/* Copyright (C) 2003 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "imageframe_socket_handler.h" #include "imageframe_time_axis.h" #include "imageframe_time_axis_view.h" #include "imageframe_time_axis_group.h" #include "imageframe_view.h" #include "marker_time_axis.h" #include "marker_time_axis_view.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "i18n.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace ardourvis ; using namespace sigc; ImageFrameSocketHandler* ImageFrameSocketHandler::_instance = 0 ; /** * Constructs a new ImageFrameSocketHandler to handle communication between Ardour and the Image Compositor * * @param ed the PublicEditor */ ImageFrameSocketHandler::ImageFrameSocketHandler(PublicEditor& ed) : thePublicEditor(ed), theArdourToCompositorSocket(-1) { } /** * Descructor * this will shutdown the socket if open */ ImageFrameSocketHandler::~ImageFrameSocketHandler() { close_connection() ; } /** * Returns the instance of the ImageFrameSocketHandler * the instance should first be created with createInstance * * @return the instance of the ImageFrameSocketHandler */ ImageFrameSocketHandler* ImageFrameSocketHandler::get_instance() { return(_instance) ; } /** * Create an new instance of the ImageFrameSocketHandler, if one does not already exist * * @param ed the Ardour PublicEditor */ ImageFrameSocketHandler* ImageFrameSocketHandler::create_instance(PublicEditor& ed) { if(_instance) { return(_instance) ; } else { _instance = new ImageFrameSocketHandler(ed) ; return(_instance) ; } } /** * call back to handle doing the processing work * This method is added to the gdk main loop and called when there is data * upon the socket. * */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::image_socket_callback(void *arg, int32_t fd, GdkInputCondition cond) { char buf[ardourvis::MAX_MSG_SIZE + 1] ; memset(buf, 0, (ardourvis::MAX_MSG_SIZE + 1)) ; buf[ardourvis::MAX_MSG_SIZE] = '\0' ; int retcode = ::recv(fd, buf, MAX_MSG_SIZE, 0) ; if (retcode == 0) { //end-of-file, other end closed or shutdown? ARDOUR_UI::instance()->popup_error(_("Image Compositor Socket has been shutdown/closed")); // assume socket has been shutdown, tell, someone interested, // and remove the socket from the event loop ImageFrameSocketHandler* ifsh = ImageFrameSocketHandler::get_instance() ; gdk_input_remove(ifsh->theGdkInputTag) ; ifsh->close_connection() ; ifsh->CompositorSocketShutdown() ; /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ } if(retcode > 0) { //std::cout << "Received Msg [" << buf << "]\n" ; ImageFrameSocketHandler* ifsh = ImageFrameSocketHandler::get_instance() ; std::string mType = ifsh->get_message_part(0,2,buf) ; if(mType == ardourvis::INSERT_ITEM) { ifsh->handle_insert_message(buf) ; } else if (mType == ardourvis::REMOVE_ITEM) { ifsh->handle_remove_message(buf) ; } else if (mType == ardourvis::RENAME_ITEM) { ifsh->handle_rename_message(buf) ; } else if (mType == ardourvis::ITEM_UPDATE) { ifsh->handle_item_update_message(buf) ; } else if (mType == ardourvis::REQUEST_DATA) { ifsh->handle_request_data(buf) ; } else if (mType == ardourvis::ITEM_SELECTED) { ifsh->handle_item_selected(buf) ; } else if(mType == ardourvis::SESSION_ACTION) { ifsh->handle_session_action(buf) ; } else { std::string errMsg = "Unknown Message type : " ; errMsg.append(mType) ; ifsh->send_return_failure(errMsg) ; } } } /** * Attempt to connect to the image compositor on the specified host and port * * @param hostIp the ip address of the image compositor host * @param port the oprt number to attemp the connection on * @return true if the connection was a succees * false otherwise */ bool ImageFrameSocketHandler::connect(std::string hostIp, int32_t port) { if (is_connected()) { //already connected... return(true) ; } theArdourToCompositorSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) ; if(theArdourToCompositorSocket == -1) { return(false) ; } int on = 1 ; setsockopt(theArdourToCompositorSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char*)&on, sizeof(on)) ; sockaddr_in m_addr ; m_addr.sin_family = AF_INET ; m_addr.sin_port = htons(port) ; m_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(hostIp.c_str()) ; int status = ::connect(theArdourToCompositorSocket, (sockaddr *) &m_addr, sizeof(m_addr)) ; if(status == -1) { theArdourToCompositorSocket = -1 ; return(false) ; } return(true) ; } /** * Closes the connection to th Image Compositor * */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::close_connection() { if(is_connected()) { ::close(theArdourToCompositorSocket) ; theArdourToCompositorSocket = -1 ; } } /** * Returns true if this ImagFrameSocketHandler is currently connected to rthe image compositor * * @return true if connected to the image compositor */ bool ImageFrameSocketHandler::is_connected() { return(theArdourToCompositorSocket == -1 ? false : true) ; } /** * Sets the tag used to describe this input within gtk * this is returned when gdk_input_add is called and is required to remove the input * * @param tag the gdk input tag of this input */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::set_gdk_input_tag(int tag) { theGdkInputTag = tag ; } /** * Returns the gdk input tag of this input * * @return the gdk input tag of this input * @see setGdkInputTag */ int ImageFrameSocketHandler::get_gdk_input_tag() { return(theGdkInputTag) ; } /** * Returns the socket file descriptor * * @return the Sockt file descriptor */ int ImageFrameSocketHandler::get_socket_descriptor() { return(theArdourToCompositorSocket) ; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Handle Sending messages to the Image Compositor //---------------------------- // ImageFrameTimeAxis Messages /** * Sends a message stating that the named image frame time axis has been removed * * @param track_id the unique id of the removed image frame time axis * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_time_axis_removed(std::string track_id, void* src) { if(this == src || src == 0) { // ie the change originated from us, then dont send any message back return ; } // create a message buffer std::ostringstream msgBuffer ; msgBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type msgBuffer << ardourvis::REMOVE_ITEM << ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_TIME_AXIS ; // add the id length, and the id msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << track_id.length() ; msgBuffer << track_id ; send_message(msgBuffer.str()) ; // XXX should do something with the return std::string retmsg ; read_message(retmsg) ; } /** * Sends a message indicating that an ImageFrameTimeAxis has been renamed * * @param new_id the new name, or Id, of the track * @param old_id the old name, or Id, of the track * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change * @param time_axis the time axis that has changed */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_time_axis_renamed(std::string new_id, std::string old_id, void* src, ImageFrameTimeAxis* time_axis) { // ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(SigC::bind (mem_fun(*this, &ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_time_axis_renamed), new_id, old_id, src, time_axis)); if(this == src || src == 0) { // ie the change originated from us, then dont send any message back return ; } // create a message buffer std::ostringstream msgBuffer ; msgBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type msgBuffer << ardourvis::RENAME_ITEM << ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_TIME_AXIS ; // add the old id and length msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << old_id.length() ; msgBuffer << old_id ; // add the new id and length msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << new_id.length() ; msgBuffer << new_id ; send_message(msgBuffer.str()) ; // XXX should do something with the return std::string retmsg ; read_message(retmsg) ; } //------------------------ // MarkerTimeAxis Messages /** * Sends a message stating that the named marker time axis has been removed * * @param track_id the unique id of the removed image frame time axis * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_marker_time_axis_removed(std::string track_id, void* src) { if(this == src || src == 0) { // ie the change originated from us, then dont send any message back return ; } // create a message buffer std::ostringstream msgBuffer ; msgBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type msgBuffer << ardourvis::REMOVE_ITEM << ardourvis::MARKER_TIME_AXIS ; // add the id length, and the id msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << track_id.length() ; msgBuffer << track_id ; send_message(msgBuffer.str()) ; // XXX should do something with the return std::string retmsg ; read_message(retmsg) ; } /** * Sends a message indicating that an MarkerTimeAxis has been renamed * * @param new_id the new name, or Id, of the track * @param old_id the old name, or Id, of the track * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change * @param time_axis the time axis that has changed */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_marker_time_axis_renamed(std::string new_id, std::string old_id, void* src, MarkerTimeAxis* time_axis) { // ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(bind (mem_fun(*this, &ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_marker_time_axis_renamed), new_id, old_id, src, time_axis)); if(this == src || src == 0) { // ie the change originated from us, then dont send any message back return ; } // ctreate a message buffer std::ostringstream msgBuffer ; msgBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type msgBuffer << ardourvis::RENAME_ITEM << ardourvis::MARKER_TIME_AXIS ; // add the old id and length msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << old_id.length() ; msgBuffer << old_id ; // add the new id and length msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << new_id.length() ; msgBuffer << new_id ; send_message(msgBuffer.str()) ; // XXX should do something with the return std::string retmsg ; read_message(retmsg) ; } //--------------------------------- // ImageFrameTimeAxisGroup Messages /** * Sends a message stating that the group has been removed * * @param group_id the unique id of the removed image frame time axis * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change * @param group the group that has changed */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_time_axis_group_removed(std::string group_id, void* src, ImageFrameTimeAxisGroup* group) { if(this == src || src == 0) { // ie the change originated from us, then dont send any message back return ; } // create a message buffer std::ostringstream msgBuffer ; msgBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type msgBuffer << ardourvis::REMOVE_ITEM << ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_GROUP ; // add the id length, and the id of the parent image time axis std::string track_id = group->get_view().trackview().name() ; msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << track_id.length() ; msgBuffer << track_id ; // add the group id and length msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << group_id.length() ; msgBuffer << group_id ; send_message(msgBuffer.str()) ; // XXX should do something with the return std::string retmsg ; read_message(retmsg) ; } /** * Send a message indicating that an ImageFrameTimeAxisGroup has been renamed * * @param new_id the new name, or Id, of the group * @param old_id the old name, or Id, of the group * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change * @param group the group that has changed */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_time_axis_group_renamed(std::string new_id, std::string old_id, void* src, ImageFrameTimeAxisGroup* group) { // ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(bind (mem_fun(*this, &ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_time_axis_group_renamed), new_id, old_id, src, group)); if(this == src || src == 0) { // ie the change originated from us, then dont send any message back return ; } // ctreate a message buffer std::ostringstream msgBuffer ; msgBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type msgBuffer << ardourvis::RENAME_ITEM << ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_GROUP ; // add the track this group is upon std::string track_id = group->get_view().trackview().name() ; msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << track_id.length() << track_id ; // add the old id and length msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << old_id.length() ; msgBuffer << old_id ; // add the new id and length msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << new_id.length() ; msgBuffer << new_id ; send_message(msgBuffer.str()) ; // XXX should do something with the return std::string retmsg ; read_message(retmsg) ; } //--------------------------------- // ImageFrameView Messages /** * Send an Image Frame View Item position changed message * * @param pos the new position value * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change * @param item the time axis item whos position has changed */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_view_position_change(jack_nframes_t pos, void* src, ImageFrameView* item) { // ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(bind (mem_fun(*this, &ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_view_position_change), pos, src, item)); if(this == src || src == 0) { return ; } // create a message buffer std::ostringstream msgBuffer ; msgBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type msgBuffer << ardourvis::ITEM_UPDATE << ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_ITEM << ardourvis::POSITION_CHANGE ; // add the item description this->compose_imageframe_item_desc(item, msgBuffer) ; msgBuffer << std::setw(ardourvis::TIME_VALUE_CHARS) << pos ; send_message(msgBuffer.str()) ; // XXX should do something with the return std::string retmsg ; read_message(retmsg) ; } /** * Send a Image Frame View item duration changed message * * @param dur the the new duration value * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change * @param item the item which has had a duration change */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_view_duration_change(jack_nframes_t dur, void* src, ImageFrameView* item) { // ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(bind (mem_fun(*this, &ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_view_duration_change), dur, src, item)); if(this == src || src == 0) { return ; } // create a message buffer std::ostringstream msgBuffer ; msgBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type msgBuffer << ardourvis::ITEM_UPDATE << ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_ITEM << ardourvis::DURATION_CHANGE ; this->compose_imageframe_item_desc(item, msgBuffer) ; msgBuffer << std::setw(ardourvis::TIME_VALUE_CHARS) << dur ; send_message(msgBuffer.str()) ; // XXX should do something with the return std::string retmsg ; read_message(retmsg) ; } /** * Send a message indicating that an ImageFrameView has been renamed * * @param item the ImageFrameView which has been renamed * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change * @param item the renamed item */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_view_renamed(std::string new_id, std::string old_id, void* src, ImageFrameView* item) { if(this == src || src == 0) { // ie the change originated from us, then dont send any message back return ; } // ctreate a message buffer std::ostringstream msgBuffer ; msgBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type msgBuffer << ardourvis::RENAME_ITEM << ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_ITEM ; this->compose_imageframe_item_desc(item, msgBuffer) ; // add the old id and length msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << old_id.length() ; msgBuffer << old_id ; send_message(msgBuffer.str()) ; // XXX should do something with the return std::string retmsg ; read_message(retmsg) ; } /** * Send a message indicating that an ImageFrameView item has been removed message * * @param item_id the id of the item that was removed * @param item the removed item */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_view_removed(std::string item_id, void* src, ImageFrameView* item) { if(this == src || src == 0) { // ie the change originated from us, then dont send any message back return ; } // create a message buffer std::ostringstream msgBuffer ; msgBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type msgBuffer << ardourvis::REMOVE_ITEM << ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_ITEM ; // add the id length, and the id ImageFrameTimeAxisGroup* parentGroup = item->get_time_axis_group() ; std::string group_id = parentGroup->get_group_name() ; std::string track_id = parentGroup->get_view().trackview().name() ; msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << track_id.length() << track_id ; msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << group_id.length() << group_id ; msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << item_id.length() << item_id ; send_message(msgBuffer.str()) ; // XXX should do something with the return std::string retmsg ; read_message(retmsg) ; } //--------------------------------- // MarkerView Messages /** * Send a Marker View Item position changed message * * @param pos the new position value * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change * @param item the time axis item whos position has changed */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_marker_view_position_change(jack_nframes_t pos, void* src, MarkerView* item) { if(this == src || src == 0) { return ; } // create a message buffer std::ostringstream msgBuffer ; msgBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type msgBuffer << ardourvis::ITEM_UPDATE << ardourvis::MARKER_ITEM << ardourvis::POSITION_CHANGE ; // add the item description this->compose_marker_item_desc(item, msgBuffer) ; msgBuffer << std::setw(ardourvis::TIME_VALUE_CHARS) << pos ; send_message(msgBuffer.str()) ; // XXX should do something with the return std::string retmsg ; read_message(retmsg) ; } /** * Send a Marker View item duration changed message * * @param dur the new duration value * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change * @param item the time axis item whos position has changed */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_marker_view_duration_change(jack_nframes_t dur, void* src, MarkerView* item) { if(this == src || src == 0) { return ; } // create a message buffer std::ostringstream msgBuffer ; msgBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type msgBuffer << ardourvis::ITEM_UPDATE << ardourvis::MARKER_ITEM << ardourvis::DURATION_CHANGE ; this->compose_marker_item_desc(item, msgBuffer) ; msgBuffer << std::setw(ardourvis::TIME_VALUE_CHARS) << dur ; send_message(msgBuffer.str()) ; // XXX should do something with the return std::string retmsg ; read_message(retmsg) ; } /** * Send a message indicating that a MarkerView has been renamed * * @param new_id the new_id of the object * @param old_id the old_id of the object * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change * @param item the MarkerView which has been renamed */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_marker_view_renamed(std::string new_id, std::string old_id, void* src, MarkerView* item) { if(this == src || src == 0) { // ie the change originated from us, then dont send any message back return ; } // ctreate a message buffer std::ostringstream msgBuffer ; msgBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type msgBuffer << ardourvis::RENAME_ITEM << ardourvis::MARKER_ITEM ; this->compose_marker_item_desc(item, msgBuffer) ; // add the old id and length msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << old_id.length() ; msgBuffer << old_id ; send_message(msgBuffer.str()) ; // XXX should do something with the return std::string retmsg ; read_message(retmsg) ; } /** * Send a message indicating that a MarkerView item has been removed message * * @param item_id the id of the item that was removed * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change * @param item the MarkerView which has been removed */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_marker_view_removed(std::string item_id, void* src, MarkerView* item) { if(this == src || src == 0) { // ie the change originated from us, then dont send any message back return ; } // create a message buffer std::ostringstream msgBuffer ; msgBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type msgBuffer << ardourvis::REMOVE_ITEM << ardourvis::MARKER_ITEM ; // add the id length, and the id std::string track_id = item->get_time_axis_view().name() ; msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << track_id.length() << track_id ; msgBuffer << std::setw(3) << item_id.length() << item_id ; send_message(msgBuffer.str()) ; // XXX should do something with the return std::string retmsg ; read_message(retmsg) ; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Message breakdown ie avoid a big if...then...else /** * Handle insert item requests * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_insert_message(const char* msg) { // handle the insert item message // determine the object type to insert based upon characters 2-3 std::string oType = get_message_part(2,2,msg) ; if(oType == ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_TIME_AXIS) { this->handle_insert_imageframe_time_axis(msg) ; } else if (oType == ardourvis::MARKER_TIME_AXIS) { this->handle_insert_marker_time_axis(msg) ; } else if (oType == ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_GROUP) { this->handle_insert_imageframe_group(msg) ; } else if (oType == ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_ITEM) { this->handle_insert_imageframe_view(msg) ; } else if (oType == ardourvis::MARKER_ITEM) { this->handle_insert_marker_view(msg) ; } else { std::string errMsg = "Unknown Object type during insert: " ; errMsg.append(oType) ; send_return_failure(errMsg) ; } } /** * Handle remove item requests * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_remove_message(const char* msg) { // handle the removal of an item message // determine the object type to remove based upon characters 2-3 std::string oType = get_message_part(2,2,msg) ; if(oType == ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_TIME_AXIS) { this->handle_remove_imageframe_time_axis(msg) ; } else if (oType == ardourvis::MARKER_TIME_AXIS) { this->handle_remove_marker_time_axis(msg) ; } else if (oType == ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_ITEM) { this->handle_remove_imageframe_view(msg) ; } else if (oType == ardourvis::MARKER_ITEM) { this->handle_remove_marker_view(msg) ; } else { std::string errMsg = "Unknown Object type during Remove: " ; errMsg.append(oType) ; send_return_failure(errMsg) ; } } /** * Handle rename item requests * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_rename_message(const char* msg) { // handle the renaming of an item message // determine the object type to rename based upon characters 2-3 std::string oType = get_message_part(2,2,msg) ; if(oType == ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_TIME_AXIS) { this->handle_rename_imageframe_time_axis(msg) ; } else if (oType == ardourvis::MARKER_TIME_AXIS) { this->handle_rename_marker_time_axis(msg) ; } else if (oType == ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_ITEM) { this->handle_rename_imageframe_view(msg) ; } else if (oType == ardourvis::MARKER_ITEM) { this->handle_rename_marker_view(msg) ; } else { std::string errMsg = "Unknown Object type during Rename: " ; errMsg.append(oType) ; send_return_failure(errMsg) ; } } /** * Handle a request for session information * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_request_data(const char* msg) { // determine the request type std::string reqType = get_message_part(2,2,msg) ; if(reqType == ardourvis::SESSION_NAME) { handle_session_name_request(msg) ; } } /** * Handle the update of a particular item * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_item_update_message(const char* msg) { // determin the object that requires updating, characters 2-3 std::string oType = get_message_part(2,2,msg) ; // What needs updating? chars 4-5 std::string attr = get_message_part(4,2,msg) ; if(oType == ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_ITEM) { if(attr == ardourvis::POSITION_CHANGE) { handle_imageframe_view_position_update(msg) ; } else if(attr == ardourvis::DURATION_CHANGE) { handle_imageframe_view_duration_update(msg) ; } else if(attr == ardourvis::POSITION_LOCK_CHANGE) { handle_imageframe_position_lock_update(msg) ; } else if(attr == ardourvis::MAX_DURATION_CHANGE) { handle_imageframe_view_max_duration_update(msg) ; } else if(attr == ardourvis::MAX_DURATION_ENABLE_CHANGE) { handle_imageframe_view_max_duration_enable_update(msg) ; } else if(attr == ardourvis::MIN_DURATION_CHANGE) { handle_imageframe_view_min_duration_update(msg) ; } else if(attr == ardourvis::MIN_DURATION_ENABLE_CHANGE) { handle_imageframe_view_min_duration_enable_update(msg) ; } else { std::string errMsg = "Unknown Attribute during Item Update: " ; errMsg.append(oType) ; send_return_failure(errMsg) ; } } else if(oType == ardourvis::MARKER_ITEM) { if(attr == ardourvis::POSITION_CHANGE) { handle_marker_view_position_update(msg) ; } else if(attr == ardourvis::DURATION_CHANGE) { handle_marker_view_duration_update(msg) ; } else { std::string errMsg = "Unknown Attribute during Item Update: " ; errMsg.append(oType) ; send_return_failure(errMsg) ; } } else { std::string errMsg = "Unknown Object type during Item Update: " ; errMsg.append(oType) ; send_return_failure(errMsg) ; } } /** * Handle the selection of an Item * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_item_selected(const char* msg) { // determine the object that requires updating, characters 2-3 std::string oType = get_message_part(2,2,msg) ; if(oType == std::string(ardourvis::IMAGEFRAME_ITEM)) { int position = 4 ; // message type chars std::string track_id ; std::string scene_id ; std::string item_id ; int track_id_size ; int scene_id_size ; int item_id_size ; this->decompose_imageframe_item_desc(msg, position, track_id, track_id_size, scene_id, scene_id_size, item_id, item_id_size) ; // get the named time axis ImageFrameTimeAxis* ifta = dynamic_cast(thePublicEditor.get_named_time_axis(track_id)) ; if(!ifta) { send_return_failure(std::string("No parent Image Track found : ").append(track_id)) ; } else { // get the parent scene ImageFrameTimeAxisGroup* iftag = ifta->get_view()->get_named_imageframe_group(scene_id) ; if(!iftag) { send_return_failure(std::string("No parent Scene found : ").append(scene_id)) ; } else { ImageFrameView* ifv = iftag->get_named_imageframe_item(item_id) ; if(!ifv) { send_return_failure(std::string("No Image Frame Item found : ").append(item_id)) ; } else { ifv->set_selected(true, this) ; ifta->get_view()->set_selected_imageframe_view(iftag, ifv) ; thePublicEditor.scroll_timeaxis_to_imageframe_item(ifv) ; send_return_success() ; } } } } } /** * Handle s session action message * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_session_action(const char* msg) { std::string actionType = get_message_part(2,2,msg) ; if(actionType == ardourvis::OPEN_SESSION) { this->handle_open_session(msg) ; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // handlers for specific insert procedures /** * Handle the insertion of a new ImaegFrameTimeAxis * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_insert_imageframe_time_axis(const char* msg) { int position = 4 ; // message type chars // get the ImageFrameTrack name size int track_name_size = atoi(get_message_part(position, ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS, msg).c_str()) ; position += ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS ; // get the image frame track name std::string track_name = get_message_part(position, track_name_size, msg) ; position += track_name_size ; // check we dont already have an time axis with that name TimeAxisView* tav = thePublicEditor.get_named_time_axis(track_name) ; if(tav) { std::string errmsg("Track already exists: ") ; errmsg.append(track_name) ; send_return_failure(errmsg) ; } else { thePublicEditor.add_imageframe_time_axis(track_name, this) ; TimeAxisView* new_tav = thePublicEditor.get_named_time_axis(track_name) ; if(new_tav) { ImageFrameTimeAxis* ifta = (ImageFrameTimeAxis*)new_tav ; ifta->VisualTimeAxisRemoved.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_time_axis_removed)) ; ifta->NameChanged.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_time_axis_renamed), ifta)) ; send_return_success() ; } else { std::string msg("Addition Failed: ") ; msg.append(track_name) ; send_return_failure(msg) ; } } } /** * Handle the insertion of a new MarkerTimeAxis * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_insert_marker_time_axis(const char* msg) { int position = 4 ; // message type chars // get the ImageFrameTrack name size int track_name_size = atoi(get_message_part(position, ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS, msg).c_str()) ; position += ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS ; // get the image frame track name std::string track_name = get_message_part(position, track_name_size, msg) ; position += track_name_size ; // get the size of the name of the associated track int assoc_track_name_size = atoi(get_message_part(position, ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS, msg).c_str()) ; position += ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS ; // get the name of the track we associate the marker track with std::string assoc_track_name = get_message_part(position, assoc_track_name_size, msg) ; position += assoc_track_name_size ; // check that we dont already have a time axis with that name TimeAxisView* checkTav = thePublicEditor.get_named_time_axis(track_name) ; if(checkTav) { std::string errmsg("Track already exists: ") ; errmsg.append(track_name) ; send_return_failure(errmsg) ; } else { // check the associated time axis exists TimeAxisView* assoc_tav = thePublicEditor.get_named_time_axis(assoc_track_name) ; if(assoc_tav) { thePublicEditor.add_imageframe_marker_time_axis(track_name, assoc_tav, this) ; TimeAxisView* new_tav = thePublicEditor.get_named_time_axis(track_name) ; bool added = false ; if(new_tav) { MarkerTimeAxis* mta = dynamic_cast(new_tav) ; if(mta) { added = true ; mta->VisualTimeAxisRemoved.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_marker_time_axis_removed)) ; mta->NameChanged.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_marker_time_axis_renamed), mta)) ; } } if(added) { std::string msg("Addition Failed: ") ; msg.append(track_name) ; send_return_failure(msg) ; } } else { std::string errmsg("No associated Track Found: ") ; errmsg.append(track_name) ; send_return_failure(errmsg) ; } } } /** * Handle the insertion of a time axis group (a scene) * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_insert_imageframe_group(const char* msg) { int position = 4 ; // message type chars // get the ImageFrameTrack name size int track_name_size = atoi(get_message_part(position, ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS, msg).c_str()) ; position += ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS ; // get the image frame track name std::string track_name = get_message_part(position, track_name_size, msg) ; position += track_name_size ; // get the scene id size int scene_id_size = atoi(get_message_part(position, ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS, msg).c_str()) ; position += ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS ; // get the scene id std::string scene_id = get_message_part(position, scene_id_size, msg) ; position += scene_id_size ; // get the named ImageFrameTrack ImageFrameTimeAxis* ifta = dynamic_cast(thePublicEditor.get_named_time_axis(track_name)) ; // check we got a valid ImageFrameTimeAxis if(!ifta) { send_return_failure(std::string("No Image Frame Time Axis Found: ").append(track_name)) ; return ; } ImageFrameTimeAxisGroup* iftag = ifta->get_view()->add_imageframe_group(scene_id, this) ; if(!iftag) { send_return_failure(std::string("Image Frame Group insert failed")) ; } else { iftag->NameChanged.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_time_axis_group_renamed), iftag)) ; iftag->GroupRemoved.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_time_axis_group_removed), iftag)) ; send_return_success() ; } } /** * Handle the insertion of a new ImageFrameItem * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_insert_imageframe_view(const char* msg) { int position = 4 ; // message type chars // get the ImageFrameTrack name size int track_name_size = atoi(get_message_part(position,3,msg).c_str()) ; position += 3 ; // get the ImageFrameTrack Name std::string imageframe_track_name = get_message_part(position,track_name_size,msg) ; position += track_name_size ; // get the scene name size int scene_size = atoi(get_message_part(position,3,msg).c_str()) ; position += 3 ; // get the scene Name std::string scene_name = get_message_part(position,scene_size,msg) ; position += scene_size ; // get the image frame_id size int image_id_size = atoi(get_message_part(position,3,msg).c_str()) ; position += 3 ; // get the image frame_id std::string image_id = get_message_part(position,image_id_size,msg) ; position += image_id_size ; // get the start frame value jack_nframes_t start = strtoul((get_message_part(position,10,msg).c_str()),0,10) ; position += 10 ; // get the duration value jack_nframes_t duration = strtoul((get_message_part(position,10,msg).c_str()),0,10) ; position += 10 ; //get the named time axis view we about to add an image to TimeAxisView* tav = thePublicEditor.get_named_time_axis(imageframe_track_name) ; ImageFrameTimeAxis* ifta = 0 ; if(tav) { ifta = dynamic_cast(tav) ; } if(!ifta) { std::string errmsg("No Parent Image Track Found: ") ; errmsg.append(imageframe_track_name) ; send_return_failure(errmsg) ; // dont really like all these returns mid-way // but this is goinf to get awfully if..then nested if not return ; } // check the parent group exists ImageFrameTimeAxisGroup* iftag = ifta->get_view()->get_named_imageframe_group(scene_name) ; if(!iftag) { std::string errmsg("No Image Frame Group Found: ") ; errmsg.append(scene_name) ; send_return_failure(errmsg) ; return ; } // ok, so we have the parent group and track, now we need dome image data // // request the image data from the image compositor // // ctreate a message buffer std::ostringstream reqBuffer ; reqBuffer << std::setfill('0') ; // add the msg type reqBuffer << REQUEST_DATA << IMAGE_RGB_DATA ; // add the image track and size reqBuffer << std::setw(ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS) << track_name_size ; reqBuffer << imageframe_track_name ; // add the scene id and size reqBuffer << std::setw(ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS) << scene_size ; reqBuffer << scene_name ; // add the image id and size reqBuffer << std::setw(ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS) << image_id_size ; reqBuffer << image_id ; // add the preferred image height reqBuffer << std::setw(ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS) << ifta->get_image_display_height() ; // send the request message send_message(reqBuffer.str()) ; // read the reply, the inital image data message // this gives us the image dimensions and the expected size of the image data // msg type(4) + image width(3) + height(3) + num channels(3) + size of the image data (32) std::string init_image_data_msg ; read_message(init_image_data_msg) ; int init_msg_pos = 4 ; int imgWidth = atoi(init_image_data_msg.substr(init_msg_pos, ardourvis::IMAGE_SIZE_CHARS).c_str()) ; init_msg_pos += ardourvis::IMAGE_SIZE_CHARS ; int imgHeight = atoi(init_image_data_msg.substr(init_msg_pos, ardourvis::IMAGE_SIZE_CHARS).c_str()) ; init_msg_pos += ardourvis::IMAGE_SIZE_CHARS ; int imgChannels = atoi(init_image_data_msg.substr(init_msg_pos, ardourvis::IMAGE_SIZE_CHARS).c_str()) ; init_msg_pos += ardourvis::IMAGE_SIZE_CHARS ; int imgSize = atoi(init_image_data_msg.substr(init_msg_pos, ardourvis::IMAGE_DATA_MESSAGE_SIZE_CHARS).c_str()) ; // send a success msg // we need to do this to keep things moving send_return_success() ; // create our image rgb buffer, this holds the image data we receive unsigned char* rgb_img_buf = new unsigned char[imgSize] ; int retcode = ::recv(theArdourToCompositorSocket, rgb_img_buf, imgSize, MSG_WAITALL) ; if(retcode != imgSize) { delete [] rgb_img_buf ; send_return_failure("Could not create new Image Frame View : image data sizes did not match") ; } else { ImageFrameView* ifv = iftag->add_imageframe_item(image_id, start, duration, rgb_img_buf, (uint32_t)imgWidth, (uint32_t)imgHeight, (uint32_t)imgChannels, this) ; if(ifv) { ifv->PositionChanged.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_view_position_change), ifv)) ; ifv->DurationChanged.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_view_duration_change), ifv)) ; ifv->ItemRemoved.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_imageframe_view_removed), ifv)) ; send_return_success() ; } else { //addition failed. assume duplicate item_id send_return_failure("Could not create new Image Frame View") ; } } } /** * Handle the insertion of a new MarkerItem * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_insert_marker_view(const char* msg) {} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // handlers for specific removal procedures /** * Handle the removal of an ImageTimeAxis * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_remove_imageframe_time_axis(const char* msg) {} /** * Handle the removal of an MarkerTimeAxis * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_remove_marker_time_axis(const char* msg) {} /** * Handle the removal of an ImageFrameTimeAxisGroup * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_remove_imageframe_time_axis_group(const char* msg) {} /** * Handle the removal of an ImageFrameItem * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_remove_imageframe_view(const char* msg) {} /** * Handle the removal of an MarkerItem * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_remove_marker_view(const char* msg) {} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // handlers for the specific rename procedures /** * Handle the renaming of an ImageTimeAxis * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_rename_imageframe_time_axis(const char* msg) { // msg [MVIT][oldSize][oldId][newSize][newId] int position = 4 ; // message type chars // get the old Id size int old_id_size = atoi(get_message_part(position,3,msg).c_str()) ; position += 3 ; // get the old id std::string old_id = get_message_part(position,old_id_size,msg) ; position += old_id_size ; //get the new Id size int new_id_size = atoi(get_message_part(position,3,msg).c_str()) ; position += 3 ; // get the new Id std::string new_id = get_message_part(position,new_id_size,msg) ; position += new_id_size ; // get the Named time axis TimeAxisView* tav = thePublicEditor.get_named_time_axis(old_id) ; if(dynamic_cast(tav)) { ImageFrameTimeAxis* ifta = dynamic_cast(tav) ; ifta->set_time_axis_name(new_id, this) ; send_return_success() ; } else { std::string msg = "No Image Track Found: " ; msg.append(old_id) ; send_return_failure(msg) ; } } /** * Handle the renaming of an MarkerTimeAxis * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_rename_marker_time_axis(const char* msg) {} /** * Handle the renaming of an ImageFrameItem * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_rename_imageframe_time_axis_group(const char* msg) {} /** * Handle the renaming of an ImageFrameItem * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_rename_imageframe_view(const char* msg) {} /** * Handle the renaming of an Marker * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_rename_marker_view(const char* msg) {} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // handlers for data request /** * Handle a request for the sessnio naem fo the current session * We return a failure state if no session is open * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_session_name_request(const char* msg) { ARDOUR::Session* currentSession = thePublicEditor.current_session() ; if(currentSession == 0) { // no current session, return failure std::string msg("No Current Session") ; send_return_failure(msg) ; } else { std::string sessionName = currentSession->name() ; std::string sessionPath = currentSession->path() ; if(sessionPath[sessionPath.length() -1] != '/') { sessionPath.append("/") ; } sessionPath.append(sessionName) ; std::ostringstream msgBuf ; msgBuf << ardourvis::RETURN_DATA << ardourvis::SESSION_NAME ; msgBuf << std::setfill('0') ; msgBuf << std::setw(ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS) << sessionPath.length() ; msgBuf << sessionPath ; send_message(msgBuf.str()) ; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // handlers for specific item update changes /** * Handle ImageFrameView positional changes * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_imageframe_view_position_update(const char* msg) { int position = 6 ; // message type chars std::string track_id ; std::string scene_id ; std::string item_id ; int track_id_size ; int scene_id_size ; int item_id_size ; this->decompose_imageframe_item_desc(msg, position, track_id, track_id_size, scene_id, scene_id_size, item_id, item_id_size) ; jack_nframes_t start_frame = strtoul(get_message_part(position, ardourvis::TIME_VALUE_CHARS, msg).c_str(), 0, 10) ; position += ardourvis::TIME_VALUE_CHARS ; // get the named time axis ImageFrameTimeAxis* ifta = dynamic_cast(thePublicEditor.get_named_time_axis(track_id)) ; if(!ifta) { send_return_failure(std::string("No parent Image Track found: ").append(track_id)) ; return ; } // get the parent scene ImageFrameTimeAxisGroup* iftag = ifta->get_view()->get_named_imageframe_group(scene_id) ; if(!iftag) { send_return_failure(std::string("No parent Scene found: ").append(scene_id)) ; return ; } ImageFrameView* ifv = iftag->get_named_imageframe_item(item_id) ; if(!ifv) { send_return_failure(std::string("No Image Frame Item found: ").append(item_id)) ; return ; } ifv->set_position(start_frame, this) ; send_return_success() ; } /** * Handle ImageFrameView Duration changes * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_imageframe_view_duration_update(const char* msg) { int position = 6 ; // message type chars std::string track_id ; std::string scene_id ; std::string item_id ; int track_id_size ; int scene_id_size ; int item_id_size ; this->decompose_imageframe_item_desc(msg, position, track_id, track_id_size, scene_id, scene_id_size, item_id, item_id_size) ; jack_nframes_t duration = strtoul(get_message_part(position,ardourvis::TIME_VALUE_CHARS,msg).c_str(),0,10) ; position += ardourvis::TIME_VALUE_CHARS ; // get the named time axis ImageFrameTimeAxis* ifta = dynamic_cast(thePublicEditor.get_named_time_axis(track_id)) ; if(!ifta) { send_return_failure(std::string("No parent Image Track found : ").append(track_id)) ; return ; } // get the parent scene ImageFrameTimeAxisGroup* iftag = ifta->get_view()->get_named_imageframe_group(scene_id) ; if(!iftag) { send_return_failure(std::string("No parent Scene found : ").append(scene_id)) ; return ; } ImageFrameView* ifv = iftag->get_named_imageframe_item(item_id) ; if(!ifv) { send_return_failure(std::string("No Image Frame Item found : ").append(item_id)) ; return ; } ifv->set_duration(duration, this) ; send_return_success() ; } /** * Handle ImageFrameView Position Lock Constraint changes * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_imageframe_position_lock_update(const char* msg) { int position = 6 ; // message type chars std::string track_id ; std::string group_id ; std::string item_id ; int track_id_size ; int group_id_size ; int item_id_size ; this->decompose_imageframe_item_desc(msg, position, track_id, track_id_size, group_id, group_id_size, item_id, item_id_size) ; std::string pos_lock = get_message_part(position,1,msg) ; bool pos_lock_active = false ; if(pos_lock == "0") { pos_lock_active = false ; } else if(pos_lock == "1") { pos_lock_active = true ; } else { send_return_failure(std::string("Unknown Value used during Position Loack: ").append(pos_lock)) ; return ; } position += 1 ; int errcode ; std::string errmsg ; ImageFrameView* ifv = get_imageframe_view_from_desc(track_id, group_id, item_id, errcode, errmsg) ; if(ifv) { ifv->set_position_locked(pos_lock_active, this) ; send_return_success() ; } else { send_return_failure(errmsg) ; } } /** * Handle ImageFrameView Maximum Duration changes * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_imageframe_view_max_duration_update(const char* msg) { int position = 6 ; // message type chars std::string track_id ; std::string group_id ; std::string item_id ; int track_id_size ; int group_id_size ; int item_id_size ; this->decompose_imageframe_item_desc(msg, position, track_id, track_id_size, group_id, group_id_size, item_id, item_id_size) ; jack_nframes_t max_duration = strtoul(get_message_part(position,ardourvis::TIME_VALUE_CHARS,msg).c_str(),0,10) ; position += ardourvis::TIME_VALUE_CHARS ; int errcode ; std::string errmsg ; ImageFrameView* ifv = get_imageframe_view_from_desc(track_id, group_id, item_id, errcode, errmsg) ; if(ifv) { ifv->set_max_duration(max_duration, this) ; send_return_success() ; } else { send_return_failure(errmsg) ; } } /** * Handle image frame max duration enable constraint changes * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_imageframe_view_max_duration_enable_update(const char* msg) { int position = 6 ; // message type chars std::string track_id ; std::string group_id ; std::string item_id ; int track_id_size ; int group_id_size ; int item_id_size ; this->decompose_imageframe_item_desc(msg, position, track_id, track_id_size, group_id, group_id_size, item_id, item_id_size) ; std::string active = get_message_part(position,1,msg) ; bool max_duration_active = false ; if(active == "0") { max_duration_active = false ; } else if(active == "1") { max_duration_active = true ; } else { send_return_failure(std::string("Unknown Value used during enable max duration: ").append(active)) ; return ; } position += 1 ; int errcode ; std::string errmsg ; ImageFrameView* ifv = get_imageframe_view_from_desc(track_id, group_id, item_id, errcode, errmsg) ; if(ifv) { ifv->set_max_duration_active(max_duration_active, this) ; send_return_success() ; } else { send_return_failure(errmsg) ; } } /** * Handle ImageFrameView Minimum Duration changes * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_imageframe_view_min_duration_update(const char* msg) { int position = 6 ; // message type chars std::string track_id ; std::string group_id ; std::string item_id ; int track_id_size ; int group_id_size ; int item_id_size ; this->decompose_imageframe_item_desc(msg, position, track_id, track_id_size, group_id, group_id_size, item_id, item_id_size) ; jack_nframes_t min_duration = strtoul(get_message_part(position,ardourvis::TIME_VALUE_CHARS,msg).c_str(),0,10) ; position += ardourvis::TIME_VALUE_CHARS ; int errcode ; std::string errmsg ; ImageFrameView* ifv = get_imageframe_view_from_desc(track_id, group_id, item_id, errcode, errmsg) ; if(ifv) { ifv->set_min_duration(min_duration, this) ; send_return_success() ; } else { send_return_failure(errmsg) ; } } /** * Handle image frame min duration enable constraint changes * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_imageframe_view_min_duration_enable_update(const char* msg) { int position = 6 ; // message type chars std::string track_id ; std::string group_id ; std::string item_id ; int track_id_size ; int group_id_size ; int item_id_size ; this->decompose_imageframe_item_desc(msg, position, track_id, track_id_size, group_id, group_id_size, item_id, item_id_size) ; std::string active = get_message_part(position,1,msg) ; bool min_duration_active = false ; if(active == "0") { min_duration_active = false ; } else if(active == "1") { min_duration_active = true ; } else { send_return_failure(std::string("Unknown Value used during enable max duration: ").append(active)) ; return ; } position += 1 ; int errcode ; std::string errmsg ; ImageFrameView* ifv = get_imageframe_view_from_desc(track_id, group_id, item_id, errcode, errmsg) ; if(ifv) { ifv->set_min_duration_active(min_duration_active, this) ; send_return_success() ; } else { send_return_failure(errmsg) ; } } /** * Handle MarkerView position changes * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_marker_view_position_update(const char* msg) {} /** * Handle MarkerView duration changes * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_marker_view_duration_update(const char* msg) {} /** * Handle MarkerView Position Lock Constraint changes * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_marker_view_position_lock_update(const char* msg) { } /** * Handle MarkerView maximum duration changes * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_marker_view_max_duration_update(const char* msg) {} /** * Handle MarkerView minimum duration changes * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_marker_view_min_duration_update(const char* msg) {} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // handlers for Session Actions /** * Handle the opening of a named audio session * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_open_session(const char* msg) { // msg [SAOS][sessionSize][sessionPath] int position = 4 ; // message type chars // get the session name size int session_name_size = atoi(get_message_part(position,3,msg).c_str()) ; position += 3 ; // get the session name std::string session_name = get_message_part(position,session_name_size,msg) ; position += session_name_size ; // open the session std::string path, name ; bool isnew; if (ARDOUR::Session::find_session(session_name, path, name, isnew) == 0) { if (ARDOUR_UI::instance()->load_session (path, name) == 0) { send_return_success() ; } else { std::string retMsg = "Failed to load Session" ; send_return_failure(retMsg) ; } } else { std::string retMsg = "Failed to find Session" ; send_return_failure(retMsg) ; } } /** * Handle the closing of a named audio session * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_closed_session(const char* msg) {} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // handlers for the shutdown of the Image Compositor /** * Handle the shutdown message from the image compositor * * @param msg the received message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::handle_shutdown(const char* msg) { CompositorSocketShutdown() ; /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // convenince methods to break up messages /** * Returns part of the received message as a std::string * * @param start the start character * @param num_chars the number of characters to read * @param the message to break apart * @return the sub string of the message */ std::string ImageFrameSocketHandler::get_message_part(int start, int32_t num_chars, const char* msg) { char buf[num_chars + 1] ; strncpy(buf,msg+start,num_chars) ; buf[num_chars] = '\0' ; std::string s(buf) ; return(s) ; } /** * break up am image item description message * we break the mesage up into the parent Image Track id and size, * the parent group id and size, and the image id and size * * @param track_id * @param track_id_size * @param scene_id * @param scene_id_size * @param item_id * @param item_id_size */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::decompose_imageframe_item_desc(const char* msg, int& position, std::string& track_id, int& track_id_size, std::string& scene_id, int& scene_id_size, std::string& item_id, int& item_id_size) { // get the track Id size track_id_size = atoi(get_message_part(position,ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS,msg).c_str()) ; position += ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS ; // get the track id track_id = get_message_part(position,track_id_size,msg) ; position += track_id_size ; // get the track Id size scene_id_size = atoi(get_message_part(position,ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS,msg).c_str()) ; position += ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS ; // get the scene id scene_id = get_message_part(position,scene_id_size,msg) ; position += scene_id_size ; // get the item id size item_id_size = atoi(get_message_part(position,ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS,msg).c_str()) ; position += ardourvis::TEXT_SIZE_CHARS ; // get the item id item_id = get_message_part(position,item_id_size,msg) ; position += item_id_size ; } /** * Compose a description of the specified image frame view * The description consists of the parent track name size and name, * the parent group name size and name, and the item name size and name * * @param ifv the item to string_compose a description of * @param buffer the buffer to write the description */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::compose_imageframe_item_desc(ImageFrameView* ifv, std::ostringstream& buffer) { buffer << std::setw(3) << ifv->get_time_axis_group()->get_view().trackview().name().length() ; buffer << ifv->get_time_axis_group()->get_view().trackview().name() ; // add the parent scene buffer << std::setw(3) << ifv->get_time_axis_group()->get_group_name().length() ; buffer << ifv->get_time_axis_group()->get_group_name() ; // add the ImageFrameItem id length and Id buffer << setw(3) << ifv->get_item_name().length() ; buffer << ifv->get_item_name() ; } /** * Compose a description of the specified marker view * The description consists of the parent track name size and name, * and the item name size and name * * @param mv the item to string_compose a description of * @param buffer the buffer to write the description */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::compose_marker_item_desc(MarkerView* mv, std::ostringstream& buffer) { MarkerTimeAxis* mta = dynamic_cast(&mv->get_time_axis_view()) ; if(!mta) { return ; } buffer << std::setw(3) << mta->name().length() ; buffer << mta->name() ; buffer << std::setw(3) << mv->get_item_name().length() ; buffer << mv->get_item_name() ; } /** * Returns the ImageFrameView from the specified description * The errcode parameter is used to indicate the item which caused * an error on failure of this method * 0 = success * 1 = the track item was not found * 2 = the group item was not found * 3 = the imageframe item was not found * * @paran track_id the track on which the item is placed * @param group_id the group in which the item is a member * @param item_id the id of the item * @param int32_t reference used for error codes on failure * @param errmsg populated with a description of the error on failure * @return the described item on success, 0 otherwise */ ImageFrameView* ImageFrameSocketHandler::get_imageframe_view_from_desc(const std::string& track_id, const std::string& group_id, const std::string& item_id, int& errcode, std::string& errmsg) { ImageFrameView* item = 0 ; // get the named time axis ImageFrameTimeAxis* ifta = dynamic_cast(thePublicEditor.get_named_time_axis(track_id)) ; if(!ifta) { errcode = 1 ; errmsg = std::string("Image Frame Time Axis Not Found: ").append(track_id) ; } else { // get the parent scene ImageFrameTimeAxisGroup* iftag = ifta->get_view()->get_named_imageframe_group(group_id) ; if(!iftag) { errcode = 2 ; errmsg = std::string("Image Frame Group Not Found: ").append(group_id) ; } else { ImageFrameView* ifv = iftag->get_named_imageframe_item(item_id) ; if(!ifv) { errcode = 3 ; errmsg = std::string("Image Frame Item Not Found: ").append(item_id) ; } else { // yay!! item = ifv ; errcode = 0 ; } } } return(item) ; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Convenince Message Send Methods #ifndef MSG_NOSIGNAL #define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0 #endif /** * Sends a message throught the socket * * @param msg the message to send * @return the return value of the socket call */ int ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_message(const std::string& msg) { //std::cout << "Sending Message [" << msg << "]\n" ; int retcode = ::send(theArdourToCompositorSocket, msg.c_str(), msg.length(), MSG_NOSIGNAL) ; return(retcode) ; } /** * Reads a message from the Socket * * @param msg a string to populate with the received message * @return the return value from the socket call */ int ImageFrameSocketHandler::read_message(std::string& msg) { char buf[ardourvis::MAX_MSG_SIZE + 1] ; memset(buf, 0, (ardourvis::MAX_MSG_SIZE + 1)) ; msg = "" ; int retcode = ::recv(theArdourToCompositorSocket, buf, ardourvis::MAX_MSG_SIZE, 0) ; msg = buf ; //std::cout << "Received Message [" << msg << "]\n" ; return(retcode) ; } /** * Convenience method to string_compose and send a success messasge back to the Image Compositor * */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_return_success() { send_message(ardourvis::RETURN_TRUE) ; } /** * Convenience method to string_compose and send a failure messasge back to the Image Compositor * * @param msg the failure message */ void ImageFrameSocketHandler::send_return_failure(const std::string& msg) { std::ostringstream buf ; buf << std::setfill('0') ; buf << ardourvis::RETURN_FALSE ; buf << std::setw(3) << msg.length(); ; buf << msg ; send_message(buf.str()) ; }