/* Copyright (C) 1998 Paul Barton-Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/xml++.h" #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/failed_constructor.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "pbd/strsplit.h" #include "pbd/stacktrace.h" #include "midi++/types.h" #include "midi++/jack_midi_port.h" #include "midi++/channel.h" using namespace MIDI; using namespace std; using namespace PBD; pthread_t JackMIDIPort::_process_thread; Signal0 JackMIDIPort::JackHalted; Signal0 JackMIDIPort::MakeConnections; JackMIDIPort::JackMIDIPort (string const & name, Flags flags, jack_client_t* jack_client) : Port (name, flags) , _currently_in_cycle (false) , _nframes_this_cycle (0) , _jack_client (jack_client) , _jack_port (0) , output_fifo (512) , input_fifo (1024) , xthread (true) { assert (jack_client); init (name, flags); } JackMIDIPort::JackMIDIPort (const XMLNode& node, jack_client_t* jack_client) : Port (node) , _currently_in_cycle (false) , _nframes_this_cycle (0) , _jack_client (jack_client) , _jack_port (0) , output_fifo (512) , input_fifo (1024) , xthread (true) { assert (jack_client); Descriptor desc (node); init (desc.tag, desc.flags); set_state (node); } void JackMIDIPort::init (string const & name, Flags flags) { if (!create_port ()) { _ok = true; } MakeConnections.connect_same_thread (connect_connection, boost::bind (&JackMIDIPort::make_connections, this)); JackHalted.connect_same_thread (halt_connection, boost::bind (&JackMIDIPort::jack_halted, this)); } JackMIDIPort::~JackMIDIPort () { if (_jack_port) { if (_jack_client) { jack_port_unregister (_jack_client, _jack_port); _jack_port = 0; } } } void JackMIDIPort::parse (framecnt_t timestamp) { byte buf[512]; /* NOTE: parsing is done (if at all) by initiating a read from the port. Each port implementation calls on the parser once it has data ready. */ _parser->set_timestamp (timestamp); while (1) { // cerr << "+++ READ ON " << name() << endl; int nread = read (buf, sizeof (buf)); // cerr << "-- READ (" << nread << " ON " << name() << endl; if (nread > 0) { if ((size_t) nread < sizeof (buf)) { break; } else { continue; } } else if (nread == 0) { break; } else if (errno == EAGAIN) { break; } else { fatal << "Error reading from MIDI port " << name() << endmsg; /*NOTREACHED*/ } } } void JackMIDIPort::cycle_start (pframes_t nframes) { assert (_jack_port); _currently_in_cycle = true; _nframes_this_cycle = nframes; assert(_nframes_this_cycle == nframes); if (sends_output()) { void *buffer = jack_port_get_buffer (_jack_port, nframes); jack_midi_clear_buffer (buffer); flush (buffer); } if (receives_input()) { void* jack_buffer = jack_port_get_buffer(_jack_port, nframes); const pframes_t event_count = jack_midi_get_event_count(jack_buffer); jack_midi_event_t ev; timestamp_t cycle_start_frame = jack_last_frame_time (_jack_client); for (pframes_t i = 0; i < event_count; ++i) { jack_midi_event_get (&ev, jack_buffer, i); input_fifo.write (cycle_start_frame + ev.time, (Evoral::EventType) 0, ev.size, ev.buffer); } if (event_count) { xthread.wakeup (); } } } void JackMIDIPort::cycle_end () { if (sends_output()) { flush (jack_port_get_buffer (_jack_port, _nframes_this_cycle)); } _currently_in_cycle = false; _nframes_this_cycle = 0; } void JackMIDIPort::jack_halted () { _jack_client = 0; _jack_port = 0; } void JackMIDIPort::drain (int check_interval_usecs) { RingBuffer< Evoral::Event >::rw_vector vec = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0} }; if (is_process_thread()) { error << "Process thread called MIDI::JackMIDIPort::drain() - this cannot work" << endmsg; return; } while (1) { output_fifo.get_write_vector (&vec); if (vec.len[0] + vec.len[1] >= output_fifo.bufsize() - 1) { break; } usleep (check_interval_usecs); } } int JackMIDIPort::write (const byte * msg, size_t msglen, timestamp_t timestamp) { int ret = 0; if (!sends_output()) { return ret; } if (!is_process_thread()) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (output_fifo_lock); RingBuffer< Evoral::Event >::rw_vector vec = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0} }; output_fifo.get_write_vector (&vec); if (vec.len[0] + vec.len[1] < 1) { error << "no space in FIFO for non-process thread MIDI write" << endmsg; return 0; } if (vec.len[0]) { if (!vec.buf[0]->owns_buffer()) { vec.buf[0]->set_buffer (0, 0, true); } vec.buf[0]->set (msg, msglen, timestamp); } else { if (!vec.buf[1]->owns_buffer()) { vec.buf[1]->set_buffer (0, 0, true); } vec.buf[1]->set (msg, msglen, timestamp); } output_fifo.increment_write_idx (1); ret = msglen; } else { // XXX This had to be temporarily commented out to make export work again if (!(timestamp < _nframes_this_cycle)) { std::cerr << "attempting to write MIDI event of " << msglen << " bytes at time " << timestamp << " of " << _nframes_this_cycle << " (this will not work - needs a code fix)" << std::endl; } if (_currently_in_cycle) { if (timestamp == 0) { timestamp = _last_write_timestamp; } if (jack_midi_event_write (jack_port_get_buffer (_jack_port, _nframes_this_cycle), timestamp, msg, msglen) == 0) { ret = msglen; _last_write_timestamp = timestamp; } else { ret = 0; cerr << "write of " << msglen << " failed, port holds " << jack_midi_get_event_count (jack_port_get_buffer (_jack_port, _nframes_this_cycle)) << endl; // PBD::stacktrace (cerr, 20); } } else { cerr << "write to JACK midi port failed: not currently in a process cycle." << endl; PBD::stacktrace (cerr, 20); } } if (ret > 0 && _parser) { // ardour doesn't care about this and neither should your app, probably // output_parser->raw_preparse (*output_parser, msg, ret); for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++) { _parser->scanner (msg[i]); } // ardour doesn't care about this and neither should your app, probably // output_parser->raw_postparse (*output_parser, msg, ret); } return ret; } void JackMIDIPort::flush (void* jack_port_buffer) { RingBuffer< Evoral::Event >::rw_vector vec = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }; size_t written; output_fifo.get_read_vector (&vec); if (vec.len[0] + vec.len[1]) { // cerr << "Flush " << vec.len[0] + vec.len[1] << " events from non-process FIFO\n"; } if (vec.len[0]) { Evoral::Event* evp = vec.buf[0]; for (size_t n = 0; n < vec.len[0]; ++n, ++evp) { jack_midi_event_write (jack_port_buffer, (timestamp_t) evp->time(), evp->buffer(), evp->size()); } } if (vec.len[1]) { Evoral::Event* evp = vec.buf[1]; for (size_t n = 0; n < vec.len[1]; ++n, ++evp) { jack_midi_event_write (jack_port_buffer, (timestamp_t) evp->time(), evp->buffer(), evp->size()); } } if ((written = vec.len[0] + vec.len[1]) != 0) { output_fifo.increment_read_idx (written); } } int JackMIDIPort::read (byte *, size_t) { if (!receives_input()) { return 0; } timestamp_t time; Evoral::EventType type; uint32_t size; byte buffer[input_fifo.capacity()]; while (input_fifo.read (&time, &type, &size, buffer)) { _parser->set_timestamp (time); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { _parser->scanner (buffer[i]); } } return 0; } int JackMIDIPort::create_port () { _jack_port = jack_port_register(_jack_client, _tagname.c_str(), JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE, _flags, 0); return _jack_port == 0 ? -1 : 0; } XMLNode& JackMIDIPort::get_state () const { XMLNode& root = Port::get_state (); #if 0 byte device_inquiry[6]; device_inquiry[0] = 0xf0; device_inquiry[0] = 0x7e; device_inquiry[0] = 0x7f; device_inquiry[0] = 0x06; device_inquiry[0] = 0x02; device_inquiry[0] = 0xf7; write (device_inquiry, sizeof (device_inquiry), 0); #endif if (_jack_port) { const char** jc = jack_port_get_connections (_jack_port); string connection_string; if (jc) { for (int i = 0; jc[i]; ++i) { if (i > 0) { connection_string += ','; } connection_string += jc[i]; } free (jc); } if (!connection_string.empty()) { root.add_property ("connections", connection_string); } } else { if (!_connections.empty()) { root.add_property ("connections", _connections); } } return root; } void JackMIDIPort::set_state (const XMLNode& node) { const XMLProperty* prop; if ((prop = node.property ("tag")) == 0 || prop->value() != _tagname) { return; } Port::set_state (node); if ((prop = node.property ("connections")) != 0) { _connections = prop->value (); } } void JackMIDIPort::make_connections () { if (!_connections.empty()) { vector ports; split (_connections, ports, ','); for (vector::iterator x = ports.begin(); x != ports.end(); ++x) { if (_jack_client) { if (receives_input()) { jack_connect (_jack_client, (*x).c_str(), jack_port_name (_jack_port)); } else { jack_connect (_jack_client, jack_port_name (_jack_port), (*x).c_str()); } /* ignore failures */ } } } connect_connection.disconnect (); } void JackMIDIPort::set_process_thread (pthread_t thr) { _process_thread = thr; } bool JackMIDIPort::is_process_thread() { return (pthread_self() == _process_thread); } void JackMIDIPort::reestablish (jack_client_t* jack) { _jack_client = jack; int const r = create_port (); if (r) { PBD::error << "could not reregister ports for " << name() << endmsg; } } void JackMIDIPort::reconnect () { make_connections (); }