
1291 lines
42 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2023 Adrien Gesta-Fline <dev.agfline@posteo.net>
* Based on Robin Gareus <robin@gareus.org> session_utils files
* Based on Damien Zammit ptformat
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <glibmm.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <locale.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/tree.h>
#include <libxml/xpath.h>
#include <libxml/xpathInternals.h>
#include "ardour/audioengine.h"
#include "ardour/filename_extensions.h"
#include "ardour/session_directory.h"
#include "ardour/template_utils.h"
#include "ardour/audio_track.h"
#include "ardour/audiofilesource.h"
#include "ardour/audioregion.h"
#include "ardour/import_status.h"
#include "ardour/playlist.h"
#include "ardour/region_factory.h"
#include "ardour/source_factory.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "pbd/file_utils.h"
#include "aaf/libaaf.h"
#include "aaf/utils.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace SessionUtils;
using namespace Timecode;
using namespace PBD;
#ifndef UTILNAME
#define UTILNAME "new_aaf_session"
* - Track level
* - Track pan
* - Track level automation
* - Track pan automation
* x Region level automation
* - Session timecode offset (so the very begining of the timeline starts at eg. 01:00:00:00)
* x Markers
* x Multichannel audio file import (AAFOperationDef_AudioChannelCombiner)
* - Multichannel region from multiple source audio files (1 file per channel) ?
* - Mono region from a specific channel of a multichannel file ?
* x Muted region
* - Video file import
static void
usage ();
static void
list_templates ();
static std::string
template_path_from_name (std::string const& name);
static Session*
create_new_session (string const& dir, string const& state, float samplerate, ARDOUR::SampleFormat bitdepth, int master_bus_chn, string const& template_path);
// static void set_session_video_from_aaf( Session *s, AAF_Iface *aafi );
static std::shared_ptr<AudioTrack>
get_nth_audio_track (uint32_t nth, std::shared_ptr<RouteList const> routes);
static bool
import_sndfile_as_region (Session* s, struct aafiAudioEssence* audioEssence, SrcQuality quality, timepos_t& pos, SourceList& sources, ImportStatus& status, vector<std::shared_ptr<Region>>* regions /* boost::shared_ptr<Region> r*/);
static void
set_session_range (Session* s, AAF_Iface* aafi);
static std::shared_ptr<Region>
create_region (vector<std::shared_ptr<Region>> source_regions, aafiAudioClip* aafAudioClip, SourceList& oneClipSources, aafPosition_t clipOffset, aafRational_t samplerate_r);
static void
set_region_gain (aafiAudioClip* aafAudioClip, std::shared_ptr<Region> region, Session* s);
static std::shared_ptr<AudioTrack>
prepare_audio_track (aafiAudioTrack* aafTrack, Session* s);
static void
set_region_fade (aafiAudioClip* aafAudioClip, std::shared_ptr<Region> region, aafRational_t* samplerate);
static void
set_session_timecode (Session* s, AAF_Iface* aafi);
static void
usage ()
// help2man compatible format (standard GNU help-text)
printf (UTILNAME " - create a new session based on an AAF file from the commandline.\n\n");
printf ("Usage: " UTILNAME " [ OPTIONS ] -p <session-path> --aaf <file.aaf>\n\n");
printf ("Options:\n\n\
-h, --help Display this help and exit.\n\
-L, --list-templates List available Ardour templates and exit.\n\
-m, --master-channels <chn> Master-bus channel count (default 2).\n\
-r, --sample-rate <rate> Sample rate of the new Ardour session (default is AAF).\n\
-s, --sample-size <16|24|32> Audio bit depth of the new Ardour session (default is AAF).\n\
-t, --template <template> Use given template for new session.\n\
-p, --session-path <path> Where to store the new session folder.\n\
-n, --session-name <name> The new session name. A new folder will be created into session path with that name.\n\
Default is the AAF composition name or file name as a fallback.\n\
Set <name> to AAFFILE to force the use of AAF file name as session name.\n\
-l, --media-location <path> Path to AAF media files (when not embedded)\n\
-c, --media-cache <path> Path where AAF embedded media files will be extracted, prior to Ardour import. Default is TEMP.\n\
-k, --keep-cache Do not clear cache. Useful for analysis of extracted audio files.\n\
-a, --aaf <aaf file> AAF file to load.\n\
Vendor Options:\n\
Davinci Resolve\n\
--import-disabled-clips Import disabled clips (skipped by default)\n\
Pro Tools\n\
--remove-sample-accurate-edit Remove clips added by PT to pad to frame boundary.\n\
--convert-fade-clips Remove clip fades and replace by real fades.\n\
printf ("\n\
" UTILNAME " --session-path /path/to/sessions/ --aaf /path/to/file.aaf\n\
printf ("Report bugs to <http://tracker.ardour.org/>\n"
"Website: <http://ardour.org/>\n");
::exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
static void
list_templates ()
vector<TemplateInfo> templates;
find_session_templates (templates, false);
for (vector<TemplateInfo>::iterator x = templates.begin (); x != templates.end (); ++x) {
printf ("%s\n", (*x).name.c_str ());
static std::string
template_path_from_name (std::string const& name)
vector<TemplateInfo> templates;
find_session_templates (templates, false);
for (vector<TemplateInfo>::iterator x = templates.begin (); x != templates.end (); ++x) {
if ((*x).name == name)
return (*x).path;
return "";
static Session*
create_new_session (string const& dir, string const& state, float samplerate, ARDOUR::SampleFormat bitdepth, int master_bus_chn, string const& template_path)
AudioEngine* engine = AudioEngine::create ();
if (!engine->set_backend ("None (Dummy)", "Unit-Test", "")) {
PBD::error << "Cannot create Audio/MIDI engine." << endmsg;
return NULL;
// engine->set_input_channels( 32 );
// engine->set_output_channels( 32 );
if (engine->set_sample_rate (samplerate)) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Cannot set session's samplerate to %1.", samplerate) << endmsg;
return NULL;
if (engine->start () != 0) {
PBD::error << "Cannot start Audio/MIDI engine." << endmsg;
return NULL;
string s = Glib::build_filename (dir, state + statefile_suffix);
if (Glib::file_test (dir, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Session folder already exists '%1", dir) << endmsg;
return NULL;
if (Glib::file_test (s, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Session file exists '%1'", s) << endmsg;
return NULL;
BusProfile bus_profile;
BusProfile* bus_profile_ptr = NULL;
if (master_bus_chn > 0) {
bus_profile_ptr = &bus_profile;
bus_profile.master_out_channels = master_bus_chn;
if (!template_path.empty ()) {
bus_profile_ptr = NULL;
Session* session = new Session (*engine, dir, state, bus_profile_ptr, template_path);
engine->set_session (session);
session->config.set_native_file_data_format (bitdepth);
return session;
* libs/ardour/import.cc
* - Reimplement since function was removed in 4620d13 : https://github.com/Ardour/ardour/commit/4620d138eefad57bc55e1901d8410c36803ce0d6 -
static std::shared_ptr<AudioTrack>
get_nth_audio_track (uint32_t nth, std::shared_ptr<RouteList const> routes)
RouteList rl = *(routes);
rl.sort (Stripable::Sorter ());
for (auto const& r : rl) {
std::shared_ptr<AudioTrack> at = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioTrack> (r);
if (!at) {
if (nth-- == 0) {
return at;
return std::shared_ptr<AudioTrack> ();
* https://github.com/Ardour/ardour/blob/365f6d633731229e7bc5d37a5fe2c9107b527e28/libs/ardour/import_pt.cc#L82
static bool
import_sndfile_as_region (Session* s, struct aafiAudioEssence* audioEssence, SrcQuality quality, timepos_t& pos, SourceList& sources, ImportStatus& status, vector<std::shared_ptr<Region>>* regions /* boost::shared_ptr<Region> r*/)
wstring ws (audioEssence->usable_file_path);
string usable_file_path (ws.begin (), ws.end ());
/* Import the source */
status.paths.clear ();
status.paths.push_back (usable_file_path);
status.current = 1;
status.total = 1;
status.freeze = false;
status.quality = quality;
status.replace_existing_source = false;
status.split_midi_channels = false;
status.import_markers = false;
status.done = false;
status.cancel = false;
s->import_files (status);
status.progress = 1.0;
sources.clear ();
/* FIXME: There is no way to tell if cancel button was pressed
* or if the file failed to import, just that one of these occurred.
* We want status.cancel to reflect the user's choice only
if (status.cancel && status.current > 1) {
/* Succeeded to import file, assume user hit cancel */
return false;
} else if (status.cancel && status.current == 1) {
/* Failed to import file, assume user did not hit cancel */
status.cancel = false;
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < audioEssence->channels; i++) {
sources.push_back (status.sources.at (i));
/* build peakfiles */
for (SourceList::iterator x = sources.begin (); x != sources.end (); ++x) {
SourceFactory::setup_peakfile (*x, true);
/* Put the source on a region */
std::shared_ptr<Region> region;
string region_name;
/* take all the sources we have and package them up as a region */
region_name = region_name_from_path (status.paths.front (), (sources.size () > 1), false);
/* we checked in import_sndfiles() that there were not too many */
while (RegionFactory::region_by_name (region_name)) {
region_name = bump_name_once (region_name, '.');
ws = audioEssence->unique_file_name;
string unique_file_name (ws.begin (), ws.end ());
PropertyList proplist;
proplist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::start, 0);
proplist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::length, timecnt_t (sources[0]->length (), pos));
proplist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::name, unique_file_name);
proplist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::layer, 0);
proplist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::whole_file, true);
proplist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::external, true);
region = RegionFactory::create (sources, proplist);
(*regions).push_back (region);
/* NOTE: Don't know what that's for */
// bool use_timestamp;
// use_timestamp = (pos == -1);
// if (use_timestamp && boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioRegion>(r)) {
// boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioRegion>(r)->special_set_position(sources[0]->natural_position());
// }
// /* if we're creating a new track, name it after the cleaned-up
// * and "merged" region name.
// */
// regions.push_back (r);
// int n = 0;
// for (vector<boost::shared_ptr<Region> >::iterator r = regions.begin(); r != regions.end(); ++r, ++n) {
// boost::shared_ptr<AudioRegion> ar = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioRegion> (*r);
// if (use_timestamp) {
// if (ar) {
// /* get timestamp for this region */
// const boost::shared_ptr<Source> s (ar->sources().front());
// const boost::shared_ptr<AudioSource> as = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioSource> (s);
// assert (as);
// if (as->natural_position() != 0) {
// pos = as->natural_position();
// } else {
// pos = 0;
// }
// } else {
// /* should really get first position in MIDI file, but for now, use 0 */
// pos = 0;
// }
// }
// }
return true;
static void
set_session_range (Session* s, AAF_Iface* aafi)
samplepos_t start = samplepos_t (eu2sample (s->sample_rate (), &aafi->compositionStart_editRate, aafi->compositionStart));
samplepos_t end = samplepos_t (eu2sample (s->sample_rate (), &aafi->compositionLength_editRate, aafi->compositionLength)) + start;
/* https://github.com/agfline/LibAAF/issues/5#issuecomment-1632522578 */
// s->set_session_extents( timepos_t(start), timepos_t(end) );
s->maybe_update_session_range (timepos_t (start), timepos_t (end));
static std::shared_ptr<Region>
create_region (vector<std::shared_ptr<Region>> source_regions, aafiAudioClip* aafAudioClip, SourceList& oneClipSources, aafPosition_t clipOffset, aafRational_t samplerate_r)
wstring ws = aafAudioClip->Essence->unique_file_name;
string unique_file_name (ws.begin (), ws.end ());
aafPosition_t clipPos = convertEditUnit (aafAudioClip->pos, *aafAudioClip->track->edit_rate, samplerate_r);
aafPosition_t clipLen = convertEditUnit (aafAudioClip->len, *aafAudioClip->track->edit_rate, samplerate_r);
aafPosition_t essenceOffset = convertEditUnit (aafAudioClip->essence_offset, *aafAudioClip->track->edit_rate, samplerate_r);
PropertyList proplist;
proplist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::start, essenceOffset);
proplist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::length, clipLen);
proplist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::name, unique_file_name);
proplist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::layer, 0);
proplist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::whole_file, false);
proplist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::external, true);
/* NOTE: region position is set when calling add_region() */
std::shared_ptr<Region> region = RegionFactory::create (oneClipSources, proplist);
for (SourceList::iterator source = oneClipSources.begin (); source != oneClipSources.end (); ++source) {
/* position displayed in Ardour source list */
(*source)->set_natural_position (timepos_t (clipPos + clipOffset));
for (vector<std::shared_ptr<Region>>::iterator region = source_regions.begin (); region != source_regions.end (); ++region) {
if ((*region)->source (0) == *source) {
/* Enable "Move to Original Position" */
(*region)->set_position (timepos_t (clipPos + clipOffset - essenceOffset));
return region;
static void
set_region_gain (aafiAudioClip* aafAudioClip, std::shared_ptr<Region> region, Session* s)
if (aafAudioClip->gain && aafAudioClip->gain->flags & AAFI_AUDIO_GAIN_CONSTANT) {
std::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioRegion> (region)->set_scale_amplitude (aafRationalToFloat (aafAudioClip->gain->value[0]));
if (aafAudioClip->automation) {
aafiAudioGain* level = aafAudioClip->automation;
std::shared_ptr<AudioRegion> ar = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioRegion> (region);
std::shared_ptr<AutomationList> al = ar->envelope ();
for (int i = 0; i < level->pts_cnt; i++) {
al->fast_simple_add (timepos_t (aafRationalToFloat (level->time[i]) * region->length ().samples ()), aafRationalToFloat (level->value[i]));
static std::shared_ptr<AudioTrack>
prepare_audio_track (aafiAudioTrack* aafTrack, Session* s)
* https://github.com/Ardour/ardour/blob/365f6d633731229e7bc5d37a5fe2c9107b527e28/libs/ardour/import_pt.cc#L327
/* Use existing track if possible */
std::shared_ptr<AudioTrack> track = get_nth_audio_track ((aafTrack->number - 1), s->get_routes ());
/* Or create a new track if needed */
if (!track) {
wstring ws_track_name = std::wstring (aafTrack->name);
string track_name = string (ws_track_name.begin (), ws_track_name.end ());
PBD::info << string_compose ("Track number %1 (%2) does not exist. Adding new track.", aafTrack->number, track_name) << endmsg;
// TODO: second argument is "output_channels". How should it be set ?
list<std::shared_ptr<AudioTrack>> at (s->new_audio_track (aafTrack->format, 2, 0, 1, track_name, PresentationInfo::max_order, Normal));
if (at.empty ()) {
PBD::error << "Could not create new audio track." << endmsg;
::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
track = at.back ();
return track;
static FadeShape
aaf_fade_interpol_to_ardour_fade_shape (aafiInterpolation_e interpol)
* https://github.com/Ardour/ardour/blob/b84c99639f0dd28e210ed9c064429c17014093a7/libs/ardour/ardour/types.h#L705
* enum FadeShape {
* FadeLinear,
* FadeFast,
* FadeSlow,
* FadeConstantPower,
* FadeSymmetric,
* };
* https://github.com/Ardour/ardour/blob/365f6d633731229e7bc5d37a5fe2c9107b527e28/libs/ardour/ardour/audioregion.h#L143
* https://github.com/Ardour/ardour/blob/365f6d633731229e7bc5d37a5fe2c9107b527e28/libs/temporal/temporal/types.h#L39
switch (interpol & AAFI_INTERPOL_MASK) {
PBD::warning << "Fade type is set to AAFI_INTERPOL_NONE : Falling back to FadeConstantPower." << endmsg;
return FadeConstantPower;
return FadeLinear;
PBD::warning << "Fade type is set to AAFI_INTERPOL_LOG : Falling back to FadeConstantPower." << endmsg;
return FadeConstantPower;
PBD::warning << "Fade type is set to AAFI_INTERPOL_CONSTANT : Falling back to FadeConstantPower." << endmsg;
return FadeConstantPower;
return FadeConstantPower;
PBD::warning << "Fade type is set to AAFI_INTERPOL_BSPLINE : Falling back to FadeConstantPower." << endmsg;
return FadeConstantPower;
PBD::warning << "Unknown fade type : Falling back to FadeConstantPower." << endmsg;
return FadeConstantPower;
PBD::warning << "Unknown fade type : Falling back to FadeConstantPower." << endmsg;
return FadeConstantPower;
static void
set_region_fade (aafiAudioClip* aafAudioClip, std::shared_ptr<Region> region, aafRational_t* samplerate)
if (aafAudioClip == NULL) {
aafiTransition* fadein = aafi_get_fadein (aafAudioClip->Item);
aafiTransition* fadeout = aafi_get_fadeout (aafAudioClip->Item);
aafiTransition* xfade = aafi_get_xfade (aafAudioClip->Item);
if (xfade) {
if (fadein == NULL) {
fadein = xfade;
} else {
PBD::warning << "Clip has both fadein and crossfade : crossfade will be ignored." << endmsg;
FadeShape fade_shape;
samplecnt_t fade_len;
if (fadein != NULL) {
fade_shape = aaf_fade_interpol_to_ardour_fade_shape ((aafiInterpolation_e)(fadein->flags & AAFI_INTERPOL_MASK));
fade_len = convertEditUnit (fadein->len, *aafAudioClip->track->edit_rate, *samplerate);
std::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioRegion> (region)->set_fade_in (fade_shape, fade_len);
if (fadeout != NULL) {
fade_shape = aaf_fade_interpol_to_ardour_fade_shape ((aafiInterpolation_e)(fadeout->flags & AAFI_INTERPOL_MASK));
fade_len = convertEditUnit (fadeout->len, *aafAudioClip->track->edit_rate, *samplerate);
std::dynamic_pointer_cast<AudioRegion> (region)->set_fade_out (fade_shape, fade_len);
static void
set_session_timecode (Session* s, AAF_Iface* aafi)
uint16_t aafFPS = aafi->Timecode->fps;
TimecodeFormat ardourtc;
* Fractional timecodes are never explicitly set into tc->fps, so we deduce
* them based on edit_rate value.
switch (aafFPS) {
case 24:
if (aafi->Timecode->edit_rate->numerator == 24000 &&
aafi->Timecode->edit_rate->denominator == 1001) {
ardourtc = timecode_23976;
} else {
ardourtc = timecode_24;
case 25:
if (aafi->Timecode->edit_rate->numerator == 25000 &&
aafi->Timecode->edit_rate->denominator == 1001) {
ardourtc = timecode_24976;
} else {
ardourtc = timecode_25;
case 30:
if (aafi->Timecode->edit_rate->numerator == 30000 &&
aafi->Timecode->edit_rate->denominator == 1001) {
if (aafi->Timecode->drop) {
ardourtc = timecode_2997drop;
} else {
ardourtc = timecode_2997;
} else {
if (aafi->Timecode->drop) {
ardourtc = timecode_30drop;
} else {
ardourtc = timecode_30;
case 60:
if (aafi->Timecode->edit_rate->numerator == 60000 &&
aafi->Timecode->edit_rate->denominator == 1001) {
ardourtc = timecode_5994;
} else {
ardourtc = timecode_60;
PBD::error << string_compose ("Unknown AAF timecode fps : %1.", aafFPS) << endmsg;
s->config.set_timecode_format (ardourtc);
prepare_cache (AAF_Iface* aafi, string* media_cache_path)
if (!(*media_cache_path).empty ()) {
/* if media cache is not empty, user forced cache path with --media-cache */
return 0;
const char* tmppath = g_get_tmp_dir ();
if (!aafi->compositionName || aafi->compositionName[0] == 0x00) {
*media_cache_path = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, tmppath, g_basename (aafi->aafd->cfbd->file), NULL); //+ string(DIR_SEP_STR);
} else {
int compoNameLen = wcslen (aafi->compositionName) + 1;
char* compoName = (char*)malloc (compoNameLen);
wcstombs (compoName, aafi->compositionName, compoNameLen);
*media_cache_path = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, tmppath, laaf_util_clean_filename (compoName), NULL);
g_free (compoName);
int i = 0;
string testdir = *media_cache_path;
while (g_file_test (testdir.c_str (), G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
testdir = *media_cache_path + "_" + to_string (i++);
*media_cache_path = testdir;
if (g_mkdir_with_parents ((*media_cache_path).c_str (), 0760) < 0) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Could not create cache directory at '%1' : %2", (*media_cache_path), strerror (errno)) << endmsg;
return -1;
return 0;
clear_cache (AAF_Iface* aafi, string media_cache_path)
aafiAudioEssence* audioEssence = NULL;
foreachEssence (audioEssence, aafi->Audio->Essences)
if (!audioEssence->is_embedded) {
char* filepath = (char*)malloc (wcslen (audioEssence->usable_file_path) + 1);
snprintf (filepath, wcslen (audioEssence->usable_file_path) + 1, "%ls", audioEssence->usable_file_path);
if (g_file_test (filepath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
if (remove (filepath) < 0) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Failed to remove a file from cache (%1) : %2", filepath, strerror (errno)) << endmsg;
} else {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Missing a file from cache (%1) : %2", filepath, strerror (errno)) << endmsg;
free (filepath);
if (rmdir (media_cache_path.c_str ()) < 0) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Failed to remove cache directory (%1) : %2", media_cache_path, strerror (errno)) << endmsg;
main (int argc, char* argv[])
setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
SessionUtils::init ();
ARDOUR::SampleFormat bitdepth = ARDOUR::FormatInt24;
int samplesize = 0;
int samplerate = 0;
int master_bus_chn = 2;
string template_path;
string output_folder;
string session_name;
string media_location_path;
string media_cache_path;
int keep_cache = 0;
string aaf_file;
uint32_t aaf_resolve_options = 0;
uint32_t aaf_protools_options = 0;
// bool replace_session_if_exists = false;
printf ("using libaaf %s\n", LIBAAF_VERSION);
const char* optstring = "hLm:r:s:t:p:n:l:c:a:";
const struct option longopts[] = {
{ "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' },
{ "list-templates", no_argument, 0, 'L' },
{ "master-channels", required_argument, 0, 'm' },
{ "sample-rate", required_argument, 0, 'r' },
{ "sample-size", required_argument, 0, 's' },
{ "template", required_argument, 0, 't' },
{ "session-path", required_argument, 0, 'p' },
{ "session-name", required_argument, 0, 'n' },
{ "media-location", required_argument, 0, 'l' },
{ "media-cache", required_argument, 0, 'c' },
{ "keep-cache", required_argument, 0, 'k' },
{ "aaf", required_argument, 0, 'a' },
{ "import-disabled-clips", no_argument, 0, 0x01 },
{ "remove-sample-accurate-edit", no_argument, 0, 0x02 },
{ "convert-fade-clips", no_argument, 0, 0x03 },
// { "replace-session-if-exists", no_argument, 0, 0x01 }
int c = 0;
while (EOF != (c = getopt_long (argc, argv, optstring, longopts, (int*)0))) {
switch (c) {
case 'h':
usage ();
case 'L':
list_templates ();
case 'm':
master_bus_chn = atoi (optarg);
/* TODO check min / max */
case 'r':
samplerate = atoi (optarg);
if (samplerate < 44100 || samplerate > 192000) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Invalid sample rate (%1). Sample rate must be between 44100 and 192000.", optarg) << endmsg;
::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
case 's':
samplesize = atoi (optarg);
if (samplesize != 16 && samplesize != 24 && samplesize != 32) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Invalid sample size (%1). Sample size must be either 16, 24 or 32.", optarg) << endmsg;
::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
case 't':
template_path = template_path_from_name (optarg);
if (template_path.empty ()) {
cerr << "Invalid (non-existent) template:" << optarg << "\n";
::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
case 'p':
output_folder = string (optarg);
case 'n':
session_name = string (optarg);
case 'l':
media_location_path = string (optarg);
case 'c':
media_cache_path = string (optarg);
case 'k':
keep_cache = 1;
case 'a':
aaf_file = string (optarg);
case 0x01:
aaf_resolve_options |= RESOLVE_INCLUDE_DISABLED_CLIPS;
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
aaf_protools_options |= PROTOOLS_REPLACE_CLIP_FADES;
cerr << "Error: unrecognized option. See --help for usage information.\n";
::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
int missing_param = 0;
// if ( template_path.empty() )
// {
// PBD::error << "Missing template. Use --template parameter." << endmsg;
// missing_param = 1;
// }
if (output_folder.empty ()) {
PBD::error << "Missing session path. Use --session-path parameter." << endmsg;
missing_param = 1;
if (aaf_file.empty ()) {
PBD::error << "Missing AAF file. Use --aaf parameter." << endmsg;
missing_param = 1;
if (missing_param) {
::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
AAF_Iface* aafi = aafi_alloc (NULL);
aafi->ctx.options.trace = 1;
aafi->ctx.options.resolve = aaf_resolve_options;
aafi->ctx.options.protools = aaf_protools_options;
* The following "forbid_nonlatin_filenames" option is there until we find a
* solution to avoid issue with e.g korean filenames (e.g: pt-ko.aaf) :
* [e] ../session_utils/new_aaf_session.cc : main() on line 1279 : Could not import '샘플 단위 정밀 편집_2' to session.
* : [ERROR]: FFMPEGFileImportableSource: Failed to read file metadata
* : [ERROR]: Import: cannot open input sound file "/tmp/pt-ko/Ø
* NOTE: "Could not import '샘플 단위 정밀 편집_2' to session." prints korean chars well in console.
aafi->ctx.options.forbid_nonlatin_filenames = 1;
* prepare libAAF log file.
* using a file pointer avoids the need to reimplement debug_callback()
string logfile = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, output_folder.c_str (), string (string (g_basename (aaf_file.c_str ())) + ".log").c_str (), NULL);
PBD::info << string_compose ("Writting AAF log to : %1", logfile) << endmsg;
FILE* logfilefp = fopen (logfile.c_str (), "w");
if (logfilefp == NULL) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Could not open log file '%1'", logfile) << endmsg;
::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
aafi_set_debug (aafi, VERB_DEBUG, logfilefp, NULL, NULL);
if (!media_location_path.empty ()) {
aafi_set_media_location (aafi, media_location_path.c_str ());
if (aafi_load_file (aafi, aaf_file.c_str ())) {
PBD::error << "Could not load AAF file." << endmsg;
::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
if (prepare_cache (aafi, &media_cache_path)) {
PBD::error << "Could not prepare media cache path." << endmsg;
::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
printf ("Media Cache : %s\n\n", media_cache_path.c_str ());
* At this stage, AFF was loaded and parsed,
* so we can print a few things first.
aaf_dump_Header (aafi->aafd);
aaf_dump_Identification (aafi->aafd);
printf (" Composition Name : %ls\n", aafi->compositionName);
printf (" Composition Start : %lu\n", eu2sample (aafi->Audio->samplerate, &aafi->compositionStart_editRate, aafi->compositionStart));
printf (" Composition End : %lu\n", eu2sample (aafi->Audio->samplerate, &aafi->compositionLength_editRate, aafi->compositionLength) + eu2sample (aafi->Audio->samplerate, &aafi->compositionStart_editRate, aafi->compositionStart));
printf (" Composition SampleRate : %li Hz\n", aafi->Audio->samplerate);
printf (" Composition SampleSize : %i bits\n", aafi->Audio->samplesize);
printf ("\n");
if (!samplerate) {
PBD::info << string_compose ("Using AAF file sample rate : %1 Hz", aafi->Audio->samplerate) << endmsg;
samplerate = aafi->Audio->samplerate;
} else {
PBD::info << string_compose ("Ignoring AAF file sample rate (%li Hz), using user defined : %1 Hz", aafi->Audio->samplerate, samplerate) << endmsg;
aafRational_t samplerate_r;
samplerate_r.numerator = samplerate;
samplerate_r.denominator = 1;
if (!samplesize) {
PBD::info << string_compose ("Using AAF file bit depth : %1 bits", aafi->Audio->samplesize) << endmsg;
samplesize = aafi->Audio->samplesize;
} else {
PBD::info << string_compose ("Ignoring AAF file bit depth (%1 bits), using user defined : %2 bits", aafi->Audio->samplesize, samplesize) << endmsg;
switch (samplesize) {
case 16:
bitdepth = ARDOUR::FormatInt16;
case 24:
bitdepth = ARDOUR::FormatInt24;
case 32:
bitdepth = ARDOUR::FormatFloat;
PBD::error << string_compose ("Invalid sample size (%1). Sample size must be either 16, 24 or 32.", samplesize) << endmsg;
::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
if (session_name.empty () && aafi->compositionName && aafi->compositionName[0] != 0x00) {
wstring ws_session_name = std::wstring (aafi->compositionName);
session_name = string (ws_session_name.begin (), ws_session_name.end ());
PBD::info << string_compose ("Using AAF composition name for Ardour session name : %1", aafi->compositionName) << endmsg;
} else if (session_name.empty () || session_name == "AAFFILE") {
* Code from gtk2_ardour/utils_videotl.cc
* VideoUtils::strip_file_extension()
std::string infile = Glib::path_get_basename (string (aafi->aafd->cfbd->file));
char * ext, *bn = strdup (infile.c_str ());
if ((ext = strrchr (bn, '.'))) {
if (!strchr (ext, G_DIR_SEPARATOR)) {
*ext = 0;
session_name = std::string (bn);
free (bn);
if (session_name.empty ()) {
PBD::info << string_compose ("AAF has no composition name, using AAF file name for Ardour session name : %1", session_name) << endmsg;
} else {
PBD::info << string_compose ("Force using AAF file name for Ardour session name : %1", session_name) << endmsg;
laaf_util_clean_filename (&session_name[0]);
if (Glib::file_test (string (output_folder + G_DIR_SEPARATOR + session_name), Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Session folder already exists '%1'", string (output_folder + G_DIR_SEPARATOR + session_name)) << endmsg;
::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
Session* s = NULL;
try {
s = create_new_session (output_folder + G_DIR_SEPARATOR + session_name /*session_file*/, session_name, samplerate, bitdepth, master_bus_chn, template_path);
} catch (ARDOUR::SessionException& e) {
// cerr << "Error: " << e.what () << "\n";
PBD::error << string_compose ("Could not create ardour session : %1", e.what ()) << endmsg;
SessionUtils::unload_session (s);
SessionUtils::cleanup ();
aafi_release (&aafi);
::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
} catch (...) {
// cerr << "Error: unknown exception.\n";
PBD::error << "Could not create ardour session." << endmsg;
SessionUtils::unload_session (s);
SessionUtils::cleanup ();
aafi_release (&aafi);
::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
* Extract audio files and import as sources
* libs/ardour/import_pt.cc#L188
SourceList oneClipSources;
ARDOUR::ImportStatus import_status;
vector<std::shared_ptr<Region>> source_regions;
timepos_t pos = timepos_t::max (Temporal::AudioTime);
aafiAudioEssence* audioEssence = NULL;
foreachEssence (audioEssence, aafi->Audio->Essences)
* If we extract embedded essences to `s->session_directory().sound_path()` then we end up with a duplicate on import.
* So we extract essence to a cache folder
if (audioEssence->is_embedded) {
if (media_cache_path.empty ()) {
PBD::error << "Could not extract audio file from AAF : media cache was not set." << endmsg;
if (aafi_extract_audio_essence (aafi, audioEssence, media_cache_path.c_str (), NULL) < 0) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Could not extract audio file '%1' from AAF.", audioEssence->unique_file_name) << endmsg;
continue; // TODO or fail ?
} else {
if (!audioEssence->usable_file_path) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Could not locate external audio file: '%1'", audioEssence->original_file_path) << endmsg;
continue; // TODO or fail ?
if (!import_sndfile_as_region (s, audioEssence, SrcBest, pos, oneClipSources, import_status, &source_regions)) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Could not import '%1' to session.", audioEssence->unique_file_name) << endmsg;
continue; // TODO or fail ?
audioEssence->user = new SourceList (oneClipSources);
PBD::info << string_compose ("Source file '%1' successfully imported to session.", audioEssence->unique_file_name) << endmsg;
oneClipSources.clear ();
* Get timeline offset as sample value
aafPosition_t sessionStart = convertEditUnit (aafi->compositionStart, aafi->compositionStart_editRate, samplerate_r);
* Create all audio clips
aafiAudioTrack* aafAudioTrack = NULL;
aafiTimelineItem* aafAudioItem = NULL;
aafiAudioClip* aafAudioClip = NULL;
foreach_audioTrack (aafAudioTrack, aafi)
std::shared_ptr<AudioTrack> track = prepare_audio_track (aafAudioTrack, s);
foreach_Item (aafAudioItem, aafAudioTrack)
if (aafAudioItem->type != AAFI_AUDIO_CLIP) {
aafAudioClip = (aafiAudioClip*)aafAudioItem->data;
if (aafAudioClip->Essence == NULL) {
PBD::error << "AAF clip has no essence" << endmsg;
/* converts whatever edit_rate clip is in, to samples */
aafPosition_t clipPos = convertEditUnit (aafAudioClip->pos, *aafAudioClip->track->edit_rate, samplerate_r);
PBD::info << string_compose ("Importing new clip %1 [%2 dB] on track %3 @%4",
((aafAudioClip->gain && aafAudioClip->gain->flags & AAFI_AUDIO_GAIN_CONSTANT) ? 20 * log10 (aafRationalToFloat (aafAudioClip->gain->value[0])) : 0),
timecode_format_sampletime ((clipPos + sessionStart), samplerate, aafi->Timecode->fps, false))
<< endmsg;
aafiAudioEssence* audioEssence = aafAudioClip->Essence;
if (!audioEssence || !audioEssence->user) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Could not create new region for clip %1 : Missing audio essence", aafAudioClip->Essence->unique_file_name) << endmsg;
SourceList* oneClipSources = static_cast<SourceList*> (audioEssence->user);
if (oneClipSources->size () == 0) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Could not create new region for clip %1: Region has no source", aafAudioClip->Essence->unique_file_name) << endmsg;
std::shared_ptr<Region> region = create_region (source_regions, aafAudioClip, *oneClipSources, sessionStart, samplerate_r);
if (!region) {
PBD::error << string_compose ("Could not create new region for clip %2", aafAudioClip->Essence->unique_file_name) << endmsg;
::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
/* Put region on track */
std::shared_ptr<Playlist> playlist = track->playlist ();
playlist->add_region (region, timepos_t (clipPos + sessionStart));
set_region_gain (aafAudioClip, region, s);
set_region_fade (aafAudioClip, region, &samplerate_r);
if (aafAudioClip->mute) {
region->set_muted (true);
aafiMarker* marker = NULL;
foreachMarker (marker, aafi)
aafPosition_t markerStart = sessionStart + convertEditUnit (marker->start, *marker->edit_rate, samplerate_r);
aafPosition_t markerEnd = sessionStart + convertEditUnit ((marker->start + marker->length), *marker->edit_rate, samplerate_r);
wstring markerName (marker->name);
Location* location;
if (marker->length == 0) {
location = new Location (*s, timepos_t (markerStart), timepos_t (markerStart), string (markerName.begin (), markerName.end ()), Location::Flags (Location::IsMark));
} else {
location = new Location (*s, timepos_t (markerStart), timepos_t (markerEnd), string (markerName.begin (), markerName.end ()), Location::Flags (Location::IsRangeMarker));
s->locations ()->add (location, true);
set_session_range (s, aafi);
/* Import Video from AAF: SegFault ! */
// set_session_video_from_aaf( s, aafi );
set_session_timecode (s, aafi);
import_status.progress = 1.0;
import_status.done = true;
s->save_state ("");
import_status.sources.clear ();
import_status.all_done = true;
/* clear */
foreachEssence (audioEssence, aafi->Audio->Essences)
if (audioEssence && audioEssence->user) {
static_cast<SourceList*> (audioEssence->user)->clear ();
source_regions.clear ();
if (!keep_cache) {
clear_cache (aafi, media_cache_path);
SessionUtils::unload_session (s);
SessionUtils::cleanup ();
aafi_release (&aafi);
fclose (logfilefp);
return 0;
// static void set_session_video_from_aaf( Session *s, AAF_Iface *aafi )
// {
// if ( aafi->Video->Tracks && aafi->Video->Tracks->Items ) {
// aafiVideoClip *videoClip = (aafiVideoClip*)&aafi->Video->Tracks->Items->data;
// // printf( "\n\n\nGot video Track and Item : %ls\n\n\n", videoClip->Essence->original_file_path/*->Essence->original_file_path*/ );
// // char origf[PATH_MAX+1];
// // snprintf(origf, PATH_MAX, "%ls", videoClip->Essence->original_file_path ); // TODOPATH
// // printf("Looking for : %s\n", strrchr(origf, '/') + 1 );
// char *file = locate_external_essence_file( aafi, videoClip->Essence->original_file_path, NULL );
// if ( file != NULL ) {
// PBD::info << string_compose ("Importing video : %1", Glib::path_get_basename(string(file))/*fop_get_filename(file)*/) << endmsg;
// /* get absolute video file path */
// std::string absFile (PBD::canonical_path (file));
// // /* get original mxf video filename */
// // char *file_name = remove_file_ext( basename(file), '.', '/' );
// //
// // /* creates project video folder */
// // mkdir( s->session_directory().video_path().c_str(), 0755 );
// //
// // /* extract mpeg video from original mxf */
// // char cmdstr[PATH_MAX*6];
// // snprintf( cmdstr, sizeof(cmdstr), "ffmpeg -y -i \"%s\" -c copy -f mpeg2video \"%s/%s.mpg\"", absFile, s->session_directory().video_path().c_str(), file_name );
// // //snprintf( cmdstr, sizeof(cmdstr), "ffmpeg -y -i \"%s\" -c copy -map_metadata 0 \"%s/%s.mkv\"", absFile, s->session_directory().video_path().c_str(), file_name );
// //
// // system(cmdstr);
// /* Add video to Ardour
// * ===================
// * https://github.com/Ardour/ardour/blob/6987196ea18cbf171e22ed62760962576ccb54da/gtk2_ardour/ardour_ui_video.cc#L317
// *
// * <Videotimeline Filename="/home/agfline/Developpement/ardio/watchfolder/3572607_RUGBY_F2_S65CFA3D0V.mxf" AutoFPS="1" LocalFile="1" OriginalVideoFile="/home/agfline/Developpement/ardio/watchfolder/3572607_RUGBY_F2_S65CFA3D0V.mxf"/>
// <RulerVisibility timecode="1" bbt="1" samples="0" minsec="0" tempo="1" meter="1" marker="1" rangemarker="1" transportmarker="1" cdmarker="1" videotl="1"/>
// */
// XMLNode* videoTLnode = new XMLNode( "Videotimeline" );
// videoTLnode->set_property( "Filename", absFile/*string(file_name) + ".mpg"*/ );
// videoTLnode->set_property( "AutoFPS", true );
// videoTLnode->set_property( "LocalFile", true );
// videoTLnode->set_property( "OriginalVideoFile", string(absFile) );
// videoTLnode->set_property( "id", 51 );
// videoTLnode->set_property( "Height", 3 );
// videoTLnode->set_property( "VideoOffsetLock", true );
// videoTLnode->set_property( "VideoOffset", eu2sample( s->sample_rate(), videoClip->track->Video->tc->edit_rate, (videoClip->pos + videoClip->track->Video->tc->start)) );
// // printf("\n\n\n%li | %li\n\n\n", videoClip->pos, videoClip->track->Video->tc->start );
// XMLNode* videoMONnode = new XMLNode( "Videomonitor" );
// videoMONnode->set_property( "active", true );
// XMLNode* xjnode = new XMLNode( "XJSettings" );
// XMLNode* xjsetting;
// xjsetting = xjnode->add_child( "XJSetting" );
// xjsetting->set_property( "k", "set offset" );
// xjsetting->set_property( "v", "-90000" ); //videoClip->pos * videoClip->track->Video->tc->edit_rate );
// xjsetting = xjnode->add_child( "XJSetting" );
// xjsetting->set_property( "k", "osd smpte" );
// xjsetting->set_property( "v", "95" );
// /* video_monitor.cc
// <XJSettings>
// <XJSetting k="window fullscreen" v="on"/>
// <XJSetting k="set offset" v="-90000"/>
// <XJSetting k="osd smpte" v="95"/>
// </XJSettings>
// */
// s->add_extra_xml(*xjnode);
// s->add_extra_xml(*videoTLnode);
// s->add_extra_xml(*videoMONnode);
// // s->set_dirty();
// }
// else {
// PBD::error << string_compose ("Could not locate video file: %1", videoClip->Essence->original_file_path) << endmsg;
// }
// }
// else {
// PBD::error << "Could not retrieve video from AAF." << endmsg;
// }
// }