Julien "_FrnchFrgg_" RIVAUD 23ccf48c28 Fix colors of disabled spin buttons (and maybe others)
The insensitive state should not get a base color that's the same as the
enabled one, or the difference is not visible enough (only the text
color changes). In fact, since the goal of the entry modifications is to
aid visibility during user input, there is no reason to override the
insensitive colors.

Just inherit the insensitive colors of the global style.

Also fix a comment that was attached to the wrong declaration.
2016-08-20 00:31:19 +02:00

1217 lines
40 KiB

gtk-button-images = 0 # [ Default value: 1 ] Show stock icons on buttons.
style "default" = "medium_text"
#Original values for reference
GtkTreeView :: vertical-padding = 0
GtkTreeView :: horizontal-padding = 0
GtkTreeView :: even-row-color = @bases
GtkTreeView :: odd-row-color = @bases
GtkTreeView :: focus-line-width = 0
GtkTreeView :: tree-line-width = 1
GtkTreeView :: row-ending-details = 0
GtkWidget :: focus-line-pattern = "\001\001" # Dash pattern used to draw the focus indicator.
GtkWidget :: focus-line-width = 1 # [ 1 ] ( >= 0 ) Width, in pixels, of the focus indicator line.
GtkWidget :: focus-padding = 1 # [ 1 ] ( >= 0 ) Width, in pixels, between focus indicator and the widget box.
GtkWidget :: interior-focus = 1 # [ 1 ] ( bool ) Draw the focus indicator inside widgets.
GtkWidget :: scroll-arrow-hlength = 16 # [ 16 ] ( >= 1 ) Length of horizontal scroll arrows.
GtkWidget :: scroll-arrow-vlength = 16 # [ 16 ] ( >= 1 ) Length of vertical scroll arrows.
GtkWidget :: link-color = shade(1.25, @bright_color)
GtkWidget :: visited-link-color = @bright_color
GtkDialog :: action-area-border = 4 # [ 5 ] ( >= 0 ) Width of border around the button area at the bottom of the dialog.
GtkDialog :: button-spacing = 4 # [ 6 ] ( >= 0 ) Spacing between buttons.
GtkDialog :: content-area-border = 2 # [ 2 ] ( >= 0 ) Width of border around the main dialog area.
GtkDialog :: content-area-spacing = 0 # [ 0 ] ( >= 0 ) The default spacing used between elements of the content area of the dialog.
GtkButton :: default-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
GtkButton :: default-outside_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
GtkButton :: button-relief = GTK_RELIEF_NONE
GtkButton :: child-displacement-x = 1 # [ 0 ] How far in x direction to move the button when its depressed.
GtkButton :: child-displacement-y = 1 # [ 0 ] ... y
GtkButton :: default-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } # Extra space to add for CAN_DEFAULT buttons.
GtkButton :: displace-focus = 0 # [ 0 ] ( bool ) Whether the child_displacement_x/child_displacement_y properties should also affect the focus rectangle.
GtkButton :: image-spacing = 2 # [ 2 ] ( >= 0 ) Spacing in pixels between the image and label.
GtkCheckButton :: indicator-size = 13 # [ 13 ] ( >= 0 ) Size of check or radio indicator.
GtkCheckButton :: indicator-spacing = 2 # [ 2 ] ( >= 0 ) Spacing around check or radio indicator.
GtkCheckMenuItem :: indicator-size = 13 # [ 13 ] ( >= 0 ) Size of check or radio indicator.
GtkOptionMenu :: indicator-size = { 6, 10 } # Size of dropdown indicator.
GtkOptionMenu :: indicator-spacing = { 6, 5, 0, 0 } # Spacing around indicator.
GtkComboBox :: appears-as-list = 0 # [ 0 ] ( bool ) Whether dropdowns should look like lists rather than menus.
GtkComboBox :: arrow-size = 13 # [ 15 ] ( >= 0 ) Sets the minimum size of the arrow in the combo box.
GtkComboBox :: shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE # [ GTK_SHADOW_NONE ] Which kind of shadow to draw around the combo box.
GtkPaned :: handle-size = 4 # [ 5 ] ( >= 0 ) Width of handle.
GtkScale :: activate-slider = 1 # [ 0 ] ( bool ) With this option set to TRUE, sliders will be drawn ACTIVE and with shadow IN while they are dragged.
GtkScale :: slider-length = 23 # [ 31 ] ( >= 0 ) Length of scale's slider.
GtkScale :: slider-width = 14 # [ 14 ] ( >= 0 ) Width of scrollbar or scale thumb.
GtkScale :: trough-side-details = 1 # [ 0 ] ( bool ) When TRUE, the parts of the trough on the two sides of the slider are drawn with different details.
GtkScrollbar :: activate-slider = 1 # [ 0 ] ( bool ) With this option set to TRUE, sliders will be drawn ACTIVE and with shadow IN while they are dragged.
GtkScrollbar :: arrow-scaling = 0.4 # [ 0.5 ] ( 0.1 ) The arrow size proportion relative to the scroll button size.
GtkScrollbar :: fixed-slider-length = 0 # [ 0 ] ( bool ) Don't change slider size, just lock it to the minimum length.
GtkScrollbar :: min-slider-length = 50 # [ 21 ] ( >= 0 ) Minimum length of scrollbar slider.
GtkScrollbar :: slider-width = 15 # [ 14 ] ( >= 0 ) Width of scrollbar or scale thumb.
GtkScrollbar :: stepper-spacing = 0 # [ 0 ] ( >= 0 ) The spacing between the stepper buttons and thumb. Note that setting this value to anything > 0 will automatically set the trough-under-steppers style property to TRUE as well. Also, stepper-spacing won't have any effect if there are no steppers.
GtkScrollbar :: trough-border = 0 # [ 1 ] ( >= 0 ) Spacing between thumb/steppers and outer trough bevel.
GtkScrollbar :: trough-side-details = 0 # [ 0 ] ( bool ) When TRUE, the parts of the trough on the two sides of the slider are drawn with different details.
GtkScrollbar :: trough-under-steppers = 1 # [ 1 ] ( bool ) Whether to draw the trough across the full length of the range or to exclude the steppers and their spacing. Note that setting the "stepper-spacing" style property to any value > 0 will automatically enable trough-under-steppers too.
GtkScrollbar :: has-backward-stepper = 1 # [ 1 ] ( bool ) Display the standard backward arrow button.
GtkScrollbar :: has-forward-stepper = 1 # [ 1 ] ( bool ) Display the standard forward arrow button.
GtkScrollbar :: has-secondary-backward-stepper = 0 # [ 0 ] ( bool ) Display a second backward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbar.
GtkScrollbar :: has-secondary-forward-stepper = 0 # [ 0 ] ( bool ) Display a second forward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbar.
GtkHScrollbar :: has-secondary-backward-stepper = 0 # [ 0 ] ( bool ) Display a second backward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbar.
GtkHScrollbar :: has-secondary-forward-stepper = 0 # [ 0 ] ( bool ) Display a second forward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbar.
GtkVScrollbar :: has-secondary-backward-stepper = 0 # [ 0 ] ( bool ) Display a second backward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbar.
GtkVScrollbar :: has-secondary-forward-stepper = 0 # [ 0 ] ( bool ) Display a second forward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbar.
#Menu Properties
GtkMenuBar :: internal-padding = 1 # [ 1 ] ( >= 0 ) Amount of border space between the menubar shadow and the menu items.
GtkMenuBar :: shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_OUT # [ GTK_SHADOW_OUT ] Style of bevel around the menubar.
GtkMenu :: arrow-placement = GTK_ARROWS_BOTH # [ GTK_ARROWS_BOTH ] Indicates where scroll arrows should be placed.
GtkMenu :: arrow-scaling = 0.5 # [ 0.7 ] ( 0.1 ) Arbitrary constant to scale down the size of the scroll arrow.
GtkMenu :: double-arrows = 1 # [ 1 ] ( bool ) When scrolling, always show both arrows.
GtkMenu :: horizontal-offset = -2 # [ -2 ] When the menu is a submenu, position it this number of pixels offset horizontally.
GtkMenu :: horizontal-padding = 0 # [ 0 ] ( >= 0 ) Extra space at the left and right edges of the menu.
GtkMenu :: vertical-offset = 0 # [ 0 ] When the menu is a submenu, position it this number of pixels offset vertically.
GtkMenu :: vertical-padding = 0 # [ 0 ] ( >= 0 ) Extra space at the top and bottom of the menu.
GtkMenuItem :: arrow-scaling = 0.5 # [ 0.8 ] ( 0.2 ) Amount of space used up by arrow, relative to the menu item's font size.
GtkMenuItem :: arrow-spacing = 10 # [ 10 ] ( >= 0 ) Space between label and arrow.
GtkMenuItem :: horizontal-padding = 3 # [ 3 ] ( >= 0 ) Padding to left and right of the menu item.
GtkMenuItem :: selected-shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE # [ GTK_SHADOW_NONE ] Shadow type when item is selected.
#GtkMenuItem :: toggle-spacing = 4 # [ 5 ] ( >= 0 ) Space between icon and label.
GtkMenuItem :: width-chars = 12 # [ 12 ] ( >= 0 ) The minimum desired width of the menu item in characters.
#Other Properties
GtkArrow :: arrow-scaling = 0.5 # [ 0.7 ] ( 0.1 ) Amount of space used up by arrow.
GtkNotebook :: arrow-spacing = 0 # [ 0 ] ( >= 0 ) Spacing between the scroll arrows and the tabs.
GtkNotebook :: tab-curvature = 1 # [ 1 ] ( >= 0 ) Size of tab curvature.
GtkNotebook :: tab-overlap = 1 # [ 2 ] Size of tab overlap area.
GtkTreeView :: horizontal-separator = 8 # [ 2 ] ( >= 0 ) Horizontal space between cells. Must be an even number.
GtkTreeView :: vertical-separator = 2 # [ 2 ] ( >= 0 ) Vertical space between cells. Must be an even number.
GtkEntry::cursor_color = @entry_cursor
GtkEntry::state-hint = 0
bg[NORMAL] = @background
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.1, @background)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade(0.9, @background)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @background
bg[SELECTED] = @bg_selected
fg[NORMAL] = @foreground
fg[PRELIGHT] = @foreground
fg[ACTIVE] = shade(0.9, @foreground)
fg[INSENSITIVE] = shade(0.7, @background)
fg[SELECTED] = @fg_selected
# These base and text colors will be used by treeviews and some other widgets.
base[NORMAL] = @bases
base[PRELIGHT] = @bases
base[INSENSITIVE] = shade(1.0, @background)
base[ACTIVE] = shade(0.9, @bg_selected) /* base for focused, selected text */
base[SELECTED] = @bg_selected /* base for non-focused, selected text */
text[NORMAL] = @texts
text[PRELIGHT] = @texts
text[INSENSITIVE] = shade(0.7, @lightest)
text[ACTIVE] = @fg_selected /* text color for focused selected text */
text[SELECTED] = @fg_selected /* text color for non-focused selected text */
#engine specific tweaks
engine "clearlooks"
menubarstyle = 2 # 0 = flat, 1 = sunken, 2 = flat gradient
style "entry"
GtkEntry::cursor_color = @entry_cursor
GtkEntry::inner-border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
# special base + text for GtkEntry to aid with visibility during text entry
base[NORMAL] = @bases
base[PRELIGHT] = @bases
base[ACTIVE] = @bases
base[SELECTED] = @bg_selected
text[NORMAL] = @texts
text[PRELIGHT] = @texts
text[ACTIVE] = @texts
text[SELECTED] = @fg_selected
style "spin_button" = "entry"
engine "clearlooks"
# without this empty declaration, SpinButtons draw their arrows oddly
style "mixer_strip_entry" = "small_text"
xthickness = 3
ythickness = 3
bg[NORMAL] = @bases
bg[ACTIVE] = @bases
bg[SELECTED] = @bases
text[NORMAL] = @texts
text[ACTIVE] = @texts
text[SELECTED] = @texts
base[NORMAL] = @bases
base[ACTIVE] = @bases
base[SELECTED] = @bases
style "peak_display_peaked_entry" = "mixer_strip_entry"
fg[ACTIVE] = @texts
fg[SELECTED] = @texts
text[SELECTED] = @texts
base[NORMAL] = @bright_indicator
base[ACTIVE] = @bright_indicator
base[PRELIGHT] = @bright_indicator
base[INSENSITIVE] = @bright_indicator
base[SELECTED] = @bright_indicator
style "treeview_parent_node"
# specifies *just* the color used for whole file rows when not selected
fg[NORMAL] = { 0.0, 0.6, 0.85 }
style "treeview_display" = "small_bold_text"
GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0
# expander arrow border and DnD "icon" text
fg[NORMAL] = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 }
bg[NORMAL] = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 }
# background with no rows or no selection, plus
# expander arrow core and DnD "icon" background
base[NORMAL] = { 0.20, 0.20, 0.25 }
# selected row bg when window does not have focus (including during DnD)
base[ACTIVE] = { 0.0, 0.75, 0.75 }
# selected row bg when window has focus
base[SELECTED] = { 0, 0.75, 0.75 }
# row text when in normal state and not a parent
text[NORMAL] = { 0.80, 0.80, 0.80 }
# selected row text with window focus
text[SELECTED] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
# selected row text without window focus (including during DnD)
text[ACTIVE] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
style "track_header_inactive" = "larger_text"
bg[NORMAL] = @track_header_inactive
bg[ACTIVE] = @track_header_inactive
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @track_header_inactive
bg[SELECTED] = @track_header_inactive
bg[PRELIGHT] = @track_header_inactive
style "track_header_selected" = "track_header"
bg[NORMAL] = @track_header_selected
bg[ACTIVE] = @track_header_selected
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @track_header_selected
bg[SELECTED] = @track_header_selected
bg[PRELIGHT] = @track_header_selected
style "automation_track_header"
bg[NORMAL] = @automation_track_header
bg[ACTIVE] = @automation_track_header
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @automation_track_header
bg[SELECTED] = @automation_track_header
bg[PRELIGHT] = @automation_track_header
style "inspector_processor_list" = "processor_list"
base[SELECTED] = { 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 }
style "time_info_box"
bg[NORMAL] = { 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 }
style "status_bar_box"
bg[NORMAL] = { 0.149, 0.149, 0.149 }
style "very_small_text"
font_name = "@FONT_SMALLER@"
style "small_text"
font_name = "@FONT_SMALL@"
style "small_clock"
font_name = "@CLOCKFONT@ @FONT_NORMAL@"
style "small_italic_text"
font_name = "italic @FONT_SMALL@"
style "small_bold_text"
font_name = "bold @FONT_SMALL@"
style "medium_bold_text"
font_name = "bold @FONT_NORMAL@"
style "medium_text"
font_name = "@FONT_NORMAL@"
style "medium_monospace_text"
style "red_medium_text" = "medium_text"
fg[NORMAL] = @bright_indicator
fg[ACTIVE] = @bright_indicator
fg[SELECTED] = @bright_indicator
style "large_bold_text"
font_name = "bold @FONT_LARGE@"
style "big_text"
font_name = "@FONT_BIG@"
style "bigger_clock"
font_name = "@CLOCKFONT@ @FONT_BIGGER@"
style "larger_text"
font_name = "@FONT_LARGE@"
style "massive_clock"
font_name = "@CLOCKFONT@ bold @FONT_MASSIVE@"
style "big_bold_text"
font_name = "bold @FONT_LARGER@"
style "plugin_name_text" = "big_bold_text"
fg[NORMAL] = @texts
style "plugin_maker_text" = "large_bold_text"
fg[NORMAL] = @texts
style "verbose_canvas_cursor" = "big_bold_text"
style "marker_text" = "small text"
style "midi_tracer_textview" = "medium_monospace_text"
style "time_axis_view_item_name" = "very small text"
style "midi_tracer_textview" = "medium_monospace_text"
style "time_axis_view_item_name" = "very small text"
style "contrasting_popup" = "medium_monospace_text"
bg[NORMAL] = @lightest
fg[NORMAL] = @darkest
base[NORMAL] = @lightest
text[NORMAL] = @darkest
text[ACTIVE] = @darkest
text[SELECTED] = @darkest
style "base_frame"
fg[NORMAL] = @background
bg[NORMAL] = @background
style "transport_base" = "medium_bold_text"
style "default_button" = "small_text"
style "gain_fader"
bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.7, @background)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.705, @background)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.705, @background)
fg[INSENSITIVE] = shade(1.4, @background)
fg[NORMAL] = shade(1.4, @background)
fg[ACTIVE] = shade(1.4, @background)
style "default_menu" = "medium_text"
style "default_generic" = "medium_text"
style "text_cell_entry" = "medium_text"
style "very_small_button" = "default_button"
ythickness = 0
xthickness = 0
style "small_button" = "default_button"
style "very_small_red_active_and_selected_button" = "very_small_button"
fg[ACTIVE] = @darkest
bg[ACTIVE] = @bright_indicator
bg[SELECTED] = @bright_indicator
style "small_red_active_and_selected_button" = "small_button"
fg[ACTIVE] = @darkest
bg[ACTIVE] = @bright_indicator
bg[SELECTED] = @bright_indicator
style "meterbridge_label" = "small_text"
style "midi_device" = "very_small_text"
style "solo_isolate" = "very_small_text"
style "solo_safe" = "very_small_text"
style "tracknumber_label" = "medium_monospace_text"
style "solo_button" = "small_button"
style "mute_button" = "small_button"
style "processor" = "small_text"
style "ruler_label" = "small_bold_text"
fg[NORMAL] = @light_text_on_dark
style "midi_channel_selector_button"
bg[NORMAL] = @background
bg[ACTIVE] = @midi_channel_selector
fg[NORMAL] = @foreground
fg[ACTIVE] = @light_text_on_dark
style "shuttle_control" = "very_small_text"
fg[NORMAL] = @control_text2
fg[ACTIVE] = @control_text2
fg[PRELIGHT] = @control_text2
fg[SELECTED] = @control_text2
fg[INSENSITIVE] = @control_text2
bg[NORMAL] = @darkest
bg[PRELIGHT] = @darkest
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @darkest
bg[ACTIVE] = @bright_color
bg[SELECTED] = @bright_color
style "ardour_adjusters" = "default_generic"
bg[NORMAL] = @background
bg[PRELIGHT] = lighter(@background)
bg[ACTIVE] = @darkest
style "editor_hscrollbar" = "ardour_adjusters"
# special case: we want this scrollbar to be as tall as the
# zoom focus selector combobox. scrollbars don't expand to
# fill the space available to them, so we have to explicitly
# make it bigger.
GtkRange::slider_width = 27
GtkScrollbar::slider_width = 27
style "ardour_progressbars" = "default_generic"
# Clearlooks always uses darkest for the advancing bar, sigh
# so this is just a contrasting color for the trough
bg[NORMAL] = @bright_color
style "preferences" = "default"
fg[PRELIGHT] = lighter(@foreground)
style "option_entry" = "default"
style "font_scale_slider" = "default"
# scale-marks are based on style->dark/light,
# which cannot be specified directly in the gtkrc.
# this is a quick hack to increase visibility of the marks
bg[NORMAL] = shade(1.4, @background)
style "very_small_bright_when_active" = "very_small_text"
fg[NORMAL] = @foreground
bg[NORMAL] = @background
bg[PRELIGHT] = @background
fg[ACTIVE] = @foreground
bg[ACTIVE] = @bright_indicator
bg[PRELIGHT] = @bright_indicator
style "bright_when_active" = "medium_text"
fg[NORMAL] = @foreground
bg[NORMAL] = @background
bg[PRELIGHT] = @background
fg[ACTIVE] = @foreground
bg[ACTIVE] = @bright_indicator
bg[PRELIGHT] = @bright_indicator
style "xrun_warn" = "larger_bold_text"
fg[NORMAL] = @foreground
fg[ACTIVE] = @foreground
text[NORMAL] = @foreground
text[ACTIVE] = @foreground
base[NORMAL] = @bases
base[ACTIVE] = @bases
bg[NORMAL] = @bright_indicator
bg[ACTIVE] = @contrasting_indicator
style "fatal_message" = "medium_text"
fg[ACTIVE] = @bright_indicator
fg[NORMAL] = @bright_indicator
bg[ACTIVE] = @bases
bg[NORMAL] = @bases
base[NORMAL] = @bases
style "error_message" = "medium_text"
fg[ACTIVE] = @bright_indicator
fg[NORMAL] = @bright_indicator
bg[ACTIVE] = @bases
bg[NORMAL] = @bases
base[NORMAL] = @bases
style "info_message" = "medium_text"
fg[ACTIVE] = @contrasting_indicator
fg[NORMAL] = @contrasting_indicator
bg[ACTIVE] = @bases
bg[NORMAL] = @bases
base[NORMAL] = @bases
style "warning_message" = "medium_text"
fg[ACTIVE] = @bright_color
fg[NORMAL] = @bright_color
bg[ACTIVE] = @bases
bg[NORMAL] = @bases
base[NORMAL] = @bases
style "medium_entry" = "medium_text"
fg[NORMAL] = @texts
fg[ACTIVE] = @contrasting_indicator
fg[SELECTED] = @fg_selected
text[NORMAL] = @texts
text[ACTIVE] = @texts
text[SELECTED] = @fg_selected
bg[NORMAL] = @bases
bg[SELECTED] = @bases
bg[SELECTED] = @bg_selected
base[NORMAL] = @bases
base[ACTIVE] = @bases
base[SELECTED] = @bg_selected
style "medium_entry_noselection_fg" = "medium_entry"
# this seems wrong to me, but the light theme uses it
fg[SELECTED] = @contrasting_indicator
style "medium_entry_noselection_bg" = "medium_entry"
# this seems wrong to me, but the light theme uses it
bg[SELECTED] = @texts
style "medium_bold_entry" = "medium_bold_text"
fg[NORMAL] = @texts
fg[ACTIVE] = @contrasting_indicator
fg[SELECTED] = @fg_selected
text[NORMAL] = @texts
text[ACTIVE] = @texts
text[SELECTED] = @fg_selected
bg[NORMAL] = @bases
bg[SELECTED] = @bases
base[NORMAL] = @bases
base[ACTIVE] = @bases
base[SELECTED] = @bg_selected
style "small_spinner" = "small_text"
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
fg[NORMAL] = @texts
fg[ACTIVE] = @contrasting_indicator
fg[SELECTED] = @fg_selected
text[NORMAL] = @texts
text[ACTIVE] = @texts
text[SELECTED] = @fg_selected
base[NORMAL] = @bases
base[ACTIVE] = @bases
base[SELECTED] = @background
style "small_red_on_black_entry" = "small_bold_text"
fg[NORMAL] = @bright_indicator
fg[ACTIVE] = @bright_indicator
base[NORMAL] = @bases
base[ACTIVE] = @bases
bg[NORMAL] = @bases
bg[ACTIVE] = @bases
style "audio_bus_base" = "very_small_text"
fg[NORMAL] = @foreground
bg[NORMAL] = @audio_bus
bg[ACTIVE] = @background
style "send_strip_base" = "default"
font_name = " 8"
# NORMAL is used for single-data type labels, or Audio
# ACTIVE is used for MIDI in the presence of multiple data type
fg[NORMAL] = @send_fg
fg[ACTIVE] = darker(@foreground)
bg[NORMAL] = @send_bg
bg[ACTIVE] = @send_bg
bg[PRELIGHT] = @send_bg
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @send_bg
bg[SELECTED] = @send_bg
style "audio_track_base" = "default"
font_name = " 8"
# NORMAL is used for single-data type labels, or Audio
# ACTIVE is used for MIDI in the presence of multiple data type
fg[NORMAL] = @foreground
fg[ACTIVE] = darker(@foreground)
bg[NORMAL] = @audio_track
bg[ACTIVE] = @background
bg[PRELIGHT] = @background
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @background
bg[SELECTED] = @background
style "control_master_base" = "default"
font_name = " 8"
# NORMAL is used for single-data type labels, or Audio
# ACTIVE is used for MIDI in the presence of multiple data type
fg[NORMAL] = @foreground
fg[ACTIVE] = darker(@foreground)
bg[NORMAL] = @control_master
bg[ACTIVE] = @background
bg[PRELIGHT] = @background
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @background
bg[SELECTED] = @background
style "midi_track_base" = "default"
font_name = " 8"
# NORMAL is used for single-data type labels, or Audio
# ACTIVE is used for MIDI in the presence of multiple data type
fg[NORMAL] = @foreground
fg[ACTIVE] = darker(@foreground)
bg[NORMAL] = @midi_track
bg[ACTIVE] = @background
bg[PRELIGHT] = @background
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @background
bg[SELECTED] = @background
style "audio_track_fader" = "gain_fader"
bg[PRELIGHT] = @audio_track
style "audio_bus_fader" = "gain_fader"
bg[PRELIGHT] = @audio_bus
style "midi_track_fader" = "gain_fader"
bg[PRELIGHT] = @midi_track
style "audio_track_metrics" = "audio_track_base"
font_name = ""
style "midi_track_metrics" = "midi_track_base"
font_name = ""
style "audiomidi_track_metrics" = "midi_track_base"
font_name = ""
style "audio_bus_metrics" = "audio_bus_base"
font_name = ""
style "audio_track_metrics_inactive" = "track_controls_inactive"
font_name = ""
style "midi_track_metrics_inactive" = "track_controls_inactive"
font_name = ""
style "audiomidi_track_metrics_inactive" = "track_controls_inactive"
font_name = ""
style "audio_bus_metrics_inactive" = "track_controls_inactive"
font_name = ""
style "track_name_editor" = "medium_text"
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
style "track_separator"
bg[NORMAL] = lighter(@background)
# Plugin Editors
style "plugin_slider"
#font_name ="bold 14"
# the slider itself. the inactive part is INSENSITIVE,
# the active part is taken from some other state.
fg[NORMAL] = @bright_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @bright_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = @lightest # matches default
fg[SELECTED] = @bright_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @bright_color
# draws the outer rectangle around the slider
bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.6, @lightest)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.6, @lightest)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.6, @lightest)
bg[SELECTED] = shade (0.6, @lightest)
# outer round-corner-background (pixslider does its own hover prelight)
bg[PRELIGHT] = @background
# the numeric display
text[NORMAL] = @texts
text[ACTIVE] = @texts
text[INSENSITIVE] = @texts
text[SELECTED] = @texts
text[PRELIGHT] = @texts
style "processor_control_button" = "very_small_text"
style "processor_control_slider" = "plugin_slider"
bg[PRELIGHT] = @background
bg[NORMAL] = @darkest
style "track_list_display" = "small_bold_text"
text[NORMAL] = @texts
text[ACTIVE] = darker(@texts)
text[INSENSITIVE] = @bases
text[SELECTED] = @fg_selected
base[NORMAL] = @bases
base[ACTIVE] = lighter(@bases)
base[INSENSITIVE] = darker(@bases)
base[SELECTED] = @bg_selected
style "inspector_track_list_display" = "track_list_display"
style "processor_list" = "very_small_text"
bg[NORMAL] = @darkest
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (1.8, @fg_selected)
fg[ACTIVE] = @darkest
# MixerPanZone:
# the NORMAL fg color is used for the pan puck
# the ACTIVE fg color is used for the speaker boxes
style "pan_zone" = "default"
fg[NORMAL] = @contrasting_indicator
fg[ACTIVE] = darker(@bright_color)
style "paler_bright_when_active" = "medium_text"
fg[NORMAL] = @foreground
fg[PRELIGHT] = @foreground
bg[NORMAL] = @background
bg[PRELIGHT] = @background
fg[ACTIVE] = @foreground
bg[ACTIVE] = lighter(@bright_indicator)
style "selected_strip_frame"
fg[NORMAL] = @bright_indicator
bg[NORMAL] = darker(@bright_indicator)
style "flashing_alert" = "very_small_text"
GtkButton::child-displacement-x = 0
GtkButton::child-displacement-y = 0
fg[NORMAL] = darker(@foreground)
fg[PRELIGHT] = darker(@foreground)
bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.1,@bright_indicator,darker(@background))
bg[PRELIGHT] = mix(0.1,@bright_indicator,darker(@background))
fg[ACTIVE] = @foreground
bg[ACTIVE] = @bright_indicator
style "sync_alert"
# this is used when the sync button is indicating that sync is
# active, and alternates with another style if sync is active
# but we are not locked
bg[ACTIVE] = @somewhat_bright_indicator
bg[PRELIGHT] = @somewhat_bright_indicator
bg[SELECTED] = @somewhat_bright_indicator
bg[NORMAL] = @somewhat_bright_indicator
fg[NORMAL] = @darkest
fg[PRELIGHT] = @darkest
fg[SELECTED] = @darkest
fg[ACTIVE] = @darkest
style "tearoff_arrow" = "medium_bold_entry"
fg[NORMAL] = darker(@foreground)
fg[PRELIGHT] = darker(@foreground)
bg[NORMAL] = darker(@foreground)
bg[PRELIGHT] = darker(@foreground)
style "location_row_button" = "default_button"
font_name = " 10"
style "ardour_button" ="default_button"
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 1
style "tooltip" = "medium_text"
fg[NORMAL] = @fg_tooltip
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_tooltip
style "default_toggle_button"
bg[NORMAL] = @background
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.1, @background)
bg[ACTIVE] = @contrasting_indicator
style "default_toggle_button_active" = "default_toggle_button"
bg[NORMAL] = @contrasting_indicator
bg[ACTIVE] = @contrasting_indicator
bg[SELECTED] = @contrasting_indicator
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.2, @contrasting_indicator)
#style "meter_strip_dpm" = "default"
style "black_separator" = "default"
bg[NORMAL] = @darkest
style "settings_notebook" = "big_text"
style "pane"
fg[NORMAL] = lighter(@background)
fg[SELECTED] = @foreground
fg[ACTIVE] = @somewhat_bright_indicator
style "vca_label_bar" = "medium_bold_text"
bg[NORMAL] = @darkest
fg[NORMAL] = @lightest
class "GtkWidget" style:highest "default"
class "GtkSpinButton" style:highest "spin_button"
class "GtkEntry" style "entry" # not :highest to allow instances to override this
class "GtkScrollbar" style:highest "ardour_adjusters"
class "GtkLabel" style:highest "default_generic"
class "GtkButton" style:highest "ardour_button"
class "GtkCheckButton" style:highest "ardour_button"
class "GtkArrow" style:highest "tearoff_arrow"
class "GtkProgressBar" style:highest "ardour_progressbars"
widget "*VerboseCanvasCursor" style:highest "verbose_canvas_cursor"
widget "*MarkerText" style:highest "marker_text"
widget "*ArdourContextMenu*" style:highest "default_menu"
widget "*mixer strip button" style:highest "very_small_button"
widget "*AddRouteDialogSpinner" style:highest "ardour_adjusters"
widget "*OptionsNotebook" style:highest "preferences"
widget "*OptionsLabel" style:highest "preferences"
widget "*OptionsEntry" style:highest "option_entry"
widget "*FontScaleSlider" style:highest "font_scale_slider"
widget "*InspectorNotebook" style:highest "preferences"
widget "*EditorRulerLabel*" style:highest "ruler_label"
widget "*MixerAutomationModeButton*" style:highest "very_small_button"
widget "*MixerAutomationModeButton.*" style:highest "very_small_button"
widget "*MixerAutomationPlaybackButton*" style:highest "very_small_button"
widget "*MixerAutomationPlaybackButton.*" style:highest "very_small_button"
widget "*ShuttleControl" style:highest "shuttle_control"
widget "*ErrorMessage" style:highest "error_message"
widget "*FatalMessage" style:highest "fatal_message"
widget "*InfoMessage" style:highest "info_message"
widget "*WarningMessage" style:highest "warning_message"
widget "*big clock" style:highest "massive_clock"
widget "*selection clock" style:highest "small_clock"
widget "*punch clock" style:highest "small_clock"
widget "*transport clock" style:highest "bigger_clock"
widget "*secondary clock" style:highest "bigger_clock"
widget "*transport delta clock" style:highest "bigger_clock"
widget "*secondary delta clock" style:highest "bigger_clock"
widget "*stretch clock" style:highest "bigger_clock"
widget "*silence duration clock" style:highest "medium_text"
widget "*edit point clock" style:highest "medium_text"
widget "*nudge clock" style:highest "small_clock"
widget "*menubar clock" style:highest "medium_text"
widget "*zoomrange clock" style:highest "medium_text"
widget "*timecodeoffset clock" style:highest "medium_text"
widget "*BaseFrame" style:highest "base_frame"
widget "*SendStripBase" style:highest "send_strip_base"
widget "*AudioTrackStripBase" style:highest "audio_track_base"
widget "*AudioBusStripBase" style:highest "audio_bus_base"
widget "*MidiTrackStripBase" style:highest "midi_track_base"
widget "*AudioTrackStripBaseInactive" style:highest "track_header_inactive"
widget "*AudioBusStripBaseInactive" style:highest "track_header_inactive"
widget "*MidiTrackStripBaseInactive" style:highest "track_header_inactive"
widget "*AudioTrackMetrics" style:highest "audio_track_metrics"
widget "*MidiTrackMetrics" style:highest "midi_track_metrics"
widget "*AudioBusMetrics" style:highest "audio_bus_metrics"
widget "*AudioMidiTrackMetrics" style:highest "midi_track_metrics"
widget "*AudioTrackMetricsLeft" style:highest "audio_track_metrics"
widget "*MidiTrackMetricsLeft" style:highest "midi_track_metrics"
widget "*AudioBusMetricsLeft" style:highest "audio_bus_metrics"
widget "*AudioMidiTrackMetricsLeft" style:highest "midi_track_metrics"
widget "*AudioTrackMetricsRight" style:highest "audio_track_metrics"
widget "*MidiTrackMetricsRight" style:highest "midi_track_metrics"
widget "*AudioBusMetricsRight" style:highest "audio_bus_metrics"
widget "*AudioMidiTrackMetricsRight" style:highest "midi_track_metrics"
widget "*AudioTrackMetricsInactive" style:highest "audio_track_metrics_inactive"
widget "*MidiTrackMetricsInactive" style:highest "midi_track_metrics_inactive"
widget "*AudioBusMetricsInactive" style:highest "audio_bus_metrics_inactive"
widget "*AudioMidiTrackMetricsInactive" style:highest "midi_track_metrics_inactive"
widget "*TimeAxisViewControlsBaseUnselected" style:highest "audio_track_base"
widget "*AudioTrackControlsBaseUnselected" style:highest "audio_track_base"
widget "*MidiTrackControlsBaseUnselected" style:highest "midi_track_base"
widget "*ControlMasterBaseUnselected" style:highest "control_master_base"
widget "*SendUIFader" style:highest "plugin_slider"
widget "*ReturnUIFader" style:highest "plugin_slider"
widget "*AudioTrackFader" style:highest "audio_track_fader"
widget "*MidiTrackFader" style:highest "midi_track_fader"
widget "*AudioBusFader" style:highest "audio_bus_fader"
widget "*BusControlsBaseUnselected" style:highest "audio_bus_base"
widget "*TrackSeparator" style:highest "track_separator"
widget "*TrackNameEditor*" style:highest "track_name_editor"
widget "*CrossfadeEditAuditionButton*" style:highest "bright_when_active"
widget "*CrossfadeEditCurveButton*" style:highest "bright_when_active"
widget "*CrossfadeEditFrame" style:highest "base_frame"
widget "*AudioTrackControlsBaseInactiveUnselected" style:highest "track_header_inactive"
widget "*BusControlsBaseInactiveUnselected" style:highest "track_header_inactive"
widget "*AudioTrackControlsBaseInactiveSelected" style:highest "track_header_inactive"
widget "*BusControlsBaseInactiveSelected" style:highest "track_header_inactive"
widget "*AudioTrackControlsBaseSelected" style:highest "track_header_selected"
widget "*MidiTrackControlsBaseSelected" style:highest "track_header_selected"
widget "*BusControlsBaseSelected" style:highest "track_header_selected"
widget "*AutomationTrackControlsBase" style:highest "automation_track_header"
widget "*AutomationTrackControlsBaseSelected" style:highest "track_header_selected"
widget "*PluginParameterLabel" style:highest "medium_text"
widget "*ParameterValueDisplay" style:highest "medium_bold_entry"
widget "*PluginUIClickBox*" style:highest "medium_bold_entry"
widget "*ProcessorControlSlider" style:highest "processor_control_slider"
widget "*processor control button" style:highest "processor_control_button"
widget "*PluginSlider" style:highest "plugin_slider"
widget "*GainFader" style:highest "plugin_slider"
widget "*MixerTrackCommentArea" style:highest "option_entry"
widget "*MixerPanZone" style:highest "pan_zone"
widget "*RegionEditorLabel" style:highest "medium_text"
widget "*RegionEditorEntry" style:highest "medium_entry"
widget "*MixerStripGainDisplay" style:highest "mixer_strip_entry"
widget "*MixerStripPeakDisplay" style:highest "mixer_strip_entry"
widget "*MixerStripPeakDisplayPeak" style:highest "peak_display_peaked_entry"
widget "*MixerStripSelectedFrame" style:highest "selected_strip_frame"
widget "*MixerStripFrame" style:highest "base_frame"
widget "*FadeCurve*" style:highest "medium_bold_entry"
widget "*RouteParamsListDisplay" style:highest "inspector_track_list_display"
widget "*TearOffArrow" style:highest "tearoff_arrow"
widget "*RouteParamsTitleLabel" style:highest "medium_text"
widget "*plugin automation state button*" style:highest "small_button"
widget "*PluginSaveButton*" style:highest "small_button"
widget "*PluginEditorButton*" style:highest "default_toggle_button"
widget "*PluginEditorButton-active" style:highest "default_toggle_button_active"
widget "*PluginAnalysisInfoLabel" style:highest "medium_monospace_text"
widget "*BarControlSpinner*" style:highest "small_spinner"
widget "*BlackSeparator" style:highest "black_separator"
widget "*MetricLabel" style:highest "medium_text"
widget "*ChoiceWindow" style:highest "default_generic"
widget "*TrackParameterName" style:highest "small_italic_text"
widget "*AddRouteDialog*" style:highest "medium_text"
widget "*AddRouteDialogSpinner*" style:highest "medium_bold_entry"
widget "*AddRouteDialogNameTemplateEntry" style:highest "medium_bold_entry"
widget "*NewSessionSR1Label" style:highest "red_medium_text"
widget "*NewSessionSR2Label" style:highest "medium_text"
widget "*location edit row clock" style:highest "medium_text"
widget "*ArdourLuaEntry" style:highest "medium_monospace_text"
widget "*LocationEditNameLabel" style:highest "medium_text"
widget "*LocationEditCdButton*" style:highest "small_red_active_and_selected_button"
widget "*LocationEditHideButton*" style:highest "small_red_active_and_selected_button"
widget "*LocationEditLockButton*" style:highest "small_red_active_and_selected_button"
widget "*LocationEditGlueButton*" style:highest "small_red_active_and_selected_button"
widget "*LocationEditNumberLabel" style:highest "small_text"
widget "*LocationEditNameEntry" style:highest "option_entry"
widget "*LocationAddLocationButton*" style:highest "default_button"
widget "*LocationAddRangeButton*" style:highest "default_button"
widget "*LocationEditRemoveButton*" style:highest "location_row_button"
widget "*ChannelCountSelector" style:highest "medium_bold_entry"
widget "*RegionListWholeFile" style:highest "treeview_parent_node"
widget "*ProcessorList*" style:highest "processor_list"
widget "*PortMatrixLabel*" style:highest "small_text"
widget "*midi device" style:highest "midi_device"
widget "*MidiTracerTextView" style:highest "midi_tracer_textview"
widget "*meterbridge label" style:highest "meterbridge_label"
widget "*ContrastingPopup*" style:highest "contrasting_popup"
widget "*MidiChannelSelectorButton" style:highest "midi_channel_selector_button"
widget "*TimeInfoSelectionTitle" style:highest "small_text"
widget "*TimeInfoSelectionLabel" style:highest "small_text"
widget "*TimeInfoBox" style:highest "time_info_box"
widget "*tracknumber label" style:highest "tracknumber_label"
widget "*StatusBarBox" style:highest "status_bar_box"
widget "*RouteNameEditorEntry" style:highest "text_cell_entry"
widget "*RegionNameEditorEntry" style:highest "text_cell_entry"
widget "*MeasureLatencyButton" style:highest "default_toggle_button"
widget "*processor prefader" style:highest "processor"
widget "*processor fader" style:highest "processor"
widget "*processor postfader" style:highest "processor"
widget "*MonitorSectionLabel" style:highest "small_text"
widget "*ooltip*" style:highest "tooltip"
widget "*Pane" style:highest "pane"
widget "*Pane.Divider" style:highest "pane"
widget "*VCALabelBar*" style:highest "vca_label_bar"