/* Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef __gtk_ardour_public_editor_h__ #define __gtk_ardour_public_editor_h__ #ifdef WAF_BUILD #include "gtk2ardour-config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "evoral/types.hpp" #include "pbd/statefuldestructible.h" #include "canvas/fwd.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/visibility_tracker.h" #include "editing.h" #include "selection.h" namespace ARDOUR { class Session; class Region; class Playlist; class RouteGroup; class Trimmable; class Movable; } namespace Gtk { class Container; class Menu; } namespace Gtkmm2ext { class TearOff; } class AudioRegionView; class AutomationLine; class AutomationTimeAxisView; class ControlPoint; class DragManager; class Editor; class Marker; class MeterMarker; class MouseCursors; class PlaylistSelector; class PluginSelector; class PluginUIWindow; class RegionView; class RouteTimeAxisView; class Selection; class TempoMarker; class TimeAxisView; class TimeAxisViewItem; class VerboseCursor; class XMLNode; struct SelectionRect; using ARDOUR::framepos_t; using ARDOUR::framecnt_t; /// Representation of the interface of the Editor class /** This class contains just the public interface of the Editor class, * in order to decouple it from the private implementation, so that callers * of PublicEditor need not be recompiled if private methods or member variables * change. */ class PublicEditor : public Gtk::Window, public PBD::StatefulDestructible, public Gtkmm2ext::VisibilityTracker { public: PublicEditor (); virtual ~PublicEditor (); /** @return Singleton PublicEditor instance */ static PublicEditor& instance () { return *_instance; } virtual bool have_idled() const = 0; virtual void first_idle() = 0; virtual void setup_tooltips() = 0; /** Attach this editor to a Session. * @param s Session to connect to. */ virtual void set_session (ARDOUR::Session* s) = 0; /** @return The Session that we are editing, or 0 */ virtual ARDOUR::Session* session () const = 0; /** Set the snap type. * @param t Snap type (defined in editing_syms.h) */ virtual void set_snap_to (Editing::SnapType t) = 0; virtual Editing::SnapType snap_type () const = 0; virtual Editing::SnapMode snap_mode () const = 0; /** Set the snap mode. * @param m Snap mode (defined in editing_syms.h) */ virtual void set_snap_mode (Editing::SnapMode m) = 0; /** Set the snap threshold. * @param t Snap threshold in `units'. */ virtual void set_snap_threshold (double t) = 0; /** Snap a value according to the current snap setting. */ virtual void snap_to (framepos_t& first, int32_t direction = 0, bool for_mark = false) = 0; /** Undo some transactions. * @param n Number of transactions to undo. */ virtual void undo (uint32_t n = 1) = 0; /** Redo some transactions. * @param n Number of transaction to redo. */ virtual void redo (uint32_t n = 1) = 0; /** Set the mouse mode (gain, object, range, timefx etc.) * @param m Mouse mode (defined in editing_syms.h) * @param force Perform the effects of the change even if no change is required * (ie even if the current mouse mode is equal to @param m) */ virtual void set_mouse_mode (Editing::MouseMode m, bool force = false) = 0; /** Step the mouse mode onto the next or previous one. * @param next true to move to the next, otherwise move to the previous */ virtual void step_mouse_mode (bool next) = 0; /** @return The current mouse mode (gain, object, range, timefx etc.) * (defined in editing_syms.h) */ virtual Editing::MouseMode current_mouse_mode () const = 0; /** Switch into a mode in which editing is primarily focused on "within" regions, rather than regions as black-box objects. For Ardour3, this is aimed at editing MIDI regions but may expand in the future to other types of regions. */ virtual void set_internal_edit (bool yn) = 0; /** Driven by a double-click, switch in or out of a mode in which editing is primarily focused on "within" regions, rather than regions as black-box objects. For Ardour3, this is aimed at editing MIDI regions but may expand in the future to other types of regions. */ virtual bool toggle_internal_editing_from_double_click (GdkEvent*) = 0; /** @return Whether editing is currently in "internal" mode or not */ virtual bool internal_editing() const = 0; /** Possibly start the audition of a region. If @param r is 0, or not an AudioRegion * any current audition is cancelled. If we are currently auditioning @param r, * the audition will be cancelled. Otherwise an audition of @param r will start. * \param r Region to consider. */ virtual void consider_auditioning (boost::shared_ptr r) = 0; virtual void new_region_from_selection () = 0; virtual void separate_region_from_selection () = 0; virtual void transition_to_rolling (bool fwd) = 0; virtual framepos_t pixel_to_sample (double pixel) const = 0; virtual double sample_to_pixel (framepos_t frame) const = 0; virtual double sample_to_pixel_unrounded (framepos_t frame) const = 0; virtual Selection& get_selection () const = 0; virtual Selection& get_cut_buffer () const = 0; virtual void track_mixer_selection () = 0; virtual bool extend_selection_to_track (TimeAxisView&) = 0; virtual void play_selection () = 0; virtual void play_with_preroll () = 0; virtual void maybe_locate_with_edit_preroll (framepos_t location) = 0; virtual void set_show_measures (bool yn) = 0; virtual bool show_measures () const = 0; virtual Editing::MouseMode effective_mouse_mode () const = 0; /** Import existing media */ virtual void do_import (std::vector paths, Editing::ImportDisposition, Editing::ImportMode mode, ARDOUR::SrcQuality, framepos_t&) = 0; virtual void do_embed (std::vector paths, Editing::ImportDisposition, Editing::ImportMode mode, framepos_t&) = 0; /** Open main export dialog */ virtual void export_audio () = 0; /** Open stem export dialog */ virtual void stem_export () = 0; /** Open export dialog with current selection pre-selected */ virtual void export_selection () = 0; /** Open export dialog with current range pre-selected */ virtual void export_range () = 0; virtual void register_actions () = 0; virtual void add_toplevel_controls (Gtk::Container&) = 0; virtual void set_zoom_focus (Editing::ZoomFocus) = 0; virtual Editing::ZoomFocus get_zoom_focus () const = 0; virtual framecnt_t get_current_zoom () const = 0; virtual PlaylistSelector& playlist_selector() const = 0; virtual void clear_playlist (boost::shared_ptr) = 0; virtual void new_playlists (TimeAxisView*) = 0; virtual void copy_playlists (TimeAxisView*) = 0; virtual void clear_playlists (TimeAxisView*) = 0; virtual void select_all_tracks () = 0; virtual void set_selected_track (TimeAxisView&, Selection::Operation op = Selection::Set, bool no_remove = false) = 0; virtual void set_selected_mixer_strip (TimeAxisView&) = 0; virtual void hide_track_in_display (TimeAxisView* tv, bool apply_to_selection = false) = 0; virtual void set_stationary_playhead (bool yn) = 0; virtual void toggle_stationary_playhead () = 0; virtual bool stationary_playhead() const = 0; /** Set whether the editor should follow the playhead. * @param yn true to follow playhead, otherwise false. * @param catch_up true to reset the editor view to show the playhead (if yn == true), otherwise false. */ virtual void set_follow_playhead (bool yn, bool catch_up = false) = 0; /** Toggle whether the editor is following the playhead */ virtual void toggle_follow_playhead () = 0; /** @return true if the editor is following the playhead */ virtual bool follow_playhead () const = 0; /** @return true if the playhead is currently being dragged, otherwise false */ virtual bool dragging_playhead () const = 0; virtual void ensure_float (Gtk::Window&) = 0; virtual void show_window () = 0; virtual framepos_t leftmost_sample() const = 0; virtual framecnt_t current_page_samples() const = 0; virtual double visible_canvas_height () const = 0; virtual void temporal_zoom_step (bool coarser) = 0; virtual void ensure_time_axis_view_is_visible (const TimeAxisView& tav, bool at_top = false) { _ensure_time_axis_view_is_visible (tav, at_top); } virtual void override_visible_track_count () = 0; virtual void scroll_tracks_down_line () = 0; virtual void scroll_tracks_up_line () = 0; virtual bool scroll_down_one_track () = 0; virtual bool scroll_up_one_track () = 0; virtual void prepare_for_cleanup () = 0; virtual void finish_cleanup () = 0; virtual void reset_x_origin (framepos_t frame) = 0; virtual void remove_last_capture () = 0; virtual void maximise_editing_space () = 0; virtual void restore_editing_space () = 0; virtual void update_tearoff_visibility () = 0; virtual framepos_t get_preferred_edit_position (bool ignore_playhead = false, bool from_context_menu = false) = 0; virtual void toggle_meter_updating() = 0; virtual void split_region_at_points (boost::shared_ptr, ARDOUR::AnalysisFeatureList&, bool can_ferret, bool select_new = false) = 0; virtual void mouse_add_new_marker (framepos_t where, bool is_cd=false, bool is_xrun=false) = 0; virtual void foreach_time_axis_view (sigc::slot) = 0; virtual void add_to_idle_resize (TimeAxisView*, int32_t) = 0; virtual framecnt_t get_nudge_distance (framepos_t pos, framecnt_t& next) = 0; virtual Evoral::MusicalTime get_grid_type_as_beats (bool& success, framepos_t position) = 0; virtual void edit_notes (TimeAxisViewItem&) = 0; virtual void queue_visual_videotimeline_update () = 0; virtual void set_close_video_sensitive (bool) = 0; virtual void toggle_ruler_video (bool) = 0; virtual void toggle_xjadeo_proc (int) = 0; virtual void toggle_xjadeo_viewoption (int, int) = 0; virtual void set_xjadeo_sensitive (bool onoff) = 0; virtual int get_videotl_bar_height () const = 0; virtual void set_video_timeline_height (const int h) = 0; virtual void embed_audio_from_video (std::string, framepos_t n = 0, bool lock_position_to_video = true) = 0; virtual void export_video (bool range = false) = 0; virtual RouteTimeAxisView* get_route_view_by_route_id (const PBD::ID& id) const = 0; virtual void get_equivalent_regions (RegionView* rv, std::vector&, PBD::PropertyID) const = 0; sigc::signal ZoomChanged; sigc::signal Realized; sigc::signal UpdateAllTransportClocks; static sigc::signal DropDownKeys; Glib::RefPtr editor_actions; Glib::RefPtr editor_menu_actions; Glib::RefPtr _region_actions; virtual void reset_focus () = 0; virtual bool canvas_scroll_event (GdkEventScroll* event, bool from_canvas) = 0; virtual bool canvas_control_point_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, ControlPoint*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_line_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, AutomationLine*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_selection_rect_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, SelectionRect*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_selection_start_trim_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, SelectionRect*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_selection_end_trim_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, SelectionRect*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_start_xfade_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, AudioRegionView*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_end_xfade_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, AudioRegionView*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_fade_in_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, AudioRegionView*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_fade_in_handle_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, AudioRegionView*, bool) = 0; virtual bool canvas_fade_out_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, AudioRegionView*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_fade_out_handle_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, AudioRegionView*, bool) = 0; virtual bool canvas_region_view_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, RegionView*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_wave_view_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, RegionView*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_frame_handle_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, RegionView*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_region_view_name_highlight_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, RegionView*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_region_view_name_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, RegionView*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_feature_line_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, RegionView*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_stream_view_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, RouteTimeAxisView*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_marker_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, Marker*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_videotl_bar_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_zoom_rect_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_tempo_marker_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, TempoMarker*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_meter_marker_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, MeterMarker*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_automation_track_event(GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, AutomationTimeAxisView*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_tempo_bar_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_meter_bar_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_marker_bar_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_range_marker_bar_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_transport_marker_bar_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0; virtual bool canvas_note_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0; static const int window_border_width; static const int container_border_width; static const int vertical_spacing; static const int horizontal_spacing; #ifdef TOP_MENUBAR /* * This is needed for OS X primarily * but also any other OS that uses a single * top menubar instead of per window menus */ virtual Gtk::HBox& get_status_bar_packer() = 0; #endif virtual ArdourCanvas::Layout* get_trackview_group () const = 0; virtual ArdourCanvas::ScrollGroup* get_hscroll_group () const = 0; virtual ArdourCanvas::ScrollGroup* get_vscroll_group () const = 0; virtual ArdourCanvas::ScrollGroup* get_hvscroll_group () const = 0; virtual ArdourCanvas::GtkCanvasViewport* get_track_canvas() const = 0; virtual TimeAxisView* axis_view_from_route (boost::shared_ptr) const = 0; virtual void set_current_trimmable (boost::shared_ptr) = 0; virtual void set_current_movable (boost::shared_ptr) = 0; virtual void center_screen (framepos_t) = 0; virtual TrackViewList axis_views_from_routes (boost::shared_ptr) const = 0; virtual TrackViewList const & get_track_views () = 0; virtual Gtkmm2ext::TearOff* mouse_mode_tearoff () const = 0; virtual Gtkmm2ext::TearOff* tools_tearoff () const = 0; virtual DragManager* drags () const = 0; virtual void maybe_autoscroll (bool, bool, bool from_headers) = 0; virtual void stop_canvas_autoscroll () = 0; virtual bool autoscroll_active() const = 0; virtual MouseCursors const * cursors () const = 0; virtual VerboseCursor * verbose_cursor () const = 0; virtual bool get_smart_mode () const = 0; virtual void get_pointer_position (double &, double &) const = 0; virtual ARDOUR::Location* find_location_from_marker (Marker *, bool &) const = 0; virtual Marker* find_marker_from_location_id (PBD::ID const &, bool) const = 0; virtual void snap_to_with_modifier (framepos_t &, GdkEvent const *, int32_t direction = 0, bool for_mark = false) = 0; virtual void get_regions_at (RegionSelection &, framepos_t where, TrackViewList const &) const = 0; /// Singleton instance, set up by Editor::Editor() static PublicEditor* _instance; friend bool relay_key_press (GdkEventKey*, Gtk::Window*); friend bool forward_key_press (GdkEventKey*); PBD::Signal0 SnapChanged; PBD::Signal0 MouseModeChanged; protected: virtual void _ensure_time_axis_view_is_visible (const TimeAxisView& tav, bool at_top) = 0; }; #endif // __gtk_ardour_public_editor_h__