Paul Davis 000609901b add correct copyright statements to all files in Waves backend except those derived from portaudio/portmidi
This follows the letter sent from Waves Audio Ltd. to Paul Davis dated February 20th 2014 agreeing to release this code
under the GNU Public License, version 2, with copyright owned by Waves Audio Ltd
2014-10-07 16:17:34 -04:00

905 lines
22 KiB

Copyright (C) 2014 Waves Audio Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef __WCFixedString_h__
#define __WCFixedString_h__
/* Copy to include.
#include "WCFixedString.h"
// do not #include anything else here but standard C++ library files, this file should be free from any and all depandencies
// do not put any DEBUG_s or TRACE_s in this file, since it is used in BgkConsole functions
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <strings.h>
#include "BasicTypes/WUDefines.h"
#include "BasicTypes/WTByteOrder.h"
#include "WavesPublicAPI/wstdint.h"
#include "MiscUtils/MinMaxUtilities.h"
// use this macro instead of std :: string to mark the that use of std :: string could not be replaced
// by WFixedString.
#define std_string_approved std::string
#ifdef __POSIX__
const char* const kStrNewLine = "\n";
const char* const kStrNewLine = "\r\n";
class DllExport WCFixedStringBase
typedef size_t pos_t;
typedef intptr_t spos_t; // signed position, defined to intptr_t because Windows does not have ssize_t
static const pos_t npos = UINTPTR_MAX; // Same as size_max
WCFixedStringBase(char* const in_begin, const size_t in_MaxFixedStringLength) :
*m_end = '\0';
inline WCFixedStringBase& operator=(const WCFixedStringBase& in_fixedStrToAssign)
if (this != &in_fixedStrToAssign)
return *this;
inline WCFixedStringBase& operator=(const char* in_CStrToAssign)
return *this;
inline WCFixedStringBase& operator=(const char in_charToAssign)
return *this;
char operator[](const pos_t in_index) const
if (in_index < m_MaxFixedStringLength)
return m_begin[in_index];
return m_begin[m_MaxFixedStringLength]; // in_index was too big
char& operator[](const pos_t in_index)
if (in_index < m_MaxFixedStringLength)
return m_begin[in_index];
return m_begin[m_MaxFixedStringLength]; // in_index was too big
inline size_t resize(const size_t in_newSize)
m_end = m_begin + WUMin<size_t>(in_newSize, m_MaxFixedStringLength);
*m_end = '\0';
return size();
size_t max_size()
return m_MaxFixedStringLength;
size_t capacity()
return m_MaxFixedStringLength;
inline char * peek()
return m_begin;
inline const char * c_str() const
*m_end = '\0';
return m_begin;
inline void clear()
m_end = m_begin;
*m_end = '\0';
inline size_t size() const
return m_end - m_begin;
inline char* begin() const
return m_begin;
inline char* end() const
return m_end;
inline size_t length() const
return size();
inline bool empty() const
return m_begin == m_end;
inline void reverse(char* in_left, char* in_right)
char* left = in_left;
char* right = in_right;
while (left < right)
char temp = *--right;
*right = *left;
*left++ = temp;
inline void reverse()
reverse(m_begin, m_end);
inline void to_lower()
char* pToDo = m_begin;
while (pToDo < m_end)
*pToDo = static_cast<char>(std::tolower(*pToDo));
inline void to_upper()
char* pToDo = m_begin;
while (pToDo < m_end)
*pToDo = static_cast<char>(std::toupper(*pToDo));
// append a single char in_count times
inline void append(const char in_charToAppend, const size_t in_count)
size_t counter = 0;
while ((m_end < m_begin+m_MaxFixedStringLength) && counter++ < in_count)
*m_end++ = in_charToAppend;
#if kEnableDebug == 1
if (counter < in_count) // if there wasn't enough room for some appended chars
m_begin[0] = '@'; // mark the string as overflowed
*m_end = '\0';
inline void append(const char* in_chars)
// append "iterator style"
inline void append(const char* in_chars_begin, const char* in_chars_end)
const char* curr_char = in_chars_begin;
while ((m_end < m_begin+m_MaxFixedStringLength) && curr_char < in_chars_end && *curr_char != '\0')
*m_end++ = *curr_char++;
#if kEnableDebug == 1
if (curr_char < in_chars_end) // if there wasn't enough room for some appended chars
m_begin[0] = '@'; // mark the string as overflowed
*m_end = '\0';
// append from a char* in_count chars, (no \0 is required to terminate the input string)
inline void append(const char* in_chars_begin, const size_t in_count)
append(in_chars_begin, in_chars_begin + in_count);
// assign from a char* in_count chars, (no \0 is required to terminate the input string)
inline void assign(const char* in_chars_begin, const size_t in_count)
append(in_chars_begin, in_chars_begin + in_count);
// assign from a char* , (a \0 is required to terminate the input string)
inline void assign(const char* in_chars_ptr)
// assign from a char* to a char*
inline void assign(const char* in_begin, const char* in_end)
assign(in_begin, size_t(in_end - in_begin));
inline void append_double_with_precision(const double in_double, const int in_precision)
const unsigned int tempBufSize = 32;
char buf[tempBufSize];
_snprintf_s(buf, tempBufSize, tempBufSize - 1, "%.*f", in_precision, in_double);
#ifdef __APPLE__
std::snprintf(buf, tempBufSize, "%.*f", in_precision, in_double);
#ifdef __linux__
snprintf(buf, tempBufSize, "%.*f", in_precision, in_double);
inline void append_uint(const uint64_t in_uint, const int_fast16_t in_base = 10)
uint_fast64_t num = in_uint;
char* lasr_char_before = m_end;
do {
char remainder(static_cast<char>(num % in_base));
if ( remainder < 10 )
operator<<(char(remainder + '0'));
operator<<(char(remainder - 10 + 'A'));
num /= in_base;
} while (num != 0);
reverse(lasr_char_before, m_end);
inline void append_hex_binary(const uint8_t* in_binary, const size_t in_size)
static const char hexdigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
for (size_t ibyte = 0; ibyte < in_size; ++ibyte)
for (size_t ibyte = in_size; ibyte > 0; --ibyte)
operator<<(hexdigits[in_binary[ibyte - 1] >> 4]);
operator<<(hexdigits[in_binary[ibyte - 1] & 0x0F]);
inline WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const char in_charToAppend)
if (m_end < m_begin+m_MaxFixedStringLength)
*m_end++ = in_charToAppend;
#if kEnableDebug == 1
else // if there wasn't enough room for the appended char
m_begin[0] = '@'; // mark the string as overflowed
*m_end = '\0';
return *this;
inline WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const char* const in_strToAppend)
if (0 != in_strToAppend)
const char* pSource = in_strToAppend;
while (*pSource != '\0' && m_end < m_begin+m_MaxFixedStringLength)
*m_end++ = *pSource++;
#if kEnableDebug == 1
if (*pSource != '\0') // if there wasn't enough room for some appended chars
m_begin[0] = '@'; // mark the string as overflowed
*m_end = '\0';
return *this;
WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const uint64_t in_uint)
append_uint(in_uint, 10);
return *this;
// Warning prevention: the operator<< function overload for unsigneds used to create lots
// of warnings once size_t usage was becoming widespread. So for each OS we define only
// those overloads that are actually needed. On Windows 32 bit we still get
// 'warning C4267: 'argument' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'const unsigned int', possible loss of data'
// warning which we do not know how to solve yet. The function DummyFunctionsForWarningTest
// in file WCFixedStringStream.cpp calls all combinations of operator<<(unsigned something)
// And should produce no warnings - (except the C4267 on windows).
#if defined(__APPLE__) // both 32 & 64 bit
WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const size_t in_uint) {
return operator<<(static_cast<unsigned long long>(in_uint));
// WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const unsigned char in_uint) {
// return operator<<(static_cast<const unsigned long long>(in_uint));
// }
// WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const size_t in_uint) {
// return operator<<(static_cast<const uint64_t>(in_uint));
// }
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS) || defined(__linux__) // both 32 & 64 bit
WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const unsigned int in_uint) {
return operator<<(static_cast<uint64_t>(in_uint));
#if defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS) || defined(__linux__) // both 32 & 64 bit
WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const unsigned long in_uint) {
return operator<<(static_cast<uint64_t>(in_uint));
WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const long long in_int)
if (in_int < 0)
// uintmax_t unsigned_in_num = _abs64(in_int);
uintmax_t unsigned_in_num = in_int < 0 ? static_cast<uintmax_t>(-in_int) : static_cast<uintmax_t>(in_int);
uintmax_t unsigned_in_num = std::abs(in_int);
append_uint(unsigned_in_num, 10);
return *this;
WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const short in_int) {
return operator<<(static_cast<int64_t>(in_int));
WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const int in_int) {
return operator<<(static_cast<int64_t>(in_int));
WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const long in_int) {
return operator<<(static_cast<int64_t>(in_int));
WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const double in_doubleToWrite)
append_double_with_precision(in_doubleToWrite, 10);
return *this;
WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const float in_floatToWrite)
append_double_with_precision(double(in_floatToWrite), 5);
return *this;
inline WCFixedStringBase& operator<<(const WCFixedStringBase& in_fixedStrToAppend)
return *this;
WCFixedStringBase& operator<< (bool abool)
return abool ? operator<<("true") : operator<<("false");
template<typename T> WCFixedStringBase& operator+=(T in_type)
return operator<<(in_type);
ptrdiff_t compare(const char* in_to_compare) const
ptrdiff_t retVal = 1;
if (0 != in_to_compare)
retVal = strcmp(c_str(), in_to_compare);
return retVal;
ptrdiff_t compare(const WCFixedStringBase& in_to_compare) const
ptrdiff_t retVal = compare(in_to_compare.c_str());
return retVal;
ptrdiff_t case_insensitive_compare(const char* in_to_compare) const
ptrdiff_t retVal = 1;
if (0 != in_to_compare)
retVal = _stricmp(c_str(), in_to_compare);
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__)
retVal = strcasecmp(c_str(), in_to_compare);
return retVal;
ptrdiff_t case_insensitive_compare(const WCFixedStringBase& in_to_compare) const
ptrdiff_t retVal = case_insensitive_compare(in_to_compare.c_str());
return retVal;
pos_t find(const char in_char_to_find) const
const char* pCurrChar = m_begin;
while (pCurrChar < m_end && *pCurrChar != in_char_to_find)
return (pCurrChar < m_end) ? (pCurrChar - m_begin) : npos;
pos_t rfind(const char in_char_to_find) const
pos_t retVal = npos;
const char* pCurrChar = m_end;
while (pCurrChar != m_begin)
if (*pCurrChar == in_char_to_find)
retVal = pCurrChar - m_begin;
return retVal;
pos_t find(const char* in_chars_to_find, const pos_t in_start_from = 0) const
pos_t retVal = npos;
size_t to_find_size = ::strlen(in_chars_to_find);
if (to_find_size > 0 && to_find_size <= size() && in_start_from < size())
const char* pCurrChar = m_begin + in_start_from;
while ((m_end - pCurrChar) >= (ptrdiff_t)to_find_size)
int found = ::memcmp(pCurrChar, in_chars_to_find, to_find_size);
if (0 == found)
retVal = (pCurrChar - m_begin);
return retVal;
pos_t rfind(const char* in_chars_to_find) const
pos_t retVal = npos;
size_t to_find_size = ::strlen(in_chars_to_find);
if (to_find_size > 0 && to_find_size <= size())
const char* pCurrChar = m_end - to_find_size;
while (m_begin <= pCurrChar)
int found = ::memcmp(pCurrChar, in_chars_to_find, to_find_size);
if (0 == found)
retVal = (pCurrChar - m_begin);
return retVal;
pos_t find_case_insensitive(const char* in_chars_to_find, const pos_t in_start_from = 0) const
pos_t retVal = npos;
size_t to_find_size = ::strlen(in_chars_to_find);
if (to_find_size > 0 && to_find_size <= size() && in_start_from < size())
const char* pCurrChar = m_begin + in_start_from;
while ((m_end - pCurrChar) >= (ptrdiff_t)to_find_size)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < to_find_size; ++i)
if (tolower(*(pCurrChar+i)) != tolower(in_chars_to_find[i]))
if (i == to_find_size)
retVal = (pCurrChar - m_begin);
return retVal;
pos_t find_first_of(const char* in_possibe_chars_to_find, const pos_t in_start_from = 0) const
pos_t retVal = npos;
if (in_start_from < size())
const char* pFoundChar = strpbrk(m_begin + in_start_from, in_possibe_chars_to_find);
if (0 != pFoundChar)
retVal = (pFoundChar - m_begin);
return retVal;
pos_t find_last_of(const char* in_possibe_chars_to_find, const pos_t in_start_from = 0) const
pos_t retVal = npos;
pos_t curr_location = in_start_from;
while (size() > curr_location)
pos_t found = find_first_of(in_possibe_chars_to_find, curr_location);
if (npos != found)
retVal = found;
curr_location = found + 1;
return retVal;
pos_t find_first_not_of(const char* in_acceptable_chars, const pos_t in_start_from = 0) const
pos_t retVal = npos;
if (in_start_from < size())
retVal = (strspn(m_begin + in_start_from, in_acceptable_chars));
if (size() <= retVal + in_start_from)
retVal = npos;
retVal += in_start_from;
return retVal;
pos_t find_last_not_of(const char* in_acceptable_chars, const pos_t in_start_from = 0) const
pos_t retVal = npos;
pos_t curr_location = in_start_from;
while (size() > curr_location)
pos_t found = find_first_not_of(in_acceptable_chars, curr_location);
if (npos != found)
retVal = found;
curr_location = found + 1;
return retVal;
// return true if in_begin_text is found at position 0 OR if in_begin_text is empty
bool begins_with(const char* in_begin_text) const
pos_t where = find(in_begin_text, 0);
bool retVal = (0 == where) || (0 == ::strlen(in_begin_text));
return retVal;
// return true if in_end_text is found at th end OR if in_end_text is empty
bool ends_with(const char* in_end_text) const
pos_t where = rfind(in_end_text);
bool retVal = ((size() - strlen(in_end_text)) == where) || (0 == ::strlen(in_end_text));
return retVal;
size_t replace(const char in_look_for, const char in_replace_with)
size_t retVal = 0;
char* pCurrChar = m_begin;
while (pCurrChar < m_end)
if (*pCurrChar == in_look_for)
*pCurrChar = in_replace_with;
return retVal;
// erase in_size chars starting from in_location
void erase(const pos_t in_location, const size_t in_num_chars = 1)
if (size() > in_location && in_num_chars > 0)
size_t actual_num_chars = WUMin(in_num_chars, size_t(size() - in_location));
char* pTo = m_begin + in_location;
char* pFrom = pTo + actual_num_chars;
while (pFrom < m_end)
*pTo++ = *pFrom++;
resize(size() - actual_num_chars);
// erase any char that appear in in_forbidden_chars
void erase_all_of(const char* in_forbidden_chars)
pos_t curr_location = 0;
while (npos != curr_location)
curr_location = find_first_of(in_forbidden_chars, curr_location);
if (npos != curr_location)
// erase any char that do not appear in in_allowed_chars
void erase_all_not_of(const char* in_allowed_chars)
pos_t curr_location = 0;
while (npos != curr_location)
curr_location = find_first_not_of(in_allowed_chars, curr_location);
if (npos != curr_location)
//! Copy the content of fixed string to a buffer appending a '\0' at the end.
//! If in_buffer_size is more than the allocated buffer size memory over write will happen!
void copy_to_buffer(const size_t in_buffer_size, char* out_buffer)
if (in_buffer_size > 0 && 0 != out_buffer)
char* cur_buffer = out_buffer;
const char* cur_fixed = m_begin;
const char* end_buffer = out_buffer + (WUMin<size_t>(in_buffer_size - 1, m_end - m_begin));
while (cur_buffer < end_buffer)
*cur_buffer++ = *cur_fixed++;
*cur_buffer = '\0';
~WCFixedStringBase() {}
char* const m_begin;
const size_t m_MaxFixedStringLength;
char* m_end;
WCFixedStringBase(const WCFixedStringBase& in_fixedStrToCopy);
#if 0
template<size_t kMaxFixedStringLength> class DllExport WCFixedString : public WCFixedStringBase
inline WCFixedString() :
WCFixedStringBase(m_fixedString, kMaxFixedStringLength)
inline WCFixedString(const char* const in_strToAssign) :
WCFixedStringBase(m_fixedString, kMaxFixedStringLength)
inline WCFixedString(const WCFixedStringBase& in_fixedStrToAssign) :
WCFixedStringBase(m_fixedString, kMaxFixedStringLength)
inline WCFixedString(const WCFixedString& in_fixedStrToAssign) :
WCFixedStringBase(m_fixedString, kMaxFixedStringLength)
inline WCFixedString(const char in_char, const size_t in_count = 1) :
WCFixedStringBase(m_fixedString, kMaxFixedStringLength)
append(in_char, in_count);
inline WCFixedString(const char* in_chars, const size_t in_count) :
WCFixedStringBase(m_fixedString, kMaxFixedStringLength)
append(in_chars, in_count);
// substr now supports negative in_length, which means "from the end" so
// "abcdefg".substr(1, -1) == "bcdef"
inline const WCFixedString substr(const pos_t in_pos = 0, const spos_t in_length = kMaxFixedStringLength) const
pos_t adjusted_pos = WUMin<size_t>(in_pos, size());
size_t adjusted_length = 0;
if (in_length < 0)
adjusted_length = size_t(WUMax<spos_t>(0, spos_t(size() - adjusted_pos) + in_length));
adjusted_length = WUMin<size_t>(in_length, size() - adjusted_pos);
WCFixedString retVal;
retVal.append(m_begin + adjusted_pos, adjusted_length);
return retVal;
char m_fixedString[kMaxFixedStringLength + 1]; // the "+ 1" is so that *m_end is always valid, and we can put the '\0' there};
inline bool operator==(const WCFixedStringBase& in_left, const WCFixedStringBase& in_right)
return 0 == in_left.compare(in_right.c_str());
inline bool operator==(const WCFixedStringBase& in_left, const char* const in_right)
return 0 == in_left.compare(in_right);
inline bool operator!=(const WCFixedStringBase& in_left, const WCFixedStringBase& in_right)
return 0 != in_left.compare(in_right.c_str());
inline bool operator!=(const WCFixedStringBase& in_left, const char* const in_right)
return 0 != in_left.compare(in_right);
// class WCFixedStringBase
typedef WCFixedString<4> WCFixedString4;
typedef WCFixedString<15> WCFixedString15;
typedef WCFixedString<31> WCFixedString31;
typedef WCFixedString<63> WCFixedString63;
typedef WCFixedString<127> WCFixedString127;
typedef WCFixedString<255> WCFixedString255;
typedef WCFixedString<511> WCFixedString511;
typedef WCFixedString<1023> WCFixedString1023;
typedef WCFixedString<2047> WCFixedString2047;
template<size_t kSizeOfFirst, size_t kSizeOfSecond>
class WCFixedStringPair : public std::pair< WCFixedString<kSizeOfFirst>, WCFixedString<kSizeOfSecond> >
WCFixedStringPair(const char* const in_firstStr = 0, const char* const in_secondStr = 0) :
std::pair< WCFixedString<kSizeOfFirst>, WCFixedString<kSizeOfSecond> >(in_firstStr, in_secondStr) {}
WCFixedStringPair(const WCFixedStringBase& in_firstStr, const char* const in_secondStr = 0) :
std::pair< WCFixedString<kSizeOfFirst>, WCFixedString<kSizeOfSecond> >(in_firstStr, in_secondStr) {}
WCFixedStringPair(const WCFixedStringBase& in_firstStr, const WCFixedStringBase& in_secondStr) :
std::pair< WCFixedString<kSizeOfFirst>, WCFixedString<kSizeOfSecond> >(in_firstStr, in_secondStr) {}
#endif // #ifndef __WCFixedString_h__