/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 John Emmas * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2015 André Nusser * Copyright (C) 2016 Tim Mayberry * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "pbd/error.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/session_directory.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "ardour/export_channel_configuration.h" #include "ardour/export_filename.h" #include "ardour/export_format_specification.h" #include "ardour/export_handler.h" #include "ardour/export_timespan.h" #include "ardour/session_metadata.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "widgets/tooltips.h" #include "ardour_message.h" #include "export_video_dialog.h" #include "utils_videotl.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace Gtk; using namespace std; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ArdourWidgets; using namespace VideoUtils; ExportVideoDialog::ExportVideoDialog () : ArdourDialog (_("Export Video File ")) , _aborted (false) , _normalize (false) , _previous_progress (0) , _transcoder (0) , outfn_path_label (_("File:"), Gtk::ALIGN_START) , outfn_browse_button (_("Browse")) , invid_path_label (_("Video:"), Gtk::ALIGN_START) , invid_browse_button (_("Browse")) , transcode_button (_("Export")) , abort_button (_("Abort")) , progress_box (0) , normalize_checkbox (_("Normalize audio")) , copy_video_codec_checkbox (_("Mux only - copy video codec")) , meta_checkbox (_("Include session metadata")) , debug_checkbox (_("Debug Mode: Print ffmpeg command and output to stdout.")) { set_name ("ExportVideoDialog"); set_modal (true); set_skip_taskbar_hint (true); set_resizable (false); Gtk::Label* l; vbox = manage (new VBox); HBox* path_hbox; /* check if ffmpeg can be found */ _transcoder = new TranscodeFfmpeg (X_("")); if (!_transcoder->ffexec_ok ()) { l = manage (new Label (_("ffmpeg installation was not found. Video Export is not possible. See the Log window for more information."), Gtk::ALIGN_START, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, false)); l->set_line_wrap (); vbox->pack_start (*l, false, false, 8); get_vbox ()->pack_start (*vbox, false, false); add_button (Stock::OK, RESPONSE_CANCEL); show_all_children (); delete _transcoder; _transcoder = 0; return; } delete _transcoder; _transcoder = 0; Gtk::Frame* f; Table* t; f = manage (new Gtk::Frame (_("Output (file extension defines format)"))); path_hbox = manage (new HBox); path_hbox->pack_start (outfn_path_label, false, false, 3); path_hbox->pack_start (outfn_path_entry, true, true, 3); path_hbox->pack_start (outfn_browse_button, false, false, 3); f->add (*path_hbox); path_hbox->set_border_width (2); vbox->pack_start (*f, false, false, 4); f = manage (new Gtk::Frame (_("Input"))); VBox* input_box = manage (new VBox); path_hbox = manage (new HBox); path_hbox->pack_start (invid_path_label, false, false, 3); path_hbox->pack_start (invid_path_entry, true, true, 3); path_hbox->pack_start (invid_browse_button, false, false, 3); input_box->pack_start (*path_hbox, false, false, 2); path_hbox = manage (new HBox); l = manage (new Label (_("Audio:"), ALIGN_START, ALIGN_CENTER, false)); path_hbox->pack_start (*l, false, false, 3); l = manage (new Label (_("Master Bus"), ALIGN_START, ALIGN_CENTER, false)); path_hbox->pack_start (*l, false, false, 2); input_box->pack_start (*path_hbox, false, false, 2); input_box->set_border_width (2); f->add (*input_box); vbox->pack_start (*f, false, false, 4); outfn_path_entry.set_width_chars (38); audio_bitrate_combo.append (_("(default for codec)")); audio_bitrate_combo.append ("64k"); audio_bitrate_combo.append ("128k"); audio_bitrate_combo.append ("192k"); audio_bitrate_combo.append ("256k"); audio_bitrate_combo.append ("320k"); audio_sample_rate_combo.append (_("Session Rate")); audio_sample_rate_combo.append ("44100"); audio_sample_rate_combo.append ("48000"); f = manage (new Gtk::Frame (_("Settings"))); t = manage (new Table (3, 2)); t->set_border_width (2); t->set_spacings (4); int ty = 0; l = manage (new Label (_("Range:"), ALIGN_START, ALIGN_CENTER, false)); t->attach (*l, 0, 1, ty, ty + 1); t->attach (insnd_combo, 1, 2, ty, ty + 1); ty++; l = manage (new Label (_("Sample Rate:"), ALIGN_START, ALIGN_CENTER, false)); t->attach (*l, 0, 1, ty, ty + 1); t->attach (audio_sample_rate_combo, 1, 2, ty, ty + 1); ty++; l = manage (new Label (_("Audio Quality:"), ALIGN_START, ALIGN_CENTER, false)); t->attach (*l, 0, 1, ty, ty + 1); t->attach (audio_bitrate_combo, 1, 2, ty, ty + 1); ty++; t->attach (normalize_checkbox, 0, 2, ty, ty + 1); ty++; t->attach (copy_video_codec_checkbox, 0, 2, ty, ty + 1); ty++; t->attach (meta_checkbox, 0, 2, ty, ty + 1); ty++; t->attach (debug_checkbox, 0, 2, ty, ty + 1); ty++; f->add (*t); vbox->pack_start (*f, false, true, 4); get_vbox ()->set_spacing (4); get_vbox ()->pack_start (*vbox, false, false); progress_box = manage (new VBox); progress_box->pack_start (pbar, false, false); progress_box->pack_start (abort_button, false, false); get_vbox ()->pack_start (*progress_box, false, false); set_tooltip (normalize_checkbox, _("When enabled, the audio is normalized to 0dBFS during export.")); set_tooltip (copy_video_codec_checkbox, _("When enabled, the video is not re-encoded, but the original video codec is reused. In some cases this can lead to audio/video synchronization issues. This also only works if the exported range is not longer than the video. Adding black space at the start or end requires encoding.\nWhen disabled, the video is re-encoded, this may lead to quality loss, but this is the safer option and generally preferable.")); set_tooltip (meta_checkbox, _("When enabled, information from Menu > Session > Metadata is included in the video file.")); set_tooltip (audio_sample_rate_combo, _("Select the sample rate of the audio track. Prefer 48kHz, which is the standard for video files.")); set_tooltip (audio_bitrate_combo, _("Select the bitrate of the audio track in kbit/sec. Higher values result in better quality, but also a larger file.")); outfn_browse_button.signal_clicked ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportVideoDialog::open_outfn_dialog)); invid_browse_button.signal_clicked ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportVideoDialog::open_invid_dialog)); transcode_button.signal_clicked ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportVideoDialog::launch_export)); abort_button.signal_clicked ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportVideoDialog::abort_clicked)); invid_path_entry.signal_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportVideoDialog::set_original_file_information)); cancel_button = add_button (Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL); get_action_area ()->pack_start (transcode_button, false, false); show_all_children (); progress_box->set_no_show_all (); progress_box->hide (); } ExportVideoDialog::~ExportVideoDialog () { if (_transcoder) { delete _transcoder; _transcoder = 0; } } void ExportVideoDialog::set_original_file_information () { assert (_transcoder == 0); string infile = invid_path_entry.get_text (); if (infile.empty () || !Glib::file_test (infile, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { transcode_button.set_sensitive (false); return; } _transcoder = new TranscodeFfmpeg (infile); transcode_button.set_sensitive (_transcoder->probe_ok ()); delete _transcoder; _transcoder = 0; } void ExportVideoDialog::apply_state (TimeSelection& tme, bool range) { _export_range = tme; outfn_path_entry.set_text (_session->session_directory ().export_path () + G_DIR_SEPARATOR + "export.mp4"); // TODO remember setting for export-range.. somehow, (let explicit range override) sampleoffset_t av_offset = ARDOUR_UI::instance ()->video_timeline->get_offset (); insnd_combo.remove_all (); insnd_combo.append (_("from session start marker to session end marker")); if (av_offset < 0) { insnd_combo.append (_("from 00:00:00:00 to the video end")); } else { insnd_combo.append (_("from video start to video end")); } if (!_export_range.empty ()) { insnd_combo.append (_("Selected range")); // TODO show _export_range.start() -> _export_range.end_sample() } /* default settings */ if (range) { insnd_combo.set_active (2); } else { insnd_combo.set_active (1); } audio_bitrate_combo.set_active (0); audio_sample_rate_combo.set_active (0); normalize_checkbox.set_active (false); copy_video_codec_checkbox.set_active (false); meta_checkbox.set_active (false); /* set original video file */ XMLNode* node = _session->extra_xml (X_("Videotimeline")); bool filenameset = false; if (node) { string filename; if (node->get_property (X_("OriginalVideoFile"), filename)) { if (Glib::file_test (filename, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { invid_path_entry.set_text (filename); filenameset = true; } } bool local_file; if (!filenameset && node->get_property (X_("Filename"), filename) && node->get_property (X_("LocalFile"), local_file) && local_file) { if (filename.at (0) != G_DIR_SEPARATOR) { filename = Glib::build_filename (_session->session_directory ().video_path (), filename); } if (Glib::file_test (filename, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { invid_path_entry.set_text (filename); filenameset = true; } } } if (!filenameset) { invid_path_entry.set_text (X_("")); } /* apply saved state, if any */ node = _session->extra_xml (X_("Videoexport")); if (node) { bool yn; int num; string str; if (node->get_property (X_("NormalizeAudio"), yn)) { normalize_checkbox.set_active (yn); } if (node->get_property (X_("CopyVCodec"), yn)) { copy_video_codec_checkbox.set_active (yn); } if (node->get_property (X_("Metadata"), yn)) { meta_checkbox.set_active (yn); } if (node->get_property (X_("ExportRange"), num)) { if (!range && num >= 0 && num < 1) { insnd_combo.set_active (num); } } if (node->get_property (X_("AudioSRChoice"), num)) { if (num >= 0 && num < 3) { audio_sample_rate_combo.set_active (num); } } if (node->get_property (X_("OutputFile"), str)) { outfn_path_entry.set_text (str); } if (node->get_property (X_("AudioBitrate"), str)) { Gtkmm2ext::set_active_text_if_present (audio_bitrate_combo, str); } } set_original_file_information (); show_all_children (); if (progress_box) { progress_box->hide (); } } XMLNode& ExportVideoDialog::get_state () const { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("Videoexport")); node->set_property (X_("OutputFile"), outfn_path_entry.get_text ()); node->set_property (X_("ExportRange"), insnd_combo.get_active_row_number ()); node->set_property (X_("AudioSRChoice"), audio_sample_rate_combo.get_active_row_number ()); node->set_property (X_("AudioBitrate"), audio_bitrate_combo.get_active_text ()); node->set_property (X_("NormalizeAudio"), normalize_checkbox.get_active ()); node->set_property (X_("CopyVCodec"), copy_video_codec_checkbox.get_active ()); node->set_property (X_("Metadata"), meta_checkbox.get_active ()); return *node; } void ExportVideoDialog::set_state (const XMLNode&) { } void ExportVideoDialog::abort_clicked () { _aborted = true; if (_transcoder) { _transcoder->cancel (); } } void ExportVideoDialog::update_progress (samplecnt_t c, samplecnt_t a) { if (a == 0 || c > a) { pbar.set_pulse_step (.1); pbar.pulse (); } else { double progress = (double)c / (double)a; progress = progress / (_normalize ? 3.0 : 2.0); if (_normalize) { progress += 2.0 / 3.0; } else { progress += .5; } pbar.set_fraction (progress); } } gint ExportVideoDialog::audio_progress_display () { string status_text; double progress = -1.0; switch (status->active_job) { case ExportStatus::Normalizing: pbar.set_text (_("Normalizing audio")); progress = ((float)status->current_postprocessing_cycle) / status->total_postprocessing_cycles; progress = (progress + 1.0) / 3.0; break; case ExportStatus::Exporting: pbar.set_text (_("Exporting audio")); progress = ((float)status->processed_samples_current_timespan) / status->total_samples_current_timespan; progress = progress / (_normalize ? 3.0 : 2.0); break; default: pbar.set_text (_("Exporting audio")); break; } if (progress < _previous_progress) { /* Work around gtk bug */ pbar.hide (); pbar.show (); } _previous_progress = progress; if (progress >= 0) { pbar.set_fraction (progress); } else { pbar.set_pulse_step (.1); pbar.pulse (); } return TRUE; } void ExportVideoDialog::finished (int status) { delete _transcoder; _transcoder = 0; if (_aborted || status != 0) { if (!_aborted) { ARDOUR_UI::instance ()->popup_error (_("Video transcoding failed.")); } ::g_unlink (outfn_path_entry.get_text ().c_str ()); ::g_unlink (_insnd.c_str ()); Gtk::Dialog::response (RESPONSE_CANCEL); } else { if (!debug_checkbox.get_active ()) { ::g_unlink (_insnd.c_str ()); } Gtk::Dialog::response (RESPONSE_ACCEPT); } } void ExportVideoDialog::launch_export () { /* remember current settings. * needed because apply_state() acts on both: * "Videotimeline" and "Video Export" extra XML * as well as current _session settings */ _session->add_extra_xml (get_state ()); string outfn = outfn_path_entry.get_text (); if (!confirm_video_outfn (*this, outfn)) { return; } vbox->hide (); cancel_button->hide (); transcode_button.hide (); pbar.set_size_request (300, -1); pbar.set_text (_("Exporting Audio...")); progress_box->show (); _aborted = false; _normalize = normalize_checkbox.get_active (); /* export audio track */ ExportTimespanPtr tsp = _session->get_export_handler ()->add_timespan (); boost::shared_ptr ccp = _session->get_export_handler ()->add_channel_config (); boost::shared_ptr fnp = _session->get_export_handler ()->add_filename (); boost::shared_ptr b; XMLTree tree; string vtl_normalize = _normalize ? "true" : "false"; string vtl_samplerate; switch (audio_sample_rate_combo.get_active_row_number ()) { case 0: vtl_samplerate = string_compose ("%1", _session->nominal_sample_rate ()); break; case 1: vtl_samplerate = "44100"; break; default: vtl_samplerate = "48000"; break; } /* clang-format off */ tree.read_buffer (std::string ( "" "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "") .c_str ()); /* clang-format on */ boost::shared_ptr fmp = _session->get_export_handler ()->add_format (*tree.root ()); /* set up range */ samplepos_t start, end; start = end = 0; if (insnd_combo.get_active_row_number () == 1) { _transcoder = new TranscodeFfmpeg (invid_path_entry.get_text ()); if (_transcoder->probe_ok () && _transcoder->get_fps () > 0) { end = _transcoder->get_duration () * _session->nominal_sample_rate () / _transcoder->get_fps (); } else { warning << _("Export Video: Cannot query duration of video-file, using duration from timeline instead.") << endmsg; end = ARDOUR_UI::instance ()->video_timeline->get_duration (); } if (_transcoder) { delete _transcoder; _transcoder = 0; } sampleoffset_t av_offset = ARDOUR_UI::instance ()->video_timeline->get_offset (); #if 0 /* DEBUG */ printf("audio-range -- AV offset: %lld\n", av_offset); #endif if (av_offset > 0) { start = av_offset; } end += av_offset; } else if (insnd_combo.get_active_row_number () == 2) { start = ARDOUR_UI::instance ()->video_timeline->quantify_samples_to_apv (_export_range.start_sample ()); end = ARDOUR_UI::instance ()->video_timeline->quantify_samples_to_apv (_export_range.end_sample ()); } if (end <= 0) { start = _session->current_start_sample (); end = _session->current_end_sample (); } #if 0 /* DEBUG */ printf("audio export-range %lld -> %lld\n", start, end); #endif const sampleoffset_t vstart = ARDOUR_UI::instance ()->video_timeline->get_offset (); const sampleoffset_t vend = vstart + ARDOUR_UI::instance ()->video_timeline->get_duration (); if ((start >= end) || (end < vstart) || (start > vend)) { delete _transcoder; _transcoder = 0; ArdourMessageDialog msg (_("Export Video: The export-range does not include video.")); msg.run (); Gtk::Dialog::response (RESPONSE_CANCEL); return; } if ((start < vstart || end > vend) && copy_video_codec_checkbox.get_active ()) { ArdourMessageDialog msg ( _("The export-range is longer than the video file. " "To add black frames the video has to be encoded. " "Copying the codec may fail or not produce the intended result.\n" "Continue anyway?"), false, Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO, Gtk::BUTTONS_YES_NO, true ); msg.set_default_response (Gtk::RESPONSE_YES); if (msg.run() != Gtk::RESPONSE_YES) { delete _transcoder; _transcoder = 0; Gtk::Dialog::response (RESPONSE_CANCEL); return; } } tsp->set_range (start, end); tsp->set_name ("mysession"); tsp->set_range_id ("session"); /* add master outs as default */ IO* master_out = _session->master_out ()->output ().get (); if (!master_out) { warning << _("Export Video: No Master Out Ports to Connect for Audio Export") << endmsg; delete _transcoder; _transcoder = 0; Gtk::Dialog::response (RESPONSE_CANCEL); return; } for (uint32_t n = 0; n < master_out->n_ports ().n_audio (); ++n) { PortExportChannel* channel = new PortExportChannel (); channel->add_port (master_out->audio (n)); ExportChannelPtr chan_ptr (channel); ccp->register_channel (chan_ptr); } /* outfile */ fnp->set_timespan (tsp); fnp->set_label ("vtl"); fnp->include_label = true; _insnd = fnp->get_path (fmp); /* do sound export */ fmp->set_soundcloud_upload (false); _session->get_export_handler ()->reset (); _session->get_export_handler ()->add_export_config (tsp, ccp, fmp, fnp, b); _session->get_export_handler ()->do_export (); status = _session->get_export_status (); _audio_progress_connection = Glib::signal_timeout ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportVideoDialog::audio_progress_display), 100); _previous_progress = 0.0; while (status->running ()) { if (_aborted) { status->abort (); } if (gtk_events_pending ()) { gtk_main_iteration (); } else { Glib::usleep (10000); } } _audio_progress_connection.disconnect (); status->finish (TRS_UI); if (status->aborted ()) { ::g_unlink (_insnd.c_str ()); delete _transcoder; _transcoder = 0; Gtk::Dialog::response (RESPONSE_CANCEL); return; } pbar.set_text (_("Encoding Video...")); encode_video (); } void ExportVideoDialog::encode_video () { std::string outfn = outfn_path_entry.get_text (); std::string invid = invid_path_entry.get_text (); _transcoder = new TranscodeFfmpeg (invid); if (!_transcoder->ffexec_ok ()) { /* ffmpeg binary was not found. TranscodeFfmpeg prints a warning */ ::g_unlink (_insnd.c_str ()); delete _transcoder; _transcoder = 0; Gtk::Dialog::response (RESPONSE_CANCEL); return; } if (!_transcoder->probe_ok ()) { /* video input file can not be read */ warning << _("Export Video: Video input file cannot be read.") << endmsg; ::g_unlink (_insnd.c_str ()); delete _transcoder; _transcoder = 0; Gtk::Dialog::response (RESPONSE_CANCEL); return; } TranscodeFfmpeg::FFSettings ffs; /* = transcoder->default_encoder_settings(); */ ffs.clear (); bool map = true; sampleoffset_t av_offset = ARDOUR_UI::instance ()->video_timeline->get_offset (); double duration_s = 0; if (insnd_combo.get_active_row_number () == 0) { /* session start to session end */ samplecnt_t duration_f = _session->current_end_sample () - _session->current_start_sample (); duration_s = (double)duration_f / (double)_session->nominal_sample_rate (); } else if (insnd_combo.get_active_row_number () == 2) { /* selected range */ duration_s = _export_range.length_samples () / (double)_session->nominal_sample_rate (); } else { /* video start to end */ samplecnt_t duration_f = ARDOUR_UI::instance ()->video_timeline->get_duration (); if (av_offset < 0) { duration_f += av_offset; } duration_s = (double)duration_f / (double)_session->nominal_sample_rate (); } std::ostringstream osstream; osstream << duration_s; ffs["-t"] = osstream.str (); _transcoder->set_duration (duration_s * _transcoder->get_fps ()); if (insnd_combo.get_active_row_number () == 0 || insnd_combo.get_active_row_number () == 2) { samplepos_t start, snend; const sampleoffset_t vid_duration = ARDOUR_UI::instance ()->video_timeline->get_duration (); if (insnd_combo.get_active_row_number () == 0) { start = _session->current_start_sample (); snend = _session->current_end_sample (); } else { start = _export_range.start_sample (); snend = _export_range.end_sample (); } #if 0 /* DEBUG */ printf("AV offset: %lld Vid-len: %lld Vid-end: %lld || start:%lld || end:%lld\n", av_offset, vid_duration, av_offset+vid_duration, start, snend); // XXX #endif if (av_offset > start && av_offset + vid_duration < snend) { _transcoder->set_leadinout ((av_offset - start) / (double)_session->nominal_sample_rate (), (snend - (av_offset + vid_duration)) / (double)_session->nominal_sample_rate ()); } else if (av_offset > start) { _transcoder->set_leadinout ((av_offset - start) / (double)_session->nominal_sample_rate (), 0); } else if (av_offset + vid_duration < snend) { _transcoder->set_leadinout (0, (snend - (av_offset + vid_duration)) / (double)_session->nominal_sample_rate ()); _transcoder->set_avoffset ((av_offset - start) / (double)_session->nominal_sample_rate ()); } #if 0 else if (start > av_offset) { std::ostringstream osstream; osstream << ((start - av_offset) / (double)_session->nominal_sample_rate()); ffs["-ss"] = osstream.str(); } #endif else { _transcoder->set_avoffset ((av_offset - start) / (double)_session->nominal_sample_rate ()); } } else if (av_offset < 0) { /* from 00:00:00:00 to video-end */ _transcoder->set_avoffset (av_offset / (double)_session->nominal_sample_rate ()); } /* NOTE: type (MetaDataMap) == type (FFSettings) == map */ ARDOUR::SessionMetadata::MetaDataMap meta = _transcoder->default_meta_data (); if (meta_checkbox.get_active ()) { ARDOUR::SessionMetadata* session_data = ARDOUR::SessionMetadata::Metadata (); session_data->av_export_tag (meta); } if (debug_checkbox.get_active ()) { _transcoder->set_debug (true); } if (copy_video_codec_checkbox.get_active ()) { ffs["-codec:v"] = "copy"; } if (audio_bitrate_combo.get_active_row_number () > 0) { ffs["-b:a"] = audio_bitrate_combo.get_active_text (); } _transcoder->Progress.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&ExportVideoDialog::update_progress, this, _1, _2), gui_context ()); _transcoder->Finished.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&ExportVideoDialog::finished, this, _1), gui_context ()); if (!_transcoder->encode (outfn, _insnd, invid, ffs, meta, map)) { ARDOUR_UI::instance ()->popup_error (_("Transcoding failed.")); delete _transcoder; _transcoder = 0; Gtk::Dialog::response (RESPONSE_CANCEL); return; } } void ExportVideoDialog::open_outfn_dialog () { FileChooserDialog dialog (_("Save Exported Video File"), FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE); Gtkmm2ext::add_volume_shortcuts (dialog); dialog.set_filename (outfn_path_entry.get_text ()); dialog.add_button (Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL); dialog.add_button (Stock::OK, RESPONSE_OK); int result = dialog.run (); if (result == RESPONSE_OK) { std::string filename = dialog.get_filename (); if (filename.length ()) { outfn_path_entry.set_text (filename); } std::string ext = get_file_extension (filename); if (ext != "mp4" || ext != "mov" || ext != "mkv") { dialog.hide (); ArdourMessageDialog msg (_("The file extension defines the format and codec.\nPrefer to use .mp4, .mov or .mkv. Otherwise encoding may fail.")); msg.run (); } } } void ExportVideoDialog::open_invid_dialog () { FileChooserDialog dialog (_("Input Video File"), FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN); Gtkmm2ext::add_volume_shortcuts (dialog); dialog.set_filename (invid_path_entry.get_text ()); dialog.add_button (Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL); dialog.add_button (Stock::OK, RESPONSE_OK); int result = dialog.run (); if (result == RESPONSE_OK) { std::string filename = dialog.get_filename (); if (!filename.empty ()) { invid_path_entry.set_text (filename); } } }