David Robillard 214a31bb98 Fix various MIDI control and installation issues:
* Install ardour3_ui_default.conf to system config dir

 * Set -DDATA_DIR etc. defines to proper absolute paths

 * Set default MIDI control port name to "control"
   (it was "control" some places, "default" other, so the generic MIDI
   control surface didn't work.  The real problem here is probably that
   the name is hardcoded in the surface code, ick)

 * Install surfaces to correct system directory

 * Generate and install ardour_system.rc

User POV:

 * Installed versions not run from the source directory discover configuration
   files and surfaces, and generally work

 * Building and/or starting a fresh copy of ardour3 with no pre-existing
   configuration will run an ardour with a single MIDI "control" port, which
   you can plug a surface into and control MMC and controllers and such
   (after turning on the generic MIDI surface, which IMO should be loaded
    by default anyway, especially since it's no longer in a menu)

git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/3.0@5833 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
2009-10-20 23:43:19 +00:00

453 lines
15 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf
import Options
import os
import commands
import re
import string
import subprocess
import sys
# Variables for 'waf dist'
VERSION = '3.0pre0'
APPNAME = 'ardour'
# Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.'
blddir = 'build'
children = [
i18n_children = [
# Version stuff
def fetch_svn_revision (path):
cmd = "LANG= svn info " + path + " | awk '/^Revision:/ { print $2}'"
return commands.getoutput(cmd)
def fetch_git_revision (path):
cmd = "LANG= git log --abbrev HEAD^..HEAD " + path
output = commands.getoutput(cmd).splitlines()
rev = output[0].replace ("commit", "git")[0:10]
for line in output:
if "git-svn-id" in line:
line = line.split('@')[1].split(' ')
rev = line[0]
return rev
def fetch_bzr_revision (path):
cmd = subprocess.Popen("LANG= bzr log -l 1 " + path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
out = cmd.communicate()[0]
svn = re.search('^svn revno: [0-9]*', out, re.MULTILINE)
str = svn.group(0)
chars = 'svnreio: '
return string.lstrip(str, chars)
def create_stored_revision():
rev = ""
if os.path.exists('.svn'):
rev = fetch_svn_revision('.');
elif os.path.exists('.git'):
rev = fetch_git_revision('.');
elif os.path.exists('.bzr'):
rev = fetch_bzr_revision('.');
print "Revision: " + rev;
elif os.path.exists('libs/ardour/svn_revision.cc'):
print "Using packaged svn revision"
print "Missing libs/ardour/svn_revision.cc. Blame the packager."
text = '#include <ardour/svn_revision.h>\n'
text += 'namespace ARDOUR { extern const char* svn_revision = \"' + rev + '\"; }\n'
print 'Writing svn revision info to libs/ardour/svn_revision.cc'
o = file('libs/ardour/svn_revision.cc', 'w')
except IOError:
print 'Could not open libs/ardour/svn_revision.cc for writing\n'
def set_compiler_flags (conf,opt):
# Compiler flags and other system-dependent stuff
build_host_supports_sse = 0
optimization_flags = []
if opt.gprofile:
debug_flags = [ '-pg' ]
debug_flags = [ ] # waf adds -O0 -g itself. thanks waf!
# guess at the platform, used to define compiler flags
config_guess = os.popen("tools/config.guess").read()[:-1]
config_cpu = 0
config_arch = 1
config_kernel = 2
config_os = 3
config = config_guess.split ("-")
print "system triple: " + config_guess
# Autodetect
if opt.dist_target == 'auto':
if config[config_arch] == 'apple':
# The [.] matches to the dot after the major version, "." would match any character
if re.search ("darwin[0-7][.]", config[config_kernel]) != None:
conf.define ('build_target', 'panther')
if re.search ("darwin8[.]", config[config_kernel]) != None:
conf.define ('build_target', 'tiger')
conf.define ('build_target', 'leopard')
if re.search ("x86_64", config[config_cpu]) != None:
conf.define ('build_target', 'x86_64')
elif re.search("i[0-5]86", config[config_cpu]) != None:
conf.define ('build_target', 'i386')
elif re.search("powerpc", config[config_cpu]) != None:
conf.define ('build_target', 'powerpc')
conf.define ('build_target', 'i686')
conf.define ('build_target', opt.dist_target)
if config[config_cpu] == 'powerpc' and conf.env['build_target'] != 'none':
# Apple/PowerPC optimization options
# -mcpu=7450 does not reliably work with gcc 3.*
if opt.dist_target == 'panther' or opt.dist_target == 'tiger':
if config[config_arch] == 'apple':
# optimization_flags.extend ([ "-mcpu=7450", "-faltivec"])
# to support g3s but still have some optimization for above
optimization_flags.extend ([ "-mcpu=G3", "-mtune=7450"])
optimization_flags.extend ([ "-mcpu=7400", "-maltivec", "-mabi=altivec"])
optimization_flags.extend([ "-mcpu=750", "-mmultiple" ])
optimization_flags.extend (["-mhard-float", "-mpowerpc-gfxopt"])
optimization_flags.extend (["-Os"])
elif ((re.search ("i[0-9]86", config[config_cpu]) != None) or (re.search ("x86_64", config[config_cpu]) != None)) and conf.env['build_target'] != 'none':
# ARCH_X86 means anything in the x86 family from i386 to x86_64
# USE_X86_64_ASM is used to distingush 32 and 64 bit assembler
if (re.search ("(i[0-9]86|x86_64)", config[config_cpu]) != None):
debug_flags.append ("-DARCH_X86")
optimization_flags.append ("-DARCH_X86")
if config[config_kernel] == 'linux' :
# determine processor flags via /proc/cpuinfo
if conf.env['build_target'] != 'i386':
flag_line = os.popen ("cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep '^flags'").read()[:-1]
x86_flags = flag_line.split (": ")[1:][0].split ()
if "mmx" in x86_flags:
optimization_flags.append ("-mmmx")
if "sse" in x86_flags:
build_host_supports_sse = 1
if "3dnow" in x86_flags:
optimization_flags.append ("-m3dnow")
if config[config_cpu] == "i586":
optimization_flags.append ("-march=i586")
elif config[config_cpu] == "i686":
optimization_flags.append ("-march=i686")
if ((conf.env['build_target'] == 'i686') or (conf.env['build_target'] == 'x86_64')) and build_host_supports_sse:
optimization_flags.extend (["-msse", "-mfpmath=sse", "-DUSE_XMMINTRIN"])
debug_flags.extend (["-msse", "-mfpmath=sse", "-DUSE_XMMINTRIN"])
# end of processor-specific section
# optimization section
if conf.env['FPU_OPTIMIZATION']:
if conf.env['build_target'] == 'tiger' or conf.env['build_target'] == 'leopard':
optimization_flags.append ("-DBUILD_VECLIB_OPTIMIZATIONS");
debug_flags.append ("-DBUILD_VECLIB_OPTIMIZATIONS");
conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', "-framework Accelerate")
elif conf.env['build_target'] == 'i686' or conf.env['build_target'] == 'x86_64':
optimization_flags.append ("-DBUILD_SSE_OPTIMIZATIONS")
debug_flags.append ("-DBUILD_SSE_OPTIMIZATIONS")
if conf.env['build_target'] == 'x86_64':
optimization_flags.append ("-DUSE_X86_64_ASM")
debug_flags.append ("-DUSE_X86_64_ASM")
if build_host_supports_sse != 1:
print "\nWarning: you are building Ardour with SSE support even though your system does not support these instructions. (This may not be an error, especially if you are a package maintainer)"
if conf.check_cc(function_name='posix_memalign', header_name='stdlib.h', ccflags='-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600') == False:
# end optimization section
# no VST on x86_64
if conf.env['build_target'] == 'x86_64' and opt.vst:
print "\n\n=================================================="
print "You cannot use VST plugins with a 64 bit host. Please run waf with --vst=0"
print "\nIt is theoretically possible to build a 32 bit host on a 64 bit system."
print "However, this is tricky and not recommended for beginners."
sys.exit (-1)
# a single way to test if we're on OS X
if conf.env['build_target'] in ['panther', 'tiger', 'leopard' ]:
conf.define ('IS_OSX', 1)
# force tiger or later, to avoid issues on PPC which defaults
# back to 10.1 if we don't tell it otherwise.
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', "-DMAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=1040")
conf.define ('IS_OSX', 0)
# save off guessed arch element in an env
conf.define ('CONFIG_ARCH', config[config_arch])
# ARCH="..." overrides all
if opt.arch != None:
optimization_flags = opt.arch.split()
# prepend boiler plate optimization flags that work on all architectures
optimization_flags[:0] = [
if opt.debug:
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', debug_flags)
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', debug_flags)
conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', debug_flags)
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', optimization_flags)
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', optimization_flags)
conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', optimization_flags)
if opt.stl_debug:
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', "-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG")
if opt.universal:
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', "-arch i386 -arch ppc")
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', "-arch i386 -arch ppc")
conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', "-arch i386 -arch ppc")
# warnings flags
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', "-Wall")
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', [ '-Wall', '-Woverloaded-virtual'])
if opt.extra_warn:
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', [ '-Wextra', '-pedantic', '-ansi' ])
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', [ '-Wextra', '-pedantic', '-ansi' ])
#conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', "-iso")
# more boilerplate
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', [ '-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE', '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' ])
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', [ '-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE', '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE' ])
if opt.nls:
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-DENABLE_NLS')
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', '-DENABLE_NLS')
# Waf stages
def set_options(opt):
opt.add_option('--arch', type='string', action='store', dest='arch',
help='Architecture-specific compiler flags')
opt.add_option('--aubio', action='store_true', default=True, dest='aubio',
help="Use Paul Brossier's aubio library for feature detection (if available)")
opt.add_option('--audiounits', action='store_true', default=False, dest='audiounits',
help='Compile with Apple\'s AudioUnit library (experimental)')
opt.add_option('--coreaudio', action='store_true', default=False, dest='coreaudio',
help='Compile with Apple\'s CoreAudio library')
opt.add_option('--dist-target', type='string', default='auto', dest='dist_target',
help='Specify the target for cross-compiling [auto,none,x86,i386,i686,x86_64,powerpc,tiger,leopard]')
opt.add_option('--extra-warn', action='store_true', default=False, dest='extra_warn',
help='Build with even more compiler warning flags')
opt.add_option('--fpu-optimization', action='store_true', default=True, dest='fpu_optimization',
help='Build runtime checked assembler code')
opt.add_option('--freedesktop', action='store_true', default=False, dest='freedesktop',
help='Install MIME type, icons and .desktop file as per freedesktop.org standards')
opt.add_option('--freesound', action='store_true', default=False, dest='freesound',
help='Include Freesound database lookup')
opt.add_option('--gprofile', action='store_true', default=False, dest='gprofile',
help='Compile for use with gprofile')
opt.add_option('--gtkosx', action='store_true', default=False, dest='gtkosx',
help='Compile for use with GTK-OSX, not GTK-X11')
opt.add_option('--lv2', action='store_true', default=False, dest='lv2',
help='Compile with support for LV2 (if slv2 is available)')
opt.add_option('--nls', action='store_true', default=True, dest='nls',
help='Enable i18n (native language support)')
opt.add_option('--stl-debug', action='store_true', default=False, dest='stl_debug',
help='Build with debugging for the STL')
opt.add_option('--syslibs', action='store_true', default=True, dest='syslibs',
help='Use existing system versions of various libraries instead of internal ones')
opt.add_option('--tranzport', action='store_true', default=False, dest='tranzport',
help='Compile with support for Frontier Designs Tranzport (if libusb is available)')
opt.add_option('--universal', action='store_true', default=False, dest='universal',
help='Compile as universal binary (requires that external libraries are universal)')
opt.add_option('--versioned', action='store_true', default=False, dest='versioned',
help='Add revision information to executable name inside the build directory')
opt.add_option('--vst', action='store_true', default=False, dest='vst',
help='Compile with support for VST')
opt.add_option('--wiimote', action='store_true', default=False, dest='wiimote',
help='Build the wiimote control surface')
opt.add_option('--windows-key', type='string', action='store', dest='windows_key', default='Mod4><Super',
help='X Modifier(s) (Mod1,Mod2, etc) for the Windows key (X11 builds only). ' +
'Multiple modifiers must be separated by \'><\'')
for i in children:
def sub_config_and_use(conf, name, has_objects = True):
autowaf.set_local_lib(conf, name, has_objects)
def configure(conf):
autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'glib-2.0', uselib_store='GLIB', atleast_version='2.2')
autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'glibmm-2.4', uselib_store='GLIBMM', atleast_version='2.14.0')
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
sub_config_and_use(conf, 'libs/appleutility')
for i in children:
sub_config_and_use(conf, i)
# Fix utterly braindead FLAC include path to not smash assert.h
conf.env['CPPPATH_FLAC'] = []
# Tell everyone that this is a waf build
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', '-DWAF_BUILD')
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-DWAF_BUILD')
opts = Options.options
autowaf.display_header('Ardour Configuration')
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Build Target', conf.env['build_target'])
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Architecture flags', opts.arch)
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Aubio', bool(conf.env['HAVE_AUBIO']))
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'AudioUnits', opts.audiounits)
if opts.audiounits:
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'FPU Optimization', opts.fpu_optimization)
if opts.fpu_optimization:
conf.define('FPU_OPTIMIZATION', 1)
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Freedesktop Files', opts.freedesktop)
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Freesound', opts.freesound)
if opts.freesound:
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'GtkOSX', opts.gtkosx)
if opts.gtkosx:
conf.define ('GTKOSX', 1)
if opts.coreaudio:
conf.define ('COREAUDIO', 1)
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'LV2 Support', bool(conf.env['HAVE_SLV2']))
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Rubberband', bool(conf.env['HAVE_RUBBERBAND']))
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Samplerate', bool(conf.env['HAVE_SAMPLERATE']))
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Soundtouch', bool(conf.env['HAVE_SOUNDTOUCH']))
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Translation', opts.nls)
if opts.nls:
conf.define ('ENABLE_NLS', 1)
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'System Libraries', opts.syslibs)
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Tranzport', opts.tranzport)
if opts.tranzport:
conf.define('TRANZPORT', 1)
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Universal Binary', opts.universal)
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'VST Support', opts.vst)
if opts.vst:
conf.define('VST_SUPPORT', 1)
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Wiimote Support', opts.wiimote)
if opts.wiimote:
if opts.windows_key:
conf.define('WINDOWS_KEY', opts.windows_key)
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'Windows Key', opts.windows_key)
set_compiler_flags (conf, Options.options)
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'C Compiler flags', conf.env['CCFLAGS'])
autowaf.display_msg(conf, 'C++ Compiler flags', conf.env['CXXFLAGS'])
def build(bld):
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
for i in children:
rc_subst_dict = {
'MIDITAG' : 'control',
'MIDITYPE' : 'jack',
'JACK_INPUT' : 'auditioner'
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst')
obj.source = 'ardour.rc.in'
obj.target = 'ardour_system.rc'
obj.dict = rc_subst_dict
obj.install_path = '${CONFIGDIR}/ardour3'
def i18n(bld):
bld.recurse (i18n_children)