ardour { ["type"] = "Snippet", name = "Fader Automation" } function factory () return function () local playhead = Temporal.timepos_t (Session:transport_sample ()) local samplerate = Temporal.timecnt_t (Session:nominal_sample_rate ()) -- get selected tracks rl = Editor:get_selection ().tracks:routelist () -- prepare undo operation Session:begin_reversible_command ("Fancy Fade Out") local add_undo = false -- keep track if something has changed -- iterate over selected tracks for r in rl:iter () do local ac = r:amp ():gain_control () -- ARDOUR:AutomationControl local al = ac:alist () -- ARDOUR:AutomationList (state, high-level) -- set automation state to "Touch" ac:set_automation_state (ARDOUR.AutoState.Touch) -- query the value at the playhead position local g = al:eval (playhead) -- get state for undo local before = al:get_state () -- delete all events after the playhead... al:truncate_end (playhead) -- ...and generate some new ones. for i=0,50 do -- use a sqrt fade-out (the shape is recognizable, and otherwise -- not be possible to achieve with existing ardour fade shapes) al:add (playhead + samplerate:scale (Temporal.ratio (i, 50)), g * (1 - math.sqrt (i / 50)), false, true) end -- remove dense events al:thin (20) -- save undo local after = al:get_state () Session:add_command (al:memento_command (before, after)) add_undo = true ::out:: end -- all done, commit the combined Undo Operation if add_undo then -- the 'nil' Command here means to use the collected diffs added above Session:commit_reversible_command (nil) else Session:abort_reversible_command () end end end