
1716 lines
51 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2006-2015 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
* Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Hans Baier <hansfbaier@googlemail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Paul Davis <paul@linuxaudiosystems.com>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Carl Hetherington <carl@carlh.net>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 John Emmas <john@creativepost.co.uk>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Tim Mayberry <mojofunk@gmail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Robin Gareus <robin@gareus.org>
* Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Ben Loftis <ben@harrisonconsoles.com>
* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Nick Mainsbridge <mainsbridge@gmail.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sigc++/bind.h>
#include <gtkmm/separator.h>
#include <gtkmm/stock.h>
#include "pbd/error.h"
#include "pbd/ffs.h"
#include "pbd/stl_delete.h"
#include "pbd/whitespace.h"
#include "pbd/basename.h"
#include "pbd/enumwriter.h"
#include "pbd/memento_command.h"
#include "pbd/stateful_diff_command.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/gtk_ui.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h"
#include "widgets/tooltips.h"
#include "ardour/event_type_map.h"
#include "ardour/midi_patch_manager.h"
#include "ardour/midi_playlist.h"
#include "ardour/midi_region.h"
#include "ardour/midi_source.h"
#include "ardour/midi_track.h"
#include "ardour/operations.h"
#include "ardour/pannable.h"
#include "ardour/panner.h"
#include "ardour/panner_shell.h"
#include "ardour/playlist.h"
#include "ardour/plugin_insert.h"
#include "ardour/profile.h"
#include "ardour/region.h"
#include "ardour/region_factory.h"
#include "ardour/route.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "ardour/session_object.h"
#include "ardour/source.h"
#include "ardour/track.h"
#include "ardour/types.h"
#include "automation_line.h"
#include "automation_time_axis.h"
#include "editor.h"
#include "enums.h"
#include "ghostregion.h"
#include "gui_thread.h"
#include "keyboard.h"
#include "midi_channel_selector.h"
#include "midi_scroomer.h"
#include "midi_streamview.h"
#include "midi_region_view.h"
#include "midi_time_axis.h"
#include "patch_change_dialog.h"
#include "patch_change_widget.h"
#include "piano_roll_header.h"
#include "playlist_selector.h"
#include "plugin_selector.h"
#include "plugin_ui.h"
#include "point_selection.h"
#include "region_view.h"
#include "rgb_macros.h"
#include "selection.h"
#include "step_editor.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "note_base.h"
#include "ardour/midi_track.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace PBD;
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace Gtkmm2ext;
using namespace Editing;
using namespace std;
// Minimum height at which a control is displayed
static const uint32_t MIDI_CONTROLS_BOX_MIN_HEIGHT = 160;
static const uint32_t KEYBOARD_MIN_HEIGHT = 130;
MidiTimeAxisView::MidiTimeAxisView (PublicEditor& ed, Session* sess, ArdourCanvas::Canvas& canvas)
: SessionHandlePtr (sess)
, RouteTimeAxisView (ed, sess, canvas)
, _ignore_signals(false)
, _range_scroomer(0)
, _piano_roll_header(0)
, _note_mode(Sustained)
, _note_mode_item(0)
, _percussion_mode_item(0)
, _color_mode(MeterColors)
, _meter_color_mode_item(0)
, _channel_color_mode_item(0)
, _track_color_mode_item(0)
, _channel_selector (0)
, _step_edit_item (0)
, controller_menu (0)
, poly_pressure_menu (0)
, _step_editor (0)
MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_highlight (uint8_t note) {
_piano_roll_header->set_note_highlight (note);
MidiTimeAxisView::set_route (boost::shared_ptr<Route> rt)
_route = rt;
_view = new MidiStreamView (*this);
if (is_track ()) {
_piano_roll_header = new PianoRollHeader(*midi_view());
_range_scroomer = new MidiScroomer(midi_view()->note_range_adjustment);
_range_scroomer->DoubleClicked.connect (
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_range),
MidiStreamView::ContentsRange, false));
/* This next call will result in our height being set up, so it must come after
the creation of the piano roll / range scroomer as their visibility is set up
when our height is.
RouteTimeAxisView::set_route (rt);
_view->apply_color (ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::gdk_color_to_rgba (color()), StreamView::RegionColor);
subplugin_menu.set_name ("ArdourContextMenu");
if (!gui_property ("note-range-min").empty ()) {
midi_view()->apply_note_range (atoi (gui_property ("note-range-min").c_str()),
atoi (gui_property ("note-range-max").c_str()),
_view->ContentsHeightChanged.connect (
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::contents_height_changed));
ignore_toggle = false;
if (is_midi_track()) {
_note_mode = midi_track()->note_mode();
/* if set_state above didn't create a gain automation child, we need to make one */
if (automation_child (GainAutomation) == 0) {
create_automation_child (GainAutomation, false);
/* if set_state above didn't create a mute automation child, we need to make one */
if (automation_child (MuteAutomation) == 0) {
create_automation_child (MuteAutomation, false);
if (_route->panner_shell()) {
_route->panner_shell()->Changed.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiTimeAxisView::ensure_pan_views, this, false), gui_context());
/* map current state of the route */
ensure_pan_views (false);
processors_changed (RouteProcessorChange ());
if (is_track()) {
_piano_roll_header->SetNoteSelection.connect (
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_selection));
_piano_roll_header->AddNoteSelection.connect (
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::add_note_selection));
_piano_roll_header->ExtendNoteSelection.connect (
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::extend_note_selection));
_piano_roll_header->ToggleNoteSelection.connect (
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::toggle_note_selection));
/* Put the scroomer and the keyboard in a VBox with a padding
label so that they can be reduced in height for stacked-view
HSeparator* separator = manage (new HSeparator());
separator->set_size_request(-1, 1);
VBox* v = manage (new VBox);
HBox* h = manage (new HBox);
h->pack_end (*_piano_roll_header);
h->pack_end (*_range_scroomer);
v->pack_start (*separator, false, false);
v->pack_start (*h, true, true);
v->show ();
h->show ();
time_axis_hbox.pack_end(*v, false, false, 0);
midi_scroomer_size_group->add_widget (*v);
/* callback from StreamView scroomer drags, as well as
* automatic changes of note-range (e.g. at rec-stop).
* This callback is used to save the note-range-min/max
* GUI Object property
_note_range_changed_connection = midi_view()->NoteRangeChanged.connect (
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::note_range_changed));
/* ask for notifications of any new RegionViews */
_view->RegionViewAdded.connect (
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::region_view_added));
if (!_editor.have_idled()) {
/* first idle will do what we need */
} else {
first_idle ();
if (gui_property (X_("midnam-model-name")).empty()) {
set_gui_property (X_("midnam-model-name"), "Generic");
if (gui_property (X_("midnam-custom-device-mode")).empty()) {
boost::shared_ptr<MIDI::Name::MasterDeviceNames> device_names = get_device_names();
if (device_names) {
set_gui_property (X_("midnam-custom-device-mode"),
ArdourWidgets::set_tooltip (_midnam_model_selector, _("External MIDI Device"));
ArdourWidgets::set_tooltip (_midnam_custom_device_mode_selector, _("External Device Mode"));
_midi_controls_box.pack_start (_midnam_model_selector, false, false, 2);
_midi_controls_box.pack_start (_midnam_custom_device_mode_selector, false, false, 2);
_midi_controls_box.set_border_width (2);
MIDI::Name::MidiPatchManager::instance().maybe_use (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiTimeAxisView::use_midnam_info, this), gui_context());
model_changed (gui_property(X_("midnam-model-name")));
custom_device_mode_changed (gui_property(X_("midnam-custom-device-mode")));
controls_vbox.pack_start(_midi_controls_box, false, false);
const string color_mode = gui_property ("color-mode");
if (!color_mode.empty()) {
_color_mode = ColorMode (string_2_enum(color_mode, _color_mode));
if (_channel_selector && _color_mode == ChannelColors) {
set_color_mode (_color_mode, true, false);
const string note_mode = gui_property ("note-mode");
if (!note_mode.empty()) {
_note_mode = NoteMode (string_2_enum (note_mode, _note_mode));
if (_percussion_mode_item) {
_percussion_mode_item->set_active (_note_mode == Percussive);
/* Look for any GUI object state nodes that represent automation children
* that should exist, and create the children.
const list<string> gui_ids = gui_object_state().all_ids ();
for (list<string>::const_iterator i = gui_ids.begin(); i != gui_ids.end(); ++i) {
PBD::ID route_id;
bool has_parameter;
Evoral::Parameter parameter (0, 0, 0);
bool const p = AutomationTimeAxisView::parse_state_id (
*i, route_id, has_parameter, parameter);
if (p && route_id == _route->id () && has_parameter) {
const std::string& visible = gui_object_state().get_string (*i, X_("visible"));
create_automation_child (parameter, string_to<bool> (visible));
MidiTimeAxisView::processors_changed (RouteProcessorChange c)
RouteTimeAxisView::processors_changed (c);
update_patch_selector ();
MidiTimeAxisView::first_idle ()
if (is_track ()) {
_view->attach ();
MidiTimeAxisView::~MidiTimeAxisView ()
delete _channel_selector;
delete _piano_roll_header;
_piano_roll_header = 0;
delete _range_scroomer;
_range_scroomer = 0;
delete controller_menu;
delete _step_editor;
MidiTimeAxisView::check_step_edit ()
ensure_step_editor ();
_step_editor->check_step_edit ();
MidiTimeAxisView::use_midnam_info ()
std::cerr << "Using MIDNAM info from " << pthread_name() << endl;
setup_midnam_patches ();
update_patch_selector ();
MidiTimeAxisView::setup_midnam_patches ()
typedef MIDI::Name::MidiPatchManager PatchManager;
PatchManager& patch_manager = PatchManager::instance();
_midnam_model_selector.clear_items ();
if (_route) {
boost::shared_ptr<PluginInsert> pi = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<PluginInsert> (_route->the_instrument ());
if (pi && pi->plugin ()->has_midnam ()) {
std::string model_name = pi->plugin ()->midnam_model ();
Menu_Helpers::MenuElem elem = Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(
_("Plugin Provided"),
sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::model_changed),
for (PatchManager::DeviceNamesByMaker::const_iterator m = patch_manager.devices_by_manufacturer().begin();
m != patch_manager.devices_by_manufacturer().end(); ++m) {
Menu* menu = Gtk::manage(new Menu);
Menu_Helpers::MenuList& items = menu->items();
// Build manufacturer submenu
for (MIDI::Name::MIDINameDocument::MasterDeviceNamesList::const_iterator n = m->second.begin();
n != m->second.end(); ++n) {
if (patch_manager.is_custom_model (n->first)) {
Menu_Helpers::MenuElem elem = Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(
sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::model_changed),
if (items.empty ()) {
delete menu;
// Add manufacturer submenu to selector
_midnam_model_selector.AddMenuElem(Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(m->first, *menu));
if (!get_device_names()) {
model_changed ("Generic");
MidiTimeAxisView::update_patch_selector ()
typedef MIDI::Name::MidiPatchManager PatchManager;
PatchManager& patch_manager = PatchManager::instance();
if (_route) {
boost::shared_ptr<PluginInsert> pi = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<PluginInsert> (_route->the_instrument ());
if (pi && pi->plugin ()->has_midnam ()) {
std::string model_name = pi->plugin ()->midnam_model ();
if (gui_property (X_("midnam-model-name")) != model_name) {
/* user changed the MIDNAM model to something
other than the plugin provided one. We
should use that, and not the "plugin
provided" label.
model_changed (gui_property (X_("midnam-model-name")));
if (patch_manager.all_models().empty()) {
_midnam_model_selector.hide ();
_midnam_custom_device_mode_selector.hide ();
} else {
_midnam_model_selector.show ();
if (_midnam_custom_device_mode_selector.items().size() > 1) {
_midnam_custom_device_mode_selector.show ();
MidiTimeAxisView::model_changed(const std::string& model)
set_gui_property (X_("midnam-model-name"), model);
typedef MIDI::Name::MidiPatchManager PatchManager;
PatchManager& patch_manager = PatchManager::instance();
const std::list<std::string> device_modes = patch_manager.custom_device_mode_names_by_model(model);
if (patch_manager.is_custom_model (model)) {
_midnam_model_selector.set_text(_("Plugin Provided"));
} else {
for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator i = device_modes.begin();
i != device_modes.end(); ++i) {
*i, sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::custom_device_mode_changed),
if (!device_modes.empty()) {
if (device_modes.size() > 1) {
} else {
// now this is a real bad hack
if (device_modes.size() > 0) {
_route->instrument_info().set_external_instrument (model, device_modes.front());
} else {
_route->instrument_info().set_external_instrument (model, "");
// Rebuild controller menu
_controller_menu_map.clear ();
delete controller_menu;
controller_menu = 0;
if (patch_change_dialog ()) {
patch_change_dialog ()->refresh ();
MidiTimeAxisView::custom_device_mode_changed(const std::string& mode)
const std::string model = gui_property (X_("midnam-model-name"));
set_gui_property (X_("midnam-custom-device-mode"), mode);
_route->instrument_info().set_external_instrument (model, mode);
return dynamic_cast<MidiStreamView*>(_view);
MidiTimeAxisView::set_height (uint32_t h, TrackHeightMode m)
_midi_controls_box.show ();
} else {
if (is_track() && _range_scroomer) {
if (is_track() && _piano_roll_header) {
} else {
if (is_track() && _range_scroomer) {
if (is_track() && _piano_roll_header) {
/* We need to do this after changing visibility of our stuff, as it will
eventually trigger a call to Editor::reset_controls_layout_width(),
which needs to know if we have just shown or hidden a scroomer /
piano roll.
RouteTimeAxisView::set_height (h, m);
MidiTimeAxisView::append_extra_display_menu_items ()
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
MenuList& items = display_menu->items();
// Note range
Menu *range_menu = manage(new Menu);
MenuList& range_items = range_menu->items();
range_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu");
range_items.push_back (
MenuElem (_("Show Full Range"),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_range),
MidiStreamView::FullRange, true)));
range_items.push_back (
MenuElem (_("Fit Contents"),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_range),
MidiStreamView::ContentsRange, true)));
items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Note Range"), *range_menu));
items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Note Mode"), *build_note_mode_menu()));
items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Channel Selector..."),
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::toggle_channel_selector)));
items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Patch Selector..."),
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::select_midi_patch)));
items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Color Mode"), *build_color_mode_menu ()));
items.push_back (SeparatorElem ());
MidiTimeAxisView::toggle_channel_selector ()
if (!_channel_selector) {
_channel_selector = new MidiChannelSelectorWindow (midi_track());
if (_color_mode == ChannelColors) {
} else {
_channel_selector->set_default_channel_color ();
_channel_selector->show_all ();
} else {
_channel_selector->cycle_visibility ();
MidiTimeAxisView::build_automation_action_menu (bool for_selection)
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
/* If we have a controller menu, we need to detach it before
RouteTimeAxis::build_automation_action_menu destroys the
menu it is attached to. Otherwise GTK destroys
controller_menu's gobj, meaning that it can't be reattached
below. See bug #3134.
if (controller_menu) {
detach_menu (*controller_menu);
_channel_command_menu_map.clear ();
RouteTimeAxisView::build_automation_action_menu (for_selection);
MenuList& automation_items = automation_action_menu->items();
uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask();
if (selected_channels != 0) {
automation_items.push_back (SeparatorElem());
/* these 2 MIDI "command" types are semantically more like automation
than note data, but they are not MIDI controllers. We give them
special status in this menu, since they will not show up in the
controller list and anyone who actually knows something about MIDI
(!) would not expect to find them there.
add_channel_command_menu_item (
automation_items, _("Bender"), MidiPitchBenderAutomation, 0);
automation_items.back().set_sensitive (
!for_selection || _editor.get_selection().tracks.size() == 1);
add_channel_command_menu_item (
automation_items, _("Pressure"), MidiChannelPressureAutomation, 0);
automation_items.back().set_sensitive (
!for_selection || _editor.get_selection().tracks.size() == 1);
/* now all MIDI controllers. Always offer the possibility that we will
rebuild the controllers menu since it might need to be updated after
a channel mode change or other change. Also detach it first in case
it has been used anywhere else.
build_controller_menu ();
automation_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Controllers"), *controller_menu));
if (!poly_pressure_menu) {
poly_pressure_menu = new Gtk::Menu;
automation_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Polyphonic Pressure"), *poly_pressure_menu));
automation_items.back().set_sensitive (
!for_selection || _editor.get_selection().tracks.size() == 1);
} else {
automation_items.push_back (
MenuElem (string_compose ("<i>%1</i>", _("No MIDI Channels selected"))));
dynamic_cast<Label*> (automation_items.back().get_child())->set_use_markup (true);
MidiTimeAxisView::change_all_channel_tracks_visibility (bool yn, Evoral::Parameter param)
const uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask();
for (uint8_t chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) {
if (selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) {
Evoral::Parameter fully_qualified_param (param.type(), chn, param.id());
Gtk::CheckMenuItem* menu = automation_child_menu_item (fully_qualified_param);
if (menu) {
menu->set_active (yn);
MidiTimeAxisView::add_channel_command_menu_item (Menu_Helpers::MenuList& items,
const string& label,
AutomationType auto_type,
uint8_t cmd)
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
/* count the number of selected channels because we will build a different menu
structure if there is more than 1 selected.
const uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask();
int chn_cnt = 0;
for (uint8_t chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) {
if (selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) {
if (++chn_cnt > 1) {
if (chn_cnt > 1) {
/* multiple channels - create a submenu, with 1 item per channel */
Menu* chn_menu = manage (new Menu);
MenuList& chn_items (chn_menu->items());
Evoral::Parameter param_without_channel (auto_type, 0, cmd);
/* add a couple of items to hide/show all of them */
chn_items.push_back (
MenuElem (_("Hide all channels"),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::change_all_channel_tracks_visibility),
false, param_without_channel)));
chn_items.push_back (
MenuElem (_("Show all channels"),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::change_all_channel_tracks_visibility),
true, param_without_channel)));
for (uint8_t chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) {
if (selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) {
/* for each selected channel, add a menu item for this controller */
Evoral::Parameter fully_qualified_param (auto_type, chn, cmd);
chn_items.push_back (
CheckMenuElem (string_compose (_("Channel %1"), chn+1),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::toggle_automation_track),
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationTimeAxisView> track = automation_child (fully_qualified_param);
bool visible = false;
if (track) {
if (track->marked_for_display()) {
visible = true;
Gtk::CheckMenuItem* cmi = static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&chn_items.back());
_channel_command_menu_map[fully_qualified_param] = cmi;
cmi->set_active (visible);
/* now create an item in the parent menu that has the per-channel list as a submenu */
items.push_back (MenuElem (label, *chn_menu));
} else {
/* just one channel - create a single menu item for this command+channel combination*/
for (uint8_t chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) {
if (selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) {
Evoral::Parameter fully_qualified_param (auto_type, chn, cmd);
items.push_back (
CheckMenuElem (label,
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::toggle_automation_track),
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationTimeAxisView> track = automation_child (fully_qualified_param);
bool visible = false;
if (track) {
if (track->marked_for_display()) {
visible = true;
Gtk::CheckMenuItem* cmi = static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&items.back());
_channel_command_menu_map[fully_qualified_param] = cmi;
cmi->set_active (visible);
/* one channel only */
/** Add a single menu item for a controller on one channel. */
MidiTimeAxisView::add_single_channel_controller_item(Menu_Helpers::MenuList& ctl_items,
int ctl,
const std::string& name)
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
const uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask();
for (uint8_t chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) {
if (selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) {
Evoral::Parameter fully_qualified_param (MidiCCAutomation, chn, ctl);
ctl_items.push_back (
CheckMenuElem (
string_compose ("<b>%1</b>: %2 [%3]", ctl, name, int (chn + 1)),
sigc::bind (
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::toggle_automation_track),
dynamic_cast<Label*> (ctl_items.back().get_child())->set_use_markup (true);
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationTimeAxisView> track = automation_child (
bool visible = false;
if (track) {
if (track->marked_for_display()) {
visible = true;
Gtk::CheckMenuItem* cmi = static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&ctl_items.back());
_controller_menu_map[fully_qualified_param] = cmi;
cmi->set_active (visible);
/* one channel only */
/** Add a submenu with 1 item per channel for a controller on many channels. */
MidiTimeAxisView::add_multi_channel_controller_item(Menu_Helpers::MenuList& ctl_items,
int ctl,
const std::string& name)
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
const uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask();
Menu* chn_menu = manage (new Menu);
MenuList& chn_items (chn_menu->items());
/* add a couple of items to hide/show this controller on all channels */
Evoral::Parameter param_without_channel (MidiCCAutomation, 0, ctl);
chn_items.push_back (
MenuElem (_("Hide all channels"),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::change_all_channel_tracks_visibility),
false, param_without_channel)));
chn_items.push_back (
MenuElem (_("Show all channels"),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::change_all_channel_tracks_visibility),
true, param_without_channel)));
for (uint8_t chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) {
if (selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) {
/* for each selected channel, add a menu item for this controller */
Evoral::Parameter fully_qualified_param (MidiCCAutomation, chn, ctl);
chn_items.push_back (
CheckMenuElem (string_compose (_("Channel %1"), chn+1),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteTimeAxisView::toggle_automation_track),
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationTimeAxisView> track = automation_child (
bool visible = false;
if (track) {
if (track->marked_for_display()) {
visible = true;
Gtk::CheckMenuItem* cmi = static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&chn_items.back());
_controller_menu_map[fully_qualified_param] = cmi;
cmi->set_active (visible);
/* add the per-channel menu to the list of controllers, with the name of the controller */
ctl_items.push_back (MenuElem (string_compose ("<b>%1</b>: %2", ctl, name),
dynamic_cast<Label*> (ctl_items.back().get_child())->set_use_markup (true);
using namespace MIDI::Name;
boost::shared_ptr<MasterDeviceNames> device_names = get_device_names();
if (!device_names) {
return boost::shared_ptr<MIDI::Name::CustomDeviceMode>();
return device_names->custom_device_mode_by_name(
gui_property (X_("midnam-custom-device-mode")));
using namespace MIDI::Name;
const std::string model = gui_property (X_("midnam-model-name"));
boost::shared_ptr<MIDINameDocument> midnam = MidiPatchManager::instance()
if (midnam) {
return midnam->master_device_names(model);
} else {
return boost::shared_ptr<MasterDeviceNames>();
MidiTimeAxisView::build_controller_menu ()
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
if (controller_menu) {
/* it exists and has not been invalidated by a channel mode change */
controller_menu = new Menu; // explicitly managed by us
MenuList& items (controller_menu->items());
/* create several "top level" menu items for sets of controllers (16 at a
time), and populate each one with a submenu for each controller+channel
combination covering the currently selected channels for this track
const uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask();
/* count the number of selected channels because we will build a different menu
structure if there is more than 1 selected.
int chn_cnt = 0;
for (uint8_t chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) {
if (selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) {
if (++chn_cnt > 1) {
using namespace MIDI::Name;
boost::shared_ptr<MasterDeviceNames> device_names = get_device_names();
if (device_names && !device_names->controls().empty()) {
/* Controllers names available in midnam file, generate fancy menu */
unsigned n_items = 0;
unsigned n_groups = 0;
/* keep track of CC numbers that are added */
uint16_t ctl_start = 1;
uint16_t ctl_end = 1;
MasterDeviceNames::ControlNameLists const& ctllist (device_names->controls());
size_t total_ctrls = 0;
for (MasterDeviceNames::ControlNameLists::const_iterator l = ctllist.begin(); l != ctllist.end(); ++l) {
boost::shared_ptr<ControlNameList> name_list = l->second;
total_ctrls += name_list->controls().size();
bool to_top_level = total_ctrls < 32;
/* TODO: This is not correct, should look up the currently applicable ControlNameList
and only build a menu for that one. */
for (MasterDeviceNames::ControlNameLists::const_iterator l = ctllist.begin(); l != ctllist.end(); ++l) {
boost::shared_ptr<ControlNameList> name_list = l->second;
Menu* ctl_menu = NULL;
for (ControlNameList::Controls::const_iterator c = name_list->controls().begin();
c != name_list->controls().end();) {
const uint16_t ctl = c->second->number();
/* Skip bank select controllers since they're handled specially */
if (ctl != MIDI_CTL_MSB_BANK && ctl != MIDI_CTL_LSB_BANK) {
if (to_top_level) {
ctl_menu = controller_menu;
} else if (!ctl_menu) {
/* Create a new submenu */
ctl_menu = manage (new Menu);
ctl_start = ctl;
MenuList& ctl_items (ctl_menu->items());
if (chn_cnt > 1) {
add_multi_channel_controller_item(ctl_items, ctl, c->second->name());
} else {
add_single_channel_controller_item(ctl_items, ctl, c->second->name());
ctl_end = ctl;
if (!ctl_menu || to_top_level) {
if (++n_items == 32 || ctl < ctl_start || c == name_list->controls().end()) {
/* Submenu has 32 items or we're done, or a new name-list started:
* add it to controller menu and reset */
items.push_back (MenuElem (string_compose (_("Controllers %1-%2"), ctl_start, ctl_end), *ctl_menu));
ctl_menu = NULL;
n_items = 0;
} else {
/* No controllers names, generate generic numeric menu */
for (int i = 0; i < 127; i += 32) {
Menu* ctl_menu = manage (new Menu);
MenuList& ctl_items (ctl_menu->items());
for (int ctl = i; ctl < i + 32; ++ctl) {
if (ctl == MIDI_CTL_MSB_BANK || ctl == MIDI_CTL_LSB_BANK) {
/* Skip bank select controllers since they're handled specially */
if (chn_cnt > 1) {
ctl_items, ctl, string_compose(_("Controller %1"), ctl));
} else {
ctl_items, ctl, string_compose(_("Controller %1"), ctl));
/* Add submenu for this block of controllers to controller menu */
switch (i) {
case 0:
case 32:
/* skip 0x00 and 0x20 (bank-select) */
items.push_back (MenuElem (string_compose (_("Controllers %1-%2"), i + 1, i + 31), *ctl_menu));
items.push_back (MenuElem (string_compose (_("Controllers %1-%2"), i, i + 31), *ctl_menu));
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
Menu* mode_menu = manage (new Menu);
MenuList& items = mode_menu->items();
mode_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu");
RadioMenuItem::Group mode_group;
items.push_back (
RadioMenuElem (mode_group,_("Sustained"),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_mode),
Sustained, true)));
_note_mode_item = dynamic_cast<RadioMenuItem*>(&items.back());
_note_mode_item->set_active(_note_mode == Sustained);
items.push_back (
RadioMenuElem (mode_group, _("Percussive"),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_mode),
Percussive, true)));
_percussion_mode_item = dynamic_cast<RadioMenuItem*>(&items.back());
_percussion_mode_item->set_active(_note_mode == Percussive);
return mode_menu;
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
Menu* mode_menu = manage (new Menu);
MenuList& items = mode_menu->items();
mode_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu");
RadioMenuItem::Group mode_group;
items.push_back (
RadioMenuElem (mode_group, _("Meter Colors"),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_color_mode),
MeterColors, false, true, true)));
_meter_color_mode_item = dynamic_cast<RadioMenuItem*>(&items.back());
_meter_color_mode_item->set_active(_color_mode == MeterColors);
items.push_back (
RadioMenuElem (mode_group, _("Channel Colors"),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_color_mode),
ChannelColors, false, true, true)));
_channel_color_mode_item = dynamic_cast<RadioMenuItem*>(&items.back());
_channel_color_mode_item->set_active(_color_mode == ChannelColors);
items.push_back (
RadioMenuElem (mode_group, _("Track Color"),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::set_color_mode),
TrackColor, false, true, true)));
_channel_color_mode_item = dynamic_cast<RadioMenuItem*>(&items.back());
_channel_color_mode_item->set_active(_color_mode == TrackColor);
return mode_menu;
MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_mode(NoteMode mode, bool apply_to_selection)
if (apply_to_selection) {
_editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_midi_time_axis (
boost::bind (&MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_mode, _1, mode, false));
} else {
if (_note_mode != mode || midi_track()->note_mode() != mode) {
_note_mode = mode;
set_gui_property ("note-mode", enum_2_string(_note_mode));
MidiTimeAxisView::set_color_mode (ColorMode mode, bool force, bool redisplay, bool apply_to_selection)
if (apply_to_selection) {
_editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_midi_time_axis (
boost::bind (&MidiTimeAxisView::set_color_mode, _1, mode, force, redisplay, false));
} else {
if (_color_mode == mode && !force) {
if (_channel_selector) {
if (mode == ChannelColors) {
} else {
_color_mode = mode;
set_gui_property ("color-mode", enum_2_string(_color_mode));
if (redisplay) {
MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_range (MidiStreamView::VisibleNoteRange range, bool apply_to_selection)
if (apply_to_selection) {
_editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_midi_time_axis (
boost::bind (&MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_range, _1, range, false));
} else {
if (!_ignore_signals) {
MidiTimeAxisView::show_all_automation (bool apply_to_selection)
using namespace MIDI::Name;
if (apply_to_selection) {
_editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_midi_time_axis (
boost::bind (&MidiTimeAxisView::show_all_automation, _1, false));
} else {
if (midi_track()) {
// Show existing automation
const set<Evoral::Parameter> params = midi_track()->midi_playlist()->contained_automation();
for (set<Evoral::Parameter>::const_iterator i = params.begin(); i != params.end(); ++i) {
create_automation_child(*i, true);
// Show automation for all controllers named in midnam file
boost::shared_ptr<MasterDeviceNames> device_names = get_device_names();
if (gui_property (X_("midnam-model-name")) != "Generic" &&
device_names && !device_names->controls().empty()) {
const std::string device_mode = gui_property (X_("midnam-custom-device-mode"));
const uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask();
for (uint32_t chn = 0; chn < 16; ++chn) {
if ((selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) == 0) {
// Channel not in use
boost::shared_ptr<ChannelNameSet> chan_names = device_names->channel_name_set_by_channel(
device_mode, chn);
if (!chan_names) {
boost::shared_ptr<ControlNameList> control_names = device_names->control_name_list(
if (!control_names) {
for (ControlNameList::Controls::const_iterator c = control_names->controls().begin();
c != control_names->controls().end();
++c) {
const uint16_t ctl = c->second->number();
if (ctl != MIDI_CTL_MSB_BANK && ctl != MIDI_CTL_LSB_BANK) {
/* Skip bank select controllers since they're handled specially */
const Evoral::Parameter param(MidiCCAutomation, chn, ctl);
create_automation_child(param, true);
RouteTimeAxisView::show_all_automation ();
MidiTimeAxisView::show_existing_automation (bool apply_to_selection)
if (apply_to_selection) {
_editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_midi_time_axis (
boost::bind (&MidiTimeAxisView::show_existing_automation, _1, false));
} else {
if (midi_track()) {
const set<Evoral::Parameter> params = midi_track()->midi_playlist()->contained_automation();
for (set<Evoral::Parameter>::const_iterator i = params.begin(); i != params.end(); ++i) {
create_automation_child (*i, true);
RouteTimeAxisView::show_existing_automation ();
/** Create an automation track for the given parameter (pitch bend, channel pressure).
MidiTimeAxisView::create_automation_child (const Evoral::Parameter& param, bool show)
if (param.type() == NullAutomation) {
AutomationTracks::iterator existing = _automation_tracks.find (param);
if (existing != _automation_tracks.end()) {
/* automation track created because we had existing data for
* the processor, but visibility may need to be controlled
* since it will have been set visible by default.
existing->second->set_marked_for_display (show);
if (!no_redraw) {
request_redraw ();
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationTimeAxisView> track;
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> control;
switch (param.type()) {
case GainAutomation:
case BusSendLevel:
create_gain_automation_child (param, show);
case MuteAutomation:
create_mute_automation_child (param, show);
case PluginAutomation:
/* handled elsewhere */
case MidiCCAutomation:
case MidiPgmChangeAutomation:
case MidiPitchBenderAutomation:
case MidiChannelPressureAutomation:
case MidiNotePressureAutomation:
case MidiSystemExclusiveAutomation:
/* These controllers are region "automation" - they are owned
* by regions (and their MidiModels), not by the track. As a
* result there is no AutomationList/Line for the track, but we create
* a controller for the user to write immediate events, so the editor
* can act as a control surface for the present MIDI controllers.
* TODO: Record manipulation of the controller to regions?
control = _route->automation_control(param, true);
track.reset (new AutomationTimeAxisView (
control ? _route : boost::shared_ptr<Automatable> (),
if (_view) {
_view->foreach_regionview (
sigc::mem_fun (*track.get(), &TimeAxisView::add_ghost));
add_automation_child (param, track, show);
if (selected ()) {
reshow_selection (_editor.get_selection().time);
case PanWidthAutomation:
case PanElevationAutomation:
case PanAzimuthAutomation:
ensure_pan_views (show);
error << "MidiTimeAxisView: unknown automation child "
<< EventTypeMap::instance().to_symbol(param) << endmsg;
MidiTimeAxisView::route_active_changed ()
RouteTimeAxisView::route_active_changed ();
if (!_route->active()) {
} else {
MidiTimeAxisView::update_control_names ()
if (is_track()) {
if (_route->active()) {
controls_base_selected_name = "MidiTrackControlsBaseSelected";
controls_base_unselected_name = "MidiTrackControlsBaseUnselected";
} else {
controls_base_selected_name = "MidiTrackControlsBaseInactiveSelected";
controls_base_unselected_name = "MidiTrackControlsBaseInactiveUnselected";
} else { // MIDI bus (which doesn't exist yet..)
if (_route->active()) {
controls_base_selected_name = "BusControlsBaseSelected";
controls_base_unselected_name = "BusControlsBaseUnselected";
} else {
controls_base_selected_name = "BusControlsBaseInactiveSelected";
controls_base_unselected_name = "BusControlsBaseInactiveUnselected";
if (selected()) {
controls_ebox.set_name (controls_base_selected_name);
time_axis_frame.set_name (controls_base_selected_name);
} else {
controls_ebox.set_name (controls_base_unselected_name);
time_axis_frame.set_name (controls_base_unselected_name);
MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_selection (uint8_t note)
uint16_t chn_mask = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask();
_editor.begin_reversible_selection_op (X_("Set Note Selection"));
/* set_note_selection_region_view() will not work with multiple regions,
* as each individual `foreach` call will clear prior selection.
* Use clear_midi_notes() and add_note_selection_region_view() instead. */
if (_view->num_selected_regionviews() == 0) {
_view->foreach_regionview (
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::add_note_selection_region_view),
note, chn_mask));
} else {
_view->foreach_selected_regionview (
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::add_note_selection_region_view),
note, chn_mask));
MidiTimeAxisView::add_note_selection (uint8_t note)
const uint16_t chn_mask = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask();
_editor.begin_reversible_selection_op (X_("Add Note Selection"));
if (_view->num_selected_regionviews() == 0) {
_view->foreach_regionview (
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::add_note_selection_region_view),
note, chn_mask));
} else {
_view->foreach_selected_regionview (
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::add_note_selection_region_view),
note, chn_mask));
MidiTimeAxisView::extend_note_selection (uint8_t note)
const uint16_t chn_mask = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask();
_editor.begin_reversible_selection_op (X_("Extend Note Selection"));
if (_view->num_selected_regionviews() == 0) {
_view->foreach_regionview (
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::extend_note_selection_region_view),
note, chn_mask));
} else {
_view->foreach_selected_regionview (
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::extend_note_selection_region_view),
note, chn_mask));
MidiTimeAxisView::toggle_note_selection (uint8_t note)
const uint16_t chn_mask = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask();
_editor.begin_reversible_selection_op (X_("Toggle Note Selection"));
if (_view->num_selected_regionviews() == 0) {
_view->foreach_regionview (
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::toggle_note_selection_region_view),
note, chn_mask));
} else {
_view->foreach_selected_regionview (
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::toggle_note_selection_region_view),
note, chn_mask));
MidiTimeAxisView::get_per_region_note_selection (list<pair<PBD::ID, set<boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note<Temporal::Beats> > > > >& selection)
_view->foreach_regionview (
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiTimeAxisView::get_per_region_note_selection_region_view), sigc::ref(selection)));
MidiTimeAxisView::set_note_selection_region_view (RegionView* rv, uint8_t note, uint16_t chn_mask)
dynamic_cast<MidiRegionView*>(rv)->select_matching_notes (note, chn_mask, false, false);
MidiTimeAxisView::add_note_selection_region_view (RegionView* rv, uint8_t note, uint16_t chn_mask)
dynamic_cast<MidiRegionView*>(rv)->select_matching_notes (note, chn_mask, true, false);
MidiTimeAxisView::extend_note_selection_region_view (RegionView* rv, uint8_t note, uint16_t chn_mask)
dynamic_cast<MidiRegionView*>(rv)->select_matching_notes (note, chn_mask, true, true);
MidiTimeAxisView::toggle_note_selection_region_view (RegionView* rv, uint8_t note, uint16_t chn_mask)
dynamic_cast<MidiRegionView*>(rv)->toggle_matching_notes (note, chn_mask);
MidiTimeAxisView::get_per_region_note_selection_region_view (RegionView* rv, list<pair<PBD::ID, std::set<boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note<Temporal::Beats> > > > > &selection)
Evoral::Sequence<Temporal::Beats>::Notes selected;
dynamic_cast<MidiRegionView*>(rv)->selection_as_notelist (selected, false);
std::set<boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note<Temporal::Beats> > > notes;
Evoral::Sequence<Temporal::Beats>::Notes::iterator sel_it;
for (sel_it = selected.begin(); sel_it != selected.end(); ++sel_it) {
notes.insert (*sel_it);
if (!notes.empty()) {
selection.push_back (make_pair ((rv)->region()->id(), notes));
MidiTimeAxisView::set_channel_mode (ChannelMode, uint16_t)
/* hide all automation tracks that use the wrong channel(s) and show all those that use
the right ones.
const uint16_t selected_channels = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask();
bool changed = false;
no_redraw = true;
for (uint32_t ctl = 0; ctl < 127; ++ctl) {
for (uint32_t chn = 0; chn < 16; ++chn) {
Evoral::Parameter fully_qualified_param (MidiCCAutomation, chn, ctl);
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationTimeAxisView> track = automation_child (fully_qualified_param);
if (!track) {
if ((selected_channels & (0x0001 << chn)) == 0) {
/* channel not in use. hiding it will trigger RouteTimeAxisView::automation_track_hidden()
which will cause a redraw. We don't want one per channel, so block that with no_redraw.
changed = track->set_marked_for_display (false) || changed;
} else {
changed = track->set_marked_for_display (true) || changed;
no_redraw = false;
/* TODO: Bender, Pressure */
/* invalidate the controller menu, so that we rebuild it next time */
_controller_menu_map.clear ();
delete controller_menu;
controller_menu = 0;
if (changed) {
request_redraw ();
MidiTimeAxisView::automation_child_menu_item (Evoral::Parameter param)
Gtk::CheckMenuItem* m = RouteTimeAxisView::automation_child_menu_item (param);
if (m) {
return m;
ParameterMenuMap::iterator i = _controller_menu_map.find (param);
if (i != _controller_menu_map.end()) {
return i->second;
i = _channel_command_menu_map.find (param);
if (i != _channel_command_menu_map.end()) {
return i->second;
return 0;
MidiTimeAxisView::add_region (samplepos_t f, samplecnt_t length, bool commit)
Editor* real_editor = dynamic_cast<Editor*> (&_editor);
MusicSample pos (f, 0);
if (commit) {
real_editor->begin_reversible_command (Operations::create_region);
playlist()->clear_changes ();
real_editor->snap_to (pos, RoundNearest);
boost::shared_ptr<Source> src = _session->create_midi_source_by_stealing_name (view()->trackview().track());
PropertyList plist;
plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::start, 0);
plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::length, length);
plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::name, PBD::basename_nosuffix(src->name()));
boost::shared_ptr<Region> region = (RegionFactory::create (src, plist));
/* sets beat position */
region->set_position (pos.sample, pos.division);
playlist()->add_region (region, pos.sample, 1.0, false, pos.division);
_session->add_command (new StatefulDiffCommand (playlist()));
if (commit) {
real_editor->commit_reversible_command ();
return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MidiRegion>(region);
MidiTimeAxisView::ensure_step_editor ()
if (!_step_editor) {
_step_editor = new StepEditor (_editor, midi_track(), *this);
MidiTimeAxisView::start_step_editing ()
ensure_step_editor ();
_step_editor->start_step_editing ();
MidiTimeAxisView::stop_step_editing ()
if (_step_editor) {
_step_editor->stop_step_editing ();
/** @return channel (counted from 0) to add an event to, based on the current setting
* of the channel selector.
MidiTimeAxisView::get_channel_for_add () const
uint16_t const chn_mask = midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask();
int chn_cnt = 0;
uint8_t channel = 0;
/* pick the highest selected channel, unless all channels are selected,
which is interpreted to mean channel 1 (zero)
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
if (chn_mask & (1<<i)) {
channel = i;
if (chn_cnt == 16) {
channel = 0;
return channel;
MidiTimeAxisView::note_range_changed ()
set_gui_property ("note-range-min", (int) midi_view()->lowest_note ());
set_gui_property ("note-range-max", (int) midi_view()->highest_note ());
MidiTimeAxisView::contents_height_changed ()
_range_scroomer->queue_resize ();
MidiTimeAxisView::paste (samplepos_t pos, const Selection& selection, PasteContext& ctx, const int32_t sub_num)
if (!_editor.internal_editing()) {
// Non-internal paste, paste regions like any other route
return RouteTimeAxisView::paste(pos, selection, ctx, sub_num);
return midi_view()->paste(pos, selection, ctx, sub_num);