions) {
if (_view) {
_view->attach ();
} else {
/* no regions, just a single line for the entire track (e.g. bus gain) */
assert (_control);
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationLine> line (
new AutomationLine (
line->set_line_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("processor automation line"));
line->set_fill (true);
line->queue_reset ();
add_line (line);
/* make sure labels etc. are correct */
automation_state_changed ();
UIConfiguration::instance().ColorsChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::color_handler));
_route->DropReferences.connect (
_route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&AutomationTimeAxisView::route_going_away, this), gui_context ()
AutomationTimeAxisView::~AutomationTimeAxisView ()
cleanup_gui_properties ();
delete _view;
AutomationTimeAxisView::route_going_away ()
_route.reset ();
AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state (AutoState state)
if (ignore_state_request) {
if (_automatable) {
_automatable->set_parameter_automation_state (_parameter, state);
if (_view) {
_view->set_automation_state (state);
/* AutomationStreamViews don't signal when their automation state changes, so handle
our updates `manually'.
automation_state_changed ();
AutomationTimeAxisView::automation_state_changed ()
AutoState state;
/* update button label */
if (_view) {
state = _view->automation_state ();
} else if (_line) {
assert (_control);
state = _control->alist()->automation_state ();
} else {
state = ARDOUR::Off;
switch (state & (ARDOUR::Off|Play|Touch|Write)) {
case ARDOUR::Off:
auto_dropdown.set_text (S_("Automation|Manual"));
if (auto_off_item) {
ignore_state_request = true;
auto_off_item->set_active (true);
auto_play_item->set_active (false);
auto_touch_item->set_active (false);
auto_write_item->set_active (false);
ignore_state_request = false;
case Play:
auto_dropdown.set_text (_("Play"));
if (auto_play_item) {
ignore_state_request = true;
auto_play_item->set_active (true);
auto_off_item->set_active (false);
auto_touch_item->set_active (false);
auto_write_item->set_active (false);
ignore_state_request = false;
case Write:
auto_dropdown.set_text (_("Write"));
if (auto_write_item) {
ignore_state_request = true;
auto_write_item->set_active (true);
auto_off_item->set_active (false);
auto_play_item->set_active (false);
auto_touch_item->set_active (false);
ignore_state_request = false;
case Touch:
auto_dropdown.set_text (_("Touch"));
if (auto_touch_item) {
ignore_state_request = true;
auto_touch_item->set_active (true);
auto_off_item->set_active (false);
auto_play_item->set_active (false);
auto_write_item->set_active (false);
ignore_state_request = false;
auto_dropdown.set_text (_("???"));
/** The interpolation style of our AutomationList has changed, so update */
AutomationTimeAxisView::interpolation_changed (AutomationList::InterpolationStyle s)
if (mode_line_item && mode_discrete_item) {
if (s == AutomationList::Discrete) {
} else {
/** A menu item has been selected to change our interpolation mode */
AutomationTimeAxisView::set_interpolation (AutomationList::InterpolationStyle style)
/* Tell our view's list, if we have one, otherwise tell our own.
* Everything else will be signalled back from that.
if (_view) {
_view->set_interpolation (style);
} else {
assert (_control);
_control->list()->set_interpolation (style);
AutomationTimeAxisView::clear_clicked ()
assert (_line || _view);
_editor.begin_reversible_command (_("clear automation"));
if (_line) {
_line->clear ();
} else if (_view) {
_view->clear ();
set_automation_state ((AutoState) ARDOUR::Off);
_editor.commit_reversible_command ();
_session->set_dirty ();
AutomationTimeAxisView::set_height (uint32_t h, TrackHeightMode m)
bool const changed = (height != (uint32_t) h) || first_call_to_set_height;
uint32_t const normal = preset_height (HeightNormal);
bool const changed_between_small_and_normal = ( (height < normal && h >= normal) || (height >= normal || h < normal) );
TimeAxisView::set_height (h, m);
_base_rect->set_y1 (h);
if (_line) {
_line->set_height(h - 2.5);
if (_view) {
if (changed_between_small_and_normal || first_call_to_set_height) {
first_call_to_set_height = false;
if (h >= preset_height (HeightNormal)) {
if (!(_parameter.type() >= MidiCCAutomation &&
_parameter.type() <= MidiChannelPressureAutomation)) {
} else if (h >= preset_height (HeightSmall)) {
controls_table.hide_all ();
if (changed) {
if (_canvas_display->visible() && _route) {
/* only emit the signal if the height really changed and we were visible */
_route->gui_changed ("visible_tracks", (void *) 0); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */
AutomationTimeAxisView::set_samples_per_pixel (double fpp)
TimeAxisView::set_samples_per_pixel (fpp);
if (_line) {
_line->reset ();
if (_view) {
_view->set_samples_per_pixel (fpp);
AutomationTimeAxisView::hide_clicked ()
set_marked_for_display (false);
RouteTimeAxisView* rtv = dynamic_cast<RouteTimeAxisView*>(parent);
if (rtv) {
rtv->request_redraw ();
AutomationTimeAxisView::build_display_menu ()
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
/* prepare it */
TimeAxisView::build_display_menu ();
/* now fill it with our stuff */
MenuList& items = display_menu->items();
items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Hide"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::hide_clicked)));
items.push_back (SeparatorElem());
items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Clear"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::clear_clicked)));
items.push_back (SeparatorElem());
/* state menu */
Menu* auto_state_menu = manage (new Menu);
auto_state_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu");
MenuList& as_items = auto_state_menu->items();
as_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (S_("Automation|Manual"), sigc::bind (
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state),
(AutoState) ARDOUR::Off)));
auto_off_item = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&as_items.back());
as_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Play"), sigc::bind (
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state),
(AutoState) Play)));
auto_play_item = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&as_items.back());
as_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Write"), sigc::bind (
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state),
(AutoState) Write)));
auto_write_item = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&as_items.back());
as_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Touch"), sigc::bind (
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_automation_state),
(AutoState) Touch)));
auto_touch_item = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&as_items.back());
if (!(_parameter.type() >= MidiCCAutomation &&
_parameter.type() <= MidiChannelPressureAutomation)) {
items.push_back (MenuElem (_("State"), *auto_state_menu));
/* mode menu */
/* current interpolation state */
AutomationList::InterpolationStyle const s = _view ? _view->interpolation() : _control->list()->interpolation ();
if (ARDOUR::parameter_is_midi((AutomationType)_parameter.type())) {
Menu* auto_mode_menu = manage (new Menu);
auto_mode_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu");
MenuList& am_items = auto_mode_menu->items();
RadioMenuItem::Group group;
am_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (group, _("Discrete"), sigc::bind (
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_interpolation),
mode_discrete_item = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&am_items.back());
mode_discrete_item->set_active (s == AutomationList::Discrete);
am_items.push_back (RadioMenuElem (group, _("Linear"), sigc::bind (
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AutomationTimeAxisView::set_interpolation),
mode_line_item = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&am_items.back());
mode_line_item->set_active (s == AutomationList::Linear);
items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Mode"), *auto_mode_menu));
/* make sure the automation menu state is correct */
automation_state_changed ();
interpolation_changed (s);
AutomationTimeAxisView::add_automation_event (GdkEvent* event, framepos_t frame, double y, bool with_guard_points)
if (!_line) {
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> list = _line->the_list ();
if (list->in_write_pass()) {
/* do not allow the GUI to add automation events during an
automation write pass.
double x = 0;
_line->grab_item().canvas_to_item (x, y);
/* compute vertical fractional position */
y = 1.0 - (y / _line->height());
/* map using line */
_line->view_to_model_coord (x, y);
MusicFrame when (frame, 0);
_editor.snap_to_with_modifier (when, event);
XMLNode& before = list->get_state();
std::list<Selectable*> results;
if (list->editor_add (when.frame, y, with_guard_points)) {
XMLNode& after = list->get_state();
_editor.begin_reversible_command (_("add automation event"));
_session->add_command (new MementoCommand<ARDOUR::AutomationList> (*list.get (), &before, &after));
_line->get_selectables (when.frame, when.frame, 0.0, 1.0, results);
_editor.get_selection ().set (results);
_editor.commit_reversible_command ();
_session->set_dirty ();
AutomationTimeAxisView::paste (framepos_t pos, const Selection& selection, PasteContext& ctx, const int32_t divisions)
if (_line) {
return paste_one (pos, ctx.count, ctx.times, selection, ctx.counts, ctx.greedy);
} else if (_view) {
AutomationSelection::const_iterator l = selection.lines.get_nth(_parameter, ctx.counts.n_lines(_parameter));
if (l == selection.lines.end()) {
if (ctx.greedy && selection.lines.size() == 1) {
l = selection.lines.begin();
if (l != selection.lines.end() && _view->paste (pos, ctx.count, ctx.times, *l)) {
return true;
return false;
AutomationTimeAxisView::paste_one (framepos_t pos, unsigned paste_count, float times, const Selection& selection, ItemCounts& counts, bool greedy)
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> alist(_line->the_list());
if (_session->transport_rolling() && alist->automation_write()) {
/* do not paste if this control is in write mode and we're rolling */
return false;
/* Get appropriate list from selection. */
AutomationSelection::const_iterator p = selection.lines.get_nth(_parameter, counts.n_lines(_parameter));
if (p == selection.lines.end()) {
if (greedy && selection.lines.size() == 1) {
p = selection.lines.begin();
} else {
return false;
/* add multi-paste offset if applicable */
pos += _editor.get_paste_offset(pos, paste_count, (*p)->length());
double const model_pos = _line->time_converter().from (pos - _line->time_converter().origin_b ());
XMLNode &before = alist->get_state();
alist->paste (**p, model_pos, times);
_session->add_command (new MementoCommand<AutomationList>(*alist.get(), &before, &alist->get_state()));
return true;
AutomationTimeAxisView::get_selectables (framepos_t start, framepos_t end, double top, double bot, list<Selectable*>& results, bool /*within*/)
if (!_line && !_view) {
if (touched (top, bot)) {
/* remember: this is X Window - coordinate space starts in upper left and moves down.
_y_position is the "origin" or "top" of the track.
/* bottom of our track */
double const mybot = _y_position + height;
double topfrac;
double botfrac;
if (_y_position >= top && mybot <= bot) {
/* _y_position is below top, mybot is above bot, so we're fully
covered vertically.
topfrac = 1.0;
botfrac = 0.0;
} else {
/* top and bot are within _y_position .. mybot */
topfrac = 1.0 - ((top - _y_position) / height);
botfrac = 1.0 - ((bot - _y_position) / height);
if (_line) {
_line->get_selectables (start, end, botfrac, topfrac, results);
} else if (_view) {
_view->get_selectables (start, end, botfrac, topfrac, results);
AutomationTimeAxisView::get_inverted_selectables (Selection& sel, list<Selectable*>& result)
if (_line) {
_line->get_inverted_selectables (sel, result);
AutomationTimeAxisView::set_selected_points (PointSelection& points)
if (_line) {
_line->set_selected_points (points);
} else if (_view) {
_view->set_selected_points (points);
AutomationTimeAxisView::clear_lines ()
_list_connections.drop_connections ();
AutomationTimeAxisView::add_line (boost::shared_ptr<AutomationLine> line)
if (_control && line) {
assert(line->the_list() == _control->list());
_control->alist()->automation_state_changed.connect (
_list_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&AutomationTimeAxisView::automation_state_changed, this), gui_context()
_control->alist()->InterpolationChanged.connect (
_list_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&AutomationTimeAxisView::interpolation_changed, this, _1), gui_context()
_line = line;
line->set_height (height - 2.5);
/* pick up the current state */
automation_state_changed ();
line->add_visibility (AutomationLine::Line);
if (_line) {
AutomationTimeAxisView::exited ()
if (_line) {
AutomationTimeAxisView::color_handler ()
if (_line) {
AutomationTimeAxisView::set_state_2X (const XMLNode& node, int /*version*/)
if (node.name() == X_("gain") && _parameter == Evoral::Parameter (GainAutomation)) {
XMLProperty const * shown = node.property (X_("shown"));
if (shown) {
bool yn = string_is_affirmative (shown->value ());
if (yn) {
_canvas_display->show (); /* FIXME: necessary? show_at? */
set_gui_property ("visible", yn);
} else {
set_gui_property ("visible", false);
return 0;
AutomationTimeAxisView::set_state (const XMLNode&, int /*version*/)
return 0;
AutomationTimeAxisView::what_has_visible_automation (const boost::shared_ptr<Automatable>& automatable, set<Evoral::Parameter>& visible)
/* this keeps "knowledge" of how we store visibility information
in XML private to this class.
assert (automatable);
Automatable::Controls& controls (automatable->controls());
for (Automatable::Controls::iterator i = controls.begin(); i != controls.end(); ++i) {
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> ac = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AutomationControl> (i->second);
if (ac && ac->alist()) {
const XMLNode* gui_node = ac->extra_xml ("GUI");
if (gui_node) {
XMLProperty const * prop = gui_node->property ("shown");
if (prop) {
if (string_is_affirmative (prop->value())) {
visible.insert (i->first);
/** @return true if this view has any automation data to display */
AutomationTimeAxisView::has_automation () const
return ( (_line && _line->npoints() > 0) || (_view && _view->has_automation()) );
list<boost::shared_ptr<AutomationLine> >
AutomationTimeAxisView::lines () const
list<boost::shared_ptr<AutomationLine> > lines;
if (_line) {
lines.push_back (_line);
} else if (_view) {
lines = _view->get_lines ();
return lines;
AutomationTimeAxisView::state_id() const
if (_automatable != _route && _control) {
return string_compose ("automation %1", _control->id().to_s());
} else if (_parameter) {
return string_compose ("automation %1 %2/%3/%4",
(int) _parameter.channel());
} else {
error << "Automation time axis has no state ID" << endmsg;
return "";
/** Given a state id string, see if it is one generated by
* this class. If so, parse it into its components.
* @param state_id State ID string to parse.
* @param route_id Filled in with the route's ID if the state ID string is parsed.
* @param has_parameter Filled in with true if the state ID has a parameter, otherwise false.
* @param parameter Filled in with the state ID's parameter, if it has one.
* @return true if this is a state ID generated by this class, otherwise false.
AutomationTimeAxisView::parse_state_id (
string const & state_id,
PBD::ID & route_id,
bool & has_parameter,
Evoral::Parameter & parameter)
stringstream s;
s << state_id;
string a, b, c;
s >> a >> b >> c;
if (a != X_("automation")) {
return false;
route_id = PBD::ID (b);
if (c.empty ()) {
has_parameter = false;
return true;
has_parameter = true;
vector<string> p;
boost::split (p, c, boost::is_any_of ("/"));
assert (p.size() == 3);
parameter = Evoral::Parameter (
boost::lexical_cast<int> (p[0]),
boost::lexical_cast<int> (p[2]),
boost::lexical_cast<int> (p[1])
return true;
AutomationTimeAxisView::cut_copy_clear (Selection& selection, CutCopyOp op)
list<boost::shared_ptr<AutomationLine> > lines;
if (_line) {
lines.push_back (_line);
} else if (_view) {
lines = _view->get_lines ();
for (list<boost::shared_ptr<AutomationLine> >::iterator i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); ++i) {
cut_copy_clear_one (**i, selection, op);
AutomationTimeAxisView::cut_copy_clear_one (AutomationLine& line, Selection& selection, CutCopyOp op)
boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::ControlList> what_we_got;
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationList> alist (line.the_list());
XMLNode &before = alist->get_state();
/* convert time selection to automation list model coordinates */
const Evoral::TimeConverter<double, ARDOUR::framepos_t>& tc = line.time_converter ();
double const start = tc.from (selection.time.front().start - tc.origin_b ());
double const end = tc.from (selection.time.front().end - tc.origin_b ());
switch (op) {
case Delete:
if (alist->cut (start, end) != 0) {
_session->add_command(new MementoCommand<AutomationList>(*alist.get(), &before, &alist->get_state()));
case Cut:
if ((what_we_got = alist->cut (start, end)) != 0) {
_editor.get_cut_buffer().add (what_we_got);
_session->add_command(new MementoCommand<AutomationList>(*alist.get(), &before, &alist->get_state()));
case Copy:
if ((what_we_got = alist->copy (start, end)) != 0) {
_editor.get_cut_buffer().add (what_we_got);
case Clear:
if ((what_we_got = alist->cut (start, end)) != 0) {
_session->add_command(new MementoCommand<AutomationList>(*alist.get(), &before, &alist->get_state()));
if (what_we_got) {
for (AutomationList::iterator x = what_we_got->begin(); x != what_we_got->end(); ++x) {
double when = (*x)->when;
double val = (*x)->value;
line.model_to_view_coord (when, val);
(*x)->when = when;
(*x)->value = val;
PresentationInfo const &
AutomationTimeAxisView::presentation_info () const
return _route->presentation_info();
AutomationTimeAxisView::stripable () const
return _route;
AutomationTimeAxisView::color () const
return gdk_color_from_rgb (_route->presentation_info().color());