/* Copyright (C) 2001 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include "ardour_ui.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "keyboard.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "opts.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; #define KBD_DEBUG 1 bool debug_keyboard = false; guint Keyboard::edit_but = 3; guint Keyboard::edit_mod = GDK_CONTROL_MASK; guint Keyboard::delete_but = 3; guint Keyboard::delete_mod = GDK_SHIFT_MASK; guint Keyboard::snap_mod = GDK_MOD3_MASK; #ifdef GTKOSX guint Keyboard::PrimaryModifier = GDK_META_MASK; // Command guint Keyboard::SecondaryModifier = GDK_MOD1_MASK; // Alt/Option guint Keyboard::TertiaryModifier = GDK_SHIFT_MASK; // Shift guint Keyboard::CopyModifier = GDK_MOD1_MASK; // Alt/Option guint Keyboard::RangeSelectModifier = GDK_SHIFT_MASK; #else guint Keyboard::PrimaryModifier = GDK_CONTROL_MASK; // Control guint Keyboard::SecondaryModifier = GDK_MOD1_MASK; // Alt/Option guint Keyboard::TertiaryModifier = GDK_SHIFT_MASK; // Shift guint Keyboard::CopyModifier = GDK_CONTROL_MASK; guint Keyboard::RangeSelectModifier = GDK_SHIFT_MASK; #endif Keyboard* Keyboard::_the_keyboard = 0; Gtk::Window* Keyboard::current_window = 0; bool Keyboard::_some_magic_widget_has_focus = false; std::string Keyboard::user_keybindings_path; bool Keyboard::can_save_keybindings = false; map Keyboard::binding_files; std::string Keyboard::_current_binding_name = _("Unknown"); /* set this to initially contain the modifiers we care about, then track changes in ::set_edit_modifier() etc. */ GdkModifierType Keyboard::RelevantModifierKeyMask; void Keyboard::magic_widget_grab_focus () { _some_magic_widget_has_focus = true; } void Keyboard::magic_widget_drop_focus () { _some_magic_widget_has_focus = false; } bool Keyboard::some_magic_widget_has_focus () { return _some_magic_widget_has_focus; } Keyboard::Keyboard () { if (_the_keyboard == 0) { _the_keyboard = this; } RelevantModifierKeyMask = (GdkModifierType) gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask (); RelevantModifierKeyMask = GdkModifierType (RelevantModifierKeyMask | PrimaryModifier); RelevantModifierKeyMask = GdkModifierType (RelevantModifierKeyMask | SecondaryModifier); RelevantModifierKeyMask = GdkModifierType (RelevantModifierKeyMask | TertiaryModifier); RelevantModifierKeyMask = GdkModifierType (RelevantModifierKeyMask | CopyModifier); RelevantModifierKeyMask = GdkModifierType (RelevantModifierKeyMask | RangeSelectModifier); snooper_id = gtk_key_snooper_install (_snooper, (gpointer) this); XMLNode* node = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->keyboard_settings(); set_state (*node); } Keyboard::~Keyboard () { gtk_key_snooper_remove (snooper_id); } XMLNode& Keyboard::get_state (void) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode ("Keyboard"); char buf[32]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", edit_but); node->add_property ("edit-button", buf); snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", edit_mod); node->add_property ("edit-modifier", buf); snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", delete_but); node->add_property ("delete-button", buf); snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", delete_mod); node->add_property ("delete-modifier", buf); snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", snap_mod); node->add_property ("snap-modifier", buf); return *node; } int Keyboard::set_state (const XMLNode& node) { const XMLProperty* prop; if ((prop = node.property ("edit-button")) != 0) { sscanf (prop->value().c_str(), "%d", &edit_but); } if ((prop = node.property ("edit-modifier")) != 0) { sscanf (prop->value().c_str(), "%d", &edit_mod); } if ((prop = node.property ("delete-button")) != 0) { sscanf (prop->value().c_str(), "%d", &delete_but); } if ((prop = node.property ("delete-modifier")) != 0) { sscanf (prop->value().c_str(), "%d", &delete_mod); } if ((prop = node.property ("snap-modifier")) != 0) { sscanf (prop->value().c_str(), "%d", &snap_mod); } return 0; } gint Keyboard::_snooper (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer data) { return ((Keyboard *) data)->snooper (widget, event); } gint Keyboard::snooper (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event) { uint32_t keyval; #if 0 cerr << "snoop widget " << widget << " key " << event->keyval << " type: " << event->type << " state " << std::hex << event->state << std::dec << endl; #endif #if KBD_DEBUG if (debug_keyboard) { cerr << "snoop widget " << widget << " key " << event->keyval << " type: " << event->type << endl; } #endif if (event->keyval == GDK_Shift_R) { keyval = GDK_Shift_L; } else if (event->keyval == GDK_Control_R) { keyval = GDK_Control_L; } else { keyval = event->keyval; } if (event->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS) { if (find (state.begin(), state.end(), keyval) == state.end()) { state.push_back (keyval); sort (state.begin(), state.end()); } } else if (event->type == GDK_KEY_RELEASE) { State::iterator i; if ((i = find (state.begin(), state.end(), keyval)) != state.end()) { state.erase (i); sort (state.begin(), state.end()); } } if (event->type == GDK_KEY_RELEASE && event->keyval == GDK_w && modifier_state_equals (event->state, PrimaryModifier)) { if (current_window) { current_window->hide (); current_window = 0; } } return false; } bool Keyboard::key_is_down (uint32_t keyval) { return find (state.begin(), state.end(), keyval) != state.end(); } bool Keyboard::enter_window (GdkEventCrossing *ev, Gtk::Window* win) { current_window = win; return false; } bool Keyboard::leave_window (GdkEventCrossing *ev, Gtk::Window* win) { switch (ev->detail) { case GDK_NOTIFY_INFERIOR: if (debug_keyboard) { cerr << "INFERIOR crossing ... out\n"; } break; case GDK_NOTIFY_VIRTUAL: if (debug_keyboard) { cerr << "VIRTUAL crossing ... out\n"; } /* fallthru */ default: if (debug_keyboard) { cerr << "REAL CROSSING ... out\n"; cerr << "clearing current target\n"; } state.clear (); current_window = 0; } return false; } void Keyboard::set_edit_button (guint but) { edit_but = but; } void Keyboard::set_edit_modifier (guint mod) { RelevantModifierKeyMask = GdkModifierType (RelevantModifierKeyMask & ~edit_mod); edit_mod = mod; RelevantModifierKeyMask = GdkModifierType (RelevantModifierKeyMask | edit_mod); } void Keyboard::set_delete_button (guint but) { delete_but = but; } void Keyboard::set_delete_modifier (guint mod) { RelevantModifierKeyMask = GdkModifierType (RelevantModifierKeyMask & ~delete_mod); delete_mod = mod; RelevantModifierKeyMask = GdkModifierType (RelevantModifierKeyMask | delete_mod); } void Keyboard::set_modifier (uint32_t newval, uint32_t& var) { RelevantModifierKeyMask = GdkModifierType (RelevantModifierKeyMask & ~var); var = newval; RelevantModifierKeyMask = GdkModifierType (RelevantModifierKeyMask | var); } void Keyboard::set_snap_modifier (guint mod) { RelevantModifierKeyMask = GdkModifierType (RelevantModifierKeyMask & ~snap_mod); snap_mod = mod; RelevantModifierKeyMask = GdkModifierType (RelevantModifierKeyMask | snap_mod); } bool Keyboard::is_edit_event (GdkEventButton *ev) { return (ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS || ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) && (ev->button == Keyboard::edit_button()) && ((ev->state & RelevantModifierKeyMask) == Keyboard::edit_modifier()); } bool Keyboard::is_delete_event (GdkEventButton *ev) { return (ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS || ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) && (ev->button == Keyboard::delete_button()) && ((ev->state & RelevantModifierKeyMask) == Keyboard::delete_modifier()); } bool Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (GdkEventButton *ev) { return (ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS || ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) && (ev->button == 3) && ((ev->state & RelevantModifierKeyMask) == 0); } bool Keyboard::no_modifiers_active (guint state) { return (state & RelevantModifierKeyMask) == 0; } bool Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (guint state, ModifierMask mask) { return (state & mask) == (guint) mask; } bool Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (guint state, ModifierMask mask) { return (state & RelevantModifierKeyMask) == (guint) mask; } Selection::Operation Keyboard::selection_type (guint state) { /* note that there is no modifier for "Add" */ if (modifier_state_equals (state, RangeSelectModifier)) { return Selection::Extend; } else if (modifier_state_equals (state, PrimaryModifier)) { return Selection::Toggle; } else { return Selection::Set; } } static void accel_map_changed (GtkAccelMap* map, gchar* path, guint key, GdkModifierType mod, gpointer arg) { Keyboard::save_keybindings (); } void Keyboard::set_can_save_keybindings (bool yn) { can_save_keybindings = yn; } void Keyboard::save_keybindings () { if (can_save_keybindings) { Gtk::AccelMap::save (user_keybindings_path); } } void Keyboard::setup_keybindings () { using namespace ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE; std::string default_bindings = "mnemonic-us.bindings"; vector strs; binding_files.clear (); ARDOUR::find_bindings_files (binding_files); /* set up the per-user bindings path */ strs.push_back (Glib::get_home_dir()); strs.push_back (".ardour3"); strs.push_back ("ardour.bindings"); user_keybindings_path = Glib::build_filename (strs); if (Glib::file_test (user_keybindings_path, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { std::pair newpair; newpair.first = _("your own"); newpair.second = user_keybindings_path; binding_files.insert (newpair); } /* check to see if they gave a style name ("SAE", "ergonomic") or an actual filename (*.bindings) */ if (!keybindings_path.empty() && keybindings_path.find (".bindings") == string::npos) { // just a style name - allow user to // specify the layout type. char* layout; if ((layout = getenv ("ARDOUR_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT")) != 0 && layout[0] != '\0') { /* user-specified keyboard layout */ keybindings_path += '-'; keybindings_path += layout; } else { /* default to US/ANSI - we have to pick something */ keybindings_path += "-us"; } keybindings_path += ".bindings"; } if (keybindings_path.empty()) { /* no path or binding name given: check the user one first */ if (!Glib::file_test (user_keybindings_path, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { keybindings_path = ""; } else { keybindings_path = user_keybindings_path; } } /* if we still don't have a path at this point, use the default */ if (keybindings_path.empty()) { keybindings_path = default_bindings; } while (true) { if (!Glib::path_is_absolute (keybindings_path)) { /* not absolute - look in the usual places */ sys::path keybindings_file; SearchPath spath = ardour_search_path() + user_config_directory() + system_config_search_path(); if ( ! find_file_in_search_path (spath, keybindings_path, keybindings_file)) { if (keybindings_path == default_bindings) { error << _("Default keybindings not found - Ardour will be hard to use!") << endmsg; return; } else { warning << string_compose (_("Key bindings file \"%1\" not found. Default bindings used instead"), keybindings_path) << endmsg; keybindings_path = default_bindings; } } else { /* use it */ keybindings_path = keybindings_file.to_string(); break; } } else { /* path is absolute already */ if (!Glib::file_test (keybindings_path, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { if (keybindings_path == default_bindings) { error << _("Default keybindings not found - Ardour will be hard to use!") << endmsg; return; } else { warning << string_compose (_("Key bindings file \"%1\" not found. Default bindings used instead"), keybindings_path) << endmsg; keybindings_path = default_bindings; } } else { break; } } } load_keybindings (keybindings_path); /* catch changes */ GtkAccelMap* accelmap = gtk_accel_map_get(); g_signal_connect (accelmap, "changed", (GCallback) accel_map_changed, 0); } bool Keyboard::load_keybindings (string path) { try { cerr << "loading bindings from " << path << endl; Gtk::AccelMap::load (path); _current_binding_name = _("Unknown"); for (map::iterator x = binding_files.begin(); x != binding_files.end(); ++x) { if (path == x->second) { _current_binding_name = x->first; break; } } return true; } catch (...) { error << string_compose (_("Ardour key bindings file not found at \"%1\" or contains errors."), path) << endmsg; return false; } }