/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* pYIN - A fundamental frequency estimator for monophonic audio Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "MonoNoteHMM.h" #include #include using std::vector; using std::pair; MonoNoteHMM::MonoNoteHMM() : par() { build(); } const vector MonoNoteHMM::calculateObsProb(const vector > pitchProb) { // pitchProb is a list of pairs (pitches and their probabilities) size_t nCandidate = pitchProb.size(); // what is the probability of pitched double pIsPitched = 0; for (size_t iCandidate = 0; iCandidate < nCandidate; ++iCandidate) { // pIsPitched = pitchProb[iCandidate].second > pIsPitched ? pitchProb[iCandidate].second : pIsPitched; pIsPitched += pitchProb[iCandidate].second; } // pIsPitched = std::pow(pIsPitched, (1-par.priorWeight)) * std::pow(par.priorPitchedProb, par.priorWeight); pIsPitched = pIsPitched * (1-par.priorWeight) + par.priorPitchedProb * par.priorWeight; vector out = vector(par.n); double tempProbSum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < par.n; ++i) { if (i % par.nSPP != 2) { // std::cerr << getMidiPitch(i) << std::endl; double tempProb = 0; if (nCandidate > 0) { double minDist = 10000.0; double minDistProb = 0; size_t minDistCandidate = 0; for (size_t iCandidate = 0; iCandidate < nCandidate; ++iCandidate) { double currDist = std::abs(getMidiPitch(i)-pitchProb[iCandidate].first); if (currDist < minDist) { minDist = currDist; minDistProb = pitchProb[iCandidate].second; minDistCandidate = iCandidate; } } tempProb = std::pow(minDistProb, par.yinTrust) * boost::math::pdf(pitchDistr[i], pitchProb[minDistCandidate].first); } else { tempProb = 1; } tempProbSum += tempProb; out[i] = tempProb; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < par.n; ++i) { if (i % par.nSPP != 2) { if (tempProbSum > 0) { out[i] = out[i] / tempProbSum * pIsPitched; } } else { out[i] = (1-pIsPitched) / (par.nPPS * par.nS); } } return(out); } void MonoNoteHMM::build() { // the states are organised as follows: // 0-2. lowest pitch // 0. attack state // 1. stable state // 2. silent state // 3-5. second-lowest pitch // 3. attack state // ... // observation distributions for (size_t iState = 0; iState < par.n; ++iState) { pitchDistr.push_back(boost::math::normal(0,1)); if (iState % par.nSPP == 2) { // silent state starts tracking init.push_back(1.0/(par.nS * par.nPPS)); } else { init.push_back(0.0); } } for (size_t iPitch = 0; iPitch < (par.nS * par.nPPS); ++iPitch) { size_t index = iPitch * par.nSPP; double mu = par.minPitch + iPitch * 1.0/par.nPPS; pitchDistr[index] = boost::math::normal(mu, par.sigmaYinPitchAttack); pitchDistr[index+1] = boost::math::normal(mu, par.sigmaYinPitchStable); pitchDistr[index+2] = boost::math::normal(mu, 1.0); // dummy } boost::math::normal noteDistanceDistr(0, par.sigma2Note); for (size_t iPitch = 0; iPitch < (par.nS * par.nPPS); ++iPitch) { // loop through all notes and set sparse transition probabilities size_t index = iPitch * par.nSPP; // transitions from attack state from.push_back(index); to.push_back(index); transProb.push_back(par.pAttackSelftrans); from.push_back(index); to.push_back(index+1); transProb.push_back(1-par.pAttackSelftrans); // transitions from stable state from.push_back(index+1); to.push_back(index+1); // to itself transProb.push_back(par.pStableSelftrans); from.push_back(index+1); to.push_back(index+2); // to silent transProb.push_back(par.pStable2Silent); // the "easy" transitions from silent state from.push_back(index+2); to.push_back(index+2); transProb.push_back(par.pSilentSelftrans); // the more complicated transitions from the silent double probSumSilent = 0; vector tempTransProbSilent; for (size_t jPitch = 0; jPitch < (par.nS * par.nPPS); ++jPitch) { int fromPitch = iPitch; int toPitch = jPitch; double semitoneDistance = std::abs(fromPitch - toPitch) * 1.0 / par.nPPS; // if (std::fmod(semitoneDistance, 1) == 0 && semitoneDistance > par.minSemitoneDistance) if (semitoneDistance == 0 || (semitoneDistance > par.minSemitoneDistance && semitoneDistance < par.maxJump)) { size_t toIndex = jPitch * par.nSPP; // note attack index double tempWeightSilent = boost::math::pdf(noteDistanceDistr, semitoneDistance); probSumSilent += tempWeightSilent; tempTransProbSilent.push_back(tempWeightSilent); from.push_back(index+2); to.push_back(toIndex); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < tempTransProbSilent.size(); ++i) { transProb.push_back((1-par.pSilentSelftrans) * tempTransProbSilent[i]/probSumSilent); } } } double MonoNoteHMM::getMidiPitch(size_t index) { return pitchDistr[index].mean(); } double MonoNoteHMM::getFrequency(size_t index) { return 440 * pow(2, (pitchDistr[index].mean()-69)/12); }