ardour { ["type"] = "EditorAction", name = "Polyphonic Audio to MIDI", license = "MIT", author = "Ardour Team", description = [[ Analyze audio from the selected audio region to a selected MIDI region. A MIDI region on the target track will have to be created first (use the pen tool). This script uses the Polyphonic Transcription VAMP plugin from Queen Mary Univ, London. The plugin works best at 44.1KHz input sample rate, and is tuned for piano and guitar music. Velocity is not estimated. ]] } function factory () return function () local sel = Editor:get_selection () local sr = Session:nominal_sample_rate () local tm = () local vamp = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.Vamp ("libardourvampplugins:qm-transcription", sr) local midi_region = nil local audio_regions = {} local start_time = Session:current_end_sample () local end_time = Session:current_start_sample () local max_pos = 0 local cur_pos = 0 for r in sel.regions:regionlist ():iter () do local ar = r:to_audioregion() if not ar:isnil() then local st = r:position():samples() local ln = r:length():samples() local et = st + ln; if st < start_time then start_time = st end if et > end_time then end_time = et end table.insert(audio_regions, ar) max_pos = max_pos + ar:to_readable ():readable_length () else midi_region = r:to_midiregion() end end if #audio_regions == 0 then LuaDialog.Message ("Polyphonic Audio to MIDI", "No source audio region(s) selected.\nAt least one audio-region to be analyzed need to be selected.", LuaDialog.MessageType.Error, LuaDialog.ButtonType.Close):run () return end if not midi_region then LuaDialog.Message ("Polyphonic Audio to MIDI", "No target MIDI region selected.\nA MIDI region, ideally empty, and extending beyond the selected audio-region(s) needs to be selected.", LuaDialog.MessageType.Error, LuaDialog.ButtonType.Close):run () return end midi_region:set_initial_position (Temporal.timepos_t (start_time)) midi_region:set_length (Temporal.timecnt_t (end_time - start_time)) local pdialog = LuaDialog.ProgressWindow ("Audio to MIDI", true) function progress (_, pos) return pdialog:progress ((cur_pos + pos) / max_pos, "Analyzing") end for i,ar in pairs(audio_regions) do local a_off = ar:position () local b_off = tm:quarters_at (midi_region:position ()); vamp:analyze (ar:to_readable (), 0, progress) if pdialog:canceled () then goto out end cur_pos = cur_pos + ar:to_readable ():readable_length () pdialog:progress (cur_pos / max_pos, "Generating MIDI") local fl = vamp:plugin ():getRemainingFeatures ():at (0) if fl and fl:size() > 0 then local mm = midi_region:midi_source(0):model() local midi_command = mm:new_note_diff_command ("Audio2Midi") for f in fl:iter () do local ft = Temporal.timecnt_t (Vamp.RealTime.realTime2Frame (f.timestamp, sr)) local fd = Temporal.timecnt_t (Vamp.RealTime.realTime2Frame (f.duration, sr)) local fn = f.values:at (0) local bs = tm:quarters_at (a_off + ft, 0) local be = tm:quarters_at (a_off + ft + fd, 0) print ("N", bs, be, fn + 1) local pos = bs - b_off local len = be - bs local note = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.new_noteptr (0, pos, len, fn + 1, 0x7f) midi_command:add (note) end mm:apply_command (Session, midi_command) end -- reset the plugin (prepare for next iteration) vamp:reset () end ::out:: pdialog:done (); end end function icon (params) return function (ctx, width, height, fg) local txt = Cairo.PangoLayout (ctx, "ArdourMono ".. math.ceil(width * .7) .. "px") txt:set_text ("\u{2669}") -- quarter note symbol UTF8 local tw, th = txt:get_pixel_size () ctx:set_source_rgba (ARDOUR.LuaAPI.color_to_rgba (fg)) ctx:move_to (.5 * (width - tw), .5 * (height - th)) txt:show_in_cairo_context (ctx) end end