
592 lines
17 KiB

Copyright (C) 2008 John Emmas
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <pbd/fallback_folders.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <glibmm.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS // Would not be relevant for Cygwin!!
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <winreg.h>
// get_win_special_folder()
// Gets the full path name that corresponds of one of the Windows
// special folders, such as "My Documents" and the like. The input
// parameter must be one of the corresponding CSIDL values, such
// as CSIDL_SYSTEM etc.
// Returns:
// On Success: A pointer to a newly allocated string containing
// the name of the special folder (must later be freed).
// On Failure: NULL
gchar *
get_win_special_folder (int csidl)
wchar_t path[PATH_MAX+1];
gchar *retval = 0;
if (S_OK == (hr = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation (0, csidl, &pidl)))
if (SHGetPathFromIDListW (pidl, path))
retval = g_utf16_to_utf8 ((const gunichar2*)path, -1, 0, 0, 0);
CoTaskMemFree (pidl);
return retval;
namespace PBD {
static gchar **fallback_folders = 0;
// get_platform_fallback_folders()
// Returns an array of folders to fall back to if the folders
// weren't named at build time and subsequently couldn't be found
// in the user's environment. This might not be needed any more
// because the function 'fixup_bundle_environment()' (in the
// gtk2_ardour branch) now explicitly sets up any environment
// paths that the program will need at run time. However, having
// the folders here might help us to simplify the above function
// which would be useful (currently, there are different versions
// of 'fixup_bundle_environment()' for each supported platform).
// Twelve fallback folders are currently catered for, corresponding to:-
// LADSPA_PATH - note that there's only one entry in the path
// VST_PATH - note that there may only be one entry in the path
// Returns:
// On Success: A pointer to an array containing the above dirs.
// On Failure: NULL
#ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS // Would not be relevant for Cygwin!!
static gchar**
get_platform_fallback_folders ()
gchar **fallback_dir_vector = 0;
const gchar *pUsrHome = 0; // Do not free !!
if (!fallback_folders)
GArray *pFallbackDirs;
gchar *pAppData = 0;
gchar *pMyAppData = 0;
gchar *pExeRoot = 0;
gchar *pPersonal = 0;
pFallbackDirs = g_array_new (TRUE, TRUE, sizeof (char *));
if (pFallbackDirs)
/* Get the path for the user's personal folder */
gchar *pPersonalTemp = get_win_special_folder (CSIDL_PERSONAL);
/* and the path for the user's personal application data */
gchar *pMyAppDataTemp = get_win_special_folder (CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA);
/* and the path for common application data ("Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data") */
gchar *pAppDataTemp = get_win_special_folder (CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA);
if (0 == pAppDataTemp)
pAppData = g_build_filename("C:\\", "Documents and Settings", "All Users", "Application Data", PROGRAM_NAME, "local", 0);
pAppData = g_build_filename(pAppDataTemp, PROGRAM_NAME, "local", 0);
g_free (pAppDataTemp);
if (0 == pMyAppDataTemp)
pMyAppData = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), "Application Data", "local", 0);
pMyAppData = g_build_filename(pMyAppDataTemp, 0);
g_free (pMyAppDataTemp);
if (0 == pPersonalTemp)
pPersonal = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), 0);
pPersonal = g_build_filename(pPersonalTemp, 0);
g_free (pPersonalTemp);
/* Get the path to the running application */
pExeRoot = g_win32_get_package_installation_directory_of_module (0);
if (0 == pExeRoot)
pExeRoot = g_build_filename("C:\\", "Program Files", PROGRAM_NAME, 0);
if ((pExeRoot) && (pAppData) && (pMyAppData) && (pPersonal))
gchar tmp[PATH_MAX+1];
gchar* p;
// Build our LOCALEDIR entry
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(pAppData, "share", "locale", 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our GTK_DIR entry
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(pPersonal, ".gtk-2.0", 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our CONFIG_DIR entry
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(pAppData, "etc", 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our ARDOUR_DIR entry
p = g_build_filename(pMyAppData, PROGRAM_NAME, 0);
if (0 != p)
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our MODULE_DIR entry
strcpy(tmp, pExeRoot);
if (0 != (p = strrchr (tmp, G_DIR_SEPARATOR)))
*p = '\0';
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(tmp, 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our DATA_DIR entry
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(pAppData, "share", 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our ICONS_DIR entry
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(pAppData, "share", "icons", 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our PIXMAPS_DIR entry
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(pAppData, "share", "pixmaps", 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our CONTROL_SURFACES_DIR entry
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(pExeRoot, "bin", "surfaces", 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our VAMP_DIR entry
p = g_build_filename(pExeRoot, "bin", "vamp", 0);
if (p)
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, "");
// Next, build our LADSPA_PATH entry
p = g_build_filename(pExeRoot, "bin", "plugins", 0);
if (p)
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, "");
// And finally, build our VST_PATH entry
DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; HKEY hKey;
DWORD dwSize = PATH_MAX; p = 0;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExA (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\VST", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey))
// Look for the user's VST Registry entry
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueExA (hKey, "VSTPluginsPath", 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)tmp, &dwSize))
p = g_build_filename (Glib::locale_to_utf8(tmp).c_str(), 0);
RegCloseKey (hKey);
if (p == 0)
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExA (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\VST", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey))
// Look for a global VST Registry entry
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueExA (hKey, "VSTPluginsPath", 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)tmp, &dwSize))
p = g_build_filename (Glib::locale_to_utf8(tmp).c_str(), 0);
RegCloseKey (hKey);
if (p == 0)
gchar *pVSTx86 = 0;
gchar *pProgFilesX86 = get_win_special_folder (CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86);
if (pProgFilesX86)
// Look for a VST folder under C:\Program Files (x86)
if (pVSTx86 = g_build_filename (pProgFilesX86, "Steinberg", "VSTPlugins", 0))
if (Glib::file_test (pVSTx86, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
if (Glib::file_test (pVSTx86, Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
p = g_build_filename (pVSTx86, 0);
g_free (pVSTx86);
g_free (pProgFilesX86);
if (p == 0)
// Look for a VST folder under C:\Program Files
gchar *pVST = 0;
gchar *pProgFiles = get_win_special_folder (CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES);
if (pProgFiles)
if (pVST = g_build_filename (pProgFiles, "Steinberg", "VSTPlugins", 0))
if (Glib::file_test (pVST, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
if (Glib::file_test (pVST, Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
p = g_build_filename (pVST, 0);
g_free (pVST);
g_free (pProgFiles);
if (p == 0)
// If all else failed, assume the plugins are under "My Documents"
pUsrHome = g_get_user_special_dir (G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS);
if (pUsrHome)
p = g_build_filename (pUsrHome, "Plugins", "VST", 0);
pUsrHome = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), "My Documents", 0);
if (pUsrHome)
p = g_build_filename (pUsrHome, "Plugins", "VST", 0);
gchar* q = 0;
// Concatenate the registry path with the user's personal path
pUsrHome = g_get_user_special_dir (G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS);
if (pUsrHome)
q = p;
p = g_build_path (";", q, g_build_filename(pUsrHome, "Plugins", "VST", 0), 0);
pUsrHome = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), "My Documents", 0);
if (pUsrHome)
q = p;
p = g_build_path (";", q, g_build_filename (pUsrHome, "Plugins", "VST", 0), 0);
if (p) //VST
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, "");
p = g_build_filename(pExeRoot, "bin", "lv2", 0);
if (p)
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, "");
g_free (pAppData);
g_free (pMyAppData);
g_free (pExeRoot);
g_free (pPersonal);
fallback_dir_vector = fallback_folders = (gchar **) g_array_free (pFallbackDirs, FALSE);
fallback_dir_vector = fallback_folders;
return (fallback_dir_vector);
// Assume Linux, Cygwin or OS-X. Note that in all 3 cases we only
// need to cater for unbundled releases (those built by a user from
// source). Bundled releases of Ardour and Mixbus now specifically
// write their folders and paths to the user's environment at startup.
// See the function 'fixup_bundle_environment()'.
static gchar**
get_platform_fallback_folders ()
gchar **fallback_dir_vector = 0;
gchar *pUsrHome = 0;
if (!fallback_folders)
GArray *pFallbackDirs;
gchar *pAppData = 0;
gchar *pExeRoot = 0;
gchar *pPersonal = 0;
pFallbackDirs = g_array_new (TRUE, TRUE, sizeof (char *));
if (pFallbackDirs)
pAppData = g_build_filename("/usr", "local", 0);
pExeRoot = g_build_filename("/usr", "local", "lib", "ardour2", 0);
pPersonal = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), 0);
if ((pExeRoot) && (pAppData) && (pPersonal))
gchar tmp[PATH_MAX+1];
gchar* p;
// Build our LOCALEDIR entry
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(pAppData, "share", "locale", 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our GTK_DIR entry
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(pPersonal, ".gtk-2.0", 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our CONFIG_DIR entry
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(pAppData, "etc", 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our ARDOUR_DIR entry
p = ""; // Empty string (temporary)
if (0 != p)
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our MODULE_DIR entry
strcpy(tmp, pExeRoot);
if (0 != (p = strrchr (tmp, G_DIR_SEPARATOR)))
*p = '\0';
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(tmp, 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our DATA_DIR entry
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(pAppData, "share", 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our ICONS_DIR entry (re-use 'tmp')
strcpy(tmp, "/usr/local/share/ardour2");
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(tmp, "icons", 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our PIXMAPS_DIR entry
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(tmp, "pixmaps", 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our CONTROL_SURFACES_DIR entry
if (0 != (p = g_build_filename(pExeRoot, "surfaces", 0)))
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Build our VAMP_DIR entry
p = g_build_filename(pExeRoot, "vamp", 0);
if (p)
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// Next, build our LADSPA_PATH entry
p = g_build_filename(Glib::path_get_dirname(pExeRoot).c_str(), "plugins", 0);
if (p)
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
// And finally, build our VST_PATH entry
if (g_getenv("HOME"))
p = g_build_filename(g_getenv("HOME"), "VST", "plugins", 0);
p = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), "VST", "plugins", 0);
if (p)
g_array_append_val (pFallbackDirs, p);
g_free (pAppData);
g_free (pExeRoot);
g_free (pPersonal);
fallback_dir_vector = fallback_folders = (gchar **) g_array_free (pFallbackDirs, FALSE);
fallback_dir_vector = fallback_folders;
if (pUsrHome)
g_free (pUsrHome);
return (fallback_dir_vector);
// get_platform_fallback_folder()
// Returns a const gchar* which points to a string describing
// the full path to the Ardour fallback folder corresponding to
// the supplied index. See 'get_platform_fallback_folders()' for a
// complete list of the supported index enumerations. Calling this
// function will initialize the fallback folder array if it wasn't
// already initiaized. The array should then (eventually) be freed
// using 'free_platform_fallback_folders()'.
// Returns:
// On Success: A pointer to the path string contained at the
// relevant index.
// On Failure: NULL
get_platform_fallback_folder (PBD::fallback_folder_t index)
if ((index >= 0) && (index < FALLBACK_FOLDER_MAX))
return ((G_CONST_RETURN gchar *)get_platform_fallback_folders ()[index]);
return (G_CONST_RETURN gchar *) 0;
// alloc_platform_fallback_folders()
// Calls 'get_platform_fallback_folders()' to ensure that memory
// for the fallback folder array is already allocated before the
// array gets used. It doesn't cause any problems if the array gets
// used prior to calling this function (since the memory will get
// allocated anyway, on fist usage). Either way however, the momory
// must later be freed using 'free_platform_fallback_folders()'.
// Returns:
// The value obtained from 'get_platform_fallback_folders()'
alloc_platform_fallback_folders ()
return ((G_CONST_RETURN gchar* G_CONST_RETURN *)get_platform_fallback_folders ());
// free_platform_fallback_folders()
// Frees the memory that was previously allocated for the Ardour
// fallback folder array.
// Returns:
// NONE.
free_platform_fallback_folders ()
int index = FOLDER_LOCALE;
if (fallback_folders)
gchar *p = get_platform_fallback_folders()[(fallback_folder_t)index++];
while (index < (FALLBACK_FOLDER_MAX+1)) {
if (p)
g_free (p);
p = get_platform_fallback_folders()[(fallback_folder_t)index++];
fallback_folders = 0;
} // namespace PBD