/* Copyright (C) 2012 Paul Davis Based on code by Paul Davis, Torben Hohn as part of FST This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /******************************************************************/ /** VSTFX - An engine based on FST for handling linuxVST plugins **/ /******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour/linux_vst_support.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct ERect{ short top; short left; short bottom; short right; }; static pthread_mutex_t plugin_mutex; static VSTState * vstfx_first = NULL; const char magic[] = "VSTFX Plugin State v002"; static volatile int gui_quit = 0; /*This will be our connection to X*/ static Display* LXVST_XDisplay = NULL; /*The thread handle for the GUI event loop*/ static pthread_t LXVST_gui_event_thread; /*Util functions to get the value of a property attached to an XWindow*/ static bool LXVST_xerror; int TempErrorHandler(Display *display, XErrorEvent *e) { LXVST_xerror = true; return 0; } #ifdef LXVST_32BIT int getXWindowProperty(Window window, Atom atom) { int result = 0; int userSize; unsigned long bytes; unsigned long userCount; unsigned char *data; Atom userType; LXVST_xerror = false; /*Use our own Xerror handler while we're in here - in an attempt to stop the brain dead default Xerror behaviour of qutting the entire application because of e.g. an invalid window ID*/ XErrorHandler olderrorhandler = XSetErrorHandler(TempErrorHandler); XGetWindowProperty( LXVST_XDisplay, //The display window, //The Window atom, //The property 0, //Offset into the data 1, //Number of 32Bit chunks of data false, //false = don't delete the property AnyPropertyType, //Required property type mask &userType, //Actual type returned &userSize, //Actual format returned &userCount, //Actual number of items stored in the returned data &bytes, //Number of bytes remaining if a partial read &data); //The actual data read if(LXVST_xerror == false && userCount == 1) result = *(int*)data; XSetErrorHandler(olderrorhandler); /*Hopefully this will return zero if the property is not set*/ return result; } #endif #ifdef LXVST_64BIT /********************************************************************/ /* This is untested - have no 64Bit plugins which use this */ /* system of passing an eventProc address */ /********************************************************************/ long getXWindowProperty(Window window, Atom atom) { long result = 0; int userSize; unsigned long bytes; unsigned long userCount; unsigned char *data; Atom userType; LXVST_xerror = false; /*Use our own Xerror handler while we're in here - in an attempt to stop the brain dead default Xerror behaviour of qutting the entire application because of e.g. an invalid window ID*/ XErrorHandler olderrorhandler = XSetErrorHandler(TempErrorHandler); XGetWindowProperty( LXVST_XDisplay, window, atom, 0, 2, false, AnyPropertyType, &userType, &userSize, &userCount, &bytes, &data); if(LXVST_xerror == false && userCount == 1) result = *(long*)data; XSetErrorHandler(olderrorhandler); /*Hopefully this will return zero if the property is not set*/ return result; } #endif /*The event handler - called from within the main GUI thread to dispatch events to any VST UIs which have callbacks stuck to them*/ static void dispatch_x_events (XEvent* event, VSTState* vstfx) { /*Handle some of the Events we might be interested in*/ switch(event->type) { /*Configure event - when the window is resized or first drawn*/ case ConfigureNotify: { Window window = event->xconfigure.event; int width = event->xconfigure.width; int height = event->xconfigure.height; /*If we get a config notify on the parent window XID then we need to see if the size has been changed - some plugins re-size their UI window e.g. when opening a preset manager (you might think that should be spawned as a new window...) */ /*if the size has changed, we flag this so that in lxvst_pluginui.cc we can make the change to the GTK parent window in ardour, from its UI thread*/ if (window == (Window) (vstfx->linux_window)) { if (width != vstfx->width || height!=vstfx->height) { vstfx->width = width; vstfx->height = height; vstfx->want_resize = 1; /*QUIRK : Loomer plugins not only resize the UI but throw it into some random position at the same time. We need to re-position the window at the origin of the parent window*/ if (vstfx->linux_plugin_ui_window) { XMoveWindow (LXVST_XDisplay, vstfx->linux_plugin_ui_window, 0, 0); } } } break; } /*Reparent Notify - when the plugin UI is reparented into our Host Window we will get an event here... probably... */ case ReparentNotify: { Window ParentWindow = event->xreparent.parent; /*If the ParentWindow matches the window for the vstfx instance then the Child window must be the XID of the pluginUI window created by the plugin, so we need to see if it has a callback stuck to it, and if so set that up in the vstfx */ /***********************************************************/ /* 64Bit --- This mechanism is not 64Bit compatible at the */ /* present time */ /***********************************************************/ if (ParentWindow == (Window) (vstfx->linux_window)) { Window PluginUIWindowID = event->xreparent.window; vstfx->linux_plugin_ui_window = PluginUIWindowID; #ifdef LXVST_32BIT int result = getXWindowProperty(PluginUIWindowID, XInternAtom(LXVST_XDisplay, "_XEventProc", false)); if (result == 0) { vstfx->eventProc = NULL; } else { vstfx->eventProc = (void (*) (void* event))result; } #endif #ifdef LXVST_64BIT long result = getXWindowProperty(PluginUIWindowID, XInternAtom(LXVST_XDisplay, "_XEventProc", false)); if(result == 0) vstfx->eventProc = NULL; else vstfx->eventProc = (void (*) (void* event))result; #endif } break; } case ClientMessage: { Window window = event->xany.window; Atom message_type = event->xclient.message_type; /*The only client message we are interested in is to signal that the plugin parent window is now valid and can be passed to effEditOpen when the editor is launched*/ if (window == (Window) (vstfx->linux_window)) { char* message = XGetAtomName(LXVST_XDisplay, message_type); if (strcmp(message,"LaunchEditor") == 0) { if (event->xclient.data.l[0] == 0x0FEEDBAC) { vstfx_launch_editor (vstfx); } } XFree(message); } break; } default: break; } /* Some VSTs built with toolkits e.g. JUCE will manager their own UI autonomously in the plugin, running the UI in its own thread, so once we have created a parent window for the plugin, its UI takes care of itself.*/ /*Other types register a callback as an Xwindow property on the plugin UI window after they create it. If that is the case, we need to call it here, passing the XEvent into it*/ if (vstfx->eventProc == NULL) { return; } vstfx->eventProc((void*)event); } /** This is the main gui event loop for the plugin, we also need to pass any Xevents to all the UI callbacks plugins 'may' have registered on their windows, that is if they don't manage their own UIs **/ void* gui_event_loop (void* ptr) { VSTState* vstfx; int LXVST_sched_timer_interval = 40; //ms, 25fps XEvent event; uint64_t clock1, clock2; clock1 = g_get_monotonic_time(); /*The 'Forever' loop - runs the plugin UIs etc - based on the FST gui event loop*/ while (!gui_quit) { /* handle window creation requests, destroy requests, and run idle callbacks */ /*Look at the XEvent queue - if there are any XEvents we need to handle them, including passing them to all the plugin (eventProcs) we are currently managing*/ bool may_sleep = true; if(LXVST_XDisplay) { /*See if there are any events in the queue*/ int num_events = XPending(LXVST_XDisplay); if (num_events > 0) { // keep dispatching events as fast as possible may_sleep = false; } /*process them if there are any*/ while(num_events) { XNextEvent(LXVST_XDisplay, &event); /*Call dispatch events, with the event, for each plugin in the linked list*/ for (vstfx = vstfx_first; vstfx; vstfx = vstfx->next) { pthread_mutex_lock(&vstfx->lock); dispatch_x_events(&event, vstfx); pthread_mutex_unlock(&vstfx->lock); } num_events--; } } /*We don't want to use all the CPU.. */ Glib::usleep(1000); /*See if its time for us to do a scheduled event pass on all the plugins*/ clock2 = g_get_monotonic_time(); const int64_t elapsed_time_ms = (clock2 - clock1) / 1000; if((LXVST_sched_timer_interval != 0) && elapsed_time_ms >= LXVST_sched_timer_interval) { //printf("elapsed %d ms ^= %.2f Hz\n", elapsed_time_ms, 1000.0/(double)elapsed_time_ms); // DEBUG pthread_mutex_lock (&plugin_mutex); again: /*Parse through the linked list of plugins*/ for (vstfx = vstfx_first; vstfx; vstfx = vstfx->next) { pthread_mutex_lock (&vstfx->lock); /*Window scheduled for destruction*/ if (vstfx->destroy) { if (vstfx->linux_window) { vstfx->plugin->dispatcher (vstfx->plugin, effEditClose, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0); XDestroyWindow (LXVST_XDisplay, vstfx->linux_window); /* FIXME - probably safe to assume we never have an XID of 0 but not explicitly true */ vstfx->linux_window = 0; vstfx->destroy = FALSE; } vstfx_event_loop_remove_plugin (vstfx); vstfx->been_activated = FALSE; pthread_cond_signal (&vstfx->window_status_change); pthread_mutex_unlock (&vstfx->lock); goto again; } /*Window does not yet exist - scheduled for creation*/ /* FIXME - probably safe to assume 0 is not a valid XID but not explicitly true */ if (vstfx->linux_window == 0) { if (vstfx_create_editor (vstfx)) { vstfx_error ("** ERROR ** VSTFX : Cannot create editor for plugin %s", vstfx->handle->name); vstfx_event_loop_remove_plugin (vstfx); pthread_cond_signal (&vstfx->window_status_change); pthread_mutex_unlock (&vstfx->lock); goto again; } else { /* condition/unlock: it was signalled & unlocked in fst_create_editor() */ } } vststate_maybe_set_program (vstfx); vstfx->want_program = -1; vstfx->want_chunk = 0; /*scheduled call to dispatcher*/ if (vstfx->dispatcher_wantcall) { vstfx->dispatcher_retval = vstfx->plugin->dispatcher ( vstfx->plugin, vstfx->dispatcher_opcode, vstfx->dispatcher_index, vstfx->dispatcher_val, vstfx->dispatcher_ptr, vstfx->dispatcher_opt ); vstfx->dispatcher_wantcall = 0; pthread_cond_signal (&vstfx->plugin_dispatcher_called); } /*Call the editor Idle function in the plugin*/ vstfx->plugin->dispatcher (vstfx->plugin, effEditIdle, 0, 0, NULL, 0); if(vstfx->wantIdle) vstfx->plugin->dispatcher (vstfx->plugin, 53, 0, 0, NULL, 0); pthread_mutex_unlock (&vstfx->lock); } pthread_mutex_unlock (&plugin_mutex); clock1 = g_get_monotonic_time(); } if (!gui_quit && may_sleep && elapsed_time_ms + 1 < LXVST_sched_timer_interval) { Glib::usleep(1000 * (LXVST_sched_timer_interval - elapsed_time_ms - 1)); } } /* some plugin UIs (looking at you, u-he^abique), do set thread-keys * and free, but not unset them. * * This leads to a double-free in __nptl_deallocate_tsd * nptl/pthread_create.c:175 __pthread_keys[idx].destr (data); * when the event-loop thread is joined. * * This workaround is dedicated to all the plugin-UI-devs * who think their UI owns the complete process memory-space. * * NB. ardour itself does not use thread-keys for the * VST event-loop thread, and anyway, this thread is joined * only when ardour exit()s. If this would result in a leak, * nobody will care. */ if (!getenv ("ARDOUR_RUNNING_UNDER_VALGRIND")) { for (pthread_key_t i = 0; i < PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX; ++i) { if (pthread_getspecific (i)) { pthread_setspecific (i, NULL); } } } return NULL; } /*The VSTFX Init function - this needs to be called before the VSTFX engine can be accessed, it gets the UI thread running, opens a connection to X etc normally started in globals.cc*/ int vstfx_init (void* ptr) { assert (gui_quit == 0); pthread_mutex_init (&plugin_mutex, NULL); int thread_create_result; pthread_attr_t thread_attributes; /*Init the attribs to defaults*/ pthread_attr_init(&thread_attributes); /*Make sure the thread is joinable - this should be the default anyway - so we can join to it on vstfx_exit*/ pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&thread_attributes, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); /*This is where we need to open a connection to X, and start the GUI thread*/ /*Open our connection to X - all linuxVST plugin UIs handled by the LXVST engine will talk to X down this connection - X cannot handle multi-threaded access via the same Display* */ if(LXVST_XDisplay==NULL) LXVST_XDisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL); //We might be able to make this open a specific screen etc /*Drop out and report the error if we fail to connect to X */ if(LXVST_XDisplay==NULL) { vstfx_error ("** ERROR ** VSTFX: Failed opening connection to X"); return -1; } /*We have a connection to X - so start the gui event loop*/ /*Create the thread - use default attrs for now, don't think we need anything special*/ thread_create_result = pthread_create(&LXVST_gui_event_thread, &thread_attributes, gui_event_loop, NULL); if(thread_create_result!=0) { /*There was a problem starting the GUI event thread*/ vstfx_error ("** ERROR ** VSTFX: Failed starting GUI event thread"); XCloseDisplay(LXVST_XDisplay); gui_quit = 1; return -1; } return 0; } /*The vstfx Quit function*/ void vstfx_exit() { if (gui_quit) { return; } gui_quit = 1; /*We need to pthread_join the gui_thread here so we know when it has stopped*/ pthread_join(LXVST_gui_event_thread, NULL); pthread_mutex_destroy (&plugin_mutex); } /*Adds a new plugin (VSTFX) instance to the linked list*/ int vstfx_run_editor (VSTState* vstfx) { pthread_mutex_lock (&plugin_mutex); /* Add the new VSTFX instance to the linked list */ if (vstfx_first == NULL) { vstfx_first = vstfx; } else { VSTState* p = vstfx_first; while (p->next) { p = p->next; } p->next = vstfx; /* Mark the new end of the list */ vstfx->next = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&plugin_mutex); /* wait for the plugin editor window to be created (or not) */ pthread_mutex_lock (&vstfx->lock); if (!vstfx->linux_window) { pthread_cond_wait (&vstfx->window_status_change, &vstfx->lock); } pthread_mutex_unlock (&vstfx->lock); if (!vstfx->linux_window) { return -1; } return 0; } /*Creates an editor for the plugin - normally called from within the gui event loop after run_editor has added the plugin (editor) to the linked list*/ int vstfx_create_editor (VSTState* vstfx) { Window parent_window; int x_size = 1; int y_size = 1; /* Note: vstfx->lock is held while this function is called */ if (!(vstfx->plugin->flags & effFlagsHasEditor)) { vstfx_error ("** ERROR ** VSTFX: Plugin \"%s\" has no editor", vstfx->handle->name); return -1; } /*Create an XWindow for the plugin to inhabit*/ parent_window = XCreateSimpleWindow ( LXVST_XDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(LXVST_XDisplay), 0, 0, x_size, y_size, 0, 0, 0 ); /*Select the events we are interested in receiving - we need Substructure notify so that if the plugin resizes its window - e.g. Loomer Manifold then we get a message*/ XSelectInput(LXVST_XDisplay, parent_window, SubstructureNotifyMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask | ExposureMask); vstfx->linux_window = parent_window; vstfx->xid = parent_window; //vstfx->xid will be referenced to connect to GTK UI in ardour later /*Because the plugin may be operating on a different Display* to us, and therefore the two event queues can be asynchronous, although we have created the window on our display, we can't guarantee it exists in the server yet, which will cause BadWindow crashes if the plugin tries to use it. It would be nice to use CreateNotify events here, but they don't get through on all window managers, so instead we pass a client message into out queue, after the XCreateWindow. When this message pops out in our event handler, it will trigger the second stage of plugin Editor instantiation, and by then the Window should be valid...*/ XClientMessageEvent event; /*Create an atom to identify our message (only if it doesn't already exist)*/ Atom WindowActiveAtom = XInternAtom(LXVST_XDisplay, "LaunchEditor", false); event.type = ClientMessage; event.send_event = true; event.window = parent_window; event.message_type = WindowActiveAtom; event.format = 32; //Data format event.data.l[0] = 0x0FEEDBAC; //Something we can recognize later /*Push the event into the queue on our Display*/ XSendEvent(LXVST_XDisplay, parent_window, FALSE, NoEventMask, (XEvent*)&event); return 0; } int vstfx_launch_editor (VSTState* vstfx) { /*This is the second stage of launching the editor (see vstfx_create editor) we get called here in response to receiving the ClientMessage on our Window, therefore it's about as safe (as can be) to assume that the Window we created is now valid in the XServer and can be passed to the plugin in effEditOpen without generating BadWindow errors when the plugin reparents itself into our parent window*/ if(vstfx->been_activated) return 0; Window parent_window; struct ERect* er = NULL; int x_size = 1; int y_size = 1; parent_window = vstfx->linux_window; /*Open the editor - Bah! we have to pass the int windowID as a void pointer - yuck it gets cast back to an int as the parent window XID in the plugin - and we have to pass the Display* as a long */ /**************************************************************/ /* 64Bit --- parent window is an int passed as a void* so */ /* that should be ok for 64Bit machines */ /* */ /* Display is passed in as a long - ok on arch's where sizeof */ /* long = 8 */ /* */ /* Most linux VST plugins open a connection to X on their own */ /* Display anyway so it may not matter */ /* */ /* linuxDSP VSTs don't use the host Display* at all */ /**************************************************************/ vstfx->plugin->dispatcher (vstfx->plugin, effEditOpen, 0, (long)LXVST_XDisplay, (void*)(parent_window), 0 ); /*QUIRK - some plugins need a slight delay after opening the editor before you can ask the window size or they might return zero - specifically discoDSP */ Glib::usleep(100000); /*Now we can find out how big the parent window should be (and try) to resize it*/ vstfx->plugin->dispatcher (vstfx->plugin, effEditGetRect, 0, 0, &er, 0 ); if (er) { // Don't crash is plugin does not implement effEditGetRect // it'll result in 1x1 px window but that's not our problem :) x_size = er->right - er->left; y_size = er->bottom - er->top; } vstfx->width = x_size; vstfx->height = y_size; XResizeWindow(LXVST_XDisplay, parent_window, x_size, y_size); XFlush (LXVST_XDisplay); /*Not sure if we need to map the window or if the plugin will do it for us it should be ok because XReparentWindow generates a Map event*/ /*mark the editor as activated - mainly so that vstfx_get_XID will know it is valid*/ vstfx->been_activated = TRUE; pthread_cond_signal (&vstfx->window_status_change); return 0; } /** Destroy the editor window */ void vstfx_destroy_editor (VSTState* vstfx) { pthread_mutex_lock (&vstfx->lock); if (vstfx->linux_window) { vstfx->destroy = TRUE; pthread_cond_wait (&vstfx->window_status_change, &vstfx->lock); } pthread_mutex_unlock (&vstfx->lock); } /** Remove a vstfx instance from the linked list parsed by the event loop */ void vstfx_event_loop_remove_plugin (VSTState* vstfx) { /* This only ever gets called from within our GUI thread so we don't need to lock here - if we did there would be a deadlock anyway */ VSTState* p; VSTState* prev; for (p = vstfx_first, prev = NULL; p; prev = p, p = p->next) { if (p == vstfx) { if (prev) { prev->next = p->next; break; } } } // if this function is called, there must be // at least one plugin in the linked list assert(vstfx_first); if (vstfx_first == vstfx) { vstfx_first = vstfx_first->next; } }