/* Copyright (C) 2006 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #ifndef __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #endif #include #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "i18n.h" using std::string; using std::vector; namespace PBD { string short_version (string orig, string::size_type target_length) { /* this tries to create a recognizable abbreviation of "orig" by removing characters until we meet a certain target length. note that we deliberately leave digits in the result without modification. */ string::size_type pos; /* remove white-space and punctuation, starting at end */ while (orig.length() > target_length) { if ((pos = orig.find_last_of (_("\"\n\t ,<.>/?:;'[{}]~`!@#$%^&*()_-+="))) == string::npos) { break; } orig.replace (pos, 1, ""); } /* remove lower-case vowels, starting at end */ while (orig.length() > target_length) { if ((pos = orig.find_last_of (_("aeiou"))) == string::npos) { break; } orig.replace (pos, 1, ""); } /* remove upper-case vowels, starting at end */ while (orig.length() > target_length) { if ((pos = orig.find_last_of (_("AEIOU"))) == string::npos) { break; } orig.replace (pos, 1, ""); } /* remove lower-case consonants, starting at end */ while (orig.length() > target_length) { if ((pos = orig.find_last_of (_("bcdfghjklmnpqrtvwxyz"))) == string::npos) { break; } orig.replace (pos, 1, ""); } /* remove upper-case consonants, starting at end */ while (orig.length() > target_length) { if ((pos = orig.find_last_of (_("BCDFGHJKLMNPQRTVWXYZ"))) == string::npos) { break; } orig.replace (pos, 1, ""); } /* whatever the length is now, use it */ return orig; } int atoi (const string& s) { return std::atoi (s.c_str()); } double atof (const string& s) { return std::atof (s.c_str()); } vector internationalize (const char *package_name, const char **array) { vector v; for (uint32_t i = 0; array[i]; ++i) { v.push_back (dgettext(package_name, array[i])); } return v; } static int32_t int_from_hex (char hic, char loc) { int hi; /* hi byte */ int lo; /* low byte */ hi = (int) hic; if( ('0'<=hi) && (hi<='9') ) { hi -= '0'; } else if( ('a'<= hi) && (hi<= 'f') ) { hi -= ('a'-10); } else if( ('A'<=hi) && (hi<='F') ) { hi -= ('A'-10); } lo = (int) loc; if( ('0'<=lo) && (lo<='9') ) { lo -= '0'; } else if( ('a'<=lo) && (lo<='f') ) { lo -= ('a'-10); } else if( ('A'<=lo) && (lo<='F') ) { lo -= ('A'-10); } return lo + (16 * hi); } void url_decode (string& url) { string::iterator last; string::iterator next; for (string::iterator i = url.begin(); i != url.end(); ++i) { if ((*i) == '+') { *i = ' '; } } if (url.length() <= 3) { return; } last = url.end(); --last; /* points at last char */ --last; /* points at last char - 1 */ for (string::iterator i = url.begin(); i != last; ) { if (*i == '%') { next = i; url.erase (i); i = next; ++next; if (isxdigit (*i) && isxdigit (*next)) { /* replace first digit with char */ *i = int_from_hex (*i,*next); ++i; /* points at 2nd of 2 digits */ url.erase (i); } } else { ++i; } } } #if 0 string length2string (const int32_t frames, const float sample_rate) { int32_t secs = (int32_t) (frames / sample_rate); int32_t hrs = secs / 3600; secs -= (hrs * 3600); int32_t mins = secs / 60; secs -= (mins * 60); int32_t total_secs = (hrs * 3600) + (mins * 60) + secs; int32_t frames_remaining = (int) floor (frames - (total_secs * sample_rate)); float fractional_secs = (float) frames_remaining / sample_rate; char duration_str[32]; sprintf (duration_str, "%02" PRIi32 ":%02" PRIi32 ":%05.2f", hrs, mins, (float) secs + fractional_secs); return duration_str; } #endif string length2string (const int64_t frames, const double sample_rate) { int64_t secs = (int64_t) floor (frames / sample_rate); int64_t hrs = secs / 3600LL; secs -= (hrs * 3600LL); int64_t mins = secs / 60LL; secs -= (mins * 60LL); int64_t total_secs = (hrs * 3600LL) + (mins * 60LL) + secs; int64_t frames_remaining = (int64_t) floor (frames - (total_secs * sample_rate)); float fractional_secs = (float) frames_remaining / sample_rate; char duration_str[64]; sprintf (duration_str, "%02" PRIi64 ":%02" PRIi64 ":%05.2f", hrs, mins, (float) secs + fractional_secs); return duration_str; } static bool chars_equal_ignore_case(char x, char y) { static std::locale loc; return toupper(x, loc) == toupper(y, loc); } bool strings_equal_ignore_case (const string& a, const string& b) { if (a.length() == b.length()) { return std::equal (a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), chars_equal_ignore_case); } return false; } } // namespace PBD