/* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifdef WAF_BUILD #include "gtk2ardour-config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/basename.h" #include "pbd/compose.h" #include "pbd/failed_constructor.h" #include "pbd/enumwriter.h" #include "pbd/memento_command.h" #include "pbd/openuri.h" #include "pbd/file_utils.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/application.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/bindings.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/gtk_ui.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/click_box.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/fastmeter.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/popup.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/window_title.h" #include "midi++/manager.h" #include "ardour/ardour.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "ardour/audiofilesource.h" #include "ardour/automation_watch.h" #include "ardour/diskstream.h" #include "ardour/filename_extensions.h" #include "ardour/port.h" #include "ardour/process_thread.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour/recent_sessions.h" #include "ardour/session_directory.h" #include "ardour/session_route.h" #include "ardour/session_state_utils.h" #include "ardour/session_utils.h" #include "ardour/slave.h" #include "timecode/time.h" typedef uint64_t microseconds_t; #include "about.h" #include "actions.h" #include "add_route_dialog.h" #include "ambiguous_file_dialog.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "audio_clock.h" #include "bundle_manager.h" #include "engine_dialog.h" #include "gain_meter.h" #include "global_port_matrix.h" #include "gui_object.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "location_ui.h" #include "main_clock.h" #include "missing_file_dialog.h" #include "missing_plugin_dialog.h" #include "mixer_ui.h" #include "opts.h" #include "processor_box.h" #include "prompter.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "route_time_axis.h" #include "session_metadata_dialog.h" #include "shuttle_control.h" #include "speaker_dialog.h" #include "splash.h" #include "startup.h" #include "theme_manager.h" #include "time_axis_view_item.h" #include "utils.h" #include "window_proxy.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace Gtk; using namespace std; ARDOUR_UI *ARDOUR_UI::theArdourUI = 0; UIConfiguration *ARDOUR_UI::ui_config = 0; sigc::signal ARDOUR_UI::Blink; sigc::signal ARDOUR_UI::RapidScreenUpdate; sigc::signal ARDOUR_UI::SuperRapidScreenUpdate; sigc::signal ARDOUR_UI::Clock; ARDOUR_UI::ARDOUR_UI (int *argcp, char **argvp[]) : Gtkmm2ext::UI (PROGRAM_NAME, argcp, argvp) , gui_object_state (new GUIObjectState) , primary_clock (new MainClock (X_("primary"), false, X_("transport"), true, true, true, false, true)) , secondary_clock (new MainClock (X_("secondary"), false, X_("secondary"), true, true, false, false, true)) /* big clock */ , big_clock (new AudioClock (X_("bigclock"), false, "big", true, true, false, false)) /* transport */ , roll_controllable (new TransportControllable ("transport roll", *this, TransportControllable::Roll)) , stop_controllable (new TransportControllable ("transport stop", *this, TransportControllable::Stop)) , goto_start_controllable (new TransportControllable ("transport goto start", *this, TransportControllable::GotoStart)) , goto_end_controllable (new TransportControllable ("transport goto end", *this, TransportControllable::GotoEnd)) , auto_loop_controllable (new TransportControllable ("transport auto loop", *this, TransportControllable::AutoLoop)) , play_selection_controllable (new TransportControllable ("transport play selection", *this, TransportControllable::PlaySelection)) , rec_controllable (new TransportControllable ("transport rec-enable", *this, TransportControllable::RecordEnable)) , auto_return_button (ArdourButton::led_default_elements) , auto_play_button (ArdourButton::led_default_elements) , auto_input_button (ArdourButton::led_default_elements) , auditioning_alert_button (_("audition")) , solo_alert_button (_("solo")) , feedback_alert_button (_("feedback")) , error_log_button (_("Errors")) , _status_bar_visibility (X_("status-bar")) , _feedback_exists (false) { Gtkmm2ext::init(); about = 0; splash = 0; _startup = 0; if (theArdourUI == 0) { theArdourUI = this; } ui_config = new UIConfiguration(); theme_manager = new ThemeManager(); key_editor = 0; editor = 0; mixer = 0; editor = 0; engine = 0; _session_is_new = false; big_clock_window = 0; big_clock_height = 0; big_clock_resize_in_progress = false; session_selector_window = 0; last_key_press_time = 0; add_route_dialog = 0; route_params = 0; bundle_manager = 0; rc_option_editor = 0; session_option_editor = 0; location_ui = 0; open_session_selector = 0; have_configure_timeout = false; have_disk_speed_dialog_displayed = false; session_loaded = false; ignore_dual_punch = false; original_big_clock_width = -1; original_big_clock_height = -1; original_big_clock_font_size = 0; roll_button.set_elements (ArdourButton::Element (ArdourButton::Body|ArdourButton::Text)); play_selection_button.set_elements (ArdourButton::Element (ArdourButton::Body|ArdourButton::Text)); roll_button.set_controllable (roll_controllable); stop_button.set_controllable (stop_controllable); goto_start_button.set_controllable (goto_start_controllable); goto_end_button.set_controllable (goto_end_controllable); auto_loop_button.set_controllable (auto_loop_controllable); play_selection_button.set_controllable (play_selection_controllable); rec_button.set_controllable (rec_controllable); roll_button.set_name ("transport button"); stop_button.set_name ("transport button"); goto_start_button.set_name ("transport button"); goto_end_button.set_name ("transport button"); auto_loop_button.set_name ("transport button"); play_selection_button.set_name ("transport button"); rec_button.set_name ("transport recenable button"); midi_panic_button.set_name ("transport button"); goto_start_button.set_tweaks (ArdourButton::ShowClick); goto_end_button.set_tweaks (ArdourButton::ShowClick); midi_panic_button.set_tweaks (ArdourButton::ShowClick); last_configure_time= 0; last_peak_grab = 0; ARDOUR::Diskstream::DiskOverrun.connect (forever_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::disk_overrun_handler, this), gui_context()); ARDOUR::Diskstream::DiskUnderrun.connect (forever_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::disk_underrun_handler, this), gui_context()); /* handle dialog requests */ ARDOUR::Session::Dialog.connect (forever_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::session_dialog, this, _1), gui_context()); /* handle pending state with a dialog (PROBLEM: needs to return a value and thus cannot be x-thread) */ ARDOUR::Session::AskAboutPendingState.connect_same_thread (forever_connections, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::pending_state_dialog, this)); /* handle sr mismatch with a dialog (PROBLEM: needs to return a value and thus cannot be x-thread) */ ARDOUR::Session::AskAboutSampleRateMismatch.connect_same_thread (forever_connections, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::sr_mismatch_dialog, this, _1, _2)); /* handle requests to quit (coming from JACK session) */ ARDOUR::Session::Quit.connect (forever_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::finish, this), gui_context ()); /* tell the user about feedback */ ARDOUR::Session::FeedbackDetected.connect (forever_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::feedback_detected, this), gui_context ()); ARDOUR::Session::SuccessfulGraphSort.connect (forever_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::successful_graph_sort, this), gui_context ()); /* handle requests to deal with missing files */ ARDOUR::Session::MissingFile.connect_same_thread (forever_connections, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::missing_file, this, _1, _2, _3)); /* and ambiguous files */ ARDOUR::FileSource::AmbiguousFileName.connect_same_thread (forever_connections, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::ambiguous_file, this, _1, _2, _3)); /* lets get this party started */ try { if (ARDOUR::init (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::use_vst, ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::try_hw_optimization)) { throw failed_constructor (); } setup_gtk_ardour_enums (); setup_profile (); GainMeter::setup_slider_pix (); RouteTimeAxisView::setup_slider_pix (); ProcessorEntry::setup_slider_pix (); SessionEvent::create_per_thread_pool ("GUI", 512); } catch (failed_constructor& err) { error << string_compose (_("could not initialize %1."), PROGRAM_NAME) << endmsg; // pass it on up throw; } /* we like keyboards */ keyboard = new ArdourKeyboard(*this); XMLNode* node = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->keyboard_settings(); if (node) { keyboard->set_state (*node, Stateful::loading_state_version); } /* we don't like certain modifiers */ Bindings::set_ignored_state (GDK_LOCK_MASK|GDK_MOD2_MASK|GDK_MOD3_MASK); reset_dpi(); TimeAxisViewItem::set_constant_heights (); /* The following must happen after ARDOUR::init() so that Config is set up */ location_ui = new ActionWindowProxy (X_("locations"), Config->extra_xml (X_("UI")), X_("ToggleLocations")); big_clock_window = new ActionWindowProxy (X_("bigclock"), Config->extra_xml (X_("UI")), X_("ToggleBigClock")); speaker_config_window = new ActionWindowProxy (X_("speakerconf"), Config->extra_xml (X_("UI")), X_("toggle-speaker-config")); for (ARDOUR::DataType::iterator i = ARDOUR::DataType::begin(); i != ARDOUR::DataType::end(); ++i) { _global_port_matrix[*i] = new ActionWindowProxy ( string_compose ("GlobalPortMatrix-%1", (*i).to_string()), Config->extra_xml (X_("UI")), string_compose ("toggle-%1-connection-manager", (*i).to_string()) ); } setup_clock (); SpeakerDialog* s = new SpeakerDialog (); s->signal_unmap().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (&ActionManager::uncheck_toggleaction), X_("/Common/toggle-speaker-config"))); speaker_config_window->set (s); starting.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ARDOUR_UI::startup)); stopping.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ARDOUR_UI::shutdown)); _process_thread = new ProcessThread (); _process_thread->init (); DPIReset.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::resize_text_widgets)); } /** @return true if a session was chosen and `apply' clicked, otherwise false if `cancel' was clicked */ bool ARDOUR_UI::run_startup (bool should_be_new, std::string load_template) { delete _startup; _startup = new ArdourStartup (); XMLNode* audio_setup = Config->extra_xml ("AudioSetup"); if (audio_setup && _startup->engine_control()) { _startup->engine_control()->set_state (*audio_setup); } _startup->set_new_only (should_be_new); if (!load_template.empty()) { _startup->set_load_template (load_template); } _startup->present (); main().run(); _startup->hide (); switch (_startup->response()) { case RESPONSE_OK: return true; default: return false; } } int ARDOUR_UI::create_engine () { // this gets called every time by new_session() if (engine) { return 0; } loading_message (_("Starting audio engine")); try { engine = new ARDOUR::AudioEngine (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::jack_client_name, ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::jack_session_uuid); } catch (...) { return -1; } engine->Stopped.connect (forever_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::engine_stopped, this), gui_context()); engine->Running.connect (forever_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::engine_running, this), gui_context()); engine->SampleRateChanged.connect (forever_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::update_sample_rate, this, _1), gui_context()); engine->Halted.connect_same_thread (forever_connections, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::engine_halted, this, _1, false)); ARDOUR::Port::set_connecting_blocked (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::no_connect_ports); post_engine (); return 0; } void ARDOUR_UI::post_engine () { /* Things to be done once we create the AudioEngine */ ARDOUR::init_post_engine (); /* load up the UI manager */ ActionManager::init (); _tooltips.enable(); if (setup_windows ()) { throw failed_constructor (); } /* Do this after setup_windows (), as that's when the _status_bar_visibility is created */ XMLNode* n = Config->extra_xml (X_("UI")); if (n) { _status_bar_visibility.set_state (*n); } check_memory_locking(); /* this is the first point at which all the keybindings are available */ if (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::show_key_actions) { vector names; vector paths; vector tooltips; vector keys; vector bindings; ActionManager::get_all_actions (names, paths, tooltips, keys, bindings); vector::iterator n; vector::iterator k; for (n = names.begin(), k = keys.begin(); n != names.end(); ++n, ++k) { cerr << "Action: " << (*n) << " bound to " << (*k) << endl; } exit (0); } blink_timeout_tag = -1; /* this being a GUI and all, we want peakfiles */ AudioFileSource::set_build_peakfiles (true); AudioFileSource::set_build_missing_peakfiles (true); /* set default clock modes */ if (Profile->get_sae()) { primary_clock->set_mode (AudioClock::BBT); secondary_clock->set_mode (AudioClock::MinSec); } else { primary_clock->set_mode (AudioClock::Timecode); secondary_clock->set_mode (AudioClock::BBT); } /* start the time-of-day-clock */ #ifndef GTKOSX /* OS X provides a nearly-always visible wallclock, so don't be stupid */ update_wall_clock (); Glib::signal_timeout().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ARDOUR_UI::update_wall_clock), 60000); #endif update_disk_space (); update_cpu_load (); update_sample_rate (engine->frame_rate()); update_timecode_format (); Config->ParameterChanged.connect (forever_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::parameter_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); boost::function pc (boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::parameter_changed, this, _1)); Config->map_parameters (pc); /* now start and maybe save state */ if (do_engine_start () == 0) { if (_session && _session_is_new) { /* we need to retain initial visual settings for a new session */ _session->save_state (""); } } } ARDOUR_UI::~ARDOUR_UI () { delete keyboard; delete editor; delete mixer; delete add_route_dialog; } void ARDOUR_UI::pop_back_splash (Gtk::Window& win) { if (Splash::instance()) { Splash::instance()->pop_back_for (win); } } gint ARDOUR_UI::configure_timeout () { if (last_configure_time == 0) { /* no configure events yet */ return true; } /* force a gap of 0.5 seconds since the last configure event */ if (get_microseconds() - last_configure_time < 500000) { return true; } else { have_configure_timeout = false; save_ardour_state (); return false; } } gboolean ARDOUR_UI::configure_handler (GdkEventConfigure* /*conf*/) { if (have_configure_timeout) { last_configure_time = get_microseconds(); } else { Glib::signal_timeout().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ARDOUR_UI::configure_timeout), 100); have_configure_timeout = true; } return FALSE; } void ARDOUR_UI::set_transport_controllable_state (const XMLNode& node) { const XMLProperty* prop; if ((prop = node.property ("roll")) != 0) { roll_controllable->set_id (prop->value()); } if ((prop = node.property ("stop")) != 0) { stop_controllable->set_id (prop->value()); } if ((prop = node.property ("goto-start")) != 0) { goto_start_controllable->set_id (prop->value()); } if ((prop = node.property ("goto-end")) != 0) { goto_end_controllable->set_id (prop->value()); } if ((prop = node.property ("auto-loop")) != 0) { auto_loop_controllable->set_id (prop->value()); } if ((prop = node.property ("play-selection")) != 0) { play_selection_controllable->set_id (prop->value()); } if ((prop = node.property ("rec")) != 0) { rec_controllable->set_id (prop->value()); } if ((prop = node.property ("shuttle")) != 0) { shuttle_box->controllable()->set_id (prop->value()); } } XMLNode& ARDOUR_UI::get_transport_controllable_state () { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode(X_("TransportControllables")); char buf[64]; roll_controllable->id().print (buf, sizeof (buf)); node->add_property (X_("roll"), buf); stop_controllable->id().print (buf, sizeof (buf)); node->add_property (X_("stop"), buf); goto_start_controllable->id().print (buf, sizeof (buf)); node->add_property (X_("goto_start"), buf); goto_end_controllable->id().print (buf, sizeof (buf)); node->add_property (X_("goto_end"), buf); auto_loop_controllable->id().print (buf, sizeof (buf)); node->add_property (X_("auto_loop"), buf); play_selection_controllable->id().print (buf, sizeof (buf)); node->add_property (X_("play_selection"), buf); rec_controllable->id().print (buf, sizeof (buf)); node->add_property (X_("rec"), buf); shuttle_box->controllable()->id().print (buf, sizeof (buf)); node->add_property (X_("shuttle"), buf); return *node; } gint ARDOUR_UI::autosave_session () { if (g_main_depth() > 1) { /* inside a recursive main loop, give up because we may not be able to take a lock. */ return 1; } if (!Config->get_periodic_safety_backups()) { return 1; } if (_session) { _session->maybe_write_autosave(); } return 1; } void ARDOUR_UI::update_autosave () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::update_autosave) if (_session && _session->dirty()) { if (_autosave_connection.connected()) { _autosave_connection.disconnect(); } _autosave_connection = Glib::signal_timeout().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::autosave_session), Config->get_periodic_safety_backup_interval() * 1000); } else { if (_autosave_connection.connected()) { _autosave_connection.disconnect(); } } } void ARDOUR_UI::startup () { Application* app = Application::instance (); app->ShouldQuit.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::queue_finish)); app->ShouldLoad.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::idle_load)); #ifdef PHONE_HOME call_the_mothership (VERSIONSTRING); #endif app->ready (); if (get_session_parameters (true, ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::new_session, ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::load_template)) { exit (1); } use_config (); goto_editor_window (); /* Add the window proxies here; their addition may cause windows to be opened, and we want them to be opened on top of the editor window that goto_editor_window() just opened. */ add_window_proxy (location_ui); add_window_proxy (big_clock_window); for (ARDOUR::DataType::iterator i = ARDOUR::DataType::begin(); i != ARDOUR::DataType::end(); ++i) { add_window_proxy (_global_port_matrix[*i]); } /* We have to do this here since goto_editor_window() ends up calling show_all() on the * editor window, and we may want stuff to be hidden. */ _status_bar_visibility.update (); BootMessage (string_compose (_("%1 is ready for use"), PROGRAM_NAME)); } void ARDOUR_UI::no_memory_warning () { XMLNode node (X_("no-memory-warning")); Config->add_instant_xml (node); } void ARDOUR_UI::check_memory_locking () { #ifdef __APPLE__ /* OS X doesn't support mlockall(2), and so testing for memory locking capability there is pointless */ return; #else // !__APPLE__ XMLNode* memory_warning_node = Config->instant_xml (X_("no-memory-warning")); if (engine->is_realtime() && memory_warning_node == 0) { struct rlimit limits; int64_t ram; long pages, page_size; if ((page_size = sysconf (_SC_PAGESIZE)) < 0 ||(pages = sysconf (_SC_PHYS_PAGES)) < 0) { ram = 0; } else { ram = (int64_t) pages * (int64_t) page_size; } if (getrlimit (RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, &limits)) { return; } if (limits.rlim_cur != RLIM_INFINITY) { if (ram == 0 || ((double) limits.rlim_cur / ram) < 0.75) { MessageDialog msg ( string_compose ( _("WARNING: Your system has a limit for maximum amount of locked memory. " "This might cause %1 to run out of memory before your system " "runs out of memory. \n\n" "You can view the memory limit with 'ulimit -l', " "and it is normally controlled by /etc/security/limits.conf"), PROGRAM_NAME).c_str()); VBox* vbox = msg.get_vbox(); HBox hbox; CheckButton cb (_("Do not show this window again")); cb.signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::no_memory_warning)); hbox.pack_start (cb, true, false); vbox->pack_start (hbox); cb.show(); vbox->show(); hbox.show (); pop_back_splash (msg); editor->ensure_float (msg); msg.run (); } } } #endif // !__APPLE__ } void ARDOUR_UI::queue_finish () { Glib::signal_idle().connect (mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::idle_finish)); } bool ARDOUR_UI::idle_finish () { finish (); return false; /* do not call again */ } void ARDOUR_UI::finish() { if (_session) { if (_session->dirty()) { vector actions; actions.push_back (_("Don't quit")); actions.push_back (_("Just quit")); actions.push_back (_("Save and quit")); switch (ask_about_saving_session(actions)) { case -1: return; break; case 1: /* use the default name */ if (save_state_canfail ("")) { /* failed - don't quit */ MessageDialog msg (*editor, string_compose (_("\ %1 was unable to save your session.\n\n\ If you still wish to quit, please use the\n\n\ \"Just quit\" option."), PROGRAM_NAME)); pop_back_splash(msg); msg.run (); return; } break; case 0: break; } } second_connection.disconnect (); point_one_second_connection.disconnect (); point_oh_five_second_connection.disconnect (); point_zero_one_second_connection.disconnect(); } /* Save state before deleting the session, as that causes some windows to be destroyed before their visible state can be saved. */ save_ardour_state (); loading_message (string_compose (_("Please wait while %1 cleans up..."), PROGRAM_NAME)); if (_session) { // _session->set_deletion_in_progress (); _session->set_clean (); _session->remove_pending_capture_state (); delete _session; _session = 0; } ArdourDialog::close_all_dialogs (); engine->stop (true); quit (); } int ARDOUR_UI::ask_about_saving_session (const vector& actions) { ArdourDialog window (_("Unsaved Session")); Gtk::HBox dhbox; // the hbox for the image and text Gtk::Label prompt_label; Gtk::Image* dimage = manage (new Gtk::Image(Stock::DIALOG_WARNING, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_DIALOG)); string msg; assert (actions.size() >= 3); window.add_button (actions[0], RESPONSE_REJECT); window.add_button (actions[1], RESPONSE_APPLY); window.add_button (actions[2], RESPONSE_ACCEPT); window.set_default_response (RESPONSE_ACCEPT); Gtk::Button noquit_button (msg); noquit_button.set_name ("EditorGTKButton"); string prompt; if (_session->snap_name() == _session->name()) { prompt = string_compose(_("The session \"%1\"\nhas not been saved.\n\nAny changes made this time\nwill be lost unless you save it.\n\nWhat do you want to do?"), _session->snap_name()); } else { prompt = string_compose(_("The snapshot \"%1\"\nhas not been saved.\n\nAny changes made this time\nwill be lost unless you save it.\n\nWhat do you want to do?"), _session->snap_name()); } prompt_label.set_text (prompt); prompt_label.set_name (X_("PrompterLabel")); prompt_label.set_alignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); dimage->set_alignment(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_TOP); dhbox.set_homogeneous (false); dhbox.pack_start (*dimage, false, false, 5); dhbox.pack_start (prompt_label, true, false, 5); window.get_vbox()->pack_start (dhbox); window.set_name (_("Prompter")); window.set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_MOUSE); window.set_modal (true); window.set_resizable (false); dhbox.show(); prompt_label.show(); dimage->show(); window.show(); window.set_keep_above (true); window.present (); ResponseType r = (ResponseType) window.run(); window.hide (); switch (r) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: // save and get out of here return 1; case RESPONSE_APPLY: // get out of here return 0; default: break; } return -1; } gint ARDOUR_UI::every_second () { update_cpu_load (); update_buffer_load (); update_disk_space (); update_timecode_format (); return TRUE; } gint ARDOUR_UI::every_point_one_seconds () { shuttle_box->update_speed_display (); RapidScreenUpdate(); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ return TRUE; } gint ARDOUR_UI::every_point_zero_one_seconds () { // august 2007: actual update frequency: 40Hz, not 100Hz SuperRapidScreenUpdate(); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ return TRUE; } void ARDOUR_UI::update_sample_rate (framecnt_t) { char buf[64]; ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::update_sample_rate, ignored) if (!engine->connected()) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s", _("disconnected")); } else { framecnt_t rate = engine->frame_rate(); if (fmod (rate, 1000.0) != 0.0) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("JACK: %.1f kHz / %4.1f ms"), (float) rate/1000.0f, (engine->frames_per_cycle() / (float) rate) * 1000.0f); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("JACK: %" PRId64 " kHz / %4.1f ms"), rate/1000, (engine->frames_per_cycle() / (float) rate) * 1000.0f); } } sample_rate_label.set_markup (buf); } void ARDOUR_UI::update_format () { if (!_session) { format_label.set_text (""); return; } stringstream s; s << _("File:") << X_(" "); switch (_session->config.get_native_file_header_format ()) { case BWF: s << _("BWF"); break; case WAVE: s << _("WAV"); break; case WAVE64: s << _("WAV64"); break; case CAF: s << _("CAF"); break; case AIFF: s << _("AIFF"); break; case iXML: s << _("iXML"); break; case RF64: s << _("RF64"); break; } s << " "; switch (_session->config.get_native_file_data_format ()) { case FormatFloat: s << _("32-float"); break; case FormatInt24: s << _("24-int"); break; case FormatInt16: s << _("16-int"); break; } s << X_(""); format_label.set_markup (s.str ()); } void ARDOUR_UI::update_cpu_load () { char buf[64]; /* If this text is changed, the set_size_request_to_display_given_text call in ARDOUR_UI::resize_text_widgets should also be changed. */ float const c = engine->get_cpu_load (); snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("DSP: %5.1f%%"), c >= 90 ? X_("red") : X_("green"), c); cpu_load_label.set_markup (buf); } void ARDOUR_UI::update_buffer_load () { char buf[256]; uint32_t const playback = _session ? _session->playback_load () : 100; uint32_t const capture = _session ? _session->capture_load () : 100; /* If this text is changed, the set_size_request_to_display_given_text call in ARDOUR_UI::resize_text_widgets should also be changed. */ if (_session) { snprintf ( buf, sizeof (buf), _("Buffers: p:%" PRIu32 "%% " "c:%" PRIu32 "%%"), playback <= 5 ? X_("red") : X_("green"), playback, capture <= 5 ? X_("red") : X_("green"), capture ); buffer_load_label.set_markup (buf); } else { buffer_load_label.set_text (""); } } void ARDOUR_UI::count_recenabled_streams (Route& route) { Track* track = dynamic_cast(&route); if (track && track->record_enabled()) { rec_enabled_streams += track->n_inputs().n_total(); } } void ARDOUR_UI::update_disk_space() { if (_session == 0) { return; } boost::optional opt_frames = _session->available_capture_duration(); char buf[64]; framecnt_t fr = _session->frame_rate(); if (!opt_frames) { /* Available space is unknown */ snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s", _("Disk: Unknown")); } else if (opt_frames.get_value_or (0) == max_framecnt) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s", _("Disk: 24hrs+")); } else { rec_enabled_streams = 0; _session->foreach_route (this, &ARDOUR_UI::count_recenabled_streams); framecnt_t frames = opt_frames.get_value_or (0); if (rec_enabled_streams) { frames /= rec_enabled_streams; } int hrs; int mins; int secs; hrs = frames / (fr * 3600); if (hrs > 24) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s", _("Disk: >24 hrs")); } else { frames -= hrs * fr * 3600; mins = frames / (fr * 60); frames -= mins * fr * 60; secs = frames / fr; bool const low = (hrs == 0 && mins <= 30); snprintf ( buf, sizeof(buf), _("Disk: %02dh:%02dm:%02ds"), low ? X_("red") : X_("green"), hrs, mins, secs ); } } disk_space_label.set_markup (buf); } void ARDOUR_UI::update_timecode_format () { char buf[64]; if (_session) { bool matching; TimecodeSlave* tcslave; if ((tcslave = dynamic_cast(_session->slave())) != 0) { matching = (tcslave->apparent_timecode_format() == _session->config.get_timecode_format()); } else { matching = true; } snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), S_("Timecode|TC: %sfps"), matching ? X_("red") : X_("green"), Timecode::timecode_format_name (_session->config.get_timecode_format()).c_str()); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "TC: n/a"); } timecode_format_label.set_markup (buf); } gint ARDOUR_UI::update_wall_clock () { time_t now; struct tm *tm_now; char buf[16]; time (&now); tm_now = localtime (&now); sprintf (buf, "%02d:%02d", tm_now->tm_hour, tm_now->tm_min); wall_clock_label.set_text (buf); return TRUE; } void ARDOUR_UI::redisplay_recent_sessions () { std::vector session_directories; RecentSessionsSorter cmp; recent_session_display.set_model (Glib::RefPtr(0)); recent_session_model->clear (); ARDOUR::RecentSessions rs; ARDOUR::read_recent_sessions (rs); if (rs.empty()) { recent_session_display.set_model (recent_session_model); return; } // sort them alphabetically sort (rs.begin(), rs.end(), cmp); for (ARDOUR::RecentSessions::iterator i = rs.begin(); i != rs.end(); ++i) { session_directories.push_back ((*i).second); } for (vector::const_iterator i = session_directories.begin(); i != session_directories.end(); ++i) { std::vector state_file_paths; // now get available states for this session get_state_files_in_directory (*i, state_file_paths); vector* states; vector item; string fullpath = *i; /* remove any trailing / */ if (fullpath[fullpath.length() - 1] == '/') { fullpath = fullpath.substr (0, fullpath.length() - 1); } /* check whether session still exists */ if (!Glib::file_test(fullpath.c_str(), Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { /* session doesn't exist */ continue; } /* now get available states for this session */ if ((states = Session::possible_states (fullpath)) == 0) { /* no state file? */ continue; } std::vector state_file_names(get_file_names_no_extension (state_file_paths)); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(recent_session_model->append()); row[recent_session_columns.visible_name] = Glib::path_get_basename (fullpath); row[recent_session_columns.fullpath] = fullpath; if (state_file_names.size() > 1) { // add the children for (std::vector::iterator i2 = state_file_names.begin(); i2 != state_file_names.end(); ++i2) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row child_row = *(recent_session_model->append (row.children())); child_row[recent_session_columns.visible_name] = *i2; child_row[recent_session_columns.fullpath] = fullpath; } } } recent_session_display.set_tooltip_column(1); // recent_session_columns.fullpath recent_session_display.set_model (recent_session_model); } void ARDOUR_UI::build_session_selector () { session_selector_window = new ArdourDialog (_("Recent Sessions")); Gtk::ScrolledWindow *scroller = manage (new Gtk::ScrolledWindow); session_selector_window->add_button (Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL); session_selector_window->add_button (Stock::OPEN, RESPONSE_ACCEPT); session_selector_window->set_default_response (RESPONSE_ACCEPT); recent_session_model = TreeStore::create (recent_session_columns); recent_session_display.set_model (recent_session_model); recent_session_display.append_column (_("Recent Sessions"), recent_session_columns.visible_name); recent_session_display.set_headers_visible (false); recent_session_display.get_selection()->set_mode (SELECTION_BROWSE); recent_session_display.signal_row_activated().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::recent_session_row_activated)); scroller->add (recent_session_display); scroller->set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); session_selector_window->set_name ("SessionSelectorWindow"); session_selector_window->set_size_request (200, 400); session_selector_window->get_vbox()->pack_start (*scroller); recent_session_display.show(); scroller->show(); } void ARDOUR_UI::recent_session_row_activated (const TreePath& /*path*/, TreeViewColumn* /*col*/) { session_selector_window->response (RESPONSE_ACCEPT); } void ARDOUR_UI::open_recent_session () { bool can_return = (_session != 0); if (session_selector_window == 0) { build_session_selector (); } redisplay_recent_sessions (); while (true) { session_selector_window->set_position (WIN_POS_MOUSE); ResponseType r = (ResponseType) session_selector_window->run (); switch (r) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: break; default: if (can_return) { session_selector_window->hide(); return; } else { exit (1); } } if (recent_session_display.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() == 0) { continue; } session_selector_window->hide(); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator i = recent_session_display.get_selection()->get_selected(); if (i == recent_session_model->children().end()) { return; } std::string path = (*i)[recent_session_columns.fullpath]; std::string state = (*i)[recent_session_columns.visible_name]; _session_is_new = false; if (load_session (path, state) == 0) { break; } can_return = false; } } bool ARDOUR_UI::check_audioengine () { if (engine) { if (!engine->connected()) { MessageDialog msg (string_compose ( _("%1 is not connected to JACK\n" "You cannot open or close sessions in this condition"), PROGRAM_NAME)); pop_back_splash (msg); msg.run (); return false; } return true; } else { return false; } } void ARDOUR_UI::open_session () { if (!check_audioengine()) { return; } /* popup selector window */ if (open_session_selector == 0) { /* ardour sessions are folders */ open_session_selector = new Gtk::FileChooserDialog (_("Open Session"), FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN); open_session_selector->add_button (Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); open_session_selector->add_button (Gtk::Stock::OPEN, Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); open_session_selector->set_default_response(Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); if (_session) { string session_parent_dir = Glib::path_get_dirname(_session->path()); string::size_type last_dir_sep = session_parent_dir.rfind(G_DIR_SEPARATOR); session_parent_dir = session_parent_dir.substr(0, last_dir_sep); open_session_selector->set_current_folder(session_parent_dir); } else { open_session_selector->set_current_folder(Config->get_default_session_parent_dir()); } open_session_selector->add_shortcut_folder (Config->get_default_session_parent_dir()); FileFilter session_filter; session_filter.add_pattern ("*.ardour"); session_filter.set_name (string_compose (_("%1 sessions"), PROGRAM_NAME)); open_session_selector->add_filter (session_filter); open_session_selector->set_filter (session_filter); } int response = open_session_selector->run(); open_session_selector->hide (); switch (response) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: break; default: open_session_selector->hide(); return; } open_session_selector->hide(); string session_path = open_session_selector->get_filename(); string path, name; bool isnew; if (session_path.length() > 0) { if (ARDOUR::find_session (session_path, path, name, isnew) == 0) { _session_is_new = isnew; load_session (path, name); } } } void ARDOUR_UI::session_add_mixed_track (const ChanCount& input, const ChanCount& output, RouteGroup* route_group, uint32_t how_many, const string& name_template, PluginInfoPtr instrument) { list > tracks; if (_session == 0) { warning << _("You cannot add a track without a session already loaded.") << endmsg; return; } try { tracks = _session->new_midi_track (input, output, instrument, ARDOUR::Normal, route_group, how_many, name_template); if (tracks.size() != how_many) { if (how_many == 1) { error << _("could not create a new mixed track") << endmsg; } else { error << string_compose (_("could not create %1 new mixed tracks"), how_many) << endmsg; } } } catch (...) { MessageDialog msg (*editor, string_compose (_("There are insufficient JACK ports available\n\ to create a new track or bus.\n\ You should save %1, exit and\n\ restart JACK with more ports."), PROGRAM_NAME)); msg.run (); } } void ARDOUR_UI::session_add_midi_route (bool disk, RouteGroup* route_group, uint32_t how_many, const string& name_template, PluginInfoPtr instrument) { ChanCount one_midi_channel; one_midi_channel.set (DataType::MIDI, 1); if (disk) { session_add_mixed_track (one_midi_channel, one_midi_channel, route_group, how_many, name_template, instrument); } } void ARDOUR_UI::session_add_audio_route ( bool track, int32_t input_channels, int32_t output_channels, ARDOUR::TrackMode mode, RouteGroup* route_group, uint32_t how_many, string const & name_template ) { list > tracks; RouteList routes; if (_session == 0) { warning << _("You cannot add a track or bus without a session already loaded.") << endmsg; return; } try { if (track) { tracks = _session->new_audio_track (input_channels, output_channels, mode, route_group, how_many, name_template); if (tracks.size() != how_many) { if (how_many == 1) { error << _("could not create a new audio track") << endmsg; } else { error << string_compose (_("could only create %1 of %2 new audio %3"), tracks.size(), how_many, (track ? _("tracks") : _("busses"))) << endmsg; } } } else { routes = _session->new_audio_route (input_channels, output_channels, route_group, how_many, name_template); if (routes.size() != how_many) { if (how_many == 1) { error << _("could not create a new audio bus") << endmsg; } else { error << string_compose (_("could not create %1 new audio busses"), how_many) << endmsg; } } } } catch (...) { MessageDialog msg (*editor, string_compose (_("There are insufficient JACK ports available\n\ to create a new track or bus.\n\ You should save %1, exit and\n\ restart JACK with more ports."), PROGRAM_NAME)); pop_back_splash (msg); msg.run (); } } void ARDOUR_UI::transport_goto_start () { if (_session) { _session->goto_start(); /* force displayed area in editor to start no matter what "follow playhead" setting is. */ if (editor) { editor->center_screen (_session->current_start_frame ()); } } } void ARDOUR_UI::transport_goto_zero () { if (_session) { _session->request_locate (0); /* force displayed area in editor to start no matter what "follow playhead" setting is. */ if (editor) { editor->reset_x_origin (0); } } } void ARDOUR_UI::transport_goto_wallclock () { if (_session && editor) { time_t now; struct tm tmnow; framepos_t frames; time (&now); localtime_r (&now, &tmnow); frames = tmnow.tm_hour * (60 * 60 * _session->frame_rate()); frames += tmnow.tm_min * (60 * _session->frame_rate()); frames += tmnow.tm_sec * _session->frame_rate(); _session->request_locate (frames, _session->transport_rolling ()); /* force displayed area in editor to start no matter what "follow playhead" setting is. */ if (editor) { editor->center_screen (frames); } } } void ARDOUR_UI::transport_goto_end () { if (_session) { framepos_t const frame = _session->current_end_frame(); _session->request_locate (frame); /* force displayed area in editor to start no matter what "follow playhead" setting is. */ if (editor) { editor->center_screen (frame); } } } void ARDOUR_UI::transport_stop () { if (!_session) { return; } if (_session->is_auditioning()) { _session->cancel_audition (); return; } _session->request_stop (false, true); } void ARDOUR_UI::transport_record (bool roll) { if (_session) { switch (_session->record_status()) { case Session::Disabled: if (_session->ntracks() == 0) { MessageDialog msg (*editor, _("Please create one or more tracks before trying to record.\nYou can do this with the \"Add Track or Bus\" option in the Session menu.")); msg.run (); return; } _session->maybe_enable_record (); if (roll) { transport_roll (); } break; case Session::Recording: if (roll) { _session->request_stop(); } else { _session->disable_record (false, true); } break; case Session::Enabled: _session->disable_record (false, true); } } } void ARDOUR_UI::transport_roll () { if (!_session) { return; } if (_session->is_auditioning()) { return; } #if 0 if (_session->config.get_external_sync()) { switch (Config->get_sync_source()) { case JACK: break; default: /* transport controlled by the master */ return; } } #endif bool rolling = _session->transport_rolling(); if (_session->get_play_loop()) { /* XXX it is not possible to just leave seamless loop and keep playing at present (nov 4th 2009) */ if (!Config->get_seamless_loop()) { _session->request_play_loop (false, true); } } else if (_session->get_play_range () && !Config->get_always_play_range()) { /* stop playing a range if we currently are */ _session->request_play_range (0, true); } if (Config->get_always_play_range()) { _session->request_play_range (&editor->get_selection().time, true); } if (!rolling) { _session->request_transport_speed (1.0f); } } void ARDOUR_UI::toggle_roll (bool with_abort, bool roll_out_of_bounded_mode) { if (!_session) { return; } if (_session->is_auditioning()) { _session->cancel_audition (); return; } if (_session->config.get_external_sync()) { switch (Config->get_sync_source()) { case JACK: break; default: /* transport controlled by the master */ return; } } bool rolling = _session->transport_rolling(); bool affect_transport = true; if (rolling && roll_out_of_bounded_mode) { /* drop out of loop/range playback but leave transport rolling */ if (_session->get_play_loop()) { if (Config->get_seamless_loop()) { /* the disk buffers contain copies of the loop - we can't just keep playing, so stop the transport. the user can restart as they wish. */ affect_transport = true; } else { /* disk buffers are normal, so we can keep playing */ affect_transport = false; } _session->request_play_loop (false, true); } else if (_session->get_play_range ()) { affect_transport = false; _session->request_play_range (0, true); } } if (affect_transport) { if (rolling) { _session->request_stop (with_abort, true); } else { if (Config->get_always_play_range ()) { _session->request_play_range (&editor->get_selection().time, true); } _session->request_transport_speed (1.0f); } } } void ARDOUR_UI::toggle_session_auto_loop () { Location * looploc = _session->locations()->auto_loop_location(); if (!_session || !looploc) { return; } if (_session->get_play_loop()) { if (_session->transport_rolling()) { _session->request_locate (looploc->start(), true); _session->request_play_loop (false); } else { _session->request_play_loop (false); } } else { _session->request_play_loop (true); } //show the loop markers looploc->set_hidden (false, this); } void ARDOUR_UI::transport_play_selection () { if (!_session) { return; } editor->play_selection (); } void ARDOUR_UI::transport_rewind (int option) { float current_transport_speed; if (_session) { current_transport_speed = _session->transport_speed(); if (current_transport_speed >= 0.0f) { switch (option) { case 0: _session->request_transport_speed (-1.0f); break; case 1: _session->request_transport_speed (-4.0f); break; case -1: _session->request_transport_speed (-0.5f); break; } } else { /* speed up */ _session->request_transport_speed (current_transport_speed * 1.5f); } } } void ARDOUR_UI::transport_forward (int option) { if (!_session) { return; } float current_transport_speed = _session->transport_speed(); if (current_transport_speed <= 0.0f) { switch (option) { case 0: _session->request_transport_speed (1.0f); break; case 1: _session->request_transport_speed (4.0f); break; case -1: _session->request_transport_speed (0.5f); break; } } else { /* speed up */ _session->request_transport_speed (current_transport_speed * 1.5f); } } void ARDOUR_UI::toggle_record_enable (uint32_t rid) { if (!_session) { return; } boost::shared_ptr r; if ((r = _session->route_by_remote_id (rid)) != 0) { Track* t; if ((t = dynamic_cast(r.get())) != 0) { t->set_record_enabled (!t->record_enabled(), this); } } } void ARDOUR_UI::map_transport_state () { if (!_session) { auto_loop_button.unset_active_state (); play_selection_button.unset_active_state (); roll_button.unset_active_state (); stop_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive); return; } shuttle_box->map_transport_state (); float sp = _session->transport_speed(); if (sp != 0.0f) { /* we're rolling */ if (_session->get_play_range()) { play_selection_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive); roll_button.unset_active_state (); auto_loop_button.unset_active_state (); } else if (_session->get_play_loop ()) { auto_loop_button.set_active (true); play_selection_button.set_active (false); roll_button.set_active (false); } else { roll_button.set_active (true); play_selection_button.set_active (false); auto_loop_button.set_active (false); } if (Config->get_always_play_range()) { /* light up both roll and play-selection if they are joined */ roll_button.set_active (true); play_selection_button.set_active (true); } stop_button.set_active (false); } else { stop_button.set_active (true); roll_button.set_active (false); play_selection_button.set_active (false); auto_loop_button.set_active (false); update_disk_space (); } } void ARDOUR_UI::engine_stopped () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::engine_stopped) ActionManager::set_sensitive (ActionManager::jack_sensitive_actions, false); ActionManager::set_sensitive (ActionManager::jack_opposite_sensitive_actions, true); } void ARDOUR_UI::engine_running () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::engine_running) ActionManager::set_sensitive (ActionManager::jack_sensitive_actions, true); ActionManager::set_sensitive (ActionManager::jack_opposite_sensitive_actions, false); Glib::RefPtr action; const char* action_name = 0; switch (engine->frames_per_cycle()) { case 32: action_name = X_("JACKLatency32"); break; case 64: action_name = X_("JACKLatency64"); break; case 128: action_name = X_("JACKLatency128"); break; case 512: action_name = X_("JACKLatency512"); break; case 1024: action_name = X_("JACKLatency1024"); break; case 2048: action_name = X_("JACKLatency2048"); break; case 4096: action_name = X_("JACKLatency4096"); break; case 8192: action_name = X_("JACKLatency8192"); break; default: /* XXX can we do anything useful ? */ break; } if (action_name) { action = ActionManager::get_action (X_("JACK"), action_name); if (action) { Glib::RefPtr ract = Glib::RefPtr::cast_dynamic (action); ract->set_active (); } } } void ARDOUR_UI::engine_halted (const char* reason, bool free_reason) { if (!Gtkmm2ext::UI::instance()->caller_is_ui_thread()) { /* we can't rely on the original string continuing to exist when we are called again in the GUI thread, so make a copy and note that we need to free it later. */ char *copy = strdup (reason); Gtkmm2ext::UI::instance()->call_slot (invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&ARDOUR_UI::engine_halted, this, copy, true)); return; } ActionManager::set_sensitive (ActionManager::jack_sensitive_actions, false); ActionManager::set_sensitive (ActionManager::jack_opposite_sensitive_actions, true); update_sample_rate (0); string msgstr; /* if the reason is a non-empty string, it means that the backend was shutdown rather than just Ardour. */ if (strlen (reason)) { msgstr = string_compose (_("The audio backend (JACK) was shutdown because:\n\n%1"), reason); } else { msgstr = string_compose (_("\ JACK has either been shutdown or it\n\ disconnected %1 because %1\n\ was not fast enough. Try to restart\n\ JACK, reconnect and save the session."), PROGRAM_NAME); } MessageDialog msg (*editor, msgstr); pop_back_splash (msg); msg.run (); if (free_reason) { free (const_cast (reason)); } } int32_t ARDOUR_UI::do_engine_start () { try { engine->start(); } catch (...) { engine->stop (); error << _("Unable to start the session running") << endmsg; unload_session (); return -2; } return 0; } void ARDOUR_UI::update_clocks () { if (!editor || !editor->dragging_playhead()) { Clock (_session->audible_frame(), false, editor->get_preferred_edit_position()); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ } } void ARDOUR_UI::start_clocking () { clock_signal_connection = RapidScreenUpdate.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ARDOUR_UI::update_clocks)); } void ARDOUR_UI::stop_clocking () { clock_signal_connection.disconnect (); } gint ARDOUR_UI::_blink (void *arg) { ((ARDOUR_UI *) arg)->blink (); return TRUE; } void ARDOUR_UI::blink () { Blink (blink_on = !blink_on); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ } void ARDOUR_UI::start_blinking () { /* Start the blink signal. Everybody with a blinking widget uses Blink to drive the widget's state. */ if (blink_timeout_tag < 0) { blink_on = false; blink_timeout_tag = g_timeout_add (240, _blink, this); } } void ARDOUR_UI::stop_blinking () { if (blink_timeout_tag >= 0) { g_source_remove (blink_timeout_tag); blink_timeout_tag = -1; } } /** Ask the user for the name of a new snapshot and then take it. */ void ARDOUR_UI::snapshot_session (bool switch_to_it) { ArdourPrompter prompter (true); string snapname; prompter.set_name ("Prompter"); prompter.add_button (Gtk::Stock::SAVE, Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); prompter.set_title (_("Take Snapshot")); prompter.set_prompt (_("Name of new snapshot")); if (!switch_to_it) { char timebuf[128]; time_t n; struct tm local_time; time (&n); localtime_r (&n, &local_time); strftime (timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%FT%H.%M.%S", &local_time); prompter.set_initial_text (timebuf); } again: switch (prompter.run()) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: { prompter.get_result (snapname); bool do_save = (snapname.length() != 0); if (do_save) { char illegal = Session::session_name_is_legal(snapname); if (illegal) { MessageDialog msg (string_compose (_("To ensure compatibility with various systems\n" "snapshot names may not contain a '%1' character"), illegal)); msg.run (); goto again; } } vector p; get_state_files_in_directory (_session->session_directory().root_path(), p); vector n = get_file_names_no_extension (p); if (find (n.begin(), n.end(), snapname) != n.end()) { ArdourDialog confirm (_("Confirm Snapshot Overwrite"), true); Label m (_("A snapshot already exists with that name. Do you want to overwrite it?")); confirm.get_vbox()->pack_start (m, true, true); confirm.add_button (Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); confirm.add_button (_("Overwrite"), Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); confirm.show_all (); switch (confirm.run()) { case RESPONSE_CANCEL: do_save = false; } } if (do_save) { save_state (snapname, switch_to_it); } break; } default: break; } } /** Ask the user for a new session name and then rename the session to it. */ void ARDOUR_UI::rename_session () { if (!_session) { return; } ArdourPrompter prompter (true); string name; prompter.set_name ("Prompter"); prompter.add_button (Gtk::Stock::SAVE, Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); prompter.set_title (_("Rename Session")); prompter.set_prompt (_("New session name")); again: switch (prompter.run()) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: { prompter.get_result (name); bool do_rename = (name.length() != 0); if (do_rename) { char illegal = Session::session_name_is_legal (name); if (illegal) { MessageDialog msg (string_compose (_("To ensure compatibility with various systems\n" "session names may not contain a '%1' character"), illegal)); msg.run (); goto again; } switch (_session->rename (name)) { case -1: { MessageDialog msg (_("That name is already in use by another directory/folder. Please try again.")); msg.set_position (WIN_POS_MOUSE); msg.run (); goto again; break; } case 0: break; default: { MessageDialog msg (_("Renaming this session failed.\nThings could be seriously messed up at this point")); msg.set_position (WIN_POS_MOUSE); msg.run (); break; } } } break; } default: break; } } void ARDOUR_UI::save_state (const string & name, bool switch_to_it) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("UI")); for (list::iterator i = _window_proxies.begin(); i != _window_proxies.end(); ++i) { if (!(*i)->rc_configured()) { node->add_child_nocopy (*((*i)->get_state ())); } } node->add_child_nocopy (gui_object_state->get_state()); _session->add_extra_xml (*node); save_state_canfail (name, switch_to_it); } int ARDOUR_UI::save_state_canfail (string name, bool switch_to_it) { if (_session) { int ret; if (name.length() == 0) { name = _session->snap_name(); } if ((ret = _session->save_state (name, false, switch_to_it)) != 0) { return ret; } } save_ardour_state (); /* XXX cannot fail? yeah, right ... */ return 0; } void ARDOUR_UI::primary_clock_value_changed () { if (_session) { _session->request_locate (primary_clock->current_time ()); } } void ARDOUR_UI::big_clock_value_changed () { if (_session) { _session->request_locate (big_clock->current_time ()); } } void ARDOUR_UI::secondary_clock_value_changed () { if (_session) { _session->request_locate (secondary_clock->current_time ()); } } void ARDOUR_UI::transport_rec_enable_blink (bool onoff) { if (_session == 0) { return; } if (_session->step_editing()) { return; } Session::RecordState const r = _session->record_status (); bool const h = _session->have_rec_enabled_track (); if (r == Session::Enabled || (r == Session::Recording && !h)) { if (onoff) { rec_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive); } else { rec_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ImplicitActive); } } else if (r == Session::Recording && h) { rec_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive); } else { rec_button.unset_active_state (); } } void ARDOUR_UI::save_template () { ArdourPrompter prompter (true); string name; if (!check_audioengine()) { return; } prompter.set_name (X_("Prompter")); prompter.set_title (_("Save Template")); prompter.set_prompt (_("Name for template:")); prompter.set_initial_text(_session->name() + _("-template")); prompter.add_button (Gtk::Stock::SAVE, Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); switch (prompter.run()) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: prompter.get_result (name); if (name.length()) { _session->save_template (name); } break; default: break; } } void ARDOUR_UI::edit_metadata () { SessionMetadataEditor dialog; dialog.set_session (_session); editor->ensure_float (dialog); dialog.run (); } void ARDOUR_UI::import_metadata () { SessionMetadataImporter dialog; dialog.set_session (_session); editor->ensure_float (dialog); dialog.run (); } bool ARDOUR_UI::ask_about_loading_existing_session (const std::string& session_path) { std::string str = string_compose (_("This session\n%1\nalready exists. Do you want to open it?"), session_path); MessageDialog msg (str, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING, Gtk::BUTTONS_YES_NO, true); msg.set_name (X_("OpenExistingDialog")); msg.set_title (_("Open Existing Session")); msg.set_wmclass (X_("existing_session"), PROGRAM_NAME); msg.set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_MOUSE); pop_back_splash (msg); switch (msg.run()) { case RESPONSE_YES: return true; break; } return false; } int ARDOUR_UI::build_session_from_nsd (const std::string& session_path, const std::string& session_name) { BusProfile bus_profile; if (Profile->get_sae()) { bus_profile.master_out_channels = 2; bus_profile.input_ac = AutoConnectPhysical; bus_profile.output_ac = AutoConnectMaster; bus_profile.requested_physical_in = 0; // use all available bus_profile.requested_physical_out = 0; // use all available } else { /* get settings from advanced section of NSD */ if (_startup->create_master_bus()) { bus_profile.master_out_channels = (uint32_t) _startup->master_channel_count(); } else { bus_profile.master_out_channels = 0; } if (_startup->connect_inputs()) { bus_profile.input_ac = AutoConnectPhysical; } else { bus_profile.input_ac = AutoConnectOption (0); } bus_profile.output_ac = AutoConnectOption (0); if (_startup->connect_outputs ()) { if (_startup->connect_outs_to_master()) { bus_profile.output_ac = AutoConnectMaster; } else if (_startup->connect_outs_to_physical()) { bus_profile.output_ac = AutoConnectPhysical; } } bus_profile.requested_physical_in = (uint32_t) _startup->input_limit_count(); bus_profile.requested_physical_out = (uint32_t) _startup->output_limit_count(); } if (build_session (session_path, session_name, bus_profile)) { return -1; } return 0; } void ARDOUR_UI::idle_load (const std::string& path) { if (_session) { if (Glib::file_test (path, Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { /* /path/to/foo => /path/to/foo, foo */ load_session (path, basename_nosuffix (path)); } else { /* /path/to/foo/foo.ardour => /path/to/foo, foo */ load_session (Glib::path_get_dirname (path), basename_nosuffix (path)); } } else { ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name = path; } } /** @param quit_on_cancel true if exit() should be called if the user clicks `cancel' in the new session dialog */ int ARDOUR_UI::get_session_parameters (bool quit_on_cancel, bool should_be_new, string load_template) { string session_name; string session_path; string template_name; int ret = -1; bool likely_new = false; if (!load_template.empty()) { should_be_new = true; template_name = load_template; } while (ret != 0) { if (!should_be_new && !ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name.empty()) { /* if they named a specific statefile, use it, otherwise they are just giving a session folder, and we want to use it as is to find the session. */ string::size_type suffix = ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name.find (statefile_suffix); if (suffix != string::npos) { session_path = Glib::path_get_dirname (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name); session_name = ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name.substr (0, suffix); session_name = Glib::path_get_basename (session_name); } else { session_path = ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name; session_name = Glib::path_get_basename (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name); } } else { bool const apply = run_startup (should_be_new, load_template); if (!apply) { if (quit_on_cancel) { exit (1); } else { return ret; } } /* if we run the startup dialog again, offer more than just "new session" */ should_be_new = false; session_name = _startup->session_name (likely_new); string::size_type suffix = session_name.find (statefile_suffix); if (suffix != string::npos) { session_name = session_name.substr (0, suffix); } /* this shouldn't happen, but we catch it just in case it does */ if (session_name.empty()) { continue; } if (_startup->use_session_template()) { template_name = _startup->session_template_name(); _session_is_new = true; } if (session_name[0] == G_DIR_SEPARATOR || (session_name.length() > 2 && session_name[0] == '.' && session_name[1] == G_DIR_SEPARATOR) || (session_name.length() > 3 && session_name[0] == '.' && session_name[1] == '.' && session_name[2] == G_DIR_SEPARATOR)) { /* absolute path or cwd-relative path specified for session name: infer session folder from what was given. */ session_path = Glib::path_get_dirname (session_name); session_name = Glib::path_get_basename (session_name); } else { session_path = _startup->session_folder(); char illegal = Session::session_name_is_legal (session_name); if (illegal) { MessageDialog msg (*_startup, string_compose (_("To ensure compatibility with various systems\n" "session names may not contain a '%1' character"), illegal)); msg.run (); ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name = ""; // cancel that continue; } } } if (create_engine ()) { break; } if (Glib::file_test (session_path, Glib::FileTest (G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS | G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))) { if (likely_new) { std::string existing = Glib::build_filename (session_path, session_name); if (!ask_about_loading_existing_session (existing)) { ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name = ""; // cancel that continue; } } _session_is_new = false; } else { if (!likely_new) { if (_startup) { pop_back_splash (*_startup); } else { hide_splash (); } MessageDialog msg (string_compose (_("There is no existing session at \"%1\""), session_path)); msg.run (); ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name = ""; // cancel that continue; } char illegal = Session::session_name_is_legal(session_name); if (illegal) { pop_back_splash (*_startup); MessageDialog msg (*_startup, string_compose(_("To ensure compatibility with various systems\n" "session names may not contain a '%1' character"), illegal)); msg.run (); ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name = ""; // cancel that continue; } _session_is_new = true; } if (likely_new && template_name.empty()) { ret = build_session_from_nsd (session_path, session_name); } else { ret = load_session (session_path, session_name, template_name); if (ret == -2) { /* not connected to the AudioEngine, so quit to avoid an infinite loop */ exit (1); } if (!ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::immediate_save.empty()) { _session->save_state (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::immediate_save, false); exit (1); } } } return ret; } void ARDOUR_UI::close_session() { if (!check_audioengine()) { return; } if (unload_session (true)) { return; } ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::session_name = ""; if (get_session_parameters (true, false)) { exit (1); } goto_editor_window (); } /** @param snap_name Snapshot name (without .ardour suffix). * @return -2 if the load failed because we are not connected to the AudioEngine. */ int ARDOUR_UI::load_session (const std::string& path, const std::string& snap_name, std::string mix_template) { Session *new_session; int unload_status; int retval = -1; session_loaded = false; if (!check_audioengine()) { return -2; } unload_status = unload_session (); if (unload_status < 0) { goto out; } else if (unload_status > 0) { retval = 0; goto out; } loading_message (string_compose (_("Please wait while %1 loads your session"), PROGRAM_NAME)); try { new_session = new Session (*engine, path, snap_name, 0, mix_template); } /* this one is special */ catch (AudioEngine::PortRegistrationFailure& err) { MessageDialog msg (err.what(), true, Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO, Gtk::BUTTONS_CLOSE); msg.set_title (_("Port Registration Error")); msg.set_secondary_text (_("Click the Close button to try again.")); msg.set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_CENTER); pop_back_splash (msg); msg.present (); int response = msg.run (); msg.hide (); switch (response) { case RESPONSE_CANCEL: exit (1); default: break; } goto out; } catch (...) { MessageDialog msg (string_compose( _("Session \"%1 (snapshot %2)\" did not load successfully"), path, snap_name), true, Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO, BUTTONS_OK); msg.set_title (_("Loading Error")); msg.set_secondary_text (_("Click the Refresh button to try again.")); msg.add_button (Stock::REFRESH, 1); msg.set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_CENTER); pop_back_splash (msg); msg.present (); int response = msg.run (); switch (response) { case 1: break; default: exit (1); } msg.hide (); goto out; } { list const u = new_session->unknown_processors (); if (!u.empty()) { MissingPluginDialog d (_session, u); d.run (); } } /* Now the session been created, add the transport controls */ new_session->add_controllable(roll_controllable); new_session->add_controllable(stop_controllable); new_session->add_controllable(goto_start_controllable); new_session->add_controllable(goto_end_controllable); new_session->add_controllable(auto_loop_controllable); new_session->add_controllable(play_selection_controllable); new_session->add_controllable(rec_controllable); set_session (new_session); session_loaded = true; goto_editor_window (); if (_session) { _session->set_clean (); } flush_pending (); retval = 0; out: return retval; } int ARDOUR_UI::build_session (const std::string& path, const std::string& snap_name, BusProfile& bus_profile) { Session *new_session; int x; if (!check_audioengine()) { return -1; } session_loaded = false; x = unload_session (); if (x < 0) { return -1; } else if (x > 0) { return 0; } _session_is_new = true; try { new_session = new Session (*engine, path, snap_name, &bus_profile); } catch (...) { MessageDialog msg (string_compose(_("Could not create session in \"%1\""), path)); pop_back_splash (msg); msg.run (); return -1; } /* Give the new session the default GUI state, if such things exist */ XMLNode* n; n = Config->instant_xml (X_("Editor")); if (n) { new_session->add_instant_xml (*n, false); } n = Config->instant_xml (X_("Mixer")); if (n) { new_session->add_instant_xml (*n, false); } /* Put the playhead at 0 and scroll fully left */ n = new_session->instant_xml (X_("Editor")); if (n) { n->add_property (X_("playhead"), X_("0")); n->add_property (X_("left-frame"), X_("0")); } set_session (new_session); session_loaded = true; new_session->save_state(new_session->name()); return 0; } void ARDOUR_UI::launch_chat () { #ifdef __APPLE__ open_uri("http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ardour-osx"); #else open_uri("http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ardour"); #endif } void ARDOUR_UI::show_about () { if (about == 0) { about = new About; about->signal_response().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::about_signal_response)); } about->set_transient_for(*editor); about->show_all (); } void ARDOUR_UI::launch_manual () { PBD::open_uri("http://ardour.org/flossmanual"); } void ARDOUR_UI::launch_reference () { PBD::open_uri ("http://ardour.org/refmanual"); } void ARDOUR_UI::hide_about () { if (about) { about->get_window()->set_cursor (); about->hide (); } } void ARDOUR_UI::about_signal_response (int /*response*/) { hide_about(); } void ARDOUR_UI::loading_message (const std::string& msg) { if (ARDOUR_COMMAND_LINE::no_splash) { return; } if (!splash) { show_splash (); } splash->message (msg); } void ARDOUR_UI::show_splash () { if (splash == 0) { try { splash = new Splash; } catch (...) { return; } } splash->display (); } void ARDOUR_UI::hide_splash () { delete splash; splash = 0; } void ARDOUR_UI::display_cleanup_results (ARDOUR::CleanupReport& rep, const gchar* list_title, const string& plural_msg, const string& singular_msg) { size_t removed; removed = rep.paths.size(); if (removed == 0) { MessageDialog msgd (*editor, _("No files were ready for clean-up"), true, Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK); msgd.set_title (_("Clean-up")); msgd.set_secondary_text (_("If this seems suprising, \n\ check for any existing snapshots.\n\ These may still include regions that\n\ require some unused files to continue to exist.")); msgd.run (); return; } ArdourDialog results (_("Clean-up"), true, false); struct CleanupResultsModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord { CleanupResultsModelColumns() { add (visible_name); add (fullpath); } Gtk::TreeModelColumn visible_name; Gtk::TreeModelColumn fullpath; }; CleanupResultsModelColumns results_columns; Glib::RefPtr results_model; Gtk::TreeView results_display; results_model = ListStore::create (results_columns); results_display.set_model (results_model); results_display.append_column (list_title, results_columns.visible_name); results_display.set_name ("CleanupResultsList"); results_display.set_headers_visible (true); results_display.set_headers_clickable (false); results_display.set_reorderable (false); Gtk::ScrolledWindow list_scroller; Gtk::Label txt; Gtk::VBox dvbox; Gtk::HBox dhbox; // the hbox for the image and text Gtk::HBox ddhbox; // the hbox we eventually pack into the dialog's vbox Gtk::Image* dimage = manage (new Gtk::Image(Stock::DIALOG_INFO, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_DIALOG)); dimage->set_alignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); const string dead_directory = _session->session_directory().dead_path(); /* subst: %1 - number of files removed %2 - location of "dead" %3 - size of files affected %4 - prefix for "bytes" to produce sensible results (e.g. mega, kilo, giga) */ const char* bprefix; double space_adjusted = 0; if (rep.space < 1000) { bprefix = X_(""); space_adjusted = rep.space; } else if (rep.space < 1000000) { bprefix = X_("kilo"); space_adjusted = truncf((float)rep.space / 1000.0); } else if (rep.space < 1000000 * 1000) { bprefix = X_("mega"); space_adjusted = truncf((float)rep.space / (1000.0 * 1000.0)); } else { bprefix = X_("giga"); space_adjusted = truncf((float)rep.space / (1000.0 * 1000 * 1000.0)); } if (removed > 1) { txt.set_text (string_compose (plural_msg, removed, dead_directory, space_adjusted, bprefix, PROGRAM_NAME)); } else { txt.set_text (string_compose (singular_msg, removed, dead_directory, space_adjusted, bprefix, PROGRAM_NAME)); } dhbox.pack_start (*dimage, true, false, 5); dhbox.pack_start (txt, true, false, 5); for (vector::iterator i = rep.paths.begin(); i != rep.paths.end(); ++i) { TreeModel::Row row = *(results_model->append()); row[results_columns.visible_name] = *i; row[results_columns.fullpath] = *i; } list_scroller.add (results_display); list_scroller.set_size_request (-1, 150); list_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); dvbox.pack_start (dhbox, true, false, 5); dvbox.pack_start (list_scroller, true, false, 5); ddhbox.pack_start (dvbox, true, false, 5); results.get_vbox()->pack_start (ddhbox, true, false, 5); results.add_button (Stock::CLOSE, RESPONSE_CLOSE); results.set_default_response (RESPONSE_CLOSE); results.set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_MOUSE); results_display.show(); list_scroller.show(); txt.show(); dvbox.show(); dhbox.show(); ddhbox.show(); dimage->show(); //results.get_vbox()->show(); results.set_resizable (false); results.run (); } void ARDOUR_UI::cleanup () { if (_session == 0) { /* shouldn't happen: menu item is insensitive */ return; } MessageDialog checker (_("Are you sure you want to clean-up?"), true, Gtk::MESSAGE_QUESTION, Gtk::BUTTONS_NONE); checker.set_title (_("Clean-up")); checker.set_secondary_text(_("Clean-up is a destructive operation.\n\ ALL undo/redo information will be lost if you clean-up.\n\ Clean-up will move all unused files to a \"dead\" location.")); checker.add_button (Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL); checker.add_button (_("Clean-up"), RESPONSE_ACCEPT); checker.set_default_response (RESPONSE_CANCEL); checker.set_name (_("CleanupDialog")); checker.set_wmclass (X_("ardour_cleanup"), PROGRAM_NAME); checker.set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_MOUSE); switch (checker.run()) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: break; default: return; } ARDOUR::CleanupReport rep; editor->prepare_for_cleanup (); /* do not allow flush until a session is reloaded */ Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Main"), X_("FlushWastebasket")); if (act) { act->set_sensitive (false); } if (_session->cleanup_sources (rep)) { editor->finish_cleanup (); return; } editor->finish_cleanup (); checker.hide(); display_cleanup_results (rep, _("Cleaned Files"), _("\ The following %1 files were not in use and \n\ have been moved to:\n\n\ %2\n\n\ After a restart of %5,\n\n\ Session -> Clean-up -> Flush Wastebasket\n\n\ will release an additional\n\ %3 %4bytes of disk space.\n"), _("\ The following file was not in use and \n\ has been moved to:\n \ %2\n\n\ After a restart of %5,\n\n\ Session -> Clean-up -> Flush Wastebasket\n\n\ will release an additional\n\ %3 %4bytes of disk space.\n" )); } void ARDOUR_UI::flush_trash () { if (_session == 0) { /* shouldn't happen: menu item is insensitive */ return; } ARDOUR::CleanupReport rep; if (_session->cleanup_trash_sources (rep)) { return; } display_cleanup_results (rep, _("deleted file"), _("The following %1 files were deleted from\n\ %2,\n\ releasing %3 %4bytes of disk space"), _("The following file was deleted from\n\ %2,\n\ releasing %3 %4bytes of disk space")); } void ARDOUR_UI::add_route (Gtk::Window* float_window) { int count; if (!_session) { return; } if (add_route_dialog == 0) { add_route_dialog = new AddRouteDialog (_session); add_route_dialog->set_position (WIN_POS_MOUSE); if (float_window) { add_route_dialog->set_transient_for (*float_window); } } if (add_route_dialog->is_visible()) { /* we're already doing this */ return; } ResponseType r = (ResponseType) add_route_dialog->run (); add_route_dialog->hide(); switch (r) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: break; default: return; break; } if ((count = add_route_dialog->count()) <= 0) { return; } string template_path = add_route_dialog->track_template(); if (!template_path.empty()) { _session->new_route_from_template (count, template_path); return; } ChanCount input_chan= add_route_dialog->channels (); ChanCount output_chan; string name_template = add_route_dialog->name_template (); PluginInfoPtr instrument = add_route_dialog->requested_instrument (); RouteGroup* route_group = add_route_dialog->route_group (); AutoConnectOption oac = Config->get_output_auto_connect(); if (oac & AutoConnectMaster) { output_chan.set (DataType::AUDIO, (_session->master_out() ? _session->master_out()->n_inputs().n_audio() : input_chan.n_audio())); output_chan.set (DataType::MIDI, 0); } else { output_chan = input_chan; } /* XXX do something with name template */ switch (add_route_dialog->type_wanted()) { case AddRouteDialog::AudioTrack: session_add_audio_track (input_chan.n_audio(), output_chan.n_audio(), add_route_dialog->mode(), route_group, count, name_template); break; case AddRouteDialog::MidiTrack: session_add_midi_track (route_group, count, name_template, instrument); break; case AddRouteDialog::MixedTrack: session_add_mixed_track (input_chan, output_chan, route_group, count, name_template, instrument); break; case AddRouteDialog::AudioBus: session_add_audio_bus (input_chan.n_audio(), output_chan.n_audio(), route_group, count, name_template); break; } } XMLNode* ARDOUR_UI::mixer_settings () const { XMLNode* node = 0; if (_session) { node = _session->instant_xml(X_("Mixer")); } else { node = Config->instant_xml(X_("Mixer")); } if (!node) { node = new XMLNode (X_("Mixer")); } return node; } XMLNode* ARDOUR_UI::editor_settings () const { XMLNode* node = 0; if (_session) { node = _session->instant_xml(X_("Editor")); } else { node = Config->instant_xml(X_("Editor")); } if (!node) { if (getenv("ARDOUR_INSTANT_XML_PATH")) { node = Config->instant_xml(getenv("ARDOUR_INSTANT_XML_PATH")); } } if (!node) { node = new XMLNode (X_("Editor")); } return node; } XMLNode* ARDOUR_UI::keyboard_settings () const { XMLNode* node = 0; node = Config->extra_xml(X_("Keyboard")); if (!node) { node = new XMLNode (X_("Keyboard")); } return node; } void ARDOUR_UI::create_xrun_marker (framepos_t where) { editor->mouse_add_new_marker (where, false, true); } void ARDOUR_UI::halt_on_xrun_message () { MessageDialog msg (*editor, _("Recording was stopped because your system could not keep up.")); msg.run (); } void ARDOUR_UI::xrun_handler (framepos_t where) { if (!_session) { return; } ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::xrun_handler, where) if (_session && Config->get_create_xrun_marker() && _session->actively_recording()) { create_xrun_marker(where); } if (_session && Config->get_stop_recording_on_xrun() && _session->actively_recording()) { halt_on_xrun_message (); } } void ARDOUR_UI::disk_overrun_handler () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::disk_overrun_handler) if (!have_disk_speed_dialog_displayed) { have_disk_speed_dialog_displayed = true; MessageDialog* msg = new MessageDialog (*editor, string_compose (_("\ The disk system on your computer\n\ was not able to keep up with %1.\n\ \n\ Specifically, it failed to write data to disk\n\ quickly enough to keep up with recording.\n"), PROGRAM_NAME)); msg->signal_response().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::disk_speed_dialog_gone), msg)); msg->show (); } } void ARDOUR_UI::disk_underrun_handler () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::disk_underrun_handler) if (!have_disk_speed_dialog_displayed) { have_disk_speed_dialog_displayed = true; MessageDialog* msg = new MessageDialog ( *editor, string_compose (_("The disk system on your computer\n\ was not able to keep up with %1.\n\ \n\ Specifically, it failed to read data from disk\n\ quickly enough to keep up with playback.\n"), PROGRAM_NAME)); msg->signal_response().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::disk_speed_dialog_gone), msg)); msg->show (); } } void ARDOUR_UI::disk_speed_dialog_gone (int /*ignored_response*/, MessageDialog* msg) { have_disk_speed_dialog_displayed = false; delete msg; } void ARDOUR_UI::session_dialog (std::string msg) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::session_dialog, msg) MessageDialog* d; if (editor) { d = new MessageDialog (*editor, msg, false, MESSAGE_INFO, BUTTONS_OK, true); } else { d = new MessageDialog (msg, false, MESSAGE_INFO, BUTTONS_OK, true); } d->show_all (); d->run (); delete d; } int ARDOUR_UI::pending_state_dialog () { HBox* hbox = new HBox(); Image* image = new Image (Stock::DIALOG_QUESTION, ICON_SIZE_DIALOG); ArdourDialog dialog (_("Crash Recovery"), true); Label message (string_compose (_("\ This session appears to have been in\n\ middle of recording when ardour or\n\ the computer was shutdown.\n\ \n\ %1 can recover any captured audio for\n\ you, or it can ignore it. Please decide\n\ what you would like to do.\n"), PROGRAM_NAME)); image->set_alignment(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_TOP); hbox->pack_start (*image, PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET, 12); hbox->pack_end (message, PACK_EXPAND_PADDING, 12); dialog.get_vbox()->pack_start(*hbox, PACK_EXPAND_PADDING, 6); dialog.add_button (_("Ignore crash data"), RESPONSE_REJECT); dialog.add_button (_("Recover from crash"), RESPONSE_ACCEPT); dialog.set_default_response (RESPONSE_ACCEPT); dialog.set_position (WIN_POS_CENTER); message.show(); image->show(); hbox->show(); switch (dialog.run ()) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: return 1; default: return 0; } } int ARDOUR_UI::sr_mismatch_dialog (framecnt_t desired, framecnt_t actual) { HBox* hbox = new HBox(); Image* image = new Image (Stock::DIALOG_QUESTION, ICON_SIZE_DIALOG); ArdourDialog dialog (_("Sample Rate Mismatch"), true); Label message (string_compose (_("\ This session was created with a sample rate of %1 Hz, but\n\ %2 is currently running at %3 Hz. If you load this session,\n\ audio may be played at the wrong sample rate.\n"), desired, PROGRAM_NAME, actual)); image->set_alignment(ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_TOP); hbox->pack_start (*image, PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET, 12); hbox->pack_end (message, PACK_EXPAND_PADDING, 12); dialog.get_vbox()->pack_start(*hbox, PACK_EXPAND_PADDING, 6); dialog.add_button (_("Do not load session"), RESPONSE_REJECT); dialog.add_button (_("Load session anyway"), RESPONSE_ACCEPT); dialog.set_default_response (RESPONSE_ACCEPT); dialog.set_position (WIN_POS_CENTER); message.show(); image->show(); hbox->show(); switch (dialog.run ()) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: return 0; default: return 1; } } void ARDOUR_UI::disconnect_from_jack () { if (engine) { if (engine->disconnect_from_jack ()) { MessageDialog msg (*editor, _("Could not disconnect from JACK")); msg.run (); } update_sample_rate (0); } } void ARDOUR_UI::reconnect_to_jack () { if (engine) { if (engine->reconnect_to_jack ()) { MessageDialog msg (*editor, _("Could not reconnect to JACK")); msg.run (); } update_sample_rate (0); } } void ARDOUR_UI::use_config () { XMLNode* node = Config->extra_xml (X_("TransportControllables")); if (node) { set_transport_controllable_state (*node); } } void ARDOUR_UI::update_transport_clocks (framepos_t pos) { if (Config->get_primary_clock_delta_edit_cursor()) { primary_clock->set (pos, false, editor->get_preferred_edit_position()); } else { primary_clock->set (pos); } if (Config->get_secondary_clock_delta_edit_cursor()) { secondary_clock->set (pos, false, editor->get_preferred_edit_position()); } else { secondary_clock->set (pos); } if (big_clock_window->get()) { big_clock->set (pos); } } void ARDOUR_UI::step_edit_status_change (bool yn) { // XXX should really store pre-step edit status of things // we make insensitive if (yn) { rec_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ImplicitActive); rec_button.set_sensitive (false); } else { rec_button.unset_active_state ();; rec_button.set_sensitive (true); } } void ARDOUR_UI::record_state_changed () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::record_state_changed); if (!_session || !big_clock_window->get()) { /* why bother - the clock isn't visible */ return; } if (_session->record_status () == Session::Recording && _session->have_rec_enabled_track ()) { big_clock->set_active (true); } else { big_clock->set_active (false); } } bool ARDOUR_UI::first_idle () { if (_session) { _session->allow_auto_play (true); } if (editor) { editor->first_idle(); } Keyboard::set_can_save_keybindings (true); return false; } void ARDOUR_UI::store_clock_modes () { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode(X_("ClockModes")); for (vector::iterator x = AudioClock::clocks.begin(); x != AudioClock::clocks.end(); ++x) { XMLNode* child = new XMLNode (X_("Clock")); child->add_property (X_("name"), (*x)->name()); child->add_property (X_("mode"), enum_2_string ((*x)->mode())); child->add_property (X_("on"), ((*x)->off() ? X_("no") : X_("yes"))); node->add_child_nocopy (*child); } _session->add_extra_xml (*node); _session->set_dirty (); } ARDOUR_UI::TransportControllable::TransportControllable (std::string name, ARDOUR_UI& u, ToggleType tp) : Controllable (name), ui (u), type(tp) { } void ARDOUR_UI::TransportControllable::set_value (double val) { if (val < 0.5) { /* do nothing: these are radio-style actions */ return; } const char *action = 0; switch (type) { case Roll: action = X_("Roll"); break; case Stop: action = X_("Stop"); break; case GotoStart: action = X_("GotoStart"); break; case GotoEnd: action = X_("GotoEnd"); break; case AutoLoop: action = X_("Loop"); break; case PlaySelection: action = X_("PlaySelection"); break; case RecordEnable: action = X_("Record"); break; default: break; } if (action == 0) { return; } Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_action ("Transport", action); if (act) { act->activate (); } } double ARDOUR_UI::TransportControllable::get_value (void) const { float val = 0.0; switch (type) { case Roll: break; case Stop: break; case GotoStart: break; case GotoEnd: break; case AutoLoop: break; case PlaySelection: break; case RecordEnable: break; default: break; } return val; } void ARDOUR_UI::setup_profile () { if (gdk_screen_width() < 1200 || getenv ("ARDOUR_NARROW_SCREEN")) { Profile->set_small_screen (); } if (getenv ("ARDOUR_SAE")) { Profile->set_sae (); Profile->set_single_package (); } } void ARDOUR_UI::toggle_translations () { using namespace Glib; RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Main"), X_("EnableTranslation")); if (act) { RefPtr ract = RefPtr::cast_dynamic (act); if (ract) { string i18n_killer = ARDOUR::translation_kill_path(); bool already_enabled = !ARDOUR::translations_are_disabled (); if (ract->get_active ()) { /* we don't care about errors */ int fd = ::open (i18n_killer.c_str(), O_RDONLY|O_CREAT, 0644); close (fd); } else { /* we don't care about errors */ unlink (i18n_killer.c_str()); } if (already_enabled != ract->get_active()) { MessageDialog win (already_enabled ? _("Translations disabled") : _("Translations enabled"), false, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK); win.set_secondary_text (string_compose (_("You must restart %1 for this to take effect."), PROGRAM_NAME)); win.set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_CENTER); win.present (); win.run (); } } } } /** Add a window proxy to our list, so that its state will be saved. * This call also causes the window to be created and opened if its * state was saved as `visible'. */ void ARDOUR_UI::add_window_proxy (WindowProxyBase* p) { _window_proxies.push_back (p); p->maybe_show (); } /** Remove a window proxy from our list. Must be called if a WindowProxy * is deleted, to prevent hanging pointers. */ void ARDOUR_UI::remove_window_proxy (WindowProxyBase* p) { _window_proxies.remove (p); } int ARDOUR_UI::missing_file (Session*s, std::string str, DataType type) { MissingFileDialog dialog (s, str, type); dialog.show (); dialog.present (); int result = dialog.run (); dialog.hide (); switch (result) { case RESPONSE_OK: break; default: return 1; // quit entire session load } result = dialog.get_action (); return result; } int ARDOUR_UI::ambiguous_file (std::string file, std::string /*path*/, std::vector hits) { AmbiguousFileDialog dialog (file, hits); dialog.show (); dialog.present (); dialog.run (); return dialog.get_which (); } /** Allocate our thread-local buffers */ void ARDOUR_UI::get_process_buffers () { _process_thread->get_buffers (); } /** Drop our thread-local buffers */ void ARDOUR_UI::drop_process_buffers () { _process_thread->drop_buffers (); } void ARDOUR_UI::feedback_detected () { _feedback_exists = true; } void ARDOUR_UI::successful_graph_sort () { _feedback_exists = false; } void ARDOUR_UI::midi_panic () { if (_session) { _session->midi_panic(); } }