Robin Gareus 789949ed8e
VST3: properly take references, ignore controll == component cases
This is mainly motivated by DPF's new VST3 implementation, but
also takes a leaf out of JUCE's book, unconditionally initializing
the VST::IEditController even if it is-a VST::IComponent.
and likewise calling terminate().
2021-10-07 01:08:27 +02:00

552 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019 Robin Gareus <robin@gareus.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <iostream>
#include "pbd/gstdio_compat.h"
#include <glibmm/fileutils.h>
#include <glibmm/miscutils.h>
#include <sys/utime.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include "vst3/vst3.h"
#include "pbd/basename.h"
#include "pbd/error.h"
#include "pbd/failed_constructor.h"
#include "pbd/localtime_r.h"
#include "ardour/filesystem_paths.h"
#include "ardour/vst3_module.h"
#include "ardour/vst3_host.h"
#include "ardour/vst3_scan.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Steinberg;
static const char* fmt_media (Vst::MediaType m) {
switch (m) {
case Vst::kAudio: return "kAudio";
case Vst::kEvent: return "kEvent";
default: return "?";
static const char* fmt_dir (Vst::BusDirection d) {
switch (d) {
case Vst::kInput: return "kInput";
case Vst::kOutput: return "kOutput";
default: return "?";
static const char* fmt_type (Vst::BusType t) {
switch (t) {
case Vst::kMain: return "kMain";
case Vst::kAux: return "kAux";
default: return "?";
static int32
count_channels (Vst::IComponent* c, Vst::MediaType media, Vst::BusDirection dir, Vst::BusType type, bool verbose = false)
/* see also libs/ardour/vst3_plugin.cc VST3PI::count_channels */
int32 n_busses = c->getBusCount (media, dir);
if (verbose) {
PBD::info << "VST3: media: " << fmt_media (media) << " dir: " << fmt_dir (dir) << " type: " << fmt_type (type) << " n_busses: " << n_busses << endmsg;
int32 n_channels = 0;
for (int32 i = 0; i < n_busses; ++i) {
Vst::BusInfo bus;
tresult rv = c->getBusInfo (media, dir, i, bus);
if (rv == kResultTrue && bus.busType == type) {
#if 1
if ((type == Vst::kMain && i != 0) || (type == Vst::kAux && i != 1)) {
/* For now allow we only support one main bus, and one aux-bus.
* Also an aux-bus by itself is currently N/A.
PBD::info << "VST3: \\ ignored bus: " << i << " type: " << fmt_type (bus.busType) << " count: " << bus.channelCount << endmsg;
if (verbose) {
PBD::info << "VST3: - bus: " << i << " count: " << bus.channelCount << endmsg;
if (media == Vst::kEvent) {
#if 0
/* Supported MIDI Channel count (for a single MIDI input) */
return std::min<int32> (1, bus.channelCount);
/* Some plugin leave it at zero, even though they accept events */
return 1;
} else {
n_channels += bus.channelCount;
} else if (verbose && rv == kResultTrue) {
PBD::info << "VST3: \\ ignored bus: " << i << " mismatched type: " << fmt_type (bus.busType) << endmsg;
} else {
PBD::info << "VST3: \\ error getting busInfo for bus: " << i << " rv: " << rv << ", got type: " << fmt_type (bus.busType) << endmsg;
return n_channels;
static bool
discover_vst3 (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::VST3PluginModule> m, std::vector<ARDOUR::VST3Info>& rv, bool verbose)
using namespace std;
using namespace ARDOUR;
IPluginFactory* factory = m->factory ();
if (!factory) {
cerr << "Failed to get VST3 plug-in factory\n";
return false;
PFactoryInfo fi;
if (factory->getFactoryInfo (&fi) != kResultTrue) {
cerr << "Failed to get VST3 factory info\n";
return false;
if (verbose) {
PBD::info << "FactoryInfo: '" << fi.vendor << "' '" << fi.url << "' '" << fi.email << "'" << endmsg;
IPtr<IPluginFactory2> factory2 = FUnknownPtr<IPluginFactory2> (factory);
int32 class_cnt = factory->countClasses ();
if (verbose) {
PBD::info << "Class count: " << class_cnt << endmsg;
for (int32 i = 0; i < class_cnt; ++i) {
PClassInfo ci;
if (factory->getClassInfo (i, &ci) == kResultTrue) {
if (strcmp (ci.category, kVstAudioEffectClass)) {
if (verbose) {
PBD::info << "Skipping non-effect class: " << ci.category << endmsg;
VST3Info nfo;
TUID uid;
if (verbose) {
PBD::info << "Class: " << i << " '" << ci.name << "' '" << ci.category << "'" << endmsg;
/* pre-fill with factory settings */
nfo.vendor = strlen (fi.vendor) == 0 ? "Unknown" : fi.vendor;
nfo.url = fi.url;
nfo.email = fi.email;
PClassInfo2 ci2;
if (factory2 && factory2->getClassInfo2 (i, &ci2) == kResultTrue) {
memcpy (uid, ci2.cid, sizeof (TUID));
nfo.name = ci2.name;
if (strlen (ci2.vendor) > 0) {
nfo.vendor = ci2.vendor;
nfo.category = ci2.subCategories;
nfo.version = ci2.version;
nfo.sdk_version = ci2.sdkVersion;
} else {
memcpy (uid, ci.cid, sizeof (TUID));
nfo.name = ci.name;
nfo.version = "0.0.0";
nfo.sdk_version = "VST 3";
char suid[33] = "";
FUID::fromTUID (uid).toString (suid);
nfo.uid = suid;
Vst::IComponent* component;
if (factory->createInstance (uid, Vst::IComponent::iid, (void**)&component) != kResultTrue) {
cerr << "Failed to create VST3 component\n";
// TODO init params
if (component->initialize (HostApplication::getHostContext ()) != kResultOk) {
cerr << "Failed to initialize VST3 component\n";
IPtr<Vst::IAudioProcessor> processor;
if (!(processor = FUnknownPtr<Vst::IAudioProcessor> (component))) {
cerr << "VST3: No valid processor";
component->terminate ();
component->release ();
if (processor->canProcessSampleSize (Vst::kSample32) != kResultTrue) {
cerr << "VST3: Cannot process 32bit float";
component->terminate ();
component->release ();
nfo.n_inputs = count_channels (component, Vst::kAudio, Vst::kInput, Vst::kMain, verbose);
nfo.n_aux_inputs = count_channels (component, Vst::kAudio, Vst::kInput, Vst::kAux, verbose);
nfo.n_outputs = count_channels (component, Vst::kAudio, Vst::kOutput, Vst::kMain, verbose);
nfo.n_aux_outputs = count_channels (component, Vst::kAudio, Vst::kOutput, Vst::kAux, verbose);
nfo.n_midi_inputs = count_channels (component, Vst::kEvent, Vst::kInput, Vst::kMain, verbose);
nfo.n_midi_outputs = count_channels (component, Vst::kEvent, Vst::kOutput, Vst::kMain, verbose);
processor->setProcessing (false);
component->setActive (false);
component->terminate ();
component->release ();
rv.push_back (nfo);
return true;
static std::string vst3_bindir () {
#ifdef __APPLE__
return "MacOS";
#elif defined PLATFORM_WINDOWS
# if defined __x86_64__ || defined _M_X64
return "x86_64-win";
# else
return "x86-win";
# endif
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
# warning VST3 bundle on *BSD is not defined in the spec
/* https://steinbergmedia.github.io/vst3_doc/vstinterfaces/vst3loc.html
* does not mention BSD. The following follows the Linux convention:
static std::string _vst3_bindir;
if (_vst3_bindir.empty ()) {
struct utsname utb;
if (uname (&utb) >= 0) {
_vst3_bindir = std::string (utb.machine) + "-bsd";
return _vst3_bindir;
#else // Linux
# if defined __x86_64__ || defined _M_X64
return "x86_64-linux";
# elif defined __i386__ || defined _M_IX86
return "i386-linux";
# elif defined __aarch64__
return "aarch64-linux";
# else
/* generic fallback, mainly used for __arm__ to expand
* to armv6l-linux, armv7l-linux, armv8l-linux.
static std::string _vst3_bindir;
if (_vst3_bindir.empty ()) {
struct utsname utb;
if (uname (&utb) >= 0) {
_vst3_bindir = std::string (utb.machine) + "-linux";
return _vst3_bindir;
# endif
return "";
static std::string vst3_suffix () {
#ifdef __APPLE__
return "";
#elif defined PLATFORM_WINDOWS
return ".vst3";
#else // Linux
return ".so";
ARDOUR::module_path_vst3 (string const& path)
string module_path;
if (!Glib::file_test (path, Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
/* Until VST 3.6.10, the SDK allowed VST3 as a single dll file with the
* vst3 extension. Since the folder is scanned recursively this leads to
* an ambiguity (bundle and file):
* ...\plugin.vst3
* ...\plugin.vst3\Contents\x64_64-win\plugin.vst3
std::string p1 = Glib::path_get_dirname (path);
std::string p2 = Glib::path_get_dirname (p1);
std::string p3 = Glib::path_get_dirname (p2);
if ( (Glib::path_get_basename (p1) == "x86_64-win" || Glib::path_get_basename (p1) == "x86-win")
&& Glib::path_get_basename (p2) == "Contents"
&& Glib::path_get_basename (p3) == Glib::path_get_basename (path)
) {
/* Ignore *.vst3 dll if it resides inside a bundle with the same name.
* Ardour will instead use the bundle.
return "";
module_path = path;
} else {
module_path = Glib::build_filename (path, "Contents",
vst3_bindir (), PBD::basename_nosuffix (path) + vst3_suffix ());
#ifdef __APPLE__
/* Check for "Contents/MacOS/" and "Context/Info.plist".
* VST3MacModule calls CFBundleCreate() which handles Info.plist files.
* (on macOS/X the binrary name may differ from the bundle name)
string plist = Glib::build_filename (path, "Contents", "Info.plist");
if (Glib::file_test (Glib::path_get_dirname (module_path), Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR) &&
Glib::file_test (Glib::build_filename (path, "Contents", "Info.plist"), Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) {
return plist;
} else {
cerr << "VST3 not a valid bundle: '" << path << "'\n";
return "";
if (!Glib::file_test (module_path, Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) {
cerr << "VST3 not a valid bundle: '" << module_path << "'\n";
return "";
return module_path;
static string
vst3_info_cache_dir ()
string dir = Glib::build_filename (ARDOUR::user_cache_directory (), "vst");
/* if the directory doesn't exist, try to create it */
if (!Glib::file_test (dir, Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
if (g_mkdir (dir.c_str (), 0700)) {
PBD::fatal << "Cannot create VST info folder '" << dir << "'" << endmsg;
return dir;
#include "sha1.c"
ARDOUR::vst3_cache_file (std::string const& module_path)
char hash[41];
Sha1Digest s;
sha1_init (&s);
sha1_write (&s, (const uint8_t *) module_path.c_str(), module_path.size());
sha1_result_hash (&s, hash);
return Glib::build_filename (vst3_info_cache_dir (), std::string (hash) + std::string (".v3i"));
ARDOUR::vst3_valid_cache_file (std::string const& module_path, bool verbose, bool* is_new)
string const cache_file = ARDOUR::vst3_cache_file (module_path);
if (!Glib::file_test (cache_file, Glib::FileTest (Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS | Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR))) {
if (is_new) {
*is_new = true;
return "";
if (is_new) {
*is_new = false;
if (verbose) {
PBD::info << "Found cache file: '" << cache_file <<"'" << endmsg;
GStatBuf sb_vst;
GStatBuf sb_v3i;
if (g_stat (module_path.c_str(), &sb_vst) == 0 && g_stat (cache_file.c_str (), &sb_v3i) == 0) {
if (sb_vst.st_mtime < sb_v3i.st_mtime) {
/* plugin is older than cache file */
if (verbose) {
PBD::info << "Cache file is up-to-date." << endmsg;
return cache_file;
} else if (verbose) {
PBD::info << "Stale cache." << endmsg;
return "";
static void
touch_cachefile (std::string const& module_path, std::string const& cache_file, bool verbose)
GStatBuf sb_vst;
GStatBuf sb_v3i;
if (g_stat (module_path.c_str(), &sb_vst) == 0 && g_stat (cache_file.c_str (), &sb_v3i) == 0) {
struct utimbuf utb;
utb.actime = sb_v3i.st_atime;
utb.modtime = std::max (sb_vst.st_mtime, sb_v3i.st_mtime);
if (0 != g_utime (cache_file.c_str (), &utb)) {
PBD::error << "Could not set cachefile timestamp." << endmsg;
} else if (verbose) {
const time_t mtime = sb_vst.st_mtime;
char v3itme[128];
char vsttme[128];
struct tm local_time;
localtime_r (&utb.modtime, &local_time);
strftime (v3itme, sizeof(v3itme), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &local_time);
localtime_r (&mtime, &local_time);
strftime (vsttme, sizeof(vsttme), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &local_time);
PBD::info << "Touch cachefile: set mtime = "
<< utb.modtime << " (" << v3itme << "), plugin mtime = "
<< sb_vst.st_mtime << " (" << vsttme << ")" << endmsg;
} else {
PBD::error << "Could not stat VST3 module." << endmsg;
static bool
vst3_save_cache_file (std::string const& module_path, XMLNode* root, bool verbose)
string const cache_file = ARDOUR::vst3_cache_file (module_path);
XMLTree tree;
tree.set_root (root);
if (!tree.write (cache_file)) {
PBD::error << "Could not save VST3 plugin cache to: " << cache_file << endmsg;
return false;
} else {
touch_cachefile (module_path, cache_file, verbose);
if (verbose) {
root->dump (std::cout, "\t");
return true;
ARDOUR::vst3_scan_and_cache (std::string const& module_path, std::string const& bundle_path, boost::function<void (std::string const&, std::string const&, VST3Info const&)> cb, bool verbose)
XMLNode* root = new XMLNode ("VST3Cache");
root->set_property ("version", 1);
root->set_property ("bundle", bundle_path);
root->set_property ("module", module_path);
try {
boost::shared_ptr<VST3PluginModule> m = VST3PluginModule::load (module_path);
std::vector<VST3Info> nfo;
if (!discover_vst3 (m, nfo, verbose)) {
delete root;
return false;
if (nfo.empty ()) {
cerr << "No plugins in VST3 module: '" << module_path << "'\n";
delete root;
return false;
for (std::vector<VST3Info>::const_iterator i = nfo.begin(); i != nfo.end(); ++i) {
cb (module_path, bundle_path, *i);
root->add_child_nocopy (i->state ());
} catch (...) {
cerr << "Cannot load VST3 module: '" << module_path << "'\n";
delete root;
return false;
return vst3_save_cache_file (module_path, root, verbose);
using namespace ARDOUR;
VST3Info::VST3Info (XMLNode const& node)
: n_inputs (0)
, n_outputs (0)
, n_aux_inputs (0)
, n_aux_outputs (0)
, n_midi_inputs (0)
, n_midi_outputs (0)
bool err = false;
if (node.name() != "VST3Info") {
throw failed_constructor ();
err |= !node.get_property ("uid", uid);
err |= !node.get_property ("name", name);
err |= !node.get_property ("vendor", vendor);
err |= !node.get_property ("category", category);
err |= !node.get_property ("version", version);
err |= !node.get_property ("sdk-version", sdk_version);
err |= !node.get_property ("url", url);
err |= !node.get_property ("email", email);
err |= !node.get_property ("n_inputs", n_inputs);
err |= !node.get_property ("n_outputs", n_outputs);
err |= !node.get_property ("n_aux_inputs", n_aux_inputs);
err |= !node.get_property ("n_aux_outputs", n_aux_outputs);
err |= !node.get_property ("n_midi_inputs", n_midi_inputs);
err |= !node.get_property ("n_midi_outputs", n_midi_outputs);
if (err) {
throw failed_constructor ();
VST3Info::state () const
XMLNode* node = new XMLNode("VST3Info");
node->set_property ("uid", uid);
node->set_property ("name", name);
node->set_property ("vendor", vendor);
node->set_property ("category", category);
node->set_property ("version", version);
node->set_property ("sdk-version", sdk_version);
node->set_property ("url", url);
node->set_property ("email", email);
node->set_property ("n_inputs", n_inputs);
node->set_property ("n_outputs", n_outputs);
node->set_property ("n_aux_inputs", n_aux_inputs);
node->set_property ("n_aux_outputs", n_aux_outputs);
node->set_property ("n_midi_inputs", n_midi_inputs);
node->set_property ("n_midi_outputs", n_midi_outputs);
return *node;