/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Robin Gareus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef _ardour_gtk_route_list_base_h_ #define _ardour_gtk_route_list_base_h_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/properties.h" #include "pbd/signals.h" #include "ardour/route.h" #include "ardour/session_handle.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/cell_renderer_pixbuf_multi.h" class TimeAxisView; class RouteListBase : public ARDOUR::SessionHandlePtr { public: RouteListBase (); ~RouteListBase (); void set_session (ARDOUR::Session*); Gtk::Widget& widget () { return _scroller; } void clear (); protected: void add_name_column (); void append_col_rec_enable (); void append_col_rec_safe (); void append_col_input_active (); void append_col_mute (); void append_col_solo (); void setup_col (Gtk::TreeViewColumn*, const char*, const char*, bool require_mod_to_edit = false); template Gtk::TreeViewColumn* append_toggle (Gtk::TreeModelColumn const& col_state, Gtk::TreeModelColumn const& col_viz, sigc::slot cb) { Gtk::TreeViewColumn* tvc = manage (new Gtk::TreeViewColumn ("", col_state)); tvc->set_fixed_width (30); tvc->set_sizing (Gtk::TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); tvc->set_expand (false); tvc->set_alignment (Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); Gtk::CellRendererToggle* tc = dynamic_cast (tvc->get_first_cell ()); tc->property_activatable () = true; tc->property_radio () = false; tc->signal_toggled ().connect (cb); tvc->add_attribute (tc->property_visible (), col_viz); _display.append_column (*tvc); no_select_columns.insert (tvc); return tvc; } template Gtkmm2ext::CellRendererPixbufMulti* append_cell (const char* lbl, const char* tip, Gtk::TreeModelColumn const& col_state, Gtk::TreeModelColumn const& col_viz, sigc::slot cb) { Gtkmm2ext::CellRendererPixbufMulti* cell; Gtk::TreeViewColumn* tvc; cell = manage (new Gtkmm2ext::CellRendererPixbufMulti ()); cell->signal_changed ().connect (cb); tvc = manage (new Gtk::TreeViewColumn (lbl, *cell)); tvc->add_attribute (cell->property_state (), col_state); tvc->add_attribute (cell->property_visible (), col_viz); tvc->set_sizing (Gtk::TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); tvc->set_alignment (Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); tvc->set_expand (false); tvc->set_fixed_width (24); setup_col (tvc, lbl, tip); _display.append_column (*tvc); no_select_columns.insert (tvc); return cell; } void on_tv_input_active_changed (std::string const&); void on_tv_rec_enable_changed (std::string const&); void on_tv_rec_safe_toggled (std::string const&); void on_tv_mute_enable_toggled (std::string const&); void on_tv_solo_enable_toggled (std::string const&); void on_tv_solo_isolate_toggled (std::string const&); void on_tv_solo_safe_toggled (std::string const&); void on_tv_visible_changed (std::string const&); void on_tv_trigger_changed (std::string const&); void on_tv_active_changed (std::string const&); struct ModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord { ModelColumns () { add (text); add (visible); add (trigger); add (rec_state); add (rec_safe); add (mute_state); add (solo_state); add (solo_visible); add (solo_lock_iso_visible); add (solo_isolate_state); add (solo_safe_state); add (is_track); add (stripable); add (name_editable); add (is_input_active); add (is_midi); add (activatable); add (active); add (noop_true); } Gtk::TreeModelColumn text; Gtk::TreeModelColumn visible; Gtk::TreeModelColumn trigger; Gtk::TreeModelColumn rec_state; Gtk::TreeModelColumn rec_safe; Gtk::TreeModelColumn mute_state; Gtk::TreeModelColumn solo_state; Gtk::TreeModelColumn solo_visible; // true if the solo buttons are visible for this route, otherwise false Gtk::TreeModelColumn solo_lock_iso_visible; Gtk::TreeModelColumn solo_isolate_state; Gtk::TreeModelColumn solo_safe_state; Gtk::TreeModelColumn is_track; Gtk::TreeModelColumn> stripable; Gtk::TreeModelColumn name_editable; Gtk::TreeModelColumn is_input_active; Gtk::TreeModelColumn is_midi; Gtk::TreeModelColumn activatable; Gtk::TreeModelColumn active; Gtk::TreeModelColumn noop_true; // always true }; Gtk::TreeView _display; ModelColumns _columns; private: void redisplay (); void initial_display (); void sync_presentation_info_from_treeview (); void sync_treeview_from_presentation_info (PBD::PropertyChange const&); void add_routes (ARDOUR::RouteList&); void add_masters (ARDOUR::VCAList&); void add_stripables (ARDOUR::StripableList&); void remove_strip (boost::weak_ptr); void selection_changed (); void row_deleted (Gtk::TreeModel::Path const&); void reordered (Gtk::TreeModel::Path const&, Gtk::TreeModel::iterator const&, int*); bool button_press (GdkEventButton*); bool button_release (GdkEventButton*); void build_menu (); void set_all_audio_midi_visibility (int, bool); void show_tracks_with_regions_at_playhead (); void queue_idle_update (); bool idle_update_mute_rec_solo_etc (); void update_input_active_display (); void route_property_changed (const PBD::PropertyChange&, boost::weak_ptr); void presentation_info_changed (PBD::PropertyChange const&); void name_edit (std::string const&, std::string const&); bool select_function (const Glib::RefPtr& model, const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& path, bool); bool key_press (GdkEventKey* ev); bool focus_in (GdkEventFocus*); bool focus_out (GdkEventFocus*); bool enter_notify (GdkEventCrossing*); bool leave_notify (GdkEventCrossing*); void name_edit_started (Gtk::CellEditable*, const Glib::ustring&); bool get_relevant_routes (boost::shared_ptr rl); Gtk::ScrolledWindow _scroller; Glib::RefPtr _model; Gtk::Menu* _menu; Gtk::Widget* old_focus; Gtk::CellEditable* name_editable; std::set no_select_columns; bool _ignore_reorder; bool _ignore_visibility_change; bool _ignore_selection_change; bool _column_does_not_select; bool _adding_routes; bool _route_deletion_in_progress; sigc::connection _idle_update_connection; PBD::ScopedConnectionList _stripable_connections; }; #endif /* _ardour_gtk_route_list_base_h_ */