ardour { ["type"] = "EditorAction", name = "Reset Mixer", license = "MIT", author = "Ben Loftis, Nikolaus Gullotta, Maxime Lecoq", description = [[Resets key Mixer settings after user-prompt (warning: this cannot be undone)]] } function factory() return function() local sp_radio_buttons = {Bypass="bypass", Remove="remove", Nothing=false} local dlg = { {type="label", align="left", colspan="3", title="Please select below the items you want to reset:" }, {type="label", align="left", colspan="3", title="(Warning: this cannot be undone!)\n" }, {type="heading", align ="center", colspan="3", title = "Common Controls:" }, {type="checkbox", key="fader", default=true, title="Fader" }, {type="checkbox", key="mute", default=true, title="Mute" }, {type="checkbox", key="solo", default=true, title="Solo" }, {type="checkbox", key="trim", default=true, title="Trim" }, {type="checkbox", key="pan", default=true, title="Pan (All)" }, {type="checkbox", key="phase", default=true, title="Phase" }, {type="checkbox", key="sends", default=true, title="Sends" }, {type="checkbox", key="eq", default=true, title="EQ" }, {type="checkbox", key="comp", default=true, title="Compressor" }, {type="heading", align="center", colspan="3", title="Processors:" }, {type="radio", key="plugins", title="Plug-ins", values=sp_radio_buttons, default="Bypass" }, {type="radio", key="io", title="Sends/Inserts", values=sp_radio_buttons, default="Bypass" }, {type="hseparator", title=""}, {type="heading", align="center", colspan="3", title="Misc." }, {type="checkbox", key="auto", colspan="3", title = "Automation (switch to manual mode)" }, {type="checkbox", key="rec", colspan="3", title = "Disable Record" }, {type="checkbox", key="groups", colspan="3", title = "Groups" }, {type="checkbox", key="vcas", colspan="3", title = "VCAs (unassign all)" }, } function reset(ctrl, disp, auto) local disp = disp or PBD.GroupControlDisposition.NoGroup if not(ctrl:isnil()) then local pd = ctrl:desc() ctrl:set_value(pd.normal, disp) if auto then ctrl:set_automation_state(auto) end end end function reset_eq_controls(route, disp, auto) if route:isnil() then return end local disp = disp or PBD.GroupControlDisposition.NoGroup reset(route:eq_enable_controllable(), disp, auto) local i = 0 repeat for _,ctrl in pairs({ route:eq_freq_controllable(i), route:eq_gain_controllable(i), route:eq_q_controllable(i), }) do reset(ctrl, disp, auto) end i = i + 1 until route:eq_freq_controllable(i):isnil() end function reset_comp_controls(route, disp, auto) if route:isnil() then return end local disp = disp or PBD.GroupControlDisposition.NoGroup for _,ctrl in pairs({ route:comp_enable_controllable(), route:comp_makeup_controllable(), route:comp_mode_controllable(), route:comp_speed_controllable(), route:comp_threshold_controllable(), }) do reset(ctrl, disp, auto) end end function reset_send_controls(route, disp, auto) if route:isnil() then return end local disp = disp or PBD.GroupControlDisposition.NoGroup local i = 0 repeat for _,ctrl in pairs({ route:send_level_controllable(i), route:send_enable_controllable(i), route:send_pan_azimuth_controllable(i), route:send_pan_azimuth_enable_controllable(i), }) do reset(ctrl, disp, auto) end i = i + 1 until route:send_enable_controllable(i):isnil() end function reset_plugin_automation(plugin, state) if plugin:to_insert():isnil() then return end local plugin = plugin:to_insert() local pc = plugin:plugin(0):parameter_count() for c = 0, pc do local ac = plugin:to_automatable():automation_control(Evoral.Parameter(ARDOUR.AutomationType.PluginAutomation, 0, c), false) if not(ac:isnil()) then ac:set_automation_state(state) end end end function reset_plugins(route, prefs, auto) if route:isnil() then return end local i = 0 local queue = {} repeat -- Plugins are queued to not invalidate this loop local proc = route:nth_processor(i) if not(proc:isnil()) then if prefs["auto"] then reset_plugin_automation(proc, auto) end if prefs["plugins"] then local insert = proc:to_insert() if not(insert:isnil()) then if insert:is_channelstrip() or not(insert:display_to_user()) then ARDOUR.LuaAPI.reset_processor_to_default(insert) else queue[#queue + 1] = proc end end end if prefs["io"] then local io_proc = proc:to_ioprocessor() if not(io_proc:isnil()) then queue[#queue + 1] = proc end end end i = i + 1 until proc:isnil() -- Deal with queue now for _, proc in pairs(queue) do if not(proc:to_insert():isnil()) then if prefs["plugins"] == "remove" then route:remove_processor(proc, nil, true) elseif prefs["plugins"] == "bypass" then proc:deactivate() end end if not(proc:to_ioprocessor():isnil()) then if prefs["io"] == "remove" then route:remove_processor(proc, nil, true) elseif prefs["io"] == "bypass" then proc:deactivate() end end end end local pref = LuaDialog.Dialog("Reset Mixer", dlg):run() if not(pref) then goto pass_script end assert(pref, "Dialog box was cancelled or is nil") for route in Session:get_routes():iter() do local disp = PBD.GroupControlDisposition.NoGroup local auto = nil if pref["auto"] then auto = ARDOUR.AutoState.Off end if pref["eq"] then reset_eq_controls(route, disp, auto) end if pref["comp"] then reset_comp_controls(route, disp, auto) end if pref["sends"] then reset_send_controls(route, disp, auto) end reset_plugins(route, pref, auto) if pref["rec"] then reset(route:rec_enable_control(), disp, auto) reset(route:rec_safe_control(), disp, auto) end if pref["fader"] then reset(route:gain_control(), disp, auto) end if pref["phase"] then reset(route:phase_control(), disp, auto) end if pref["trim"] then reset(route:trim_control(), disp, auto) end if pref["mute"] then reset(route:mute_control(), disp, auto) end if pref["solo"] then reset(route:solo_control(), disp, auto) end if pref["pan"] then reset(route:pan_azimuth_control(), disp, auto) reset(route:pan_elevation_control(), disp, auto) reset(route:pan_frontback_control(), disp, auto) reset(route:pan_lfe_control(), disp, auto) reset(route:pan_width_control(), disp, auto) end if pref["vcas"] then local slave = route:to_slavable() if not(slave:isnil()) then for vca in Session:vca_manager():vcas():iter() do slave:unassign(vca) end end end end if pref["groups"] then for group in Session:route_groups():iter() do Session:remove_route_group(group) end end ::pass_script:: collectgarbage() end end