
162 lines
5.5 KiB

ardour {
["type"] = "EditorAction",
name = "Import ADM BWF File",
author = "Ardour Team",
description = [[Load dynamic meta-data from an ADM file, import audio channels to the timeline and copy fixed settings for export.]]
function factory () return function ()
function parse_bin_mode (mode)
if mode == "Off" then return 1 end
if mode == "Near" then return 2 end
if mode == "Far" then return 3 end
return 0 -- "Undefined" ie "Mid"
function parse_zone (zone)
if zone == "No Back" then return 1 end
if zone == "No Sides" then return 2 end
if zone == "Center Back" then return 3 end
if zone == "Screen Only" then return 4 end
if zone == "Surround Only" then return 5 end
return 0
function parse_ramp (ramp)
if tonumber(ramp) == 0 then return 0 end
return 1
if 0 ~= os.execute ("master_info -h") then
local md = LuaDialog.Message ("Master Info Tool Missing", "The 'master_info' tool from Dolby_Atmos_Storage_SIDK_v2.3.2/Tools/ needs to be in $PATH for ADM/BWF meta-data import to work.", LuaDialog.MessageType.Error, LuaDialog.ButtonType.Close)
print (md:run())
return 1
local rv = LuaDialog.Dialog ("Load ADM/BWF File",
{ type = "file", key = "file", title = "Choose ADM/BWF File", path = "" },
if (not rv or not ARDOUR.LuaAPI.file_test (rv['file'], ARDOUR.LuaAPI.FileTest.Exists)) then
-- place `Dolby_Atmos_Storage_SIDK_v2.3.2/Tools/linux/lin64_fpic/master_info` in $PATH
if 0 ~= os.execute ("master_info -printMetadata \"" .. rv['file'] .. "\" > /tmp/adm.info") then
local md = LuaDialog.Message ("Master Info Tool Error", "The 'master_info' tool failed to extract meta-data from\n'" .. rv['file'] .. "'.", LuaDialog.MessageType.Error, LuaDialog.ButtonType.Close)
print (md:run())
return 1
if Session:get_tracks():size() == 0 then
print ("Importing Files ...")
Session:cfg():set_use_surround_master (true)
Session:cfg():set_use_region_fades (false)
local files = C.StringVector()
files:push_back (rv['file'])
local pos = Temporal.timepos_t(0)
Editor:do_import (files,
Editing.ImportDistinctChannels, Editing.ImportAsTrack, ARDOUR.SrcQuality.SrcBest,
ARDOUR.MidiTrackNameSource.SMFTrackName, ARDOUR.MidiTempoMapDisposition.SMFTempoIgnore,
pos, ARDOUR.PluginInfo(), ARDOUR.Track(), false)
print ("Files Imported")
local meta = {}
local chan_map = {}
local last_chan = 0
for line in io.lines('/tmp/adm.info') do
local rv, _, chn = string.find (line, "channel (%d+) descriptor")
if rv then
last_chan = tonumber (chn)
goto next
local rv, _, idx = string.find (line, "source channel index: (%d+)")
if rv then
chan_map[last_chan] = tonumber(idx)
goto next
local rv, _, obj, tme, pan_ramp, pan_x, pan_y, pan_z, pan_snap, pan_eleven, pan_zone, pan_size, bin_mode = string.find (line,
"Metadata.* index: (%d+) offset: (%d+) .* ramp: (%d+) pos: %(([%d%.]+),([%d%.]+),([%d%.-]+)%) snap: (%d) elevation: (%d) zone: '([%a ]+)' size: %(([%d%.]+),.* binaural: '(%a+)'")
if not rv then goto next end
if not meta[obj] then
meta[obj] = {x = {}, y = {}, z = {}, sz = {}, sn = {}, el = {}, rp = {}, zn = {}}
tme = tonumber(tme)
meta[obj]['x'][tme] = tonumber(pan_x)
meta[obj]['y'][tme] = tonumber(pan_y)
meta[obj]['z'][tme] = tonumber(pan_z)
meta[obj]['sz'][tme] = tonumber(pan_size)
meta[obj]['sn'][tme] = tonumber(pan_snap)
meta[obj]['el'][tme] = tonumber(pan_eleven)
meta[obj]['rp'][tme] = parse_ramp(pan_ramp)
meta[obj]['zn'][tme] = parse_zone(pan_zone)
meta[obj]['bin'] = bin_mode
print ("Setting Metadata")
for obj, d in pairs (meta) do
local r = Session:get_remote_nth_route (obj)
if r:isnil () then goto skip end
local s = r:surround_send ()
if s:isnil () then goto skip end
assert(1 == s:n_pannables ())
local p = s:pannable (0)
p.pan_pos_x:to_ctrl():list():set_interpolation (Evoral.InterpolationStyle.Discrete)
p.pan_pos_y:to_ctrl():list():set_interpolation (Evoral.InterpolationStyle.Discrete)
p.pan_pos_z:to_ctrl():list():set_interpolation (Evoral.InterpolationStyle.Discrete)
p.pan_snap:to_ctrl():list():set_interpolation (Evoral.InterpolationStyle.Discrete)
local thin = 0 -- 0.00001
ARDOUR.LuaAPI.set_automation_data (p.pan_pos_x, d['x'], thin)
ARDOUR.LuaAPI.set_automation_data (p.pan_pos_y, d['y'], thin)
ARDOUR.LuaAPI.set_automation_data (p.pan_pos_z, d['z'], thin)
ARDOUR.LuaAPI.set_automation_data (p.pan_size, d['sz'], thin)
ARDOUR.LuaAPI.set_automation_data (p.pan_snap, d['sn'], thin)
ARDOUR.LuaAPI.set_automation_data (p.sur_elevation_enable, d['el'], thin)
ARDOUR.LuaAPI.set_automation_data (p.sur_zones, d['zn'], thin)
ARDOUR.LuaAPI.set_automation_data (p.sur_ramp, d['rp'], thin)
p.binaural_render_mode:set_value (parse_bin_mode (d['bin']), PBD.GroupControlDisposition.NoGroup)
-- this changes all
p.pan_pos_x:set_automation_state (ARDOUR.AutoState.Play)
local imap = C.IntVector()
for k = 0, 127 do
v = chan_map[k] or k
imap:add ({v})
Session:surround_master():surround_return():set_bed_mix (true, rv['file'], imap:to_array ())
print ("OK")
end end
function icon (params) return function (ctx, width, height, fg)
local wh = math.min (width, height)
ctx:set_source_rgba (ARDOUR.LuaAPI.color_to_rgba (fg))
ctx:arc (0.5 * width - wh * 0.3, 0.5 * height, wh * .275, -0.5 * math.pi , 0.5 * math.pi)
ctx:close_path ()
ctx:fill ()
ctx:arc (0.5 * width + wh * 0.3, 0.5 * height, wh * .275, 0.5 * math.pi , 1.5 * math.pi)
ctx:close_path ()
ctx:fill ()
end end