/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Doug McLain * Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Tim Mayberry * Copyright (C) 2005-2019 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2005 Karsten Wiese * Copyright (C) 2005 Taybin Rutkin * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Sakari Bergen * Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Colin Fletcher * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 John Emmas * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Nick Mainsbridge * Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Ben Loftis * Copyright (C) 2015 André Nusser * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Len Ovens * Copyright (C) 2017 Johannes Mueller * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifdef WAF_BUILD #include "gtk2ardour-config.h" #include "gtk2ardour-version.h" #endif #ifndef PLATFORM_WINDOWS #include #endif #ifdef __FreeBSD__ #include #include #endif #include #include "pbd/gstdio_compat.h" #include #include "pbd/basename.h" #include "pbd/file_utils.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "ardour/filename_extensions.h" #include "ardour/filesystem_paths.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour/recent_sessions.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/application.h" #include "ambiguous_file_dialog.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "engine_dialog.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "missing_file_dialog.h" #include "nsm.h" #include "opts.h" #include "pingback.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "splash.h" #include "startup.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace std; static bool _hide_splash (gpointer arg) { ((ARDOUR_UI*)arg)->hide_splash(); return false; } bool ARDOUR_UI::first_idle () { if (_session) { _session->allow_auto_play (true); } if (editor) { editor->first_idle(); } /* in 1 second, hide the splash screen * * Consider hiding it *now*. If a user opens opens a dialog * during that one second while the splash is still visible, * the dialog will push-back the splash. * Closing the dialog later will pop it back. */ Glib::signal_timeout().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (_hide_splash), this), 1000); Keyboard::set_can_save_keybindings (true); return false; } void ARDOUR_UI::setup_profile () { if (gdk_screen_width() < 1200 || getenv ("ARDOUR_NARROW_SCREEN")) { Profile->set_small_screen (); } if (g_getenv ("MIXBUS")) { Profile->set_mixbus (); } } int ARDOUR_UI::missing_file (Session*s, std::string str, DataType type) { MissingFileDialog dialog (s, str, type); dialog.show (); dialog.present (); int result = dialog.run (); dialog.hide (); switch (result) { case RESPONSE_OK: break; default: return 1; // quit entire session load } result = dialog.get_action (); return result; } int ARDOUR_UI::ambiguous_file (std::string file, std::vector hits) { AmbiguousFileDialog dialog (file, hits); dialog.show (); dialog.present (); dialog.run (); return dialog.get_which (); } void ARDOUR_UI::session_format_mismatch (std::string xml_path, std::string backup_path) { const char* start_big = ""; const char* end_big = ""; const char* start_mono = ""; const char* end_mono = ""; MessageDialog msg (string_compose (_("%4This is a session from an older version of %3%5\n\n" "%3 has copied the old session file\n\n%6%1%7\n\nto\n\n%6%2%7\n\n" "From now on, use the backup copy with older versions of %3"), xml_path, backup_path, PROGRAM_NAME, start_big, end_big, start_mono, end_mono), true); msg.run (); } int ARDOUR_UI::sr_mismatch_dialog (samplecnt_t desired, samplecnt_t actual) { HBox* hbox = new HBox(); Image* image = new Image (Stock::DIALOG_WARNING, ICON_SIZE_DIALOG); ArdourDialog dialog (_("Sample Rate Mismatch"), true); Label message (string_compose (_("\ This session was created with a sample rate of %1 Hz, but\n\ %2 is currently running at %3 Hz. If you load this session,\n\ audio may be played at the wrong sample rate.\n"), desired, PROGRAM_NAME, actual)); image->set_alignment(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_TOP); hbox->pack_start (*image, PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET, 12); hbox->pack_end (message, PACK_EXPAND_PADDING, 12); dialog.get_vbox()->pack_start(*hbox, PACK_EXPAND_PADDING, 6); dialog.add_button (_("Do not load session"), RESPONSE_REJECT); dialog.add_button (_("Load session anyway"), RESPONSE_ACCEPT); dialog.set_default_response (RESPONSE_ACCEPT); dialog.set_position (WIN_POS_CENTER); message.show(); image->show(); hbox->show(); switch (dialog.run()) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: return 0; default: break; } return 1; } void ARDOUR_UI::sr_mismatch_message (samplecnt_t desired, samplecnt_t actual) { MessageDialog msg (string_compose (_("\ This session was created with a sample rate of %1 Hz, but\n\ %2 is currently running at %3 Hz.\n\ Audio will be recorded and played at the wrong sample rate.\n\ Re-Configure the Audio Engine in\n\ Menu > Window > Audio/Midi Setup"), desired, PROGRAM_NAME, actual), true, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING); msg.run (); } XMLNode* ARDOUR_UI::preferences_settings () const { XMLNode* node = 0; if (_session) { node = _session->instant_xml(X_("Preferences")); } else { node = Config->instant_xml(X_("Preferences")); } if (!node) { node = new XMLNode (X_("Preferences")); } return node; } XMLNode* ARDOUR_UI::mixer_settings () const { XMLNode* node = 0; if (_session) { node = _session->instant_xml(X_("Mixer")); } else { node = Config->instant_xml(X_("Mixer")); } if (!node) { node = new XMLNode (X_("Mixer")); } return node; } XMLNode* ARDOUR_UI::main_window_settings () const { XMLNode* node = 0; if (_session) { node = _session->instant_xml(X_("Main")); } else { node = Config->instant_xml(X_("Main")); } if (!node) { if (getenv("ARDOUR_INSTANT_XML_PATH")) { node = Config->instant_xml(getenv("ARDOUR_INSTANT_XML_PATH")); } } if (!node) { node = new XMLNode (X_("Main")); } return node; } XMLNode* ARDOUR_UI::editor_settings () const { XMLNode* node = 0; if (_session) { node = _session->instant_xml(X_("Editor")); } else { node = Config->instant_xml(X_("Editor")); } if (!node) { if (getenv("ARDOUR_INSTANT_XML_PATH")) { node = Config->instant_xml(getenv("ARDOUR_INSTANT_XML_PATH")); } } if (!node) { node = new XMLNode (X_("Editor")); } return node; } XMLNode* ARDOUR_UI::keyboard_settings () const { XMLNode* node = 0; node = Config->extra_xml(X_("Keyboard")); if (!node) { node = new XMLNode (X_("Keyboard")); } return node; } void ARDOUR_UI::loading_message (const std::string& msg) { if (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::no_splash) { return; } if (!splash) { show_splash (); } splash->message (msg); } void ARDOUR_UI::show_splash () { if (splash == 0) { try { splash = new Splash; } catch (...) { return; } } splash->display (); } void ARDOUR_UI::hide_splash () { delete splash; splash = 0; } void ARDOUR_UI::check_announcements () { #ifdef PHONE_HOME string _annc_filename; #ifdef __APPLE__ _annc_filename = PROGRAM_NAME "_announcements_osx_"; #elif defined PLATFORM_WINDOWS _annc_filename = PROGRAM_NAME "_announcements_windows_"; #else _annc_filename = PROGRAM_NAME "_announcements_linux_"; #endif _annc_filename.append (VERSIONSTRING); _announce_string = ""; std::string path = Glib::build_filename (user_config_directory(), _annc_filename); FILE* fin = g_fopen (path.c_str(), "rb"); if (fin) { while (!feof (fin)) { char tmp[1024]; size_t len; if ((len = fread (tmp, sizeof(char), 1024, fin)) == 0 || ferror (fin)) { break; } _announce_string.append (tmp, len); } fclose (fin); } pingback (VERSIONSTRING, path); #endif } int ARDOUR_UI::starting () { Application* app = Application::instance (); const char *nsm_url; bool brand_new_user = ArdourStartup::required (); app->ShouldQuit.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::queue_finish)); app->ShouldLoad.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::load_from_application_api)); if (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::check_announcements) { check_announcements (); } app->ready (); /* we need to create this early because it may need to set the * audio backend end up. */ try { audio_midi_setup.get (true); } catch (...) { std::cerr << "audio-midi engine setup failed."<< std::endl; return -1; } if ((nsm_url = g_getenv ("NSM_URL")) != 0) { nsm = new NSM_Client; if (!nsm->init (nsm_url)) { /* the ardour executable may have different names: * * waf's obj.target for distro versions: eg ardour4, ardourvst4 * Ardour4, Mixbus3 for bundled versions + full path on OSX & windows * argv[0] does not apply since we need the wrapper-script (not the binary itself) * * The wrapper startup script should set the environment variable 'ARDOUR_SELF' */ const char *process_name = g_getenv ("ARDOUR_SELF"); nsm->announce (PROGRAM_NAME, ":dirty:", process_name ? process_name : "ardour6"); unsigned int i = 0; // wait for announce reply from nsm server for ( i = 0; i < 5000; ++i) { nsm->check (); Glib::usleep (i); if (nsm->is_active()) { break; } } if (i == 5000) { error << _("NSM server did not announce itself") << endmsg; return -1; } // wait for open command from nsm server for ( i = 0; i < 5000; ++i) { nsm->check (); Glib::usleep (1000); if (nsm->client_id ()) { break; } } if (i == 5000) { error << _("NSM: no client ID provided") << endmsg; return -1; } if (_session && nsm) { _session->set_nsm_state( nsm->is_active() ); } else { error << _("NSM: no session created") << endmsg; return -1; } // nsm requires these actions disabled vector action_names; action_names.push_back("SaveAs"); action_names.push_back("Rename"); action_names.push_back("New"); action_names.push_back("Open"); action_names.push_back("Recent"); action_names.push_back("Close"); for (vector::const_iterator n = action_names.begin(); n != action_names.end(); ++n) { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Main"), (*n).c_str()); if (act) { act->set_sensitive (false); } } } else { delete nsm; nsm = 0; error << _("NSM: initialization failed") << endmsg; return -1; } } else { if (brand_new_user) { _initial_verbose_plugin_scan = true; ArdourStartup s; s.present (); main().run(); s.hide (); _initial_verbose_plugin_scan = false; switch (s.response ()) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_OK: break; default: return -1; } } // TODO: maybe IFF brand_new_user if (ARDOUR::Profile->get_mixbus () && Config->get_copy_demo_sessions ()) { std::string dspd (Config->get_default_session_parent_dir()); Searchpath ds (ARDOUR::ardour_data_search_path()); ds.add_subdirectory_to_paths ("sessions"); vector demos; find_files_matching_pattern (demos, ds, ARDOUR::session_archive_suffix); ARDOUR::RecentSessions rs; ARDOUR::read_recent_sessions (rs); for (vector::iterator i = demos.begin(); i != demos.end (); ++i) { /* "demo-session" must be inside "demo-session." */ std::string name = basename_nosuffix (basename_nosuffix (*i)); std::string path = Glib::build_filename (dspd, name); /* skip if session-dir already exists */ if (Glib::file_test(path.c_str(), Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { continue; } /* skip sessions that are already in 'recent'. * eg. a new user changed shorly after installation */ for (ARDOUR::RecentSessions::iterator r = rs.begin(); r != rs.end(); ++r) { if ((*r).first == name) { continue; } } try { PBD::FileArchive ar (*i); if (0 == ar.inflate (dspd)) { store_recent_sessions (name, path); info << string_compose (_("Copied Demo Session %1."), name) << endmsg; } } catch (...) {} } } #ifdef NO_PLUGIN_STATE ARDOUR::RecentSessions rs; ARDOUR::read_recent_sessions (rs); string path = Glib::build_filename (user_config_directory(), ".iknowaboutfreeversion"); if (!Glib::file_test (path, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS) && !rs.empty()) { /* already used Ardour, have sessions ... warn about plugin state */ ArdourDialog d (_("Free/Demo Version Warning"), true); Label l; Button b (string_compose (_("Subscribe and support development of %1"), PROGRAM_NAME)); CheckButton c (_("Don't warn me about this again")); l.set_markup (string_compose (_("%1\n\n%2\n\n%3\n\n%4"), string_compose (_("This is a free/demo version of %1"), PROGRAM_NAME), _("It will not restore OR save any plugin settings"), _("If you load an existing session with plugin settings\n" "they will not be used and will be lost."), _("To get full access to updates without this limitation\n" "consider becoming a subscriber for a low cost every month."))); l.set_justify (JUSTIFY_CENTER); b.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ARDOUR_UI::launch_subscribe)); d.get_vbox()->pack_start (l, true, true); d.get_vbox()->pack_start (b, false, false, 12); d.get_vbox()->pack_start (c, false, false, 12); d.add_button (_("Quit now"), RESPONSE_CANCEL); d.add_button (string_compose (_("Continue using %1"), PROGRAM_NAME), RESPONSE_OK); d.show_all (); c.signal_toggled().connect (sigc::hide_return (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (toggle_file_existence), path))); if (d.run () != RESPONSE_OK) { _exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } } #endif /* go get a session */ const bool new_session_required = (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::new_session || (!ARDOUR::Profile->get_mixbus() && brand_new_user)); if (get_session_parameters (false, new_session_required, ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::load_template)) { std::cerr << "Cannot get session parameters."<< std::endl; return -1; } } use_config (); WM::Manager::instance().show_visible (); /* We have to do this here since goto_editor_window() ends up calling show_all() on the * editor window, and we may want stuff to be hidden. */ _status_bar_visibility.update (); BootMessage (string_compose (_("%1 is ready for use"), PROGRAM_NAME)); /* all other dialogs are created conditionally */ return 0; } void ARDOUR_UI::use_config () { XMLNode* node = Config->extra_xml (X_("TransportControllables")); if (node) { set_transport_controllable_state (*node); } } void ARDOUR_UI::check_memory_locking () { #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS) /* OS X doesn't support mlockall(2), and so testing for memory locking capability there is pointless */ return; #else // !__APPLE__ XMLNode* memory_warning_node = Config->instant_xml (X_("no-memory-warning")); if (AudioEngine::instance()->is_realtime() && memory_warning_node == 0) { struct rlimit limits; int64_t ram; long pages, page_size; #ifdef __FreeBSD__ size_t pages_len=sizeof(pages); if ((page_size = getpagesize()) < 0 || sysctlbyname("hw.availpages", &pages, &pages_len, NULL, 0)) #else if ((page_size = sysconf (_SC_PAGESIZE)) < 0 ||(pages = sysconf (_SC_PHYS_PAGES)) < 0) #endif { ram = 0; } else { ram = (int64_t) pages * (int64_t) page_size; } if (getrlimit (RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, &limits)) { return; } if (limits.rlim_cur != RLIM_INFINITY) { if (ram == 0 || ((double) limits.rlim_cur / ram) < 0.75) { MessageDialog msg ( string_compose ( _("WARNING: Your system has a limit for maximum amount of locked memory. " "This might cause %1 to run out of memory before your system " "runs out of memory. \n\n" "You can view the memory limit with 'ulimit -l', " "and it is normally controlled by %2"), PROGRAM_NAME, #ifdef __FreeBSD__ X_("/etc/login.conf") #else X_(" /etc/security/limits.conf") #endif ).c_str()); msg.set_default_response (RESPONSE_OK); VBox* vbox = msg.get_vbox(); HBox hbox; CheckButton cb (_("Do not show this window again")); hbox.pack_start (cb, true, false); vbox->pack_start (hbox); cb.show(); vbox->show(); hbox.show (); pop_back_splash (msg); msg.run (); if (cb.get_active()) { XMLNode node (X_("no-memory-warning")); Config->add_instant_xml (node); } } } } #endif // !__APPLE__ }