Julien "_FrnchFrgg_" RIVAUD 606ffe6a35 Align the currently selected automation state on dropdown
By passing the current text of the automation button we can make the
dropdown menu align with the current mode. This will only work for
full-size automation buttons, not when use-knob is true, but in that
case it feels wrong to popup on top of the button anyway.

Also make the menu show on mouse down like a real dropdown.
2016-08-17 23:56:31 +02:00

358 lines
10 KiB

Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef __ardour_plugin_ui_h__
#define __ardour_plugin_ui_h__
#ifdef WAF_BUILD
#include "gtk2ardour-config.h"
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <sigc++/signal.h>
#include <gtkmm/button.h>
#include <gtkmm/box.h>
#include <gtkmm/table.h>
#include <gtkmm/eventbox.h>
#include <gtkmm/viewport.h>
#include <gtkmm/scrolledwindow.h>
#include <gtkmm/label.h>
#include <gtkmm/menu.h>
#include <gtkmm/image.h>
#include <gtkmm/adjustment.h>
#include <gtkmm/togglebutton.h>
#include <gtkmm/socket.h>
#include <gtkmm/socket.h>
#include "ardour/types.h"
#include "ardour/plugin.h"
#include "ardour/variant.h"
#include "ardour_button.h"
#include "ardour_dropdown.h"
#include "ardour_spinner.h"
#include "ardour_window.h"
#include "automation_controller.h"
namespace ARDOUR {
class PluginInsert;
class Plugin;
class WindowsVSTPlugin;
class LXVSTPlugin;
class IOProcessor;
class AUPlugin;
class Processor;
namespace PBD {
class Controllable;
namespace Gtkmm2ext {
class HSliderController;
class BarController;
class ClickBox;
class FastMeter;
class PixmapButton;
class LatencyGUI;
class ArdourWindow;
class PluginEqGui;
class PlugUIBase : public virtual sigc::trackable, public PBD::ScopedConnectionList
PlugUIBase (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert>);
virtual ~PlugUIBase();
virtual gint get_preferred_height () = 0;
virtual gint get_preferred_width () = 0;
virtual bool resizable () { return true; }
virtual bool start_updating(GdkEventAny*) = 0;
virtual bool stop_updating(GdkEventAny*) = 0;
virtual void activate () {}
virtual void deactivate () {}
void update_preset_list ();
void update_preset ();
void latency_button_clicked ();
virtual bool on_window_show(const std::string& /*title*/) { return true; }
virtual void on_window_hide() {}
virtual void forward_key_event (GdkEventKey*) {}
virtual void grab_focus () {}
virtual bool non_gtk_gui() const { return false; }
sigc::signal<void,bool> KeyboardFocused;
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert> insert;
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Plugin> plugin;
/* UI elements that can subclasses can add to their widgets */
/** a ComboBoxText which lists presets and manages their selection */
ArdourDropdown _preset_combo;
/** a label which has a * in if the current settings are different from the preset being shown */
Gtk::Label _preset_modified;
/** a button to add a preset */
ArdourButton add_button;
/** a button to save the current settings as a new user preset */
ArdourButton save_button;
/** a button to delete the current preset (if it is a user one) */
ArdourButton delete_button;
/** a button to delete the reset the plugin params */
ArdourButton reset_button;
/** a button to bypass the plugin */
ArdourButton bypass_button;
/** and self-explaining button :) */
ArdourButton pin_management_button;
/** a button to acquire keyboard focus */
Gtk::EventBox focus_button;
/** an expander containing the plugin description */
Gtk::Expander description_expander;
/** an expander containing the plugin analysis graph */
Gtk::Expander plugin_analysis_expander;
/** a button which, when clicked, opens the latency GUI */
ArdourButton latency_button;
/** a button which sets all controls' automation setting to Manual */
ArdourButton automation_manual_all_button;
/** a button which sets all controls' automation setting to Play */
ArdourButton automation_play_all_button;
/** a button which sets all controls' automation setting to Write */
ArdourButton automation_write_all_button;
/** a button which sets all controls' automation setting to Touch */
ArdourButton automation_touch_all_button;
void set_latency_label ();
LatencyGUI* latency_gui;
ArdourWindow* latency_dialog;
PluginEqGui* eqgui;
Gtk::Image* focus_out_image;
Gtk::Image* focus_in_image;
int _no_load_preset;
virtual void preset_selected (ARDOUR::Plugin::PresetRecord preset);
void add_plugin_setting ();
void save_plugin_setting ();
void delete_plugin_setting ();
void reset_plugin_parameters ();
void manage_pins ();
bool focus_toggled(GdkEventButton*);
bool bypass_button_release(GdkEventButton*);
void toggle_description ();
void toggle_plugin_analysis ();
void processor_active_changed (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Processor> p);
void plugin_going_away ();
void automation_state_changed ();
void preset_added_or_removed ();
void update_preset_modified ();
PBD::ScopedConnection death_connection;
PBD::ScopedConnection active_connection;
PBD::ScopedConnection preset_added_connection;
PBD::ScopedConnection preset_removed_connection;
PBD::ScopedConnectionList control_connections;
class GenericPluginUI : public PlugUIBase, public Gtk::VBox
GenericPluginUI (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert> plug, bool scrollable=false);
~GenericPluginUI ();
gint get_preferred_height () { return prefheight; }
gint get_preferred_width () { return -1; }
bool start_updating(GdkEventAny*);
bool stop_updating(GdkEventAny*);
Gtk::VBox main_contents;
Gtk::HBox settings_box;
Gtk::HBox hpacker;
Gtk::Menu* automation_menu;
gint prefheight;
bool is_scrollable;
struct MeterInfo {
Gtkmm2ext::FastMeter *meter;
float min;
float max;
bool min_unbound;
bool max_unbound;
bool packed;
MeterInfo () {
meter = 0;
packed = false;
min = 1.0e10;
max = -1.0e10;
min_unbound = false;
max_unbound = false;
/* FIXME: Unify with AutomationController */
struct ControlUI : public Gtk::HBox {
const Evoral::Parameter parameter() const { return param; }
Evoral::Parameter param;
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AutomationControl> control;
/* input */
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::ScalePoints> scale_points;
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationController> controller;
ArdourButton automate_button;
Gtk::Label label;
ArdourDropdown* combo;
Gtkmm2ext::ClickBox* clickbox;
Gtk::FileChooserButton* file_button;
ArdourSpinner* spin_box;
bool button;
bool update_pending;
bool ignore_change;
/* output */
Gtk::EventBox* display;
Gtk::Label* display_label;
Gtk::HBox* hbox;
Gtk::VBox* vbox;
MeterInfo* meterinfo;
ControlUI (const Evoral::Parameter& param);
~ControlUI ();
/* layout */
Gtk::Table* knobtable;
int x0, x1, y0, y1;
std::vector<ControlUI*> input_controls; // workaround for preset load
std::vector<ControlUI*> input_controls_with_automation;
std::vector<ControlUI*> output_controls;
sigc::connection screen_update_connection;
void output_update();
void build ();
void automatic_layout (const std::vector<ControlUI *>& control_uis);
void custom_layout (const std::vector<ControlUI *>& control_uis);
ControlUI* build_control_ui (const Evoral::Parameter& param,
const ARDOUR::ParameterDescriptor& desc,
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AutomationControl> mcontrol,
float value,
bool is_input,
bool use_knob = false);
void ui_parameter_changed (ControlUI* cui);
void update_control_display (ControlUI* cui);
void update_input_displays (); // workaround for preset load
void control_combo_changed (ControlUI* cui, float value);
bool astate_button_event (GdkEventButton* ev, ControlUI*);
void automation_state_changed (ControlUI*);
void set_automation_state (ARDOUR::AutoState state, ControlUI* cui);
void set_all_automation (ARDOUR::AutoState state);
/* XXX: remove */
void print_parameter (char *buf, uint32_t len, uint32_t param);
bool integer_printer (char* buf, Gtk::Adjustment &, ControlUI *);
bool midinote_printer(char* buf, Gtk::Adjustment &, ControlUI *);
typedef std::map<uint32_t, Gtk::FileChooserButton*> FilePathControls;
FilePathControls _filepath_controls;
void set_path_property (const ARDOUR::ParameterDescriptor& desc,
Gtk::FileChooserButton* widget);
void path_property_changed (uint32_t key, const ARDOUR::Variant& value);
class PluginUIWindow : public ArdourWindow
PluginUIWindow (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert> insert,
bool scrollable=false,
bool editor=true);
~PluginUIWindow ();
PlugUIBase& pluginui() { return *_pluginui; }
void resize_preferred();
void set_parent (Gtk::Window*);
void set_title(const std::string& title);
bool on_key_press_event (GdkEventKey*);
bool on_key_release_event (GdkEventKey*);
void on_show ();
void on_hide ();
std::string _title;
PlugUIBase* _pluginui;
PBD::ScopedConnection death_connection;
Gtk::Window* parent;
Gtk::VBox vbox;
bool was_visible;
bool _keyboard_focused;
int pre_deactivate_x;
int pre_deactivate_y;
void keyboard_focused (bool yn);
void app_activated (bool);
void plugin_going_away ();
bool create_windows_vst_editor (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert>);
bool create_lxvst_editor(boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert>);
bool create_audiounit_editor (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert>);
bool create_lv2_editor (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert>);
/* this function has to be in a .mm file */
extern PlugUIBase* create_au_gui (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert>, Gtk::VBox**);
#endif /* __ardour_plugin_ui_h__ */