/* Copyright (C) 2017 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "pbd/enumwriter.h" #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/compose.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" #include "temporal/debug.h" #include "temporal/timeline.h" #include "temporal/tempo.h" using namespace PBD; using namespace Temporal; struct TemporalStatistics { int64_t audio_to_beats; int64_t audio_to_bars; int64_t beats_to_audio; int64_t beats_to_bars; int64_t bars_to_audio; int64_t bars_to_beats; TemporalStatistics () : audio_to_beats (0) , audio_to_bars (0) , beats_to_audio (0) , beats_to_bars (0) , bars_to_audio (0) , bars_to_beats (0) {} void dump (std::ostream & str) { str << "TemporalStatistics\n" << "Audio => Beats " << audio_to_beats << "Audio => Bars " << audio_to_bars << "Beats => Audio " << beats_to_audio << "Beats => Bars " << beats_to_bars << "Bars => Audio " << bars_to_audio << "Bars => Beats " << bars_to_beats << std::endl; } }; static TemporalStatistics stats; /* timecnt */ timecnt_t timecnt_t::_max_timecnt (timecnt_t::from_superclock (int62_t::max - 1)); timecnt_t::timecnt_t (timecnt_t const & tc, timepos_t const & pos) : _position (pos) { if (tc.distance() < 0) { throw std::domain_error (X_("negative distance in timecnt constructor")); } _distance = tc.distance(); } void timecnt_t::set_position (timepos_t const & pos) { _position = pos; } timecnt_t timecnt_t::abs () const { return timecnt_t (_distance.abs(), _position); } superclock_t timecnt_t::compute_superclocks() const { assert (_distance.flagged()); TempoMap::SharedPtr tm (TempoMap::use()); return tm->full_duration_at (_position, *this, AudioTime).superclocks(); } Beats timecnt_t::compute_beats() const { assert (!_distance.flagged()); TempoMap::SharedPtr tm (TempoMap::use()); return tm->full_duration_at (_position, *this, BeatTime).beats(); } timecnt_t timecnt_t::operator*(ratio_t const & r) const { const int62_t v (_distance.flagged(), int_div_round (_distance.val() * r.numerator(), r.denominator())); return timecnt_t (v, _position); } ratio_t timecnt_t::operator/ (timecnt_t const & other) const { if (time_domain() == other.time_domain()) { return ratio_t (distance().val(), other.distance().val()); } if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { return ratio_t (distance().val(), other.samples()); } return ratio_t (beats().to_ticks(), other.beats().to_ticks()); } timecnt_t timecnt_t::operator/(ratio_t const & r) const { /* note: x / (N/D) => x * (D/N) => (x * D) / N */ const int62_t v (_distance.flagged(), int_div_round (_distance.val() * r.denominator(), r.numerator())); return timecnt_t (v, _position); } timecnt_t timecnt_t::operator% (timecnt_t const & d) const { return timecnt_t (_distance % d.distance(), _position); } timecnt_t & timecnt_t::operator%= (timecnt_t const & d) { _distance %= d.distance(); return *this; } bool timecnt_t::string_to (std::string const & str) { superclock_t s; Beats beats; char sep; if (isdigit (str[0])) { /* old school position format: we assume samples */ std::stringstream ss (str); ss >> s; _distance = s; std::cerr << "deserialized timecnt from older " << str << " as " << *this << std::endl; return true; } std::stringstream ss (str.substr (1)); switch (str[0]) { case 'a': ss >> s; _distance = s; break; case 'b': ss >> beats; _distance = beats; break; } /* eat separator character */ ss >> sep; /* grab what's left, generate a new string and parse _position with it */ std::string remaining; ss >> remaining; _position.string_to (remaining); return true; } std::string timecnt_t::to_string () const { std::stringstream ss; if (_distance.flagged()) { ss << 'b'; } else { ss << 'a'; } ss << _distance.val(); /* add a separator. character doesn't matter as long as it will never be parsed as part of a numerical value. Using '@' makes it "read nicely" e.g. "3 beats at superclock 28229992292" */ ss << '@'; ss << _position.to_string(); return ss.str(); } timecnt_t timecnt_t::operator+ (timecnt_t const & other) const { if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { if (other.time_domain() == AudioTime) { /* both audio, just add and use an arbitrary position */ return timecnt_t (_distance + other.distance(), _position); } else { return timecnt_t (_distance + other.samples(), _position); } } return timecnt_t (beats() + other.beats(), _position); } timecnt_t timecnt_t::operator- (timecnt_t const & other) const { if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { if (other.time_domain() == AudioTime) { return timecnt_t (_distance - other.distance(), _position); } else { return timecnt_t (_distance - other.samples(), _position); } } return timecnt_t (beats() - other.beats(), _position); } timecnt_t & timecnt_t::operator+= (timecnt_t const & other) { if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { if (other.time_domain() == AudioTime) { _distance += other.distance(); } else { _distance += other.samples(); } } else { _distance += other.ticks (); } return *this; } timecnt_t timecnt_t::operator+ (timepos_t const & other) const { if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { if (other.time_domain() == AudioTime) { /* both audio, just add and use an arbitrary position */ return timecnt_t (_distance + other.val(), _position); } else { return timecnt_t (_distance + other.samples(), _position); } } return timecnt_t (beats() + other.beats(), _position); } timecnt_t timecnt_t::operator- (timepos_t const & other) const { if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { if (other.time_domain() == AudioTime) { return timecnt_t (_distance - other.val(), _position); } else { return timecnt_t (_distance - other.samples(), _position); } } return timecnt_t (beats() - other.beats(), _position); } timecnt_t & timecnt_t::operator-= (timecnt_t const & other) { if (time_domain() == other.time_domain()) { _distance -= other.distance(); } else if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { _distance -= other.samples(); } else { _distance -= other.ticks (); } return *this; } timecnt_t timecnt_t::operator- () const { return timecnt_t (-_distance, _position); } bool timecnt_t::expensive_lt (timecnt_t const & other) const { if (!_distance.flagged()) { /* Audio */ return _distance.val() < other.superclocks(); } return Beats::ticks (_distance.val()) < other.beats (); } bool timecnt_t::expensive_gt (timecnt_t const & other) const { if (!_distance.flagged()) { /* Audio */ return _distance.val() > other.superclocks(); } return Beats::ticks (_distance.val()) > other.beats (); } bool timecnt_t::expensive_lte (timecnt_t const & other) const { if (!_distance.flagged()) { /* Audio */ return _distance.val() <= other.superclocks(); } return Beats::ticks (_distance.val()) <= other.beats (); } bool timecnt_t::expensive_gte (timecnt_t const & other) const { if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { return _distance.val() >= other.superclocks(); } return Beats::ticks (_distance.val()) >= other.beats (); } std::ostream& std::operator<< (std::ostream & o, timecnt_t const & tc) { return o << tc.to_string(); } /* timepos */ timepos_t::timepos_t (timecnt_t const & t) { if (t.distance() < 0) { throw std::domain_error("negative value for timepos_t constructor"); } v = build (t.distance().flagged(), t.distance ().val()); } // timepos_t timepos_t::_max_timepos (Temporal::AudioTime); timepos_t & timepos_t::operator= (timecnt_t const & t) { v = build (t.distance().flagged(), t.distance().val()); return *this; } bool timepos_t::operator< (timecnt_t const & t) const { if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { return superclocks() < t.superclocks(); } return beats() < t.beats (); } bool timepos_t::operator> (timecnt_t const & t) const { if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { return superclocks() > t.superclocks(); } return beats() > t.beats (); } bool timepos_t::operator<= (timecnt_t const & t) const { if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { return superclocks() <= t.superclocks(); } return beats() <= t.beats (); } bool timepos_t::operator>= (timecnt_t const & t) const { if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { return superclocks() >= t.superclocks(); } return beats() >= t.beats (); } void timepos_t::set_superclock (superclock_t s) { v = build (false, s); } void timepos_t::set_beat (Beats const & b) { v = build (true, b.to_ticks()); } superclock_t timepos_t::_superclocks () const { stats.beats_to_audio++; TempoMap::SharedPtr tm (TempoMap::use()); return tm->superclock_at (beats ()); } Temporal::Beats timepos_t::_beats () const { stats.audio_to_beats++; TempoMap::SharedPtr tm (TempoMap::use()); return tm->quarter_note_at (v); } int64_t timepos_t::_ticks () const { return _beats().to_ticks(); } timepos_t timepos_t::operator/(ratio_t const & n) const { /* this cannot make the value negative, since ratio_t is always positive */ /* note: v / (N/D) = (v * D) / N */ return timepos_t (is_beats(), int_div_round (val() * n.denominator(), n.numerator())); } timepos_t timepos_t::operator*(ratio_t const & n) const { /* this cannot make the value negative, since ratio_t is always positive */ return timepos_t (is_beats(), int_div_round (val() * n.numerator(), n.denominator())); } timepos_t & timepos_t::operator/=(ratio_t const & n) { /* this cannot make the value negative, since ratio_t is always positive */ v = build (flagged(), int_div_round (val() * n.numerator(), n.denominator())); return *this; } timepos_t & timepos_t::operator*=(ratio_t const & n) { /* this cannot make the value negative, since ratio_t is always positive */ v = build (flagged(), int_div_round (val() * n.denominator(), n.numerator())); return *this; } timepos_t timepos_t::expensive_add (Beats const & b) const { assert (!is_beats()); return timepos_t (beats() + b); } timepos_t timepos_t::expensive_add (timepos_t const & t) const { assert (is_beats() != t.is_beats ()); if (is_beats()) { return timepos_t (beats() + t.beats()); } return timepos_t::from_superclock (superclocks() + t.superclocks()); } /* */ /* ::distance() assumes that @param d is later on the timeline than this, and * thus returns a positive value if this condition is satisfied. */ timecnt_t timepos_t::distance (Beats const & b) const { if (is_beats()) { return timecnt_t (b - _beats(), *this); } return expensive_distance (b); } timecnt_t timepos_t::distance (timepos_t const & d) const { if (d.is_beats()) { return distance (d._beats()); } return expensive_distance (d); } timecnt_t timepos_t::expensive_distance (Temporal::Beats const & b) const { return timecnt_t (b - beats(), *this); } timecnt_t timepos_t::expensive_distance (timepos_t const & p) const { if (is_beats()) { return timecnt_t (beats() + p.beats(), *this); } return timecnt_t::from_superclock (superclocks() + p.superclocks(), *this); } /* */ timepos_t timepos_t::earlier (Temporal::Beats const & b) const { Beats bb; if (is_superclock()) { TempoMap::SharedPtr tm (TempoMap::use()); bb = tm->quarter_note_at (superclocks()); } else { bb = beats (); } return timepos_t (bb - b); } timepos_t timepos_t::earlier (Temporal::BBT_Offset const & offset) const { TempoMap::SharedPtr tm (TempoMap::use()); if (is_superclock()) { return timepos_t (tm->superclock_at (tm->bbt_walk (tm->bbt_at (superclocks()), -offset))); } return timepos_t (tm->bbtwalk_to_quarters (beats(), -offset)); } timepos_t & timepos_t::shift_earlier (Temporal::BBT_Offset const & offset) { TempoMap::SharedPtr tm (TempoMap::use()); if (is_superclock()) { v = build (false, (tm->superclock_at (tm->bbt_walk (tm->bbt_at (superclocks()), -offset)))); } else { v = build (true, tm->bbtwalk_to_quarters (beats(), -offset).to_ticks()); } return *this; } timepos_t timepos_t::earlier (timepos_t const & other) const { if (other.is_superclock()) { return earlier (other.superclocks()); } return earlier (other.beats()); } timepos_t timepos_t::earlier (timecnt_t const & distance) const { if (distance.time_domain() == AudioTime) { return earlier (distance.superclocks()); } return earlier (distance.beats()); } bool timepos_t::expensive_lt (timepos_t const & other) const { if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { return superclocks() < other.superclocks(); } return beats() < other.beats (); } bool timepos_t::expensive_gt (timepos_t const & other) const { if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { return superclocks() > other.superclocks(); } return beats() > other.beats (); } bool timepos_t::expensive_lte (timepos_t const & other) const { if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { return superclocks() <= other.superclocks(); } return beats() <= other.beats (); } bool timepos_t::expensive_gte (timepos_t const & other) const { if (time_domain() == AudioTime) { return superclocks() >= other.superclocks(); } return beats() >= other.beats (); } /* */ timepos_t & timepos_t::shift_earlier (timepos_t const & d) { if (d.time_domain() == AudioTime) { return shift_earlier (d.superclocks()); } return shift_earlier (d.beats()); } timepos_t & timepos_t::shift_earlier (timecnt_t const & d) { if (d.time_domain() == AudioTime) { return shift_earlier (d.superclocks()); } return shift_earlier (d.beats()); } timepos_t & timepos_t::shift_earlier (Temporal::Beats const & b) { Beats bb; if (is_superclock()) { TempoMap::SharedPtr tm (TempoMap::use()); bb = tm->quarter_note_at (val()); } else { bb = beats (); } v = (bb - b).to_ticks(); return *this; } /* */ timepos_t & timepos_t::operator+= (Temporal::BBT_Offset const & offset) { TempoMap::SharedPtr tm (TempoMap::use()); if (is_beats()) { v = build (true, tm->bbtwalk_to_quarters (beats(), offset)); } else { v = build (false, tm->superclock_at (tm->bbt_walk (tm->bbt_at (superclocks()), offset))); } return *this; } timepos_t & timepos_t::operator+=(Temporal::Beats const & b) { if (is_beats()) { v += build (true, b.to_ticks()); } else { TempoMap::SharedPtr tm (TempoMap::use()); v = tm->superclock_plus_quarters_as_superclock (val(), b); } return *this; } /* */ timepos_t timepos_t::operator+(timecnt_t const & d) const { if (d.time_domain() == AudioTime) { return operator+ (timepos_t::from_superclock (d.superclocks())); } return operator+ (d.beats()); } timepos_t & timepos_t::operator+=(timecnt_t const & d) { if (d.time_domain() == AudioTime) { return operator+= (timepos_t::from_superclock (d.superclocks())); } return operator+= (d.beats()); } /* */ timepos_t & timepos_t::operator+=(timepos_t const & d) { if (d.is_beats() == is_beats()) { v = build (flagged(), val() + d.val()); } else { if (is_beats()) { v = build (false, val() + d.ticks()); } else { v = build (true, val() + d.superclocks()); } } return *this; } std::ostream& std::operator<< (std::ostream & o, timepos_t const & tp) { return o << tp.to_string(); } std::string timepos_t::to_string () const { if (is_beats()) { return string_compose ("b%1", val()); } return string_compose ("a%1", val()); } bool timepos_t::string_to (std::string const & str) { using std::string; using std::cerr; using std::endl; superclock_t s; Beats beats; if (isdigit (str[0])) { /* old school position format: we assume samples */ std::stringstream ss (str); ss >> s; set_superclock (s); cerr << "deserialized timepos from older " << str << " as " << *this << endl; return true; } std::stringstream ss (str.substr (1)); switch (str[0]) { case 'a': ss >> s; set_superclock (s); cerr << "deserialized timepos from " << str << " as " << *this << endl; return true; case 'b': ss >> beats; set_beat (beats); cerr << "deserialized timepos from " << str << " as " << *this << endl; return true; } std::cerr << "Unknown timepos string representation \"" << str << "\"" << std::endl; return false; }