Paul Davis 449aab3c46 rollback to 3428, before the mysterious removal of libs/* at 3431/3432
git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/3.0@3435 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
2008-06-02 21:41:35 +00:00

393 lines
8.6 KiB

# @configure_input@
use strict;
my @namespace_whole = (); # list of strings.
my $function_prefix = "";
my $parent_dir = ""; # e.g. gtkmm
my $path = "gtk--";
my $debug = 0;
my @filenames_headers = ();
my %objects = ();
my %exceptions = ();
my %namespaces = (); # hashmap of lists of strings.
my %basenames = ();
my %win32_nowrap = ();
my %deprecated = ();
# Loop through command line arguments, setting variables:
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/)
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /--namespace=(\S+)/)
push(@namespace_whole, $1);
if($parent_dir eq "")
{ $parent_dir = lc($1) . "mm"; }
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--function_prefix=(\S+)/)
$function_prefix = "$1";
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--parent_dir=(\S+)/)
$parent_dir = "$1";
$ARGV[0] =~ /--debug/) {$debug = 1;
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--path=(\S+)/)
$path = "$1";
print "Error: unknown option $ARGV[0]\n";
shift @ARGV;
while ($ARGV[0])
if ($debug) {warn "Processing file : $ARGV[0]\n";}
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
open FILE, $filename or die "Couldn't open file $ARGV[0] : $!\n";
# my $file = $ARGV[0];
# $file =~ s/.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/;
# $file =~ s/\.hg//;
my @tmpnamespace = @namespace_whole;
my $cppname = "";
my $cname = "";
my $ccast = "";
while (<FILE>)
if (/CLASS_START\((\w+)\)/) #We need a new way to get the namespace.
print "generate_wrap_init: namespace found: $1\n";
push(@tmpnamespace, $1);
elsif (/_CLASS_GOBJECT\s*\(/) #TODO: There is duplication of code here.
my $line = $_;
while ($line !~ /\)/ && ($_ = <FILE>))
$line .= $_;
$line =~ s/^.*_CLASS_GOBJECT\s*\(//;
$line =~ s/\s+//g;
($cppname, $cname, $ccast) = split(/,/, $line);
$objects{$cppname} = $cname;
@{$namespaces{$cppname}} = ( @tmpnamespace ); #both are lists of strings
$basenames{$cppname} = lc($ccast);
elsif (/_CLASS_GTKOBJECT\s*\(/)
my $line = $_;
while ($line !~ /\)/ && ($_ = <FILE>))
$line .= $_;
$line =~ s/^.*_CLASS_GTKOBJECT\s*\(//;
$line =~ s/\s+//g;
($cppname, $cname, $ccast) = split(/,/, $line);
#TODO: Remove this hack eventually.
if( ($cname ne "GtkTree") && ($cname ne "GtkTreeItem") && ($cname ne "GtkText") )
$objects{$cppname} = $cname;
@{$namespaces{$cppname}} = ( @tmpnamespace ); #both are lists of strings
$basenames{$cppname} = lc($ccast);
elsif (/_WRAP_GERROR\s*\(/) #TODO: There is duplication of code here.
my $line = $_;
while ($line !~ /\)/ && ($_ = <FILE>))
$line .= $_;
$line =~ s/^.*_WRAP_GERROR\s*\(//;
$line =~ s/\s+//g;
$line =~ s/\)//;
($cppname, $cname, $ccast) = split(/,/, $line);
$exceptions{$cppname} = $cname;
@{$namespaces{$cppname}} = ( @tmpnamespace ); #both are lists of strings
$basenames{$cppname} = lc($ccast);
$win32_nowrap{$cppname} = 1;
elsif (/_IS_DEPRECATED/)
$deprecated{$cppname} = 1;
# Store header filename so that we can #include it later:
my $filename_header = $filename;
$filename_header =~ s/.*\/([^\/]+)\.hg/$1.h/;
push(@filenames_headers, $filename_header);
shift @ARGV;
# my $namespace_whole_lower = lc($namespace_whole);
print << "EOF";
#include <glib.h>
// Disable the 'const' function attribute of the get_type() functions.
// GCC would optimize them out because we don't use the return value.
#define G_GNUC_CONST /* empty */
#include <${parent_dir}/wrap_init.h>
#include <glibmm/error.h>
#include <glibmm/object.h>
// #include the widget headers so that we can call the get_type() static methods:
foreach( @filenames_headers )
print "#include \"" . $_ . "\"\n";
print "\n";
# Here we have to be subtle. The gtkmm objects are easy, they all go
# into the Gtk namespace. But in gnomemm, some go into the Gnome
# namespace (most of them), and some into the Gtk one (because the
# corresponding widget is Gtk-prefixed, e.g. GtkTed, GtkDial, etc...
# First, the Gtk namespace
print "extern \"C\"\n";
print "{\n";
print "\n//Declarations of the *_get_type() functions:\n\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach $i (sort keys %objects)
if( $deprecated{$i} eq 1 )
# The uc(parent_dir) is a bit of a hack. One day it will get it wrong.
print "#ifndef " . uc($parent_dir) ."_DISABLE_DEPRECATED\n"
#On Win32, these classes are not compiled:
if( $win32_nowrap{$i} eq 1 )
print "#ifndef G_OS_WIN32\n"
print "GType $basenames{$i}_get_type(void);\n";
if( $win32_nowrap{$i} eq 1 )
print "#endif //G_OS_WIN32\n"
if( $deprecated{$i} eq 1 )
print "#endif // *_DISABLE_DEPRECATED\n"
print "\n//Declarations of the *_error_quark() functions:\n\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach $i (sort keys %exceptions)
print "GQuark $basenames{$i}_quark(void);\n";
print "} // extern \"C\"\n";
print "\n";
print "\n//Declarations of the *_Class::wrap_new() methods, instead of including all the private headers:\n\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach $i (sort keys %objects)
if( $deprecated{$i} eq 1 )
# The uc(parent_dir) is a bit of a hack. One day it will get it wrong.
print "#ifndef " . uc($parent_dir) ."_DISABLE_DEPRECATED\n"
#On Win32, these classes are not compiled:
if( $win32_nowrap{$i} eq 1 )
print "#ifndef G_OS_WIN32\n"
my $namespace_declarations = "";
my $namespace_close = "";
foreach ( @{$namespaces{$i}} )
$namespace_declarations .= "namespace $_ { ";
$namespace_close .= " }";
print "${namespace_declarations} class ${i}_Class { public: static Glib::ObjectBase* wrap_new(GObject*); }; ${namespace_close}\n";
if( $win32_nowrap{$i} eq 1 )
print "#endif //G_OS_WIN32\n"
if( $deprecated{$i} eq 1 )
print "#endif // *_DISABLE_DEPRECATED\n"
# print "\n//Declarations of the *Error::throw_func() methods:\n\n";
# my $i = 0;
# foreach $i (sort keys %exceptions)
# {
# my $namespace_declarations = "";
# my $namespace_close = "";
# foreach ( @{$namespaces{$i}} )
# {
# $namespace_declarations .= "namespace $_ { ";
# $namespace_close .= " }";
# }
# print "${namespace_declarations} class ${i} { public: static void throw_func(GError*); }; ${namespace_close}\n";
# }
my $namespace_whole_declarations = "";
my $namespace_whole_close = "";
foreach( @namespace_whole )
$namespace_whole_declarations .= "namespace " . $_ ." { ";
$namespace_whole_close = "} //" . $_ . "\n" . $namespace_whole_close;
print "\n";
print "$namespace_whole_declarations\n";
print "\n";
print "void " .$function_prefix . "wrap_init()\n{\n";
# Generate namespace::wrap_init() body
print " // Register Error domains:\n";
foreach $i (sort keys %exceptions)
my $namespace_prefix = "";
foreach( @{$namespaces{$i}} )
$namespace_prefix .= $_ ."::";
print " Glib::Error::register_domain($basenames{$i}_quark(), &", "${namespace_prefix}${i}::throw_func);\n";
print "\n";
print "// Map gtypes to gtkmm wrapper-creation functions:\n";
foreach $i (sort keys %objects)
if( $deprecated{$i} eq 1 )
# The uc(parent_dir) is a bit of a hack. One day it will get it wrong.
print "#ifndef " . uc($parent_dir) ."_DISABLE_DEPRECATED\n"
#On Win32, these classes are not compiled:
if( $win32_nowrap{$i} eq 1 )
print "#ifndef G_OS_WIN32\n"
my $namespace_prefix = "";
foreach( @{$namespaces{$i}} )
$namespace_prefix .= $_ ."::";
print " Glib::wrap_register($basenames{$i}_get_type(), &", "${namespace_prefix}${i}_Class::wrap_new);\n";
if( $win32_nowrap{$i} eq 1 )
print "#endif //G_OS_WIN32\n"
if( $deprecated{$i} eq 1 )
print "#endif // *_DISABLE_DEPRECATED\n"
print "\n";
print " // Register the gtkmm gtypes:\n";
foreach $i (sort keys %objects)
if( $deprecated{$i} eq 1 )
# The uc(parent_dir) is a bit of a hack. One day it will get it wrong.
print "#ifndef " . uc($parent_dir) ."_DISABLE_DEPRECATED\n"
#On Win32, these classes are not compiled:
if( $win32_nowrap{$i} eq 1 )
print "#ifndef G_OS_WIN32\n"
my $namespace_prefix = "";
foreach( @{$namespaces{$i}} )
$namespace_prefix .= $_ ."::";
print " ${namespace_prefix}${i}::get_type();\n";
if( $win32_nowrap{$i} eq 1 )
print "#endif //G_OS_WIN32\n"
if( $deprecated{$i} eq 1 )
print "#endif // *_DISABLE_DEPRECATED\n"
print << "EOF";
} // wrap_init()
exit 0;