Paul Davis 1686db8b0c Change the type of reference held by a MidiModel to its MidiSource
This also requires a change in the type of reference held by
a MidiAutomationListBinder.

Both the MidiSource and MidiModel have a reference to each other, and it is
important that we avoid circular references to avoid problems with object
destruction. We had been accomplishing this by having the Model hold a
weak_ptr<MidiSource>. However, the lifetime of a MidiSource and its MidiModel
are coincident and there's really no need to use a smart ptr at all. A normal
reference is just fine. However, due to constructors that accept a serialized
state, we cannot use an actual reference (we cannot set the constructor in the
initializer list), so we use a bare ptr instead.

This forces a similar change in MidiAutomationListBinder, which also maintains
a reference to the Source. However, the only purpose of this object is to
ensure that if the Source is destroyed, relevant commands will be removed from
the undo/redo history, and so all that matters here is that the binder connects
to the Destroyed signal of the source, and arranges for its own destruction
when received.

Note that the previous construction of the binder, actually holding a
shared_ptr<MidiSource> would appear have prevented the Destroyed signal from
ever being emitted (from ~Destructible), and so this may also be a bug fix that
allows MidiSources to actually be deleted (the memory object, not the file).
2022-04-05 20:52:09 -06:00

722 lines
19 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2006-2014 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Doug McLain <doug@nostar.net>
* Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Paul Davis <paul@linuxaudiosystems.com>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Carl Hetherington <carl@carlh.net>
* Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Robin Gareus <robin@gareus.org>
* Copyright (C) 2015 Tim Mayberry <mojofunk@gmail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2016 Nick Mainsbridge <mainsbridge@gmail.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include <gtkmm2ext/gtk_ui.h>
#include "canvas/line_set.h"
#include "canvas/rectangle.h"
#include "ardour/midi_region.h"
#include "ardour/midi_source.h"
#include "ardour/midi_track.h"
#include "ardour/operations.h"
#include "ardour/region_factory.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "ardour/smf_source.h"
#include "ardour/evoral_types_convert.h"
#include "gui_thread.h"
#include "midi_region_view.h"
#include "midi_streamview.h"
#include "midi_time_axis.h"
#include "midi_util.h"
#include "public_editor.h"
#include "region_selection.h"
#include "region_view.h"
#include "rgb_macros.h"
#include "selection.h"
#include "ui_config.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS;
using namespace PBD;
using namespace Editing;
MidiStreamView::MidiStreamView (MidiTimeAxisView& tv)
: StreamView (tv)
, note_range_adjustment(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
, _range_dirty(false)
, _range_sum_cache(-1.0)
, _lowest_note(60)
, _highest_note(71)
, _data_note_min(60)
, _data_note_max(71)
, _note_lines (0)
, _updates_suspended (false)
/* use a group dedicated to MIDI underlays. Audio underlays are not in this group. */
midi_underlay_group = new ArdourCanvas::Container (_canvas_group);
/* put the note lines in the timeaxisview's group, so it
can be put below ghost regions from MIDI underlays
_note_lines = new ArdourCanvas::LineSet (_canvas_group, ArdourCanvas::LineSet::Horizontal);
_note_lines, &_trackview));
color_handler ();
UIConfiguration::instance().ColorsChanged.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiStreamView::color_handler));
note_range_adjustment.set_page_size(_highest_note - _lowest_note);
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiStreamView::note_range_adjustment_changed));
MidiStreamView::~MidiStreamView ()
MidiStreamView::create_region_view (boost::shared_ptr<Region> r, bool /*wfd*/, bool recording)
boost::shared_ptr<MidiRegion> region = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MidiRegion> (r);
if (region == 0) {
return 0;
RegionView* region_view = NULL;
if (recording) {
region_view = new MidiRegionView (
_canvas_group, _trackview, region,
_samples_per_pixel, region_color, recording,
} else {
region_view = new MidiRegionView (_canvas_group, _trackview, region,
_samples_per_pixel, region_color);
region_view->init (false);
return region_view;
MidiStreamView::add_region_view_internal (boost::shared_ptr<Region> r, bool wait_for_data, bool recording)
boost::shared_ptr<MidiRegion> region = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MidiRegion> (r);
if (!region) {
return 0;
for (list<RegionView*>::iterator i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i)->region() == r) {
/* great. we already have a MidiRegionView for this Region. use it again. */
(*i)->set_valid (true);
display_region(dynamic_cast<MidiRegionView*>(*i), wait_for_data);
return 0;
MidiRegionView* region_view = dynamic_cast<MidiRegionView*> (create_region_view (r, wait_for_data, recording));
if (region_view == 0) {
return 0;
region_views.push_front (region_view);
/* display events and find note range */
display_region (region_view, wait_for_data);
/* fit note range if we are importing */
if (_trackview.session()->operation_in_progress (Operations::insert_file)) {
set_note_range (ContentsRange);
/* catch regionview going away */
boost::weak_ptr<Region> wr (region); // make this explicit
region->DropReferences.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiStreamView::remove_region_view, this, wr), gui_context());
RegionViewAdded (region_view);
return region_view;
MidiStreamView::display_region(MidiRegionView* region_view, bool load_model)
if (!region_view) {
region_view->enable_display (true);
region_view->set_height (child_height());
boost::shared_ptr<MidiSource> source (region_view->midi_region()->midi_source(0));
if (!source) {
error << _("attempt to display MIDI region with no source") << endmsg;
if (!source->model()) {
error << _("attempt to display MIDI region with no model") << endmsg;
_range_dirty = update_data_note_range (source->model()->lowest_note(), source->model()->highest_note());
// Display region contents
MidiStreamView::display_track (boost::shared_ptr<Track> tr)
StreamView::display_track (tr);
NoteRangeChanged(); /* EMIT SIGNAL*/
MidiStreamView::update_contents_metrics(boost::shared_ptr<Region> r)
boost::shared_ptr<MidiRegion> mr = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MidiRegion>(r);
if (mr) {
_range_dirty = update_data_note_range(
MidiStreamView::update_data_note_range(uint8_t min, uint8_t max)
bool dirty = false;
if (min < _data_note_min) {
_data_note_min = min;
dirty = true;
if (max > _data_note_max) {
_data_note_max = max;
dirty = true;
return dirty;
MidiStreamView::set_layer_display (LayerDisplay d)
//revert this change for now. Although stacked view is weirdly implemented wrt the "scroomer", it is still necessary to manage layered midi regions.
// if (d != Overlaid) {
// return;
// }
StreamView::set_layer_display (d);
MidiStreamView::redisplay_track ()
if (!_trackview.is_midi_track()) {
list<RegionView*>::iterator i;
// Load models if necessary, and find note range of all our contents
_range_dirty = false;
_data_note_min = 127;
_data_note_max = 0;
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StreamView::update_contents_metrics));
// No notes, use default range
if (!_range_dirty) {
_data_note_min = 60;
_data_note_max = 71;
// Flag region views as invalid and disable drawing
for (i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) {
// Add and display region views, and flag them as valid
_trackview.track()->playlist()->foreach_region (sigc::hide_return (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StreamView::add_region_view)));
// Stack regions by layer, and remove invalid regions
// Update note range (not regions which are correct) and draw note lines
apply_note_range(_lowest_note, _highest_note, false);
MidiStreamView::update_contents_height ()
_note_lines->set_extent (ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX);
apply_note_range (lowest_note(), highest_note(), true);
if (!_note_lines || _updates_suspended) {
double y;
double prev_y = .5;
uint32_t color;
if (child_height() < 140 || note_height() < 3) {
/* track is too small for note lines, or there are too many */
/* do this is order of highest ... lowest since that matches the
* coordinate system in which y=0 is at the top
for (int i = highest_note() + 1; i >= lowest_note(); --i) {
y = floor(note_to_y (i)) + .5;
/* this is the line actually corresponding to the division
* between notes
if (i <= highest_note()) {
_note_lines->add_coord (y, 1.0, UIConfiguration::instance().color ("piano roll black outline"));
/* now add a thicker line/bar which covers the entire vertical
* height of this note.
switch (i % 12) {
case 1:
case 3:
case 6:
case 8:
case 10:
color = UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod ("piano roll black", "piano roll black");
color = UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod ("piano roll white", "piano roll white");
double h = y - prev_y;
double mid = y + (h/2.0);
if (mid >= 0 && h > 1.0) {
_note_lines->add_coord (mid, h, color);
prev_y = y;
MidiStreamView::set_note_range(VisibleNoteRange r)
if (r == FullRange) {
_lowest_note = 0;
_highest_note = 127;
} else {
_lowest_note = _data_note_min;
_highest_note = _data_note_max;
apply_note_range(_lowest_note, _highest_note, true);
MidiStreamView::apply_note_range(uint8_t lowest, uint8_t highest, bool to_region_views)
_highest_note = highest;
_lowest_note = lowest;
float uiscale = UIConfiguration::instance().get_ui_scale();
uiscale = expf (uiscale) / expf (1.f);
int const max_note_height = std::max<int> (20, 20 * uiscale);
int const range = _highest_note - _lowest_note;
int const pixels_per_note = floor (child_height () / range);
/* do not grow note height beyond 10 pixels */
if (pixels_per_note > max_note_height) {
int const available_note_range = floor (child_height() / max_note_height);
int additional_notes = available_note_range - range;
/* distribute additional notes to higher and lower ranges, clamp at 0 and 127 */
for (int i = 0; i < additional_notes; i++){
if (i % 2 && _highest_note < 127){
else if (i % 2) {
else if (_lowest_note > 0){
else {
note_range_adjustment.set_page_size(_highest_note - _lowest_note);
if (to_region_views) {
apply_note_range_to_regions ();
NoteRangeChanged(); /* EMIT SIGNAL*/
MidiStreamView::apply_note_range_to_regions ()
if (!_updates_suspended) {
for (list<RegionView*>::iterator i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) {
((MidiRegionView*)(*i))->apply_note_range(_lowest_note, _highest_note);
MidiStreamView::update_note_range(uint8_t note_num)
_data_note_min = min(_data_note_min, note_num);
_data_note_max = max(_data_note_max, note_num);
MidiStreamView::setup_rec_box ()
// cerr << _trackview.name() << " streamview SRB\n";
if (!_trackview.session()->transport_stopped_or_stopping() &&
(_trackview.session()->transport_rolling() || _trackview.session()->get_record_enabled())) {
if (!rec_active &&
_trackview.session()->record_status() == Session::Recording &&
_trackview.track()->rec_enable_control()->get_value()) {
if (UIConfiguration::instance().get_show_waveforms_while_recording() && rec_regions.size() == rec_rects.size()) {
/* add a new region, but don't bother if they set show-waveforms-while-recording mid-record */
MidiRegion::SourceList sources;
rec_data_ready_connections.drop_connections ();
sources.push_back (_trackview.midi_track()->write_source());
// handle multi
timepos_t start;
if (rec_regions.size() > 0) {
start = rec_regions.back().first->start()
+ timepos_t (_trackview.track()->get_captured_samples (rec_regions.size() - 1));
if (!rec_regions.empty()) {
MidiRegionView* mrv = dynamic_cast<MidiRegionView*> (rec_regions.back().second);
mrv->end_write ();
PropertyList plist;
plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::start, start);
plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::length, timepos_t (Temporal::Beats::ticks (1)));
/* Just above we're setting this nascent region's length to 1 tick. I think this is so
that the RegionView gets created with a non-zero width, as apparently creating a
RegionView with a zero width causes it never to be displayed (there is a warning in
TimeAxisViewItem::init about this). We don't want to use 1 sample since that results
in zero length musical time duration.
plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::name, string());
plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::layer, 0);
boost::shared_ptr<MidiRegion> region (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MidiRegion>
(RegionFactory::create (sources, plist, false)));
if (region) {
/* MIDI regions should likely not be positioned using audio time, but this is
* just a rec-region, so we don't really care
region->set_start (timepos_t (_trackview.track()->current_capture_start() - _trackview.track()->get_capture_start_sample (0)));
region->set_position (timepos_t (_trackview.track()->current_capture_start ()));
RegionView* rv = add_region_view_internal (region, false, true);
MidiRegionView* mrv = dynamic_cast<MidiRegionView*> (rv);
mrv->begin_write ();
/* rec region will be destroyed in setup_rec_box */
rec_regions.push_back (make_pair (region, rv));
/* we add the region later */
setup_new_rec_layer_time (region);
} else {
error << _("failed to create MIDI region") << endmsg;
/* start a new rec box */
create_rec_box (_trackview.midi_track()->current_capture_start(), 0);
} else if (rec_active &&
(_trackview.session()->record_status() != Session::Recording ||
!_trackview.track()->rec_enable_control()->get_value())) {
rec_active = false;
rec_updating = false;
} else {
// cerr << "\tNOT rolling, rec_rects = " << rec_rects.size() << " rec_regions = " << rec_regions.size() << endl;
if (!rec_rects.empty() || !rec_regions.empty()) {
/* disconnect rapid update */
rec_data_ready_connections.drop_connections ();
rec_updating = false;
rec_active = false;
/* remove temp regions */
for (list<pair<boost::shared_ptr<Region>,RegionView*> >::iterator iter = rec_regions.begin(); iter != rec_regions.end();) {
list<pair<boost::shared_ptr<Region>,RegionView*> >::iterator tmp;
tmp = iter;
(*iter).first->drop_references ();
iter = tmp;
// cerr << "\tclear " << rec_rects.size() << " rec rects\n";
/* transport stopped, clear boxes */
for (vector<RecBoxInfo>::iterator iter=rec_rects.begin(); iter != rec_rects.end(); ++iter) {
RecBoxInfo &rect = (*iter);
delete rect.rectangle;
MidiStreamView::color_handler ()
draw_note_lines ();
if (_trackview.is_midi_track()) {
canvas_rect->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod ("midi track base", "midi track base"));
} else {
canvas_rect->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("midi bus base"));
double sum = note_range_adjustment.get_value() + note_range_adjustment.get_page_size();
int lowest = (int) floor(note_range_adjustment.get_value());
int highest;
if (sum == _range_sum_cache) {
//cerr << "cached" << endl;
highest = (int) floor(sum);
} else {
//cerr << "recalc" << endl;
highest = lowest + (int) floor(note_range_adjustment.get_page_size());
_range_sum_cache = sum;
if (lowest == _lowest_note && highest == _highest_note) {
//cerr << "note range adjustment changed: " << lowest << " " << highest << endl;
//cerr << " val=" << v_zoom_adjustment.get_value() << " page=" << v_zoom_adjustment.get_page_size() << " sum=" << v_zoom_adjustment.get_value() + v_zoom_adjustment.get_page_size() << endl;
_lowest_note = lowest;
_highest_note = highest;
apply_note_range(lowest, highest, true);
MidiStreamView::update_rec_box ()
StreamView::update_rec_box ();
if (rec_regions.empty()) {
/* Update the region being recorded to reflect where we currently are */
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Region> region = rec_regions.back().first;
region->set_length (timecnt_t (_trackview.track()->current_capture_end () - _trackview.track()->current_capture_start()));
MidiRegionView* mrv = dynamic_cast<MidiRegionView*> (rec_regions.back().second);
mrv->extend_active_notes ();
MidiStreamView::y_to_note (double y) const
int const n = ((contents_height() - y) / contents_height() * (double)contents_note_range())
+ lowest_note();
if (n < 0) {
return 0;
} else if (n > 127) {
return 127;
/* min due to rounding and/or off-by-one errors */
return min ((uint8_t) n, highest_note());
/** Suspend updates to the regions' note ranges and our
* note lines until resume_updates() is called.
MidiStreamView::suspend_updates ()
_updates_suspended = true;
/** Resume updates to region note ranges and note lines,
* and update them now.
MidiStreamView::resume_updates ()
_updates_suspended = false;
draw_note_lines ();
apply_note_range_to_regions ();
_canvas_group->redraw ();
struct RegionPositionSorter {
bool operator() (RegionView* a, RegionView* b) {
return a->region()->position() < b->region()->position();
MidiStreamView::paste (timepos_t const & pos, const Selection& selection, PasteContext& ctx)
/* Paste into the first region which starts on or before pos. Only called when
using an internal editing tool. */
if (region_views.empty()) {
return false;
region_views.sort (RegionView::PositionOrder());
list<RegionView*>::const_iterator prev = region_views.begin ();
for (list<RegionView*>::const_iterator i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i)->region()->position() > pos) {
prev = i;
boost::shared_ptr<Region> r = (*prev)->region ();
/* If *prev doesn't cover pos, it's no good */
if (r->position() > pos || ((r->position() + r->length()) < pos)) {
return false;
MidiRegionView* mrv = dynamic_cast<MidiRegionView*> (*prev);
return mrv ? mrv->paste(pos, selection, ctx) : false;
MidiStreamView::get_regions_with_selected_data (RegionSelection& rs)
for (list<RegionView*>::const_iterator i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) {
MidiRegionView* mrv = dynamic_cast<MidiRegionView*> (*i);
if (!mrv) {
if (!mrv->selection().empty()) {
rs.add (*i);