Robin Gareus 322e6e08c4
Vkeybd: grab all key-events and use timer instead of key-repeat
This fixes an issue with arrow-keys (up/down, left/right). Those
were previously only handled when the Virtual Keyboard window itself
had focus.

Also key-repeat for pitch-bend is now ignored and a dedicated timer
is used to queue events. This fixes an issue with the first repeat
taking longer than successive ones, and makes this feature independent
of any desktop user settings.
2019-12-16 15:02:39 +01:00

691 lines
23 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019 Robin Gareus <robin@gareus.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <gtkmm/box.h>
#include "pbd/convert.h"
#include "pbd/compose.h"
#include "ardour/async_midi_port.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h"
#include "widgets/tooltips.h"
#include "ardour_ui.h"
#include "ui_config.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "virtual_keyboard_window.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
using namespace Glib;
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace ArdourWidgets;
#define PX_SCALE(px) std::max ((float)px, rintf ((float)px* UIConfiguration::instance ().get_ui_scale ()))
VirtualKeyboardWindow::VirtualKeyboardWindow ()
: ArdourWindow (_("Virtual MIDI Keyboard"))
, _bank_msb (*manage (new Adjustment (0, 0, 127, 1, 16)))
, _bank_lsb (*manage (new Adjustment (0, 0, 127, 1, 16)))
, _patchpgm (*manage (new Adjustment (1, 1, 128, 1, 16)))
, _cfg_display (S_("Virtual keyboard|Config"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements)
, _pgm_display (_("Bank/Patch"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements)
, _yaxis_velocity (_("Y-Axis"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements)
, _send_panic (_("Panic"), ArdourButton::default_elements)
, _piano_key_velocity (*manage (new Adjustment (100, 1, 127, 1, 16)))
, _piano_min_velocity (*manage (new Adjustment ( 1, 1, 127, 1, 16)))
, _piano_max_velocity (*manage (new Adjustment (127, 1, 127, 1, 16)))
, _piano_octave_key (*manage (new Adjustment (4, -1, 7, 1, 1)))
, _piano_octave_range (*manage (new Adjustment (7, 2, 11, 1, 1)))
, _pitch_adjustment (8192, 0, 16383, 1, 256)
_piano.set_flags (Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
_piano.set_keyboard_layout (APianoKeyboard::S_QWERTY);
_piano.set_annotate_octave (true);
_piano.set_grand_piano_highlight (false);
_piano.set_annotate_layout (true);
_piano.set_annotate_octave (true);
for (int c = 0; c < 16; ++c) {
char buf[16];
sprintf (buf, "%d", c + 1);
_midi_channel.append_text_item (buf);
for (int t = -12; t < 13; ++t) {
char buf[16];
sprintf (buf, "%d", t);
_transpose_output.append_text_item (buf);
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
_keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("QWERTY"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), "QWERTY")));
_keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("QWERTZ"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), "QWERTZ")));
_keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("AZERTY"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), "AZERTY")));
_keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("DVORAK"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), "DVORAK")));
_keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("QWERTY Single"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), "QWERTY Single")));
_keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("QWERTZ Single"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), "QWERTZ Single")));
Gtkmm2ext::set_size_request_to_display_given_text_width (_keyboard_layout, _("QWERTZ Single"), 2, 0); // Longest Text
_keyboard_layout.set_active (_("QWERTY Single"));
_midi_channel.set_active ("1");
_transpose_output.set_active ("0");
_cfg_display.set_active (false);
_pgm_display.set_active (false);
_yaxis_velocity.set_active (false);
_send_panic.set_can_focus (false);
_pitchbend = boost::shared_ptr<VKBDControl> (new VKBDControl ("PB", 8192, 16383));
_pitch_slider = manage (new VSliderController (&_pitch_adjustment, _pitchbend, 0, PX_SCALE (15)));
_pitch_slider_tooltip = new Gtkmm2ext::PersistentTooltip (_pitch_slider);
_pitch_adjustment.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_slider_adjusted));
_pitchbend->ValueChanged.connect_same_thread (_cc_connections, boost::bind (&VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_bend_event_handler, this, _1));
_pitch_slider->StopGesture.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_bend_release));
set_tooltip (_yaxis_velocity, _("When enabled, mouse-click y-axis position defines the velocity."));
set_tooltip (_piano_octave_key, _("The center octave, and lowest octave for keyboard control. Change with Arrow left/right."));
set_tooltip (_piano_octave_range, _("Available octave range, centered around the key-octave."));
set_tooltip (_keyboard_layout, _("Keyboard layout to use for keyboard control."));
set_tooltip (_piano_key_velocity, _("The default velocity to use with keyboard control, and when y-axis click-position is disabled."));
set_tooltip (_piano_min_velocity, _("Velocity to use when clicking at the top-end of a key."));
set_tooltip (_piano_max_velocity, _("Velocity to use when clicking at the bottom-end of a key."));
set_tooltip (_send_panic, _("Send MIDI Panic message for current channel"));
pitch_bend_update_tooltip (8192);
_pitch_slider->set_can_focus (false);
/* config */
Table* cfg_tbl = manage (new Table);
cfg_tbl->attach (_yaxis_velocity, 0, 1, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Velocity:"))), 0, 1, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
cfg_tbl->attach (_piano_min_velocity, 1, 2, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Min"))), 1, 2, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
cfg_tbl->attach (_piano_max_velocity, 2, 3, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Max"))), 2, 3, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
cfg_tbl->attach (_piano_key_velocity, 3, 4, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Key"))), 3, 4, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), 4, 5, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0);
cfg_tbl->attach (_piano_octave_key, 5, 6, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Octave"))), 5, 6, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
cfg_tbl->attach (_piano_octave_range, 6, 7, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Range"))), 6, 7, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), 7, 8, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0);
cfg_tbl->attach (_keyboard_layout, 8, 9, 0, 2, FILL, SHRINK, 4, 1);
cfg_tbl->show_all ();
/* bank/patch */
Table* pgm_tbl = manage (new Table);
Label* lbl = manage (new Label (_("Note: Prefer\nTrack-controls")));
lbl->set_justify (JUSTIFY_CENTER);
pgm_tbl->attach (*lbl, 0, 1, 0, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), 1, 2, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0);
pgm_tbl->attach (_bank_msb, 2, 3, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
pgm_tbl->attach (_bank_lsb, 3, 4, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
pgm_tbl->attach (_patchpgm, 4, 5, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("MSB"))), 2, 3, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("LSB"))), 3, 4, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("PGM"))), 4, 5, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), 5, 6, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0);
pgm_tbl->attach (_send_panic, 6, 7, 0, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
pgm_tbl->show_all ();
/* settings */
Table* tbl = manage (new Table);
tbl->attach (_midi_channel, 0, 1, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Channel"))), 0, 1, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), 1, 2, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0);
tbl->attach (*_pitch_slider, 2, 3, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0);
const char* default_cc[VKBD_NCTRLS] = { "7", "8", "1", "11", "91", "92", "93", "94" };
int col = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < VKBD_NCTRLS; ++i, ++col) {
_cc[i] = boost::shared_ptr<VKBDControl> (new VKBDControl ("CC"));
_cc_knob[i] = manage (new ArdourKnob (ArdourKnob::default_elements, ArdourKnob::Flags (0)));
_cc_knob[i]->set_controllable (_cc[i]);
_cc_knob[i]->set_size_request (PX_SCALE (21), PX_SCALE (21));
_cc_knob[i]->set_tooltip_prefix (_("CC: "));
_cc_knob[i]->set_name ("monitor section knob");
for (int c = 1; c < 120; ++c) {
if (c == 32) {
char key[32];
sprintf (key, "%d", c);
_cc_key[i].append_text_item (key);
_cc_key[i].set_active (default_cc[i]);
tbl->attach (*_cc_knob[i], col, col + 1, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 2);
tbl->attach (_cc_key[i], col, col + 1, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 2);
_cc[i]->ValueChanged.connect_same_thread (_cc_connections,
boost::bind (&VirtualKeyboardWindow::control_change_event_handler, this, i, _1));
tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), col, col + 1, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0);
tbl->attach (_transpose_output, col, col + 1, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Transpose"))), col, col + 1, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
/* main layout */
Box* box1 = manage (new HBox ());
box1->pack_start (*tbl, true, false);
Box* box2 = manage (new VBox ());
box2->pack_start (_pgm_display, false, false, 1);
box2->pack_start (_cfg_display, false, false, 1);
box1->pack_start (*box2, false, false);
_cfg_box = manage (new HBox ());
_cfg_box->pack_start (*cfg_tbl, true, false);
_cfg_box->set_no_show_all (true);
_pgm_box = manage (new HBox ());
_pgm_box->pack_start (*pgm_tbl, true, false);
_pgm_box->set_no_show_all (true);
VBox* vbox = manage (new VBox);
vbox->pack_start (*box1, false, false, 4);
vbox->pack_start (*_pgm_box, false, false, 4);
vbox->pack_start (*_cfg_box, false, false, 4);
vbox->pack_start (_piano, true, true);
add (*vbox);
_bank_msb.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::bank_patch));
_bank_lsb.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::bank_patch));
_patchpgm.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::bank_patch));
_piano_key_velocity.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_velocity_settings), 0));
_piano_min_velocity.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_velocity_settings), 1));
_piano_max_velocity.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_velocity_settings), 2));
_piano_octave_key.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_octave_key));
_piano_octave_range.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_octave_range));
_cfg_display.signal_button_release_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_config), false);
_pgm_display.signal_button_release_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_bankpatch), false);
_yaxis_velocity.signal_button_release_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_yaxis_velocity), false);
_send_panic.signal_button_release_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::send_panic_message), false);
_piano.NoteOn.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::note_on_event_handler));
_piano.NoteOff.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::note_off_event_handler));
_piano.SwitchOctave.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::octave_key_event_handler));
_piano.PitchBend.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_bend_key_event_handler));
update_velocity_settings (0);
update_octave_range ();
set_keep_above (true);
vbox->show_all ();
VirtualKeyboardWindow::~VirtualKeyboardWindow ()
delete _pitch_slider_tooltip;
VirtualKeyboardWindow::set_session (ARDOUR::Session* s)
ArdourWindow::set_session (s);
if (!_session) {
XMLNode* node = _session->instant_xml (X_("VirtualKeyboard"));
if (node) {
set_state (*node);
VirtualKeyboardWindow::get_state ()
XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("VirtualKeyboard"));
node->set_property (X_("YAxisVelocity"), _yaxis_velocity.get_active ());
node->set_property (X_("Layout"), _keyboard_layout.get_text ());
node->set_property (X_("Channel"), _midi_channel.get_text ());
node->set_property (X_("Transpose"), _transpose_output.get_text ());
node->set_property (X_("MinVelocity"), _piano_min_velocity.get_value_as_int ());
node->set_property (X_("MaxVelocity"), _piano_max_velocity.get_value_as_int ());
node->set_property (X_("KeyVelocity"), _piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int ());
node->set_property (X_("Octave"), _piano_octave_key.get_value_as_int ());
node->set_property (X_("Range"), _piano_octave_range.get_value_as_int ());
for (int i = 0; i < VKBD_NCTRLS; ++i) {
char buf[16];
sprintf (buf, "CC-%d", i);
node->set_property (buf, _cc_key[i].get_text ());
return *node;
VirtualKeyboardWindow::set_state (const XMLNode& root)
if (root.name () != "VirtualKeyboard") {
XMLNode const* node = &root;
std::string layout;
if (node->get_property (X_("Layout"), layout)) {
select_keyboard_layout (layout);
for (int i = 0; i < VKBD_NCTRLS; ++i) {
char buf[16];
sprintf (buf, "CC-%d", i);
std::string cckey;
if (node->get_property (buf, cckey)) {
_cc_key[i].set_active (cckey);
std::string s;
if (node->get_property (X_("Channel"), s)) {
uint8_t channel = PBD::atoi (_midi_channel.get_text ());
if (channel > 0 && channel < 17) {
_midi_channel.set_active (s);
if (node->get_property (X_("Transpose"), s)) {
_transpose_output.set_active (s);
bool a;
if (node->get_property (X_("YAxisVelocity"), a)) {
_yaxis_velocity.set_active (a);
int v;
if (node->get_property (X_("MinVelocity"), v)) {
_piano_min_velocity.set_value (v);
if (node->get_property (X_("MaxVelocity"), v)) {
_piano_max_velocity.set_value (v);
if (node->get_property (X_("KeyVelocity"), v)) {
_piano_key_velocity.set_value (v);
if (node->get_property (X_("Octave"), v)) {
_piano_octave_key.set_value (v);
if (node->get_property (X_("Range"), v)) {
_piano_octave_range.set_value (v);
update_velocity_settings (0);
update_octave_range ();
update_octave_key ();
VirtualKeyboardWindow::on_focus_in_event (GdkEventFocus* ev)
_piano.grab_focus ();
return ArdourWindow::on_focus_in_event (ev);
VirtualKeyboardWindow::on_unmap ()
ArdourWindow::on_unmap ();
ARDOUR_UI::instance ()->reset_focus (this);
VirtualKeyboardWindow::on_key_press_event (GdkEventKey* ev)
/* try propagate unmodified events first */
if ((ev->state & 0xf) == 0) {
if (gtk_window_propagate_key_event (gobj(), ev)) {
return true;
_piano.grab_focus ();
return ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::relay_key_press (ev, this);
VirtualKeyboardWindow::on_key_release_event (GdkEventKey* ev)
/* try propagate unmodified events first */
if ((ev->state & 0xf) == 0) {
if (gtk_window_propagate_key_event (gobj(), ev)) {
return true;
_piano.grab_focus ();
return ArdourWindow::on_key_release_event (ev);
VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout (std::string const& l)
_keyboard_layout.set_active (l);
if (l == "QWERTY") {
_piano.set_keyboard_layout (APianoKeyboard::QWERTY);
} else if (l == "QWERTZ") {
_piano.set_keyboard_layout (APianoKeyboard::QWERTZ);
} else if (l == "AZERTY") {
_piano.set_keyboard_layout (APianoKeyboard::AZERTY);
} else if (l == "DVORAK") {
_piano.set_keyboard_layout (APianoKeyboard::DVORAK);
} else if (l == "QWERTY Single") {
_piano.set_keyboard_layout (APianoKeyboard::S_QWERTY);
} else if (l == "QWERTZ Single") {
_piano.set_keyboard_layout (APianoKeyboard::S_QWERTZ);
} else {
_keyboard_layout.set_active ("QWERTY");
_piano.grab_focus ();
VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_config (GdkEventButton* ev)
bool a = !_cfg_display.get_active ();
_cfg_display.set_active (a);
if (a) {
_cfg_box->show ();
} else {
const int child_height = _cfg_box->get_height ();
_cfg_box->hide ();
Gtk::Requisition wr;
get_size (wr.width, wr.height);
wr.height -= child_height;
resize (wr.width, wr.height);
return false;
VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_bankpatch (GdkEventButton*)
bool a = !_pgm_display.get_active ();
_pgm_display.set_active (a);
if (a) {
_pgm_box->show ();
} else {
const int child_height = _pgm_box->get_height ();
_pgm_box->hide ();
Gtk::Requisition wr;
get_size (wr.width, wr.height);
wr.height -= child_height;
resize (wr.width, wr.height);
return false;
VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_octave_key ()
_piano.set_octave (_piano_octave_key.get_value_as_int ());
_piano.grab_focus ();
VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_octave_range ()
_piano.set_octave_range (_piano_octave_range.get_value_as_int ());
_piano.set_grand_piano_highlight (_piano_octave_range.get_value_as_int () > 3);
_piano.grab_focus ();
VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_yaxis_velocity (GdkEventButton*)
_yaxis_velocity.set_active (!_yaxis_velocity.get_active ());
update_velocity_settings (0);
return false;
VirtualKeyboardWindow::send_panic_message (GdkEventButton*)
uint8_t channel = PBD::atoi (_midi_channel.get_text ()) - 1;
uint8_t ev[3];
ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_CONTROL | channel;
ev[2] = 0;
_session->vkbd_output_port ()->write (ev, 3, 0);
_session->vkbd_output_port ()->write (ev, 3, 0);
_session->vkbd_output_port ()->write (ev, 3, 0);
return false;
VirtualKeyboardWindow::bank_patch ()
int msb = _bank_msb.get_value_as_int ();
int lsb = _bank_lsb.get_value_as_int ();
int pgm = _patchpgm.get_value_as_int () - 1;
uint8_t channel = PBD::atoi (_midi_channel.get_text ()) - 1;
uint8_t ev[3];
ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_CONTROL | channel;
ev[2] = (msb >> 7) & 0x7f;
_session->vkbd_output_port ()->write (ev, 3, 0);
ev[1] = MIDI_CTL_LSB_BANK | channel;
ev[2] = lsb & 0x7f;
_session->vkbd_output_port ()->write (ev, 3, 0);
ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_PGM_CHANGE | channel;
ev[1] = pgm & 0x7f;
_session->vkbd_output_port ()->write (ev, 2, 0);
VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_velocity_settings (int ctrl)
if (_piano_min_velocity.get_value_as_int () > _piano_max_velocity.get_value_as_int ()) {
if (ctrl == 2) {
_piano_min_velocity.set_value (_piano_max_velocity.get_value_as_int ());
} else {
_piano_max_velocity.set_value (_piano_min_velocity.get_value_as_int ());
if (_yaxis_velocity.get_active ()) {
_piano.set_velocities (_piano_min_velocity.get_value_as_int (),
_piano_max_velocity.get_value_as_int (),
_piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int ());
} else {
_piano.set_velocities (_piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int (),
_piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int (),
_piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int ());
update_sensitivity ();
VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_sensitivity ()
bool c = _yaxis_velocity.get_active ();
_piano_min_velocity.set_sensitive (c);
_piano_max_velocity.set_sensitive (c);
_piano.grab_focus ();
VirtualKeyboardWindow::octave_key_event_handler (bool up)
if (up) {
_piano_octave_key.set_value (_piano_octave_key.get_value_as_int () - 1);
} else {
_piano_octave_key.set_value (_piano_octave_key.get_value_as_int () + 1);
VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_bend_key_event_handler (int target, bool interpolate)
if (_pitch_adjustment.get_value() == target) {
if (interpolate) {
_pitch_bend_target = target;
if (!_bender_connection.connected ()){
_bender_connection = Glib::signal_timeout().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_bend_timeout), 50 /*ms*/);
} else {
_bender_connection.disconnect ();
_pitch_adjustment.set_value (target);
_pitch_bend_target = target;
VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_bend_timeout ()
int cur = _pitch_adjustment.get_value();
int target;
if (cur < _pitch_bend_target) {
target = std::min (_pitch_bend_target, cur + 1024);
} else if (cur > _pitch_bend_target) {
target = std::max (_pitch_bend_target, cur - 1024);
} else {
target = _pitch_bend_target;
_pitch_adjustment.set_value (target);
return _pitch_bend_target != target;
VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_slider_adjusted ()
_pitchbend->set_value (_pitch_adjustment.get_value (), PBD::Controllable::NoGroup);
pitch_bend_update_tooltip (_pitch_adjustment.get_value ());
VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_bend_update_tooltip (int value)
_pitch_slider_tooltip->set_tip (string_compose (
_("Pitchbend: %1\n"
"Use mouse-drag for sprung mode,\n"
"mouse-wheel for presisent bends.\n"
"F1-F4 and arrow-up/down keys jump\n"
"to select values."), value));
VirtualKeyboardWindow::note_on_event_handler (int note, int velocity)
_piano.grab_focus ();
if (!_session) {
note += PBD::atoi (_transpose_output.get_text ());
if (note < 0 || note > 127) {
uint8_t channel = PBD::atoi (_midi_channel.get_text ()) - 1;
uint8_t ev[3];
ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_NOTE_ON | channel;
ev[1] = note;
ev[2] = velocity;
_session->vkbd_output_port ()->write (ev, 3, 0);
VirtualKeyboardWindow::note_off_event_handler (int note)
if (!_session) {
note += PBD::atoi (_transpose_output.get_text ());
if (note < 0 || note > 127) {
uint8_t channel = PBD::atoi (_midi_channel.get_text ()) - 1;
uint8_t ev[3];
ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_NOTE_OFF | channel;
ev[1] = note;
ev[2] = 0;
_session->vkbd_output_port ()->write (ev, 3, 0);
VirtualKeyboardWindow::control_change_event_handler (int key, int val)
if (!_session) {
assert (key >= 0 && key < VKBD_NCTRLS);
int ctrl = PBD::atoi (_cc_key[key].get_text ());
assert (ctrl > 0 && ctrl < 127);
uint8_t channel = PBD::atoi (_midi_channel.get_text ()) - 1;
uint8_t ev[3];
ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_CONTROL | channel;
ev[1] = ctrl;
ev[2] = val;
_session->vkbd_output_port ()->write (ev, 3, 0);
VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_bend_event_handler (int val)
if (!_session) {
uint8_t channel = PBD::atoi (_midi_channel.get_text ()) - 1;
uint8_t ev[3];
ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_BENDER | channel;
ev[1] = val & 0x7f;
ev[2] = (val >> 7) & 0x7f;
_session->vkbd_output_port ()->write (ev, 3, 0);
VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_bend_release ()
_pitch_adjustment.set_value (8192);