Paul Davis 0d9efc1148 redesign cross-thread registration/signalling system
This new design will work even when threads that need to receive
messages from RT threads are created *after* the RT threads. The
existing design would fail because the RT thread(s) would never
be known the later created threads, and so signals emitted by the
RT thread and causing call_slot() in the receiver would end up
being enqueued using a lock-protected list. The new design ensures
that communication always uses a lock-free FIFO instead
2015-12-28 10:14:17 -05:00

458 lines
12 KiB

Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Paul Davis
Authors: Sampo Savolainen, Jannis Pohlmann
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <iostream>
#include "pbd/compose.h"
#include "pbd/error.h"
#include "ardour/debug.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "i18n.h"
#include "wiimote.h"
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace PBD;
using namespace std;
#include "pbd/abstract_ui.cc" // instantiate template
void wiimote_control_protocol_mesg_callback (cwiid_wiimote_t *wiimote, int mesg_count, union cwiid_mesg mesg[], timespec *t);
WiimoteControlProtocol::WiimoteControlProtocol (Session& session)
: ControlProtocol (session, X_("Wiimote"))
, AbstractUI<WiimoteControlUIRequest> ("wiimote")
, wiimote (0)
, idle_source (0)
, button_state (0)
, callback_thread_registered (false)
WiimoteControlProtocol::~WiimoteControlProtocol ()
stop ();
WiimoteControlProtocol::probe ()
return true;
WiimoteControlProtocol::set_active (bool yn)
int result;
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, string_compose ("WiimoteControlProtocol::set_active init with yn: '%1'\n", yn));
/* do nothing if the active state is not changing */
if (yn == active()) {
return 0;
if (yn) {
/* activate Wiimote control surface */
result = start ();
} else {
/* deactivate Wiimote control surface */
result = stop ();
ControlProtocol::set_active (yn);
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::set_active done\n");
return result;
WiimoteControlProtocol::get_state ()
XMLNode& node (ControlProtocol::get_state());
node.add_property (X_("feedback"), "0");
return node;
WiimoteControlProtocol::set_state (const XMLNode&, int)
return 0;
WiimoteControlProtocol::do_request (WiimoteControlUIRequest* req)
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::do_request init\n");
if (req->type == CallSlot) {
call_slot (MISSING_INVALIDATOR, req->the_slot);
} else if (req->type == Quit) {
stop ();
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::do_request done\n");
WiimoteControlProtocol::start ()
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::start init\n");
// update LEDs whenever the transport or recording state changes
session->TransportStateChange.connect (session_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&WiimoteControlProtocol::update_led_state, this), this);
session->RecordStateChanged.connect (session_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&WiimoteControlProtocol::update_led_state, this), this);
// start the Wiimote control UI; it will run in its own thread context
BaseUI::run ();
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::start done\n");
return 0;
WiimoteControlProtocol::stop ()
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::stop init\n");
// stop wiimote discovery, just in case
stop_wiimote_discovery ();
// close and reset the wiimote handle
if (wiimote) {
cwiid_close (wiimote);
wiimote = 0;
callback_thread_registered = false;
// stop the Wiimote control UI
BaseUI::quit ();
// no longer update the LEDs
session_connections.drop_connections ();
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::stop done\n");
return 0;
WiimoteControlProtocol::thread_init ()
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::thread_init init\n");
pthread_set_name (X_("wiimote"));
// allow to make requests to the GUI and RT thread(s)
PBD::notify_event_loops_about_thread_creation (pthread_self (), X_("wiimote"), 2048);
BasicUI::register_thread ("wiimote");
// connect a Wiimote
start_wiimote_discovery ();
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::thread_init done\n");
WiimoteControlProtocol::start_wiimote_discovery ()
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::start_wiimote_discovery init\n");
// connect to the Wiimote using an idle source
Glib::RefPtr<Glib::IdleSource> source = Glib::IdleSource::create ();
source->connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &WiimoteControlProtocol::connect_idle));
source->attach (_main_loop->get_context ());
// grab a reference on the underlying idle source to keep it around
idle_source = source->gobj ();
g_source_ref (idle_source);
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::start_wiimote_discovery done\n");
WiimoteControlProtocol::stop_wiimote_discovery ()
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::stop_wiimote_discovery init\n");
if (idle_source) {
g_source_unref (idle_source);
idle_source = 0;
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::stop_wiimote_discovery done\n");
WiimoteControlProtocol::connect_idle ()
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::connect_idle init\n");
bool retry = false;
if (connect_wiimote ()) {
stop_wiimote_discovery ();
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::connect_idle done\n");
return retry;
WiimoteControlProtocol::connect_wiimote ()
// abort the discovery and do nothing else if we already have a Wiimote
if (wiimote) {
return true;
bool success = false;
// if we don't have a Wiimote yet, try to discover it; if that
// fails, wait for a short period of time and try again
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
cerr << "Wiimote: Not discovered yet, press 1+2 to connect" << endl;
bdaddr_t bdaddr = {{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }};
wiimote = cwiid_open (&bdaddr, 0);
callback_thread_registered = false;
if (wiimote) {
// a Wiimote was discovered
cerr << "Wiimote: Connected successfully" << endl;
// attach the WiimoteControlProtocol object to the Wiimote handle
if (cwiid_set_data (wiimote, this)) {
cerr << "Wiimote: Failed to attach control protocol" << endl;
} else {
success = true;
// clear the last button state to start processing events cleanly
button_state = 0;
// enable message based communication with the Wiimote
if (success && cwiid_enable (wiimote, CWIID_FLAG_MESG_IFC)) {
cerr << "Wiimote: Failed to enable message based communication" << endl;
success = false;
// enable button events to be received from the Wiimote
if (success && cwiid_command (wiimote, CWIID_CMD_RPT_MODE, CWIID_RPT_BTN)) {
cerr << "Wiimote: Failed to enable button events" << endl;
success = false;
// receive an event for every single button pressed, not just when
// a different button was pressed than before
if (success && cwiid_enable (wiimote, CWIID_FLAG_REPEAT_BTN)) {
cerr << "Wiimote: Failed to enable repeated button events" << endl;
success = false;
// be notified of new input events
if (success && cwiid_set_mesg_callback (wiimote, wiimote_control_protocol_mesg_callback)) {
// reset Wiimote handle if the configuration failed
if (!success && wiimote) {
cwiid_close (wiimote);
wiimote = 0;
callback_thread_registered = false;
return success;
WiimoteControlProtocol::update_led_state ()
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::update_led_state init\n");
uint8_t state = 0;
// do nothing if we do not have a Wiimote
if (!wiimote) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::update_led_state no wiimote connected\n");
// enable LED1 if Ardour is playing
if (session->transport_rolling ()) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::update_led_state playing, activate LED1\n");
state |= CWIID_LED1_ON;
// enable LED4 if Ardour is recording
if (session->actively_recording ()) {
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::update_led_state recording, activate LED4\n");
state |= CWIID_LED4_ON;
// apply the LED state
cwiid_set_led (wiimote, state);
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::update_led_state done\n");
WiimoteControlProtocol::wiimote_callback (int mesg_count, union cwiid_mesg mesg[])
// register the cwiid callback thread if that hasn't happened yet
if (!callback_thread_registered) {
BasicUI::register_thread ("wiimote callback");
callback_thread_registered = true;
for (int i = 0; i < mesg_count; i++) {
// restart Wiimote discovery when receiving errors
if (mesg[i].type == CWIID_MESG_ERROR) {
cerr << "Wiimote: disconnected" << endl;
cwiid_close (wiimote);
wiimote = 0;
callback_thread_registered = false;
start_wiimote_discovery ();
// skip non-button events
if (mesg[i].type != CWIID_MESG_BTN) {
// drop buttons from the event that were already pressed before
uint16_t b = mesg[i].btn_mesg.buttons & ~button_state;
// remember new button state
button_state = mesg[i].btn_mesg.buttons;
if (button_state & CWIID_BTN_B) {
// B + A = abort recording and jump back
if (b & CWIID_BTN_A) {
access_action ("Transport/ToggleRollForgetCapture");
// B + left = move playhead to previous region boundary
if (b & CWIID_BTN_LEFT) {
access_action ("Editor/playhead-to-previous-region-boundary");
// B + right = move playhead to next region boundary
if (b & CWIID_BTN_RIGHT) {
access_action ("Editor/playhead-to-next-region-boundary");
// B + up = move playhead to next marker
if (b & CWIID_BTN_UP) {
next_marker ();
// B + down = move playhead to prev marker
if (b & CWIID_BTN_DOWN) {
prev_marker ();
// B + Home = add marker at playhead
if (b & CWIID_BTN_HOME) {
access_action ("Editor/add-location-from-playhead");
// B + minus = move playhead to the start
if (b & CWIID_BTN_MINUS) {
access_action ("Transport/GotoStart");
// B + plus = move playhead to the end
if (b & CWIID_BTN_PLUS) {
access_action ("Transport/GotoEnd");
} else {
// A = toggle playback
if (b & CWIID_BTN_A) {
access_action ("Transport/ToggleRoll");
// 1 = toggle recording on the current track
if (b & CWIID_BTN_1) {
access_action ("Editor/track-record-enable-toggle");
// 2 = enable recording in general
if (b & CWIID_BTN_2) {
rec_enable_toggle ();
// left = move playhead back a bit
if (b & CWIID_BTN_LEFT) {
access_action ("Editor/nudge-playhead-backward");
// right = move playhead forward a bit
if (b & CWIID_BTN_RIGHT) {
access_action ("Editor/nudge-playhead-forward");
// up = select previous track
if (b & CWIID_BTN_UP) {
access_action ("Editor/select-prev-route");
// down = select next track
if (b & CWIID_BTN_DOWN) {
access_action ("Editor/select-next-route");
// + = zoom in
if (b & CWIID_BTN_PLUS) {
access_action ("Editor/temporal-zoom-in");
// - = zoom out
if (b & CWIID_BTN_MINUS) {
access_action ("Editor/temporal-zoom-out");
// home = no-op
if (b & CWIID_BTN_HOME) {
access_action ("Editor/playhead-to-edit");
wiimote_control_protocol_mesg_callback (cwiid_wiimote_t *wiimote, int mesg_count, union cwiid_mesg mesg[], timespec *)
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::mesg_callback init\n");
WiimoteControlProtocol *protocol = reinterpret_cast<WiimoteControlProtocol*> (const_cast<void*>(cwiid_get_data (wiimote)));
if (protocol) {
protocol->wiimote_callback (mesg_count, mesg);
DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::WiimoteControl, "WiimoteControlProtocol::mesg_callback done\n");