nick_m 7fc3b0c34c Initial stab at tempo ramps.
Replaces the list of points in TempoMap with TempoSection functions, which
compute tempo-at or tick-at time relative to tempo section start.
TempoMap consults them additively to determine things like bbt_time(),
frame_time() get_grid() etc.
This has a marked effect on scrolling speed along with the code simplification
in the places it has been attempted.

Several things are broken here.
Currently every ramp except the last one is an exponential ramp. this may
be simple to fix :).
Mouse-over midi grid doesn't match mouse click grid. should also be simple.

Many things seem to work, but their accuracy should be in question until
each area has been addressed.
2016-05-27 23:38:09 +10:00

1860 lines
59 KiB

Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifdef WAF_BUILD
#include "gtk2ardour-config.h"
#include <cstdio> // for sprintf, grrr
#include <cmath>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string>
#include <gtk/gtkaction.h>
#include "canvas/container.h"
#include "canvas/canvas.h"
#include "canvas/ruler.h"
#include "canvas/debug.h"
#include "canvas/scroll_group.h"
#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "ardour/tempo.h"
#include "ardour/profile.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/gtk_ui.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/keyboard.h"
#include "ardour_ui.h"
#include "editor.h"
#include "editing.h"
#include "actions.h"
#include "gui_thread.h"
#include "ruler_dialog.h"
#include "time_axis_view.h"
#include "editor_drag.h"
#include "editor_cursors.h"
#include "ui_config.h"
#include "i18n.h"
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace PBD;
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace Editing;
/* the order here must match the "metric" enums in editor.h */
class TimecodeMetric : public ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric
TimecodeMetric (Editor* e) : _editor (e) {}
void get_marks (std::vector<ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark>& marks, double lower, double upper, int maxchars) const {
_editor->metric_get_timecode (marks, lower, upper, maxchars);
Editor* _editor;
class SamplesMetric : public ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric
SamplesMetric (Editor* e) : _editor (e) {}
void get_marks (std::vector<ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark>& marks, double lower, double upper, int maxchars) const {
_editor->metric_get_samples (marks, lower, upper, maxchars);
Editor* _editor;
class BBTMetric : public ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric
BBTMetric (Editor* e) : _editor (e) {}
void get_marks (std::vector<ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark>& marks, double lower, double upper, int maxchars) const {
_editor->metric_get_bbt (marks, lower, upper, maxchars);
Editor* _editor;
class MinsecMetric : public ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric
MinsecMetric (Editor* e) : _editor (e) {}
void get_marks (std::vector<ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark>& marks, double lower, double upper, int maxchars) const {
_editor->metric_get_minsec (marks, lower, upper, maxchars);
Editor* _editor;
static ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric* _bbt_metric;
static ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric* _timecode_metric;
static ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric* _samples_metric;
static ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric* _minsec_metric;
Editor::initialize_rulers ()
ruler_grabbed_widget = 0;
Pango::FontDescription font (UIConfiguration::instance().get_SmallerFont());
_timecode_metric = new TimecodeMetric (this);
_bbt_metric = new BBTMetric (this);
_minsec_metric = new MinsecMetric (this);
_samples_metric = new SamplesMetric (this);
timecode_ruler = new ArdourCanvas::Ruler (_time_markers_group, *_timecode_metric,
ArdourCanvas::Rect (0, 0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, timebar_height));
timecode_ruler->set_font_description (font);
CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (timecode_ruler, "timecode ruler");
timecode_nmarks = 0;
samples_ruler = new ArdourCanvas::Ruler (_time_markers_group, *_samples_metric,
ArdourCanvas::Rect (0, 0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, timebar_height));
samples_ruler->set_font_description (font);
CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (samples_ruler, "samples ruler");
minsec_ruler = new ArdourCanvas::Ruler (_time_markers_group, *_minsec_metric,
ArdourCanvas::Rect (0, 0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, timebar_height));
minsec_ruler->set_font_description (font);
CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (minsec_ruler, "minsec ruler");
minsec_nmarks = 0;
bbt_ruler = new ArdourCanvas::Ruler (_time_markers_group, *_bbt_metric,
ArdourCanvas::Rect (0, 0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, timebar_height));
bbt_ruler->set_font_description (font);
CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (bbt_ruler, "bbt ruler");
timecode_nmarks = 0;
using namespace Box_Helpers;
BoxList & lab_children = time_bars_vbox.children();
lab_children.push_back (Element(minsec_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START));
lab_children.push_back (Element(timecode_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START));
lab_children.push_back (Element(samples_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START));
lab_children.push_back (Element(bbt_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START));
lab_children.push_back (Element(meter_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START));
lab_children.push_back (Element(tempo_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START));
lab_children.push_back (Element(range_mark_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START));
lab_children.push_back (Element(transport_mark_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START));
lab_children.push_back (Element(cd_mark_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START));
lab_children.push_back (Element(mark_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START));
lab_children.push_back (Element(videotl_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START));
/* 1 event handler to bind them all ... */
timecode_ruler->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_ruler_event), timecode_ruler, TimecodeRulerItem));
minsec_ruler->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_ruler_event), minsec_ruler, MinsecRulerItem));
bbt_ruler->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_ruler_event), bbt_ruler, BBTRulerItem));
samples_ruler->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_ruler_event), samples_ruler, SamplesRulerItem));
visible_timebars = 0; /*this will be changed below */
Editor::ruler_label_button_release (GdkEventButton* ev)
if (Gtkmm2ext::Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) {
if (!ruler_dialog) {
ruler_dialog = new RulerDialog ();
ruler_dialog->present ();
return true;
Editor::popup_ruler_menu (framepos_t where, ItemType t)
using namespace Menu_Helpers;
if (editor_ruler_menu == 0) {
editor_ruler_menu = new Menu;
editor_ruler_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu");
// always build from scratch
MenuList& ruler_items = editor_ruler_menu->items();
editor_ruler_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu");
switch (t) {
case MarkerBarItem:
ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("New location marker"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::mouse_add_new_marker), where, false)));
ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Clear all locations"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::clear_markers)));
ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Unhide locations"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::unhide_markers)));
case RangeMarkerBarItem:
ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("New range"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::mouse_add_new_range), where)));
ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Clear all ranges"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::clear_ranges)));
ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Unhide ranges"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::unhide_ranges)));
case TransportMarkerBarItem:
ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("New Loop range"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::mouse_add_new_loop), where)));
ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("New Punch range"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::mouse_add_new_punch), where)));
case CdMarkerBarItem:
ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("New CD track marker"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::mouse_add_new_marker), where, true)));
case TempoBarItem:
ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("New Tempo"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::mouse_add_new_tempo_event), where)));
case MeterBarItem:
ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("New Meter"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::mouse_add_new_meter_event), where)));
case VideoBarItem:
/* proper headings would be nice
* but AFAICT the only way to get them will be to define a
* special GTK style for insensitive Elements or subclass MenuItem
//ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Timeline height"))); // heading
ruler_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Large"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::set_video_timeline_height), 6)));
if (videotl_bar_height == 6) { static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&ruler_items.back())->set_active(true);}
ruler_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Normal"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::set_video_timeline_height), 4)));
if (videotl_bar_height == 4) { static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&ruler_items.back())->set_active(true);}
ruler_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Small"), sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::set_video_timeline_height), 3)));
if (videotl_bar_height == 3) { static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&ruler_items.back())->set_active(true);}
ruler_items.push_back (SeparatorElem ());
//ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Align Video Track"))); // heading
ruler_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Lock")));
Gtk::CheckMenuItem* vtl_lock = static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&ruler_items.back());
vtl_lock->signal_activate().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::toggle_video_timeline_locked));
ruler_items.push_back (SeparatorElem ());
//ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Video Monitor"))); // heading
ruler_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Video Monitor")));
Gtk::CheckMenuItem* xjadeo_toggle = static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&ruler_items.back());
if (!ARDOUR_UI::instance()->video_timeline->found_xjadeo()) {
xjadeo_toggle->signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::toggle_xjadeo_proc), -1));
if (!ruler_items.empty()) {
editor_ruler_menu->popup (1, gtk_get_current_event_time());
no_ruler_shown_update = false;
Editor::store_ruler_visibility ()
XMLNode* node = new XMLNode(X_("RulerVisibility"));
node->add_property (X_("timecode"), ruler_timecode_action->get_active() ? "yes": "no");
node->add_property (X_("bbt"), ruler_bbt_action->get_active() ? "yes": "no");
node->add_property (X_("samples"), ruler_samples_action->get_active() ? "yes": "no");
node->add_property (X_("minsec"), ruler_minsec_action->get_active() ? "yes": "no");
node->add_property (X_("tempo"), ruler_tempo_action->get_active() ? "yes": "no");
node->add_property (X_("meter"), ruler_meter_action->get_active() ? "yes": "no");
node->add_property (X_("marker"), ruler_marker_action->get_active() ? "yes": "no");
node->add_property (X_("rangemarker"), ruler_range_action->get_active() ? "yes": "no");
node->add_property (X_("transportmarker"), ruler_loop_punch_action->get_active() ? "yes": "no");
node->add_property (X_("cdmarker"), ruler_cd_marker_action->get_active() ? "yes": "no");
node->add_property (X_("videotl"), ruler_video_action->get_active() ? "yes": "no");
_session->add_extra_xml (*node);
_session->set_dirty ();
Editor::restore_ruler_visibility ()
XMLProperty const * prop;
XMLNode * node = _session->extra_xml (X_("RulerVisibility"));
no_ruler_shown_update = true;
if (node) {
if ((prop = node->property ("timecode")) != 0) {
if (string_is_affirmative (prop->value())) {
ruler_timecode_action->set_active (true);
} else {
ruler_timecode_action->set_active (false);
if ((prop = node->property ("bbt")) != 0) {
if (string_is_affirmative (prop->value())) {
ruler_bbt_action->set_active (true);
} else {
ruler_bbt_action->set_active (false);
if ((prop = node->property ("samples")) != 0) {
if (string_is_affirmative (prop->value())) {
ruler_samples_action->set_active (true);
} else {
ruler_samples_action->set_active (false);
if ((prop = node->property ("minsec")) != 0) {
if (string_is_affirmative (prop->value())) {
ruler_minsec_action->set_active (true);
} else {
ruler_minsec_action->set_active (false);
if ((prop = node->property ("tempo")) != 0) {
if (string_is_affirmative (prop->value())) {
ruler_tempo_action->set_active (true);
} else {
ruler_tempo_action->set_active (false);
if ((prop = node->property ("meter")) != 0) {
if (string_is_affirmative (prop->value())) {
ruler_meter_action->set_active (true);
} else {
ruler_meter_action->set_active (false);
if ((prop = node->property ("marker")) != 0) {
if (string_is_affirmative (prop->value())) {
ruler_marker_action->set_active (true);
} else {
ruler_marker_action->set_active (false);
if ((prop = node->property ("rangemarker")) != 0) {
if (string_is_affirmative (prop->value())) {
ruler_range_action->set_active (true);
} else {
ruler_range_action->set_active (false);
if ((prop = node->property ("transportmarker")) != 0) {
if (string_is_affirmative (prop->value())) {
ruler_loop_punch_action->set_active (true);
} else {
ruler_loop_punch_action->set_active (false);
if ((prop = node->property ("cdmarker")) != 0) {
if (string_is_affirmative (prop->value())) {
ruler_cd_marker_action->set_active (true);
} else {
ruler_cd_marker_action->set_active (false);
} else {
// this _session doesn't yet know about the cdmarker ruler
// as a benefit to the user who doesn't know the feature exists, show the ruler if
// any cd marks exist
ruler_cd_marker_action->set_active (false);
const Locations::LocationList & locs = _session->locations()->list();
for (Locations::LocationList::const_iterator i = locs.begin(); i != locs.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i)->is_cd_marker()) {
ruler_cd_marker_action->set_active (true);
if ((prop = node->property ("videotl")) != 0) {
if (string_is_affirmative (prop->value())) {
ruler_video_action->set_active (true);
} else {
ruler_video_action->set_active (false);
no_ruler_shown_update = false;
update_ruler_visibility ();
Editor::update_ruler_visibility ()
int visible_timebars = 0;
if (no_ruler_shown_update) {
/* the order of the timebars is fixed, so we have to go through each one
* and adjust its position depending on what is shown.
* Order: minsec, timecode, samples, bbt, meter, tempo, ranges,
* loop/punch, cd markers, location markers
double tbpos = 0.0;
double tbgpos = 0.0;
double old_unit_pos;
#ifdef __APPLE__
/* gtk update probs require this (damn) */
if (ruler_minsec_action->get_active()) {
old_unit_pos = minsec_ruler->position().y;
if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) {
minsec_ruler->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos));
tbpos += timebar_height;
tbgpos += timebar_height;
} else {
if (ruler_timecode_action->get_active()) {
old_unit_pos = timecode_ruler->position().y;
if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) {
timecode_ruler->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos));
tbpos += timebar_height;
tbgpos += timebar_height;
} else {
if (ruler_samples_action->get_active()) {
old_unit_pos = samples_ruler->position().y;
if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) {
samples_ruler->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos));
tbpos += timebar_height;
tbgpos += timebar_height;
} else {
if (ruler_bbt_action->get_active()) {
old_unit_pos = bbt_ruler->position().y;
if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) {
bbt_ruler->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos));
tbpos += timebar_height;
tbgpos += timebar_height;
} else {
if (ruler_meter_action->get_active()) {
old_unit_pos = meter_group->position().y;
if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) {
meter_group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos));
tbpos += timebar_height;
tbgpos += timebar_height;
} else {
if (ruler_tempo_action->get_active()) {
old_unit_pos = tempo_group->position().y;
if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) {
tempo_group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos));
tbpos += timebar_height;
tbgpos += timebar_height;
} else {
if (ruler_range_action->get_active()) {
old_unit_pos = range_marker_group->position().y;
if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) {
range_marker_group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos));
tbpos += timebar_height;
tbgpos += timebar_height;
} else {
if (ruler_loop_punch_action->get_active()) {
old_unit_pos = transport_marker_group->position().y;
if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) {
transport_marker_group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos));
tbpos += timebar_height;
tbgpos += timebar_height;
} else {
if (ruler_cd_marker_action->get_active()) {
old_unit_pos = cd_marker_group->position().y;
if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) {
cd_marker_group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos));
tbpos += timebar_height;
tbgpos += timebar_height;
// make sure all cd markers show up in their respective places
} else {
// make sure all cd markers show up in their respective places
if (ruler_marker_action->get_active()) {
old_unit_pos = marker_group->position().y;
if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) {
marker_group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos));
tbpos += timebar_height;
tbgpos += timebar_height;
} else {
if (ruler_video_action->get_active()) {
old_unit_pos = videotl_group->position().y;
if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) {
videotl_group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos));
tbpos += timebar_height * videotl_bar_height;
tbgpos += timebar_height * videotl_bar_height;
} else {
time_bars_vbox.set_size_request (-1, (int)(timebar_height * visible_timebars));
/* move hv_scroll_group (trackviews) to the end of the timebars
hv_scroll_group->set_y_position (timebar_height * visible_timebars);
compute_fixed_ruler_scale ();
redisplay_tempo (false);
/* Changing ruler visibility means that any lines on markers might need updating */
for (LocationMarkerMap::iterator i = location_markers.begin(); i != location_markers.end(); ++i) {
i->second->setup_lines ();
Editor::update_just_timecode ()
ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &Editor::update_just_timecode)
if (_session == 0) {
framepos_t rightmost_frame = leftmost_frame + current_page_samples();
if (ruler_timecode_action->get_active()) {
timecode_ruler->set_range (leftmost_frame, rightmost_frame);
Editor::compute_fixed_ruler_scale ()
if (_session == 0) {
if (ruler_timecode_action->get_active()) {
set_timecode_ruler_scale (leftmost_frame, leftmost_frame + current_page_samples());
if (ruler_minsec_action->get_active()) {
set_minsec_ruler_scale (leftmost_frame, leftmost_frame + current_page_samples());
if (ruler_samples_action->get_active()) {
set_samples_ruler_scale (leftmost_frame, leftmost_frame + current_page_samples());
Editor::update_fixed_rulers ()
framepos_t rightmost_frame;
if (_session == 0) {
compute_fixed_ruler_scale ();
_timecode_metric->units_per_pixel = samples_per_pixel;
_samples_metric->units_per_pixel = samples_per_pixel;
_minsec_metric->units_per_pixel = samples_per_pixel;
rightmost_frame = leftmost_frame + current_page_samples();
/* these force a redraw, which in turn will force execution of the metric callbacks
to compute the relevant ticks to display.
if (ruler_timecode_action->get_active()) {
timecode_ruler->set_range (leftmost_frame, rightmost_frame);
if (ruler_samples_action->get_active()) {
samples_ruler->set_range (leftmost_frame, rightmost_frame);
if (ruler_minsec_action->get_active()) {
minsec_ruler->set_range (leftmost_frame, rightmost_frame);
Editor::update_tempo_based_rulers (std::vector<TempoMap::BBTPoint>& grid)
if (_session == 0) {
compute_bbt_ruler_scale (grid, leftmost_frame, leftmost_frame+current_page_samples());
_bbt_metric->units_per_pixel = samples_per_pixel;
if (ruler_bbt_action->get_active()) {
bbt_ruler->set_range (leftmost_frame, leftmost_frame+current_page_samples());
Editor::set_timecode_ruler_scale (framepos_t lower, framepos_t upper)
using namespace std;
framepos_t spacer;
framepos_t fr;
if (_session == 0) {
fr = _session->frame_rate();
if (lower > (spacer = (framepos_t) (128 * Editor::get_current_zoom ()))) {
lower = lower - spacer;
} else {
lower = 0;
upper = upper + spacer;
framecnt_t const range = upper - lower;
if (range < (2 * _session->frames_per_timecode_frame())) { /* 0 - 2 frames */
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_bits;
timecode_mark_modulo = 20;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + (2 * _session->config.get_subframes_per_frame());
} else if (range <= (fr / 4)) { /* 2 frames - 0.250 second */
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_frames;
timecode_mark_modulo = 1;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / (framepos_t)_session->frames_per_timecode_frame());
} else if (range <= (fr / 2)) { /* 0.25-0.5 second */
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_frames;
timecode_mark_modulo = 2;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / (framepos_t)_session->frames_per_timecode_frame());
} else if (range <= fr) { /* 0.5-1 second */
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_frames;
timecode_mark_modulo = 5;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / (framepos_t)_session->frames_per_timecode_frame());
} else if (range <= 2 * fr) { /* 1-2 seconds */
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_frames;
timecode_mark_modulo = 10;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / (framepos_t)_session->frames_per_timecode_frame());
} else if (range <= 8 * fr) { /* 2-8 seconds */
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_seconds;
timecode_mark_modulo = 1;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / fr);
} else if (range <= 16 * fr) { /* 8-16 seconds */
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_seconds;
timecode_mark_modulo = 2;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / fr);
} else if (range <= 30 * fr) { /* 16-30 seconds */
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_seconds;
timecode_mark_modulo = 5;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / fr);
} else if (range <= 60 * fr) { /* 30-60 seconds */
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_seconds;
timecode_mark_modulo = 5;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / fr);
} else if (range <= 2 * 60 * fr) { /* 1-2 minutes */
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_seconds;
timecode_mark_modulo = 15;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / fr);
} else if (range <= 4 * 60 * fr) { /* 2-4 minutes */
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_seconds;
timecode_mark_modulo = 30;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / fr);
} else if (range <= 10 * 60 * fr) { /* 4-10 minutes */
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_minutes;
timecode_mark_modulo = 2;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + 10;
} else if (range <= 30 * 60 * fr) { /* 10-30 minutes */
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_minutes;
timecode_mark_modulo = 5;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + 30;
} else if (range <= 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 30 minutes - 1hr */
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_minutes;
timecode_mark_modulo = 10;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + 60;
} else if (range <= 4 * 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 1 - 4 hrs*/
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_minutes;
timecode_mark_modulo = 30;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + (60 * 4);
} else if (range <= 8 * 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 4 - 8 hrs*/
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_hours;
timecode_mark_modulo = 1;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + 8;
} else if (range <= 16 * 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 16-24 hrs*/
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_hours;
timecode_mark_modulo = 1;
timecode_nmarks = 2 + 24;
} else {
const framecnt_t hours_in_range = range / (60 * 60 * fr);
const int text_width_rough_guess = 120; /* pixels, very very approximate guess at how wide the tick mark text is */
/* Normally we do not need to know anything about the width of the canvas
to set the ruler scale, because the caller has already determined
the width and set lower + upper arguments to this function to match that.
But in this case, where the range defined by lower and uppper can vary
substantially (basically anything from 24hrs+ to several billion years)
trying to decide which tick marks to show does require us to know
about the available width.
timecode_nmarks = _track_canvas->width() / text_width_rough_guess;
timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_many_hours;
timecode_mark_modulo = max ((framecnt_t) 1, 1 + (hours_in_range / timecode_nmarks));
Editor::metric_get_timecode (std::vector<ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark>& marks, gdouble lower, gdouble /*upper*/, gint /*maxchars*/)
framepos_t pos;
framecnt_t spacer;
Timecode::Time timecode;
gchar buf[16];
gint n;
ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark mark;
if (_session == 0) {
if (lower > (spacer = (framecnt_t)(128 * Editor::get_current_zoom ()))) {
lower = lower - spacer;
} else {
lower = 0;
pos = (framecnt_t) floor (lower);
switch (timecode_ruler_scale) {
case timecode_show_bits:
// Find timecode time of this sample (pos) with subframe accuracy
_session->sample_to_timecode(pos, timecode, true /* use_offset */, true /* use_subframes */ );
for (n = 0; n < timecode_nmarks; n++) {
_session->timecode_to_sample(timecode, pos, true /* use_offset */, true /* use_subframes */ );
if ((timecode.subframes % timecode_mark_modulo) == 0) {
if (timecode.subframes == 0) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%02u:%02u:%02u:%02u", timecode.negative ? "-" : "", timecode.hours, timecode.minutes, timecode.seconds, timecode.frames);
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), ".%02u", timecode.subframes);
} else {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf)," ");
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = pos;
marks.push_back (mark);
// Increment subframes by one
Timecode::increment_subframes( timecode, _session->config.get_subframes_per_frame() );
case timecode_show_frames:
// Find timecode time of this sample (pos)
_session->sample_to_timecode(pos, timecode, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */ );
// Go to next whole frame down
Timecode::frames_floor( timecode );
for (n = 0; n < timecode_nmarks; n++) {
_session->timecode_to_sample(timecode, pos, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */ );
if ((timecode.frames % timecode_mark_modulo) == 0) {
if (timecode.frames == 0) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
mark.position = pos;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%02u:%02u:%02u:%02u", timecode.negative ? "-" : "", timecode.hours, timecode.minutes, timecode.seconds, timecode.frames);
} else {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf)," ");
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
mark.position = pos;
mark.label = buf;
marks.push_back (mark);
Timecode::increment( timecode, _session->config.get_subframes_per_frame() );
case timecode_show_seconds:
// Find timecode time of this sample (pos)
_session->sample_to_timecode(pos, timecode, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */ );
// Go to next whole second down
Timecode::seconds_floor( timecode );
for (n = 0; n < timecode_nmarks; n++) {
_session->timecode_to_sample(timecode, pos, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */ );
if ((timecode.seconds % timecode_mark_modulo) == 0) {
if (timecode.seconds == 0) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
mark.position = pos;
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
mark.position = pos;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%02u:%02u:%02u:%02u", timecode.negative ? "-" : "", timecode.hours, timecode.minutes, timecode.seconds, timecode.frames);
} else {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf)," ");
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
mark.position = pos;
mark.label = buf;
marks.push_back (mark);
Timecode::increment_seconds( timecode, _session->config.get_subframes_per_frame() );
case timecode_show_minutes:
//Find timecode time of this sample (pos)
_session->sample_to_timecode(pos, timecode, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */ );
// Go to next whole minute down
Timecode::minutes_floor( timecode );
for (n = 0; n < timecode_nmarks; n++) {
_session->timecode_to_sample(timecode, pos, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */ );
if ((timecode.minutes % timecode_mark_modulo) == 0) {
if (timecode.minutes == 0) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%02u:%02u:%02u:%02u", timecode.negative ? "-" : "", timecode.hours, timecode.minutes, timecode.seconds, timecode.frames);
} else {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf)," ");
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = pos;
marks.push_back (mark);
Timecode::increment_minutes( timecode, _session->config.get_subframes_per_frame() );
case timecode_show_hours:
// Find timecode time of this sample (pos)
_session->sample_to_timecode(pos, timecode, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */ );
// Go to next whole hour down
Timecode::hours_floor( timecode );
for (n = 0; n < timecode_nmarks; n++) {
_session->timecode_to_sample(timecode, pos, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */ );
if ((timecode.hours % timecode_mark_modulo) == 0) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%02u:%02u:%02u:%02u", timecode.negative ? "-" : "", timecode.hours, timecode.minutes, timecode.seconds, timecode.frames);
} else {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf)," ");
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = pos;
marks.push_back (mark);
Timecode::increment_hours( timecode, _session->config.get_subframes_per_frame() );
case timecode_show_many_hours:
// Find timecode time of this sample (pos)
_session->sample_to_timecode(pos, timecode, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */ );
// Go to next whole hour down
Timecode::hours_floor (timecode);
for (n = 0; n < timecode_nmarks; ) {
_session->timecode_to_sample(timecode, pos, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */ );
if ((timecode.hours % timecode_mark_modulo) == 0) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%02u:%02u:%02u:%02u", timecode.negative ? "-" : "", timecode.hours, timecode.minutes, timecode.seconds, timecode.frames);
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = pos;
marks.push_back (mark);
/* can't use Timecode::increment_hours() here because we may be traversing thousands of hours
and doing it 1 hour at a time is just stupid (and slow).
timecode.hours += timecode_mark_modulo;
Editor::compute_bbt_ruler_scale (std::vector<ARDOUR::TempoMap::BBTPoint>& grid, framepos_t lower, framepos_t upper)
if (_session == 0) {
std::vector<TempoMap::BBTPoint>::const_iterator i;
Timecode::BBT_Time lower_beat, upper_beat; // the beats at each end of the ruler
framecnt_t beat_before_lower_pos = _session->tempo_map().frame_at_beat (floor(_session->tempo_map().beat_at_frame (lower)));
framecnt_t beat_after_upper_pos = _session->tempo_map().frame_at_beat (floor (_session->tempo_map().beat_at_frame (upper)) + 1.0);
_session->bbt_time (beat_before_lower_pos, lower_beat);
_session->bbt_time (beat_after_upper_pos, upper_beat);
uint32_t beats = 0;
bbt_accent_modulo = 1;
bbt_bar_helper_on = false;
bbt_bars = 0;
bbt_nmarks = 1;
bbt_ruler_scale = bbt_show_many;
switch (_snap_type) {
case SnapToBeatDiv2:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 2;
case SnapToBeatDiv3:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 3;
case SnapToBeatDiv4:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 4;
case SnapToBeatDiv5:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 5;
bbt_accent_modulo = 2; // XXX YIKES
case SnapToBeatDiv6:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 6;
bbt_accent_modulo = 2; // XXX YIKES
case SnapToBeatDiv7:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 7;
bbt_accent_modulo = 2; // XXX YIKES
case SnapToBeatDiv8:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 8;
bbt_accent_modulo = 2;
case SnapToBeatDiv10:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 10;
bbt_accent_modulo = 2; // XXX YIKES
case SnapToBeatDiv12:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 12;
bbt_accent_modulo = 3;
case SnapToBeatDiv14:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 14;
bbt_accent_modulo = 3; // XXX YIKES!
case SnapToBeatDiv16:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 16;
bbt_accent_modulo = 4;
case SnapToBeatDiv20:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 20;
bbt_accent_modulo = 5;
case SnapToBeatDiv24:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 24;
bbt_accent_modulo = 6;
case SnapToBeatDiv28:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 28;
bbt_accent_modulo = 7;
case SnapToBeatDiv32:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 32;
bbt_accent_modulo = 8;
case SnapToBeatDiv64:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 64;
bbt_accent_modulo = 8;
case SnapToBeatDiv128:
bbt_beat_subdivision = 128;
bbt_accent_modulo = 8;
bbt_beat_subdivision = 4;
if (distance (grid.begin(), grid.end()) == 0) {
i = grid.end();
/* XX ?? */
if ((*i).beat >= (*grid.begin()).beat) {
bbt_bars = (*i).bar - (*grid.begin()).bar;
} else {
bbt_bars = (*i).bar - (*grid.begin()).bar;
beats = distance (grid.begin(), grid.end()) - bbt_bars;
/* Only show the bar helper if there aren't many bars on the screen */
if ((bbt_bars < 2) || (beats < 5)) {
bbt_bar_helper_on = true;
if (bbt_bars > 8192) {
bbt_ruler_scale = bbt_show_many;
} else if (bbt_bars > 1024) {
bbt_ruler_scale = bbt_show_64;
} else if (bbt_bars > 256) {
bbt_ruler_scale = bbt_show_16;
} else if (bbt_bars > 64) {
bbt_ruler_scale = bbt_show_4;
} else if (bbt_bars > 10) {
bbt_ruler_scale = bbt_show_1;
} else if (bbt_bars > 2) {
bbt_ruler_scale = bbt_show_beats;
} else if (bbt_bars > 0) {
bbt_ruler_scale = bbt_show_ticks;
} else {
bbt_ruler_scale = bbt_show_ticks_detail;
if ((bbt_ruler_scale == bbt_show_ticks_detail) && beats < 3) {
bbt_ruler_scale = bbt_show_ticks_super_detail;
static void
edit_last_mark_label (std::vector<ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark>& marks, const std::string& newlabel)
ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark copy = marks.back();
copy.label = newlabel;
marks.pop_back ();
marks.push_back (copy);
Editor::metric_get_bbt (std::vector<ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark>& marks, gdouble lower, gdouble upper, gint /*maxchars*/)
if (_session == 0) {
std::vector<TempoMap::BBTPoint>::const_iterator i;
char buf[64];
gint n = 0;
framepos_t pos;
Timecode::BBT_Time next_beat;
uint32_t beats = 0;
uint32_t tick = 0;
uint32_t skip;
uint32_t t;
double bbt_position_of_helper;
bool i_am_accented = false;
bool helper_active = false;
ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark mark;
std::vector<TempoMap::BBTPoint> grid;
compute_current_bbt_points (grid, lower, upper);
if (distance (grid.begin(), grid.end()) == 0) {
switch (bbt_ruler_scale) {
case bbt_show_beats:
beats = distance (grid.begin(), grid.end());
bbt_nmarks = beats + 2;
mark.label = "";
mark.position = lower;
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
marks.push_back (mark);
for (n = 1, i = grid.begin(); n < bbt_nmarks && i != grid.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i).frame < lower && (bbt_bar_helper_on)) {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "<%" PRIu32 "|%" PRIu32, (*i).bar, (*i).beat);
edit_last_mark_label (marks, buf);
helper_active = true;
} else {
if ((*i).is_bar()) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, (*i).bar);
} else if (((*i).beat % 2 == 1)) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
buf[0] = '\0';
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
buf[0] = '\0';
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = (*i).frame;
marks.push_back (mark);
case bbt_show_ticks:
beats = distance (grid.begin(), grid.end());
bbt_nmarks = (beats + 2) * bbt_beat_subdivision;
bbt_position_of_helper = lower + (30 * Editor::get_current_zoom ());
// could do marks.assign() here to preallocate
mark.label = "";
mark.position = lower;
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
marks.push_back (mark);
for (n = 1, i = grid.begin(); n < bbt_nmarks && i != grid.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i).frame < lower && (bbt_bar_helper_on)) {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "<%" PRIu32 "|%" PRIu32, (*i).bar, (*i).beat);
edit_last_mark_label (marks, buf);
helper_active = true;
} else {
if ((*i).is_bar()) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, (*i).bar);
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, (*i).beat);
if (((*i).frame < bbt_position_of_helper) && helper_active) {
buf[0] = '\0';
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = (*i).frame;
marks.push_back (mark);
/* Add the tick marks */
skip = Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat / bbt_beat_subdivision;
tick = skip; // the first non-beat tick
t = 0;
while (tick < Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat && (n < bbt_nmarks)) {
next_beat.beats = (*i).beat;
next_beat.bars = (*i).bar;
next_beat.ticks = tick;
pos = _session->tempo_map().frame_time (next_beat);
if (t % bbt_accent_modulo == (bbt_accent_modulo - 1)) {
i_am_accented = true;
mark.label = "";
mark.position = pos;
if ((bbt_beat_subdivision > 4) && i_am_accented) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
i_am_accented = false;
marks.push_back (mark);
tick += skip;
case bbt_show_ticks_detail:
beats = distance (grid.begin(), grid.end());
bbt_nmarks = (beats + 2) * bbt_beat_subdivision;
bbt_position_of_helper = lower + (3 * Editor::get_current_zoom ());
mark.label = "";
mark.position = lower;
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
marks.push_back (mark);
for (n = 1, i = grid.begin(); n < bbt_nmarks && i != grid.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i).frame < lower && (bbt_bar_helper_on)) {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "<%" PRIu32 "|%" PRIu32, (*i).bar, (*i).beat);
edit_last_mark_label (marks, buf);
helper_active = true;
} else {
if ((*i).is_bar()) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, (*i).bar);
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, (*i).beat);
if (((*i).frame < bbt_position_of_helper) && helper_active) {
buf[0] = '\0';
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = (*i).frame;
marks.push_back (mark);
/* Add the tick marks */
skip = Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat / bbt_beat_subdivision;
tick = skip; // the first non-beat tick
t = 0;
while (tick < Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat && (n < bbt_nmarks)) {
next_beat.beats = (*i).beat;
next_beat.bars = (*i).bar;
next_beat.ticks = tick;
pos = _session->tempo_map().frame_time (next_beat);
if (t % bbt_accent_modulo == (bbt_accent_modulo - 1)) {
i_am_accented = true;
if (i_am_accented && (pos > bbt_position_of_helper)){
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, tick);
} else {
buf[0] = '\0';
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = pos;
if ((bbt_beat_subdivision > 4) && i_am_accented) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
i_am_accented = false;
marks.push_back (mark);
tick += skip;
case bbt_show_ticks_super_detail:
beats = distance (grid.begin(), grid.end());
bbt_nmarks = (beats + 2) * bbt_beat_subdivision;
bbt_position_of_helper = lower + (3 * Editor::get_current_zoom ());
mark.label = "";
mark.position = lower;
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
marks.push_back (mark);
for (n = 1, i = grid.begin(); n < bbt_nmarks && i != grid.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i).frame < lower && (bbt_bar_helper_on)) {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "<%" PRIu32 "|%" PRIu32, (*i).bar, (*i).beat);
edit_last_mark_label (marks, buf);
helper_active = true;
} else {
if ((*i).is_bar()) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, (*i).bar);
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, (*i).beat);
if (((*i).frame < bbt_position_of_helper) && helper_active) {
buf[0] = '\0';
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = (*i).frame;
marks.push_back (mark);
/* Add the tick marks */
skip = Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat / bbt_beat_subdivision;
next_beat.beats = (*i).beat;
next_beat.bars = (*i).bar;
tick = skip; // the first non-beat tick
t = 0;
while (tick < Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat && (n < bbt_nmarks)) {
next_beat.ticks = tick;
pos = _session->tempo_map().frame_time (next_beat);
if (t % bbt_accent_modulo == (bbt_accent_modulo - 1)) {
i_am_accented = true;
if (pos > bbt_position_of_helper) {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, tick);
} else {
buf[0] = '\0';
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = pos;
if ((bbt_beat_subdivision > 4) && i_am_accented) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
i_am_accented = false;
marks.push_back (mark);
tick += skip;
case bbt_show_many:
bbt_nmarks = 1;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "cannot handle %" PRIu32 " bars", bbt_bars );
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = lower;
marks.push_back (mark);
case bbt_show_64:
bbt_nmarks = (gint) (bbt_bars / 64) + 1;
for (n = 0, i = grid.begin(); i != grid.end() && n < bbt_nmarks; i++) {
if ((*i).is_bar()) {
if ((*i).bar % 64 == 1) {
if ((*i).bar % 256 == 1) {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, (*i).bar);
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
} else {
buf[0] = '\0';
if ((*i).bar % 256 == 129) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = (*i).frame;
marks.push_back (mark);
case bbt_show_16:
bbt_nmarks = (bbt_bars / 16) + 1;
for (n = 0, i = grid.begin(); i != grid.end() && n < bbt_nmarks; i++) {
if ((*i).is_bar()) {
if ((*i).bar % 16 == 1) {
if ((*i).bar % 64 == 1) {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, (*i).bar);
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
} else {
buf[0] = '\0';
if ((*i).bar % 64 == 33) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = (*i).frame;
marks.push_back (mark);
case bbt_show_4:
bbt_nmarks = (bbt_bars / 4) + 1;
for (n = 0, i = grid.begin(); i != grid.end() && n < bbt_nmarks; ++i) {
if ((*i).is_bar()) {
if ((*i).bar % 4 == 1) {
if ((*i).bar % 16 == 1) {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, (*i).bar);
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
} else {
buf[0] = '\0';
if ((*i).bar % 16 == 9) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = (*i).frame;
marks.push_back (mark);
case bbt_show_1:
// default:
bbt_nmarks = bbt_bars + 2;
for (n = 0, i = grid.begin(); i != grid.end() && n < bbt_nmarks; ++i) {
if ((*i).is_bar()) {
if ((*i).bar % 4 == 1) {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, (*i).bar);
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
} else {
buf[0] = '\0';
if ((*i).bar % 4 == 3) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = (*i).frame;
marks.push_back (mark);
Editor::set_samples_ruler_scale (framepos_t lower, framepos_t upper)
_samples_ruler_interval = (upper - lower) / 5;
Editor::metric_get_samples (std::vector<ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark>& marks, gdouble lower, gdouble /*upper*/, gint /*maxchars*/)
framepos_t pos;
framepos_t const ilower = (framepos_t) floor (lower);
gchar buf[16];
gint nmarks;
gint n;
ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark mark;
if (_session == 0) {
nmarks = 5;
for (n = 0, pos = ilower; n < nmarks; pos += _samples_ruler_interval, ++n) {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIi64, pos);
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = pos;
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
marks.push_back (mark);
static void
sample_to_clock_parts ( framepos_t sample,
framepos_t sample_rate,
long *hrs_p,
long *mins_p,
long *secs_p,
long *millisecs_p)
framepos_t left;
long hrs;
long mins;
long secs;
long millisecs;
left = sample;
hrs = left / (sample_rate * 60 * 60 * 1000);
left -= hrs * sample_rate * 60 * 60 * 1000;
mins = left / (sample_rate * 60 * 1000);
left -= mins * sample_rate * 60 * 1000;
secs = left / (sample_rate * 1000);
left -= secs * sample_rate * 1000;
millisecs = left / sample_rate;
*millisecs_p = millisecs;
*secs_p = secs;
*mins_p = mins;
*hrs_p = hrs;
Editor::set_minsec_ruler_scale (framepos_t lower, framepos_t upper)
framepos_t fr = _session->frame_rate() * 1000;
framepos_t spacer;
if (_session == 0) {
/* to prevent 'flashing' */
if (lower > (spacer = (framepos_t)(128 * Editor::get_current_zoom ()))) {
lower -= spacer;
} else {
lower = 0;
upper += spacer;
framecnt_t const range = (upper - lower) * 1000;
if (range <= (fr / 10)) { /* 0-0.1 second */
minsec_mark_interval = fr / 1000; /* show 1/1000 seconds */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_msecs;
minsec_mark_modulo = 10;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= (fr / 2)) { /* 0-0.5 second */
minsec_mark_interval = fr / 100; /* show 1/100 seconds */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_msecs;
minsec_mark_modulo = 100;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= fr) { /* 0-1 second */
minsec_mark_interval = fr / 10; /* show 1/10 seconds */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_msecs;
minsec_mark_modulo = 200;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= 2 * fr) { /* 1-2 seconds */
minsec_mark_interval = fr / 10; /* show 1/10 seconds */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_msecs;
minsec_mark_modulo = 500;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= 8 * fr) { /* 2-5 seconds */
minsec_mark_interval = fr / 5; /* show 2 seconds */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_msecs;
minsec_mark_modulo = 1000;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= 16 * fr) { /* 8-16 seconds */
minsec_mark_interval = fr; /* show 1 seconds */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_seconds;
minsec_mark_modulo = 2;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= 30 * fr) { /* 10-30 seconds */
minsec_mark_interval = fr; /* show 1 seconds */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_seconds;
minsec_mark_modulo = 5;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= 60 * fr) { /* 30-60 seconds */
minsec_mark_interval = fr; /* show 1 seconds */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_seconds;
minsec_mark_modulo = 5;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= 2 * 60 * fr) { /* 1-2 minutes */
minsec_mark_interval = 5 * fr; /* show 5 seconds */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_seconds;
minsec_mark_modulo = 3;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= 4 * 60 * fr) { /* 4 minutes */
minsec_mark_interval = 5 * fr; /* show 10 seconds */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_seconds;
minsec_mark_modulo = 30;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= 10 * 60 * fr) { /* 10 minutes */
minsec_mark_interval = 30 * fr; /* show 30 seconds */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_seconds;
minsec_mark_modulo = 120;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= 30 * 60 * fr) { /* 10-30 minutes */
minsec_mark_interval = 60 * fr; /* show 1 minute */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_minutes;
minsec_mark_modulo = 5;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 30 minutes - 1hr */
minsec_mark_interval = 2 * 60 * fr; /* show 2 minutes */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_minutes;
minsec_mark_modulo = 10;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= 4 * 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 1 - 4 hrs*/
minsec_mark_interval = 5 * 60 * fr; /* show 10 minutes */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_minutes;
minsec_mark_modulo = 30;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= 8 * 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 4 - 8 hrs*/
minsec_mark_interval = 20 * 60 * fr; /* show 20 minutes */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_minutes;
minsec_mark_modulo = 60;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else if (range <= 16 * 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 16-24 hrs*/
minsec_mark_interval = 60 * 60 * fr; /* show 60 minutes */
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_hours;
minsec_mark_modulo = 2;
minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval);
} else {
const framecnt_t hours_in_range = range / (60 * 60 * fr);
const int text_width_rough_guess = 70; /* pixels, very very approximate guess at how wide the tick mark text is */
/* Normally we do not need to know anything about the width of the canvas
to set the ruler scale, because the caller has already determined
the width and set lower + upper arguments to this function to match that.
But in this case, where the range defined by lower and uppper can vary
substantially (anything from 24hrs+ to several billion years)
trying to decide which tick marks to show does require us to know
about the available width.
minsec_nmarks = _track_canvas->width() / text_width_rough_guess;
minsec_mark_modulo = max ((framecnt_t) 1, 1 + (hours_in_range / minsec_nmarks));
minsec_mark_interval = minsec_mark_modulo * (60 * 60 * fr);
minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_many_hours;
Editor::metric_get_minsec (std::vector<ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark>& marks, gdouble lower, gdouble upper, gint /*maxchars*/)
framepos_t pos;
framepos_t spacer;
long hrs, mins, secs, millisecs;
gchar buf[16];
gint n;
ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark mark;
if (_session == 0) {
/* to prevent 'flashing' */
if (lower > (spacer = (framepos_t) (128 * Editor::get_current_zoom ()))) {
lower = lower - spacer;
} else {
lower = 0;
pos = (((1000 * (framepos_t) floor(lower)) + (minsec_mark_interval/2))/minsec_mark_interval) * minsec_mark_interval;
switch (minsec_ruler_scale) {
case minsec_show_msecs:
for (n = 0; n < minsec_nmarks && n < upper; pos += minsec_mark_interval, ++n) {
sample_to_clock_parts (pos, _session->frame_rate(), &hrs, &mins, &secs, &millisecs);
if (millisecs % minsec_mark_modulo == 0) {
if (millisecs == 0) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%02ld:%02ld:%02ld.%03ld", hrs, mins, secs, millisecs);
} else {
buf[0] = '\0';
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = pos/1000.0;
marks.push_back (mark);
case minsec_show_seconds:
for (n = 0; n < minsec_nmarks; pos += minsec_mark_interval, ++n) {
sample_to_clock_parts (pos, _session->frame_rate(), &hrs, &mins, &secs, &millisecs);
if (secs % minsec_mark_modulo == 0) {
if (secs == 0) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%02ld:%02ld:%02ld", hrs, mins, secs);
} else {
buf[0] = '\0';
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = pos/1000.0;
marks.push_back (mark);
case minsec_show_minutes:
for (n = 0; n < minsec_nmarks; pos += minsec_mark_interval, ++n) {
sample_to_clock_parts (pos, _session->frame_rate(), &hrs, &mins, &secs, &millisecs);
if (mins % minsec_mark_modulo == 0) {
if (mins == 0) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
} else {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%02ld:%02ld:%02ld", hrs, mins, secs);
} else {
buf[0] = '\0';
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = pos/1000.0;
marks.push_back (mark);
case minsec_show_hours:
for (n = 0; n < minsec_nmarks; pos += minsec_mark_interval, ++n) {
sample_to_clock_parts (pos, _session->frame_rate(), &hrs, &mins, &secs, &millisecs);
if (hrs % minsec_mark_modulo == 0) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%02ld:%02ld", hrs, mins);
} else {
buf[0] = '\0';
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro;
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = pos/1000.0;
marks.push_back (mark);
case minsec_show_many_hours:
for (n = 0; n < minsec_nmarks; ) {
sample_to_clock_parts (pos, _session->frame_rate(), &hrs, &mins, &secs, &millisecs);
if (hrs % minsec_mark_modulo == 0) {
mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major;
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%02ld:00", hrs);
mark.label = buf;
mark.position = pos/1000.0;
marks.push_back (mark);
pos += minsec_mark_interval;