ardour { ["type"] = "Snippet", name = "Plugin automation" } function factory () return function () -- query playhead position and session sample-rate local playhead = Temporal.timepos_t (Session:transport_sample ()) local samplerate = Temporal.timecnt_t (Session:nominal_sample_rate ()) -- get Track/Bus with RID 3 local r = Session:get_remote_nth_route(3) -- make sure the track object exists assert (not r:isnil ()) -- get AutomationList, ControlList and ParameterDescriptor -- of the first plugin's first parameter -- see local al, cl, pd = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.plugin_automation (r:nth_plugin (0), 0) if not al:isnil () then print ("Parameter Range", pd.lower, pd.upper) print ("Current value", cl:eval (playhead)) -- prepare undo operation Session:begin_reversible_command ("Automatix") -- remember current AutomationList state local before = al:get_state() -- remove future automation cl:truncate_end (playhead) -- add new data points after the playhead 1 sec, min..max -- without guard-points, but with initial (..., false, true) for i=0,10 do cl:add (playhead + samplerate:scale (Temporal.ratio (i, 10)), pd.lower + math.sqrt (i / 10) * (pd.upper - pd.lower), false, true) end -- save undo local after = al:get_state() Session:add_command (al:memento_command(before, after)) Session:commit_reversible_command (nil) end end end