Paul Davis 30b087ab3d globally change all use of "frame" to refer to audio into "sample".
Generated by tools/f2s. Some hand-editing will be required in a few places to fix up comments related to timecode
and video in order to keep the legible
2017-09-18 12:39:17 -04:00

131 lines
3.7 KiB

#include "tests/utils.h"
#include "audiographer/general/sr_converter.h"
using namespace AudioGrapher;
class SampleRateConverterTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture
CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE (SampleRateConverterTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (testNoConversion);
CPPUNIT_TEST (testUpsampleLength);
CPPUNIT_TEST (testDownsampleLength);
CPPUNIT_TEST (testRespectsEndOfInput);
void setUp()
samples = 128;
random_data = TestUtils::init_random_data(samples);
sink.reset (new AppendingVectorSink<float>());
grabber.reset (new ProcessContextGrabber<float>());
converter.reset (new SampleRateConverter (1));
void tearDown()
delete [] random_data;
void testNoConversion()
assert (samples % 2 == 0);
samplecnt_t const half_samples = samples / 2;
samplecnt_t samples_output = 0;
converter->init (44100, 44100);
converter->add_output (sink);
ProcessContext<float> c (random_data, half_samples, 1);
converter->process (c);
ProcessContext<float> c2 (&random_data[half_samples], half_samples, 1);
c2.set_flag (ProcessContext<float>::EndOfInput);
converter->process (c2);
samples_output = sink->get_data().size();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL (samples, samples_output);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (TestUtils::array_equals (random_data, sink->get_array(), samples));
void testUpsampleLength()
assert (samples % 2 == 0);
samplecnt_t const half_samples = samples / 2;
samplecnt_t samples_output = 0;
converter->init (44100, 88200);
converter->allocate_buffers (half_samples);
converter->add_output (sink);
ProcessContext<float> c (random_data, half_samples, 1);
converter->process (c);
ProcessContext<float> c2 (&random_data[half_samples], half_samples, 1);
c2.set_flag (ProcessContext<float>::EndOfInput);
converter->process (c2);
samples_output = sink->get_data().size();
samplecnt_t tolerance = 3;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (2 * samples - tolerance < samples_output && samples_output < 2 * samples + tolerance);
void testDownsampleLength()
assert (samples % 2 == 0);
samplecnt_t const half_samples = samples / 2;
samplecnt_t samples_output = 0;
converter->init (88200, 44100);
converter->allocate_buffers (half_samples);
converter->add_output (sink);
ProcessContext<float> c (random_data, half_samples, 1);
converter->process (c);
ProcessContext<float> c2 (&random_data[half_samples], half_samples, 1);
c2.set_flag (ProcessContext<float>::EndOfInput);
converter->process (c2);
samples_output = sink->get_data().size();
samplecnt_t tolerance = 3;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (half_samples - tolerance < samples_output && samples_output < half_samples + tolerance);
void testRespectsEndOfInput()
assert (samples % 2 == 0);
samplecnt_t const half_samples = samples / 2;
converter->init (44100, 48000);
converter->allocate_buffers (half_samples);
converter->add_output (grabber);
ProcessContext<float> c (random_data, half_samples, 1);
converter->process (c);
ProcessContext<float> c2 (&random_data[half_samples], half_samples / 2, 1);
c2.set_flag (ProcessContext<float>::EndOfInput);
converter->process (c2);
for (std::list<ProcessContext<float> >::iterator it = grabber->contexts.begin(); it != grabber->contexts.end(); ++it) {
std::list<ProcessContext<float> >::iterator next = it; ++next;
if (next == grabber->contexts.end()) {
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (it->has_flag (ProcessContext<float>::EndOfInput));
} else {
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (!it->has_flag (ProcessContext<float>::EndOfInput));
boost::shared_ptr<SampleRateConverter > converter;
boost::shared_ptr<AppendingVectorSink<float> > sink;
boost::shared_ptr<ProcessContextGrabber<float> > grabber;
float * random_data;
samplecnt_t samples;