Paul Davis 000609901b add correct copyright statements to all files in Waves backend except those derived from portaudio/portmidi
This follows the letter sent from Waves Audio Ltd. to Paul Davis dated February 20th 2014 agreeing to release this code
under the GNU Public License, version 2, with copyright owned by Waves Audio Ltd
2014-10-07 16:17:34 -04:00

337 lines
15 KiB

Copyright (C) 2014 Waves Audio Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef __WUErrors_h__
#define __WUErrors_h__
/* Copy to include:
#include "WUErrors.h"
#include "BasicTypes/WUTypes.h"
// General errors
//const WTErr eNoErr = 0; // moved to #include "WavesPublicAPI/WTErr.h"
const WTErr eGenericErr = -1;
const WTErr eUserCanceled = -2;
const WTErr eUnknownErr = -3;
const WTErr eExceptionErr = -4;
const WTErr eEndianError = -5;
const WTErr eThreadSafeError = -6;
const WTErr eSomeThingNotInitailzed = -7;
const WTErr eWrongObjectState = -8; //!< object was not in an acceptable state
const WTErr eUninitalized = -9;
const WTErr eDeprecated = -10;
const WTErr eCommandLineParameter = -11;
const WTErr eNotANumber = -12; //!< expected a number but none was found
const WTErr eNotJustANumber = -13; //!< expected a number and found one but also other stuff (e.g. "123XYZ")
const WTErr eNegativeNumber = -14; //!< expected a positive number and found a negative
const WTErr eTimeOut = -15; //!< something timed out
const WTErr eCoreAudioFailed = -16; //!< Error in a core audio call
const WTErr eSomeThingInitailzedTwice = -17;
const WTErr eGenerateHelpInfo = -18;
const WTErr eOutOfRangeNumber = -19;
const WTErr eMacOnlyCode = -20;
const WTErr eWinOnlyCode = -21;
const WTErr eAppLaunchFailed = -22; //!< failed to launch an application
const WTErr eAppTerminateFailed = -23; //!< failed to terminate an application
const WTErr eAppReturnedError = -24; //!< Non zero exit code from application
const WTErr eNotImplemented = -25; //!< Function is not implmemented
const WTErr eNotEmpty = -26; //!< Something was expected to be empty but is not
const WTErr eAsioFailed = -27;
// File Manager errors
const WTErr eFMNoSuchVolume = -1001;
const WTErr eFMFileNotFound = -1002;
const WTErr eFMFileAllreadyExists = -1003;
const WTErr eFMAllreadyOpenWithWritePerm = -1004;
const WTErr eFMEndOfFile = -1005;
const WTErr eFMPermissionErr = -1006;
const WTErr eFMBusyErr = -1007;
const WTErr eFMOpenFailed = -1008;
const WTErr eFMTranslateFileNameFailed = -1009;
const WTErr eFMWTPathRefCreationFailed = -1010;
const WTErr eFMReadFailed = -1011;
const WTErr eFMIllegalPathRef = -1012;
const WTErr eFMFileNotOpened = -1013;
const WTErr eFMFileSizeTooBig = -1014;
const WTErr eFMNoSuchDomain = -1015;
const WTErr eFMNoSuchSystemFolder = -1016;
const WTErr eFMWrongParameters = -1017;
const WTErr eFMIsNotAFolder = -1018;
const WTErr eFMIsAFolder = -1019;
const WTErr eFMIsNotAFile = -1020;
const WTErr eFMIsAFile = -1021;
const WTErr eFMDeleteFailed = -1022;
const WTErr eFMCreateFailed = -1023;
const WTErr eFMPathTooLong = -1024;
const WTErr eFMIOError = -1025;
const WTErr eFMIllegalOpenFileRef = -1026;
const WTErr eFMDiskFull = -1027;
const WTErr eFMFileNotEmpty = -1028;
const WTErr eFMEndOfFolder = -1029;
const WTErr eFMSamePath = -1030;
const WTErr eFMPathTooShort = -1031;
const WTErr eFMIncompletePath = -1032;
const WTErr eFMIsNoAFileSystemLink = -1033;
const WTErr eFMSymlinkBroken = -1034;
const WTErr eFMMoveFailed = -1035;
const WTErr eFMWriteFailed = -1036;
const WTErr eFMTooManyOpenFiles = -1037;
const WTErr eFMTooManySymlinks = -1038;
// System errors
const WTErr eGenericSystemError = -2000;
const WTErr eSysNoEnvironmentVariable = -2001;
const WTErr eDLLLoadingFailed = -2002;
const WTErr eFuncPoinerNotFound = -2003;
const WTErr eDLLNotFound = -2004;
const WTErr eBundleNotLoaded = -2005;
const WTErr eBundleCreateFailed = -2006;
const WTErr eBundleExecutableNotFound = -2007;
const WTErr eNotABundle = -2008;
const WTErr eInvalideDate = -2009;
const WTErr eNoNetDevice = -2010;
const WTErr eCacheCreatedFromResource = -2011;
const WTErr eNotAValidApplication = -2012;
// Resource Manager errors
const WTErr eRMResNotFound = -3000;
const WTErr eRMResExists = -3001; //!< a resource exist even though it's not expected to
const WTErr eRMContainerNotFound = -3002; //!< The container was not found in the list of containers
const WTErr eRMResRefNotFound = -3003; //!< The resRef was not found in container's resource list
const WTErr eRMInvalidResRef = -3004;
const WTErr eRMInvalidResContainer = -3005;
const WTErr eRMInvalidNativeResContainer = -3006;
const WTErr eRMAttachResContainerFailed = -3007;
const WTErr eRMInvalidResID = -3008;
const WTErr eRMResUpdateFailed = -3009;
// Graphic Manager & GUI errors
const WTErr eGMIsNotInitailzed = -3500;
const WTErr eGMInvalidImage = -3501;
const WTErr eGMGenericErr = -3502;
const WTErr eGMNoCurrentContext = -3503;
const WTErr eGUISkinNotFound = -3504;
const WTErr eGMNoVertices = -3505;
const WTErr eGMNoColors = -3506;
const WTErr eGMNoTexture = -3507;
const WTErr eGMIncompatibleOGLVersion = -3508;
const WTErr eGMNoDeviceContext = -3509;
const WTErr eGMNoPixelFormat = -3510;
const WTErr eGMNoOGLContext = -3511;
const WTErr eGMNoOGLContextSharing = -3512;
const WTErr eGMUnsupportedImageFormat = -3513;
const WTErr eGMUninitializedContext = -3514;
const WTErr eControlOutOfRange = -3515;
const WTErr eGMUninitializedFont = -3516;
const WTErr eGMInvalidFontDrawMethod = -3517;
const WTErr eGMUnreleasedTextures = -3518;
const WTErr eGMWrongThread = -3519;
const WTErr eGMDontCommitDraw = -3520;
// Errors in the -5000 -> -5999 are defined in Waves-incs.h
// Memory errors
const WTErr eMemNewFailed = -4001; //!< Something = new CSomething, returned null
const WTErr eMemNewTPtrFailed = -4002; //!< NewTPtr or NewTPtrClear failed
const WTErr eMemNullPointer = -4003; //!< a null pointer was encountered where it should not
const WTErr eMemObjNotInitialized = -4004;
const WTErr eMemBuffTooShort = -4005; //!< the buffer in question did not have enough space for the operation
const WTErr eInstanciationFailed = -4006;
const WTErr eMemAddressSpaceError = -4007; //!< memory falls outside the legal address space
const WTErr eMemBadPointer = -4008;
const WTErr eMemOutOfMemory = -4009;
// XML Errors
const WTErr eXMLParserFailed = -6001;
const WTErr eXMLTreeNotValid = -6002;
const WTErr eXMLTreeEmpty = -6003;
const WTErr eXMLElementMissing = -6004;
const WTErr eXMLElementUninitalized = -6005; //!< element was default constructed it has not element name, etc..
const WTErr eXMLElementIncomplete = -6006; //!< XML parser did not complete building the element
const WTErr eXMLAttribMissing = -6007;
// Preset errors
const WTErr ePresetFileProblem = -7860;
const WTErr eInvalidFileFormatProblem = -7861;
const WTErr ePresetLockedProblem = -7862;
const WTErr ePresetInfoNotFound = -7863;
const WTErr eDuplicatePluginSpecificTag = -7959;
const WTErr ePluginSpecifcNotExisting = -7960;
const WTErr eBuffSizeToSmall = -7961;
const WTErr eCreatingPopupWhereAnItemExists = -7962;
const WTErr eDeletePluginSpecifcFailed = -7963;
const WTErr eFactoryPresetNumOutOfRange = -7964;
const WTErr eNoFactoryPresets = -7965;
const WTErr eLoadPresetToPlugin_vec_empty = -7966;
const WTErr eFactoryPresetNotFound = -7967;
const WTErr eCantCreateUserPrefFile = -7968;
const WTErr eDataFormatNotSupported = -7969;
const WTErr eCantLoadProcessFunction = -7970;
const WTErr eIllegalChunkIndex = -7971;
const WTErr eIllegalChunkID = -7972;
const WTErr eIllegalChunkVersion = -7973;
// Shell errors
const WTErr eNotAPluginFile = -8001;
const WTErr eFaildToLoadPluginDLL = -8002;
const WTErr eNoPluginManager = -8003;
const WTErr eGetAvailablePluginsFailed = -8004;
const WTErr eNoPluginsAvailable = -8005;
const WTErr ePluginSubComponentNotFound = -8006;
const WTErr ePluginOpenFailed = -8007;
const WTErr eSubComponentRejected = -8009; //!< user did not want this sub-component - probably through preferences
const WTErr eIncompatibleNumOfIOs = -8010; //!< e.g. surround sub-component in stereo only shell
const WTErr eStemProblem = -8011; //!< Some problem with stems
const WTErr eComponentTypeNotSupported = -8012;
const WTErr ePluginNotLoaded = -8013;
const WTErr ePluginInstanceNotCreate = -8014;
const WTErr ePluginAlgNotCreate = -8015;
const WTErr ePluginGUINotCreate = -8016;
const WTErr eMissmatchChannelCount = -8017;
const WTErr eIncompatibleVersion = -8018;
const WTErr eIncompatibleAffiliation = -8019;
const WTErr eNoSubComponentsFound = -8020;
// Net-shell errors
const WTErr eNetShellInitFailed = -9001;
// Protection errors
const WTErr eWLSLicenseFileNotFound = -10001;
const WTErr eWLSPluginNotAuthorized = -10002;
const WTErr eWLSNoLicenseForPlugin = -10003;
const WTErr eWLSInvalidLicenseFileName = -10004;
const WTErr eWLSInvalidLicenseFileContents = -10005;
const WTErr eWLSInvalidDeviceID = -10006;
const WTErr eWLSInvalidClientID = -10007;
const WTErr eWLSLicenseFileDownloadFailed = -10008;
const WTErr eWLSNoLicensesForClientOrDevice = -10009;
const WTErr eWLSNoLicensesForSomePlugins = -10010;
// Communication errors
const WTErr eCommEndOfRecievedMessage = -11001;
const WTErr eCommSocketDisconnected = -11002;
// Window Manager Errors
const WTErr eWMEventNotHandled = -12001;
const WTErr eWMDisposeViewFailed = -12002;
// Plugin View Manager Errors
const WTErr ePVMPlatformNotSupported = -13001;
const WTErr ePVMAlreadyInitialized = -13002;
const WTErr ePVMIllegalParent = -13003;
const WTErr ePVMCannotCreateView = -13004;
const WTErr ePVMNothingSelected = -13005;
const WTErr ePVMDisabledItemChosen = -13006;
const WTErr ePVMMenuItemNotFound = -13007;
const WTErr ePVMMenuItemNotASubMenu = -13008;
const WTErr ePVMUnknownMenu = -13009;
const WTErr ePVMEmptyNativeViewRef = -13010;
const WTErr ePVMGenericError = -13011;
const WTErr ePVMFunctionNotImplemented = -13012;
// Plugin View Manager - Menu Errors
const WTErr ePVMCannotCreateMenu = -13501;
const WTErr ePVMCannotSetMenuFont = -13502;
const WTErr ePVMCannotSetMenu = -13503;
const WTErr ePVMItemParentNotExists = -13504;
// Plugin View Manager - TextField Errors
const WTErr ePVMCannotCreateTextField = -13553;
const WTErr ePVMCannotEmbedTextField = -13554;
const WTErr ePVMNoTextToValidate = -13555;
const WTErr ePVMTextTooLong = -13556;
const WTErr ePVMIllegalCharacter = -13557;
// Meter Manager Errors
const WTErr eMM_MeterGetMeterValueForParameterNotConnected = -14000 ;
//Surface Driver Manager Errors
const WTErr eSDM_SurfaceDriverAPIFailed = -14101;
// IPC Errors
const WTErr eIPC_CreateNamedPipeFailed = -14200;
const WTErr eIPC_OpenPipeTimeout = -14201;
const WTErr eIPC_DeleteNamedPipeFailed = -14202;
const WTErr eIPC_SelectOnNamedPipeFailed = -14203;
const WTErr eIPC_ReadFromNamedPipeFailed = -14204;
const WTErr eIPC_ReadEndOfFileFromNamedPipe = -14205;
const WTErr eIPC_CloseNamedPipeFailed = -14206;
const WTErr eIPC_ParseArgsFailed = -14207;
const WTErr eIPC_OpenPipeFailed = -14208;
const WTErr eIPC_SendMsgFailed = -14209;
const WTErr eIPC_SendCommandInvalid = -14210;
const WTErr eIPC_QtTestMode = -14211;
const WTErr eIPC_ChangePermissionOnPipe = -14212;
const WTErr eIPC_ConnectionLost = -14213;
const WTErr eIPC_InvalidRole = -14213;
const WTErr eIPC_CreateNamedPipeM2SFailed = -14214;
const WTErr eIPC_CreateNamedPipeS2MFailed = -14215;
const WTErr eIPC_ChangePermissionOnPipeM2S = -14216;
const WTErr eIPC_ChangePermissionOnPipeS2M = -14217;
const WTErr eIPC_OpenReadPipeFailed = -14218;
const WTErr eIPC_OpenReadPipeDIsableSigPipe = -14219;
const WTErr eIPC_OpenWritePipeFailed = -14220;
const WTErr eIPC_WritePipeFailed = -14221;
const WTErr eIPC_WritePipeNotOpen = -14222;
const WTErr eIPC_WriteBufferResizeFailed = -14223;
const WTErr eIPC_NotConnectedSendMsgFailed = -14224;
const WTErr eIPC_OpenWritePipeWorkerStoping = -14225;
const WTErr eIPC_SoketSendFailed = -14226;
const WTErr eIPC_PtonFailed = -14227;
const WTErr eIPC_SocketFailed = -14228;
const WTErr eIPC_BindFailed = -14229;
const WTErr eIPC_ListenFailed = -14230;
const WTErr eIPC_ConnectFailed = -14231;
const WTErr eIPC_WsaStartupFailed = -14232;
const WTErr eIPC_UdpSocketCreateFailed = -14233;
const WTErr eIPC_UdpSocketConnectFailed = -14234;
const WTErr eIPC_UdpSocketBinFailed = -14235;
const WTErr eIPC_SetBufferPreambleFailed = -14226;
// Database errors
const WTErr eDB_BatchRollback = -15501;
// inventory related errors
const WTErr eUnknown_Device = -16001;
const WTErr eInvNoDevice = -16002;
// SG protocol service errors
const WTErr eSGProtocolService_Not_Running = -17001;
const WTErr eSGProtocolService_Version_MisMatch = -17002;
// Error code related to Param
const WTErr eInvalidParam = -18001;
#define WUIsError(theErrorCode) (eNoErr != (theErrorCode))
#define WUNoError(theErrorCode) (eNoErr == (theErrorCode))
#define WUThrowError(theErrorCode) {if(WUIsError(theErrorCode))throw (theErrorCode);}
#define WUThrowErrorIfNil(thePtr , theErrorCode) {if (0 == thePtr )throw (theErrorCode);}
#define WUThrowErrorIfFalse(theBool , theErrorCode) {if (!(theBool))throw (theErrorCode);}
#define WUThrowErrorCodeIfError(err,theErrorCode) {if(WUIsError(err))throw (theErrorCode);}
// Get the error string that match the error code.
DllExport const char* WTErrName(WTErr wtErr);
#endif //__WUErrors_h__: