/* Copyright (C) 2003 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include "canvas-simplerect.h" #include "canvas-curve.h" #include "crossfade_view.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "audio_time_axis.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "regionview.h" #include "utils.h" using namespace sigc; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace Editing; sigc::signal CrossfadeView::GoingAway; CrossfadeView::CrossfadeView (GtkCanvasGroup *parent, AudioTimeAxisView &tv, Crossfade& xf, double spu, GdkColor& basic_color, AudioRegionView& lview, AudioRegionView& rview) : TimeAxisViewItem ("xf.name()", parent, tv, spu, basic_color, xf.position(), xf.overlap_length(), TimeAxisViewItem::Visibility (TimeAxisViewItem::ShowFrame)), crossfade (xf), left_view (lview), right_view (rview) { _valid = true; _visible = true; fade_in = gtk_canvas_item_new (GTK_CANVAS_GROUP(group), gtk_canvas_line_get_type(), "fill_color_rgba", color_map[cCrossfadeLine], "width_pixels", (guint) 1, NULL); fade_out = gtk_canvas_item_new (GTK_CANVAS_GROUP(group), gtk_canvas_line_get_type(), "fill_color_rgba", color_map[cCrossfadeLine], "width_pixels", (guint) 1, NULL); set_height (get_time_axis_view().height); /* no frame around the xfade or overlap rects */ gtk_canvas_item_set (frame, "outline_what", 0, NULL); /* never show the vestigial frame */ gtk_canvas_item_hide (vestigial_frame); show_vestigial = false; gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT(group), "crossfadeview", this); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(group), "event", (GtkSignalFunc) PublicEditor::canvas_crossfade_view_event, this); crossfade_changed (Change (~0)); crossfade.StateChanged.connect (slot (*this, &CrossfadeView::crossfade_changed)); } CrossfadeView::~CrossfadeView () { GoingAway (this) ; /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ } std::string CrossfadeView::get_item_name () { return "xfade"; // return crossfade.name(); } void CrossfadeView::reset_width_dependent_items (double pixel_width) { TimeAxisViewItem::reset_width_dependent_items (pixel_width); active_changed (); if (pixel_width < 5) { gtk_canvas_item_hide (fade_in); gtk_canvas_item_hide (fade_out); } } void CrossfadeView::set_height (double height) { if (height == TimeAxisView::Smaller || height == TimeAxisView::Small) TimeAxisViewItem::set_height (height - 3 ); else TimeAxisViewItem::set_height (height - NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE - 3 ); redraw_curves (); } void CrossfadeView::crossfade_changed (Change what_changed) { bool need_redraw_curves = false; if (what_changed & BoundsChanged) { set_position (crossfade.position(), this); set_duration (crossfade.overlap_length(), this); need_redraw_curves = true; } if (what_changed & Crossfade::ActiveChanged) { /* calls redraw_curves */ active_changed (); } else if (need_redraw_curves) { redraw_curves (); } } void CrossfadeView::redraw_curves () { GtkCanvasPoints* points; int32_t npoints; float* vec; double h; /* At "height - 3.0" the bottom of the crossfade touches the name highlight or the bottom of the track (if the track is either Small or Smaller. */ switch(get_time_axis_view().height) { case TimeAxisView::Smaller: case TimeAxisView::Small: h = get_time_axis_view().height - 3.0; break; default: h = get_time_axis_view().height - NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE - 3.0; } if (h < 0) { /* no space allocated yet */ return; } npoints = get_time_axis_view().editor.frame_to_pixel (crossfade.length()); npoints = std::min (gdk_screen_width(), npoints); if (!_visible || !crossfade.active() || npoints < 3) { gtk_canvas_item_hide (fade_in); gtk_canvas_item_hide (fade_out); return; } else { gtk_canvas_item_show (fade_in); gtk_canvas_item_show (fade_out); } points = get_canvas_points ("xfade edit redraw", npoints); vec = new float[npoints]; crossfade.fade_in().get_vector (0, crossfade.length(), vec, npoints); for (int i = 0, pci = 0; i < npoints; ++i) { points->coords[pci++] = i; points->coords[pci++] = 2.0 + h - (h * vec[i]); } gtk_canvas_item_set (fade_in, "points", points, NULL); crossfade.fade_out().get_vector (0, crossfade.length(), vec, npoints); for (int i = 0, pci = 0; i < npoints; ++i) { points->coords[pci++] = i; points->coords[pci++] = 2.0 + h - (h * vec[i]); } gtk_canvas_item_set (fade_out, "points", points, NULL); delete [] vec; gtk_canvas_points_unref (points); /* XXX this is ugly, but it will have to wait till Crossfades are reimplented as regions. This puts crossfade views on top of a track, above all regions. */ gtk_canvas_item_raise_to_top (group); } void CrossfadeView::active_changed () { if (crossfade.active()) { gtk_canvas_item_set (frame, "fill_color_rgba", color_map[cActiveCrossfade], NULL); } else { gtk_canvas_item_set (frame, "fill_color_rgba", color_map[cInactiveCrossfade], NULL); } redraw_curves (); } void CrossfadeView::set_valid (bool yn) { _valid = yn; } AudioRegionView& CrossfadeView::upper_regionview () const { if (left_view.region.layer() > right_view.region.layer()) { return left_view; } else { return right_view; } } void CrossfadeView::show () { gtk_canvas_item_show (group); _visible = true; } void CrossfadeView::hide () { gtk_canvas_item_hide (group); _visible = false; } void CrossfadeView::fake_hide () { gtk_canvas_item_hide (group); }